Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1908, Page 2, Image 2
THE. OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1908. ag ) Joaf. SIS Dots F boats Genuine Underwear Warmth awaits the man who will profit by our suggestion and ex perience and be guided by both. We guarantee Superior Union Suits To be exactly tho kind of undergarments that their name Indicates superior In fit, feel, finish and fabric equal to any other union suit on the market at any price and way ahead of the majority of them. We will show, ysu WHY they are superior if you will come in on your way by. - - i All lea and styles In seasonsble weights and fabrics. . ITIce op from I.OO. ..... SPECIAL See Window of Belts Howard Street - Blankets and Comforters Cotton Blankets at 39c. 76c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.40 and $1.50 pair. Deacon Blankets at $1.76. $2.0. $2.60 and $3.00 pair. Wool BlanVets at $3.00, $4.00, $4.25 up to $25.00 pair. , Cotton Comforts at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 and $8.00 each. ? Wool Comforts at $3.00. $4.00, $6.00 and $6.00 each. .V Dow--Comforters at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. $9.00. $ .and up'to $26. 0(J each. Robe Blankets at 2.60v 3.oo ana sa.oo eacn. '..Crtb Blanltets at39c. 75c, $1.00. $1.60, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 .a4 ,44.59 ft&lrj , : . Crib Comforters at 60c and $1.25 each. The Art Department Is worthy of a look these days, as all the Christmas novelties are now on display. With Christmas only seven weeks off, wouldn't it be well to commence buying now.. Special showing of fancy work from abroad. FREE LESSONS In Art Embroidery every day from 2 to 5 p. m. All the newest stitches are taught by Miss Steenstrup, the expert needle artist. We would be pleased to have you join us on our second floor. Bargain Square .... Remnanas of Unbleached Reninanats of Serpentine Crepe RetfUiants of Flannelettes Remnants of Outtpg Flannel Remnants galore , Oiir Letter Box contribution on timely tuple invited. ' Wrtto legibly on on aid of th paptr only, with nam and addreaa appended. -Unused contribution will not b r- turned. Letters edlng 00 words will lb subject to being out down at tha discretion of th editor. Publication of . view of correspondents doea not com ' mtt The Bee ty their endorsement. ' As 'T'ontests in Congress. 'jBARTLEY, Neb., Nov. 7. To the Editor jsf ?h1f!H'4 In.kssjof, a contest In. the, fifth' dist rict and Anil ton' elected by a Jfew votea does he take his seat In con. - and tohe:te-vntil tha contest is proven, or would th one holding the aeat at Vriat Jtold, -Ave uatU bis prede Seaaor i waa- oattled Uk th contest T Where and when la tha contest made? Pies answer In Monday' paper. A BLBSCHiBER. i Answer There are npjioldoyars in con gress. ,T,h.apj?(lcant J1.1 certificate f. election Is nested as a member and the claimant must make his contest be fore the house committee on privileges and elections, whose report la later acted on by th ' whole house, excepting only the member Khoae seat is In question. FIERCE "TO PUT UP FIGHT 1" MasTnata Will Attempt to Srearo Release Writ of Habena Cornns. , Al'BTIN. Tex., Nov. . H. Clay Pierce, chairman of the board of director of Th Water-Plerce Oil company, la expected kero tonurow from his home In St. Louis to stand Wat on an Indictment which charges false swearing- when In 1900 h made affidavit that the Waters-Pierce Oh company was jiot connected with any trust and aecuced, lit. le-admlaaton to tha state. - Sheriff .Ucurxe Msllhews will await the coming ot MrT Pierce and hla special coun sel. U. , C- stalest of. Bu. Louis,, at his of floe, where Mr. Pierce will surrender. .Judge James H Kobertsun, associate at torney for the defense, haa been endeavor ing to arrange a bond. It Is understood District Btat Attorney Hamilton flrat agreed to one of 110,000 which waa agreeable i INVIGORATING .Contains the Bohemian " " ' 1 ' ' ' - ' 1 ' i r X- foody extract of malted barley. AN ' EXCELLENT THIRST QUENCHER Can be served by . drinks without a U. Government 1 ' license, as It contains less than 1-2 '"' " of one per cent alcohol by volume. TEMPO'? "IS . BREWED BY A SPECIAL PROCESS .