THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 190S. IN V0 MM5 NOTES ON .OMAHA SOCIETI Marriage of Kiss Lavina Shorter to , '. Mr. R. IT. Catheri Solemnized. . MONDAY CLUBS ARE NUMEROUS Mrs. B,.A.. MaAllster Honor Gaeat - at Mnr Affair Prevlons to Her j kiMrtre Frij- j 'clscis' to Reside.' j : ; . "S X pretty liorrm 'wedding tookNlc Sat urday evening, when Miss Lavina Shorter, daughter-of ,lr.-iTnd Mn. , Frederick Snorter became the" bride of Mr." Roy N. Cathrrs. The -.maniage wa solemnised at; t o'clock at the home of the brlde'a pirenl, efca St. Mary' avehueV Rev. Rob ert B. It; Bell officiating-. In the drawing room, where me ceremony waa perrormea i pretty diooratlon of green and white waa used. The mantel waa backed with palms and during the ceremony the wedding party stood under a canopy of green and wii-ite. The bride wore a gown tf white tatln, empire style, trimmed with a yoke of baby Irish lace. A long tulle veil waa held In place with a semi-wreath of white rosebuds and she carried a shower of white roues. Miss - Helen Jtlepen was mkj of honor and wore avftnlnty white chiffon gown over pink 'silk and carried an arm boiiuet tf ptnkA rooii." little Mies Mur garet MoClanaghan carried the ring In the cenier of an American Beauty rose. Miss Urate Shaffer played the "Lohengrin" wed ding march and Mr. Ray Flndley served os best man, ' A reception' was held for the wedding guests und assisting were the Misses Laura and Mildred Uerr of Council Bluffs, Marie Donnelly and Lena McCullough. Supper was served 1n the dining room. A large silver candelabra set In mound of pink carnations made' an effective centerpiece for the table. Thetuet from out of town Were Mr. and. Mrs. Eckleen of Lyons, Neb., and Mrs. Frederick Rice of St. Louis. After a western trip Mr. and Mrs. Cathers will be at home In David City, Neb., after November K. ', .", Monday Bridge Clnb. Mrs. Charles KounUe waa the hostess Monday' of the meeting of the Monday Bridge club. The guests of the club were Mr. Meredith Nicholson of Indianapolis, Mrs. Warren Rogers, ' Mrs. Osgood East man, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. W. A. Paxton, Jr., and Mrs. Dick Stewart. . Mrs. H. H. Ualdrlge entertained the Monday Bridge Luncheon club this week. . There were two tables jjf playera preaent. For Mr. Vffluhart. , Mr. William K. 'XdaYr entertained In formally at two tables .of bridge Monday afternoon complimentary, to ber gucat, Mra Charles Urcjuhart of Milwaukee, formerly Of Omaha. Monday -evening Mr. and Mra. Adair will give an Orpheum party In honor of their guest. ' Laucheon Party. Complimentary to- Mrs. B. A. MacAUaster, who left Monday evening for her new home In San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. John' W, Griffith entertained at a beautifully ap pointed luncheon Saturday at her home. A large bouquet of white chrysanthemums formed n'TtirftctlVe ""centerpiece for " the table and cover were planed for Mra. B, A. MacAUaster. Mrs. Benjamin JMacAI laster, Mrs. A. C. Powell, Mrs. Robert B. H. Bell, Mrs. S. W. Loomla. Mrs. James A.. Griffith. Mrs. R. W. Connell, Mrs. A. O. Edwards, Miss Vivian Griffith, and Mrs. J. W. Griffith. Prospective Pleasures. Mrs. John C. Cowln entertained ' at bridge, Monday, her guests Including guets from Fort Crook and Fort Omaha. Miss Agnes Weller will entertain at cards Tuesday afternoon at her homo In Kountse Place. Coiue and Go Qossln. . Mrs. Martin Crlmmins of Fort Crook leaves shortly- for New York City, where she will be the guest of Captain Crlmmins' parents Mrs. John Illnes left Monday evening for Chicago, where she will spend a few days. Mrs. W. N. Nason left Monday evening for a -visit of several weeks In Chicago, De Kalb and Mt. Carrot, 111. