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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1908)
JL-.CI 'cm. come wlnilc flic I WT?fc ' ' Nik lTV The HLVrA ft lasts. You cant set a limit to -a griddle cake appetite when Agfo is on the table. best syrup for every purpose. air-tight tins: loc.25c.50c book of rtdpts tor took- and eandy-mtking tttil free on rtqutst. CO8N PRODUCTS BEFIN1NG COMPANY New York DEMOCRATS IN GOOD LOCK Will Find State Institution! in Beit Condition in Their History. RUN ON THE APPROPRIATIONS Eaflmatra of Expaes for Conlis Bl nnlam I.ararelr in Expraa of tfca Araoaat Appropriate by Last Leajtalatare. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 9. Special. ) When the that aome of " iVftls were questionable. While thou dlrectljr connected with grand Jury relume to discuss the mutter tt la believed that these charges will be thoroughly Investigated. EXTERNAL REMEOT FOR ECZEMA Way Valvaa Tall Walla a pimple Llqaid Baa AooompUahea Theuaaad af Cures. It la now thoroughly established among the beat medical authorities' that eciema la purely a skin disease, due to a germ and curabla only through., )b akin. It la 'not a blood disease, at . all; In fact thousands of people suffer with sktn dis ease and ara perfectly healthy otherwlsa. nd therefore prove tbey have no diseased blood. Smeary aalvea cannot reach the germs because they do not penetrate the skin, The only way to reach tha germs Is by : the desert land laws. Mr. Garfield fears CHECK DESERT LAND FRAUDS Secretary Garfield Holda Conference) With Heads of Vartona Departments. (From a Rtaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. . (Special Tele gramsSecretary Oarfleld today called about him In conference a number of his bureau chiefs to discuss the operations of means of a penetrating liquid. Such a liquid can be obtained by simply PREPARE FOR KANSAS GAME Cornhnsker Emerge from Ames Con " test in Good Shape. NEW PLAYS WILL BE TRIED OUT Coach Coir's JVew Inventions Not Yet area This season yVrill Bo . pran; on Snnflovrer '",)' , . '. . '' Mete. Lincoln Office Omaha Bee 518 Little Building Auto rhone 7417. Bell A-2598 G. N. Porter, Manager. neV governor, A. C. Bhallenberger. takes mixing ordinary oil of wlntergreen with charge of the varloua state Institutions he thymol, glycerine and otherhealln agenta. will find them In better shape than ever This compound known as D. D. D. Pre before In their history, not only from a scrlptlon stops tha Itch Instantly and the financial standpoint but In the physical cures all appear to be permanent. In condition of tha various buildings and fct. It took thousands of cures, casa after grounds and the codltlon of tha various case, before the best sclcnUflo authorities Inmates. were convinced of the absolute merit of The state Institutions have been the es- this remedy. The affect of D. D. D. Pre- pecial hobby of Governor Sheldon and he scrlptlon In numbing the Itching ecsema has kept In close touch with each superln- germs Is seen within one minute after the tendent. In addition SUte Accountant firit .nnlleatlon. We eaoeclallr recom- Fairfleld has checked up the institutions mend D- D. D. Snap In connection with this reguiariy ana made reports irequentiy or I treatment tne conditions existing. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. 16th Numerous changes have been made by ,, g,, ,tr.etBi ,n(1 owl Drug Co., 16lh uu,cn,ur onoiaon in ine conauci 01 me .,, ti.P.. .,r.t rm.h- tnj.s iiiaiiiuiiuns, an lor ine Detier, so wnen ine now administration takes hold It will find A table haa been complied by the state jl had Pf lence In teaching the blind, as accountant showing the condition of the he w" employ,d thcre whl,e "lcm maintenance f..nd. of the v.rln,,. m.tit,.. fvernor. For the last four years Professor lions. This table shows the average ex- Abbott h" been cItr superintendent of the penditures per month for eighteen months "tuuu" ne and what Is left of the fund for the re- LINCOLN, Nov. .-(Special.)