Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Former Senator Carmack Victim of
Gun Fijrht at Nashville.
Shoting Done Ty Robin Cooper, Son
of Political Rival.
Victim Fired One Shot and His Ai
tailant Two.
Mr. earmark's Caustic Criticism of
th Machine and of Colonel
Cooper Hal raoaed III
Feel In
NA8HVILLB, Term., Nov. S. -Former
Bnator Edward Ward Carmack, editor of
the Tennesseesn, win shot and k'lled this
afu rhoon about 4 o'clock on Seventh ave
nue north In front of the Polk Tata by
Kobln Cooper, a snn of Colonel Duncan B.
Co p r.
Mr. Csrirack was going north on Seventh
avenue In front of ;ths flats an Colonel
Cooper and his son Robin were approaching
Seventh av.nue on Union street. Soon sfier
they came In aiuht of 'one another the
shoo ing 'began, Robin Coopr, It la said,
fir tig (wo shots and Senator Cirmack one.
, Colonel Duncan B. Cooper, it is said,
drew his pistol, but did not fire. Senator
Carmack fell to the (found and died al
most Instantly. Robin Cooper was shot In
the right shoulder, but was not badly hurt.
. It is understood that the trouble la one
y . B ine rBUIIB OI mo Uffiinririn; guutuia-
T orlul pilmary. In which Carmack was de-
A ffstd. Carmack had alnce he became ed-
W Itor of the Tenneaseeaji been aulte caustic
)f In criticising what he called the democratic
V maililne and had printed several editorials
about Colonel Cooper,
Within the last few days. It la asserted,
Colonel Cooper notified Carmack that these
ed.torlal cr.ticisms must cease. This morn
ing another editorial In reference to the
culunel appeared In the' paper and this is
y th tr
i at the e
supposed to have been the Immediate cause
ragedy. As Senator Carmack fell
edge of the street Colonel Duncan
put his arm around Robin Cooper
Bind both. walked a few feet down SeventU
venue to Pr. R, O. Fort'a office, where
the slight wound In Robin's shoulder was
examined and treated..
An ambulance carried the body of Mr.
Carmack to an undertaking establishment.
0 lie pistol of Carmack. a 32-callbre, wa
lying at his side with two of the chambers
empty when the body was picked up and
turned over to an officer. The stump of
a cigar Mr. Carmack had been smoking
was also on the street besldfe him.
, Young Cooper was later carried to a hos
pital and Colonel Cooper held at police
iuudaottOvuHn Kaa made no atatement.
Robin Cooper Is A practicing ttorney-at-law,
17 years old and single. '
Sketch of earmark's Career.
. MEMPHIS, Tenn, Nov. Former United
tales Senator Edward W. Carmack was
born near Caetilllan Springs. Summer
county, Tennessee,. November 6, 1858. He
had an academlu education, studied law,
practiced In oClumbla, Tenn., and was a
member of the legislature of 1884.
He was a delegate to the national dem
ocratic convention of ISM and a member of
- congress 1897-1901 from the Tenth congres
sional district of Tennessee. He served
with distinction In the United States sen
.Ate for six years, 'being defeated for re
election in the primary a little over a year
ago by former, Governor Taylor.
Senator Carmack then resumed the prac
tice of law In this city, which waa then
his home, but within a few months re
moved to Nashvtllo. Last spring he Apposed
Governor Patterson for tho democratic
gubernatorial nomination, championing
the cause of state) wide prohibition. He was
' Shortly after his defeat Mr. Carmack
waa offered the editorship of the Nash
vtllo Tannesaean. He accepted and since
then has been at the head of the Tnnes
ean. Senator Carmack's newspaper career be
,gan In 1886, as a member of tho editorial
' staff of the Nashville American. He
founded the Nashville Democrat In 1889
and whan It waa merged Into the American
became editor-in-chief of the latter paper.
In 1898 he became editor of the Commercial
Appeal at Memphis.
He waa married April. 1890. to Miss
Elisabeth Cnby Duhnlngton of Columbia,
Ponular la t on areas.
WASHINGTON, Nov. . Senator Car
mack, . during Ma senatorial career from
1901 to 1S07, made A number of brilliant
speeches. Although . Inclined to be sar
castic la soma of his utterances he had
many friends In congress among both dem
ocrats and republicans, who admlrod his
fearlessness and his Intellectual attain
ments. Perhaps the most notable speech
during his four yearn In the lower house
was his brilliant effort In his own defense
when Joslah Patterson, father of the pres
ent governor Of Tennessee, contested Car
mack's seat. During hla congressional car
ear he constantly attacked the republican
administration. Notably in connection
with the lndlanola, Brownvllle and Panama
revolution Incidents, , and alleged execu
tive encroachment.