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MacAUaster and family, who have been staying at the Rome hotel slnco giving up their house In COCK HCHTISC CUBAN ISSUE Picture of Rooster Headi Liberal Party Ticket. CROWDER SENDS SAMPLE BALLOT i ... hews Several Seta of Candidates Are : ' to Be Voted On at the Election that la to Be Held Meat . (atardar. B.s H. Crowder. ' aecretary of the lega tion at: Havana, Cuba, whoae official title In the Spanish language la 'supervisor de la secretaria de eatado y justlcla," has aent Victor Rosewater on of the official ballots which will be used hi the election on the island on November 14. The ballot 1 a blanket sheet affair, much after he tyle of. the American ballot in form, though the headings of the party tickets and the strange names of the several can Formal Opening To If Hansons Ca fe on Wednesday the eleventh day of November . th the year nineteen hundred and eighU Omaha , . ... . i mating rtsrrvaHqm for tabltt, p!ta4 $pec(fy ultAer for dinner be(tte a ond tight or after tA (Aeutr. Kountse Place, and wire have berni much entertained, at both formal and Informal affairs, left Monday evening for San Fran cisco, Ca.. where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Black left Sun day evening for a ten days' visit In Chi cago with Mrs. Black's sister, Mrs. Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall motored to Missouri Vslley, la., Sunday In their tour ing ears. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller returned Sun day from fortnight's stay In New York ,C1ty. . Mr. Thomas J. MoShane had as hi truest for the week end. Mr. Clarence Winn Smith of Chicago. SHORT SKIRTS STILL GOOD Woiiiaa'a Comfolrt Prevails Against Impossible Modes of Trallnar, Skimpy Garments. This Is unquestionably a season for the earrlage and the motor. Walking Id com fort is hardly consistent with the ."height of the mode, and with all due deference to the Paris fashion makers, the ultra modish costume designed for the gentle ex ercise which they are pleased to call "fool ing" Is far less admirable In point of line than the long, clinging frock which does duty for the Parisian's general street wear These long coats, these skimpy, limp skirts, these enormous hats do not lend themselves readily to the graceful and be coming walking costume, and the sensible woman will Insist upon modifications In behalf of the beautiful and the becom ing when one of the extreme models la urged upon her. The long coat which la the season's favorite needs the trailing, Clinging skirt to complete Its harmony of line, .and Is Is only with this same long skjrt and with the general extravagant length of line In the modish long-sklrtcd costume that the enormous flat hat escapes being absurd and out of drawing. Recognition of these facts hss already forced some women who are slavish fol lowers of French Ideas Into a sacrifice of comfort and appropriateness, and one sees more women trotting along the avenue with the skirts of long-tailed frocks caught up to display feet and ankles charming or otherwise than have been on view In many a season. It seems Improbable, however, that the sacrifice will be universal. The short walk ing skirt has become too vital a detail In the American wardrobe to be relinquished without a struggle, and Parla has accepted It to a certain extent, so that concessions will be made to the American demand. The short skirt costume this winter must be chosen with serious care, and unless the figure Is of exactly the approved allm nes some modification of the flat habit back and the narrow bottom must be In sisted upon. Better by far miss the latest note In fashion than look a guy. That in controvertible bit of wisdom Is to be kept firmly In mind by every woman this 'sea sonIn all seasons, for that matter, but particularly In this season, when the line between the artistlo and the ridiculous Is so easily crossed. TAKING CARE OF THE HAIR Thoroaa-V Rape-sere to Son and Air B,HT will rro-ve a Great . . . , .h , Help. I ' Proper oar of the hair does not require such a great amount of time. If one will only take just a few, minute each day for the work, she will In a very short time feel well repaid for the labor and the head will be benefited also by the treatment. It would do the head and scalp a great deal of good If on could expose both to the sun and air for a few minutes during the day, massaging the scalp with the cushion tips of the fingers, running the fingers through the hair, holding It out from the head and shaking it well., that the sun and air may get well through to the scalp. Oris must always take the hair down at night, brush thoroughly and braid very loosely, If it must be braided.! Ono can keep both hair and scalp perfectly clean by shampooing once every six, weeks, and there is no shampoo better for the hair than that of eggs and plenty of warm water, Counterfeit Hollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy Dr. King's New Life Pllla; for constipa tion, malaria and Jaundice..' For aale by Beaton Drug Co. - - didates make of it aomethlng of a curiosity to the American who is not aequalnted with the Spanish or who ha not visited the Island of Cuba. ' Four columns appear on the ballot. Two tickets are complete; a third contains only the names, of the legislative candidates, while the fourth Is a "columna en bianco," It being evident from the wording under the heading that the voter can write In the names of candidates If the regularly nominated candidates are 90I In accord ance with his choice. The Instructions in this fourth column read: "Eji esta col umna podran los electores escrlblr, debajo del nombre o dslgnaolon de cada cargo, los de cualosqulera personaa que no fig uren en- la boleta, y a cuyo favor deseen votar." Cook Fighting- the Isaae. .While the conservative ticket ia given first plae en the official ballot the liberals are given second place with their ticket en titled: "Coallclon Liberal.". ' This appears to be the "cock-fighters' " ticket, this na tional sport of the Cuban being more of ah issoe with them than was the full din ner pall or the guaranteeing of bank de- Nebraska Jlet REMfdlll WORK OF THE WOMEN'S, CLDB Large Attendance and Good Speakers Open Social Science Department. CHILDREN PROBLEM DISCUSSED Department Will Con tin e Work Along Lines Followed Last Year Program Inrledes Topics of Live and General Interest. With an audience that filled the room, the social science department of the Wo man's club met fofthe first time this fnll, Monday afternoon.. Mrs. Harriet H. Heller, superintendent of . the Douglas county de tention school gave a report of the recent convention of the National Playground as sociation held in New York, at which she waa one of the speakers and in addition to presenting the features of that gathering gave side lights, impressions, personal ex periences and conclusions altogether help ful and interesting. The province' of the playground is, she said, to establish higher Ideals., The recognition of thla fact and the value of the medium has resulted In 157 per cent Increase In grounds which has made the problem of the national associa tion not how to get playgrounds but how best to administer them. Story telling Mrs. Heller considers one of the most important factors of the play center. The story supplies the Ideal; is the spiritual message to the children. This fact Is becoming generally recognised and the story teller growing more and more import ant In the work with the city child. Mrs, Thurman Speaks. Mrs. Lucy K. Thurman of Jackson, Mich., honary president of the National Federation of Colored Women and superintendent of work among the colored people for the Na tional Women's Christian Temperance Union, was a guest of the club and spoke of Jier work among the people of her own race. Asked the most important and most immediate need of the colored women of the south Mrs. Thurman free day nurseries and kindergartens. The fact that so large a percent of colored women go out to work leaves tile children of the colored homes unprotected from evils and influences the effects of which are most difficult to eradi cate. The teaching of humanity and of purity among the children and young men and women of the colored race Is one of the important branches of Mrs. Thurman's work. Through' the colored women's clubs and such kindergartens and other Influ ences as can be maintained among the col ored people, she is working along this Una. She concluded her address with a plea to mothers and fathers to give to their chil dren intell'gent equipment to meet and over come the evil that must come to their children. Memorial for Mra. N. E. Adams. - The afternoon closed with a memorial to Mrs. Nathan E. Adams, a charter mem ber of the Woman's club and an officer of the social science department, whose death occurred during the summer. At a meeting of the executive held be fore the department meeting it was de cided to continue the work thla year along the lines followed so successfully last year. As Mrs. Draper Smith; 'leader of the department, will be unable to glv to It the time Bhe has In the past, the several assistant leaders assumed re sponsibility for the various programs. An