Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1908, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1903. 10 Want - ads AtrertiMaaeaits for the waal rolaasaa will fee aka aatl IS se. the areata edlfloa and aatll - a, tor tka saoralasr l lir 4ltlaaa. Cask mil aeeesapauar all orelera far waat eas aad aavertleeseeat will ka eeeeptea for less tkaa lO seats (a first laaertlea, RalM apply eltaer The Dally a Baa. Alwtfi aoaat al words ta a llaa. Coaaklaatlena af taltlala or aaaabara ratal aa aaa ward. CASH RATES TOR WAJtT ADS. REOULAR CLASSIFICATION laaarllaa, per llaa, lO seats. Two a mora eoaaeeatlro laeertleaa, ar llaa, 6 ceata. Back laaartlaa naada aa odd days, 10 eeata par llaa. SI. BO par llaa par aaaatk exeeptlac tkat FIR5ISHED ROOM ADS, wkaa aeeaaapaalad hy cask, tka rata will kai Oaa laaartlaa, 4 eeata per llaei tkraa or el eoasecatlre Inser tion, 8 eaata par llaa rack lnaertloa even ar aaora eoaaecatlve laaartloaa, 9 eeata per llaa aack laaertloaf BO eaata par llaa par month. Waat ada far Tka Baa mar ke left at ur af tka fallawlag draa; store aaa la rear "eoraer draa;let" tkay are all kraack affleea for Tka Bra and roar ad wlU ke laaerted Jaat aa prompt!? aad aa'tka aama rataa aa at the mala afflca la Tka Baa Balldtoc, Seventeenth aad Faranaa atraetai Albach. W. C, toth and Farnam. Beranek, 8 A., 14(4 8. lth 8L Hecht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16lh Bt. Benenn Pharmacy, Benson, Nek. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, tea Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. R . 6th and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 22U Military Ave. Contc, J. B., Hat Ave. and St. Crissey pharmacy. J4th and Lake Sta. Ceiinak, Km II, 12t4 B. 13th St. Khlera, B. H iin'i Leavenworth Sb Foster Arnold, 211 N. 26th Bt. Freytag, John J., ISM N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th at.4 Lake Bta. Greenough, G. A., 1025 8. loth Bt. Greenough, O. A., 1624 8. 10th Bt. Hayden, William C, 2920 Farnam St. Jlanacom Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 28th St Holat, John, 624 N. ltttli St. Huff, A. U, 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. K. 8., 2838 Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 26o4 N. 24th St. Patrick Drug Co , 16of N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charlee E-, 1824 N. 24th St Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth Bta. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th Bt. and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., llth and Chicago Sta. gchaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cummg Bta. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. BROWN Emily M age 61, . Sunday, No vember 8. 19i. Funeral Tuesday. November 19. 1908, at 2 p. m., from residence of her daughter. Dr. Jennie Callfas, Soon Poppleton avenue. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. HATTNDERB Mra. Annie. Age. 61 years. Funeral Wednesday morning, November 11. at 8:15 a. m.. from Heafey A Heafey's undertaking rooma to the Sacred Heart church at Twenty-aeoona ana uinney streets. Interment, St.. Mary a cemetery MARRIAGE HCEFSES. The following marriage licensee have been Issued: i.aine and Realdence. Age. Ealvalore - BelfWe, Omaha fct Oulseppa Dlmare, Omaha.. IK laa'iah Jackson Omaha 32 Addle Perry, Omaha S3 Alfred Waller, Omaha , 48 Maggie Johnson, Omaha 40 Lous Peterson, Omaha. 22 Aima Janeen, Oraalia....... 20 Ull!am R. Smltn. Omaha....... 80 liglnlu Mahallck, Omaha 18 Arrlde C. Annis, Omaha.... 22 Anna Berg, Omaha 23 lewla Taylor, Florence 24 MiLbel Freeden, Florence 18 I:ay Pllsenberger, Shenandoah, la 21 1.1. 1a Uoodell, Shenandoah, la it BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha Jamea Daly. Fiftieth and Frank lln, girl; J. A. Patterson, 3416 Larlmore avenue, Doy; J. H. Shields, 2ai Caaa, boy; Heri;rt Thurston, 241" South Twenty-first, boy Nfthan Zucker, 2&d South Sixteenth, girl. Deaths Ro- B. Downs, Fiftieth and Mili tary avenue, ft; John P. llama, 814 North Seventeenth, 66; Oscar C Beck, 2714 Rug glea, 22; Ida M. Cummlnga, 2V24 Blnney, ai; Rutherford B. H. Rivers, 706 North Tlilrty kecond, 10; Del vert Stevetia, 18U6 Olilo, 1 month. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Hia. Tel. Douglas 1SS7. U-665 B'.ON PAINTING B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. (l)-tio Medical Swedish Movement Treatmnnt as given at the Blomqulst mas sage parlor la highly recommended by the leading physicians for the many ob stinate and stubborn cbronlo diaeaaes. Wo develop and beautify the face and neck. This Institute la equipped with muuein appliances, X-ray electrical vi brators, mc; also give osone. electrical and vapor bath treatments. 2J0-214 Pax ton Block, 'Phone Douglas lyo. Ul M288 D2 EXPERIENCED accountant, will open or vioae books. Addreaa L 7i7, care Bee. tlJ-Mawl AUTOMOBILES BEND for our Uai of aecond-hand auto mobiles. DER1UHT. IMS Farnam. W-667 THREE one-ton commercial automobiles; prices. Sltuu, t60 and I1.2U0. Apply W. 8. Balduff, 1622 Farnam U (2) 6S (END for list of 2d-uand cars. Coit Auto- aaoone Co.. j.d farnam St. (21 M210 30 FOR BALE. Second Hand Automohllea. 