Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Xncreaied Travel Compels Northwest
ern to Add New Train.
Railroads Already Are Reaasalaa;
f.arajvir AptlvltlM Place Ike
tlaaaJ Cleetlaa Heaale4
goaad Baalaeaa tide.
lncreaaed proprtty and Increased !
aener traval hava forced the Northweatern
to put an a new train between Omaha and
St. Paul and Minneapolis. So heavy has
become the travel to and from the north
that the two trains that have been In
service for some lime were not able to handle
the business and next Sunday a new train
will be put In service. The new train will
be known as the St. Paul and Dakota train
and will leave Omaha at 6:46 p. m. and
arrive at Sioux City at 1:10 p. m. It will
carry the Kansas CIty-8t. Paul sleepers snd
the Aberdeen sleepers and coaches. The
limited trsln will leave Omaha at . p. m.,
arrive at Bt. Paul at 1:20 s. m. South
bound the new train will leave Sioux City
1M a. nv.snd arrive at Omaha at 11 i. m.
Actual railroad work In the west has
beitun since Teft's election and much con
struction which had been held In abeyance
will soon be under way. Actual work has
begun on the Rio Orand In Salt Lake City
auid actual work la being: pushed harder
than ever on the Gould Western Pacific.
It Is expected the Orefon Short Una will
be double tracked between Salt Lake City
and Ogden early In the spring. Another
Improvement looked for around Salt Lake
City In the spring Is a system of Interbur
ban lines which Mr. Harrlman has been
contemplated for soma time.
New Freight Rales.
Western railroads are Issuing the new
freight rules which will goven under the
new uniform bill of lading order of the
Interstate Commerce commission. The
Harrlman lines have Issued a circular In
which It Is stated that all western roads
aro In accord. Effective the first of the
month, all ronslgnmonts In less than car
load lots must be marki-d plainly on each
Individual piece of freight.
The uniform bill of lading Is now effec
tive on all western lines. Concerning this
move the' "Freight Bulletin" says:
"l'pon'tlif recommendation of the Inter
state Commerce commission which was
made after public hearing of the matter,
at which all Interests were given an op
portunity ef 'being heard. the carriers
will, on anil after November 1. adopt a
new uniform bill of lading, combined with
a new shipping order. If the shipper elects
to ship under the terms and conditions
of the uniform bill nf lading and shipping
order, the rtites In the official clHSBlflca
tlon will apply. If the shipper elects to
not accept the -uniform bill of lading and
new shipping order the property so carried
will be st the carriers' liability, limited
only as provided ly common law and the
laws of the TniteJ States but subject to
the conditions of the uniform hill In so
far ss they are not Inconsistent with such
common carriers" liability and the charge
therefor will be ten per cent higher (at
the rato of one Icent Increase per ICO
pounds), than the rate charged for prop
erty shipped sublect to all the terms and
conditions of the uniform hill of lading
and shinning order."
MrAlInater Goea e fnnmt.
B. A. MeAllaster1, land commissioner of
the Southern Pacific and formerly land
commissioner of the Union Pacific, left
Monday, with his family, for San Francisco,
where he will have his headquarters. He
has secured a house in Oakland, where he
will reside. Mr. McAUaater has about
7.O0P.0OO acres of land belonging to the
Southern Pacific which he will try and
dispose of during tha next few year.
This work will' be of a similar nature to
that started by the Union Pacific about ten
years ago and similar plana will be fol
lowed out. An effort will be made to sell
this land to actual aettlers and thereby
furnish more producers of traffic for the
Harrlman Hnea. k
Mr. McAUaater had Just returned from
Chicago, -where he went to confer with
Vice President Cornish, who died there
suddenly. -
Speculation Is rife In railroad circles as
to the probable successor of W. D. Cornish,
the vice president of the Union Pacific,
who died In Chicago Saturday. Mr. Cornish
had special work all the time, work out
of the ordinary lines which required a man
of special ability,' and his place. It Is con
ceded, will be hard to fill. He came to the
Union Pacific when the road was taken
from the hands of the receivers.
