lirLMlIQTuUrniLE: MONDAY. .UVKMUKU J), 1!K Stein -Bloeh Styles for Fall & LAIL PTAHD9 fvU 5 YLAiU or uNrrwi-tq now n'''." I'm i iX J M . - ft and abroad. For months the pick weaves of the best looms have been submitted to us. We have worked the styles and woolens into shape, have given them form in suits and overcoats , that will appeal to the good taste of the modern American and fit him better than most high priced, made-to-order clothes. ; " We have put into them, the qualities that make , for fit and for style; and offer our results at a price whose fairness "is made possible only by wise management and long experience. Tit "Smartness," which will be mailed free on application, are cor rectly presented the most favored men'i styles for Fall and Winter. The Stein-Bloch Company , , , Tailors for Men Office and Shop r Rochester, N. Y. New York i 130-132 Fifth Ave. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING FOR SALE BY BRIEF CITY NEWS , Hare Boot Mnt I. Diamonds, Edholm,' Jeweler. Sudolph T. Swoboaa, Fubllo Aeoonntant. Dr. Bwl&r Brtvn, 603 Braadtls Bid;. VaBourksfor Quality cigars, 316 8.16th Blnshart, photographer, 18th 4 Farnain. Bowman, 117 N. Is, Douglas a hoe, S3. 50. Eleotrtoal Wiring and Bspaixs Burgtsa Oranden company, 1511 Howard street. " Boltebla Ufa Policies sight drafta at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha. . B. A. Bensoa WW Talk on "Cowards" E. A. feenson will address the Omaha Philosophical aoclety Sunday at S p. r.i. " In Harlght hall, Nineteenth and Faruaiu streets, on "Cowards," Keep font sonsy ana valuables In a aXa dapoalt box la the American fcafe V poalt Vault In The Baa building, which la absolutely burglar and fireproof. Box rant for only Si a. year or SI Quarter. . Vlpo Oete Too Hot An overheated fur UQ) pipe startod a fire In a haliway of the boarding and: rooming house conduct ;d by Jamea Unn at Zi21-23 Harney street Saturday - morning. Floora and carpet were damaged to the extent of about 1-2. - Torest Kill Far Popular Forest Hill lark addition, on South Tenth street, probably baa attracted more aUcnilun this Wek than any other locality, llast tnga at Heyden have the exclusive ugency from the Kountze estate of this addition and' have aold 426,000 worth of vacant lota wltbln a we.ek. root Ball Tan lVoses Cloths Walter Southerland,' an Ames foot ball enthuslust from Iowa City, la., had his ault cane, which contained a quantity of new clothca, 'stolen from I'njbn - station late Friday night. ' The police were given a dcacrlp- tlon of the man whom Southerland sus pects. Blga Bohool Bop The Omaha High chool students gave their opening hop i at the Rome lust night with a large num- ber of students and their friends In at tendance. The committee In charge of the affair was Harry C. Carpenter and Will K. llaynea. The chaperones were Ur. and Mrs. Oeorge West, Miss' Marlon Tunkhouser and ,T. Wilson Swltxltr. asbatn BoUool Boolal The Uerean Sab bath school class of the United rresby- ; terlan ohurclh Twenty-first and Emmet street, held a social meeting Friday even 4ng which was greatly enjoyed. The program, which was largely mu.ileat in character; was In charge of the Nakouia ' Musical club, under the direction of K. , G. Nash. Numbers by Miss Esther llol ton. piano; 8. 8. Hamilton, vocalist; Mlsi Essie Aarons, violin; Mlsa Wools tonci aft, INDIGESTION AND DISTRESS IN STOMACH Almost Instant Relief is Waiting for Bee Readers Who Suffer This Way. ' If your meals don't tempt you, or you feel bloated after eating and you believe It la the food whlrh fills you; If what lit tle you eat Ilea like a lump of load on your stomach; it there is dirftculty in breathing after eating, eructations cf our food and acid, heartburn, wash or a belching of gas, you can make, up yoi.r tnind that you. need something for sour stomach and Indite utcn. To make rr? bite cf fond Vou ?at aid In tha not ;i.i';"t uni alrvnu of your body, yu ,i fl rid your t-lJiua-h -of piU ons. exceft e acid u:iJ Ftoinacli g ; which sou, t ;tllV' entire' ine.iU-lnlerfei e with dlgeu.:'' und .austH mo man.' suf ferers of l pepsi. tick llea tachj. Naau sous breat'.. and stomach , trouble of all klr4; Pwtrct'log.lbo intestines and ll grstlve or' ,! aiisingau;h misery as Billouaussai .'Cwnotlf atlou, Urtpln. Iu:, Winter THEY are now ready for vou at r the best clothing store in your town. This means more than the mere fact that designers and cutters have com pleted their work of offering something new. It means that fashions and weaves being made up at this moment by the foremost tailors abroad and at home, for their most par ticular customers, are placed now, at the same time, within reach of you and your pocketbook. We have made the round for you, as your commission ers, to the world's fashion centers here piano, and Miss La Costa, soprano, were features which brought much