Interesting series of subjects has been proposed. Including programs on many of the vital soplologlcal problems of the day. Many new names were added to the de partment roll at the conclusion of the meeting. Opposition In Japan. Miss Ida Uraka, who was recently ap pointed professor in the medical college in Toklo, Is meeting with serious opposi tion in her new' work. The conservative element in Japan deplores her . appoint ment in outspoken terms, declaring that it is only the entering wedge for the general employment of women on the teaching force of other lTler educational institutions. Miss Uraka is the first woman to hold such a post in Japan and Is regarded as exceptionally well fitted for the work. She was graduated from the University of Berlin with honors and her teachers predicted a brilliant future for her. posits In the states. A game cock, perched on a crude plow, behind which appear four men, is the Insignia of this party and the badge of the liberals Is printed at the head of the ticket. Jokb Miguel Gomes y Qomes la the liberal candidate for president, with Alfreda Zayas y Alfonso for vice president. The first ticket on the ballot Is entitled the "Conservaor National" and the badge of this party Is a star, printed boldly at the top. The presidential candidate of the conservatives Is Msrlo Garcia Menocal and the vice presidential candidate Is Rafael Montoro y Valdes. The third ticket that of the "Agrupaolon Indepente de Color," and over It ts printed, the party em blem, a horse rearing on It hind leg Legislative candidates only, were nominated by this "independence league" party. The names of twenty-six presidential electors appear on the billot for each ticket, the presidential electors being called "para" compromlsartos preedenclales y vlve presl-fenciaH-s." Each party has eight candi dates for "para compromUarios presiden cies y vive presidencies suplentes." eight for "para compromtsarlcs aenatorlalea, ma yorea contrlbuyentea," eight for "para com promlaarloa senatorlales, no mayores oon trlbuyentes" and twenty-two for "para representantes." BOY IS NOT WANTED AT HOME Mother of Willie Zimmerman Says He Beat '9 the Whole Family. Willie Zimmerman stands In the unique and uneviable position of a boy who is not wanted at home. Reversing the usual order of things, Willie's mother asked Judge Kslelle of the Juvenile court to take the boy away from her. though Willie did not want to go. Mrs. Zimmerman said Willie beat her and her four children In one of his tantrum and she could do nothing with him. Judge Ea telle parolled him to Dr. K. L. Loveland and sent him to the Detention school until another place can be found for him. Edward Allen and bis wife of 2343 Sahler atreet each accused the other of uslag language which does ,not pasa current among men and women of cultured taates. Each denied the charge of the other. Their two children, Dan and Mabel, were before the court and, Judge Estelle took tbe case under advisement. Bnildlaat Permits. Building permits were issued Monday as follows: I. H. Brotclile, Florence boulevard and Bruwu sirvet, frame dwelling, i-'.owj, Christine (Jinvel. rrM jHith TiifrtentH roet, frame dwelling. $2.Sn; Michael Suva, Twrnty-etcond and li-!flc streets, frame dwelling, ll.fcou; A. II. and R. B. llmstesrt. Twenty-ninth and Pratt strents. frame dwelling. ; Clinton Hover, Thirty-ninth and 'Wright streets, frame" dwelling, ll.WO. MINE INSPECTOR FOR STATE Office Wanted by A. B. Witonr, - Who Thinks lie Conld Discover Mines In Nebraska. There not being enough offices to go around tho democratic state legislature w.U be asked to create some new ones so all the party workers can be rewarded. . This Is the Information given out by Abnr B.Waggoner, city license Inspector, who wants a state Job. but who says a position will have to b created so as to give him a pfece of political pap which he believes rightfully belongs to him ss one of tbe men who helped make the county and state go democratic. Mr. Waggoner owns a gold mine In Alaska and for' this reason he fpels qualified to hold office as state mine Inspector. There are no mines In Nebraska and hence thero Is no state mine inspector. But this does not bother' tho aspirant In tho least. He hss figured It out tluit If the state had a mine Inspector mine might be discov ered In theVatev