TUTf OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1903. REAL ESTATE-LOANS (Continued.) fi FIRST MORTGAGES. A few 'choice first mortgage: ' recom mended by a rational bahk, In amount of from H.flW to W.0n. that will net Investors e pr cent. All on wall Unproved (arms. Andres or can nti B. 8. WBATHERLT, 210 First Nat. Bank Bid. tl-Mft PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 150 FARNAM. PA TNE, BOSTW1CK CO.. N. T. Llf. PrlvaU money; to 15,000; low rata. (22)-7S LOWEST RATES Bemle. V Paxton block. (22)-767 Good 6 Farm Mortgages Alwayg on Land and for sale amount from $300 to'$3,000. BKXSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. (22-Mo2 I in WANTED City loana and warrants. W, Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam Bt;- (3W6S $10(t TO M,000 made promptly. F". Wead Bldf., IHth and Farnam. D. Wead, (22)7S MONBY.TO LOAN-Fayne Investment Co, (22;-700 PRIVATE! money to loan. 1 Brandeta Hide i. H. Sherwood, til) 781 LOANS of ron to 16,000 on Omaha rest- Hence property. O'KEKPK REAL KSTATB CO., lutrt N I. Ufa Bldg. . ' X22)-7S3 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT tO BUY Klnrald homestead re llnrtulshment, or two Joining preferred Kive iuii uiKrrjpuon, Address. D-513. care (251 Mtl x WANTED-T0 BUY HIGHEST prices for 2d-hand furniture, car pets, clothe and shoes. Tel. Doug. 897L t) 763 1 M fl I "T firtra niljl fnf M.k.nit rn.nll.i. onrpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 4401. -.'. , 26 7 WANTED-SITUATIONS LXFEKIKNCED stenographers; excellent reierncca. u, umana oee, council Bluffs, I"OSlTION WANTED aa office manager or general orrice worn; expert book- keeper and stenographer; employed at preaiuu. Address M 604, care te. .' -"... i (27) M40 Si. WANTED By a lady of refinement, accus tomed to traveling, a position as com panlon to lady or managing housekeeper tor eiaeny gentleman ot means. Address Mrs. M. Snow, Ban- Antonio, Tex., fM Ban Pedro Ave. (27) M46 13x EXPERIENCED office man and book keeper wants position; competent to hold responsible place; beat references. Aa dreBS D-f30. Bee Office. (27) 438 fx STENOGRAPH 1J preferred, any clerical work acceptable, by a High school grad uate; serious minded, strict attention to business; A-l references. Address N Sue, cara Bee. (27) M564 10 WANTED-tHfilliw rteanlna-.' window wash lng. carpet cleaning, etc., by day or hour, 'Phone Webster 44(8. (27) M57J 8x STOVE "REPAIRS WE have lri'sfork (no delay) repairs for vary make of fura .ee, atcam or hot water beater, water fronts. OMAHA STOVE- REPAIR WORKS, . IfcKW Douglas 8t Telephones; 11, Do u la, WO; Ind., A-SSair ;oo WESTERN'- LEAGUE MEETING Annual Session of Magnates to Be Held in Chicago Wednesday. JfEW CIRCUIT TO BE CONSIDERED It Is Probable that Wichita and Toprk Will Be Admitted to Membership In the - I.ragae. CHICAGO, Nov. $. Presidait O'Neill, of the Western Base Ball league today Issued a call for the annua) meeting of the league, to be held at the Grand Pacific hotel, Chi cago, on Wednesday, November 11. it was originally Intended to hold the annual meet ing In Denver, but at the request of a ma jority of the members of the league Chi cago was substituted. The buslneas of the season Just closed will be cleared up and It Is expected that Wichita and Topeko, Kan., will be ad mitted, making a total ot eight clubs In the league next aeaaon. The league, as en larged, will consist of the following cities: Des . Moines, Sioux City, Omaha, Lincoln, Topeka, Wichita, Denver and Pueblo. RECORDS OF LOCAL BOWLERS Standings of the Teams and flayers I' 9 to Date. The end of the eighth week of bowling In the Commercial league ftnda the first five teams fighting hard for the lead, the Lux us and Brodegaard bowlers having slightly the best of It. and are tied for first honors, the Birmingham and Omaha Bicycles following closely, while Dick Grotte's Chabot team Is at the foot of the llrei division. Carman leads the Individuals, with Drink water second and Mr. Voaa third. The grandstand bowlers for the first eight weeks show up as follows: High sin gle game, Btapnhoret. til; Grotle, i37; Gilbreath, 239. High tnree games: 1 nomas, "; Drlnkwater, Caiman. 613. and SUpenhorst 12. These men are high for the ninth week prizes unless boaler the coming week. Team and individual averages: Won. Lost. Pet. Pine. Luxus IS S .67 20.o71 Brudegaard Crowns... 14 7 .w7 lK.lb0 birnilngnam Range... 16 .25 20,7x2 Omaha Bicycle Co.... 16 S . 2),.i67 Chabot Shoe Co 13 .1 KB Postoffice U 12 . l.Ui Cole-McKenna's 9 16 .276 U,tU1 Kelley at Hey den 7 14 .334 16,uol Hussie s Acorns 6 10 .333 H.K12 Drelbus Candy Co.... 6 19 .2u8 le.ICO Htm: Gwsu. At I Mw. Oimfi At. rrma il )t K.lni II lo Drlnkwater i4 ;M H. PrUBMU II 14 Vo 21 1M Kraialt IT 1M Carp ...24 brunke .' U i Tbomu 12 '1 H. Ptturaon II HI Hull M ITIi Vaughn It HI Lehmana U V,S( p. Nalaoa 16 11 Walan 24 1T UU Martin 21 :TK Dlawaon U u Boloffloa It :77t Peterson 11 14 Roord 14 j7 Sutton 21 Kyt 24 J7 palmer t 'I Baaaila II Walmtieller . W Grotta 1& 1 '5, Sl.lMrl tt IM Hinrleka 21 1741 B. Juhnaon il lul Starr I :!4Traynor Zi U Cams 21 17-4 Il.ehr 21 lit Srnultl 18 11 4 1 W. Nelion II ISi Nalann II 173 Rica i lot Btapenhorst S4 li?i OuaUTeaoo il 164 Johnatun I I'll Cottas II M Uilhraath It 170 Garnandt I 1 Krus It '7U Colllna 21 1W Jrnqlnga 21 McKae 11 ! Dryaa 24 1 Housh ll foWy 21 147 Lough II -H Fatarbars II ,471 Dlbtxra 147 C. Prima u II ltTI K. Patterson It 144 Beniuan ID lVi Ruak It i4t Fry I Mueller I !a4 Laarn -II iao Laraon I '41 Wllay ..it :isjj, Nelaon 12 131 Fielding Averages of the National League NEW YORK, Nov. I Following are the official fielding averages of National League players who participated in fifteen or more championship games during the season of ISO: FIRST 'BASEMEN. Plaver and Club. GUI. Pittsburg Stem. Boston Tenney, New York.. Ganset, Cincinnati.... Chance, Chicago McOann. Boston Rtorke, Pittsburg Konetchy, St. Louis.. 