In the senate he was a minority member
of the committee on Phlllpplnee.
Sew York Poat master It early Victim
f Aasaaala.
NBW TORK. Nov. .-Postmsster Ed
ward M. Morgan of, this city was shot
down In the street as he was leaving his
house In One Hundred end Forty-sixth
street for the postoftlce this morning by
Erlo H, B. Mackoy, a stenographer, em
ployed by a downtown law firm, who then
shot and Instantly killed himself. The
slnglo bullet Which struck Mr. Morgan
entered at the right side of the abdomen
and passed out at the left aide without
penetrating the walls. There was no
Internal bleeding and there la every like
lihood that the wounded man will recover.
The only excuse known for the shoot
ttg waa that Mackoy bad complained to
the authorities at the Poetoffice Depart
nent In Washington thst his mall had been
simpered with and that someone turned
ut an electric light when he reading by
It In the corridor of the postfflce.
4 Mac key had received a reply that there
' was na evidence of tampering with his
msU and thst the Incident of the electric
Continued on Second Page
Tuesday, Xovemhcr in, IftOS.
j jt MWMDLRS 1908
t - nv 7T7L na Tirtf
1 3 4 5 Q Z
10 11 12 13 ft
) 1Z IS 19 20 21
2 24 25 26 2Z 28
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Partly cloudy Tuesday; not much change
In temperature.
For Nebiaska Partly cloudy Tuesday;
not much change In temperature.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
b a. m
a a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. in
3 p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
6 p. m
7 p. m
8 p. m
9 p. m
S3 i
33 I
40 I
43 I
42 I
An Insane man with a fancied grievance
against persons in power made an un
successful effort to assassinate Postmas
ter E. M. Morgan of New York City yes
terday and then committed suicide.
rage 1
President Oompers of the American Fed- i
eratlon of Lauor delivered his annual re
port to tile convention at Denver yester
day. Page 8
Judge Smith Mcpherson is hearing evi
dence In Kansas City In the fight of the
railroads against the 2-cent fare law cf
Missouri. rats 1
President Roosevelt sent his congratu
lations yesterday on the sixty-seventh an
niversary of the birth of King Edward.
Page 1
President Roosevelt has sent Invitation
to a labor legislation dinner.. rags 1
National Chairman Mack is In Chicago
clearing up the work of the campaign.
rage 1
Bishop Williams of Omaha Is in attend
ance at a missionary council at Fargo,
N. D. rage 1
The Tale Glee club will Include Omaha
In Its western Itinerary. rage 1
The former president of the National
Bank of Commerce of Kansas City Is re
ported to have secured control of the
bank's stock and will oust former Comp
troller Rldgely. rage I
A sharp fall In tobacco stock followed
the adverse decision of the United States
circuit court on the nature of the cor
poration. Fae 1
Secretary Oarfield plans to head off
frauds under the desert land act. rage 1
Five persons are missing and eight were
seriously Injured as a result of a fire
which destroyed a resort at Lead, 8. D.
rags 1
Tumble by Mitchell costs it Urn game
with Grand Forks. ' . rags 11
The annual lord's mayor's show In Lon
don was an unusually successful pageant
this year. rage 1
Live stock markets. rage t
Grain markets. rage a
Stocks and bonds. rags t
Governor Sheldon Is seriously consider
ing calling an extra session of the legis
lature to pass a county option bill after
having sent messages to members of the
present legislature asking their position
on the subject. Fare 1
Port. Arrived. Billnl.
NSW TORK Caledonia Mml. v
LIVERPOOL Btltlc Davoalta.
BOSTON i Cretle.
NAPLES Romanic
QrEENSTOWN.. Caronlt.
Brother of Marderer Will Face Jury
Middle of Deeemher Army
Transport Delayed.
NEW YORK, Nov. .-Counsel for the
Halns brothers today Informed the court
that the army transport bringing their wit
nesses would not arrive until January 1
and asked that the trial of T. Jenkins
Halns be postponed until that month. Tho j
ilatrlrt trtiiriiAv rtMtnrM anil tAlAti that i
tho transport would arrive on November
20. After some argument the court set the
trial of T. Jenkins Halns for December 14,
so that It would take place within the term
of office of the present district attorney.
No date was fixed for the trial of Captain
Halns. Captain Halns sat with bowed head
during the proceedings, but his brother
waa in an animated conversation with his
OOlelal Connt Will Be Greatly De
layed In Tll Xonthern
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Nov. t.-Offi-rial
returns of last week's election sre
coming to the st-cretary of state slowly.