J? k 4 b i "i
Such extraordinary bargains in
ostrich plumes will probably never
occur again in Omaha. You should
select several for your needs in the
Ostrich Plumes
There are thousands of the highest class ostrich
plumes in this stock which we are offering nt price con
cessions positively amazing. There never was an ostrich
plume sale like this in the west.
15- lnch Plumes, worth 2.25.
16- inch Plumes, worth $2.98.
at $1.79
16V4-lnch Plumes, worth $3.75,
at $2.12
1 6 4 -Inch' Plumen, worth $4.25.
at $2.87
15- lnch French Tips, worth
18.60. at $5.75
16- inch French . Tips, worth
$12.00, at $7.19
Big Sale of Sample's
Ladies' h.nd Misses'
These are high' grade tailored skirts, in plain blues,
blacks, browns and mixtures beauti- $ f O
fully trimmed and newest styles for
fall; positively worth up to $10.00, at.
17- inch Plumes, worth $5.00,
at $3.49
18- inch Plumes, worth $5.75,
at .... $4.25
18-lnch PlumeB, very wide, worth
8.50, at $5.75
18 -inch Plumes, very wide,
worth $12.00, at $7.19
Long Willow Plumes, worth
' $13.50. at $8.09
Long Willow Plumes, worth
$16.50. at $10.75
SKIRTS a.. 398
Embroidery Sale
Fine wide embroideries in choicest new designs of
nainsook, cambric and Swiss 18-inch flouncings,
skirtings and corset cover width worth 35c and
50c a yard ; at, yard 15c and 25c
Extra Special Bargain
Dress Goods
Regular $1.50 and $1.00
quality, all wool dress
goods, in 15 different
weaves and patterns
all the newest shades,
on big bargain A Q
square at . L
Silk Sale
Black and colored silks
at big reductions 27
and 36-inch Peau de
Cupid, taffetas, hair
stripes and checks, etc.,
worth $1.00 a JO
yard, at, yd., . ,J
Play Protee So Popular Bur wood
Ran It for Oum More
Tha "Olrl of the Golden Wet" haa en
tered with complete aurceaa on the second
week at the Burwood. The declalon to play
It another week was reached through tho
double motive after the fashion1 of the
politician who would at once aave the coun
try and alao get in office hlmaelf. "Sav
ing the country" In thl caae la the satia
fjrln the popular demand from the many
who have yet not been able to secure stars
tor the attraction; the "getting into office
la- the not' unnatural drulre. to reap the
olden liarveet which the box office li
Betting through the favor accorded to the
offering. , Tl) company la giving an even
more .satisfactory perfqrmanct . than laat
week. Remarkably finished ai was the
tha.aqtlng on the opening nights, yet the
opportunity to atuy further the varloua
roles,, bu profited every member of tho
company., Strong aa the statement may
sound, tboae who saw Blanche Bates and
yrtuik Ivtenan n, the ly when flrat staged
by Belasco are among those most enthusl
Ale over the acting of Miss Killot and Mr,
Todd .In. the roles of the Ulrl and the
Sheriff. Th test Is even more critical for
the latter, for Jllaa L'lllot was certain to
give pleasure In a role so full of opportunity
while Mr. Todd's work In this comparison
Is set against what is admittedly one of
the moat rernarkabl pieces of character
acting In recent yeera.
The New Magic Curlers
Most popular curler ever sold. Your hair waves and
curls in a few minutes. See them in our Notion Dept.
2 on a Card lOc 5 on a Card 25c
vn Hta'n'Rti'Ji -i:b ' fli n a b h b b a m vj
nv ii ) vi I I Mi
Winter (Quarterly Htylo Uh and any 15c
liatlleV Homo Journal Pattern.
mid any 15c I
20C J
g Omaha's Greatest Dress Goods
Another day for those skirt and suit lengths of finest im
ported fabrics from our late big purchase. Never such bar
gains in all Omaha before. We do not cut the pieces.
