TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BITE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER fl, IMS. :' t ar several statea in this union wher th majority of the people re now, Catholics? I should reprobate Jn-'tTi ssverent terms th Catholics who In those states (or In ny other state) who refused to vols for the most fit man because he happened to be a Protestant, and my condemnation would be exactly as severe f er Protectant, who, tinder reversed circumstance, refused to vote for Catholic. 'In public life. I am happy to say that I have known many men who were elected and eonstanUy re-elected to office In districts where the treat ma jority of their constituents were of a dif ferent religious belief. "I know Catholics who have for many years represented constituencies tnelnly Catholki, and tmoni the congressmen who t '. know particularly well waa one mane of eJwIah faith who represented a district -In whlrb 'there were hardly any Jewa at all. All -of these men, by their very existence In political life, refute the slander you have uttered against your fellow-Americans.; All Fnftfc In Cabinet. " I believe that this republle will endure for many centuries! If so, there will doubt less be among jbr presidents, Protestants and Catholics and Very probably same time, Jews. I have consistently tried while presi dent to act In relation to my fellow cltl sena of Catholic faKh as I hope that any future president wbe Tinppens to be a Ca tholic will act 'toward' his fellow Ameri cans of Protestant faith. Had I followed any other course I should have felt that I was unfit to represent tbe American peo ple . "In my cabinet at the present moment, !iere sit side by side Catholic and Protest ant. Christian and Jew, esoh man chosen, tecause In my belief, he Is peculiarly' fit o exercise on behalf of all our people he duties of Ills atJle to which I have ppolntd hlmv la nq case does the man's villous belief In' any way Influence his discharge .of Uis duties, save as It makes him more eager to act Justly and uprightly In his relations to ' all men. The same principles that have obtained In appointing the men of my cabinet, the highest offi cials under me, the officials to whom Is entrusted the work of Carrying out all the Impoitant policies of my administration are the principles upon which all good Amerl- cans ahouli act. 1n choosing ths men to fill any office, .from the highest to the lowest In the land.- Yours truly, "THEODORB R003KVEL.T." l . .'i.ney and Ta. clears the air . .. ;-s the Irritation In the throat, ' ' i.iflamed membranes, and the . r-jt.u cough disappears. Bora and i .. id'. lungs are healed and strengthened tiii Ule cjld fa expelled from the system. Itefuse any but' the genuine- In the yellow pickKe. tVjId by air druggists. WHISKER SEASON NOW ON Facial Trlmahiir that Mark Chi cago's kimlirsri ' Winter . , . ReeoVt. This la "whiskers' week," the season of the year when the wise man "blocks out ' a hirsute adornment to protect his face from ths rigors of a Chicago winter. It is the saddest week in ths year for the "tonsotial artists," as thousands of ptitrotis who -shave every other day will not need a barber's attention oftener than one or twice ' s.- month from now until next April. ' It means a loes'of 2Sn,0(V to the barbers of Chlonga There are 50,000 men. It Is es timated, wb,d have taken out a member ship card in thel.'. facial Hlrstit club and thes would "have, spent $i each' which they will avye P ft WU wifckw. " 'Vtyvlakera eki,Js jjp Jpx,, i'n.tha bar ber business," said 'a Clark street shop owner. "It put an" awful crimp in the receipts for -aboot six wonths. . . --. ' " j "What Is known ataoag barbers as 'whis kers week' begirt about the middle of Oc tober. Nearly- pns-ttmrth of my customers j lot some kind of whiskers sprffffc this week and a great many others will follow suit before the end of next week. 'Old John J. Coughlln was one of the first In my chair, this evening to observe the annual custom of 'whiskers week.' He told me to block out hoot straps for him. "Don't you know what 'boot straps' are? You've seen thftse; little whiskers straight down from tha ear, haven't youT Well, those are ths 'boot strsp' brand. Alder man Coighlln will look swell In them. His face Is just the shape for this adornment. "As In past seasons, the Van Dyke will be much the vogue. This is one of the smartest whiskers that a man can hang on ' his face. It Is much affected by profes sional men, especially doctors. "Strange thing about the Van Dyke Is that every 'oon' man In the country who can talse whiskers Is sure to have the pointed btard. It gives the wearer a dis tinguished appearance. "Several of my r Irons have blocked out mutton chops. This style of facial adorn ment Is called 'fire escapes' by uncouth persons. For my part I prefer the 'fire tapes' to the 'lace curtain' effect that you see on some men's faces. There Isn't one barber In fifty who knows how to hang the 'lace curtains' properly, and they make the wearer look like a monkey. "The 'sea weed' and. 