Sixty-eight counties have thus far reported
and it probably will be the last of the
week before all are heard from. None of
the communcatlons can be opened until all
are received. The returns then will be can
vassed, and the official results announced,
determining definitely the complexion of
the legislature and the personnel of the
minor state offices.
Meporta Momeroaa from Yie!al- of
That Cltr, Hhowlnic Dlatnrlw
aneo Is General.
SABETHA, Kan., Nov. . Reports are
coming in from all directions within a
radius of twelve miles of Babetha of a
supposed earthquake shock felt at midnight
Saturday night. Scores of farmers report
feeling the shock, but, as far aa known,
no damage was done.
Democratic Chairman Bos Clearing
Away Campaign
CHICAGO, Nov. 9Norman E. Mack,
chairman of the democratic national com
mittee, arrived today and went Im
mediately to the headquarters here. He
devoted his attention to clear up odds and
ends cf business left over from the cam-P'g
State of Missouri Contending for Val
idity of New Law.
Governor-Elect Hadley In Conrt Di
recting Case of State Mara
Evidence Secured by
Bath Sides.
KANSAS C1TT, Mo., Nov. .-Representatives
of the eighteen leading railroads oper
ating In Missouri appeared before Federal
Judge 3mlth McPreson here today and be
gan the presentation of evidence In an en
deavor to prove their contention that the
railroads are unable to oprrate with a
profit under the 2-cent passenger rate and
the maximum freight laws, passed by the
last legislature. The state of Missouri is
the defendant and it was represented by
Herbert 8. Hadley, the attorney general
and the newly elected governor of the
This waa Mr. Hadley s first visit to hi
home city since
his election and before
. i;uum vciieu iiw " ui. v . . . . v m w
of friends, who took occasion to congratu
late him.
The 2-cent and the maximum freight taws
have been In effect for some time past,
the railroad companies having previously
agreed not to contest the laws until It
could be shown by their actual operation
whether or not they were detrimental to
these properties as claimed. Each of the
eighteen railroads will present individual
petitions showing the effect the laws have
had upon the financial returns of the par
tlcular road. Kach railroad will show Its
earnings from the date the laws were put
Into effect, and In all cases It will be de
clared. It Is stated, that none of the roads
hits been able to operate with a profit.
The state will produce figures to dis
prove this claim, and It will attempt to
show that tho railroads have made money
under the new statutes. These statistics
have been gathered after months of care
ful work and the presentation of the evi
dence, according to Attorney General Had
ley, will consume two months' time. The
arguments will not be begun until the end
of that period has been reached. The first
evidence produced today was that in case
of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad.
No Farther Delar.
In opening court. Judge McPherson an
nounced that he would consider no further
moves for delay. "This hearing," said the
court, "will be final so that the cases may
be appealed to the United States supreme
court If necessary. If there Is an adjourn
ment It will be on my own motion and
only If It Is absolutely necessary. Judga
McPherson briefly summarised the status
of the case. The Missouri railroads had,
he said, obtained an Injunction restraining
the state from enforcing the state rate
laws. The railroads demurred to the two
cent law, but agreed to give It a trial and
it was now In force. The present hearing
was not on the application for a temporary
Injunction against the state, but it Is . to
be a final disposition so fsr as the United
States district court is concerned of, both
freight rates and passenger rates it) Mis
souri. Then the opening statements were made,
Frank Hagerman of Kansas City, making
that for the eighteen railroads and Attor
ney General Hadley outlining the case
for the state of Missouri.
Theories of Railroads.
Mr. Hagerman, In outlining the theories
upon which the railroads purpose to pro
ceed, said:
"Two controversies are involved, those
concerning the freight rate laws enacted in
Missouri in 1905 and in 1907, and the 2-cent
passenger rate law enacted in 1907. Wa will
contend that If the freight rate laws of
1905 were confiscatory, that- the same is
true of the freight rate laws of 1907. In
determining If the freight laws are
confiscatory. we must know the
valuation of the properties of the railroads
and then learn If the railroads are receiv
ing a Just return on their investments. '
"To get at this question, we must dls-
tinguish between state freight and Inter
state freight. We will proceed upon the
theory that If it costs the railroads more
to handle the state rate businets than it
does to handle the Interstate freight busl
ness,' In connection with the state busl
ness, for Instance, freight traffic between
St. Louis and St. Joseph, there is the enor
mous expense of terminals. These great
terminals within the state add to the oper
ating expenses. No special terminal ex
pense Is involved, for instance, in trans-
j Porting freight from a small town In Kan.
aaa or In some other state. Another extra
expense in state freight rate business Is
the numerous slow branch lines, where
numerous stops must be made, involving
the time of employes. Interstate freight Is
handled on fast trains and the railroads art
not at so great an expense In caring for it."
