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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1908)
a e a ft ' i c . THE UMAHA DAILY. lltSDAY, MUVKMBER 10. 1903. if I. The Omaha Daily Bee FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROflEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATKR, EDITOR. Entered at Omib postefflce aa second- class matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. tally Pee (without Bunday. one f Dally Bn and Sunday, one year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. . M Daily Bee wtthm:t Sunday, per Evening Bee (without Sunday). per wk Evening Hee (with Sunday), per week.ioo Sunday Bee, una year zl Saturday Bee, ona year , VI.. Address alt complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. , , ' Omeha The Bee Building. - South Omaha Twenty-fmirth and If. Counoil Bluffs-18 Scott Street. ChlcagoIM Marquette Building. New York-Room 11O1-110 No. M Welt Th!rtv-thlrd Street. Washington TJt Fourteenth Street N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relstlng to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Pea Publishing Company. Only 1-cmt etampe received lr payment or mall account!. Peraonal checks. eacept on Orraha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, as.! Oeorr" B. Tswhurk. treasurer Of The Bee Publfshlng Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Mornir. Evening snd Sunday Bee printed during the month of Octotet, ls, was as rouown: i vr.ioo 1 88,850 i ae.seo 4 .M.300 t 3790 37,800 7 88,500 i rr,30 88,180 10 88,880 11 38,550 12 37,700 1 37,830 14 37,810 It 37,730 1 17- 37.T80 II., 38,800 I.. 37.800 28 87,500 21 37.880 22 37,550 21 3T.780 24 .0 21 37,100 2 ...;. 47.760 7...., 37,540 it asao 28., 37,888 tO 87,840 81 37,800 Total , 1,17,T70 Lens unsold and returned copies. . 8,875 Net total .......... J ....... .. 1,18888 Dally average 37,808 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my pretence and sworn to Dorore me this ust oar o( octoter, M. P. WALKER, Notary Publlo. WHEW OCT OF TO WW. Kabftcrlhers leaving the ely tem porarily shoal have The Bee sailed to thesa. Address will he changed aa ftea as requested.. It Is not necessary to register for Thanksgiving. . The electoral college yell will be very one-sided this time. Missouri democrats apparently have gotten over their fondness for Folk lore. i --. s ! ' Speaking of names, Judge Fake led the judicial ticket In 'the Chicago elec tions. The loser may take revenge by pay ing his election bet with one of those green hats. Mr. Gompers niay have a good voice, but ahe.returps ahuyr hat, his delivery was . very poor. Tho re;qit .that Senator Foraker is to have a plaqe In the cabinet Is prob ably exaggerated. The east may as. well understand that Nebraska is not at all proud of ite political isolation. Governor Johnson is doubtless glad that a certain thing did not happen to L.'ri at DenytT early in July. J. Worth Kern In a candidate for the United States senate from Indiana. Ihpre Is no antl-walskers role in the senate. . ,' 1 : Wrs It in Illinois that Mayor Jim in a Jo hi wn'ien efforts as a demo cratic spellbinder for the national ticket? . . , .-. The politician who promises both Bides always finds himself up against . it when he gets in position to deliver the good! v. . . The New .York legislature can invt help making an Improvement in se lecting a ueeessor to Senator Thomas Collier Piatt. . - Indiana's democratic governor-elect te said to be a humorist. Many a man thinks he Is a humorist when he is only a joke. The word "frazzle" does not appear In any of the dictionaries, which merely shows that the dictionaries are not up to date. The only way open for Mr. Hearst Is to have his candidate for the presi dency run some time when the people are not looking. . A magazine writer is telling bow to make aviation aafe. The next cam paign may find a platform demanding a guaranty of airships. Instead of a notice of discontinuance of publication, readers of the Com nioner will get the usual requests to renew their subscriptions. . ' Arizona has elected a republican delegate to congress. Arizona is de termined, apparently, to demonstrate its fitness for statehood hopors. Eastern,, democrats expected Mr. Bryan's 'defeat, bat they are going a good way when they announce that they are waiting tor his renunciation Omaha doea not figure strongly la the announcements of re-opened fac tories and re-employed labor. The reason 'l that. Omaha business con cerns never bad to shut down very tar, The World-Herald sees progress of Bryanlstu In the electlom returns. His progress; j, shown by the tact that he was defeated by 600,080 la 1816, by 800,000 In 1900 and b about 1,000.