'alfalfa' are two other styles that will be worn much this winter. Those srs ths full set of whiskers, and I don't think there Is anything prettier or more becoming to any man. "Of course we still have the 'Galways,' that grow wild under ths chin and around I1m neck. This style Is worn mostly by old men. It Is very popular with forelgnera. "The Imperial that little bunch of spin ach on the chin Is rapidly going out of tyle."-Chlf ago Post. PILE tl RED I ro 14 DAYS. I'Au oiN'i M KNT Kuaranteed ta curs any Cuav of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding I ..ii In to II days or money refunded. 10c. Ornish Qua fit In no other way does Impres um take hold so quickly or mean o much, as in your traveling ?quipment. Board a street car and every ?ye in the car drops immediately to your suit case or bag. On the :rain each passenger appraises :he other by the looks of their ags. The details of workmanship and materials' that gq to make bags you are proud to carry-the little things the layman can't see are my business. That's "by every oaf I sell, regardless of price, baa tbe distinction of good luggage. Salt caws $6 to 126. Bags at 14.50 to fZS. . ALFRED CORNISH & CO., Dealers In Harneas, Saddles and Traveling Goods, . 1210 Farnam Street,. '.7 MANY JOBS FOR GRUENTHER Han .Who Elected Shallenberger May Hart Hit Pick of Flams. GREAT DEMAND FOB PLACES la Meaatlaae Henanllcana Are Won dering Hove Democrats t'aa Re dace Taxes and Keep t o Institution. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Nov. I. (Special.) Chris Gruenther, who landed A. C. 8hallen berger In tha governor's chair, has been picked for tat oil Inspector, for private secretary and for several other places. Before leaving for his horns In Platte county Gruenther was asked what he wanted and he replied that he had no am bition to hold an office In the stats house, but had received his reward In the vote given Ills chief. However, It Is believed around here that Oruenther can land any place he desires t the hands of the new governor. Two democrats were hera from Ne brsska City the day Bhallenberger was here and, though both said they were not after Jobs, each Is said to have had his fingers crossed at the time. And then there Is Colonel John O. Maher. Ha haa lots of friends who be lieve he would trace a good Job. Then there Is Will Maupln, who, It is sid, would like to be labor commt.8ioner. Maupln, however, may have to show his credentials that he voted for Bhallen berger before" ho will be taken Into the Inner circle. Ilut there Is only ona thing certain about the appointments no. There -will be an army of men who will want places and the new governor has -not enough places for them all. In the meantime the republicans are wondering how the democrats will lower taxes and keep the stats Institutions up to their present splendid condition. Kelfer la Not Dlacooraced. Chairman Kelfer of the republican atato committee la still in Lincoln, but he will not csll the state committee together for some time yet. "I expect to go borne within a day or two," he said, "and I sea no roason Just at this time to have a meeting of the State committee. "The party should continue right alone and be ready for the fight two yeari from now. We lost out this time, but I feel certain that the people will re verse themselves two years from now." Mr. Kelfer went down In the landslide and expressed his satisfaction that If the ticket had to go he was pleased to go with It. Secretary of State Busy. The office of the secretary or state has been the busiest place In the state house alnce the election. A dozen or more, per sonally Interested In the outcome of the contest, republicans and democrats, are constantly on hand to scan every offi cial return. All kinds of estimates made In all kinds of ways have been made and frequently every man on the ticket had been elected except the governor. But until all the returns are In It will not be possible to definitely settle the fight for railway commissioner, secretary of state and land commissioner. Now Government for . City. Now that the electlm Is over and it Is known the proposition for a city eivern ment by commission hns carried, there Is considerable talk about the coming stov ernment. To , mttkf" the chanire the city will have to acetfre the enactment of a law by the legislature. . . . When the election for the selection of commlsfkners la called It will be an in dividual affair and not a party concern, for- It la Intended to make the city gov ernment non-partisan as far aa possible:. The: commercial club has taken a, great Interest In the proposition and some of the best business men In the city are anxious to give the commission pUn a trial. - Ror Eye Epldemle Gone. The sore eyes and akin disease at the HayWard school among the pupils