-, .... . , , It Is esAlrrtj different in effect to nioet so called temperance beverages. It Is mellowed by ge; Is palatable, and agreeable to any stomach. DEALERS IN SOFT DRINKS SHOULD WRITE t'S TOR QUO vATlONd st ONCE. IT MEANS INCREASED SALES sod PROFITS jWrite STORZ BREWING CO., OMAHA, NEB. KtMt All Pepta. lad. AU4t. In Basement Muslin at 2c per yard.. . ) . , All at Oreat f Reductions. ............ J to the defense, but that afterwards Mr. Hamilton decided hat the amount was too small, and la Insisting upon a bond of 1100,000, to which the defense objecta. Not because of any difficulty In making It, but because It Is regarded aa altogether too large for the offense. On explanation offered why Pierce haa come to Texas to surrender so long before November S3, when Judge Calhoun will take up his crimi nal docket, -la that the defense Intenda to object to the amount of the bond and se cure a hearing on a writ of habeaa corpus. at which It will endeavor to hava th in dictment quashed on the ground that the facts are Insufficient to warrant' H.. t IN - MEMORY- OF DR. GILMAN Enloarfatle Addroaooa In Honor of Lata President of Josnn Hopkins by Prominent Men, BALTIMORE. Nov. S. A largely at tended meeting In memory of the 'late Dan iel Colt Oilman, formerly president of the John Hopkins university, was held In Mc Coy hall thla afternoon. Judge Henry V. Harlan, representing the trustees of the university and the hospital, read eulogistic resolutions and addresses were made by the British Ambassador James Bryce, United States Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte, PresiderX Ira Remsen of the university and others. Justice Brewer of tha supreme court of the United States, occupied a seat on th platform. - LABOR LEGISLATION DINNER President Roosevelt Issues Invitations to Prominent Men, KaeentlnsT Federation Officers. , WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. President Roose velt haa laaued Invitations tor notable "labor legislation" dinner ioK be held at th White Hous Tuesday, Nov mber 17. The guests wt'l Include many national lab tr organ'satlon rh'efa and sever il prominent j..dgee and ex cutlve of f e'als, but It is Un dfrs ood that Piesldent Oompers, Sec ret a y M rr'son. Vice President O'Connell and Treasurer Lennon of th American Feder t tion of Labor are not Included. Labor leg islation will b discussed. 1 Tou can build up your by using the Wee Want Ad columns. i" i iiiiiiiinii GUARANTEED UNDER THS PURE FOODS AND DRUGS ACT SERIAL N0.30II. NUTRITIOUS tonic qualities bi hops and the any dealer In soft COMPERS MAKES II IS REPORT President of Federation Work of Year. Disomies CAMPAIGN ON ISSUE OF JUSTICE Aim of tBlona Intprnva Standard of 1.1ft l.aat IsncrfH, He Sar, Palled to Hel Labor. DENVER. Colo.. Nov. .-8hortly after S o'clock thla morning the delegates to the annual convention of the American Federa. tion of Labor formed In line and marched to th Auditorium, wher th gathering was called to order. The exercises at this morning's session included addresres of welcome by Governor Henry A. Buchtel of Colorado, Mayor Robert W. Bpeer of Denver, George Hally for the State Federation of Labor, L. M. French for the Denver Trades and Labor assembly and J. T. Clepp for the Building council. Responae to the addresses was mad by Sumuel Gompers, president of the federa tion. At the close of the morning session the report of the committee on credentiala was made. DENVKR, Colo., Nov. S.