-"Klng" Cole's husky Cornhuskera begin practlco tomorrow af tar noon for the . game with Kaneas Saturday. Only a few of tho vet erans failed t report today, and tho head coach la satisfied with the good condition the men are in after' their hard grueling In the game with Ames Saturday. Temple, who dislocated his left arm at the rllfuw while making a line plunge. Is getting along nicely and may be able to play by tho end of tha week, for hla In jury Is not ir serious as was at first thought. Big "Bill' Chaloupka, the right tackle of tho Cornhuskers, lias a stiff leg, but otherwise la In fine fettle and will take hla. pfuce.lit the lineup Saturday. Hart"i fight guard, la In much better condition tiifan when ho entered tho game 'lit Oirmlia., Then he WS suffering acutely from a weak ankle, and when ha left Lin coln , Saturday,, ntbrnlns; had to be helped on the train by two men. At Omaha three doctors worked over him until the Corn lumkors left for Diets park. Ho. played ' tTie entire game w ith, the ankle bandaged to keep It from turning. Now ho is having no trouble wtj.h Jhe member and will be ready' to lay against the Jayhawkers. Bentley and three, or four of the other Cornhuskers are badly bruised, but none of them will be kept from regular play, though Bontley'a aide Is giving him a little trouble, and he may not be ablo to take part Itr any of.t.he scrimmage work this vcuk. Cooke's blood poisoning has entirely disappeared and tha midget quarter will renumo charge at hla old position this week. Kansas) Snowing; Disturbs. lf " "The tfhp'xpYcred showing Kansas made in defeating Waahlngburn Saturday by tho score of 3 to 0 haa caused a little con sternation among some of the Nebraska rooters, but as yet has had no perturbing effect on Coach Cole and hla assistants. The head coach while not overconfident, expects his pupils to show the Jayhawkers up. Today he said that he had no doubt that the Cornhuskers would win but htat they would have to play fast ball. What the doubting rooters fear la that the Jayhawker coaches will have all of the Nebraaka plays "down pat" and ara In a position to build up a defense to stop Scor ing by Nebraska. Coach Kennedy and hla assistants have seen the Cornhuskers in ac tion three times this fall, against Minnesota, Iowa, and Ames. Under most conditions, this ought to give the opposing coaches of a team a good line on the play of tha Corn huskers, but this season It does not, how ever. At no time this fall has "King" Cole un covered his entire repertoire. Not even against Ames, the strongest team met so far this season, were some of the best In ventions displayed. The Nebraska coaches have several plays devised especially for the Jayhawkers, and when the men from the Sunflower slate come to Lincoln, they will find that their observations have dona them little good. Kansas flower In Defense. It la the general Impression that the so called "peeka-aboo" offense was a failure against Ames, and that the much talked of plays of "King" Cole proved to be a failure. The facts are, .however, that the "peek-a-boo" was attempted only on two occasions and one one of these worked suc cessfully. It was not employed more often because It was found that other plays worked better. There are four or five va rieties of the "peek-a-boo" which the Corn- huskera have learned and which were not disclosed last Saturday. These plays Coach Cole and the members of the Nebraaka team are confident can be used with great success against Kansas, Against the Jayhawkers, who are not nearly so speedy as the Aggies and who have not had so much experience In de fensive work against the forward pass "King" Cole's new inventions ar more likely to gain ground. At least the .Ne braska rooters believe these plays will ac complish that, and they are expecting to see some great open work next Saturday, Tomorrow and tha following two daya secret practic probably will be held at the State farm, whero ' several new plays planned especially for Kansas will xbe learn ea. Good Conch Mediciue for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at Jtaod and loo much care cannot be used to firotect the children. A child is much mora ikely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has s cold. The quicker you cure his cold the leas tha risk. Chamberlain's t'oiiglt Remedy is the sola reliance of many mothers, and few of them who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. . Btarchar, of Kiplav, W. Vs., says: "I havn - sever used anything other thau Chamber lain's OoUKh Remedy forV7 children and it has alwuys given good satisfaction." This . remedy contains no opium or other narcotic nd may be givea as confidently to a chil M to an adulw malning six months. Only in four lnstl tutlons do the records show that the amount on hand In the maintenance fund to be used for six months Is less than the average for the last eighteen months. The table Is as follows: HASTINGS ASTLT'M. Average expenses for 18 months.. ..