haa al most dlsappesred. The school board when the matter was reported to It, employed a professional nurse and the little children who were afflicted were treated In an im provised hospital In the basement of ths school building. The nurse visited the hemes of the children and gave instruc tions to parents how to treat the little ones and the result haa been very .! fsctory. MASONIC TEMPLE AT M'COOK Congressman Norrln Speaka at Cor.er- atoaa Laying-. M'COOK, Neb., Nov. I. (Special.) Tho cornerstone of the McCook Masonic tem ple was laid Saturday afternoon by the Nebraska Grand lodge, assisted by the local Masonic bodies, under the most im posing and Impressive circumstance sod particulars. The grand officers present were: William A. De Bord, grand mas ter, Omaha; Francis E. White, grand sec retary, Omaha; John B. Dlnamore, grvnd treasurer. Sutton; Henry Gibbons, rand Junior warden. Kearney; Samuel D. Dutcher, grand chaplain. Omaha; Thomaj M. Davia, grand Junior deacon; Robert K. French, grand custodian, Kearney. Ona hundred visiting Masons from the dif ferent lodges In this section of Nebraska Indianola, Danbury, Bartley,. Oxford Cambridge and others participated in the ceremonies, which have never been equalled In solemnity and magnitude In southwestern Nebraska. Congressman Q. W. Norrls of Uie Fifth district delivered an eloquent oration after the formal ceremonies of the cor nerstone laying were completed, along the lines of fraternity, an effort whlcu called forth the boundless approval of liU au dience, which, la conservatively pUced at 4.000 people. In the evening the members of the grand lodge and all visiting Masons were entertained at supper by the McCook lodge. A memorable . feature of thU event were the toasts responded to by members of the grand lodge present, as well as by member of the local bodies. A wave of good feeling and fraternity in th highest prevailed and closed an vent memorable to McCook Masons and which will be recorded In th annals of ths city of McCook with greatest pleas ure and pride. The temple under construction will cost 150,000 and will be th finest and largest and best appointed In this portion of Ne braska and the pride of th city, regard less of fraternal tie. TRAGEDY XBAR ALLIANCE X harlee Braner Shoot HI Slater, Mistaking; Her for Her Lover. ALLIANCE, Neb., Nov. I. (Special.) A shooting that haa every Indication of serious results occurred at 4 o'clock this morning at Braner ranch, eight miles west ot here, when Charles Braner shot hi latr, Llsale, whom he mistook for Frank Augustine, her companion, to whoae attention he objected. Augustine accompanied Mis Braner to the skating rink her In Alliance last night and was followed by th brother. . During their return trip Mis Braner put on Au guatin' fur coat. Braner fired th shot gun he waa carrying- Into tb wvertr of th fur coat at short rang. Upon de tecting hi mistake ha fired th remain ing charge Into th flering Auguitlne, but only slightly Injured him. Hlxty-four No. 4 shot were taken from the back of Miss Braner In th Imspttst her today and her condition l eh that she will not live through the night. Both men er In Jail. FATAL AFFRAY X EA R t.KX KGTOJT Dave Fisher Killed hy Emery , Mstkews la Fight at Dance. LEXINGTON, Nov. 8.-8peelnl Tele gramsLast night a fatal affray occurred about fifteen miles northeast of this place at a dance between Dave Fisher and Emery Mathews, two neighbors who were not on good terms with each other. Hot words passed and Mathews struck Fisher twice with his fist, on blow on the Jnw the other over the heart, the latter blow killlMr him Instantly. Mathews fUd but a sheriffs posse captured him today and he was placed under arrest. Coroner Wade summoned a Jury and Inquest was held who returned the Verdict that deceased came to his death by a blow from Mathew's fist. Mathews Is now In jail awaiting fur ther developments, ' this being Sunday no charge has not yet been filed. Li FARMER COMMIT" MICIDE Frank L. Merrymaa of Miller shoots Himself In Meek. KEARNEY, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special Tcle grsm.) Frsnk L. Merryman, a well to do farmer, living north of Kearney nenr Miller committed suicide at mldnlarht Saturday by shooting himself In th neck with a shotgun at his home. Th coroner's Jury met today at Miller and gave a verdict of suicide. Merryman was a married man and had had family troubles. He was di vorced from his wife a year ago and they remarried last month. No word was left. AITOMOBILK IS FATAL TO TWO Rons Into Baser at Falls City, Cans- Ins n Runaway. FALLS CITY. Neb., Nov. S.