-President Sam uel Uompcrs of the American Federation of Labor In hla annual report to the con vention here today aaid in part: "It la impossible to see how we can com ply with th court'a Injunctions. Shall w be denied the right ot free speech and tree prets s.mply because we are workmen? Is it th.tikabiu that we shall b9 compel.eU to suppress, refuse to distribute and kill for ail time to come the official transac tions of on of the great conventions of our federation? I opine not "Now It Is the American Federation of Labor and the Ameilcan Federation. si are enjoined from the exercise of the right of free speech and the purposes, and not even against workmen unless they am ingaged In a labor dispute. Such injunc tions have no warrant In law and are tliu result of judicial usurpation and judicial legislation, which usurp the plate of con gressional legislation and are repugnant to cuost.iutional guarantees. "In ail things in which workmen are en joined by the process of an Injunction dur ing labor disputes If those acts are crimi nal und unlawful there are already ample law and remedy provided. "Labor asks for no immunity for any of Its men who may be guilty of violence or crime. It has no desire to become a privileged class, much less a prlvl.eged class of wrongdoers. "Labor protests against the discrimina tion against workmen which denies them equal justice with every other citizen of our country. If any man of labor be guilty ot a violation of any law we contend tnat he should be apprehended, confronted with hla accuser and tried by a jury of his peers; that he, like all other citizens, be presumed to be Innocent until proven guilty. "Undaunted by opposition, no matter how keen or malignant, I recommend that we renew our efforts with greater energy and Insistence upon the passage of the principles contained in the Wilson and Pearre bill. "The aim of our unions la to improve the standard of life; to foster education and Instill character, manhood and an Inde pendent spirit among our people; to bring about a recognition of the Interdependence of man upon hia fellow-man. W aim .to establish a 'normal workday,' to take the chlllren from th factory and workshop; to give them the opportunity of the achool, the home and the playground. In a word, our union strive to lighten toll, educate the workers, make their homes more cheer ful, and In every way contribute the earn est effort to make life the better worth living. To achieve these praiseworthy ends, we believe that all honorable and lawful meana are both Justifiable and com mendable, and will receive the sympathetic support of every liberty-loving, right-think ing American. The American labor movement Is not partisan to a political party; it is partisan to a principle, the principle of equal right and human freedom. "When thla reports I being written, Octo ber 30, the immediate results of the elec tion of November S, -are, of course, un known, out this one fact stands out clear, and can never hereafter be disputed; that la, that th presidential and congressional election of 1908 has been contested upon the fundamental principles for which labor and liberty-loving citizens contend; that Is, equality befor th law, human freedom.' BREAD WILL GO TO CHARITY All Except Prise Winner at Pare Food Show to Be So Dis posed Of. All ot tl.e bread excepting the prlie-wln-nlng loavea, entered In the baking con test which will be held Tuesday a a feature for the fourth annual pure food show at the Auditorium, will be given to charitable Institutions. All organisation of charity deairlng to share In th offer may do ao by leaving word with Manager J. M. Oillan and letting him know the num ber of loavea wanted. The contest Is expected to be keener than the one last year on account of the larae amount of money offered as prises. At the third annual ahow about 1,000 loaves wer submitted, but this year It Is anticipated' that the entry list will embrace between 1.600 and 1.000 names. In all 3TS Is offered In prises; 175 by th Qroeers' and Butcher' association under whose at'sptces th food show Is given, and the balance in 1100 sums by T. C. Brunner St Son. Th Updike Mill ing company and the WelU-Abbot-Nleman company. The contest Is scheduled for to morrow, ana all contestanta must submit their loavea before 6 o'clock In the even ing Tha bread will be accepted