'Branefleld, Phil Hoblitsell, Cincinnati. Swaclna, Pittsburg... Jordan, Brooklyn Hofman, Chicago Kane, Pittsburg McLean, Cincinnati... . SECOND Knabe. Philadelphia.. 151 Abbatlcchlo, Pitta 144 Rltchey, Boston 120 Hannifin, Boston 22 Pattee. Brooklyn 74 - Hummel, Brooklyn... 4:1 Bvers, Chicago.. iffl HtiKglne), Cincinnati.. 13n Gilbert. St. Louis Hofman. Chicago..,.. '22 Doyle, New York 102 Alperman, Brooklyn.. 42 Zimmerman, Chicago. 10 Charles, St. Louis.... ris Hersog, New York... 42 Kgan Cincinnati '.. is THIRD. G. P.O. A. E. TC. Pet. 2o HI 7 0 244 l.nna i iw 1 .. rxt .m v 1S 1624 ll? 18 1.769 . lOJ 1.11S 12 1.1M .990 126 1.201 M 15 1,K2 .99 121 1.2.-9 Vt 1 l.X -"S 49 4"1 17 S 54 .m 1M 1.S10 12 24 1.754 .9k 143 1.472 89 22 1.BS3 .96 32 313 24 6 342 . 985 60 f'l 19 S &- -93 14 1.4K2 60 29 1.M5 .9N0 Ji 357 20 11 3J.S .972 40 378 Si 14 418 .98 19 165 8 178 .9 LEFT riELDCRS. Player and Club. G. P.O. A. Catterson, Brooklyn.. IS 39 1 (Llarae. Plttaburg 16U 3M - 16 Hummel, Brooklyn.... W lo. 18 Shajnon, N. Y., I'ltts. W 9H 4 Magee, Philadelphia.. 142 279 15 Pasxert, Cincinnati... 174 10 Plagle, Chicago 16 2 0 HhHkard, Chicago.... 115 2nl 13 Bales, Boston 101 is,i U Brain. Cincinnati IS 341 0 Kelley, Boston 3S 71 6 lobrt. Cincinnati 21 37 2 MvCorm k, N.Y., Phil. 69 91 I BASEMEN. CENTER Chicago 76 120 FIELDER 8. 344 2fi8 SJS 1H 237 Hi2 2ei 41 1) 74 41. 123 61 33 470 411 36 4 244 127 861 40' 2M 6S 291 110 43 1S2 1-5. . 47 26 22 24 4 15 2S 90 24 S S3 13 7 26 IS 10 840 713 717 1-J3 4i9 241 738 600 J02 HH 197 91 3T11 202 (2 BASEMEN. Ievlln. New York.... eteinfeldt. Chicago... Leach, Plttaburg Mowrey, Cincinnati., Sheehan, Brooklyn.... Grant, Philadelphia... Bweeney, Bostcm Hannifin, Boston Byrne, 8t. Louis Lobert. Cincinnati.... Courtney, Plilla Charles, St. Louis.... LEGAL NOTICES XHE5 SOUTH OMAHA AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY Special Meet ing. Ouiana, Neb.. October 1. 1908. A ape. Dial meeting it lh stockholders of The South ouiana i"l Western Railroad Com pany will 4m Held at the office of the Company In onmtia, Nab., on Friday, De cember IS. 13u. at il o'clock a. m ror the uarpu of autiioi'ising and providing for thu sals ot ttie 1 ail nad of Tris South Omaha and Westciti i,ai:roi)d Company,- with its franchises Ami iipui lenanuas, its real es tate and pvia.mui property, t Union Pa cific Ruiliuuil ..niiuiiy, the consideration for sucli a 10 i,e the cancellation of the bouus -uiJ kdtiKfaction of th" mort gage of iiUi lif South Omaha and Western Hullroad i-uiiitaii , and -ha assumption of all Ha other injebiei'. ..ess by the said Union Faoinu lllnoau Company; and for hu purpowi Kt transacting all such other business may legmlly -corns before the meeting. For the purposes of the meeting the book for the transfer of stock will be closed at I o'clock p. m. on Monday. December. 7, 1908, aud will be reopened at 10 o'clock a. 01. on Saturday. December 19. UWL. T. ,M. OHR. Secretary. 0atoDU RAILWAY TIME CARD l NJO.. STATION IOTH A'D 51 AS OS ( Ieave. Arrive. , .a 8:60 am a 9:40 pm ..a 8:60 ptn. a 6:00 pm al0:15 am ..a 4:10 put a fi:t pm .al2:ub pm a s:ib pm . 9:30 ant a 6:46 pm In lost I'acltlc . Overland I.tmlted..-.. Colorado Fxpiess Atlantic Exprtas..r .. Oregom Express lAa Angeles Limited Faat Mall t nina ana japan uai..n a. h fi North Platte Local a 7.42 am a 4:46 pm Colo.-Chicagn Bpectal. ..al2:10 am a 7:06 am Beatrice A Btromsburg Local , ....j, bl2:S0 pm b 1 :40 pm llllaols Oaitral fhlrairi) Rxnresa '.. a' 7:15 am a 145 Dm Chlceas 'limited..... a 8:00 pm a 8:90 am Minn. -St Paul Kxpresa.b 1 :15 am Minn .si Paul Limited a S:00 vm a 8:30 am Oma.-Ft. Dodge Local. a 4:15 pm all:30 am Chlcaajo A ISorlharestern Chicago DiiyHitlit. ....... a 7:20 am St. Paul-Minn. Exp a 7:45 am Chicago Local .'.......all:) am Bloux City Passenger... a 8:60 pm Chlrsgo Special a mk pm St. Paul-Minn. Limited. a 8:20 pm 1 Angeles Limited. ...a 9:30 pm Overland Limited. ,.,..,.al0:00 pm r at Man ....a 3:50 pm ....a 8:20 pm ... a 7:10 am ....a 1:40 am ....a 8:00 pm ....a S ou pm ... b StilO nnt ...b 6:80 pm 7: am 6:06 ptn 7: am l, pin all:48 cm . 10:20 pat a s:zs pai a 9:10 am a 8:23 am a 8:' am al!AS pm a 8:28 am a 8:36 pm a 9:20 am a 8:u0 am a 6:20 pm a 10:36 am a 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm D l:as pm Bloux City Local... Twin-City Limited Norfolk-Bonesieel , Llncoln-Ixng Pins Deadwood-Llncola Casper-Lander .... Hasttngs-Bupertur Fremont-Albion ... thlces Uraat Westrrn St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm St. Paul-MmneapoMs Chicago Limited fhlcavo Kxpress..... Chlcasto Express WSSMB St. Louie Express a : pm St. Louis Local, (from Council Blurfe) a 1:00 am 8tanberry Loal (from Council Bluf(a) b trtO pm Chicago, Milwaukee at St. Pl I'lil. A Colo. Special. ...a 7:26 am all:R0 pm Cat.- m Or. Express. ...a '"w pm Overland Limited a 9:68 pm Perry lxcal b 6:16 put Mlaiaart I'atrlfle - K. C. & St. I Kxprsss a 9:00 am K.t . 