-Mrs. August Mueller was killed and her husband prob ably fatally Injured Saturday when a buggy In which they were riding was run into by an automobile. The driver of the automobile sought to stop his machine and partly succet-ded, but the horso of Mueller's plbngcd wildly, throwing the occupants under the buggy and th automobile. Freak Election Bet. REPUBLICAN CITY, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special.) A unique bet was made a few days before election, to this effect, If Bryan was elected Ephrlam Casscll was to wheel Reg Able In a wheelbarrow from the printing Office to the Eagle hotel, the full length Of Main street, and if Taft was elected president, Mr. Able was to give Mr. 'Casaell the ride. The bet was paid this aternoon before a large crowd of Saturday shoppers, when' Mr. Able appeared with a wheelbarrow all decorated with red, white and blue, stars nd stripes, and Mr. Cassell had his ride, wearing a hat made out of red, w.ilte and blue paper. They visited the pho tographer afterward. Plurality for Morris. HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 8.-(Speclai Tele gram.) The majority of G. W. Norrls. re publican nominee for congressman In the Fifth district, is finally figured at tS. This result Is determined by reports of the of ficial canvass in all counties received by the republican congressional committee. Oakdal Man . Ac-eased. OAK DALE, Neb., Nov". 8. (Special Tele- gTam.) Jesse Klnnin was arrested last night, charged with statutory assault on the S-vear-nld dauirhtei nf Alva Mivin The preliminary hearing was set 'for the 14th of .this month. The prisoner was re- leaaed ,oi flhqn ( .' M M : . . " ". Nebraska .NeVva :.itei ' . TABLE HOCK A tramn slvin the nam of Robert Thompson, was arrested hero, for steeling a pair of shoes yesterday from the. store of Oscar D. Tlbhets. He was de tected in the act and followed from ths store, and arrested by the marshal, nd the goods found In ills possession. Tills morning he was brought before Justice M. H. Marble, and plead guilty, and fliwed 110 and costs. ARE YOU IN THE BUNCH? EaniUn-Amerlcan Company Flans Book of Royal American Cltlsens. "America's PurDle." reeentlv nroWle.1 kv an English-American company, alns to be an American Almanach de Gothn. a royal book of American roval rltlcena. Are ihn Imperialistic high Jinks of the byxantlne court of Washington to find no echo in the breasts of humble but aspiring Inhabi tants of this kingdom In embryoT We may deride the wearer of coronets and even sneer, thouah ever so a-entlv. at the ami. able weakness of the new rich who em boss their motor cars with coats of arms. But when a prospectus from across the waters tells us that "with the view of obtaining for Americans traveling abroad the recognition to which they are entitled at home" the Blank company asks you to enroll your name and the name of your wife and the name of her grandmother within the paper walls of Its purple book. men we succumb. Passports to social emi nence are not to be corncd. Naturally you must plank down a few Inoonseauentlal dollars, aa nrinter.' and paper coat money. Yet what a meager saennce: mow Inrinlteslmally small la the outlay compared to the results. As a purple American aristocrat, with name printed In the magic book, you may ey wun iisioi. slightly altered: "The world Is my social oyster." In your car you may knock at the doors of palaces and haughtily send In your re quest to be received. And what royal per son will dare refuse you recognition T That everyone, that the world and hi wtf will b Included In a reckless mlhm..h r discriminate housing under on roof, we are assured by the prospectus, will not be me case. A keen discretion In the i. tlon of names will be exercised. You will be exercised. You will b In It, the other fellow will not. althoua-h are pussled aa to the methods of the ma. enmery to be set In motion. Fancy meet Ing your dearest friends, book In hand, on the chase for a Saturday till Monday heuas party In England! Rut wh .niun.. such hateful happenings? Does not the book solemnly promise that th o sv ( at tlon between Us covers will be proof of social eligibility T" What a smoothenlng o, oirucuu social ways. Send your money and you will be In th social Arcadia Snobbish? Not a bit of It. A young French philosopher, Jules Qaultler, has evolved the Ingenious theory that innhhi.hn... i. th most natural of traits; nay. th most necessary, a sign that w are nnW e.,i filling our deatiny; mankind alway seeks to seem other than It Is. Darwinism ap- puea io social climber. Welcome, then, th Book of PurpI Welcome th Social Badeker. Welcome th new Peerage of th lmoerlal Seven dollar and fifty cents.