$10,013.78 Average available for remaining 6 months S,75l.46 LINCOLN ASYLUM Bedford Wanted for Mnrder. BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. ".-(Special Tele gram.) Information received here today concerning the arrest of John Bedford, who la In Jail awaiting the arrival of an officer from Illinois, states that he la charged with murdering Oscar Hlganson, a farmer living near Marengo, 111. ' Hlganson was at Bed ford's home In the evening of October 24. A week later his body waa found burled in Average expenses for 15 month's... 4,417.18 Bedford's hen house with a wound In his Average available for remaining 6 head. On the night of the murder Bedford nonius .15. was seen traveling west with three of Hlg Average expenses for 15 months.... 2,881.46 an8n horses. Hlganson and Bedford Bvitnuuie ior remaining e i were sam 10 nave oeen good mends moniin J. 106. 84 that some frauds are being perpetrated un der thla act and desired to have a general consultation with the varloua men charged directly and Indirectly with its enforce ment. There were present at the con ference today Assistant Secretary Wood ruff, Forester Qlfford Plnchot, Indian Commissioner Leupp, Chief of Reclamation Service Newell, Commissioner of the Land Office Dennett and aeveral other lesser lights. Under the desert land law a man may enter to the extent of 320 acres and pays $1.25 rer acre for the same upon filing his declaration, but he must also perfect title make affidavit that he haa expended a certain sum during the first two years In Improvements and by the third year have the land Irrigated so as to produce a crop. There have been aome frauds regarding settlement upon so-called desert land and these Secretary Garfield Intenda to uproot. The present regulations regarding desert lands. It was decided at the conference today, are stringent enough, but a little more care la recommended to see that they are enforced and special agenta in the field for tha department will shortly receive pretty sharp letters to get busy and in other words be "on tht?lr Jobs" constantly to prevent dishonest men from acquiring a superabundance of the public domain under the operation of the desert land law. Tha First National bank of Lommon, 8. D., haa been authorised to begin business with SX.OOO ca'pltal. J. W. Harrla is presi dent, Howard Akins vice president and J. K. Clark cashier. INSTITUTE FOR RLINTJ Average) expenses for 15 months... 699.71 Average available for remaining 8 months 1.WM.63 JJNSTITUTK iron DEAF AND BLIND. Average expenses for 16 months.... 1.329.33 Average available for remaining months 1' 724 61 iisBrrririia xm keeble-minded YOUTH. Farmer Barns at Sara;ent. SARGENT, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special Tele gram.) Farmer Burns gave a splendid talk and an exhibition of hla power with Going at the Freeman opera house. Burns floored him three times In an hour, as advertised. Will Dawson of Grand Island waa to have Average expenses for 18 months.... 2,25098 wrestled a man who failed to appear and a Average available for remaining ( call for someone in the crowd brought a D LSTRl" AL SCH OOL FOR ' G i RLS. t" J0 """n P"""'0"' by V16 Average expenses for 18 months.... 8b7.15 namo of Howard Wallace who threw his Average vallable for remaining 6 opponent twice straight. It was an lnter- "i fVrr"---'-,-19 eating affair, ifiuotivinu Dt.nt.rUlJ rUU DlJI.C.. I a. AvsarftD-k OTtwinsna ft.. 1D mA.l, O i I i - ... n Average available for remalrjnir" ' Child Burned to Death months 2,456.21 TAYLOR, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) An . '""i'Vi. ,V "yrV- , Infaut child of Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst of Average available for remalnln Blaine county waa burned to death Monday months 1.412.69 evening. The parents left the child sleep- SOLDIERST AND SAILORS HOME lng , crlb when tbey went out to milk (UK Ars L) ISLAND.) , . .... . . , . Average expenses for 18 months.... 