4 81. I.. F.xrress .aU:!5 pm 7:50 an 11 :3S pm 8:27 am 11:36 pin I 30 pm a 9:25 am sll:15 pm bl0:15 am I h tease, Rock r y a. f lalaaid A Pacific EAfiT. Chicago Umited a 1:00 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am Rocky Mountain Ud...a 3:ti0 am Des Moines 4V Eastern, a 1:u0 am Des M -ines Paasenger..a l ul pm Iowa Local bll :ia.i 4111 Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm Chicago Flyer, a 6:28 pro . WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd ,.all:15 pm Colo. aV Cat. Express.. a 1:20 pm Okl. Texaa Kxpreas..a 4:40 pu a 8:26 pm a s:su am bll:25 am 6:45 am a 6:50 pm Omavhaa Lttlsa, Some good tenpins was played In the Omaha bowling -league last week, and the leauers were pulled down so that tne four first division teams are well bunched. Thu old competitors, tne Triumphs and Men Bros., met, and the Mets won the extra series. There is a race between the ttiree tall-end teams Which will not be decided untH nex Wednesdar night, when the Oni. mods and Sampeeks bowl their postponed game. If either team wins a series this snoves the Gate Citys down a peg. This game will end the first round. Blaketuy leads tne league, witn an aver age of 194, but haB played only six games. Hartley Is nigh lor the week Willi total pins, 200, 222. 22u; total) 642. , Hiakeney is nign tor tne mommy pnxo, 245. Below Is standing of teams and Individu als: Standing of the teams: won Triumphs .. raistairs ... Mets Bros.. Chancellors Jettera Gate Citys 7 Onimods S Sampecks 6 Individual standing: Lost. 6 7 8 9 11 14 13 13 Pins. 18,384 17, H04 18,278 18.129 17,604 17,572 14,002 14,681 Nam's. Blakeney Jnhnaoa . Keals .... Orrall .... Bergae Frltacasr Scott Anderaoa Glare Gams. At. I iU 6 It I VI ....... 1.1 II . II . 21 O. O. Ptasclseo.. It Zlmtnarman Reed Oochras W. o. Ooft Dudley C. J. Francisco. . Hartley Frusn ...... RempJte ,. Weat Kneel Chandler Ilenmaa Klsuck Nam. Hur.tloston . Sherwood ... Shumaeher . Jordan ..... Llit Tracy Orceaiaat ... Reynolds ... Kolia ....... V.. H. Ootf.. Weber Cog swell ... V Mttemore Mills Jooaa Jay v... Lucas McKelvey .. Maurer ... .. &beldoa .... Mulll Van Order . Haaker Ohnaaorf Games. At. n :7o I 21 I ; 11 11 12 li 12 u. :i ii 4 21 it it ii 11 it i Tinker, Chicago Dahlen, Boston Wagner, Pittsburg.... Lewis, Brooklyn Doolan, Philadelphia.. Morris, St. Louis Hulswltt, ClnclMiatt.. Brldwell, New York.. Lobert. Cincinnati.... Charles. St. Louis.... McMillan, Brooklyn... Rellly. St. Louis O'Rnurke, St. Louis.. Osteen, St. Louis Bescher, Cincinnati... Barry, New York Burch, Brooklyn Delahanty, St. Louis. Donlln, New York.... Beecroft has high total pins (three games) for the weekly cash prise, 199, 852, 211; total. 6t2. West Sides and Omaha National Banks Monday night. , Association. The Association league got away last week In nice shape, tour teams winning two out of three games. The Swifts lead on plus, getting 1,467. The second week ill doubtless show some improvement in their detail work. btandltig of the teams: won. .... 2 .... 2 2 .... 2 .... 1 .... 1 1 Lost. 1 Swifts Union Paulfics.. Malonys West Sides .... Cudahys Dreshers Signal Corns .. Omaha National Bank. 1 Metropolitan. Team standing and individual averages of Metropolitan Bowling league for week end ing November 7: Name. At Name. St. Patereos .Willy ' Bokar 1U Stridor 141 Pet. .i7 .667 .667 .6i7 .333 .333 .333 .333 Pins. 1.467 1.388 1.380 1,359 1.457 1.361 1.308 1,246 R 4ILROAD TIM IS ClRO-i-CsstlsBed, BUHUMOTON STA. Darlington -IOTH at MASON all KK pm a 4:30 pm ell :i pm a 4:30 pm all. 80 pm b 9:65 put a l,W pm a I K am a I Warn a 4:30 pm a 1:15 pui WEBSTBK 8TA 16TH tt WEBSTER t'htresTOs St. - ! Mlaaeanolle ot OsMavatsv . ...... f Twin City Passenger.. .6 S ao am b 8:20 pm l Slous CKr Pangr...a uO pm alO 60 am 1 ft s Knos I-oeal :4 am I XS am 'VV Kmereon Loea" b 1:56 fna bS lOaas A ..bun Local : b S 66 pm blVat am ' Leave. Arrlva Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm a 1:60 pro Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 4. id pin Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm Northwest Express ...... all :59 pm a 9:u8 am Nebraska points a 8:46 am a 6:10 pm Nebraska Express a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pra al2:ll pm Lincoln Local b:oara Lincoln Local a 7:60 pro Bchuyier-Plattsmouth ..b 1:10 pm bl0:20 am Bellevua-Plkttsmouth . a l:0u pm a 8:59 am Platlsmouth-lowa b 8,11 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth b 1:05 pm Bellevue-Plaitlsnioulh ..c 2:86 pm o2:40pni Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 7:U6 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am all:45pm Chicago Kxpress a 4.20 pm a 8:65 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm a S:i am Iowa Local a 9:1a am all :30 am St. Louis Express a 4-46 pm all. 30 am Kansas City Ac gt. Joe..al0:46 pm a : am Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm Kansaa City 4 St. Joe. .a 4:46 pin a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except Waturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. CANADIAN PACIFIC , cxutisTixAa mxtTVMiovs. 157 ' jn 331 30 6R4 150 1M 27 28 4 161 . 199 293 33 526 66 61 119 11 172 145 174 20 S4 4HS 134 197 271 36 6i3 123 174 2H 84 486 86 63 79 10 142 122 1S3 248 35 46 99 121 181 26 828 23 ' 18 S t 69 23 35 46 S 88 SHORTSTOPS. 157 314 670 39 923 144 . 291 563 43 8X7 151 S.V4 4(i9 60 873 116 227 352 35 614 129 269 419 45 733 23 4 7 75 8 -1.10 118 242 . 368 42 652 147 277 4 65 818 35 64 87 13 : 164 31 67 95 15 167 29 52 86 20 158 29 34 f.9 16 119 68 80 171 41 392 17 80 42 13 86 LEFT FIELDERS. 32 82 2 0 84 2" 27 0 0 27 47 91 8 J 101 138 243 11 6 260 28 42 1 1 44 .9ti9 .m .967 .967 .9A4 .9R3 .90 .956 . .95i .941 .935, .934 .923 .931 .921 .891 .947 .90 .937 .9: (II .H9 .930 .930 .925 .921 .916 .9U9 -.958 .952 .943 , .943 .8.19 ,m- .936 .933 .9.1 .910 1 .873 .8G6 .800 .647 l.ono l.nno .980 .977 .977 t la ale. Kane. Cincinnati Thomas, Phil., Pitts.. 107 Browne, Hoston 17 Burch, Brooklyn 44 Ohborn, PhilHuelphia.. 146 Beaumont, Boston 121 Howard, Chicago 30 Shannon, Pittsburg... 20 Hofman. Chicago 60 Wilapn, Pittsburg 24 Maloney, Hrooklyn.... 