-New York Bun. A Tnrllllnn- rr Plnr fatlln Si v.lrl nM rn.bli.. . i. - Cleveland farm, Watertown, N. Y., declared that Wednesday while In a deep aleep she heard the vole of her father, many mile away, call her In agonised tones and then receiving a few hour later a telegram announcing hi death at Cardinal, Canada, th girl's father, was working In th Canadian town. At an early hour h was found , unconscious, suffering from spasms, which lasted until 10 o'clock, when b died. ' ' ' ' ' Your Neighbors Can Tell You No doubt, if you yourself don't know, of many marvelous cures of Stomach, Liver, Blood and Skin affections that have been made by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, for it has a most successful record of over 40 yean. These CURES embrace also many bad cases of Weak Lun&s, lingering Coughs, Bronchial, Throat and Lung affections, some ot which, no doubt, would have run Into Consumption, had they been neglected or badly treated. We dont mean to say that the "Golden Medical Discovery" will cure Consumption when fully seated, but It will strengthen weak lungs. Improve digestion, and make pure, rich, red blood thereby overcoming and "'f casting out dlseaseproduclng bacteria and giving robust, vigorous health. All particulars about the "Discovery," its composition and uses, in Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1000 pages, revised up-to-date, sent for 31 cents, in one-cent stamps in cloth covers, or 21 cents for paper covered, to pay cost of mailing only. Or send post card request for free booklet gblad Dr. Piarcm'a Mtdicin rtmad th Jlsraiids Bofl and Sur ficl Institute, at BvJUlo, thor oaghXT tquippid and1 with a Staff of SkWtd SpueUlistM to treat the more difficult esses ot Chronlo disown whotbor requiring Mod' ioMl or Surgicol skill tor their euro. Sond for free INVALIDS' QUIDS BOOK. RISE IS PRICES OF STOCKS Continued Advance of Market Cantes Surprise. REACTION FAHS TO ARRIVE Demand ta SafReteat to Absorb Real- I I.Imi. - 1 - - 1 ......... v n 4h J Situation la Greater Than Expected, NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-The release of much industrial energy, held In reserve pending the national election was counted upon with the passing of That event. The record of the lat week In that respect was an agreement with the confident expecta tion universally held In financial circles. In the response of the stock market to the situation, however there was a genuine surprise. As the speculative medium of events to come rather than those already accomplished the action of the stock mar ket indicates that the extensive advanco In prices which had occurred over the level of last year's depression, which fully com mensurate with tha Improvement then In' sight In the country's affairs, did not be gin to measure the hopes of the ultimate Improvement to occur The outbreak of a furore of speculation last week whs a re sult of th election, so far as the great parties are concerned, and was accepted In Wall street before the decision at the polls. It was the common expectation of the spec ulative element based on thes conditions and the fact that prices were brought on the eve of election to the highest elevation tf the year, that abundant supi.l'o nf stccks would be offered to meet every pos sible demand witftA woyid be attracted" from the less 'prrifctlcecT speculative publlo and from Investment sources. Reaction, Pall to Come. There were few .obHervers In Wall street who had not given the advice .that the first after-election rise In prices Would be fol lowed, almost certainly by a sliarp reac tion. Th inrush for stocks, un the con trary has been sufficient to sweep all sell ing to realise with a sustained upward movement of prices. The news of the week contained plentiful evidence of th quick movement that has occurred towards the revival of Industrial and commercial ac tivity following the election. The response In this field apparently exceeds as much tha expectation as does the murket move ment of stocks. One apprehension dispelled by the result of the election and which was lost sight of In th consideration of the larger reaults .was that tha minor political parties would reveal a growth of revolu tionary doctrines that would serve aa a portent of future dangers to capital and property rights, even if no concrete result were achieved. Effect of Taft'a Speech. The unimportant purt played by the minor parties seems to have dispelled tills anxiety entirely. Ther can be no doubt. In fact, that th financial sentiment has read In th sentiment of the elections a revulsion of sentiment in the country frnm the spirit of hostility to capital as It Is embodied In the great corporations. Judge Taft's speech to the Commercial club of Cincinnati, al though protesting adherence to the Roose velt puUUrs and warning offending corpor ations of the purpose to pursue and punish them, was seised upon with avidity to In dicate Immunity from further Irksome re straints with serious effect on the specu lative excitement. The decision of the Northern Pacific directors to distribute 13.28 per share of "concealed assets" to its stockholders, was Interpreted slso as a braving of formerly hostile public senti ment, which waa directed by state legis lative acts toward limiting freight charges by the company. - . The assumption of more tolerant public sentiment towards corporations finds ex pression also In the unconcealed determi nation of the railroads to secure higher rates for freight than they