"If our theories are correct," continued
Attorney Hagerman, "and we do not see
how they could be otherwise, not one of the
railroads In Missouri would earn more than
two or three per cent on thelt Investment
if the frleght laws were enforced and
some of the roads would not earn a dollar
on their Investments."
Position of tho State.
Attorney General Hadley's statement for
the state was brief. "Wa agree with Mr.
Hageman." said Mr. Hadley, "that Is
costs the railroads more to handle the state
freight business than the Interstate freight
business. But the railroads more than
make up for this In another direction. The
state passenger business Is much more prof
itable than the Interstate business.
"On the longer hauls ths passengers pay
a smaller rate per mile, and the equipment
on the interstate passenger trains Is much
more expensive thsn on the local passen
ger tralna within th state. The Interstate
trains are fast trains and the coaches are
the best built. The engines arc the largest,
the fastest and the most expensive made.
I have been an extensive patron of the rail
roads recently and I am speaking from
experience and observation."
Local Trains Crowded.
Judge McPherson, Interrupted Mr. Had
ley to ask:
"Did you ride In the smoking car?"
"I had to ride In 'the amoklng car to get
a seat," replied Mr. Hadley.
"The local trains," he continued, "are
crowded. The expensive trains for Inter
state travel frequently have no more than
fifteen or twenty passengers in a coach."
Mr. Hadley recently finished a campaign
ing tour for governor that carried him
to every part of Missouri.
After tho opening statements had been
made, court adjourned to afternoon, when
it was decided to map out a plan for push-
the cases to as rapid a conclusion as pos
sible. Dosens of witnesses are to be ex
amined, and an endless array of figures
will. It Is expected, be presented to sup
port the claims of ths railroad
Report la Kansas Cltr He Is o Be
Takea from Hatloaal Bank
f Connate-.
KANSA8 CITY, Not. . It was announced
here today that W. .'B. Rldgely, prrsldent
of the reorganised National Bank of Com
merce, Is to be replaced. Dr. W. S. Woods,
the deposed president of the' bank, and his
friends having succeeded in buying up a
majority of the bank's stock and thus se
curing control. Mr. Rldgely last winter re
signed the position of comptroller of the
currency to become head of tho bank.
Who Is to succed Mr. Rldgely as presi
dent and Edwnrd Rldgely as cashier has
not been determined. . '
The National Bank ef , Commerce, the
largest financial institution In this part
of the southwest, failed during the panic
last year, with $3C,0OS,0OO of deposits. It
was reorganised after several months and
W. B. Rldglry was asked to become its
president. He accepted the offer end the
bank opened In Its 11,600,000 building that
was In the course of construction when
the bank failed. Mr. Rldgely's brother was
made cashier and Fred T. Cutts, formerly
of New York and Bt.' Louis, was made
vice president. Sine then Dr. Woods, who
In the reorganisation had become merely
one of the directors of the bank, went
quietly to work buying up the bank's
stock. Today It was announced he had se
cured a majority of the stock and would
direct the appointment of a new presi
dent to succeed Mr. Rldgely.
Mr. Rldgely today declined to make a
statement, beyond expressing doubt that
control of the bank is in hands inimical
to him. The bank la capitalised at 12,000,
000. Of the 20,000 shares, Dr. Woods and hla
friends, It is said, control between 12,000
and 1S.0OO.
Dr. Woods declined to ay anything con
cerning the officers to be, named under the
new regime bryond flfolnring that they
would be men connected with the "old
crowd.' In the reorganisation, practically
11 of the old officers were superseded.
Paaeant Thla Year Notable for Histor
ical Representation It
LONDON, NSv. ".The lord mayor's show
today, celebrating the Installation of Sir
George Trurott in succession to Sir
John Charles Be'I, was a more dignified and
more interesting spectacle than usual. Of
late years the ceremony had become a
mere circus procession, unworthy the dig
nity of an official celebration.
The principal feature today was the
historical pageant organised by Louis Nr
Parker, an American dramatist; poets and
musicians from Chaucer to Milton and
many of the most notable figures of those
times appeared In the parade costumed
with historical accuracy. Shakespeare was
naturally most conspicuous and was ac
companled by a picturesque entourage of
characters from his plays. Chaucer, who
headed the pageant, was followed by a
band of personages of his creation, and
Spenser and Marlowe ware attended In like
man nar. A atrlkingfeatire waa William
Caxton on a float wifV- Vroup of printers
working an ancient. -printing press. These
historical pageants will ba continued pro
gressively In future shows.
. Several companies of mtlttla In gorgeous
uniform, and a number of bands of music
completed the fine spectacle. The weather
was perfect and brought out a great crowd.
Apolntment of German Ambassador
. to Washington Will Make '
Shlftabont Necessary.