95 Paskert, Cincinnati.... 34 feymour, ' York.. 165 Pluiw. St. Louis 67 Murray, St. Louis 87 147 292 2X2 :)6 94 342 259 52 66 118 56 224 72 SW 146 1KJ 6 15 7 1 7 14 17 1 2 9 3 11 5 29 18 11 RIGHT FIELDERS. Bavless, Clnclnrmtt. ... 17 Schttlte, Chicago. 89 Dt-nlin. New York.... 127 Howard. Chicago 51 Titus, Philadelphia.... H9 Barrv. SL U, N. Y.... 79 Mitchell. Cincinnati... 116 Becker, Pitts, Bost.. 69 Burch, Brooklyn 27 Wilson, Pittsburg 109 Lumley, Brooklyn 116 Bhannon. N. Y., Pitts. 21 Moeller. Pittsburg 23 Browne, Boston 109 Murray,. St. Louis.... 7 thaw. St. Louis 22 3 118 -. 197. 77 216 115 188 , 65 57 200 157 38 38 186 91 33 CATCHERS. K. 1 10 0 3 S 7 2 111 10 2 6 a s 1 6 7 1 I 12 . 1 2 I 6 8 12 4 20 10 19 0 1 5 S 9 6 S 8 3 10 8 2 2 12 9 4 T.C. 41 371 178 H5 3-3 1H1 b4 :i'4 2i 38 81 42 ltd 156 313 296 88 14 868 26 65 71 133 t2 247 81 3S9 174 21S 28 127 223 89 246 130 213 70 9 227 178 44 40 214 111 41 Pet. .976 .973 .97J .971 .970 .963 .!tvl .K6 .947 .93.1 .9 .922 .981 .9n0 .976 .974 .971 .967 .96j ,9i4 .958 .9fio .97.2 .931 .97.1 .949 .948 .911 1.J .992 .977 '.m .962 .97.8 .957 .957 .956 .97.S .956 .973 .944 -.919 .902 ANSON PHELPS STOKES HERE aecretary of 1 ale la Honor tlaest at Dinner tilven by Loral Alatnnl. Bliss. St. Iouls , Bergen, Brooklyn 99 Bresrjahan, N Y 139 Kltng. Chicago 117 1 helps, Pittsburg 20 Jacklitach, Pnll 30 Needham, New York. 47 fcimith, Boston 38 Gibson, Pittsburg 14H Bowerman, Boston.... 63 P. Moran. Chicago.... 46 Dooln. Philadelphia... 132. M'l-ean. Cincinnati... 69 Schlel, Cincinnati 88 Bitter, Brooklyn 87 Dunn. Brooklyn 20 Graham, Bcsion 62 Ludwlg. Bt. Louis 62 Hcstetter, St. Louis.. 41 C. Moran. St. Louis.. 16 194 470 657 696 60 126 168 143 67 22S 242 654 280 S55 132 93 242 227 182 58 69 137 140 149 16 38 30 52 136 69 56 191 82 96 44 42 75 87 56 26 2 7 12 18 2 4 & 6 21 9 10 26 14 16 7 15 16 13 9 255 614 i9 761 86 IRS 23 2IMI 764 S- 3 771 376 469 183 141 832 330 251 93 .992 .99 .986 .979 .977 .976 .976 .975 .973 .971 .968 .966 .963 .962 .962 .957 .956 .952 .948 .90S Chicago Philadelphia New York... G. P.O. A. E. TC. Pct.P.B, 158 4,292 2,061 205 6.548 . 969 12 166 4.2-H - 1.907 226 6,334 .964 - 8 155 4.167 2.071 238 6.466 .963 19 167 4,220 2,086 2&0 6,556 .962 23 Record of those who pitched in fifteen or more TEAM FIELDING. Boston Brooklyn Cincinnati St. Louis PITCHERS. games,' arranged according to percentage of victories. a. P.O. A. E. T.C. 156 4.157 2.225 253 6.635 154 4,075 2.044 247 6.366 155 4.0HS 1.918 255 6,2 154 4,039 2,059 348 6,446 Pitched Put Total Field'g Pitcher. Club. In. Outs. Assists. Errors. Chances, Ave. Reulbach. Chicago.... 46 15 77 7 . 99 .929 Mathewson. New Y'k. 66 27 141 2 170 . 988 Brown. Chlcgo 44 35 73 0 1 Maddox. Pittsburg.... 36 8 77 8 88 . .966 I Leever, Pittsburg 88 S 44 2 54 .963 Willis, Pittsburg ' 41 11 87 1 99 . 990 Camnltx. Pittsburg... 38 7 64 77 .922 Ames, New York 18 5 32 8 40 . 925 McC'thv. CTt.JPltf.Bm. 17 4 38 1 41 .978 Wlltse, New York.... 44 25 89 . 2 116 . 983 Tsylor, New York.... 27 8 35 4 47 .915 McGlnnity.'New York 37 10 60 6 65 .923 Spade. Cincinnati 86 4 67 6 67 . .910 : Corrldon, Phlladel 27 IS 78 6 96 ,!H8 Overall. Chicago 37 1 3 61 B . 69 .928 McQuillan, Phila 48 14 96 6 116 . 948 Fraser, Chicago 28 1 4 - 61 1 78 . 987 Tflester, ChlcS"0 33 13 ' 63 2 71 .972 Wetmer, Cincinnati... 16 7 87 0 44 l.nno Ewlng, Cincinnati 37 11 69 3 . 88 .964 lilfield, Pittsburg.... 34 6 62 6 . 73 . 912 Sparks, Philadelphia.. 3s 16 65 t 86 .910 Crandall. New York.. 33 15 62 1 68- --sSi Ferguson. Boston 87 9 43 6 6!) ' .9tn Foxem, Philadelphia... 22 9 51 8 61 .952 Campbell. Cincinnati., 8R 10 87 . 7 104 . .9Tt. Rucker, Brooklyn 42 jj . 107 4 124 '' .918'.' Moren, Philadelphia.. 28 6 43 2 61 .91 Dubuc. Cincinnati ja 7 .. ?8 2 ' '-'i .W8 Lindaman, Boston.... 43 68 . " t 79 - .97- Wllhelm, Brooklyn.... 43 17 109 132 '.awl Richie. Philadelphia.. gi 7 40 6 '63 .887 ' FloheVtTr- Boston 8t 20 79 4 13 .961 I Young, B" . Pitts.. M 10 42 7 69 .81 Lundgren, Chicago.... 2S 6 M ' 1 41 - -, .976 -v Lush, 6t. luls 88 IS 73 7 95 .9"6 . Pavmord. St. Louis.. 48 12 MS 8 12S .918 Boultes, Boston. 17 7 17 0 M 1-OOQ Coakley, Cin.. Chi.... m 8 66 4 . 68 .941 Mclntlre, Brooklyn:... 40 6 74 4 w .9W Karger, St. Louis.... 22 10 33 2 45 Dorner, Boston 88 8 77 5 90 . 944 . Bee be. 8t- Louis 9 64 2 .59 Fiomme. St. Louis... 0 S 30 0 3 1.0"n . Bailee, St. Louts f, S 87 1 43 .PH; Hlgglnbotham. St. L-. 19 8 27 1 S0 .97 Bell, Brooklyn 9 8 61 1 94 .91 Pastorlus, Rrooklyn.. 28 8 66 2 74 .PJ McGlynn. St. Louis.. 16 1 29 4 M .88 Malarkey, New York. IB 1 9 1 11 909 Hit Bases on Strike Wild B'smen. Balls. Outs. Pitches. Extra Tie in gs. Gms. 12 I06 133 5 3 42 259 2 6 49 123 6 11' 90 70 4 6 41 28 3 6 69 97 4 5 69 11 2 1 27 8 1 2 1 37 31 1 9 73 118 4 4 34 50 4 7 37 66 3 6 85 74 1 6 48 60 3 2 78 167 6 91 114 6 6 61 66 7 11 70 117 6 6 60 36 2 6 67 96 7 1'2 86 87 8 61 85 0 9 69 " 2 8 84 98 8 8 63 62 8 10 44 73 3 19 125 199 .6 2 49 72 6 6 42 33 1 10 70 68 7 6 83 99 5 6 49 68 8 8 81 50 6 7 40 . 63 0 0 66 38 4 U 67 93 8 14 95 145 8 1 8 28 0 4 70 68 . 1 20 90 108 0 2 60 34 4 15 77 41 2 4 66 72 0 2 60 62 8 8 36 39 2 8 33 38 7 2 46 61 4 7 74 54 S 2 17 23 1 1 10 12 0 4 3 5 2 2 S 1 0 0 4 0 0 3 4 2 3 0 1 0 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 4 0 I 3 3 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shut- Gins. outs. W on, 6 18 4 4 7 8 0 2 7 1 6 8 2 4 7 4 3 2 4 5 2 0 8 2 2 6 4 1 2 6 1 0 2 1 2 6 0 5 4 1 3 0 2. 1 1 2 : 0 0 24 37 29 23 15 23 16 7 7 23 8 11 17 14 15 23 11 12 . 8 17 15 16 12 11 7 ' 12 17 8 6' 12 16 7 . 