have hitherto enjoyed. The knowledge of a concerted movement to this end Is credited with large Influence on the animated speculation In stocks which gained volume as the week progressed. The enthusiasm ot the specu lation leaves much to th conviction that conditions favor a quick recovery to an extent unusual after financial crises. SURGERY FOR DEGENERATES Effoet of Blow on the Head Over or n Knock on th Head. Burgery as a cure for moral degenrates has had a remarkable demonstration in this city through an operation performed by Dr. Herbert. U Northrop, dean of Hahne mann college. By a simple operation on th head, re moving pressure on th brain caused by Injury, Dr. Northrop changed a man from a drunkard and a thief to an honest. In dustrious man, respected by his employers. The operation was performed twenty-two months ago, but its result has only just been announced. Th main facts set forth In th history ot th case are as follows: "A man 3 years old had been of good habits. In May, 1891, a timber struck him on th head, causing a contusion of ths scalp and a hematoma In tha upper frontal region, close to th middle line on tb right side. He was unconscious for about sixty second and was then driven horn In a cab. "H returned to his position and remained ther for twelve years, when he was dls- to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are little in size but great in gentle acting sanitary results; cure constipation, ask your neighbors charged for drunkenness and misuse of the company's funds. To quote lils own words: " 'I looked upon money and the spending of It as a thing which I was not responsi ble for. I spent It right and left I might say, threw It awayand because I did not have enougn ot my own, I helped myself to that which belonged to th company, and yet I did not think I was doing any thing wrong. I felt that everything would com out right. I felt happy and contented. My chief pleasure was In spending on lots of foolish things and In drinking whisky.' "His accident had no effect on his mem ory. The patient himself summed up the effects of his head Injury when he said he had all his faculties except his sense of normal responsibility." On January 18, 19U7, the operation was performed, and Dr. Northrop says that up to the present time the result has been satisfactory in every respect. The patient is now devoted to his wife and ohildrcn, and says the thought of taking a drink never enters his mind. Two months after his operation he returned to the employ of the company for which he worked be fore his downfall, end he has been pro moted twice, with an Increase of pay. Philadelphia Record. HiiARlAG TARIFF (Continued from First Page.) States 240 aliens found to be here In vio lation of the contract labor law. In twenty-eight Instances of apparent violation ot the alien contract labors by corporations or other employers, evidence was transmitted to the Department of Jus tice to local United States attorneys with a request for the Institution of suits to punish- th- persons shown by the evidence to be guilty. CURING MEAT BY ELECTRICITY By Means of This Process Meat Haa Been Kept Foor Month In , the Tropics. Still another use has been found for electricity the curing of meat. A process recently perfected will, the originator predict, revolutionise the packing indus try and drive the method of curing now in general use out of existence. For many years inventors have been puxsllng their brains over how to apply electricity to meat curing. Th Idea was public property. It is only recently that it ha been applied In a practical way. It ha long been acknowledged that electricity Is the greatest purifier known. Physician Use It to destroy germ life. The purest water Is that which has been surcharged with electricity. Accordingly meat ha been similarly treated. A lot of meat which had been elec trically cured was boxed and sent to the United States consul at Vera Crux, Mex ico. It was protected only by a screen, to keep out rats and mice, and a layer of thin parchment paper. The consul at Vera Crux kept the meat four months, then returned It to New York. On It arrival here It passed gov ernment Inspection. Another piece of meat from the same lot has hung two years In a room where the temperature has never been below 70. It Is sweet and wholesome today. Other equally startling tests of the electric process have been made suc cessful. The process In it fundamental princi ple is simplicity Itself. Th meat Is placed in tank containing brine. Th brine Is the same solution which Is used In curing establishments everywhere. Electric current are sent through the tanks. They drive the salt Into and through the meat much more quickly and distribute It much more thoroughly than Is possible under the old method, In which the meat is merely allowed to soak In the brine. The originator of th process claim for It that it is quicker, mora thorough and more sanitary than