Mr. Waggoner says that an asbestos. mJne was discovered In Wyo ming a few days ago and he feels sjve that If he were appointed' state mine Inspector for Nebraska lie could find some asbestos out In the and hills. SPURIOUS MONY IS AFLOAT Boarua Five-Dollar Sliver Certificates Are Circulating; In the West . era States. Look out for your SS silver certificate. There Is a bad ono, on the market that has Just put In Its appearance In the west. Chief Wilkle of the government secret ser vice department sends out the alarm that a bad S6 bill Is floating about the country that should be well examined before taken. It Is the $5 silver certificate, Indian head, of the series of 1899, check letter "D," face plate 1,164, back plats 782, W. T. Nevlns, register and Chaa. it. Treat, treasurer of the United States. The. certificate 1 a photomochanlcal plate on a single piece of paper with red and blue lines printed to represent the silk threds of the genuine. The lookeas If that part Of the script lettering looks as if that part of the cript lettering that crosses tbe bluo seal and denomina tional character had'been filled by hand. The general appearance of the note Is de ceptive at a casual glance. Annonncements of the Theaters. Edwin Holt end company, presenting George Ade's splendid sketch. "The Mayor and the Manlcure.'and nine persons In Jesao L. Lasky's production, "A Night on a Houseboat," are two of the eight big features at the Orpheum this week. The Interesting bill of advanced vaudlvllle of fered at thla houae Is packing the house every night and the dally matinees are growing In popularity with each succeed ing week. The Ade sketch is full of Ade humor. Humorous situations chase each other through the piece and the denoue ment Is cleverly designed. Mr. Holt and three capable companion entertainers give a splendid presentation of the piece. Ma bel Sinclair, English ventriloquist. Is get ting away with a good share of the ap plause. Carroll and Baker have a humor ous skit. The bill affords the best enter tainment offered the public In Omaha this week. Dally matinee are becoming more popular each week. , , That the continuance, of the big produc tion, , ''The Girl (of Ote Golden West," for the second week atthe Burwood theater has received the endorsement of theater goers was demonstrated Sunday and last evening, the attendance keeping Up to top notch a station which could only have been obtained by the presentation of plays in such a satisfactory manner as positively demands recognition. No other stock com pany ever occupying the Burwood has been of sufficient strength to hold the pub lic's attention with any play for more than one week, all of which is very flattering to the present organisation. There will be a matinee today, Thursday and Saturday Curtain at 2:1a sharp, Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA EL PIN KHAKI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, as it did to Mrs. V. Ellsworth, of Mayville, N. Y, and to Mrs. W. P. Boyd, of Beaver Falls, IV, who say : "I ta not able to do my own work, owing to the female trouble from which I suffered. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound helped me wonderfully, and I am so well that I can do a big a day' work a I ever did. I wish every ick woman would try it. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands 01 women vho have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Ebriodio pains, backache, that bear, ig-down feeling, flatulency, indigeg. tionJizziness.or uervouu prostration. Why don't you try it r 'Mrs. linkham Invites all sick women to write her for ndvice. Khe hag sMiiflrxi thousands t kJiU. Allures, Ljuu. Maaa. mi- EARNEST PLEA FORTHE HOME Review of Thirty-Six Year of Woman's Work in Temperance. ADDRESS OF MRS. LUCY THURMAN Noted Colored Woman Tells of Growth of Temperance In the ; oa1h Moral Nnaslon vs. Legal Snaslon. Mrs. Lucy Thurman of Michigan, national orgnnlsrr among colored people In Women's Christian Temperance union work, was the principal speaker at a well attended meet ing at the African Metnodlst Episcopal church, Eighteenth and Webster streets, Sunday evening. Many of the foremost Women's Christian Temperance union mem bers of Omaha were present and partici pated In the meeting. Mrs. Thurman began her address with a brief history