from 10 o'clock In te morning until the hour of closing. The tusk ot Judging will b a teJloua one, and two or three days may bo con sumed by the experts who have been en gaged to pass upon the loaves. They will begin their work Immediately after the entrlea are closed at f o'clock. The second and last week ot the (ood show opens this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. continuing every afternoon and evening until Saturday aight. During th week sv eral new featurea which wer not aeen dur ing th first four days of th exhibition will be Introduced. Important among them will b the moving picture exhibition by th Cudahy Packing company. They will ahow Uf picture of every Important de tail of th killing and packing Industry, and th exhibition win ii .in... ta.iii.ig u, welK a Instructive. Th moving picture wilt b seen every evening during the week TO CI Hp A (OLD IK OXS DAT Take LAX ATI Vs. EROMO Qulnloa Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cur. B. W. GKOVU'S aignatur on eaca bng. . Corning fnyslcUkt Klllcn. CORNING, la., Nov. . tSpecial Tele gram.) Dr. 8. 12. Cottar of this city was inatantly killed this afternoon while trying a new louring car he had bought from a dealer at Lenox. II and th dealer, nautj tJsriict, er vut trying iut vr t Nature's Gifts, t' ... rt n I 1L. rrsm ins lecea ncaa ana inn .Wheat.two of tht greatest "tooa slue "plants Mother Earth tvsr fjrsw, h taniriactursd lbs meat perfect Limcheon Wafer in the snaps si ht Checotats Dipped C11IT Healthful, Dellclous Satisfying Nonrlshlnil Musclebuildind afals ffeTjpwAfrs when one of the front tires burst, causing the car to tip andthrowlng Dr. Cotter out. The running board struck him In the neck. Dr. Cotter was prominent here. He owned a drug store and was proprietor of the Corning hospital. SHOT DOWN IN STREET (Continued from First Page.) light was an accident. Mackey's employ ers, the firm of Hunt. Hill & Betts, de clared they could account for the tragedy only on the theory that Mackey waa In sane. Besides a revolver. It was found that Mackey carried a dagger and a alung shot. Mackey was , an Englishmen, 31 years old, and he formerly was employed In Boston. The shooting took place In the presence of Miss Dorothy Morgan, the 14-year-old daughter of the postmaster, who was ac companying him to the subway stntlon on her way to school. Mackey had been pacing up and down the sidewalk near th eornor of Broadway and One Hundred and Forty-sixth street for two hours be fore the shooting. When Mr. Morgan and his daughter left their home and walked toward Broadway, Mackey turned down the side street and mot them. Evidently he had never seen the postmaster before. for. as he met Mr. Morgnn he asked: "Are you Postmastor Morgan?" At Mr. Morgan's affirmative reply. Mackey drew his re volver and fired one shot Into the post master's abdomen. The wounded man fell to the sidewalk and, as two witnesses of the shooting came running up, Mackey lay down on the sidewalk, opened his vest and sent one bullet Into his head and another Into his hear. He was dead when the first msn reached him. Mr. Morgan was carried Into his own home; physicians were hastily summoned, and it was fiuim? ' that the bullet had merely passed through the fleshy portion of the abdomen for about eight Inches, In flicting a superficial wound. Mr. Morgan declared that he did not know Mackey and. never caw him before the shooting. It was learned that a man answering to Msckey's description had called at Mr. Morgan's home three times durlrg the last ten days In his absence. Mackey, the assailant,' had been In the employ of Hunt. Htland Betts, lawyers of 386 Broadway."' for' about four yeara He came , from jcnglahd nlixo years ago, worked for a t'tne.,0 Boston, and then came to this city;:: At the office where' he was employed In this city Mackey was heH in high esteem,-and his employers say they are completely at a loss to explain his motive. The only clue so far found which may have a bearing on the