th old method. Even th most Up-to-date curing cel lar have brine-covered floor and damp walls. The process of curing take so long and the' meat must b handled so many times that perfsct sanitation Is Im possible. The meat must be changed fre quently from one hogshead to another, from old brine to new. There I alway mors or less seepage from leaking casks. Th cellar are in layer, underground, and are Invariably dark and often poorly ventilated. With the electric method the meat Is handled but once when It goe Into th brine and when It comes out, cured. Therefore ther are fewer casks and less seepage. Th brine can be used over and over again Indefinitely, as It, too, has been purified by electricity, and circulating through a cooler vat outside returns to the tank. In the matter of time consumed In cur ing the originator make thes compari sons; Under th old method ham I cured In from seventy-two to 10$ day. Electric ally cured It need stay In th brine but from twenty-flv to thirty-five day. Under tha old way bacon I cured In twenty-two day. Electrically cured It remain In th brine only four days. Itemised, th claimed advantages of th new method over th old ar: Takes one fifth to one-third a long; doe It better; save th packer from SO to 11 per cent In labor In th curing room; eliminate th cost of cooperage; reduce tha cost of brine three-fourths; saves the packer loss from "skippered" meat. Meat which ha been electrically cured will not spoil, for ther ar no Impurities left tn it New Tork World If You Don't Know SCENIC WILL BE CORN SHOW Decorations Contemplate Elaborate Scheme at Lavish Coit. BEST SKILL TO BE ENLISTED Andltorlnm Will Be Transformed Into n Vast Panorama ot Scenic Beauty by Ninth of December. Bcenlc and decorative effects at tho Na tional Corn exposition this year will be the most handsome and lavish that money, architectural skill, dllleence and good taste can achieve. The decorations will In themselves be such a triumph In embellish ment as has nvcr teen equaled In tljp great middle west. So much has been decided by the direc tors of the exporltlon, although details of the work have not yet been determined. There are awaiting selection a number of complete decorative schemes cf great beauty and magnitude submitted hy local and foreign decorators and probably a choice will be mtdo among these, although It Is wished to emphus!ie the fact that suFgestton are still desired regarding this imrxrtant part of the exposition. The possibilities In the way of deccratlng the Auditorium for the great exposition are fairly duxsllng. The mammoth stsge offers a choice to the scenic artist for the lovelleat of perspective effects and the drsplng of Ue girders and beams aloft af fords another opportunity in which nn en thusiast along Jhis line could t ot but revel in the possibility of artistic creation. It la probablye that at the sldn nf the hall long-ranging peristyle will l erected and It is unnecessary to suggest that here, too, the architect of the decorative scheme haa a rar chance. Dtllcate anodes of red, green and yellow, th royal colors of King Ak-Sar-Hen. have been vested aa the official hues ot the ex position and In the wealth of these there will come a pleasant flavor of the merry atmosphere pertaining to his Court end realm. Rome Miller Is chairman of the commit tee on decorations and suggestions in this respect should be made to htm. TIPS FOR OUTGOING HUNTERS Plcasare, . Profit and Safety Con densed Into Two Words, Don't Shoot." The text of this brief sermon addressed to all who propose going afield after game, big or small, la this: Don't leave your common sense at home when you set out for the hunting ground. And as an open ing remark, don't fall to 'cut thla article out and take It with you. For fear that you might not aee the force of which opening, just listen to this: The writer foregathered lately with a gentleman from one of the large cities who Is, by way of thinking, himself a fair woodsman and is certainly reputed a hunter Of class. He delivered himself as follows apropos of the rudimentary principle of all hunting, vis.: "Don't shoot until you know what you are ahootlng at. "I was up in north Minnesota deer hunt ing last fall and got a lesson I won't soon forget. Just learned how easily a ' man who Is sure he knows better can do worse and not half try. On my Way up I picked up a copy of the St. Paul Pioneer Press containing a reprinted article from the New York Times which Interested me greatly, though I never then dreamed that It was to b tha means of averting a tragedy. One rule It laid' down waa when in doubt of the identity of anything looking like deer, but to which as deer you could not swear, to 'holler.' "Now I thought that ahy fool ought to know that, but mark what followed. I secured quarters with a 'Winchester farmer I knew and the morning after reaching hia place set out by my lonesome. He had told me that a moose or