3,986.58 anJ " 18 UPP08 the child woke up and Average available for remaining 6 in some manner pulled the tableclotir off mAihmFna Vr- oV,;''ci--iixJS.Sf6M which was a burning lamp, which set (MIl.DRF.n l tho child's clothes on fire. Average expenses for 18 months 1.27S.28 Average available for remaining WEST POTNT C. J. Wcbcrg, former re- months 3,023.48 1 publican representative from Cuming i-iiNi i mnrriAKY. I county to me state legislature nas ust re- wrs expenses ror in months.... 4,628.54 turned Irom a loyr, months' visit to Bwe- mvnimuie mr remaining o i aen, nis oia nome. inumiis Z,661.03 Kstimatra of Expenses. HYMENEAL Pep pm ul I er -PI el d SPENCER. S. D.. Nov. t. (Special.) William Feppmuller and Mlnnlo Field, prominent young people of Spencer, were married here Sunday. Mr. Feppmuller Is proprietor of the Spencer mills. They will reside here. Mat sen-Page. Miss Bessie M. Page, daughter of James K Page of Walnut, la., and John Matzen were married by .Rev. Charles W. Savldgs at hla residence at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. Flood-RamsTla;. Miss Helen Ramsvlg, daughter of Thomas Ramsvlg of Eagle Grove, la., and John P. Flood were married at 6 p. m. Saturday by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at his residence. BARGENT. Jens Ottim. of the firm of Ottun Brothers, is closing out their general ine estimated expenses for the comlnsr lund h i.niiv rtr.or at tha n.AhnH biennlum as reported by the state offl- opening in South Dakota. cers and state Institutions is $5,119,326.09. or SARGENT With the understanding that $752,068.88 more than the total annronrla- I the merchants of the town will discontinue tinn k , , , , . " ' , , Handling rresn rrulr;1 J; IX Meuonn Id nas lions made by the last legislature. Of this opened an exclusive frlult store carrying a excess $448,4u3.05 is the estimated amount complete line of same. ; necessary for new bulldlnga and permanent COLUMBUS District court for Platte improvements. The total appropriations county took up Its regular November grind n.j. , . mis morning, 'mere are ten criminal X ' amounted to cefM on the docket, on hundred civil $4,3b7,257.31. From the total estimates, cases and nine divorce cases, amounting to $5,119,326.09, the amount WEST POINT The body of Miss Mary chargeable to the general fund is Wleael, the 80-year-old daughter of John $3 938 326.09. to the university f und $1.173.0. rToV andTlledherleTrTn' -..v. iiuiaijr iuiiu ts.vuu. ine amount an Omaha boarding house, was brought to chargeable to tha temporary school fund Reenter and interred In the family burial has not yet been computed. place. The a nnual report of the Northwestern tOLUMBUfl-Bome or tne ministers or ..... nai ,iv, .v,. o.-- ., iniB i-ny nnve ni rru w nave m, vvrien in road filed with the State Railway com- meetings for the cause of temperance, to mission for the year ending June, 1908, be held In the Baptist, Presbyterian, Con shows the freight earnings amounted to BTKatlonal and Methodist churches, alter- iM;!".! L Paasenger earnings by all the churches urJtlng on Thanksfc-iv-$1,359,063.64. The total expenses were lng day. Divorce Law In Donbt. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.; Nov. 9.-Until the official count la made, the result of the vote on the proposed law to stop rapid di vorces In South Dakota will be in doubt. Partial returns, however, indicate that the measure haa been approved by a large majority. 5 Michaels-Stern Clothes that the best reason why you should. They're not ordinary tore clothes they're the best examples of highest art in Apparel Production lor men and young men who know. " Priced within - reason. mo't uhf V ea mlt im ir t mw w I'll fm to oitaim IMrm mm4 wt U bm r. -ai , mm mne evr 0mmtUnme Pmloho. i M0i 4ettt. mamt 5! 1. 'I M '1 Kl il i Y: "Mf fed- j;lO ir t ' ti j i fi itlSL, r you ve never ; 1 1 Jvl worn n MtfSJz:i7ito hy yu should, -j ifeiM I ( K SK. V"', m fc. V t 1.. tlt ' - - T- . v.-.- . -.