of the early temperance move ments In the United States, Including the famous Washington movement of nearly three-quarters of a century ago, and of the Good Templars organisation, which latter she characterized as the first of the tem perance organizations and movemente in which women were given an equal part with men. "There was a time when Christian women were almost afraid to Inaugurate any great moral movement becauae of their awe of the ministers of their churches, In that they might be Infringing on the ministerial prerogative, but that time has passed," said Mr. Thurman. Convention In London. It waa my great privilege to be a dele gate to the great world's. convention of the Women's Christlsn Temperance union held In Albert hall, London, when that godly woman, Lady Henry Somerset, and our own uncrowned queen, Francis Wlllard, were present. The Inspiration of that momentous event has never left me for a moment. "In our own land, the south leads today In temperance work. The nowest of our states, Oklahoma, has come Into the union with a prohibition law that Is to stand for twenty-one years. The motherhood of Ok lahoma Is rearing boys and girls who will see that prohibition shall endure there for ever. Intemperance had made such Inroads In the south that when I first began In temperance work there thirty-two years ago, the annual expenditure for liquor was 119,000,000, and all those poor people only recently released from bondage got In re turn was misery, pauperism and death. Race riots In the south are attributable wholly to strong drink and the saloon. I hope the time will come when no person ahall be admitted to the church unices he or she shall put on the whole armor of Jesus Christ. Work Among; Colored People, Mrs. Thurman concluded her address with a strong appeal for organisation among the colored people, and received encouraging assurances that many of those present lant evening would meet her at this church next Thursday morning to assist in organizing a Women's Christian Temperance union among the colored people of Omaha, with auxiliary societies. President Clara Burbank of the Omaha Young Women's Temperance union, and Mrs. Covell, county president of the Wom en's Christian Temperance union, also made short talks on the movement, promising the co-operation of their respective societies In the work outlined among the colored people by Mrs. Thurman. Following the meeting many of those present availed themselves of the opportun ity of meeting Mrs. Thurman personally.-' Mr. Thurman will address the social sci ence department of the Omaha Woman' club this afternoon, and this evening she will address the Literary club of Zlon Bap tist church. Meetings will also be arranged for her at South Omaha and Council Bluffs. WOMEN VOTE WHOLE TICKET Poll Books Show That Some Suffrage ettea Did Not Stop at School . Hoard. A number of women enjoyed the privilege of voting for president, congressmen, and state and county candidates as well as school district officers last Tuesday accord. Ing to the records of the election board as returned to the county clerk. At least the only way some of the poll books can be ex plained Is that some of the women who were supposed to vote only for members of the school board voted the entire ticket. In one precinct, the First of the Sixth ward, the poll book shows that 443 men and nine women voted. But on most of the officers 448 votes were recorded. County Clerk Haverly can explain this situation only by presuming that some of the women voted for the other officials. Under the decision of Judge Day who held that members of election boards at the special election in Mai were entitled to $6 pay, election officials who served the county at the general election In 1906 are clamoring for their money. The county board Monday afternoon rejected the claim of J. E. Van Gilder, one of the officials and he will appeal to the district court. After the election in 1906 the county board, under an opinion from the county attorney, paid the rent for the polling places and the expense of moving the vot ing machines while the city and school dis trict paid the election officials. Now under th recent ruling of the court the Judgea and clerka believe they can make the county pay them too and will appeal to the courts. SCHOOL B0ARDAFTER MONEY