pleasure. Associated Cnarltits Meeting A meet' lng of the Associated Charities of Omaha was held at the office of K. C. Barton In the New York Life tulldlng Saturday afternoon to consider the election of secretary of the' association to succeed Rev. Stephen 1 Morris, removed from the city. No action was taken at the meeting and adjournment was taken until next Tuesday afternoon. Best Meeting, Bays Davidson "The convention of the Nebraska Teachers' as soclatlon in Llnclon was the greatest educational gathering ever held In tto state," said Superintendent of Bchoola W. M. Davidson, who returned Friday night from the association meeting. "The at tendance was double the average, the program was of a high order, and, alto gether, It was a convention which I be lieve will result In much good to the greater number. Banquet to Coal Sealers -O. W. Megeath gave a well-appointed banquet Saturday night to the coal dealers of Omaha at Hanson's cafe. C. N. Dletz, K. C. Barton. G. I Cronk, I T. Sunder land, Oeorge 8qulres and several others responded to toasts. Andrew Clark of Lincoln also spoke, as did also Fenlon Wlckham of Council Bluffs. Mr. Knlffen of Kansas City entertained the guests by a witty song. O. L. Dlckeson. made a few i .cetlous remarks on the topic of de murrage. A colored trio sang and played. Pig and Colored Man la Jail A small black and white pig with a curly tall and no great excess of avordupols, la liable to muke Its home at the city Jail for a day or two soon. "No, It will not be a regular prisoner, but Just a piece of property brought in on a search warrant, Us owner, Irene Miller, having complained that some one stole piggy from her residence at 2922 Parker street a short time ugo. The search warrant and complaint Is sworn out against John Watson, a colored man, and Court Bergcarjt Whelan, who will serve the papers, says that If the woman's al legation Is true, the colored man and the pig will go to Jail together. Hexamethylenetetraailae. The above Is the name ut a German chemical, which la one of the many valua ble Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramlne Is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley'a Kidney Remedy as soon as you uolke any ii regularities and avoid a aerloua malady. Sold by all drug gists. Bee Want Ads are business boosters. Your case is no different you are a stomach sufferer, though you may catt it by some other name; your real and only trouble U that which you eat dmm not digest, but quickly ferments and sours, producing almost any unhealthy condi tion. A rase of Pape's Diapepsin will cost fifty rents at any itiarmacy here, tmd will convince any stomach aufferer live minutes after taking one Trlangule that Fermentation and 8our Stomach ii caus ing the misery of Indigestion. No matter if you call your trouble t'utarrh or me eioinarn. .servous.icso or Gastritis, or by any other namealways remember that a certalu cure is waiting it your Pharmacist any time you de.ide to begin its use. . Tape's Diapepsin wllj' purify the sour est and moat acid Htomach within five minutes, and digest promptly, without any fuss tr dlcomtVru all ft au kind of food jrou could eat , SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Suggested Plani for Movable Agri cultural Schools. RESIDENT OF HARVARD RESIGNS Splendid Career of .Noted Rdarator A boat to EasV Aettvltles of Yarloas lastltatloas Eta ratloaal Motes. The Department of Agriculture in a re port just Issued, discusses the feasibility of, and presents a plan for, promoting movable achools of agriculture In the coun- ry. It la ahown that those In charge of agricultural education In the United States are rapidly coming to realise that they are under as great obligation to supply- the instruction In agriculture ts the masses of agriculture people out on the farms as to the favored few who are fortunate enough to be listed in colleges and schools. This Is a complete change of view from that which formerly prevailed. The change Is chiefly due. no doubt, to the fact that a large amount of valuable scientific Information respecting agricul ture has been collected In recent years, and to tho important discovery that It Is possible to teach the practical application of agricultural science to men and women who have never had more than quite lim ited opportunities for aclentlflc study. The need for such Instruction has long been felt by rural people, and agricul tural colleges and schools, deportments, boards and local societies of agriculture, fair associations, farm clubs, granges. In stitutes and agricultural journals are among the forms of activity that efforts to sup ply the need for agricultural Information have brought into existence. Within the last few years, however, edu cators have dome to realise that more sys tematic and better directed efforta aro needed for securing the dissemination