12 8 6 11 IS 3 ' 10 It 4 8 6 5 3 3 4 4 1 0 Pet. P.B .9Ri 10 .961 13 .959 21 .946 21 Gms. Pet, Lost. Vies The Ysle alumni of Nrbranka and Iowa entertained Anson Phelps Stokes, secretary of Yale university at a dinner it the .Omaha club Friday evening. The guests of honor were Oeorge F. Mclean, president of the Iowa State university, Prof. E. H. Barbour, curator of the stste museum of the Ne braska university, and N.tthanlel T. Guernsey, eso,., and President Perry of Doane college. An enjoyable smoker preceded the din ner, following which the visitor were given an automobile ride about the city. Over forty of the Yale alumni were present at the dinner, of which P. W. Pat rick acted as toastmaster. Short addresses were delivered by a number of those pros ent, after which an alumni association was organised, with Prof. E. H. Barbour as president; R. W. Patrick and Frank Craw ford, vice presidents; Harold C. Evarts, secretary and treasurer. A committee of five was appointed, of which Victor B Caldwell Is chairman, to draft a constitu tion and by-laws. The present member ship of the association Is thirty, which It is hoped to Increase to sixty In the near future. Those present were: Dr. George K. McLean, president Towa State university, Iowa City: N. T. Guernsey, '81. Des Moines: Prof. Edwin H. Barbour. State university, Lincoln; Ernest E. Hurt, si, council mutts; victor B. Cald well, '87, Omaha; James H. Dixon. '07, Omaha: K. W. Dixon. '81. Omaha: Thomas L. Davis, '04. Omaha; D. B. Tllson, i, trnianK; Btanley rt. lilt s in. '07. B, Omaha; Harold V. Evarts, '02, Omaha; y. W. W. Jackson. '02, Lincoln: A. A. Smith, '02, St. Edwards; J. 8. Foote. '77, Omaha; Robert W. l'atrick, '79, S. Omaha; Phllo D. Clark. '02, Red Oak; R. B. Mc- Fadon, '01, Chadron: W. 1). Hosford. '08, Omaha: C. E. Holland. '86. L.. Seward: Frank Crawford, '91. Omaha: Denlse Bark- alow, '07, 8.. Omaha; R. L. Paterson, '06, 8., Omahn; R. O. Clapp. '01, Idncoln: A. C. Mayer. '97. M. L Grand Island; Richard Buum, Omah.i; J. W. Madden, '7, 8., Om aha; Wlllard Butler, Omaha; Luther Kountxe, '97, Omahu; Charles T. Kountze, '92. S.; Hon. Thos. Hedge. '67. Burlington: Otanreii Van Hrunr 'OT M (nnpll Ul,,rr. V. T. Mnvev. M I. Tina M,iima- Mr ' Perry, President Doane College; Elliott 8. Miller. '78, Des Moines; C. 8. Sherwood, '9s, 8., Beatrice; Orwlg Ex. '02, lies Moines; Hubbell, '05, S., Des Mulnes; W. R. Lane, '00, L., Des Moines; Burton Smith, Sioux City; Mr. Gelsthart, Grand Island; Charles Miller, Des Moines. If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Foley's Orlno Laxative . will cure you permanetly by stimulating the diges tive organa so they will act naturally. Folely'a Orlno Laxative does not gripe, la pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives continually after taking Orlno. Why continue to bo the . slave of pills and tableta. Sold by all druggists. 7 11 9 8 7 11 9 4 4 14 6 7 12 10 11 17 10 7 15 14 15 12 . 11 7 13 19 9 . -6 16 22 10 18 12 9 18 26 6 18 20 9 19 18 IS 8 8 15 20 6 2 .774 .774 .7a .743 .62 .67 .640 .636 .6:16 .622 .615 .611 .686 .683 .577 .575 .550 .645 .K(3 .531 .617 .616 .500 .500 .600 .480 .472 .471 .465 .429 .421 .412 .4"0 .400 .410 .379 .875 .375 .357 .855 .208 .296 .278 .278 .273 .273 .211 .167 .143 .000 SIX DEAD. ONEJFATALLY HURT F.tplnalon of Holler In W Isponals Cen . tral Honsdhasae nt Ssserlor Vrk Slnvoas. ' - SUPERIOR. Wis.. Nov. 8. Six men were killed, one fntallv Injured .and four slightly hurt In ah rxploon that occurred shortly befort 1 p. in. t the Wisconsin Central roundhouse which Is being built In thla city. Tho ere- working on the roundhouse had eaten dinner and were sitting near an engine boiler, when, without warning, It blew up. The victims were all foreigners. ECHOES OF. THE . ANTE-ROOM Women Take I.eadlnsj Pnrte Is ternal ASTalra of the Utrk. Frn The T-adles' Aid society of Garflled circle No. 11 'met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carrie Vroman on South Thirteenth street with a large at tendance. The regular ni'-ellng of thla circle will be held next Friday evening: in Barlght' hall. Considerable Important business 1s to be considered. Relief Society Bait. The annua! hail of the Ladles Relief society will bo given Thursday evening at Metropolitan hall. The purpose of the ball Is to aid la -th work ot rellovfig the distress and to provide for needy families. The patronesses of the affair and officers of the society are-Mrs. J if.' Harris, .Mrs. M. Bernstein and Max, Ripens and II. A- Wolf. , . K t. Woman's Relief Corns. SWITCHMAN KILLED IN YARDS Timber Left by Track Repairers Knocks Him Off F.nulne and ' Under the Wheels. James P. Murphy, 46 years of age and for over twenty years an employe of the Union Pacific railroad in Omaha, was run over by an engine and almost in stantly killed about 4:30 o'clock yester day afternoon In the Union Pacific yards between California and Webster streets. Murphy, who lived at 1837 North Eighteenth street, was a switchman and yesterday afternoon was riding on the running board of his engine. Track re pairers working on the track had left a piece of timber lying across the rails. This caught Murphy and pulled him off and under the engine, which passed over him, cutting; off both legs between the knee and the ankle. The patrol wagon was called and he was placed In It, but died before the po lice station was reached. u - - The dead man leaves a wife and throe children. Arrangements for the funeral will not be made until today. The Woman's Relief corps o? Grant post will entertain the members or me three posts and corps of Omaha at a spe cial entertainment to be given In Barlg'it hall Tuesday evening. November 17. On Tuesday afternoon, Na-imber . 