- OCO in 1HS AS TO A SPECIAL SESSION. Some of Governor Sheldon' ad visers are trying to persuade him to convene the outgoing legislature at once in special session to enact some sort of a spite law against the liquor Interests. Although Anti-Saloon league officers, themselves, did everything they could to beat Governor Sheldon In the recent election, the governor Is being urged to believe that the saloons alone are responsible and should .be made to suffer punishment. The action of Governor Hanly In convening the leg islature of Indiana to put a county op tion law on the statute books likewise Is cited 88 an example for Governor Sheldon to emulate. . Instead of yielding to the impulse of the moment, we would advise Gov ernor 8heldon to approach this whole subject with a cool bead and a dispas sionate mind. In the first place. Governor llanly did not wait until after the election to call the Indiana legislature together, but convened the law-makers before election. Even at that the people of Indiana failed to endorse Governor Hanly's program and elected a demo cratic governor and a democratic leg islature.' Here) in Nebraska the question must be asked, What, if anything, has sud denly occurred to present the emer gency contemplated by the constitution to Justify a special session of the legis lature? This tame legislature was In session for three months last year, but did not see fit to pass any bill along the lines now proposed. From the time of its adjournment Governor Sheldon hat had a year and a half dur ing which he could have called the leg islature together for this purpose, but saw no necessity for it. The people of Nebraska have Just chosen a new legislature for the ex press purpose of dealing with these questions. The new legislature will convene within a few weeks with i largely preponderant democratic ma jority and by the mandate of the recent election the people of Nebraska have declared ,that they want this demo cratic legislature to assume responsi bility. ' - Under auch circumstances we do not see what Governor Sheldon, or the re publican party in Nebraska, has to gain by jumping into the breach at this moment to anticipate the work of the newly elected legislature. PALMA'S part in cvba. 'The coming presidential election In Cuba, to be held Saturday of the pres ent week, serves to call attention to the career of Tomas Estrada Palma, whose death last week, in the heat of the American presidential campaign, passed almost unnoticed. Apparently but little attention has been paid in Cuba either to the passing away of a man who did more than any other one person. to wrest the Island from Span ish rule. T Palma was born in Cuba and edu cated in Spain for tho law. He took part in the ten years" war of 186 8-7 8 and was elected the first president of the provisional republic. When that eollapsed Palma was arrested, his vast property confiscated and he was sent to Spain, where he served seven years In prison. In the course of the ten years' war Palma's father died and his mother was tortured and starved to death by Spanish soldiers. When Palma was released from the Spanish prison he came direct to the United States and devoted his wonderful en ergy to the financing of the campaigns of Maceo and Gomes, who were rnak ing the fight against Spain which finally led to American intervention and war. When Cuban separation from Spain bad been secured Senor Palma was the only man thought of for the first presi dency of the new republic. His admin- lstration broke down ao badly that the United States was called upon for the second time to Intervene in the inter ests, of good government Palma failed as president of the republic be cause be made the error of thinking that all Cuban were as patriotic as himself and refused, on that account, to establish a standing army or make any effort to use government force In the maintenance of order. When the failure of his plans came, ha resigned the presidency, refusing to accept out side help In ruling his own people. He left the office and took up the life of a private citizen In the country in which he was born and to the success and in dependence of which he had given his time, fortune and every energy. He lived to learn that republics are un grateful, but he bnd the consolation of knowing that t?H great principle of liberty for which ha had fought and suffered had finally t'lumphed. THE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN. ' While the country is setting a new speed notch on the industrial ma chinery aa a result ot the election of Mr. Taft. It should not overlook the chitf engineer who carried the cam paign to success. As head of the republican national committee, Chairman Frank H. Hitch cock has made good notwithstanding the fact that he was beset with more embarrassing complications than has usually confronted the management of a republican national campaign. " Chairman Hitchcock laid out the plan of campaign operations at the start and consistently followed them out along strictly business lines. .He made little) noise, but did much work. An almost continuous back-fire on one side and a dearth ot campaign funds on the other and a plenitude of fac Uocal or local discordance in various states made his task often a trying one. But through It All he kept his head and pushed the lines steadily forward The republican campaign was pur poaely late In starting, but encountered tot .... -t . Th enthtt- I r - slasm for the republican ticket was brought to a climax at the right time and the votes needed were polled on