-tt; . - ir '. W k M sr fS MOB SEEKS GHOST IN VAIN Crowd Prepares to Attack Barn, bnt Folia to Get tho Alleged Apparition. Rumors that there were ghosts In the barn belonging to John' Smith, brother of District Clerk Robert Smith, who lives at Twenty-eighth and Bristol streets, caused a small mob to form and attack the barn Sunday night. No ghosts were found, but Mr. Smith secured a policeman, who dis persed the crowd. Dr. W. S. Gibbs, brother-in-law of Mr Smith, formerly lived with him. In his collection of medical curios he had a skele ton. When he left he placed the bones In a box and hid them In the barn. Someone in the neighborhood heard that human bones had been found In the barn, then aome one else spread the report that on dark nlghta groans and cries for help such as ghosta usually make had been heard In the neighborhood of the barn. Sunday the men and boys In tha vicinity of the barn decided to make an Investigation. They gathered In force and pried open tha door, when tha polioeman arrived and scattered them. $8,889,685.13. Tha income waa divided up on trie different lines of the roada aa fol- Jowa: Biair, umana and South Omaha to .1 rreigm, $3,127,216.28; COLUMBUS The day set for the doings In the matter of the Young Men's association, Novemner Tl, nas neen cauea cff. as they were not ready, and it will be held the first week in December, and the way things look, it Is very doubtful If th?y can secure the busiest clergyman of Fiemont to Hastings Freight, $46,- Omaha. Bishop Nuelsen of the Methodist 7iitt River ir. r ii r-.-v,. Episcopal church. 881.84; passenger. $76 454 25 ' FREMONT The November session of Llnwood to Superior Freight $140- ,n district court met , thla morning with 934.18; passenger. $40,647.70 ' ' Judge Thomas on the bench. After the Hcrlbner to Oakdale Freight $178 - I opening of the court Judge Loom Is, on be. 8H0.40; passenger, $63,041.49. half of the local bar association, pro- Norfolk Junction to Bouth rnVnti sented resolutions in regard to the death Freight, $281,619.74; passenger, ..134- of Clark C. McNtsh and spoke at some tus.ui. i lenortn or tne cnaracter ana nign proce- . . . . I slonsl standlne of the deceased. - Hon. K. " " urur- F. Grey, president of the association re- a- rieunrijr oi oouin umana, wno I viewed at some lengtn ine long prores waa defeated for attornev reneral . slonal career of Mr. McNish and spoke es verv nod mnMriti ..,,h,n. peclally of his genial character and gentle very good, considering everything. To- mRniy "conduct while eraged In th. trial day he sent tha following telegMm to of cases. Attorney General Thompson, hla success ful competitor: Accept congratulations. Tour uniform courtesy a nd clean campaign roUr defeat ui its sting. In reply to the telegram of congratula tions aent by Governor Sheldon to Gov. ernor-elect Shallenberger, tha latter re plied, aa follows: I have your very kind telegram of oon JURY CALLS F0RMER MAYOR Bnlldlnr and Fornlahlnsr of Sonth Omaha City Hall Probed at Coart Hoaao. CLUB CORPORATION FORMED' Nine Members of Rod and Gaa Or ganisation Start Company to Bat Id Clnbhonse. A corporation with a ' capital stock of $nc,000,has been formed to build tha clb house for the Omaha Rod and Gun club at Cut-Off lake ajid articles were filed Monday afternoon with the county clerk. Nine members of the Rod and Gun club are the Incorporators. Three thousand shares of stock at a par 'value of $10 each will be Issued, of which 250 shares are oommon stock to be owned by the club. The remainder will be pre ferred stock, to bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The' preferred stock may be called In at any time by the club and when bought by the club may be re issued. The stock cannot be transferred to anyone not a stockholder In the Rod and Gun club without first giving the club a chance to buy It at par and accrued In terest. The organization will have a di rectorate of seven members, who must be stockholders In tha Rod and Gun club. Thoaa signing the articles ara Henry I. Plumb, A. F. Bloom, W. S. Sheldon, T. W. Werich. John A. Scott, J. B. Flckea, J. A. Boyce, A. p. Whttmore and Fred L. Good rich. INSANE WOMAN ATTACKS PRIEST Forcibly Removed from Chorea After Creating; a Scene. WATERLOO, Is., Nov. 9. (Special Tel egram.) Rev. H. G. Beeman, pastor of the Walnut Street Baptist church in this city, was attacked by an Insane woman last night while preaching. She hurled hymn booka one after another at the clergyman and had started for the pul pit, when overtaken. She said