of agricultural Information among farming people than have yet been In use. The plan proposed for movable scnoois of agriculture consists In organising the farmere of a community over 19 years of age, who have had good common school training, and some practical experience In the direction of the subjects taught. Into classes for Instruction in agriculture, no class to consist of less than eight, nor in any case to exceed fifteen persons. Be fore a school Is opened In a locality, writ ten pledges sre required of the members of the class that they will pay the tuition fee charged, attend all the lectures, and perform all the practice exercises that the school prescribes. Also a guaranty from the locality that there shall be provided free of cost to those sending out the scnool a suitable hall, for holding meetings, with het. light, water. Janitor service, labora tory room with desks and material for Illustration, at The schools are organized for the study of scientific and economic metnoaa ior the growing of crops, the breeding ana care of animals, and the general lm- ...r. nt aarrioulture. Each "course" Is to be confined to a single subject, as cheese miking, butter making, fruit grow ing, market gardening, farm organisation, poultry rearing, etc. HARVARD'S PRESIDENT RESIGNS Forty Yeara of Service Nearlng at Close. The resignation of Charles W. Eliot, for forty yeara president of Harvard Univer sity, though not unexpected, has occasioned widespread regret in college circles. : Th-s resignation has been accepted, and takes effect May 19, 1909. President Eliot, who Is 74 years old, since his election aa the Harvard head In 1X69 has been credited with effecting more radi cal changes In higher educational metheds than any other man who has ever lived In America. The old-tlms colonial college cur riculum of Latin, Greek, ihllosophy and mathematics was broken down by him, and there is left no institution in America which has not been affected by the changes he has made at Harvard. Dr. Eliot has been called the George Washington of Harvard, the Germanlser of Harvard and other titles to Indicate the nature of his Influence there. But he suc ceeded In making a great educational In stitution of the university, bringing It to ranking position among American colleges, introduced the elective system of study on this continent and changed the old unlver stty with Its widely separated colleges and Independent faculties. During the thirty-nine years of Pres ident Eliot's administration the attendance at Harvard has been quadrupled and he has drawn about him such distlngulsneo scholara as Charles Eliot Norton, Charles F. Dunbar, C. C. Langdell, Georgs Palmer, William James and Profa. Farlow, Toy, Muensterberg. Goodale and Carver- men without peers in America amor meir lines. The teaching staff now Is not only national but cosmopolitan, whereas forty years ago all of the members of the faC' ultv but one were Harvard graduates. "President Eliot's reslgnotlon, says me Boston Herald, ".Is a notable event In the educational world. Thirty-nine yeara ago, he was elected president of Harvard uni versity. He had previously been connected with the departments or cnemistry ana mathematics, and had given some special tii.iu n the methods of education. At once he gave evidence of being one of the most forceful educators In the country. He has been for a generation the personlfl- cation of Harvard university , mai great foundation has been practically wnai no made It. and his Influence has been felt far. not only through the educational but through the whole in'.-Mlectual life of the ration. He has always been more tnan a college president; ha has been a man of affairs, and his op'nlons on political, eco nomic and social topics have been eagerly sought. He has taken a strong position against labor unionism; his opinions on mu nicipal government were recently obtained by the commission which Is studying the reform of the administration of Boaton, and within a few daye lie has expressed hlu approval of prohibition, or at least lo cal option, a policy to which he had not previously given his support." CORNELL. VMYERSITY. Fratarea of the Aaaaal Report of Preslaeat Seaarmaa. The annual report of Prealdent Schurman of Cornell ahowa that the number of stu dents enrolled in the university for the year ending September. 