election day. Chairman Hitchcock hat had the thanks and appreciation of the success ful candidates for his good work and he Is entitled to the grateful considera tion of every loyal republican In the land. LABOR AXD THE ELECTION. President Gompers of the American reaereuon oi iour t yu...... narrow' and mistanen view oi mo in sults of the presidential election wnen The Treasury department Is warn he publicly declares that the cause of jng pe0pie to be careful' about accept labor has been "temporarily defeated, Dg 5 bills, as a dangerous counterfeit but not conquered." and then goes on to intimate that there is an uncer talnty as to where Mr. Taft'a election leaves union labor. " Union Jebor has not been affected by the election, so far as relates to the alms and purposes of the organization, It has been affected, greatly to its benefit, by the decision of the people to continue the republican party In nnwor an a thus assure adherence to a nniirv which n.akM for olentv of work at high wages instead of a period of Industrial unrest which would have fol- lowed a democratic victory and its at- tendant upsetting; of business. Aside from that phase of the question, no attempt has been made "to conquer" labor or to defeat its Just demands. Mr. Taft'a ;onception of government la that it Is for tho benefit of all classes and not for the special benefit of any one class. It is Mr. uompers misior- tune, apparently, that he can not, or does not. reallee that fundamental American principle. The result of the election enoum prove a lesson to organized laoor. ine leBson was taught by organized labor, which showed Mr. Gompers that Amer- ldan workmen are capable of think- ing for themselves and voting as they think, refusing to be led or delivered by any man, however high In their councils. The labor problem is a part of the economic problem of the coun- try which is being solved on a broader platform than partisanship.' The best men who have given their lives to the labor movement have always en always deavored to keep it free from depend ence upon the success of one party, making it a work of principle rather than a work of politics. Much of the progress of the labor movement has been due to adherence to that policy, and none but Mr. Gompers is appar ently to blame for his attempt blindly to throw away that advantage Organized labor is to be congratu lated upon Its escape from an illogical condition. The record of the republi can party on. labor legislation, in the states and in the nation, is the best Insurance mai.oiganizea moor nan tost. nothinar bv the election of Mr. Taft Th attemnt of Mr. Gomners. In the name oi aoor,- to uiuku .j.ui -u m partisan 'question failed miserably as 1 it deserved to fall. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Certain self-styled republicans ac customed, to speak out through demo cratic newspapers seem to be greatly distressed for fear the editor of The Bee may not have been sufficiently squelched by their efforts to throw Ne- hreeVs haMr Into th Hpmnrratlc rol- umn. While a 5,000 plurality in his home state is nothing for Mr. Bryan to boast about, we do not believe it will reflect seriously on the standing of The Bee's editor in the republican party. In fact, not being an office- ready had the recognition which the small-bores seem to dread, aa may be evidenced by be following telegram: CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 8. I908.-Hon. Vic tor Rosewater, Republican National Head- quarters. Chicago, 111.: Many thanks for your kind telegram of congratulations. ' I greatly appreciate the work you have done In the campaign. W. H. TAFT. We trust that this will give our solicitous friends complete peace of mind and help relieve the pressure on the columns of our amiable democratic contemporary. Every time he has been beaten heretofore Mr. Bryan has charged that his supporters were bought away from him with money. Our old friend, Edgar Howard, kindly comes to the rescue this time bv voluntarily ex pressing his belief that the money power "did not buy the votes of the American people as men buy cattle," but accomplished' Its purpose Just the same by being employed "to awe weak men." Judge Howard overlooks the fact that the democratic campaign managers had a great deal more money at their disposal in this campaign than ever before, while the republicans had only a fractional part of the money they have been accustomed to have. Among other things by which the Incoming legislature may distinguish itself is the enactment of a law which will enable the people of Nebraska to ascertain the outcome ot an election within less than a week after the bal lots are cast. There is no guod reason whatever why the expensive and la borious task of collecting and compil ing election returns should be left to the metropolitan newspapers. In other states an official election bureau has charge of this work and the law is ao framed as to require immediate trans mission ot election figures to a central authority, subject to severe penalties for unnecessary delay or neglect. Should the outgoing legislature be convened in. special