tragedy la contained in a number of letters found In Mackey's desk. Those Indicate that about a year ago he had complained to the post master that some of his mail had not been properly delivered. The correspondence was signed by ome pf the rcgulr.r depart ment clerks. . Mackey's employers say that so far as they knew he revet met or had any dealings with JPostmaster. Morgan Among papers found In Mackey's pocket was an envelope addressed to "Miss Anna Mackey, care of Training School for Nurses, Anna Jacques Hospital,, Newbury port, Mass." Th envelope was empty. A slung-shot and a dagger wer found In Mackey'! pockets. BOSTON, Miss , ' Nov. .-Erlc H. B. Mackey, who shot Postmaster E. M. Mor gan In New Yoik City today and then shot and killed himself, waa a son of H. W. B. Mackey of Cambridge, who is engaged in llteiary work. Mackey formerly lived In Cambridge, where he waa employed at the factory of the Boaton Woven Hos and Rubier company. He waa born near Dub hn, Ireland, and was about 16 years o d when his parents cam to Boaton. About six years ago he shot a fellow employe because of a fanc!e(T grievance . and after trial was adjudged Insine and committed to the Worcester asylum, from which he os. sped In 1C4. TRAFFIC OVER NEW ROAD Trains Begin Service Over Vtnta Divi sion of Western I'nclle Hallway. SALT LAKE CITY. Nov. 9-Trafflc over the Utah division of the Western Paciric railroad waa formally opened todjy when a mixed train, consisting of two passenger coaches, a baggage car and aeveral cars of m'scellaneous merchandise, left the Denver St Rio Grande station at o'clock for Its first trip over th new Gould road which is to be extended to the coast. The train will run as far as Shafter, Nev. The service will be tri-weekly only until construction work on th railroad west of Shatter Is further advanced. Jarta Fuller Critically 111. PIERRE. 8. D.. Nov. .-(SpH:lal Tele gramsThe Illness of Judge Fuller of the supreme court is today developing serious conditions and indications are not favor able for hla recoverey. Baby Laugh It belongs to health for a baby to eat and sleep, to laugh and grow fat. But fat comes first; don't ask a scrawny baby to laugh: why, even his smile is pitiful! Fat comes first. The way to be fat Is the way to be healthy. Scott's Emulsion is the proper food, but only a little at first. aovtkjasiint tosctasr with saot f ntptt la waka It Mwwt, ru( aidr i aa4 tarn cents I cocr sotuae. aa4 w wUl Mad roa a 'toctpfcU Handy Alut ( th WorU" ;i stgrr vownc, m p ri em, n vr X -s I.. . S"J xV mm CORN YIELDS OYER AVERAGE Department of Agriculture Gives Es timate of Year's Crop. TWO AND HALF BILLION BUSHELS Uaalltr Is Ter Cent, aa Com- pared with 82. a in 1907 and Ten-tear Average of 84.8 Per Cent. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9 An average yield of 2.J bushels of corn per acre and hi Indicated total production of 2,842,687, 000 bushels of corn are preliminary esti mates announced In the report of the De partment of Agriculture, Issued today, summarising corn and five other crops. The yield of corn per acre In 1907 waa 25 9, as finally estimated, and averaged 2S.t for ten years, while the production Is com pared with 2.692.K0.CO0 bushels, finally es timated In 1907. Quality of corn Is Ml per cent, compared with 818 in 1907, and M 1 ten-year average. About 1.7 per cent, or 71,124.000 bushels. Is estimated to have been In farmers' hands on November 1, against 4.6 per cent, or 130,996,000 bushels a year ago, and a ten-year average of 4.6 per cent. Th preliminary figures for Important corn states, giving In bushels th yield per acre and total production, respectively, as follows: Illinois. 31.8 and 294,80,000 buahela. Iowa, 31.7 and 2tl7,46t),000 bushels. Missouri, 27 and 203.txt4.ono bushels. Nebraska, tl and 205,77.0t bushels. Indiana. 