1903, was 4.465, of whom S.734 were regularly enrolled etudents dur ing the scademlc year from September to June, and the rest attendants at the sum mer session and the winter school in agri culture. This Is an Increase of 240 over the enrollment for the preceding year and an Increase of more than l.unj over the en rollment of four years ago, when the fig urea were 3.413. A little more than half ?.6) of these S.734 regular students came from New York state. From Pennsylvania came New Jersey m, Ohio lii5. Illinois log and Mas sachusetts HI. while (bo came from forty five other a'.ates and territories of the United Statea (Including Porto Rico. Hswail and the Philippine Islands), and 143 from twenty eight different foreign countries (In cluding China 2&. Cuba 14. Argentine Repub lic Hi. Canada 1 lnd.i 11, Japan 1L Mex- Ico 7. Brasll 7. Peru S. England 4. Australia 1, Swilserland S, etc.). The total number of students who have been enrolled In the university since it opened In 168 Is approximately 29.000 and the number of degrees conferred during these forty drears is 10.475. more than three fourths of mhlch have been conferred by President Schurman In the last sixteen yrs. The number of degrees granted In June, 1908. was 715, of which S49 were first degrees and 611 advanced degrees. The number of members of the Instructing staff Is given ss 64. and excluding the staff of the medical college In New York City. the faculty at Ithaca Is found to be made up as follows: Seventy-five professors, 54 assistant professors, 6 lecturers, 122 In structors and 144 assistants. Twenty years ago there were IS professors, 4 associate professors. 13 assistant professors, 41 In structors and 4 assistants. COLUMBIA t.MVERSITY. Ealarsred Lctnro Coaraes sad Cole bratloas of Anniversaries. The 300th anniversary of the birth of John Milton will be celebrated by suitable aca demic exercises at S:15 p. m. on December 9, 1908, In Earl hall, Columbia university. Addresses will be delivered on "Milton's Influence on the Movement for Liberal Thought," by Mr. George L. Rives, '88, chairman of the trustees; "Milton as a Man of Letters," by Prof. William P. Trent. Plans are also being made for the com memoration of the centenary of Edgar Allan Poe's birth on January 19, 1909. In order to stilt further elaborate Its plans for keeping In touch with the public, Columbia university has arranged for more than 1M free lectures In 1908-09, outside of Its regular courses. Arrangements have also been made for an Important series of non-techntcal lec tures on the various aspects of the science of meteorology, to be delivered on Tuesday afternoons at 5 o'clock, beginning Janu ary It Hon. A. C. Spooner, formerly United Statea senator from - Wisconsin, has ac cepted the invitation of the Columbia Alumni association to deliver a memorial address on Abraham Lincoln at the uni versity on the afternoon of Alumni day, February 12, the centenary of Lincoln's birth. ' February 12 Is also the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin. This will be cel ebrated by a series of lectures on Darwin and his Influence on science, to be held on Friday afternoons, beginning February 12. Under the auspices of the Germanlstlc Society of America, a series of fifteen lec tures on "The Masterpieces of German Lit erature" Is being given In co-operation with the University Department of Extension Teaching, In room 306 Schermerhorn hall, on Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock. The lec turers Include Prof. Camlllo von Klense of Brown university, Prof. Henry Wood of Johns Hopkins university, Prof. John F, Conr of Adelphl college. Prof. Gustav Gruener of Yale university and Prof. C. F. Kayaer of the Normal college. A list of tho lectures will be sent upon application to the secretary of the Germanlstlc society. Substation 84, New York, N. Y. Prof. Brander Matthews has consented to repest the course of lectures on Moliere which he will deliver at the Lowell Insti tute, Boston, next month. The lectures will be given at Columbia university tinder the auspices of the Division of Modern Languages, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning December 1 at 4:16 p. m. One of the most distinguished of living Italian scholars. Prof. Gugllelmo Ferrero of the University of Turin, has accepted an Invitation to deliver four lectures at the university early In 1909. Arrangements for lectures are also being made in the 1 department of physics, an thropology and classical philology, and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons but the dates have not as yet been selected. BOYI.ES COLLEGE. OMAHA. Demand for Young Men to Do Steno- srraphle Work. There Is a big demand for young men to do stenographer work. If there was one tenth the demand for dentists, physicians or lawyers that there Is for young men to thus get Into business, the law and medical schools could not accommodate their stu dents. The application which come to Bcyles college are away beyond our abll Ity to fill, there being in the month of Oc tober alone twenty-four calls for young men and twenty-two of them for stenographers Most of these mertlon the fact "good chance for promotion." The salaries are also good, $76, ICS, tOO and $50 being of' fered. A comparison of these salaries with those paid young men who are beginning at the bottom in wholesale