session Douglas county will be short in its representa tion in the state senate, tho vacancy created by tho resignation of one of our three senators to accept a federal position not having' been thought suffi ciently important to call out a candi date at the recent election. Moral: '"1 vaiam. in unite biiuuiu be promptly filled-even though the pros pect is remote lor trie exercise or any official duty. The death of Judge Cornish will be regretted herein Omaha, because as vice president f the Harriman lines he took with him .to New York, a knowl edge of local conditions secured by personal observation and residence here in Omaha, as well a for his per sonality. The management of a great railroad, system can be kept In touch with lea patrons only through officers who havJ come froTO tne i,ne j8 0ut However careful a man may be about accepting counterfeit money, he is always actually careless In get ting rid of it. Of course, Lincoln may be expected to favor the proposed extra session of tne legislature, i ne money spent oy the law-makers and their on-hangers Is always grist on Lincoln s mill. mana should b sufficiently Inter este ,n waterway Improvement to see at it Is properly represented at the National Rivers and Harbors congress " wasnington next monm A Boston man proposes to start a paper that will print nothing but good news. He evidently figures on print ing none but republican election re turns in November. Los Angele8 ,g betng a8t0nlshed by BernionB delivered by an 11-year-old g,rl We lmaglne moBt folks would be astonished at sermons delivered hy ft g 0j tnat age Cuba's presidential election will be held Saturday, but the chances are that the returns will be overlooked In the mass of foot ball scores In the Sunday papers. The country may return to tne reg ular order of business Just as soon as the telegraph editor quits writing: "With four precincts to hear from," etc, La rarest Result Without Kelse. Chicago Tribune.. Often, as you may observe, the silent vote thunders In the newspaper headlines as soon as the election Is over. Jarred Loose. Buffalo Express. Prosperity Is waking up with the re- and setMed satisfactorily, Now it will not take ten mills to make one cent. On the contrary, one mill will, make many dollars. Precedent Knocked Out. Chicago News, Mr. Taft has knocked Into the semblance of a cocked hat the ancient superstition that connected nmlnnfiHlv the msiklno- nrf Btump gpeeches and presidential candidates . Chicago tribune, I r- .... - ZT9r I. 7 , ,, & ,.. w,tnn. .it t eftectg tne living,'' present and possible future. Governor 'Johnson of Minnesota should banish that look of care and try to look more cheerful ' In his photographs hereafter. A Pony of Sympathy Bpliinsfleld (Mass.) Republican. The landslide slid, but on top of the able and eloouent Mr. Brvan. Every cltlsen I with .a heart In him must feel sorry for the poor democrats. The country would be better off with a closer balance between the parties. Thirst and Purse Affinities. Washington Post. It is announced that Senator Tillman has been converted to beer as the solution of the whlskev nroblem in South Carolina. During the recent financial stringency and t" t "Pon large number of thirst Investigators. Capital Secklnar Work. Boston Herald. It Is the opinion of the shrewdest flnan- ciera that within a few weeks capital will be as eager for investment es during the past year It has been reluctant The country is satisfied that it knows on what lines the government will be conducted for the next four years.' As these lines ap parently will be those of conservatism, doubt and hesitation slip away. Hence a restoration wave of confidence. Hence, the foreshadowed wave of prospertly. NATIONAL BANK DIRECTORS. Bom flood May Cone from the Ex aminers' 4 a is. Chicago Tribune. The controller of the currency has sent a list of troublesome Questions to each national bank director. Ona of them Is as to his familiarity with the national bank act. It Is said that since the con troller sent out his queries there has been an unexampled demand for copies of the law. The natural presumption is that It never has been perused by many of those who should be thoroughly acquainted with Its requirements and Its penalties. Any director who Is able to answer In the affirmative all the searching questions put by the comptroller, may be set down as a man who understanda his business and whose bank Is safe. , There are many to whom this description does not apply. There are honorary directors who are put In merely because they have respectable names that may draw business. There are dummy directors picked out by the man who control the bank because they may be depended on not to look curiously into Its affairs or attempt to stop him If he should enter upon forbidden ways. If all the sham directors could be weeded out and the genuine article substituted for them a national bank failure would be a startling event That the controller of the currency will be able to bring abouj a general reform Is not to be expected. His circular will, however, awaken some easy going direc tors to a sense of responsibility. They