30.3 and 137.836.O0O bushels, Texas, 25.7 and 201.848.IKI0 bushels. Kansas, 22 and 152,9011,000 bushels. Ohio 3 5 and 130.9U0.0OO bushels. Oklahoma, 24.8 and 122,239.tW) bushels. SUuth Dakota, 29.7 and 67,077.000 bushels. For other crops the preliminary esti mates, giving average yields per acre and comparlosns with final estimates for 110, and tor periods ot years, follows: Buckwheat Yield, 19.8 bushels, against 17.9 In 1907, and ten-year average of 17.8. Production, 16,648,000 bushels, against 14,- 19).U00 bushels In 1907. Quality, 90.7 per cent, against 87. J last year and 89.9 the ten year average. Potatoes Yield, 85.9 ' bushels against 96.4 In 1907, and ten-year average, 88.G. Produc tion, 274,660,000 bushels, against 297,942,000 bushels In 1907. Quality, 87.6 per cent against 83.8 last year and ten-year average of 87.8. Tobacco Yield, 826.2 pounds, against 860.6 pounds In 1907 and ten-year average. 797.6. Production, 629,634,000 pounds, against 698,126,000 pounds In 1907. Quality, 87.9 per cent, as against 90 a year ago and ten yeur average of 85.8. Rice Yield, 34.7 bushels, against 29.9 In 1907, and ten-year average of 30.6. Produc tion, 22,718,000 bushels against 18,738,000 In 1907. TAPPAN KILLS HIMSELF Man Prominent ta Steel Trade Com mits Suicide In New York Hotel. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. Walworth H Tappan, well known In the iron and steel trade ot the south and middle west, who lived In Louisville, Ky., blew his brains out tonight In the wash room of the Hotel Dvuy. a r.IU.. avenue uBle.r,. x n , report of the shot was heard throughout I the lower part of the hotel and created much excitement. Despondency over a nervous affliction, which was constantly growing worse. Is given by his wife aa th cause of Tap pan's ' act. Tappan a few years ago waa in the iron end steel business In Ken tucky. Three years ago he sold his In terest there and became attached to tha traveling staff of tha Chicago firm of Crane St Co. It was quickly established that Tappan's suicide waa not caused by financial difficulties, as he had recently made profitable stock investments and his friends told the police that he had always received a large salary. Mrs. Tappan told the police that a few weeks ago Tappan secured a long leave of absence from the firm with which he was connected and came here to undergo a course of treatment. He and his wife stopped at the Hotel Belmont until last Saturday, when rooms wer taken In a boarding house. Tappan was not registered at the Hotel Savoy and It Is believed he walked Into tha place when he determined to kill him self. "I feared my husband might attempt to take his life, so I watched him as closely as I could," said Mrs. Tappan to the po lice tonight. "I dreaded something of this nature might happen." LITTLE CHOLERA IN MANILA Statement by Merchants Say City la Practically Free from Tlngae, MANILA, Nov. .-The Merchants' ass i ciat!on of this city has issued the follow ing statement: Marlla Is reported by the health author ities to he practically free of cholera. Since November 1 In a population of near tne quarter of a million one rate dally haa occurred. These cases were found In out lying districts unusually visited by whites. The late visitation proves to be of a very l:ght character aince 1 beginning and In the month of July only twenty-two cases ainona the whit population. Of these but ten proved fatal. Ther is not a single case among the 1Z.000 city a achool children. Since the American occupation in 1898 the number of wultes 'n til Irlands attacked by chi lera Is .'47. Of these 128 esses were fail I. The majority of deaths occurred In 1!3 when there were 80,000 troops in the Islands and no preparations existed for protection from epidemic. Soldiers from Fort McKlnley and sailor from the Aslatlo snua'iron are now enter ing the city freely ana th rltisens ar anxious that Rear Admiral Bnerry will per mit them to carry out the plans for the reception of th Atlantic battleship fleet It these plans sre not carried out it It feared that a false, and hnrmful Impression will be given to tne woria or me sanitary condition of Manila which unquestionably Is better than that of