Attorney for Directors Seeks to Col lect Bonds Forfeited In Crim inal Cases. Suits to collect forfeited bonds In crim inal cases appealed from pollco court to district court will be started by Ed Balrd, attorney for the school board, and the city attorney's office. Mr. Balrd Monday re quested the district clerk's office to fur nish him a list of bondsmen who wero on forfeited bonds. The money collected from this source, as In the case of fines, goes to swell tho school funds. As there are several hundred bonds In tho forfeited class it la believed the revenue derived will amount to thousands of dollars if it can be collected. Mr. Balrd has been working on the case for several wet'ks and it Is said that the city attorney's office is ready to co-oporite with him. INJUNCTION AGAINST ARREST Peters lenders secures Court Order PreveatluK thief of Police from Apprehending film. . After being arrested and convicted In police court four times for vlolutlng the garbage ordinance of the city Peter Enders. proprietor of a soap rendering plant, has secured a restraining order agalimt Chief of Police IVmahue at.d City Prosecutor Daniel to prevent his being arrested any more. , - John O. Yleser filed the petition snd in it sots up thkt the ordinance relating to the hauling of garbage is unconstitutional, un reasonable and unforceible. It mi.tii the ordinance la intended to create smoiiolopy snd not sa hygenic and police regulation. It also contends it Wiis not 1. -gaily pushed because It was advertised In the evening World-HeraM which, It save Is not a dally paper becaimn It Is not published Sunday evening. Mr. Ylesrr also hold the regula tion providing garbage can be hauled only by one having a contract with the city is void becsuse no one bus a legal contract, that the requirement that garbage wagons be kept thoroughly Is an Impossibility and that the provision requiring house holder to sepnrte table garbage from other forms of waste Is unreasonable and illegal. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Lcnls Xcsls of Pecatur end R. U Meyers or Newport htp at the Merchants. Colonel J. J. Ttyder, stste Labor commis sioner of Lincoln, Is nn Omaha visitor. George L. Towne. publisher of the Ne braska Teacher at Lincoln, spent Monday In Omaha. Miss J. Weeth of Gretna, formerly super intendent of the Sarpy county schools. Is at the Karbach. E. A. Pryor of Holdrese. P. B. Keys of Newcastlo and .liss Pearl . Dunn of Fre mont are at the Murray. O. J. HnmMton of Watcrl 10. P. J. Murphy of Wahoo, W. Franks of Vl-ntl"e and W. II. Young of Oxford are at the S hilts. O. A. Hendlct of Boatrtoe. 11. 8. Wlsglna of Lincoln, J. H. Niberger of rtohertstnn, Wyo arnt Jnmea H. Coons of Central City are at the Her Grand. A. K. Dav of Kansas city, c. M. Mil'er of Custer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarrett of Iiorchrster. Ous Clark of Lincoln Hnd H. W. McCoy of Denver are at -the Millard. C. A. Holbrook of Walla Walla. Jamea Cllne, F. C. William of Ltncoln, Timothy Roes of Rock River, Wyo ; George Thomas of Sioux City and W. T. McKenna of Graf ton are at the Rome. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Carrlngton of Arling ton. A. L. Anderson of Stanton, T. P. Wilson Fred Wilson of Seattle. Louis A. f,ms of Manville, Wyo., and Henry Oydsen of St. Paul are at the Karbach. P. J. Murphy of Toreka, B. H. Ward rf Fort Dodge. Mrs. J. B. Agnew of Agncw, Cal Mrs. O. L. Craft of Denver, C. Moore, C W.r Cameron of Silver Creek and F. G. Wheeler of Portland, ore., are ai me ton. Superintendent Davidson went to Kansas City this morning, where tonight he de livers an address on "Industrial Training" before the Commercial club. Tonight Is education night of the Kansas City Com merclal club. E. B. Borland and son of Wray, Colo.; O. N. White, F. C. Vincent of Kansas City, L. M. Thomas, L. A. Thomas, J. A. Vasey of Albion. W. E. St. John of Hustings, v II. Oerdts of Yuha, Cal., and J. II. Murray of Arrapahoe are at the Henshaw. nalltvar Notes and Personals. W. E. Morse, general superintendent of the Northwestern, and F. H. Hemmlll, su perintendent of the Iowa division of the Northwestern, were in omana Monday. W. R. McKeen. fc.. president and gen eral manager of the McKeer, Moior com- nanvof Omaha, who has been oulte sick for the last three months and who is now