will either acquaint themselves with their duties and perform them, or give up posi tions which for one or another reason they cannot fill properly. A director who does all the controller of the currency wishes him to muBt give more time to the work thari many men In active busi ness think they can afford to give. The catechising of directors, which will be of advantage to national banks, will be of equal advantage to state banks. Therefore, the state auditor should pat tern after the controller of the currency and try to find out something about the banking attainments of the directors of Institutions which are working under Illinois charters. Not all nt them are fit for their place. HKrolinil.lTlt" OF VICTORY. Well Defined Obligation. Pittsburg r.lttpatcli. The obligation loft on republican legisla tion and administration Is well defined. It must continue in good faith the work so aygreaslvely begun. As Mr. Taft has dis tinctly snld In his campaign nttorarares that will during the next four years In volve an energetic and persistent enforce ment of the laws more ssllently than the enactment of new legislation. Inveterate offenders in the line of corporate abuses must be certain of exemplary punishment. Corporate business confined within le?nl and honest boundaries may be sure of fsir treatment. With that assurance the credit of the nation will be maintained, business prosperity will recuperate and the general welfare flourish. Pledges to Be Redeemed. New York Tribune. Mr. Taft comes Into office with a. great popular majority behind him. He will be supported by a house of representatives republican by a majority a little under a hundred and a senate two-thirds republi can. There will be no obstacle to his car rying out the pledges of constructive legis lation given both in his speeches and In the republican platform. His equipment for discharging the duties of the presidency Is superb and his political aims are high. He will have an - opportunity to Impress himself on history such as haa been of fered to few of his predecessors. lie will live up to the possibilities of his station and the magnitude of his task. Respect for Constitutional Usages. Baltimore American. It is clear then, that the administration will be marked by respect for constitutional usages. It Is clear that the recommenda tion or approval of statutes by the president will be with wise appreciation of the Jus tice Involved and the probability of the measure standing the tests of court review. Hasty and prejudicial legislation will not receive the sanction of Mr. Taft. Tet he will not be a man shackled, Prometheus like, to the rock of conservatism. He will see that this country is always reaching out and that he, more than any other man, has steered his public course around every headland of the country's political topog. raphy. A Progressive Administration. Chicago Post. Mr. Taffs administration will be a pro gressive administration. It will not be a crusade. That necessary preliminary to ad vance In a democracy has been accomp lished by Theodore Roosevelt, Upon Its foundation Taft will build strong and sure. This is American progress. That our peo ple have seen it and seized upon It in a manner so magnificently significant wipes out the memory of our setbacks and our errors and Inspires a new faith in the. suc cess of the great democratic experiment. Three Branches In Accord. Chicago Tribune. With president, senate, and house In ac cord the way is open for the realisation of the expressed desires of the people. They have indicated their approval of the repub lican party. That their faith and trust have not been misplaced will be shown In coming months, as one after another of the great problems now In the public mind are rightly solved. Plplnsr Times of Peace. St. Louis Times. With peace at home and abroad, with national politics fixed for four years, with great crops garnerd and no blight upon the land; with a growing foreign trade and the skill and resources to supply It, the United States now fsqea an era ot prosper ity that will surpass even the piping times that followed the Spanish war. Hopefnlneas of the Sooth. Atlanta Constitution. When the new administration meets its foremost national obligation the south, let us hope, may look forwad to even still greater participation In the new national prosperity than it has enjoyed in the re cent past. PERSONAL NOTES. Congressional Delegate Jonah Kalantona ole of Honolulu was re-elected In spite of his front name. Reuf and his fellow grafters failed to defeat Judge Dunne, this being the most decided setback they have received yet. A nephew of Secretary Metcalf Is In Jail PT .V"1 S?yu"m " "le" 'of the habit of automoblling across the human form. Everybody satisfied but the prisoner. Out In Denver the machine politicians tried to down "Ben" Lindsey, the famous Juvenile court Judge. He ran Independently and got more votes than all his opponents put together. Mrs. Isaac L. Rice of New York will or ganize in Boston a branch of the Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noise, carrtes with her a phonograph with records of