any other city In the orient and probably unexcelled by any large cny ci tne woria. CONTRASTS ELIOT AND MORSE Lire of Edneator and Promoter Form Subject of Sermon by College President. BRUNSWICK, Me., Nov. . Th convic tion of Charle W. Morse, and the reslg ration of Charles W. Kllot, formed the subject of President William Dewltt Hyde's rhspel talk today to the students of Bow- doln college of which Mr. Mors Is a grad uste. He said: "You could not get a greater contrast than the Uvea of these two men one built on the aands of selfishness, the other built on the rock "of faithful service. The world Is th poorer and business is the mora precarious for the schemes of a msn like Morse. In elemerjtary. secondary, collegiate, graduate, legal, medical, theo logical and practical education, in industry, business government, morals, wa , are all richer, safer, happier and nobler for th work of President Eliot." Yankton ollr;e Herltal. YANKTON. 8. IX, Nov. .-(8pecUI Tele gram.) On Saturday evening- risk as sembly room was completely filled by an audience of Yankton college students and friends. The occasion wss a Joint recital given by Miss Carlta McEbrtght, Intsructor In elocution, and Mis E. Kern Smith, in structor In vole. Mtss IdcEbrlght read a variety of selections-some buruproui, some A THIRD ADVANTAGE In favor of Investing In our certificates rather than In ordinary loans, Is Third: An Investment with us Is a protection that no other corporation affords its Investors. That Is. we loan only on homes as a rule, with all loans repayable by the month, thereby Increasing our margin of security from the outset. An 'n" vldual or trust company loans money on real estate and condi tions may cause a depreciation In values In that locality; and ther Investor Is thereby tied to an ever lessening debt, While Ttyr association requires monthly reduction In principal. Depreda tion of property through lack of repairs Is offset in this sams way Besides the above, there Is the protection of state supervision.' Kesources, $3,150,000; reserve fund, $80,000. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n 1614 Harney St., Omaha. . ,: CEO. F GlLMOItE, Pres't. IT'S THE BtCST PLACU IN THE C1TV SOc Noon Day Lunch Grill Room FROM 12 TO 3 -. Hotel Rome pathetic, some reflective and In all sho showed a fine power of Interpretation. As the last number on the program, she and Dr. E. H. Valentine of Yankton gave a short comedietta, "An Evening Out." which delighted the audience. Miss McEhrlglit Is even stronger In dramatic work than in reading. Miss Smith, with Mss Amy Eller man of the Conservatory, as accompanist, gave three numbers. In even the short time Miss 8mlth has been In Yankton con servatory she has won high praise for her singing. She possesses a voice of rure power and sweetness, and renders all her selections in a very charming manner. DEATHREC0RD. nr. William II. Grafton. ti09 ANGEUK8, Cal., Nov. 8 Dr. Wil liam H. Grafton, .igcd 82. one of the proprietors of the West Coast Magnilne, Is dead here. Pr. Grafton Is well known all over the country and especially In Iowa, whore he practiced medicine for more than forty yeara. He was In the quarantine of fice at Baltimore for two years, and for several years was resident physician at Bellevue hospital, New York. Dr. Grafton has six children, several of whom live In Bonner, Mont. John W. Henderson. CEDAK RAPIDS, la., Nov. 9. -John W. Henderson, pioneer business man and poli tician, died last night aged 89 years. He served eight years In the Iowa state senate and had also represented Rock Island, Henry and Btarky counties In the h glla ture of Illinois, while a resident of that state. Mr. Henderson was a native of Ten nessee and a brother of General T. J. Hen derson. Mrs. Emily M. Brown. Mrs. Emily M. Brown, aged 63 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Callfas, 3006 Poppleton avenue, Sunday. She had Just arrived In the city to make her home with her daughter and! was sud- den, e,zed w,t a nem0rrhag9. Funeral ,,. , K ,,M of services will be held at the residence Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. MIhs Emma HI Icy. Miss Emma Riley, aged 25 years, died Panday morning of pneumonia,. She lived with her mother and sister at 850 South Twenty-fourth street. The funeral Is to bo held at the Jackson undertaking parlors. 