10, thla corps will give a .tieptlon at the home of Mrs. Andrew Treynor for the charter members of the corns f whom Mrs. R. 8. Wilcox, Mrs. He.e.i Jeffnoat, Mrs. Alice Schreve and Mrs. Lawra L'n dergren sre still living In CVnuhs. The corps was orgitnlxed in March,. 1890, with; seventeen members. Order of Scottish Clans. Clan Gordon No. 68 Initiated several new members and had a number of applk-a-tlons at Its meeting Tuesday evening. Tho fact thHt there was more or lesa excite ment of the Toft-Bryan . order on the streets during the .evening the meeting was curtailed aud the Scots adjourned to see what it was all about.-. Tribe of Ben Hur. 1 Lew Wallace Court No. 121 at Its meet ing last Tuesday n'ght elected B. B. Coom s- rlbe. A number of app lent ons for mem bership was received and acted upon. A large class will be Initiated next Tuesday evening. On November 17 a benefit bail, followed by refreshments, will be given by this court in Barlght Society hall. Herat Neighbors, of .America. Clover Leaf Cnmp No. 8 of South Omaha will entertain the ramps of Omaha. South Oni'ha, Florence, Bellevue aud Fort Crook Thursday even ng at Woodmen hall. South On.ni.a, ov r the South Omaha National hank. An elaborate program has been pre pured for the vent. Fraternal Union of America. Mond iniin Lodge No. Ill Is becoming en thused over the increasing attendance at Its meetings. This Is largely attributable, to the attractive programa that are given under the auspices of the entertainment comm ttee, of which Mrs. Annie M, .Thomas Is the chairman. A Fortunate Texan. E. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex., found a sure cure for malaria and biliousness In Dr. King's New Life Pills. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. NOTRE DAME , DEFEATS INDIANA Iloosler University Men Are Ont clnssed from Start.. . INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 8. The In dlana University foot ball team waa beaten by the eleven from Norte Dame university here this afternoon by the score of 11 to0. Indiana was outclassed from the start. Notre Dame scored its-first touchdown on a semtfluke, when on an on-slde kick. Cun ningham fumbled, the ball rolling, over the goal line. Kelly of Notre Dame falling on it for a . touchdown.,, Miller , kicked goaL Notre Dame made-another touchdown In the second half, on a forward pass for ten yards, and two plays through Indiana's line, Edwards carrying the ball over for a touchdown. .MUler failed at goal. A hie to Score. Nov. 8. (Special No-hlt games: Wlltse of New York vs. Philadelphia, July 4, a. m. (ten Innings); Rucker of Brooklyn vs. Boston, Sept, 5. GloTar Beecroft . . Teruplln ., Hughe ... Itudlger .. Perkins .. Lyons, J. Behoo .... Yousoa ... Laudfreen Coleman . Tot. 10. SI. BY. Xea. B. 11. Third class rat from Omaha. T Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp S53.0Q To Liverpool. London, Glasgow. .. .$60.70 To Scandinavian points $67.50 u. M. noajaaua, m. a.. . OUtx (-, Chicago, 111. Schroeder's St. James. 12 Ortman Stars 11 Chicago Liquor House 11 Besltn Mixers Borshelm Jewels , West Sides Bungalows Loyal rtotei jeweiero Nebraska Cycle Co... Daily News Individual averages Nam. 171 Hunter ... .14 Leo ICIHured . -. '.) Anderson ISs Lyons, K. ?H Henderson , Hi Booth IMBIdaon lit Wood lbtChansstrom 161 Won. Lost. 3 4 4 6 7 ' 8 5 10 12 11 B Pet. .800 .733 .733 .583 .533 .466 .446 .3:13 .200 .062 rJaushUn Wilson Lanark GrllieUs t! Laird Jasper Youaeo Moran Ouetafaen Ward Bofghoft Ortman ., Behan Bower Scannell Hansen rain W. P. ticbnaldor.. D. Schneider Hadtield ATe.t Karoo. ,. 10 Moyna . 1 '6 Owynno . tail Attwood ..... , U4l ierp . lftl Attktno , 14SOoddes . Klj McLean .... . 1571 Haater . 1(7) Norgard ..... . 1,. Roaocrana .. . l.i! I Loft , . 13! Howley . l.MlWhlt ....... . .'Ml Ritchie . Jill C. Haater... , loll Coleman .... . lfol Madaen . 141 f'hrlotlanaes . U Hosier . 14'l Carey ... 147 146 ... lit ". . . -14 ... Ui .... 11 ... lit .... 12 .... :u Pins. 7.011 7,173 7.167 6.&3o 6.860 6 t:t6 3.891 6.614 6,249 4,850 At. .... 14 .... 144 .... 141 .... U, .... 144 .... 141 .... 148 .... lit J4S .... 141 ... ):( .... 1M .... 137 .... 137 .... 14 .... )! .... 1Z7 .... 114 .... 1!4 .... Ill EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Eyo Bright Wins Onenlnsj Handicap nt Emeryville. '' OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. 8. In the presence of over 8.0C0 people Eye Bright won the opening handicap at the opening of the track today, from a high class field. He got off In front and, leading' all the way, won from Dandelion and Neva Lee. The season opened under the most auspicious circumstances. Ideal weather prevailed and the track was In fast condition. One track record waa broken when W, T. Over ton ran a mile and 20 yards In 1:40. and the mile record of l:5S was equalled by Eye Bright. Twenty-four bookies were In line and they could not accommodate all who desired to wager. Interest centered principally In the open ing handicap, which was at a mile .with t2,w0 added. A field of nine faced starter Richard Dwyer with the Hildreth stable a profound favorite. Montgomery, Dande lion, Angelus and Fltcherbert carried the Hildreth colors. Firestone, the representative of Presi dent Thomas H. Williams, was second choice. After a brief delay In which Tire stone fell at the post unseating Walter Miller, the field waa sent away to a good J start. Eye Bright with Klrschbaum up was never beaded, winning handily. Dandelion ran a clever race and waa second, while tho fast coming Neva Lee was third. Sum maries: First race, six furlongs, selling: Voorhees (lis. Archibald, 6 to 2) won, nt. Franc la (113 Shilling. 