many of the earspllttintf and nerve racking noises of New York. Prof. Edward Emerson, A. B D. D., who has been known widely as an author, lawyer and diplomat in this country for many years, died Wednesday in Tokio. The cause of Dr. Emerson's death has not been learned. He' was with his daughter, Margaret Emerson, a professor of English literature In the University of Tokio. Bryan was telling a story on himself last winter which has better application now than then. A Texas cowboy attended a dance uninvited, and was politely bidden to leave. He returned a little later, and was gently but forcibly removed. Return ing still again, he was seised and thrown headlong into the street. Picking himself up out of the dirt, he remarked to bystand ers: "I know what those fellows mean; they can't fool me; they don't want me." Premature Senatorial Booms. Philadelphia Record (dem.). It is a little early for the launching of "booms," but the talk about bestowing senatorial togas on Theodore Roosevelt and William J. Bryan Is interesting though premature. Senators Burkett of Nebraska and v of New york t0 Bucced wnom I Ue((1ril B Kuo,evelt are being Bry mentioned, will not retire until March S, 1911; and between then and now a good deal of water will run under the bridges. The possibility of seeing the senate strengthened by the inclusion of two of the most forceful rhetoricians of their genera tion is an engaging one, nevertheless. Silly Charge Against Tammany. New York World. Much nonsense Is talked about Tammany's "selling out" Mr. Bryan In New York City. Mr. Bryan is no sold out. Tammany could not have sold him out if it had tried. Had a majority of the qualified electors of Greater New York wanted Mr. Bryan for president no human power could have pre vented their voting for him. A A A A A Alcohol AJ( your doctor if m family stftcM, Ik Aytr't Sanaparilla, not vatity tetter without tlcoJtol than with U. Ayer's W tta i eREHM For making quickly and perfectly delicious hot x biscuits, cake and pastry. Renders the food more tasty, nutritious and wholesome! No alum, no lime phosphate The government and food authorities havo enabled the housekeeper to protect her family from the alum baking powder. They require that the label shall give her warnin g. She must buy from thd label and decline any powder which the label does not show to be made from cream of tartar. BALLOT BOX DRIFT. New York Post: No one has yet pointed out the real secret of Tuesday's election. It was a victory for golf. Mr. Taft plays golf, Mr. Bryan does not; Hughes la a golfer. Chanler Is not. could tnere do a plainer Q. E. D.T Minneapolis Journal: The man who bets, loses and pushes a peanut around ' the block with a toothpick, while not doing any constructive work In Statesmanship that will live. Is. on the othek, hajd, doing on serious harm to our Institutions. Boston Transcript: Oklahoma will be a doubtful state by 1912. A majority of Us congressional delegation is now republican. Philadelphia Record: With Taffs elec tion good times are to come again. Let them come. Everybody is looking for them. Boston Herald: Ben Lindsey, "patron saint" of tho Juvenile court movement In this country and a foe of civic corruption in Colorado, has triumphed over the politi cal "bosses" of both parties and the forces of corruption and selfishness in politics and business. This Is one of the most gratifying outcomes of the polling on Tues day. St. Louis Times: Folk will carry with him into private life the consciousness that he has been an Instrument of good to tils state and to society at large. He was one of the first of the real reformers. He was early in hhvcall to an awakened con science, fDcfeated, he- la- yet victorious. Politically nowhere, he fills a large place In the history of his commonwealth. Pittsburg Dispatch: Commend us to Thomas R. Marshall, democratic governor elect of Indiana. He haa set the precedent of refusing to have campaign contribu tions. At the outset of his campaign Mr. Marshall announced he would have no campaign fund. He said he did not want any contributions to be made public or be kept secret. But his admirers sent him sums aggregating $3,000. He did not spend this money, and is now returning It to the contributors. Good! AMERICAN MINERAL RESOURCES Total Annual Production Goca Above Two Billion Mark. New York Tribune. A steady growth In the mineral industries of the country Is exhibited in a report for the calendar year 1807, Just Issued by the United States geographicla survey. For the first time a total production valued at more that $2,000,000,000 was recorded last year. Though the business depression felt twelve months ago limited the output In ai few instances, in the great majority there was an increase ranging from 5 to 40 per cent. By far the largest contributions to the mineral wealth of the year were made by coul and Iron, which together represented more than half the total. In both of these the United States now leads all other coun tries. Last year the value of the coal mined showed a. gain of about 15 per cent on 1906. The Increase In iron was some what less. To the