houses, banks or railroad offices, will snow the advan tages of a few months training, while the promotions are much more rapid. If young men could only realize what It meana to associate with tactful, resource' ful business men, they would make the meat of every opportunity. There Is and must be confidential relations between sterrgrapher and his superior, or between a bookkeeper and the man or firm employ lng htm. Thia peculiar, confidential rela tlon is essential to the well conducted business and it means volumes of informa tlon to the aggressive young man whn occupies such a position. Tt ia Information that becomea his stock-in-trade his bus! ness capital In a few years. One feature of business college. InstruC' tion about which the public knows but little. Is the business correspondence. This can be conducted only by those Institution having a large attendance. Tha cemmer clal departments are organised for InstruC' tlon bv actual bualness methods and firms j organi, In Boyles Business department order goods, carry accounta and make re mittances to and from similar concern In other business colleges. This Involves a deal of correspondence, making the mat ter of postage alone quite an item of ex penae. Boyles college has such "business relations with Packards school. New York Metropolitan Business college, Chicago Lewlston Business institute, Lewlston Mass.; Southwestern Business college, St Louis, Mo.; Capital City Commercial col lege, Des Moines; Erie Business college, Erie, Pa.; Cedar Rapids Business college Cedar Rapids, la.; Waterloo Business col lege, Waterloo, la.; Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich.; Clinton Business college, Clinton, la. A reception was tendered the students by the Faculty of Boyles college Saturday evening, November 7. The telegraph room and gymnasium were thrown together, making a fine large assembly room, which was decorated with palms and potted plants, while all sorts of pennants were festooned about the walls. A short musical and literary program waa given, games were played In one of the recitation rooms and dancing waa Indulged in by those car lng to do so. There was a large attendance, many of the former etudents taking this occasion to visit the college and renew old acquaintances. VNIVF.H9ITY OK WISCONSIN. Matters of Gestrsl latcreat ia tke Varloas Departaavats. The memberhlp rolls of the International club, the first organisation of foreign-born students In any American university, have added this year thirty-nine new men rep resenting thirteen different nations. Among them are S Germans, S Chinese, 4 Mexicans, 4 Canadians, I Englishmen, 3 Australians, t Japanaese. ! Russisns and 1 each of tin) Noise, Swedish, Scotch, Welsh and Bu- etnians. Of last year's members who re urned to the university this year there are 42 active and 4 honorary members. Including 11. Americans, 7 Filipinos. 4 Japanese, 3 Chinese, 3 Mexicans. 8 Germans and 1 each of the Jamalrans. Russians, Englishmen, Peruviana and Armenians. At tho quarterly meeting of the regents philosophy, was granted to 7; 16 graduates ero made master of arts and 2S bac- alaureate degrees were conferred, of which 14 were bachelor of srts, S bachelor of phil osophy, 1 bachelor of science In agriculture, bachelor of science In the civil engineer ing course, S bachelor of science In the gen- ral engineering course and 8 bachelor of taws. The teams which will represent the Uni versity of Wisconsin In the Intercollegiate debate with Nebraska and Iowa December have Just been chosen. Wisconsin will debate Nebraska at Madison, arguing the affirmative side of the question: Resolved, That tha cities of tho United States should dopt a commission form of government; and will take the negative side of the argu ment with Iowa the same day at Iowa City. This is the third year alhee the formation f the qulntangular league, and Wisconsin ranks first as to victories, having the ad- ante ge of Minnesota In that the victory. n the contest between the two. went to Wisconsin. The five universities In the league stand as follows: Wisconsin and Minnesota each won three debates and lost one; Illinois won two and lost two, 'and Iowa and Nebraska each won one end lost three. More requests for graduates of the course In Journalism at the university are received than can be filled from the list of gradu ates. .Among the former students of the course In newspaper writing who are now ngaged In Journalistic work are the follow ing: Harry T. Parker, St. Paul Pioneer Press; DeWltt C. Poole, Joint owner of the East Mollne Weekly News; W. I. W. DIs- telhorst, Milwaukee Journal; M. F. Uruce, American School Roard Journal; A. H. Cook. Meyer News agency, Milwaukee; W. Bollenbeck, Madison Democrat; L. W. Brldgeman, Madison State Journal; Will lam F. Ilannan, Milwaukee Evening Wis consin. Henry Victor Coady, who spent