1 large touring car; top and full equipment. i vi rtoisinan wiin top. 1 '08 Hulaiuan Demonstrator. 1 Olda runabout, 1136. Brlca P. Kuhn, 1812 Harney 9:. 2 M740 10 BARTER AND EXCHANGE WHY pay more, when you can buy or ex. change fur ajiy part of Su.uuu acrea of beauuful. level, black, prairie land, close to the railroad In Texaa, at from 810 ta Ilk aa aerer Aganta wanteo. Addreaa N Halsey, 6Si Mouadaoca, Chicago. J-M878 It TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! W handle trades exclusively. On oommls skn only. Do not iusw,r unless willing to pay ly per cent commission. If willing list with us. Uulck deal certain. No charge for Hating. No matter how large or small your d-al, Hat with ua for quick returns. ABBOTT REALTY CO.. 414 ttraadeui ttlug., Omaha. i3 3t LOT tk block 4, Bedford place, to trade for horaea. Inquire IdcUachron Coal office, autu aaa lat. n MiJt ltx LIST your exchange properties with ua We can gat or give you a deal at once We have a large liat of exchanges and no doubt have Just what you desire. Write us. Land Department. Real Estate Title- Trust CO., Omaha. Neb. tl M7tl 10 1 OWN- hte-h-eleea driving" team, which will trade for aa SHtomobiie worth not more 'then 61. SO Will ray difference, if any, Ui caan. Pont orter old trapa. .Addreaa B UH. care Bee. wornout ' - i (J)-M57 14 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE Business slid furnishings of ten room rooming and boarding houses; rooms all occupied; will sell cliesp. P. O. Box lus. Llncvlu. Neb. tt)-Mv4 llx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) TO GET In or out of business nail oa GANUESTAD, Room 408, Bee Bldg. (V)47 WANTED-Oood lira partner In land busl n,M. Kiddle Realty Co, 646 Branriels Bldg. 4 M611 lOx MUST BETLL QUICK. At seventy-five rente on dollar, clean, tip-to-date stock of hardware and queensware of fifteen thooaand dollars. Ixing estab lished trade and a money maker. Must be aold quick. Wire or call. J. R APKINS, Room 4, Flrat Nat l Bank Bldg., Council Bluffa, la. 4)-M47 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Will buy atrlctly up-to-dnte atock of hardware and queensware of fifteen thou aand dollars. No better established busi ness In F.aetern Nebraaka. Muit go quick, ("nil or wire J. R. Adklna, Room 4, Flrat Natl. Back Bldg., Council Blutfa, Iowa. (4) M478 FOR SALE or trade, bakery and confec tionary, doing good business In good Iowa town. Addreaa T-10, care Bee. (4) M504 13x DRUG storea for sale everywhere. Knlest, New York Life Bldg. (4)-659 DO YOIT to buy or rent a hotel or a good meat market, or a large or small blacksmith and wagon buslneasT Let me know what you have to sell or trade, or what you want to buy. I have It. A. Warner. Harvard, Neb. (4)-M732 12x FOR BALE Rooming house, 10 rooms; finely furnished, good location; good rea aon for selling. Address F61&, care Bee. t4)-M726 11 X BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cklropodiat. DR. ROT, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 47. t&-;i Creamerlea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. 8 71 Carpet Cleaalaar. A. K. JETT, cleaner and layer. Ind. B-JOM. 0 ) JUODV Cement Bloeka. rtr vniT hiKt to tha aa.meness aee our line, we have the moat up-io-oaie In length, height and lacea. Always a w.ll aeimrtned blocks ON hand. Oldeat plant In Omaha. Omaha Concrete Stone Co., 2!th Ave. and Bahler and Belt Line. 'Phones: Webster 84, Webster 4231, Independent B-3018. (6) 402 Nv23 China PalBtlasc. miw A nr,Mnr order work a ineclalty, Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing daily. Leather crall, siams, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. un l. HI Tlranrtola RMr. Tel. Red (486. x . (6)-5l Dreasmaklag. IN FAMILIES. I37S. Mlsa Sturdy. Tel. Doug, 5)-673 McDowell Dressmaking school, VT-l Farnam IW ott DRESSMAKING and alterations; Woman'! Exchange, 1822 Farnam. Tel. D. ctii. (6) -676 IN FAMILIES Mlssea Weldler. Tel. W 4656. (6) MSiJ 1IX Edneatlonal. Bovles Business College Enter any time for couraea In stenogra phy, typewriting, oooKKeeping. tnimn, Night and day sessions. Cataloguea frte. H. B. Boylea, President, Omaha, Neb. Boylea Telegraphy School Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Official train Ing school U. P. R. R. ; positions guaran teed. Booklet free. (5)- Florlata. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. 5)-7 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 12R3. to; -on J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (6)-7 Financial. Money TO LOAN-LOW RATE. In auma to ault. 310 Bee mag Phone Doutrlaa 24. UMON LOAN COMPANX. t5)-679 MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. w. B. Melkle, Ramge Bldg. t&)-8 afes. Skatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes specialty of fire escapes, ahutters. doors uid aafes. Q. Andreen. Prop., 1(2 3. 