statistician Iron presents a per plexing problem. It Is produced in three forms ore, pig and steel but In order to avoid a repetition of values pig iron alone figures In the survey's summaries, although returns are obtained regarding the other products. Consequently In the tables cited the share which Minnesota and Michi gan nave in the iron industry does not appear. Credit is given only to the states In which most of the blast furnaces are. Pennsylvania figures first In the list, there fore, Ohio second, Illinois third and New York and Alabama compete for the fourth place. On the same principle the tabula tion Ignores coke, though from the text of the report it Is learned that fully one tenth of the bituminous coal mined is con verted Into that commodity. California apparently leads the procession in the production of petroleum at the pres ent time, an amount only slightly exceeding her output, having been supplied in 1907 by Oklahoma and Indian territory com bined. The largest quuntltles of gold mln d last year were credited to Colorado, Alaska and California. In respect to silver, Utah, Montana and Colorado are about on even terms, with Nevada ranking fourth. Cop per is one of the few metals mined In diminished quantities in 1907, 8Ug.996.t91 pounds being reported, aa against 917,Su6,682 pounds In 1906. At lust accounts Arisona produced the most, Michigan and Montana being not far behind. When returns for 1908 nre available a somewhat less favorable showing will doubtless be made, but by 19o9 the revival of business should stimulate the demand both for metals and such nonmetallic min erals as cement, brick, stone and lime. Prosperity with a big P Is likely to arrive almost before the country knows It. Strong Tonio Body Builder Blood Purifier Great Alterative Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Sarsapsrilla kave as smtMsI We afelUk femtlu .t All MMIieinM . O.lrtfCt., Lawail, km. SMILING REMARKS. "Miranda!" ' ' . "What Is it, pa?" "I want you to talk to that young man of yours. I notice he comes early of latt-. and stays late in me eariy nours. oaiu more American. Nell I wonder why so many of the Eng lish fighting suffragettes are so ugly anil dress so awfully? Belle Mv dear, if Xhty were pretty ami could dress stylishly, they wouldn't have to be suffragettes. Baltimore American. 'The. trouble with the democratic' party is that It is split Into too-. many rival. fac tions." . . ' . "No, my friend, you aon't mean tactions. Fractions is the word." Chicago (Record- Herald. "I do hope Mr. Bryan will run again." "Because when Mr. Bryan runs It makes It mo much easier for you to bet on the man who is coin to win." Washington Star. 'Yes, and there was grand old Henry Clay. He tried three times to get the presidency, and you Know now ne annas on history's pages." "Yea, I Know tnere was a cigar namca after him." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Caesar tore up the blank, telegraph form on which he had started to write some thing. Taking another sheet, he wrote the words, "Venl, vldl. vlcl," algne4 It, and handed it to the operator. ... . "I was about to make It," :,W have beaten 'cm to a frazslo," " he said, "but that would set everybody to asking what the deuce a frazzle "is and the other is shorter, anyhow." Cautioning the reporters to suppress all mention of the Incident, he turned aw By end strode haughtily into his tent Chicago Tribune. - HOWDY, BILL I J. K. Bangs In Harper's Weekly. Well, by Jingo, Bill, you've won! Got the Chair of Washington! Chosen by Vox Populi By a safe majority. Folks have shown their ' stanch belief That you'll make an A-l Chief. Safe and sane, and full o' skill Howdy. Bill! Hear them over all the land. Sounding drums and brazen band; Rockets flying through the air, Plnwheels bussing everywhere; Cannon crackers, torpy-does. Everywhere a feller goes Sort of sets my heart athrill Howdy, Bill! Said last August 't would be so, Some folks said I didn't know; Snapped me up right there and then; Said I'd better guess again. But I sot and said I guessed 1 knowed better than the rest. Sort of felt the People's will Would be, B111. Some folks talked of doubtful States; Some grew hot on syndicates; Said a lot about your crowd Bald some of It rather loud. Heard one fellow on the atump Intimate you was a chump. But I grinned, and Just sot still Uowdy, 11 ill t . Well, old feller, here's to yoaf Oot a pile o' work to do I know that, and so I say I'll see you some other day. Thought ye'd like to hear from me On your glorious victory. Any office I can fill? Eh what. Bill? EXTREMES. The extremes of style as we show them in Huits and Over coats for Men and Iloys stop short of the ridiculous. Bud we inert the reasonable) demand for novelty. And gratify the conservative taste. - AlMive all, onr Suits are) cut to fit mid skillfully tailored. The range of plain and fancy patterns at 915 and $18 is ehiMi-lally strong,- . At f3 the range of deelrable patterns Is even greater. $3.1 will buy as fine a suit as is made. BrQwnineiKins MTyfcLomnaiiY riieeodi ao4 DougUs Sts.' OMA11A V - R. 8. WyTOXj.Managee i 1 j i r t i I j4 I 1 V