some time n special studies In the dairy school of tho University of Wisconsin, has been chosen to head an agricultural school In Argentine Republic. Among the Judges appointed for Wisconsin exhibits t the national corn show at Omaha, Neb., December 9 to 19, are Profs. R. A. Moore and A. L. Stone of the uni versity. I'.daratlonal Notes. Miss Charlotte Archer, a Cherokee girl. has been sppolnted assistant supertntend- nt of tho Mayi s county. Oklahoma, schools. She graduated from the Cherokee Femile seminary, and later from a similar school at Monticello. III. Dr. Wlnshln. editor of the Journal of Education, speaking to the Maine teachers the other day, said that "Education ia for soclil betterment rather than merely foe Industrial Improvement. The latter Is merely Incidental to the former. Any pub lic education that Is for either tha masses or the classes Is a blunder." It Is estimated that more than 1.300 young men and women from foreign counties are this year atudylng In American collegea and universities. This Is more by some hundreds than ever before and has been generally commented on particularly In the east as Indicating tho widening In- I fluence of American teaching. , Few school teachers can boast of the ; record of Mr. William H. MacElroy of Warwick, N. Y. Mr. MacElroy began teaching when ho was 16 years old, and he haa taught school for nln'-ty-nlne terms. missing only one term In fifty years, and that only because of an attack of rheu matism. Mr. MacKlroy was a notable figure at a recent teachers' Institute held in his homo town. Mrs. Zoo Andrae of Clayton, Mo., has applied for appointment aa superintendent of schools, to succeed her hushfind. She was formerly a teacher and holds a first grade certificate. During her husband's tenure of office she assisted him In the work. After her husband's death, a few months ago, the cltlsens of Clayton. Irre spective of p!trty, urged Governor Folk to appoint Mrs. Andrae to the office. which has a salary of II. BOO a year. Miss Hilda Anoon Traa of Slam has come to this country with the Intention of learning all about the American meth ods of education. In order to do this In the most thorough manner she has entered one of the lowest classes In a public school at Hartford, Conn., where she will take up kindergarten work and music. She expects to spend three years In Amer ica and on her return to her own country will open a school. President Ella Sabin of Downer college. in Milwaukee, one of the beat known women's collegea In tho west, has an nounced to her students that unless the rich girls In tne college abstain from wearing wlde-brlmmed "Merry Widow" hats and other garments in tho extreme of fashion she will put In effect a college uniform of gingham or some other cheap material, so that the poor girls will not be ashamed at the contrast between them selves and their wealthier schoolmates. The order Is expected to result in simpler clothing. The same order went Into ef fect at the State university last week, applying only to hata, however. Caustic criticism of the prevailing silary schedule fop Chicago High school teachers Is contained In reports recently presented to the school management committee by Superintendent E. G. Coolev. In a Joint report on the requirements for high school teachers' certificates the superintendent and the committee of high school principals said: "Blacksmiths, foundrymen and ma chinists have frequently been appointed at salaries ranging from $1,100 to S1.4O0. while teacher after teacher of academic subjects has refused to come to Chicago, after he has passed our examination, because we are unable to offer him more than 1.2'X." In a second report, presented by himself alone. Mr. Cooley said: "Tho dearth of men teachers, not alone In the special de partments, but In English, science, mathe matics and the. other subjects of the regu lar hltfh school course, Is one of the most alarming consequences of our present In sufficient salary schedules." The Bskosle Plasms destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. EMMA GOLDMAN ON ANARCHY Admits Her Deetrlnc Means Destruc tion, bat Not Destruction of Hontaa Life. In a typical tirade againat government, Emma Goldman, so-called ,"Queen of the Anarchists," addressed a small audience at Fraternity hall on Harney street yester day afternoon, and again In the evening. One of the objects for which Miss Gold, man Is lecturing, according to her printed circulars and the tickets, Is the price of admission. She Is accompanied by a press agent, who looks out for the boxofflce end of the enterprise, while the woman who was arrested when Czolgoes killed Presi dent McKlnley, flays government and ex tols anarchy. "All government Is wrong," this woman tells her hearers. "The police, army, navy and other official bodies compose the large lasy class. It is not natural