1706 Leavenworth street, TuesJay nfternom ' at 2 o'clock and Interment will be In Forest i Lawn cemetery. I Mrs. Robert Greenwood. Mrs. Robert Greenwood of Nora d ed at ' an Omaha hospital Sunday. She came to ; the city two or three weeks ago to be treated for stomach trouble. The body Is ' to b shipped to Nelson Tuesday for burial. I (K.UHI.h4 1s7 Aa tabulation for Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Creaoltn Is a Boon to Asthmatics. Dun it sot mb Biurt afltt tlvt to bnalht it a rtratdy for dlartt of the brtmihlnf oigant Ihu M ItU tht Mmtdy Into th tlomacii t Cresolena curat btmunt th air, randsrtd strongly tttiviitio, it carrlod over tilt diMtted utftea with tvtrjr braatn, fi'lnf pruloagrd tod oonttant treatmmt. It la luT&luabla to Diothtrt with mall rhllditn. For irrttftlt'd ttiroat thert It nuiiitiiK t iw-r tutu Crrtotvnt Antltrpllo lUroM1ti,. Bond So In poittje for Miuplt bcttit. S Mend Dotttl lor da Cflpllrt BaokM. . Vapa-Crtlene Cw lflO Fulton HtrMfc. a n w X (1TB. SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes tt e toilet someth'ng to be en Joyed. It remsves all stains and toughncii prevents prickly beat an-i chafing, ant leaves the skin white, soft, healthy In tht bath it brings s glow and exhilaration whict do common soap ran equal, impart it g th rigor and life sensation of a mild Tutkisl nih At", rivr vr DrrnRTiTt -VunVw-", ECRTLJG THEATER. S "'aJi I'niCBo: 15c, ISc, 6oc. 75c. it ToniBl,oiajy-m The sunny Side MURRAY and MACK of Broadway..:; Three days, Starting Thursday, IN L E N A November, 1'2. :. MATINEE SATURDAY MISS BEULAH POYNTER SPEf'IAI, MAT1NKK FlllUAY Miss Bulsk foynttr la br at w production, SOMA THOSI." Nrit bunday Sf'TADDEST'S FLATS. 'PAUL V. KllIXS. Secy.1: sixteenth end Jackson St. What's Your Guess Every person who takes a meal at Tolf Kanaon's basmat restaurant may gueaa th number who I visit ther during th day. Th nearest guest wins a ratal book. (E-.try day this watt.) ' Toll Hanson's Lunch Room The rost nllra:tive, brightest, airiest and most economical luncb ruoui In Ouiitlia. a COMPLETE SATISFACTION IS THE AIM of The Schlitz Cafes 316-20 South 16th Street. ' HKHtew-'-- sISpAOel Simjea o etn tn croij Sunrntai ut ptmot uiitau o tnotiht pooj it 3tittans Aus ioj dsaiQ 00'0OOI$ AMUSEMENTS. Boyd's Theater TOMtiHT Tuenrfay, Wednesday Matluce WeduesUay.wi Llebler & Co.'s J'roductlon The Man from Home HUDAV AM) SATlItDAY Matinee Saturday. 1'rincess Amusement Co. (Inc.) 1'rcNcnt the ' Honeymoon .Trail Harry Stone and Company of 00 .Next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Tuesday Matinee. CHARLES ntOHMAN Presents William Collier iu iiis Farce - -PATRIOT ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee every day, 2:16;' every night, ,1:15. "A Night on a Houseboat," Edwtn holt Co.; Mabel Klnclalr; Doleat'h & Zlllbauer; Carroll & Baker; Pertlna, lCspe, Uuttoa & Espo and Klnodronie. ; ' . . PRICKH 10c, 2fc WW. rams lannaM mental Song. 150S) Znd, m X-1508. Second Week of MATS. TUBS.. Turns. SAT. David Helaaco's Famous Flav TUB OIRI. OK Tills puruin lUOI.DKN WKdT Ti:la-j:iJ Hpecli.l Feature: j.iat Sun., The I'rnfetaur'a lve 8tor TONIQKT EIGHT COWCr TEMPLE ISRAEL A ath Arenna and Jackson . ' "HOLLAND AND THE ART OF JOSEPH ISRAEL? Illustrated lector by of. A. 8. tsaaci 7ic. Tickets for sale. -at Mn.lellu-rir'M. M ek'M t II H Owl DrU CO.. j Klitrinun i McCoiiiiell'a, RIVERS TBI PAUQaTTMS r in i - i maiiM I auditorium v ; I FUF.E FOOD SHOW ; I I Afternoon and Evening I Fine Music and Vaudeville g Admit tion! Adults 83c; Chillrta lBe.9 X Bj Hpecla, commutation tickets a all H w PI I'm.... ami Hill, 'liui'l '.., M V A. " 'I" ' J v CXEIGHTOW 1 '. V. ( 1 i