$3 and fS.BO (roods $2 and $2.50 rood ft to 91.50 goods
88c 69c 48c
A Striking New Suit in Very
Latest New York Fashions
Came In Saturday. Made of broadcloth of very nice quality. The
coats are extremely long, 4 0-lnch garments, with large lapels and
large flap pockets, placed very low; all the trimming on them Is large'
velvet buttons. Their very simplicity, combined with the rich ma
terials and the extremely fashionable lines upon which they are de
signed, makes, them the mo3t popular of the late season's styles.
They have coat skirts or regular styles, with wide pleats -xef
or plain; colors, navy, brown, catawba, smoke, etc., '
Two Fine Tuesday Bargains in
the Shoe Department
' Lincoln Wholesale Stock on Sale
Half and Less Wholesale Price
Another week of the greatest bargain giving sale event ever
known to Omaha. You cannot afford to miss one day of the sale.
See the Magnificent Jewelry Bargains Tuesday.
New Lots of
Winter Under
wear at less
than half
See the great
bargains In
Men's Crown
Shoes, at
$1.98 & $2.59
SLIPPERS 350 pairs of broken
lots of ten different lines, includ
ing boudoir slippers with pom
, poms, strapped and lace house
slippers; soft, easy hand turns;
worth $1.00, 11.25, 1.50 r i
and $2.00; choice.
ii nil-
Patent colt laced or button shoes,
with extension soles and Cuban
heel, genuine Llnax $3.00 shoe;
also Lawrence's gun metal laced
calf $3.00 shoes,
New Tapering
Waist Models..
Think of it! Only seventy-nine cents
for a new tapering waist corset that con
forms perfectly with; the newest dress
ideas. It doesn't seem possible and we
ask you to come and see it and satisfy
yourself it's all we say it is.
It's a Genuine $1.25 Value.
It tapers beautifully and is built with
extended hips. It's cut bias and gored,
is made of extra quality sterling cloth as
well as a fine grade of batiste, which
ever you prefer. Has supporters front
pnd side. Remember it's a regular $1.25
corset. Tuesday special, 79c
Special.-?nTffi;c. Canned Goods
COSH, "Best We Have"
quality,; alwsys sells
at ISHc; Tuesday at
3 cans for. ....... .890
Imtci. rirst rhrlstUa lharrh G
t L.a.ra Ob In Trrrm
Rev. a P. Putchwr of the First ChrlstUa
church: reslgqsd his pastorse Sundty to
accept tti pas tors of th Central Chris
tian church at Terra. Haute. Ind.
Rov. Mi. lutcher has filled the pulpit
of Umi local Christian' church for th last
f It years and his severance from those he
tiaa known so Ipnf haa brought forth many
azpreaslons of regret. He will leave Omaha
on January' 1. to tak charge of his new
appointment.. The pivsent membership of
tha Terra Haute church numbers 1.200 and
a ITO.OOo structure will be built early In th
spring- to accommodate the Increasing mem
bership. The Klrst Christian church of this
city was built under th pastorsge of Rov.
Mr. Ducher.
A TtU Kelts-
of th functions of stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels Is quickly disposed of with
Uectrlo Bitters. tOc. For sale by Beaton
Drug- Co. '
By using th vartou department sof The
Want Ad pages you get th bt re
sults at tha' leant expns
Weighs Boo ponnas and baa th heating power of a furaae.
It Is made In six part so that one man can Hrt It up or take It down or move It.