to obey laws. Anarchy Is opposed to spending millions to keep up prisons, maintain courts, congress men and policemen." After railing some more against almost every Institution maintained for the per petuity of government, she tempers her blows with tha assertion that bomb-throwing is not right and anarchy does not advo cate violence, and then, of a sudden, this uncrowned queen comes back with a broaJ- side. leaving her audience vuspended half way between sympathy and acorn, and completely bewildered aa to Just what the speaker is "driving at:" "The roan who murders another man Is not a criminal, who should be ostracised but a deluded and diseased person who shuuld he taken all tl.e mule Im-j SM-iety." Wcdn-.d Is the lwniy-f.rst aon.vrary of the Hayninrket riot, a hen, through tT instrume ntalltlrs of August Spies, Albert Parsons and tho other anarchists terror ising Chicago at the time, several ul ice men were killed. Wednesday thH woman will speak on fhe "Martyrdom of The Leaders." Most of these "martrs" died on the gallows, tint three got penitentiary sentences and. later, through the Intercession of a sympathetic governor, pardons. Winter blastfc, , causing pneumonia, pleurisy and consumption will soon be here. Cure your cough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk starting the winter with weak lunas, when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure the moat obstinate coughs and colds, and pre vent serious results. Sold by ail druggists. PURE FOOD SHOW ATTRACTIVE Children Oat la the Afternoon and tho Grown People at Mltht. . " . All attendance records were broken Sat urday afternoon and evening at the Pure Food show when the Auditorium was crowded for hours with the hundreds of people who visited the fourth annual exhi bition given by the Retail Orocera' and Butchers' association: of Omaha. There be ing no achool on that day, the children flocked to the show In large numbers dur ing the afternoon and nil the booths were swamped with requests for souvenirs. The demonstrators were equal to the task, how ever, and many a batch of pancakes were cooked, countless glasses of buttermilk and sups of beef broth were poured out for the youthful samplers, and pasteboard souven irs were given out by the hundred weight. Two new booths were added during the day, one by the Maplelne flavoring extract people and the other by the Loose-Wiles cracker factory. The bootlis are adjoining on the north side of the Auditorium, near the stage, and were crowded all the time. The Loose-wiles bo.Mli presents a pretty picture; tho red, white and blue cracker boxes giving a patriotic air to the scene. Crackers and wafers of various kinds were given away from an Inexhaustible supply. The Maplelne booth Is one of tha pretty 113 CJ will satisfy the tastes . delicious flavors. Arcadia: CoIT&0e ARCADIA, MISSOURI. In the Modern ArcuUU Valley. Just the School for Your Daughter PURPOSE To develops true womanliness. Careful attention to man ners and morals. Conducted by the Ursullne Sisters. ENVIRONMENT Picturesquely Bltuated in the beautiful Valley of Ar cadia and nestled In the timber-created hills of the Ozark range, this school s health record has been remarkable. Specially designed buildings modernly equipped and well lighted and ventilated. Hot water heat. Complete fire pro tection. Ample and attractive grounds. CURRICULUM is comprehensive and guarantees a Bound and refined education. Exceptional advantages in music and art. You will be Interested In our free Illustrated catalogue sent on request. Address - . MOTHER SUPERIOR, Arcadia. Missouri. W MtOIMICMDiGINEDlQ Education Is tho power that turns the wheels of progress. Why not prepare your self through one of our sixty engineering courses to earn more money. Our course In Mechanical Engineer ing Is the most complete and Includes steam, mechanical, electrical engineer ing, shop practice, mechanical draw ing, etc. Writs today and receive nxa oar valuable bulletin of Engineering Information, describing our course in mechanical engineering and over 60 others, including electrical, stationary, municipal, civil and structural engin eering, architecture, textiles, college preparatory, etc. American School of Correspondence, CHICAGO, V. B. A. -' Mention Omaha Bee. 11-9-08." tf i)t ijt i THE WOLCOTT SCHOOL J 4t Not a low priced school. Best equipped private school In the west. Highest standard of scholarship. Ii- Dloina admits to Wellesley, rim I 111, Vasaar, in addition to universities. J Introductory references required. . STOP STAMMERING I ! 