. I w THFi OMAHA DAILY KF.K; TUESDAY. TCQVflMBEK 10, IPOS. f, f t ' la...-. i-t I n in,, m 'M , f,M u.mnum mir -- - : .... - n .- A if It efallto. Here Is Profit IRtdtt" l&i 1 i leading ale (By malha iry ods Jobbers! iseerofs II to B Per Ceirt-Hroftiter to 1 1 ! ttEliiSI & f .s Ire J Bpe Hammer Im Goods Go. j "The Market Place of lbs Market Town" j Wholesale Dry Goods Omaha I DeeembH-i We Begin Tahing stock i necial Announcement ! Before that date we want to close out a large amount of clean, fresh Fall and Winter goods. TO MOVE THEM QUICKLY, WE WILL DISCOUNT OUR REGULAR JOBBING PRICES FROM 15 TO 50 PER CENT, November 9 to 20 only. WE DO A STRICTLY JOBBING BUSINESS, AND THIS OFFER IS MADE TO RETAIL DEAL ERS ONLY. This is your opportunity. These are goods that we bought for our regular fall business. We cannot afford to carry them over. We offer them to you, right at the beginning of the retail winter season, at exceptional prices. Come to Omaha and get some of these bargains. You would willingly pay full price for any article, if your stock were exhausted, as it will be, within a few weeks, on many of the things we offer you. . We cannot quote you detailed prices there are hundreds of articles included in this sale. We urge you to come to Omaha, the great western market, and buy. Come quickly. You'll be surprised at the values. Every dollar you invest at this sale will mean from 15 to 50 cents saved from 15 to 50 cents extra profit. We- ask you to take our word for this, and we know you will. On some goods there will be 15 per cent off; on others 20 to 25; on still others 30 and 33; on quite a large number, from 40 to 50 per cent. Our guarantee will be put behind everything in the sale ahd we invite your open orders, if you cannot at tend personally. Below we give you an idea of the wide variety of the merchandise embraced in this sale: In order to further reduce our stocks before invoicing and to make room for large lines of Spring Goods soon to arrive, we have decided to' offer numerous lines through all the different departments of our house at prices that will surely move them. We have never before offered so many desirable goods at such great reduc tions so early in the season. All goods offered will be marked : i plain figures and the buyer will find this an ex ceptional opportunity to get some rare bargains while there is yet the best portion of the Fall season ahead of the retail merchant. x This bona-fide cut price sale should be of interest to all "wide awake" merchants who are looking for profit-making merchandise. First Floor PRINT DEPARTMENT. Percales. . Linings. Draperies. Comfort Calicoes. Napped Fabrics. Zephyr Ginghams. There is an immediate demand on the part of the public for these goods, and youjwilj find snappy, quick sellers here. DOMESTICS DEPARTMENT. Outing Flannels. Mottled Flannels. Domets. Canton Flannels. ' Wool Blankets. Repellants. Linden Cloth. Eiderdowns. We have some rare specials for you in this department. If you are not enthusiastic when you 6ee the goods, we will be surprised. We have some very special prices on blankets to open your eyes with. ( Second Floor DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Dark Suitings. High Grade Worsteds. Cotton Suitings. Fine Fabrics. The Drss Goudd Department offern you some very special bargains which we know you will be delighted with. You need these. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Bleached Table Crashes. Colored Damask. Printed Silkolines. Curtain Swisses. Some Damasks. , Some Drapery Goods. In these offerings you will find some bargains tliut will probably surprise you. Leaders for a big special tale for you here. Fourth Floor NOTION DEPARTMENT. , Holiday Handkerchiefs. Silk Mufflers. Wool Mufflers. Fancy Ribbons. Dress Trimmings. Umbrellas. Corsets. Shopping Bags. There is a vast amount of good things in this department articles which will be in demand for Holiday presents in a few weeks. Fifth FI6or FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Golf Gloves. Fancy Knit Squares. Silk Shawls. Sweaters. Trunks and Bags. Leather Gloves. Newports. Men's Neckwear. Ladies' Waists. Suit Cases. Here you have opportunities to buy goods at exceed ingly low prices goods tho first cold snap will send the people rushing to your store to buy. There will be no more at these prices, when these are gone. Seventh Floor SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Work Shirts. Laundered Shirts. There is a constant demand for these goods by the public, and you cannot make money any easier than by buying at this special sale. Sixth Floor HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT Men's Underwear. Men's Hosiery. Women's Underwear. Women's Hosiery. Children's Underwear. Children's Hosiery. Here are some more snaps. Underwear and Hosiery of surpassing quality at bargain prices never excelled. Come and get some. ii Eighth Floor WORK CLOTHES DEPARTMENT. Men's Corduroy Suits. Boys' Corduroy Suits. We will sell what we have on hand at actual cost to us. This means that you can