10th Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney Oateopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 19M. DfT Katheryn Nlckolaa, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. Maalo and Laagstfti, FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, man. dolln and guitar, 60S Barker Blk. (5) 411 n UsTlag and Storing. HXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St., warehouao 2207-8 lxard St. t5)-4 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don t fan to aee our imported line. L,yng atad & Jorve, prlntera, 16th and Capitol Ave. ioj o EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 311 S. 18th Bt. Tela. Doug. 5662, Ind. A 2531 (5) M424 Do Dentists. BAILEY MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (5)-687 Shorthand Reporter and Notary, F. J. SUTCUFFE, depositions. Tel. Douglas 1906. 528 Bee. (5)-S koo Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. Flrst-claas work. 1618Vi Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 99L (6) &9 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. ' Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam Bt. Tel. Douglas 7507. . t6 690 Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD St., Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. (6)nl HELP WANTED-FEMALE Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In small family, that could go home nights. Ii29 Pacltlc. 'Phone Harney 782. (7)-MbU GIRIS WANTED Experienced chocolate and bon-bon dippers preferred; good wagea. Halduft Pure Candy Co., 1111 Farnam Bt. (7) M634 10 .V stil to Irani Ui oiuanig. 1822 Farnam. Call at once. (7) M733 12x Hensekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Experienced tlrl for general housework In small family, who could go home nights. 41 J9 . Pacinc. 'flione Mar ney 732. (7) MtU5 COMPETENT girl for general house work, email family, good wagea. 319 Leavenworth St. C7 MMfl lOx GIKL to help with second work, slso take out 2-year old boy. fji per month. Mrs U. A. Hall. Ill N. 39th 6U li)-M034 10 Trying to do business in Omaha The DEE is like digging a well HELP WANTED FEMALE Monaekeepera and Domeatl ent'd. WANTED Housekeeper, aire between 25 and So yeara. T. Teller, McCnoK. . L. (7) M669 14x MIDDLE-AGED respectable woman to help care lor children ana help wttn nouse work; will be treated aa one of the fam ily; no laundry work; good wagea to right party. 3336 Woolworth Ave. (") 707 GIRL for general housework; best wages; modern convenience. Phone Itarney 2008. (7) 710 12x WANTED-Olrl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 14.T6. 7)-7U 16x WANTED Experienced cook; good wagea. Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. (7)-M73 M lacellaneona. WANTED Refined lady with gtvid business ability to arrange ror concert engagements out of town for well known art. sta; pay ing proposition. Call 202 Bark'-r block. (7)-712 llx GIRL aged 16 to wrap bundles. Apply at office Neb Clo. Co. (7V n it WANTED AT ONCE Lady singer at the Cameraphone theater. Only those ex perienced In singing Illustrated songs need apply. (7) M744 12 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Solicitor and collector for country work; position permanent, w 1 1 n good Income. Address G-449, Bee Office. (9) M357 WANTED Traveling man by local firm; good position for a business gener. a dress H-500, Bee Office. (9) M35 WANTED High claas city salesman, 501 Bee Building. AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gas burner In the world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine gas; it fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper than coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO., Dept. 5. 809 and 810 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neo. t) (OB EXCLUBIVE LOCAL DEALER Wanted for a high grade visible type writer; exclusive selling rights; call before 8 p. ro. M. A. Webber, Her Grand hotel. SIX WEEKS Instruction In salesmanship. position as traveling salesman with re sponsible firm guaranteed. Address Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M718 lOx Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, at once. $65. Five traveling salesmen, 175 to $150; differ ent commercial lines. Manager, gen, mdse. store, $100. r'Hll nr wrltn for onninlpte list. WESTERN REF. & BOND AHH IN, inu., Bulte 721 N. Y. Lire Bldg. (9) 708 WANTED Insurance solicitors for life. fire, accident, health and liability. Ap ply to John Dale & Son, general agenta. Aetna Life Insurance Co.. Hartford, Conn. 310 Ramge Bldg. A good opportunity for men of ability, tntreglty and industry. , (9) 492 9x DRUG CLERK-B position. Life Bldg. Knlest, N. Y, (3)-693 Factory and Trades. WANTED Twenty union bricklayers, at once. wick nam Bros., iv bcoii du. Council Bluffs. Is (9)-MS37 12x WANTED A first-class barber. Clark Hi Brandt, Atlantic, la. () M731 14x WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Will equip and place you in your own ahop or In good position in iew weeaa. Don't overlook this chance. Investigate. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. 