BERLIN. Nov. . The Norddeutsche Al
legemlene Zeltung today publishes a series
of diplomatic charges. Count Johann Heln
rlch Von Bernstorff goes to Washington as
ambassador as previously announced.
Count Hermann Von Hatxfcldt-Wtlden-burg,
councillor of the German embassy
at Washington, goes to Cairo, Egypt, as
minister and consul general: Carl Buens,
the consul general at New York, Is made
minister to Mexico, ard Baron Von Wan
genhelm. the present minister to Mexico,
Is transferred to Athens. Herr Reichenau,
tho German minister to Brazil, is trans
ferred to Belgrade, Servia; Count Von
Tattenbach, tho minister at Lisbon, t
made ambassador at Madrid, while Prince
Von Ratlbor, at present minister at Bel
grade, Is transferred to Lisbon, and Count
Von A rco-Valley, the. minister at Athens,
succeeds Ilerr Reichenau at Rio Janeiro.
Cardinals Congratulate Him Upon Fif
tieth Anniversary of Entry '
Into Priesthood.
ROME, Nov. . The pope today received
the members of ths Sacred college, who
congratulated him upon the fiftieth anni
versary of his entering the priesthood. The
cardinals were headed by Cardinal Beraflno
Vannutelll Cardinal Oreglla, dean of the
college, being indisposed. The holy father
was presented with the sum of ti.OOO in gold
pieces and Cardinal Vannutelll expressed
greeting of all the members of the college
on the occasion of the Jubilee. In reply.
the pope thanked the cardinals for their
good wishes and conversed pleasantly with
each of his visitors. He showed them a
largs gold medal coined for the Jubilee of
the foundation of the South American col
lege In Rome, which coincides with hi
own Jubilee.
Rear Admiral Schroeder Takea
Place of Rear Admiral Em
ory, Retired.
MANILA. Nov. .-The battleship Louisi
ana, flagship of ths Atlantic fleet, arrived
today from Amoy, China. The Wisconsin,
flagship of Rear Admiral Beaton Bchroeder
and the Vermont, stoamed up from Olon-
gapo, where the other vessels will remain.
Retir Admiral Bchroeder, assuming com
mand of the second division upon the re
tirement of Admiral Emory, transferred his
flag to the Louisiana and Rear Admiral
W. P. Potter of the Vermont raised his
pennant upon the Wisconsin. The Connecti
cut will go to sea for battle practice on
Wednesday and will be followed within
a short time by the other vessels of the
Secretary (ays Ha Will Not Try to Se
cure gaeeesaorshlp to Senator
WASHINGTON, Nov. v.-Socretarr Root
today stated that he la not a candidate for
the New York senatorshlp to succeed Sen
ator Piatt He dented that ha had written
a letter to anybody Indicative that ha was
x candidate for that oftioc.
Session Opens With Whirlwind of
Tremendous Trading-.
Decision of Conrt of Appeals Canses
Apprehension for Other Issues
Rally Follorra Slssis and
Few Stocks Gain.
NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-Startlng with a
whirlwind of tremendous trading at pUee
which threatened sharp decl ncs before the
day was over the stock market, with sales
of 1.633,000 shares today, broke all records
for activity since last Mirch, but closed
the day without recording serious net losses
and even with gains In some important
stocks. A sensational decline In the ptlce
of common stock of the American Tobacco
company on the curb market as a result of
the decision of the United States circuit
court declaring that company was a com
bination In v.olatlon of the Sherman law,
precipitated the early demoralisation In the
trading on the Stock exchange. Tobacco
common had dropped IS po'nts Just before
the close of the market on Saturday and
opened today at ITS, from which point It
dropped violently a total of 35 points.
Adda to Apprehension.
This, together with conalderab'.e appre
hension among the traders as to the scope
of the court's decision as applied to other
combinations, had a sympathetic effect
upon standard stocks on the exchange and
prices suffered several sharp declines in
the opening hour. A feeling that the re
cent advances In prices had been too en
thusiastlc and that a reaction waa about
due, heavy sales of American stocks In
London and a rise In call money to S per
cent, which had not been approached since
last January, contributed to a disposition
on the part of the heavy buyers of the
stocks for speculation to dispose of their
holdings and take profits.
Rally Follows Stamp.
The attitude of this element, however,
was offset by buying which came from
some Of the leading commission houses,
some of which reported a very decided In
crease of public Interest In the market. In
spite of the heavy undertone and heavy
realising of the last hour many stocks
closed at net gains, though Union Pacific,
Southern Pacific. Copper, , Bmelthig, St.