buy at prices which you have never before secured. H One last word: You can buy anything you need in "Omaha, the Market Town." Come and buy your goods here. ' Right now you have the best opportunity yet offered to western merchants to buy fresh, clean, seasonable merchandise, at prices which mean more money for you. jut . L Smith' I Co.H Boo.. Omaha B I , J B li lpcsil Miee - We Sell- inly V H f " . " t wmmmmtm li ' ' ' 1-- tii i n n t - - - - asjuat; (uri n iiiii. Prints, Percalas, Ginghams, Domestics T Entire Cloak Stock to Go In This Big Sale To make a trip to Omaha pay you we will make close We have a fair assortment of infants', children's, prices on all descriptions of cotton goods and in view of misses' and ladies' cloaks yet in stock and which we the limited stocks now in the hands of manufacturers wish to close. In order to do so we will offer them at and jobbers and the general condition of the market we very liberal reductions. We usually make these ve- feel safe in advising our friends to place their orders for duced prices after December 1st, but this season we at least conservative lines of all staple cotton goods. will include them in the November sale, which will vo the ietcii 1 t rflde con sidershle iriore time to d 1 s Cotton and Wool Blankets pose of what they buy. ' While our stock is considerably reduced, the assort- Cnanhl Prion nn Stanln Yarn ment is yet practically complete, and the early buyer oJ.Udl NI03i Ull OldmB 1(11115 at this sale will be able to take care of his needs almost We will make a substantial reduction on our en- as satisfactorily ns earlier in the season and still have tire stock of yarns except Fleischer's Knitting Wor- the advantage of the liberal discounts being offered. stedj. Our yarn stock is complete in all grades, and i ttiis is the time of ycflr you wtiot vour viivn todc Fancy Domets complete. Fancy domets, both darks and lights, which were Rihhf)!l? sold last season at 8V2C and 9c will be offered in this ... , niUUUIIi sale at 6V-C This will enable buvers to make a retail ., , Ve W,M m?ke a, ra?.,Vf in'lces on om' lam'y price of SVfcc or 10c on goods which retailed last season nbbou, averaging-about per cent discount. , atmcio i5c per yard. , - Laces and Embroideries - Rnhpe Discounts L'5 per cent to 50 per cent. We offer our entire stock of imported wool finished S D8 Cf 3 1 V6ili05S robes-a large and beautiful line to select from-at dis- offerfid flt about ha,f ice counts 3o to 50 per cent. v e will also include in this sale an extensive line of Indian robes. QliiitS rirnee Pnnrfe Our entire line of white quilts, 15 er cent off our Ultttb UUUU5 regular prices. TJnusufil offering in high, grsidc suitings nnd cheviots '''' discounts 30 to 50 per cent. PHlOW TOPS . 0 jn PilUe A11 0Ur Pi,low toPs' consisting of lithographed, A opBCiai In OlIKS stamped, braided, tapestry, etc., at a reduction of 58 pieces, 32-inch, black guaranteed taffeta silk, 85c about one-third. at 7-' : : - Lace Curtains 0(1(1 LOtS ace Curtains staple patterns, good assortment, f A number of small lots of our most desirable quick low and Medium grades, your selection from our selling styles in the fall dress goods line will be offered entire stock at 20- per cent off, at this tune without consideration of original cost. jyjg .j Children's Undent SDSCial In FleeCed GOOClS Special lots. Discount 25 to 50 per cent. , . Regular lTVc values at 7'c. HOSlSTV . Special Offerings In Walsllngs ffllXr e,Mtm' 53c vftlues fit 37c li-inriririririrM-M-M--u 75c values at 52Me. GI0V8S Men's, women's and children's gloves, several Goods for Holiday Traas nnes at discounts 20 to so per cent. An extensive line of doilies, scarfs and tray cloths MaT'eHwMr Mnrf Cinnflniar in Damask and Japanese hand work, also stamped Men S nBCKWBar 2110 oliSpBilUSlS linens, handkerchief, art and butcher's linens at liber- We have just opened our new Xmas line of neck ally reduced prices. wear and suspenders, on which we will make special mwwwwvmwmwmm prices for this s&le regardless of the f fict thst theso Small LOtS goods are new and have never been offered before to Linings, linens, towels, crashes, damasks, draperies the trade- No Job lots or old styles, but all brand new and white goods will be sold original cost not being Koods which we wil1 sel1 at specjal prices, considered. " nnn nn?pn rrJnjitnr I InRHQ $4.50 values la this sale, $2.26. Offerings in this department include odd numbers MSO'S -3nd BOyS Flanttfil SOtf FatlCy SlilrtS in bleached and unbleached crashes, table damask, Discounts 20 to eo per cent on Several lines. towels, art draperies at discounts from 15 to 35 per cent. fiTX" ' n"'l Blindle GOOdS and Men' 0ak 1 Pants. Discount 80 to 40 per cent. KK'iKir ass SK: Boys' and Men's Triplex Legglns Draporie. Plain C'lor OuUngs. 20 to 30 per cent discount. 'he'k fJInghams. Red Damask. Jar-ti suuingsf' Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats French (iinghams. Discount '20 to 35 per rent. 20 to 40 per cent discount. pe & Hammer Dry Goods Co., Omaha to t Mai ISP 1Z HZ J 3 i f n