It will lifat an eljjlit-room huuie up and dwn stalls una keep it warm day and night
It Is a third larger than the larext size vt any other Bane Burner, but the size Is sot
the feature, of the stove The feature of the btove In what It w ill do. This Is what
It will di on a practical test with any other Hae Burner. It will heat thirty per
cent more room with the same fuel unci ilimrilnite the heat, or in other words equal
ize th temperature better all over the house than any other Base Burner. The rea
son it will do this Is because it has a double babe, a double heating, ventilating and
circulating system in one stove which no other Hhhh Burner lias. It takes the foul
air from the rooms and carries it out of doors through the pipe snd chlmnev. It
brings fresh air from out of doors Into the rooms heated by means of a pipe. 'Read
below what people who are uolng It say about Jt. We sell it on small monthly pay
ments, or a cut price for cash.
Mrs. Ryan, 2J1J South St . says: "Vo heated six rooms all last winter and
kept them warm day and night with Uhh than three tons of coal. Our other Bane
burner, notwithstanding that it was one of the larnest and most expenulve, would
Dot beg In to do the same work with evtn a tori more coal."
lira. Nelleon, 3512 Charles 8t . say: We heated two rooms upstairs and four
down stairs all lat winter and keit tlo-m wai rn all the time with two and a half tons
of coal. Our other stove burned three and u half tons and then did not keep us warm."
THE GTOETZEL STOVE CO., 714 South lGth Street.
WAX IB All 8 Ben
nett's "Capitol," regu
larly 15c, Tuesday at
a cans for a So
Have," wholo fruit,
large cans, for....!4o
riirXAPFI.Z Strait's
pineapple cubes. uhusI
price 20c, at a cans 3Se
Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound
Coffees roamed daily alwayB fresh.
Teas, assorted, per pound
Pepper, Bennett's Capitol, can
Pancake Flour.- "Bennett's Capitol," pkg
Full Cream Cheese, pound
Burnham's Clam Bullion, can
Wonder Wax, for laundry, six for
Rub-No-More Washing Powder, six for
Bennett's Bargain 8oap, ten bars for
Tea Slftlngs,. pound
I":b:"B: ::
nett's "Capitol," In
cluding 10 stamps, at
3 pkgs. for. 85o
18c cans, "Best We
Have," only 8 cans 85o
38c and SO green stamps
58c and
lOo and
llo and
300 and
85o and
85c and
16o and
green stamps
green stamps
green stamps
green stamps
green stamps
10 Kreen stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stamps
Three Dollars and Fifty Cents
buys good fair weight set of sterling silver spoons,
tip-to-date patterns. We have them In heavier weights,
ranging around 14.00, $5.00 and $6.00. Our store Is full
of Christmas gifts. Look for the name.
; S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
itia bovolas nun
. Palnlens Extracting 500
Crowns, up from.. $3.90
, Partial Plates, up
' Filling, up from
Porcelain Fllllug.i,
up from , . $1.50
Bridge Work, per
tooth, up from $3.50
Nerves removed with
out pain.
Ai.YEOi.Am womx
Work guaranteed ten
that you have a tooth that needs at
tention at once, la the peculiar sensa
tion that la felt when It comes in con-(
tact with hot or cold food.
The enanifl is gone and the most
sensatlve part of the tooth la becoming
exposed. That la .sufficient warning,
and plan to rail aa quickly as possible.
FILLINGS 75c up.
' CROWNS 5.00
Taft's Dental Rooms
Gold Silver and Nick Je
" meslstsrs. 9
Kef La tars.
Brass Beds, Oas Fixtures and Tabl War.
BteplaUd aa ITsw.
All Kinds of Repairing
igk. All K
epairing we.
Neatly Done. 1 I
Established 193
1830 Xar&ay Btraet
Telephones Doaglas 1535 s Auto.
Shoes for
and Misses
y At no time in life la It as nec-
iessary to see that the shoe fits
s when . the foot Is growing
pknper shoe fitting is a science
w'V have mastered from our
elgtjte-n years In business In the
satire location.
Besides the proper fitting we
use or heat Judgment In select
ing leathers and when we offer
you a mjsses' or child's shoe you
can absolutely depend upon th
value being there.