Paul, Baltimore & Ohio, Northern Pacific
and the United States Steel shares closed
at losses ranging ' from substantial frac
tions to over a point, American Tobacco
common's net loss for the day was 10 points.
.Steel common led the list In regard to
activity with a total of 221,009 shares. Union
Pacific was 'next with about 1B6.0C0, while
Reading was a close third with 150.000 full
Bonds were very active, though the total,
16,682000, was considerably below that of
last- Friday. ,
The later stock market showed a sub
sidence of the acute apprehension-manifested
earlier over the scope of the Ameri
can Tobacco decision.. Operation were Te
enmed'TOi the hang side of the market an I
'prices wore marked up aggressively here
and there with the effect of restoring the
general level to Saturday's closing or
above. - Reading and a group of coalers,
the Rock Island stocks and American Su
gar were amongst the conspicuous stocks
t-ef Ides the Gould group to sustain the mar
ket. There waa manifest pressure to con
tinue the realising of profits on all strong
spots and the Irregular movement of prlcs
showed an uninterrupted effect from this
during the remainder of the day. Prices
ran off again in the late dealings In some
cases to near the lowest.
Increase of Almost Two Million Bales
ns Compared with Lat
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-There were 2S.296
active ginneries and 8,199,782 bales of cot
ton ginned from the growth of 190S to No
vember L These figures, announced by the
census buresu today, are against 26,069 gin
neries and C.128,662 bales at the correspond
ing date in 1907. 27,370 ginneries and 6,906,
!35 bales in 1906 and 27,902 ginneries and
8,457.506 bales In 1906. The report counts
round bsles as half bales and Includes 149,
340 round bales for 1908, 125,785 for 1907, 169,-
741 for 1906 and 183,870 for 1905. The number
of Sea Island bales Included Is 45,495 for
1908, 33,331 for 1907, 21,706 for 1906 and 49,161
for 1606. The corrected figures of the
quantity of cotton ginned this season to
October 18 are 6,296,166 bales.
Erroneous Report gent Ont oi
thorltr of tho Local
, GUTHRIE, Okl.. Nov. 9. On October H
an Item sent out from Guthrie telling of the
robbery of the First State bank of Fallls,
Lincoln county, Oklahoma, asserted that
George Bchmake, the bookkeeper of the
bank, had that day been arrested on sus-
I plclon of knowing something of the rob
bery. The reported arrest of Mr. Bchmake
proves to have been an error. The facts
now disclosed show that he was not ar
rested. The authority for the report of
the alleged arrest was given by the sher
iff's office in Guthrie by officers 'of a
national bank in this city, and by persons
coming from Chandler, who asserted that
Mr. Bchmake was in Jail there.
United States Bnpremo Conrt Upholds
Act Agaln-tt t'o-cdncatlon of
Whites and Negroes.
WASHINGTON, Nov. S.-In deciding the
case of Berea college against the state of
Kentucky favorably to the state, the su-
Dreme court of the United States today held
'' that the states' function may constitution
ally legislate to prevent the co-education of
the white and black races. The case was
Instituted to test the validity of the state
law of 1904 prohibiting white and black
children from attending the same schools.
Tho opinion of the supreme court was
handed down by Justice Brewer. Justices
Harlan and Day dissented.
Boy Shot by Hla Father.
CALAIS. Me., Nov. 9. -Word was re
ceived here late today that the 14-year-old
son of D. C. Rollins of St. Stephens, N. U.,
had been accidentally shot and killed by
his father while deer hunting. Mr. Rollins
stumbled when about to fire at a deer and
his aim waa diverted, the bullet passing
through me necx or nis son.
' Hopkins Succeeds Allison.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 9 -Vice-President
Fairbanks today appointed Sen
ator Albert J. Hopkins of Illinois a member
of the national monetary commission to fill
the vacancy ca-ised by the death of the
l-- K.k, lav William aill-M mr " -
Prrsldent-F.lrrt Says He Will Do Ills
Part Toward Maklna: It
HOT BrRlNOS. Va., Nov. "I am go
'ng to do my part to make golf one of th
popular outdoor exercises," asserted President-Elect
Tart as he made a 200 yaru
drive In beginning a game with Governor-
Elect Eben Draper of Massachusetts, hen
Playing golf Is a serious work with Mr
Tart, as he has explained. "A man of my
build requires exercise In the open air," ht
said, "and exercise to be beneficial mus'
be entertaining, of course. I can ride, but
one cannot maintain a keen Interest 1n rld-
!ng a horse. In golf there is Just enough
skill required to get up a keen interest In
the game and this takes up your thoughts
! you are getting a live or six mil.'
J-uge Taft maintains golf is not a rich
man's game. In Scotland, -he said. It I
played by all the populace and in this coun
try, the devotees are becoming rriore nu
merous each year.