17 to 6) second. Military Man (117, C. Russell, 108 to 1) third. Time 1:1JS Mabel Hollander. Charles Green, May Amelia, EUerd. Phalanx, Sir Brtllar, Adeua, and Edith R.. finished as named. Second race, f.ve furlongs, selling: Right Easy 197. A. Walsh, S to 1) won, IJstowel 1:1a, Hayes. S to It second, Tom Hay ward Mil, Gilbert. 18 to 1) won. Time: v:5W. Mad man, Captain John, Prudent, Torbe.llno, Yolo, Boid and Schluve, finished aa named. Thlid race, ml.e and 20 yards, purse: W. T. Oveitn (10.', A. Walsh, 8 to 1) won, Fred Bent (104, Shilling, 5 to 2) second, Sugar Maid tlOl, Buxton, to 20) third.. Time: l:4oV- Woodcraft, Cadichon, Logistilla and Ocean Shoiv, tin. shed as named. Fourth race, mile opening handicap, $2,000 added: Eye Bright (loo, Kuai-hbaum, 8 to 1) won, Danuelion (118, Koerner, 9 to 20) sec ond, Neva Lee (102, C. Miller, 9 to 1) third. Time: 1:3. Firestone. Montgomery, Angelua, Royal Tourist and Fiixherbert, aiso ran.- - F.f tli race, mile ' and 70-yards, selling: Mike Jordan O07, C. Ross, 12 to 1) won. Remember (10, Walsh, 6 to 2) seconu, County Clerk (110, Shilling, 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:45. Tea Tray II, Eta pa, Waruen Yeil, Miss May Bowdish. Lccrsall, (Frank Lubbeck, Kamsack, Silver Line and Ele vation, also ran. felxth race, futurity course, purse: Smiley Corbett (108. liajes, 7 to ) won, Sewell (114, Powers, 7 to 6) second, Fire Bail (109, Lyotiig'is. 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:10. Cloud l.sht, Koalta, Tony Faust, Native Son, and Amethyst, also ran. CINCINNATI, Nov. 8. Summaries at La tonla: ' First race, six furlongs: Buffens (107, Burton, 8 to 1) won, Home Run (lus, Reldel, 8 to 6 for place) second, Olive Ely (lul, Glasner, 6 to 6 to show) third. Time: 1:144. Searape, Mlque O'Brien, Harriet Rome, Denver Girl, Almena, Church Steeple, Sister Phyllis, Stoaway and Marsh also ran. Becond race, five and one-half furlongs: Winter Green (112, Martin, 8 to 6) won, Mabel Henry (8, Kennedy, 9 to 10 for Place) second. All Red (112, Deverlch, even to show) third. Time; 1;20V Alice and Crystal Maid also ran. Third race, one mile and a sixteenth: Orena (91, Deverlch, 6 to 1) won, Warr.er Q ris well (100, Kennedy, 7 to 6 for place) Becond, Palumon (99, Glasner, even to show) third. Time: 1:48. Bitter Hand, Washakie, Beau Brummell, True Boy, Hannibal Bey and Huerfano also Ten. Fourth roce, one mile and a furlong: Red Gauntlet (104, Kennedy, 3 to 2) won. Fi nancier (104, Martin, t to 1 for place) sec ond, Gliding Belle (81, Brannon, 1 to 2 to show) thirdi Time: 1:62. Old Honesty also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs: Director (108, Martin, 7 to 10) won. Please (99, Deverlch, 8 to 3 for place) second. Merrick (109, Heldel, out to show) third. Time: 1:13. Ovelando, Robin Hood and Heine alao ran. Sixth race, one and three-slxteerths miles: Alma Dufour (100, Kennedy, 3 to 6) wou. Water Cooler (94, Deverich, even for Dlace) second. The Shaughraun (101, Butler, 7 to 10 to show) third. Time: 2:01. Gold Treasure, Arrow Swift and J. E. also ran. McMillan YALE AND BROWN PLAY TIE lunch Teavaa anceeeds In Scoriae Ten Points. NHJW HAVEN. Conn., Nov. 1-For the socond time In the history of the foot ball relations between the universities. Brown played a tie with Ysle today, the score being 10 to 10. The other game occurred In -'""A and ended to S. The visitors out-played Yale in practically tve.y uc.n.l.. .tlil ui ii.e guile, i-xc, 1 1 that Of kicking, and but for the carelessness In catching a punt out from Yale goal line In the seocrid half and for holding in the line just before the close of the contest would undoubtedly have won the game. Brown's first score came quickly after the opening of the first half. Hobbs kicked off for Yale, Brown rushed It down- to the 44) yard line, McKay And Mayhew carted tt 10 yards more, Bprv kling passed It far ward and Dennle, and Hi latter carrel it over for a touchdown. McKay failed to kick goal. - Five minutes later, after Brides and Coy had rushed the ball down to Brown's 30 yard line, and Brown had held Yale for a second down, Coy kicked the first goal from the field. In the second half JohnBon replaced Mur phy at quarterback on the Yale eleven. Following the kick-off runs by Coy brought the boll back to the center of the field and then Yale scored on a forward pass, the first from Phlibln to Logan for twenty yards, and the second from Johnson to Haines, who took the ball over the line. Hobbs kicked the goal. Two minutes later Dennle Intercepted a forward pass from Phlibln to Haines, ran 80 yards and crossed Yale's goal line. There was no goal kicked as when the ball waa punted leisurely out to Sprack ling he allowed it to just touch the ground. In the last minute of play McKay ran 40 yards for a touch-down, but it was not allowed as there had been holding In the line. The lineup: Score: Yale, 10; Brown, 10. TALK. Logan liobba Andrua Blddle, Goebel Brows Warren. Halnea... Murphy, Jobnaoa. I BROWN. Cooney. ...L.C.ILE Demle ...L.T. L.T Klrley ...UO ! L O Keroeay C. .C Slaaon ...RGIRO Smith ...R.T.I R.T Raqoel ...RH I R K sRegnier, larria ...Q. .l. (I B Sp.