Our plump kid and light bog
calf shoes for' school wear have
the desirable extension soles for
winter wear and are In button
or lace.
Children's Sizes, 8c to 11 , . $1.50
Misses' Slzss,, 1H to 2 . . . $2.01
Yung Women's Sizes $2.50
These are our beat values and
decidedly the best In Omaha.
Drcxcl Shoe Co.
Bole agents for Omaha.
Embroideries ,T Lincoln Wholesale Stock
Several immense new lots added to Monday's majrnif icent assort
ment. There never was a time before when such charming as
sortment and beautiful quality was offered at such prices; per
yard -SHC, 5c, 7C and 10c
Marvelous Skirt Bargains Tuesday
Entire stock of a prominent New York
manufacturer was secured by our
buyer at a small fraction of their
actual worth . The first shipment, in
cluding all styles and colors in fine
Panamas and fancy mixed materials,
has just been received, many skirts
in the lot worth to $10.00? and all of
them bargains, surpassing any ever
before shown in Omaha at Q Q Q C
sale price ObiUv
Silk Underwear Free
To every purchaser of one of our reg-
ular $8.90 voile skirts, elegant qual
ity garments, trimmed with folds and
bands of taffeta, we will give free of
charge one of our best $5.00 6ilk petti
coats, made of guaranteed taffeta and
every one warranted for wear a one
day sale, only, and the most daring
bargain offer ever made in Q C Q C
Omaha; both for. . ? ....... MU-UW
Special Underskirt Offerings
$2.50 Heatherbloom Underskirts, 20 dozen in
the lot for selection for this one day; your
choice $1.25
Regular $1.50 black sateen underskirts, 15
dozen in the lot for selection; choice, 69c
Several magnificent bargain offerings in
Tailor Suits and Coats for Tuesday. You can
readily save from $3.00 to $8.00 on your coat
or suit. Investigate, it pays.
Extra Specials in Our Great Domestic
Room Tuesday
10c Towels ......
13c Towels
12c To wis
10c Towels
23c Blue Sheet Inffs
12 He Silkoline, 86 inches wide,
at, a yard
Full Standard Prints
Dark Outing Flannels
Arnold's celebrated Flannelettes,
at, a yard
Arnold's Wrapper Cloth
Amoskeag Outlnjr Flannel
Remnants of fine Wool Dress
25c 39-. 49". 75c and 98-,
up to $3.30 a yard.
Time Sales in the Domestic Room
From 8:30 to 9 a. m.
Farmers' Choice,' the finest 10c mus
lin ever put on the market, full
bleached, 10-yd. limit, at, a yd..5o
From 9:30 to 10 a. m.
Amoskeag Outing Flannels, dark and
light colors, regular price is 12 He,
10-yard limit, at, a yd.. ...5c'
From 2 to 2.30 '
12-4 Blankets, extra large and heavy,
worth $2, two pair to a customer,
at, a pair V.v . . , ..98s
From 3 to 3:30 p. m. v
124c Normandy Dark, Dress Ging
hams, fast colors, 10-yard limit, at,
a yard , . . . . . -3c
Groceries, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables
On account of the extra volume of business Monday we, were
unable to wait on all our customers, so we decided tq continue
Monday's sale Tuesday. . . '" ' :
The Daily Club
Fifty Daily Newspapers
Circulation over 2,500,000
The fifty daily newspapers belonging to tha
Daily Club combined have a total circulation of
over Two and One-Half Million Copies per day.
They cover most of the United States from
Boston to San Francisco and from Chicago to
Houston, Texas.
On a reasonably large contract the rate for
advertising in these fifty daily newspapers is four
dollars and seventy-seven cents $4.77 per agate ,
line about three-sixteenths of a cent per line
per thousand circulation.
And the circulation is just where you want :
it and where it will do the most good.
If you manufacture goods for general coa-'.
sumption, think this over and write us. . .
901 W.rld Building
Bee Want Ads
Produce Results