"It was golf." Mr. Taft said, that put
him In the splendid physical condition he
was in when he took up the strenuous
work of the campaign and enabled him to
get through without a breakdown. He will
play the game this winter as much as pos
sible to get In shape for his duties- at the
White House next spring. The state of
Georgia came to tho front today with eag
erness to have Judge Taft as a guest thla
winter. Mr. Houston H. Harper of At
lanta arrived with many credentials and
full details of Georgia's resources.
He also bears a letter from Henry
S. Jackson of Atlanta , offering Mr.
Taft his city cr country home with
full facilities for outdoor exercises. Mr.
Harper will also present the claims of
Augusta as well as other parts of the state.
No other visitors were here today. t
Man Accused of Killing; Mrs. Gnn
neas Is Brought Into
LA PORTE, Ind.. Nov. 9. -Breathing for
the first time In six months the fresh air
cutsldo of the prison walls. Ray Lamphere
waa this morning brought from the county
Jail to (fet circuit court room to answer
to the charge of murder in the first de
gree for the deaths of Mrs. Belle Gunness
and her three children.
The court room was crowded with spec
tators. The prisoner looked cheerful and
very much Interested as he gated about
the room at the Judge and the attorneys
and others. The Jury box was filled by
members of the regular panel, who were
first questioned, and as fast as one was
excused a venireman from the special
panel of twenty-five was called to take his
Renewed efforts to find Peter Carlson,
who was once employed by Mr. Gunness
and who is said to have talked with
Lamphere regarding numerous mysterious
doings at the Gurness home, were -mado
today. The state expects to find him be
fore he Is needed. Although Coroner -C. C
Mack baa accepted a .call to the Swede -
borgtan, - church - at Toledo and will
this ' week leave for . that city
with his family, he expects to
return next week, for he will be one of the
state's most Important witnesses for prov
ing the death of Mrs. Gunness. Another
state witness, Dr. J. H. William Moy;r,
has gone tt New York, but he will return
In time to corroborate Coroner Mack's
OH Magnate Furnishes One Signed by
Some Wealthy Men of
AUSTIN. Texis, Nov. . With the avowed
intention of surrendering himself to Sheriff
Mathes of Travis county, H. Clay Pierce,
the chairman of the Walters-Pierce Oil
company, and H. C. Priest, his personal
attorney, arrived here early today.
Mr.. Pierce Is uhder Indictment charging
htm witn perjury in connection with a hear
ing of testimony In the ouster proceedings
of the state of Texas against the oil com
The district Judge and district attorney
agreed on k I20.0U0 appearance bond for
Mr. Pierce. The bond has already been
signed and was ready for presentation
to the court, but owing to a slight techni
cality In its wording It had to be re-written
All the signatures to the bond are those
of clttxens of Texas. They represent an
aggregate wealth of 13,500.000.
When the bond was corrected and Blgned
Is was approved by the court and handed
to the sheriff. Trial of the case waa con
tinued until the January term of the court.
The bond was signed by the following:
George W. Littlefleld. Joseph Nalle.
Walter Tips, C. W. Hamby, H. A. Wroo,
Chester Thrasher, Theodore Lowe, George
L. Hume, P. J. Lawless and A. J. Ellers.
Mr. Pierce will return to St. Louis to
Bishops Hare and Williams Is
tendance at Meeting; at
Fararo, N. D.
FARGO, N. D.. Nov. 9.-Blshop Hare of
South Dakota called the first business ses
sion of the Sixth Missionary council of the
Protestant Episcopal church to order today
In Gethsemane cathedral. The conference
is for the purpose of performing certain
definite functions tn relation to the nvs
alonary affairs of the church by the bish
ops and delegates. Today's session of the
woman's aux.Hary was presided over by
Bishop Williams of Nebraska. The morn
ing sessions were devoted In both sections
to organisation.
President-Elect Sends Telegram of
Congratulation to Governor
Elert of Mlaaonrl,
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Nov. 9-Gov-ernor-elect
Hadley today received the fol
lowing telegram from President-elect Taft:
"HOT SPRINGS, Va., Nov. 8.-Many
thanks tor your cordial telegram. The
result In Missouri and your election have
given me especial pleasure. It was a great
personal victory for you..
Christmas Trip of This Organisation
Will Brine Celebrated
Clab Weal.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Nov. 9-The
Christmas trip of the Yale glee, mandollr.
and banjo clubs this year will take hm
through the west. The Itinerary will In
clude concerts at Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo.
and St. Lout
Governor Sheldon Seriously Consider
Its Advisability
Object, if Called, Will Be to Pass a
County Option Bill.