two were loose and when I glimpsed the un mistakable coat of the big moose through some thick brush perhaps W0 yards from where I era crossing a thick piece of tim ber I threw my rifle to my shoulder and drew a bead on Mr. Moose. "But I did not pull the trigger. Into my mind came the printed warning and al though I was not In doubt a littl bit I yelled. An answer cam back Instsntly and a moment later my host stepped Into view and cam toward me. And I sat down on a log with lo water pouring out of every pore" and a lot more going to prove that an experienced hunter had left hi common sense at home and but for Qod' mercy and through no fault of his own had escaped the guilt ot blood. Take your common sens with you when you go to hunt. It will teach you that ther la no reaemblance between a man and doer or bear and will fore you when In doubt to "holler" and keep on "hollering" until you get an answer or see the suspicious object run. Don't leav your common sense at home. If you take it with you it will In terfere and stop rvry tlm you start to drag a gun out of or through any thing by the barrel with the mussle point ing atralgnt at your body or head. That 1 the method of suicide, self-mutilation, or manslaughter most favored of gentlemen users of th shotgun, although som do either or all of tho acta In a similar man ner with th rifle. Use a hammerleas, do youT And so you can drag your gun any old way and still fC 1 be safe, can you? Krlcrjd, there never WJ', and ni-vi-r will be, any kind of loaded gun that was or could be safe while Its muscle was pointed at a human iH'Inar. Olv your common sense half a chance and nobody will need to tell you thai. If you are going to leave anything at home give automatla guns and whisky the preference, but take your common sense along every time. The killed and wounded during the oped season for deer In the three states of Min nesota. Wisconsin, and Michigan alone wouldn't make a very bad second to the performance of the railroads In that line during the same length of time, and nine out of ten of every deplorable happening of them all happened because some man went hunting and left his common sense at home. Take your common sense with you. It will teach you that under no circumstances must you carry a loaded gun, particularly a loaded rifle Into house or camp. It will show you the criminal folly of shooting at rabbits, squirrels, or birds with cartr'dje from rifles which will propel a bullet two miles, especially when the chances are strongly In favor of your hitting anything In tlio wide world except the' mark you are aiming at. . ' n It will call your attention to the fact that you came out for a hunt and not a drunk, and that the less liquor In the party the better the party's chance of a pleasant time and auccessful hunting. It will force you to bear constantly in mind the fact that you are not a "kid," and so rrsixn.il ble for nothing, but a man who knows him self responsible to Qod and man for his ac tions, and who Intends to act- as one who fully realties his responsibility.' Now, beforo you forget it, cut- thl out, take It with you, and read it over each day while, you are out If you do, sir, com mon sense will be of the partyand ths most honored member thereof. Now York Times., k. . ... . ,.;..ic i- Records In Tnnnel Dorlngr. "World's records In the tunneling line are being broken down in L,os Angeles," said 1 l(n ry Martin. ' "The reeords are being broken in the construction of the great aqueduct which will bring the waters of the Owena rivet from the distant high Sierras to the city of L.os Angeles. Several great tunnels ar necessary. On the Immense Elisa beth lake bore 160 feet has been exca vated during the last ten days, a world'! record. The cost has been $34.19 a foot while the board of expert englnecra es timated that $76 a foot would be the lowest possible figure at which the worM could be done. One mile of this tunnel Is now completed. ' "On the Gunnison tunnel S20 feet month has been bored, which Is consid ered extraordinary." Milwaukee Senti nel. Babies "trnna-led by croup, coughs or coMs are instantly re lleved and quickly cured with Dr. Klng'l New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale bj Ilea ton Drug Co. ' HAVE YOU TRIED lifasio, 'ftn It Is veil known to bo The Dest Natural Laxative Water FOR CONSTIPATION and all disorders of the bowels and stomach. Infult boltlti and 4plH What's Your Guess very person whs takes a msai at Tolf Xtaasoa's baeetaeat restaurant may gness the iubMi who visit ttur during the day. The star est guess via book. (Every day this wssk.) Toif Hanson's Lunch Room The rcost attractive, brightest, airiest and most economical lunch room in Omaha. . AUDITORIUM PURE FOOD SHOW Afternoon and Evening Fine Music and Vaudeville Admission I Adults as CkUarea lie. Ppeclai commutation tickets ' at ell Grocer s and Hutch -rs. . . , For all th Nws, THE OMAHA DEC Best tfc West