19) M451 12x WANTED A coatmaker at once. Carl P. Llndecrantc, Holdrege, Neb. (9)-M723 13x M lscellaneons. WANTED For U. B. army, able-bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 85, oltlxens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Engliah. For In formation apply to recruiting officer, lath and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., and Massachusetts Bldg., H.oux City, la., CH1CK.KN i'lCKtHU WANTED. Paying 2 Vic for hens arid 2 Vic for springs: model, clean picking room; eeveral months' steady work for all arriving here within the next week. 8WIFT AND COMPANY, FAIRBURY, NEB. (9) M7P2 FREE employment Dept; Business Men's Asa n; no foes. Call 625 N. Y. Life Bldg. () 694 WANTED Young men, 18 to 85, for rail way firemen and brakemen; $80 to $130 per month; promotion to engineer and conductor, $150 to $0. Many positions now open. Write today for full particu lars. National Railway Training Ass'n., 9,7 Central Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (9) M2(J NovSOx BOYLE8 TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL. Bovles bulldlns:. Omaha. Neb.; official training school U. P. 1- R. ; positions guar anteed; booklet free. (9) M318 YOUNG MEN to prepare for coming ex amination for, ra.lway man ana omer government positions. Superior instruc tion by mall. Esmbllahed 14 years. Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Government Posi tions Are Secured" sent free. Inter-Stste Schools, 324 Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. , (9) M324 lax POSITIONS open for'young men for elec- trie railway motormen and conductors, at salaries of 10 to $100 per month. Write at once for full particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Cen tral Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (Th-lOUl NovSOx WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $. Many examina tions soon. Preparation free. Write Im mediately. Franklin Institute. Dvpt. 270, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M468 Dpc. 6x WANTED TO HIRE Hoisting engine. 18 or 20 horse power, for two or threo weeks. Answer promptly, 423 South 15th street (9) 495 9 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Veklcles. "OLD HONESTY" $3 horae blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (ID Mso4 IH FAMILY horae, 6 years old, gentle, weight uiiout 1,100. call at parn in rear or 313 N. 88th St., $175. or call Doug. 2152. Price, (11) M734 16 TOP BUGGY and harness, almost new; (11) 67$ 15 LOST AND FOUND LOBT Gun metal pocketbook, containing money, at Diets park, Saturday after r.'xui. Reward for return. Tel. Harney 7u0. (12) Miii6 10 FOUND Tueeday night, Oct. fT. In front of postofflce. lady a gold watch, hunting caae, with name and date inside case. Call Harney fcU. (12) 717 lux WHEN writing to advertisers remember It UMly takea a stroke or two of the pen t j mention the fact that ou saw the ad la Ths Bee. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food PUla," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman it McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-6! FRKE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport fits.; special attention paid to con finement caaea; all treatment supervised bv college professors. ''Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 123 ANT poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 882t N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. (13) MLS9 SANITARIt'M treatment parlora. Battle Creek Sanitarium and Hot Springs Treat ment for all kinds of chronic diseaaea. Old Boston Store, Rooms 212-214, 'Phone Douglas 3741. (13) MS44 llx MONEY TO LOAN ARE YOU IN DEBT? If so, see us. We will show you an easy and quiet way to get out. We will lend you enough cn your furniture, piano or other personal pioperty to put you "on your feet" and help you supply yourself with the coming winter's needs. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance. Telephone Douglas 229d. (14)-M299 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Of flees In 66 prlnolpal cities. Tolman, room 513, Nsw York Lile Bldg 114) M7S1 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and lioosaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 698 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-7W FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms: first- class table board; Hanaoom park dis trict, on car line; modern. 2965 Pacific. (16) M644 14X ROOMS and board, clean, warm, best of home cooking. 2408 Cass St. (15) M408 16x FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern: first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1823 Wirt Bt. OS) 395 NEWLY furnished south room, modern; references required. 2412 Cass Bt. Tel. Red 7236. . (16)-M411 12 BOARD and room In private family for gentleman. 2424 Seward. 'Phone Webster 2978, (16) M423 12 X BOARD and room, modern, first class. 617 S. 18th St. (15) Mt& 14x BOARD and rooms, lst-class board. 22U Douglas Bt. (16) M378 Nov22x LARGE, steam heated rooms, with stood home cooking. 2616 Farnam. (15)-M41t 12x LARGE, beautifully furnished south rooms, Hanscom park. Phone Harney 1348. (15) 714 16x Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELBON & CO., RENTAL AGTS., 703 N. Y. Lite Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 23. (i)-7oa LARGE front room well furnlsnej for one or two gentlemen. Private family; terms reasonable. 