at French Lick Springs, Ind., Is reported as Improving fast and will be out of the sanitarium In a few days. His plans for recuperation are not completed and It Is not Known wnetner he win return to Orraha or go south for a ahort time. W. B. Thompson, vice president and gen eral manager of the Nevada Ceneral, waa In Omaha Monday, enroute west. The Independence ofYoungMen - . y ft An interesting thought in connection with the Stein-Iiloch tailoring busi ness is that its steady growth year after year is in no small measure due to the appreciation of young men. Many of its young men friends of former years are now gray-haired busi ness men and they have the same respect for the fit and style or Stein-Bloch clothes to-day that they had at the end of the first season they wore a suit or an overcoat bearing the Stein-Bloch trade-mark. Young men to-day, as well as their elders, ap preciate correctness of fashion, as opposed to vulgar exaggeration; smoothness or fit as op posed to roughness of nt; and many who are not old friends are coming to realize that Stein-Bloch clothes are correct, in form as well as in substance. Ready at the best clothier's. The Stein-Bloch Company , Tailors ior Mca Offices and Shops : New York : Rochester. N. V. 130-132 Filth Ave. Stein-Bloch Clothing For Sale ly Nm A'-hry Www SCIENCE and ART ' ."'" ."'.' t BEAUTY; CULTURE LECTURE BY . Ladies are duly notified that Mme. Tal ' of Beauty Culture Fame, will combln Science and Art in an Illustrated lecture' and artistic entertainment, to be given at Boyd's theatre, next Monday, November 1ft, at 2:3D p. m. What this wonderful woman has accom plished In her chosen life work Is best at tested to In the beauty of her own person ality. That speaks more convincingly thar words. Thousands upon thousands of women al' over the world have received tho samt remarkable benefit from the wonderful Yale System that is so rapidly revolu tionize Human Ugliness into Physical Beauty. Women of all ages are being made happy by what they are enabled to do for themselves under Mme. Yale' System. Well-meaning persons have otten dial lenged Mme. Yale's claims to make women naturally beautiful as physical impossi bilities until overwhelmingly convinced U the contrary by Irrefutable evidence. SYNOPSIS OF LECTURE. 1ST ACT. The Art of Beauty Cul ture. , 2ND ACT. The Science of Physical " , Culture. - i. 1RD ACT. The Poetry of Motion. ' 4TH ACT. The 'Art of Good Style. General Instructions. COSTUMES. Mme. Yale will wear four different coa, tumes of beautiful design and coloring. . Her perfect figure will be artistically dis played. MUSICAL PROGRAM. Mme. Yale's Physical Culture Exercise '. will be given by her with fascinating grace to the strains of sweet muslo ren dered by the Theatre Orchestra. i Those attending will enjoy a Beauty CuKj ture treat impossible to describe. Tickets Complimentary ) Tickets for Mme. Yale' Lecture may be obtained free of charge by applying for them now at the Drug Department of the, Boston Store, J. L. Brandels & Sons. The; tickets are free, but the best seats will be fflven tn thoRA mnkinar a m . rcHi.a n f an. of the Yale preparation at the time of applying for tickets. .. ' The lecture will begin promptly at 2.3C P. M. Ladks are kindly requested to bt seated at that time. Realty Bargains Find them every day by watching the sn uouncem2i.ifl in THfi BEE'S Want Ad Ool umm. D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. 8oeoessor to Dr. H. L. Bamacciota) , ISBXSTAJTr MTATM YBTXnMHAaUA Office n&d XosvltaL SS10 Heeon tree. Calls Promptly Anawered at AH Hf'tjra. -'B? !ZL Goal)., left. AKORBHINE aM other drag bsblts ere positively eared Itp HABITINA. For byvodsnnlo or Interns! aii. , Mample sent to anr drag bsoltae br fpna Stall. Regular price llUO per bottle a. S3 your druggist or by mall lo WaJa wrapper. Mall Order Filled Ilr HAYDEX BUGS.. OMAHA. NEB. Sohbols Gol le-s fcaUUtatiad KM, equlpa young Bon SB wooiaa (or oouimarrial aad LutUiw HI. I main a TaalaM.a:rDS U liln lore. WaaraaichiXTalJ a lauinw aollrKa awl ! yraait aUM oa Us ! pra4Uoal ol bM. !! ao4 BratlllMO. Ihraa aurM tvmiu.r.ti. UU-noyrai.har'a, fra paratury. aavaa BUD'lra4 fi'.ai,la4at Oaaa OHHlHrMMU, .MaMet JM,.Wrl tut bba propctua to J LINCOLN BUtlNEtS eOLLEOE 141 N. 18th Street, LUeel Nek, HE. ME mmm OMAHA Drug Department