she would not leave the church alive, but was forci bly ejected. She la $0 years old. The choir began ainging to quiet the audience. Methods of transacting city business In South Omaha are being probed by the gratulatlons and wUh to thank you for county grand Jury In session at the court Unuad'" regaWrdtnd"UesteneCm.Ifam.y ySS?s ou.e. Former Mayor Hoctor. City Clerk very respectfully. GUlin and a number of other officials have Governor Sheldon this morning ap- I been subpoenaed. pointed John W. Stelnhart a member of It la understood that, as has already been the board of trustees of tha Omaha School done In Omaha, the grand Jury will go Into for the Deaf. The appointment la for rather deeply the business methods of a three years. Mr. Stelnhart la a democrat number of tho departmenta of the city ana is at present holding the place to government of South Omaha. Charges which he haa been appointed. W w i . Michaels, Stern & Co. Gothing Is fully recommended and for sale by The Bennett Comnanv have been made from time to time and considerable litigation has resulted from transactions alleged to have been Illegal. It Is aald the grand Jury will go Into a number of these transactions In order to get at the bottom of charges that have been made. It is said that questions were asked the officials covering the transactions relat lng. to the building and furnishing of the new city hall In South Omaha. Several Injunction sulta grew out of the building of the city ha'.l and at the trial of these caaea charges wore mads, by attorneys Broken Bow Has Jollification, BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. . (Special Telegram.) The republicans of Custer county held a rousing big ratification meet ing Saturday night at the Temple theater. The fun started at 7:30, when the republican drum corps, followed by aeveral hundred people, took possession of the streets and formed Into parade. There were rockets. roman candles and giant torpedoes galore, interspersed with all kltds of colored fire, and plenty of it. Immense bonfires were burning along the line of march, and the burden of everybody's cry was "Taft!1 At 815, Chairman Walter A. George of tha county central committee, and one of the national delegates to the Chicago con ventlon, called the meeting to order, stating that tha cause of all the noise was to do honor to president-elect Taft, whom he Every Afflicted Man and Woman r,a 1 " V!.,r" ,J J ... "J Should Take It a big Picture of Taft. waa dramatically Introduced and received with frantic cheers Thl" u a roP1 nom8 Wl now being by tha audience. Mr. Georae then Intro. ma known In all tna larger cities dued in succession County Attorney-elect lhrouh h newspapers. It Is Intended to Gadd. who made a brisk twentv.mln.... check tha many casea of rheumatism, kid- talk; Judge A. R. Humphrey, N. Dewlght ney na Dl(1ler trouble wnicn nave maaa Ford and -Ed Saulres. ,0 many cripplea and Invalids and weak lings of some or our nrignteat ana strong Abbott After Political Job. I eet people. TEKAMAH. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special.) The druggists here have been notified Superintendent N. C. Abbott, defeated can- to supply themselves with the Ingredients, dldate on tho democratic ticket for atata I and tha sufferer will have u trouble to superintendent, at tha solicitation of many obtain them. Tha prescription Is aa fol- frtenUs has allowed his name to go before I lows: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half Governor-elect Bhallenberger aa a candidate I ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce, and for tha auperlntendency of tho School for I Compound Syrup of Barsapartlla. three the Blind at Nebraska City. Mr. Abbott I ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bottle. Drnnken Spree Bnda In Harder. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Nov. 9. (Special Telegram.) A drunken spree in Oelwein early Sunday morning resulted In Frank Halen drawing a knife and nearly sever ing the head of George Bennett. Halen gave himself up to tha authorities, who spirited him away for aafe keeping. Tho dead man was a widower with five children. Orgranlse a Now Chnreh. WATERLOO, la., Nov. 9. (Special Telegram.) The eighty members who left the First Baptist church In this city last week met yesterday In the library auditorium to organise a new church, making three Bapttat churches in this city. Ninety-three attended Sunday achool. The First Baptist church also had a large attendance. Cement Workers Strike. WATERLOO. Ia.. Nov. 9 (Special Tel egram.) A strike by the foremen and forty employea on construction of the cement bridge In this clty across Cedar river will delay finishing tha structure several weeka. THIS SIMPLE RHEUMATISM RECEIPT ALSO SPLENDID FOR THE KIDNEYS The dose la one teaapoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Recent experiments prove this simple mixture effective In rheumatism, because of Us positive action upon the ellmlnatlve tissues of the kidneys. It compels these most vital organs to filter from the blood and system the waists impultles and uric acid which are the cause of rheumatism. It cleanses tha kidneys, strengthens them and removes quickly such symptoms as back-ache, blood disorders, bladder weak ness, frequent urination, painful scalding and discolored urine. It acts as a powerful stimulant to tha entire kidney and bladder structure. Those who suffer and are accustomed to purchaaa a buttle of medicine should not let a little Inconv. nlerxce Interfere with making thla up. . HALF-MINUTE STORE TALK ( On the hack of our sales checks wo say among ot,'v'!?,,,, "T'' quality goes Into our garment before the price gore on. .Thar consider only quality hen e are pricing our "''"""""r;,,,-. ance. without quality might h II you one garment but I i v bu 1. In t brln g yml back for the a.-cond one an.1 we are Just aa anxious to retain our trade aa we are to get It In tho first place. jswasraaoii if uv r rmi m rrr JJLv 9 THE NEW STORE 3 !7i-a)N Tht. HOrvit: OK QUALITY CLOTHE We are showing some xerjr a a nv w i I f frr- fki wr dr V F ff V f A Y A 1 1 KAL 1 1 V L. i L. 1 Lrtl These days; you couldn't possibly miss get ting one to ault you here but we call1 par ticular attention to those swell. ROMAN STRIPES For men who like dash of color, and those clrssy ii MONOTONE EFFECTS For men who want something In a figured silk of less conspicuous colorlugs. For Best Loaf of Bread it Baked with OILMAN'S GOLD MEDAL, FLOUR .1 IT. 1 If you use "GilmanV? you'll stand a better chance for the prize loaf than with any other flour. Contest closes Tuesday Evening, 5 o'clock. Have your "Gilman's loaf" in by that time. McCord-Brady Co. DISTRIBUTORS GILMAN'S GOLD MEDAL; FLOUR aasiisiajSMLJiit iuumiisiusB.iiiinma iwsmshsmp "'IMn1Hlllil iree irirBses DDODP Guess the number of cartons used in decorating our booth at the Pure Food Show and win a delightful and wholesome prize. Deposit your guess at our booth any time before 10 p. m. Friday. Prizes awarded Sat urday evening. Loose-Wiles Go. AT THE PURE FOOD SHOW" BryjmgnsaaiMissAMtwCTarg.. wwaiTnaT.TMHil torrn Coats FOR FvIEN The kind you can wear for dress, street or auto. Fancy mixtures or plain colors. Storm and military collars. SIO.OO to $35:00 OMAHA RUBBER CO. Ii 1608 Harney St. E. H. SPRAGVC. Pras. JVST AROVKD THE CORALS A TIXE TBItD HE9IEDY THAT NEVER EAILBJ. iprinkle's tlCAKAlTTEEBTO C'IBE OB SOBJET KEELNOED. Peerless Group Remedy What mother has not experlsaoad tha harrowing fear of eronp and saaay Sits bMD to tloiM when a hurry-up call wm sent for tb. phrslcluu to rell.. a lluls .uO.rer (row croup. Bat all tUI can ha obrlawd br kMulus a box of Srtaio'a erlM 4'ravi StiMdy In ths boats. Tbi. rsmsdf 1 fmm s prwriptloa f a pbr.tolan that bad Bftr rears aiusrieuos In praotloa, aod b claims that tbi rantsaf D.Ter failed him In caaes of eroup. Mprlnklr'a rrlrea t'ronp Btraavax U peenllar In Itaslf, as It Is aa sternal application, doing- awav wllb tbe neoe.itr of pourlug drag, down a fonog aaud. a praotloa that sbould not be indulged in aa long aa It can be avoided. Thl reruedr haa been sold for years on a positive (earasIM t mrm r.fc r nrtre of reiMvdjr rrfsindra. and I hereby author. to ali dealers to refund tiia prtoa wbera tbe remedy does not do all that la claimed for It. A safe and tare remedy for tbe euro of Cronp and tba relief of Coagha, Colds, Catarrh, A.tbBia. Whooping Cough and all kindred ritne.fco.. Vor .ale by druggiata, or mailed oa receipt of price, Ul ueuw, by I. A. srUDkLl., Villa reve. 111. Bee Want Ads Produce Results 1 0?.