4ulckljr, complil)T aod pirna&MUf um mo atubbora cases of I CAN CURE YOU Mr siMclaltr Is ole ass specck Ssfwt wkleh Uisrs tail to cur Ur aotboa Is tha swat s saaatsl la I'm world. Ko lailur la 1 yaars' Um. Writ at ou ter particular I. at. Vausba, rr, mams lor stasu 410-111 Kaats BIS., Cava a. sua. TOUR CHILD MAY FAIL In the public scnooi oeeause ne grasps ideas slowly. Such children learn readily under individual Instruction, in couses arranged especially for them. We edu cate mentally; develop physically; train socially and provide medical care. Write for illustrated catalogue. TVS f OW1LI IOHOOIm Velura K. Powell. M. U, BBS OAK. IOWA GRAND ISLAND COLLEGE rtesular college preparatory courses Music. Art, and Commercial courses of fered. Healthful location. Expenses mod erate. Catalogue aent on request. Ask us , about the scnool Address. Dr. Oeorge atncriaaa, s-rssiasa. GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA onesat tlKi shnW, decorated ill V1 yellow and light blue, the flint's trade mark colors. II Is lb charge of Mlsa A. M. Rysn and Who has Jtist at pretty assistants aa the other booths,- the big exposition proving to be not only a Vuie Food show but a beauty show as well. ' Next to the Maplelne booth is that of tin Money weight scales, where big and lit 1 10 scales are shown and demonstrations art made to pibve that "pur food weighs ui much as the other kind. To keep the pure food pure tho L.irscn-Bkcr Ice Machine company has InstalloU one of its Ice making machines. The food and Its demonstrators and the pretty booths and the crowds which visit them are not all to be seen and enjoyed at the Pure Food show by all means, as a never ending trogram Is given on the large stage. Vaudeville "stunts" of a high and varied order are given at Intervals, while Green's band plays continuously. The vaudeville entertainment consists of a wrestling bout between the Teddy Brothers, marvelous sleight jf hand performances, difficult hoop rolling and other acts. Sherp for tho Forests. NEW CA8TLK, Wyo , Nov. 8 -tPpe-c!h1. Woid has been received from the headquarters of the Wyoming Wool Grow ers' association In Cheyenni stating that Assistant Forester A. F. Potter, of the Bureau of Forestry, will, early In the com ing summer. Investigate conditions on tile Black Hills National forest, near here, with the view of admtttlim sheep. For sev eral years the sheepmen of this section have been petitioning the Forest department for permission to s'aie a limited number of sheep In this reserve, but the applica tions have always been rejected. The sheepmen also petitioned for a trail across the reserve so they -could rench the rail road at shipping time without driving great distances around the reserve, arj this has also boen denied. But the woolgrow ers association has presented new facts to the forest service, which will make another Investigation, and In all probability the sheepmen will tie permitted to grax- a lim ited number of aheep 'In tho Blnck Hills forefct. It Is almost certain that n trail to sheep will be opened through the re serve in an ther year. of all persons who love The direct route A straight line Is the shortest dlstanc between two points. Why not taech you? fingers TUB XIKCT B.OUTX? The complete keyboard. Hmlth 1're mler. fs tha WOKLO'I XST tT WBITEB. Free employment bureau Stenographers are furnished to business men without charge ,o school. ib grapher or employer. Write for particulars. Ite Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . o., Mgr. Omaha, Hsb. Nebraska Miliary, Academy LISOOLV BSOBSMS10S.BBHaSMOaaMOaoSaB.lSBO) A Military llonnliny; School (oi boys. Ideal location Just outside the city; large, well equipped buildings; forty acres of ground. A good place for boys who don't fit in public scliuuU. No entrance examinations are given;., regoiur clans work is supplemented by In. dividual Instruction; back work It easily made up. Pupils are received from fifth to twelfth grades, Inclusive. Write for I'ataoyue. B. S. I1TWAID, Superintendent. Lincoln. N'eli. Kearney Military Academy A boy's progress depends upon his com fort and the Interest he takes in his work nd study. We first n-ake our boys comfurtable. then make their work Interesting, ;,ii.vl,1 healthy outdoor sports and social func tions. Our discipline and training 0-nd to build ' character, create habits of' obedience, punctuality, neatness and a sens oi responsibility. Thorough Instruction; healthful loca tion; large gymnasium; modern, fireproof buildings. Write' today fur Illustrated catalogue xiiBT m. mussxu., MA VUsttr, Kearney, Vebraska. TOLAND Vebraska City, ITeb. Today ,717 graduates in fine positions. Free use of Text Books. Wa have very ftna teachera One month's tuition free to those who enroll within ten days. Send postal for enrollment blank and Catalogue. Wbsa yon know wuai so do suppose ou ao U. 1200 STUDENTS YEARLY Mt w4 erttsM eftttr tXaii'linsT. T4w im ftii rent SMrcUki RfMc bt. stow k r p to JturtfcsuMl Tvpwwniluff EatflUh.f eltfrbs.v Official TisUminT tchoul IT f K Tt (Tapis iMp. PitaHlvM ,01 HSSMtT ST. at-urci. mr win ror ftHAHv Mr r ft 4 ft k a rr-.Writ fwf hi r yjsjJgJJ t1