-acillng Phllbm L. K B. L.H.B Maynay Brldea R.H.BIR.H.B Mrkay Coy. Daly r.U IP.B By Touchdowns: Dennle, 2; Haines. Goals from touchdown: Hobbs. Goal from field: Coy. Referee: Thompaon, Georgetown. Umpire: Newton. Field Judge: Crolius, Villa Nova. Head linesman: Burleigh. DRAKE LOSES TO MISSOURI Light Lino Unable to Stnnd Battering f Heavier Men. DES MOINES, Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) In the hardest fight in ten years cn a Des Moines gridiron, Missouri defeated Drake, 11 to 8, at the Stadium Saturday aft ernoon. Missouri scored on a .blocked kick In the first half. Drake came back with two drop kicks by Captain McCoy, the half ending, Drake, 8; Missouri, S. Almost at the end of the second half Driver slipped through a hole In the Drake line for twenty yards and a touchdown. In the first half Drake outplayed the Missourians and their score was ths result of a most wanton smile by dame fortune. In the second halt the visitors had a little the best of the argument, although Drake rallied at times, when it seemed impossible for the light line to hold their heavier opponents. The game marks the end of relations between the two school, for some time at least. The lineup: MI98CH.RI Driver Oravoa Atdereos Rlettno Miller (CatU.).... Bluck Kea , , teatherago Gllrhrlsl Alesaader Wilder Touchdowns; kicks: McCoy I DRAKtV Havana - Sickle J. wii.ee War.Ms aVi-.'.er ., ShonlMis Wo-uirew Ktsos ,....! cCey rapt) furdy Sleeuia Driver. Dron Graves. Referee: Beavers ot West Point. Umpire: Qulgley f Kansas. Field Judge: Prall of Ames. 4 Head linesman: Gordon of West Point. ,...L -B IR E.. ...XT IR T.. ....L O ! H O -. etc. ... ...R.O.I LO . ....R.T.. L.V.. ...R E IL r... ...L it. It H . ...R H UH . ....! B I r II.. - Gilchrist, (2). Goal: CORNELL WALKS ON MONMOUTH Illinois' Scores Ono Tonchdorvn on n Fluke. RIO, III., Nov. 8. (Special Telegram.) Cornell, 42; Monmouth, 6. Cornell played rings around Monrnouth Saturday, scoring after four minutes of play. Several touch downs were made and one safety. A pen alty gave Cornell the ball on their yard line, unable to gt back on account of the fence and bleachers the kick was blocked, It rolled under the bleachers and a Mon mouth man feel on It for the first toch down scored against Cornell this year. Monmouth was unable to solve Cornell's plays and was able to make but few downs. Lineup: CORNELL. Smith I"1' Relndig 11. Lousberry Col yearo C. Lane Mneldlg R.T. Cotfeaa Trult 3 -B. Csrrell FH Weat. Delamaoer. .. K. B. MONMOUTH L.E L.T LO. C HO.... R.T... R.B... B W.H.... F.B.... K H ... Balrd Johnson . . Hamilton lior 1-tra Cole.. Karl Mllkatlnck .. Richards Mcl.lta.1i Persen. Rich R- II I K H TuMbjII Referee: Burkland, Illinois. Umpire: Chalmers, Iowa. Timesman: Grler. What the DOCTOR says goes bis is the Court of tsst Appeal. It's the same with regard t o CIGARS We guarantee every claim made for ORIGINATOR Ma CIGAR -H-vt ' EXT" GET AT ALL CIGAR DEALERS P . Made by . . E. M. SCIWASZ 4 CO., New York. MeCORD-BetACY CO.. Distributers. Neither Sid KEARNEY, Neb.. Telegram) The Grand Inland High school and Kearney Military academy foot ball teams played a 0 to 0 game here this after noon. The feature was a seventy, yard run -by Graves. The academy scored once on a long punt and regaining the ball but by a ruling o ft ho referee the same wss not counted. Kearney had the better of the game. , INSTITUTE OPENS TODAY United Doctors Receive Pntlenta at Sixteenth and Harney. fJ OFFER FREE CURE TO ALL Free Kxauilnation and Free Trent meat Until Entirely Well I Offer Made Now. J. P, BENKARD & GO,, 80 Broadway. New York City. (Members N. Y. Stock Exchange.) Write for Information on STOCKS or BONDS wihch may Interest you particulaYatuntion paid to odd lots Today Is the opening day of the United Doctors' new institute on the second floor of tho Neville block, at the corner of Sixteenth and Harney streets, and will no doubt be a busy day for the doctors. In the eastern cities where the United Doctors have old established institutes and where tholr great work of curing; disease by the United system Is well known, their Institutes are always crowded. Hero, of course, their work Is practically unknown except to readers of eastern dallys or to progressive physicians who have read accounts of their work In med ical journals. To these who have followed the career of the United Doctors It Is evi dent that a new era Is dawning in medi cine, and that the day Is not far distant when allopaths, eclectics and homeopaths 'f the old schools must drop their preju dices and work more for the good of hu manity and less for tho glory of their particular cult. The day la not far distant when medical , colleges will be founded to teach this new United system to practicing physicians. "Die generous free offer of the United Doctors - of free examination, and , free treatment until cured, except cost of medi cines, which Is extended to all patient accepted for treatment during November, will bring them a large number of pa tients In a short time and soon their work will be a well and favorably known her aa It Is in the east. It Is an Invariable rule of th United Doctors to accept only curable cases for treatment. True, there are many case that aro Incurable'' by the old methods which can be quickly rured by the United system, but thos caws which are beyond all hope will not be accepted, nor will they be allowed o pay any money under any pretext. Tho Omaha Institute of the United Doe tors Is located on the second floor of the Neville block, corner Sixteenth and Harney streets. The.. diseases treated by the United Doctors sre chronic diseases of the blood, nerve, kidneys, liver, lungs,- heart and bowels; 'Including rheumatism, constipa tion, catarrh, gall stones, . asthma, neural gia,, epileptic fits, nervousness, loss of nerv foruv diseases of women ..and dis cuses of men. PILES DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Deo DullcSIng, Omaha, tletv CUHE0 WITHOUT Tftt . fuaraulM. Ka anon is be Baud nil sjurea. A cruia treatment oi Crdoroiorm. Ether or etnaw tenors sjtoauyoSooos, tUsminonon Prttfl. All Rests! Disaese treat tad upon pantae an euroa. mil a irearmoni TMtno V.O-DAY tor Pro Book on Heetal Oiseaaee srlt Toetinaantala. I wiovMJt sat use