205 No. 23d. (la) M314 lOx ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham. 110 S. 13th St (16)-291 LARGE front room, adjolrlng bath; ue of plana, telephone and library. 628 B. ot. fnone Douglas tzab. iuw mbia FURNISHED or unfurnished, two pleasant front rooms, all conveniences, reasonable prices. 2511 Chicago St. 'Phone Doug. 4706. (15) M614 14X FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, elec trlo light, stationary washstand, hot and cold water, new house: home privileges; rent reasonable. 'Phone Doug. 6X98 after 6 p. m. (16) Mt5 lOx 3 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 632 8. th St. (15) M689 14x FOR RENT Newly furnished front room, strictly modern house: gentlemen pre ferred. 842 a. 22d Bt. Tel. Douglas 370. (15) M688 lOx BEAUTIFULLY furnished pouso. Hanacom park, rent reasonable. Phone Harney 1348. (15) 713 lOx SOUTH front room; modern: brick house, 2208 Douglas 6t. (16) M728 16x FURNISHED ROOMS, single or ensulte. House new and strictly modern. 316 N. 19th St. (1)-M719 16x Apartments and Flats. M R flat. Scargo, 616 N. 24th. South Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. P'd 7406. Utl zw FIVE-ROOM BT. LOUIS FLAT. 2508 Sherman Ave.; Furnace, Gaa, Electrlo Lilgnt, cement Baaement, window Shades, Birch Finish.. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for Rental Department. (15)-706 FOR RENT In walking dlsttuice. dealrable s-room Hat. excellent repair, and modern furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved streets. 2646 Dodge at. Rent, $30. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. (15) 707 STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. Six large, handsome rooms, modern, hard wood, eliding doors, shades, hoo1t'1 gas ranges, steam heat, hot water, milking ills j tance. Hummer, $23; winter, $30; well lighted. wummer, -'(; winter, .4; all outside. Bummer, $32; winter, $39; all outside. lou cant match them; references re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (1) MoeO 14 FOR RENT 8-room modern tut at 624 8. I61 b Bt.; aecond floor, $46; A No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (16) 109 (ROOM apartment, modern, $16 Bo. 22d 6-room brick, modern, 1616 Maple, $17 05)-M733 FOR RENT Beven-room modern flat. Tel options Weoter 149k. (15) iM 12 x ELEGANT 6 and C room apartments. Btrehlow Terrace. Phone Webater 43J& (16) 491 x THE SHERMAN Elegant (-room apartment Call Harney dm. lis uhi lux 7-ROOM flats. 615 8. 16th.' C. G. Powell, 2010 arnam m. lei. uoug. ir.i. (15) 480 NEW 4-room modern flat; detached; has steel range, gas, plate and kitchen cabi net; references; $19. Hut) N. 22d St. pat terson, ltioS Farnam. (16) HU Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO light basement rooms. furnished partly modern. 9u9 o. 27th. (15J-4&4 15x Fnralshed Honaes. FURNISHED house for the winter. rooms, modem. 1415 N. 13d Bt posses slon about November 13. Address A 610, t are Bee. (ibi ba ton ix 8-ROOM furnished house In Kountxe Place for rent on easy terms to right party, in quire Phone Weostsr nuaoa without usin with a Noodlo OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS at HEYDEN. INS., AGENCY, 220 8. 17th St. 'Phone D. 1606; A-3161. (U)-71l 10 ROOMS, modem, walking distance. See owner, N. 22d Bt. Tel. Black Z360. (15) 720 MAOGARD VAN STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (15) 721 ALL modern 8-room house, best furnace; near Hanacom park; $J5 and water; va cant, Nov. L 'Phone Webster 1798. (16)-M700- HOU.SE for rant. 3115 Burt Bt. (15) 719 111 SOUTH 15th St., steam heat. (15) M523 16 l-room cottage, 2413 Franklin $10.00 l-room cottasre. 1527 N. 21st 12.50 o-room house, modern, with barn, 2630 Parker 18.50 S-room modern, 26th Ave 8-room modern, with furnace, 630 S. 36.00 with furnace. 3223 Harney 90.00 10-room modern. Plumblns. 22lf California .' 80.00 8-roora house, 1315 Capitol Ave 80.00 . JJ. w tiAU, wead Blk., ism and Farnam. (15) 67S 10 14-ROOM house In flrst-clast repair, wlh a fine yard. W. J. DEIIMODT INVESTMENT CO.. 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 61(. (15) M500 10 1061 N. 19th ft.. 9 rooms, modern, $30. 2723 S. 9th, 7 rooms, bath, new, modern, near Farnam line, l2o. 806 N. 39th, 8 rooms, hall, modern, $35. O KEEFB, REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas or A-2152. (15) M74Z 10 FOR ' SALE Two work horses. Apply llartman Warehouse, 13th and Jones Sts. UO-M726 11 610 80. 27th St., 8-room modern flat, $35. 8602 No. 2Rth Ave., 7 rooms, $16. 8517 Seward, 5 rooms, $16. Both 'phones. Bemls, Paxton block. (16) M730 2061 N. 19th St., 9 rooms, modern. $30. 4328 Charles, 9 rooms, water, gas, electrlo light, $20. 2723 8. 9th, 7 rooms, hall, new, modern, near Farnam line, $25. 806 N. 39th, 8 rooms, hall, modern, $36. O KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas or A-B52. (16) M62S 10 DANDY EIGHT-ROOM MODERN. Finest location on Walnut Hill; beautiful trees; paved street: flve-mlnute car serv ice; polished oak floors; everything first class. Also 8-room. modern. 