Some Democrats Said to Hare So
Pledged Themselves.
l'hoae Who Express an Opinion Art
Opposed to tailing an Esera
Session and to County
Option., Rot. T ITis bsst legislature
Nebraska ever had has sUU aa opportun
ity to render great Barrios to the state.
Xf X eoavane the legislature will you sup
port a statutory provision for statewide
prohibition, reserving to any municipali
ties their right by three-fifths vote to
suspend It and disperse Uqaor under such
restrictions aa may fee provided by law.
OEOBOS X,. SKEX.DOH, Governor.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 9 Governor Sheldon to
day Is seriously considering ths advisabil
ity of calling a special session of the legis
lature to pass upon a county option bill.
Whetehr he does so or not Is still debatable.
He has sent telegrams to members of the
legislature, Including democrats, asking
them their stand on such a measure before
making up his mind.
These dispatches were sent out last night
and early today numerous replies were re
ceived. It Is declared that with the demo
crats,' who were' defeated for re-election
and who have responded, a majority of
the legislature Is already pledged In favor
of such a bill In response to ths governor's "
One matter, to take Into acoount tn calling
the session Is the number of members who
have removed from the state, or who have
resigned or died. The details are being
thoroughly canvassed In the executive
office today.
Among those who discussed the extra ses
sion with Governor Sheldon today were:
Representatives Stols of Seward, Harrison
of Otoe, Knowleg of Dodge, Jenlson of Clay,
Senators Goodrich of Fillmore, Aldrlch of
Butler, McGlltun and Thomas of Douglas,
Dodapu of Saline, Former 8entor Laverty
of Baur.-lera and several others, Including
M. L. of Omaha.
When the telegram was received- from
Governor Sheldon by the members of the
Douglas ''county delegation an effort was
made to have a, meeting of the delegation''-""
that the feeling of .:the euttr. delegation
might be sent to the- goeeriibr. ' .
Mike Lee, F., Tucker and James Walali
expressed themselves aa being strongly '
against the proposition. . N. P. Dodge, Jr.,
was out of the city. Ed Leader wanted
time to "talk It over with fny colleagues
before giving an answer." Sam Hoff, who
took the vacancy made by Henry T. Clarke,
Jr., when he resigned to become railway
commissioner, said he did not ears to ex
press his opinion, but he wa In favor of
home rule. L. C. Gibson said he did not
understand exactly what the governor
wanted and would have to look the matter
up. F. C. Best said he did hot favor call
ing an extra session of the legislature.
Several members of the last legislature
said that the only way to keep the state
from going prohibition was to keep the
governor from calling an extra session of
the body. Several of the members who
were on the fence at the last session were
defeated at tho late election, and It Is also
said that the sentiment has changed con
Four Members of House Committee
Hold Preliminary Con
ference. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9,-Tlio proposed
revision of the tariff was discussed st a
conference today of Representstlvns Psyne
of New York, Daliell of Penhsylvinls,
Hill of Connecticut and Gaines of West
Virginia, leading republican nvmbera of
the house committee ou ways and moans.
The conference was preliminary to the
series of public hearings on the tariff
which the committee will hold during the
month, beginning tomorrow morning.
That the committee will draw up a new
law to supersede the Dlngley tariff law
which will carry out tha policy advocated
In tha Chicago platform was today ad
mitted by one of the majority members,
but It Is understood that the committee
has confined its efforts to the consideration
of necessary changes In the wording of the
law In order to secure Its proper Interpre
tation rather than to the question of any
changes In rates of duty, which has been
left for consideration sfter the hearing
have been held.
Tho hearing tomorrow will be devoted
to chemicals, oils and paints. The natiotW
Wholesale Druggists' association will hive
no representative at the hearing. This Is
taken to indicate that the wholeaale drug
gists do not deslro any changes In tha
present tariffs.
Indications are that adjustment tn tha
wording of various paragraphs of sched
ule A and a more explicit classification of
certain articles will be all that ths com
mittee will be asked to do with regrd to
this schedule.
President Sends Message to Edward
on Ills Birthday Anal
vereary. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. One of the first
things President Roosevelt did when lie
reached his office today was to dictate l
his secretary a characteristic message of
congratulation and good wishes to Edward
VII, king of Great Britain and Ireland,
who today celebrates the sixty-seventh an
niversary of his birth. Ths message was
cabled to London, but waa not made piibllo
On the fiftieth Sjinnlversary of the blrtli
of President Roosevelt, October K, King
Edward sent a congratulatory cablegram
conveying an expression of his good wishes
both for the president and the America
people. The president was greatly pleased
with this message.
At the British embassy In Washington
ths king's birthday will be celebrated with
a dinner, which Ambassador Bryoa will
give at the embassy- this evening.