2723 Jackson St.: now being painted and redecorated; easy walking distance. Both nouses reaay No vember 15. See owner, 413 N. Y. Life Bldg., or call Harney 1082. (16 M610 9-ROOM modern house In first-class repair near Hanscom park, with good barn. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 5108. (15) M499 10 RENT OR SALE New 6-room house, com. plete In every detail from bath room to cellar. Call and look It over. Corner of 80th St., and Poppleton Ave., or telephone Harney 131T7. (15) MS39 11 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th; office, 16o9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16)-726 THE McCague Investment Co. have houses for rent In all parts of the city, from $s to $35 per month. (15) M604 14 RENT OR SALE New 6-room housed modern in every particular, corner 3oth St. and Poppleton avenue. Telephone Harney lzxi or can at house during day, (16) M315 10 TTnTTRF.S ,n Bl1 Prts of the city. JJ.U U OLiO crelgh Sons Se Co., Bee Bldg. (16) 716 5-ROOM modern cottage, N. E. corner list ana Ohio, w. tariberg, u in. y. lire. (15) 715 CI N. 28th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient: rent low to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St (16)-713 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage. 2613 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 1762. (15) M619 lOx FOR RENT 4-room cottage. 2280 S. 27th 9t (15) 483 9x FOR REWT November 1, brick house, 2613 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Aloyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam Bt. (15)-703 6-ROOM cottage, partly modern, with large yard. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglaa 6108. (16) M502 10 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (lo) 72a SEVEN-ROOM houae. Just west Hanscom Park, $24. Phone Harney I600. (15) 713 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expreasmen'a Delivery Co. IVi. Doug. 394. (15)-714 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-717 2562 JONES ST., 10-room, all modern, $40; a-room modern mat, 2B14 in. gist and Ohio, $J0; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co., 6s9 Brandels Bldg. (151 M590 6-ROOM house, 290T Seward Bt, $18. Store room. 1306 N. 24th. $15. 7 rooms, second floor, lloi N. 24th St., $17; modern except heal; a rooms, second floor, 1006 N. 20th, IIZ; 8-room modern houBe, 24th and Blnney Sis., $30. Chris Buyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) 795 EifiHT-ROOM modern brick flat, 8007 Pa cific. For Information phone Harney 3283. (16) 724 FOR RENT To private family only, that commodious ana attractive residence ino. 225 Dodge St., $76. Alfred C. Kennedy, 2o First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. (15) 723 HOUSES7Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L. Bldg. (is) Ii3 LIST your vacant houaea with Walter Breen company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 727 7-ROOM house with bath, all modern. 10J6 N. 83d bt Tel. Harney 2049. (15)-398 Ui 7-ROOM modern cottage, with barn, 2640 Harney Bt. Apply I. J. o Brlen, Henahaw hotel, or 2618 Harney St (16) M6u$ 10 7-ROOM house, $23. 527 Bo. 27th St. (15)-3i TWO 5-room houses. $18. One 6-room houae, $20. One 8-room house, $30. All modern except heat; located on llth, between Maaon and Pacific Sts. 'Phone Harney, 4204, Ernest Stuht. (U)-S90 9-ROOM houae, modern, suitable for large family, $30. lUrney lf9. (16) M6s0 llx Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, ground floor auditorium, holding 650, with stage; beat dancing floor In the city; also I lodge rooma at $5, $7 and $9 for twa meetings a month. ee janitor on prem ises, in. 1 . uouge as to., 11 it 1 amain si (l)-44 Storea. 14o8 Howard St.. large atore room and baa mint, 32x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Lodaa Co. 1714 Farnam Bt (15)-4 OFFERED FOR RENT tores Con tinned. BCARGO FLOCK, South Omaha, nw, 620 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (16 728 GOOD storage room In the wholesale dis trict for rent. W. J. DFRMODT INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bhig. Telephone iKiuglas 61i. (15-M5in 10 Office. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sis., South Omaha. Call nt Bee office. S. O. branch, 24th and N, new addrews. (lot M577 FRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, south front, on sec ond floor Conservative Bldg., 1614 Harney St.. onk finish, gaa and electric light. st?am heat, Janitor service. Hastings A Heyden. 1704 Farnam St. Ask f.-ir rental department. (15) M739 10 DESK room. Ask F. D. Wead, 1801 Far- (IS) 484 12 nam. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltnre. FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak office table 42x72, carved legs and In first-clsss condition. 18 chairs suitable lor waiting room or dining chairs. 1 office nesK cnair. 1 case for filing or keeping papers. Apply It W. Baker. Supt, 105 Bee Bldg. (10) 161 TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a snort time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (16) 143 Oatrlck Flames. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droop plumes, 17 Inches, $2.46, worth $6. Other grades half retail atore prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3516; our agent will call. (16)-729 Pianos and Otker Musical Instrnments ONE excellent upright piano; ore cash register, uiiv uuuuio v. . . jv. watch, one diamond stud and one ladles' gold watch. 214 Karbach block, 2o9 S. 16th St. 'Phone Douglaa 29o4. (16) M618 Typewriters and Serein gt Macblnca. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210, BEE.v (16) 670 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine the L. C. Smith ft Bros, writing In sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or 'phone B. F. Swanson Co., Inc.. dealers, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. (161-731 Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 733 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashea. Call at preaa room, Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 "Wire Cable for Sale We have three pieces of 4 Inch cable, 156 to 260 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. C16J iU FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Bulks Cullender, 407 S. 10th St (16) 734 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills: slso fancy pressed brick for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. (16) 961 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb - (IB) -735 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-736 We have three pieces of 4-lnch cable, 150 to 260 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. (16) 276 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon jjrug Co., omana. (16) 733 GROCERY and Meat market for sale with fixtures and stock. Good reason for selling. Address D, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. (16)-M743 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for investors manea on receipi 01 00 oosi sge. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, .0. C. Estab lished 1869. (17) 737 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 110 s PERSONAL THE healing household remedy, Satin skin cream, should always do nandy. zac. (18)- IIALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18)-7 SYRINGES, rubber goods' by mail; cut rices. Bend for rree catalogue. Myers Plllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 739 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact, anytning you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. llth Bt, for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 7tto JOHN CANE Is In town. Now Is the time 10 irim iiccb, iicnioQ., 01.. kuvm. xeio phone Douglas 4649 or A-3649. 13) -286 Decl MASSAGE treatment 109 S. 17th Bt., room b. Airs, joruau. 110) jvioio nx M (JO rjV. Electric, vibratory, 120 So. AOOAUri 16ttl- jloom jog (urth floor old Boston Store. (18) 287 Decl OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) ,41) PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. (IX) 711 ' (lh)-6.7 DRS. EGGERS' private confinement home. 2103 Farnam Bt. Phone Doug. 6.'30, city. (18)-696 N JV24X YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association Suoms. 1518 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 A HOME for a w man during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, Hi Bancroft Bi 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18) eol Jan27x MASSAGE treatment 109 8. 17th St.. room 5. Mrs. Jordsn. (18 M342 28x WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1166; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam Ut. (19j 74i BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Hid (19) 716 GEORGE oV CO.. 1901 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754. (19) 74 PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (19)-74 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. 72 FEEY north side Fsrnam near 20th, $250 a front foot Harrison II Morton. u9)-:oi u REAL ESTATE C1TT PROPKRTY FOR AI.$B (Continued.) Opposite Field Club Beven-room, full two-story square ho-,ise northwest corner RSth Ave., ann t acnu St.;-Tull double porch; south and east from; electric lights, g.ts; nickel plumh. Ing; fully modern In all detnlls; will bt finished In birch throughout; now It course of completion; cement walks will be put around the house and lot nlcelj graded. Price, only $3,750; easy terms Would consider taking aome vacant 01 income yielding properly as first payment C. U. CA RLBKRO, 911 New York Life Bldg. (l)-M738 10 BRAND MBW MODERN COTTAGE. Nice reception hall, parlor, illnlrg room, kitchen, pantry and entry downstairs; twe large bedrooms, roomy closets and batl room upstairs. House honestiy nulll throughout. Full basement; Yale fur nace; best plumhii-41: combination fix tures; cement walks aroutwd houae: Inrge porch: neighborhood new homes: block to car. Located 1?6 1-a.lrrt St. Price com plete, $2,800; without furnace, $2,7iK, which ' rrlce Includes piping. Terms If desired. I. A. SCOTT, owner. Telephone Webster 1841. 3614 Sherman Ave. (19) M8U 110x132, 6-story wholesale building. Ask for price Harrison 4k Morton, Omaha. (19) 703 11 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 23J and Cuming Sts. (19) 1.9 NEW 8-room cottage, full lot, southwest corner 27th and Corby, $2,600. on paymenta REDD BROS., 1710 Farnam Bt. (19) 439 9 80 FEET on lth near Cuming. $5,000. Har- rison ot iaonuii, imau. r, oj 11 AN eastern owner hss two houtee In Hans com Place rented for $70 a month: every thing modern; paved atreet; east front; will sell at a bargain; one block north ol Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Lite Building. 18)7W Nifty New Bungalow Just completed, open east front on Hh St. a little north of Dodge Bt., ner the boule vard and Curtis, Turner Park. A pretty lo cation, not far out and developing fast. II you want an artistic, up-to-date little home, a real bungalow, you must see this. Not too much house, but just a cosy, home like place, with many attractive features. It ha six rooms. We offer it for $3,8O0.O( on reasonable terms. It has no duplicate in Omaha. ' Harrison & Morton 912-18 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. tu; A8144. (19-681 9 44x133 U. P. trackage, heart of city, $3,800. Harrison & Morton, Omaha. (19) 704 11 NEW 6-room, 2-story house and barn, southeast corner 8tti and Corby, $2,500, on payments. REED BROS., 1710 Farnam St. (19) 440 9 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST OCX, CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. (19)-MG63 66x95, near 20th and Farnam, $18,000. Har rison & Morton, Omaha. (19) 705 11 FOR BALE Quarter block In Florence, ahade and fruit trees and chicken houses; halt block from both cars, $900. J. J. Thomas, Florence, Neb. (19) M 407 12X NEW 4-room cottage, complete, on full lot, 28th, near Blnney, $1,850, on payments. REED BROS.. 1710 Farnam St. (19) 438 9 90,000 square feet floor space, good track age, $40,000. Harrison & Morton, Omaha. (19) 706 11 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAM) FOR SAI.B Colorado. THE II AG ADOEN INVEST MENT COMPANY, 1618 Tremont St., Denver Colo. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu ' NEBRASKA AND COLORADO LANDS Some good Investments In western Ne braska lands. We have large holdings ol lands In the famous SAN LUIS VAL LEY of Colorsdo, which we sre offering at very low prices, with permanent water rights. The most productive landa In the world. Write us for circular and price list of lands. MAIN OFFICE, 1616 TREMONT ST., DENVER, COLO. (20) M45( Dec6x FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver Greeley district under Irslgatton: sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit raising; low price, eaay payments. National Investment Co., 582 Brandsls Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6691. (20) 761 Nebraska 10 ACRES A B A R O A N. Improvements worth $800. Rich soil, nsar good market Rented for 12 per cent of price asked. Must sell at once. Owner, 3492 Meredith, Omaha. (20) 229 FOR SALE 160-acre farm In Burt county. Nebraska; well Improved, good orchard, good soil; land lies gently rolling; all tillable; six miles of town; a fine home. Price, $16,000. Write for full description. J. D. Lueera, Tekamah, Neb. (20)-M724 12x Douglas county farm, half section, 10 miles west of Omaha, $21,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb, (20) M735 12 WESTERN NEBRASKA lands for sale for the rich and poor alike. I have Just re turned from a trip over the western part of Nebraska and eastern Colorado and have a fresh bunch of bargains. Don't wait, write at once. I have 36 yeara' experience In farming and atock raining In Nebraska. Is my Judgment on land not worth something to you? Andrew Warner, Harvard, Net). (30)-M721 12x "SARPY COUNTY FARM of 200 acres, close to two good towns; 185 acres under plow; fair Improvements; upland, gently rolling farm. Irlce $90 per acre; easy terms. This Is as good aa la In the county. About 12 miles from Omaha. Worth $100. Don't wait; be first. Call or address GRAHAM-PETFKS RKAI.TY CO.. 922 New York Life Bldg. Both "phones. (20) M736 10 oath Dakota. THE GREAT ROSEBUD COUNTRY In Meyer county, South Dakota. We have Juat added another fine tract of Indian fund to our Hat, ranging in price from $13 per acre up to $18. Black loam with clay aubaoil. atrlctly in the corn and wheat belt. Water can be obtained from 20 to 40 feet average. Rainfall covering a period of 80 years, accord ing to government statistics, 28 Inches, jjreater portion of It falling during th crop fc-rowlnt; season. We convey by deed and abxtraet, showing perfect title, upon final payment Terms, part down, bul ance 4 equal payments; 114,000 people registered. Hbout 4.OM0 people got homes. What will we do with the 110.000 that were not so fortunate? We will an swer, et-p across the line In the sister county. Meyer, and secure a choice quar ter section. Just a amall payment down and the land l: yours; no dictation from anyone. Which Is the cheaper, the deeded land or the government land, plus $6 and live on It 14 months and make the necessary improvement? , GKAHAM-PETKR8 REALTY CO.. 922 New York Life Bldg. Ouiuha, Nib. Botli 'rhones. (20) -M73T 10 REAL ESTATE LOANS FIVE PER CENT money to loan nil Omaha Buiie Property. THOMAS BKKNNAN, Room t Nw York Life Bldg. (Z2)-7o3 WANTED City loan Paten) Trust Co.