The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVIII NO. 123. OMAHA, MONDAY MUIIXINO, NOVEMBER 9, VMS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. r V V 1 ON TARIFF Home Committee Will Begin Taking Teitimony Tomorrow. PRINCIPLE OF NEW BILL Will Be Drawn Aloir Suggested V. ,j by Judge x '' 'L GOVERNORS TO Mi ' GAIN Second Conference to B. 1 Washington Next Mot OTHER CONSERVATION a-ofllES Country Life Commlanlou, National rtlvera an4 Harbora Congress and oitkrra Commercial Con grese Alan to Meet. WASHINGTON. Nov. . With the flrest henrlng on the proposed revision of the tariff, scheduled for next Tueaday. the ac tive work of the committee oti way and means of the house of representatives will begin In Washington, although It has been progressing during the receas of congreaa, at Auburn, N. Y., the home of Representa tive Sereno Payne, chairman of the com mittee. The hearings will be completed before the Sixtieth congress convenes for Its last session, but the program fur the revision doe not provide for the presenta tion of the subject to congress until the sixty-first congress la convened next March In special aeaslon. Judge Taft In hla speech accepting the republican nomination for president out lined In these words the poiky to be fol lowed In revision: 'The republican doctrine of protection, as definitely announced by the republican . convention of this year and by previous jfc.'nvcntlous, a that a tariff shall be Im ' posed on all Imported products, whether of the factory, farm or mine, sufficiently girat to equal the difference between the cost of production abroad and at home, and that thla difference should, of course, Include the difference between the higher wages paid In thla country and the wages paid abroad and embrace a reasonable profit to the American producer." It ir understood that President Taft will call t getlier the new congress In special session Immediately after his Inauguration and In his proclamation will repeat hla pre viously expressed views on the tariff ques " tlon. Governors to Meet A sal a. Invitations to a second meeting In Wash ington to governors or their representa tives ahev been sent out by the National Conservation of Reaources commission. The date announced la Tuesday, December & At the tame time letters are going out announcing for Tuesday, December 1. the first general meeting of the conservation commission Itself for organisation. i I The governors will discuss the work wb ii'h -Jbo' rational- eoosacvafJoo eommts S.on has been carrying on during the aum- ' m.r and ,fall. Tho outcome of thla work Is the f if aK thorough Inventory of the na tional natural resourees the federal gov- rrmnent has ever made. On thla Inventory the report which Presi dent Roosevelt has requested the commis sion to make to him not later than Janu ary 1 will be baaed. The governors of more than halt the atatea have appointed commissions, and these commissions now are at work along the same lines In their alatea that .the na tional commission s following for the whole country. The week beginning De cember will be a conservation week In Washington. There will be at least four Importunt bodies In session here whose pur. poses are connected with the conservation movement. The Country Life commission will hold a muetlng, after having completed the first part of Its swing around the coun try. The Southern Commercial congress, whose chief purpose Is the awakening of the people of the fourteen southern states to the valuo of their natural resources, will be In session on December 7 and 8. and will then merge with the National "" River and Harbors congress, which will hold lis annual meeting December to 11. Meetlnn- of Xatloual Grans;. Three thousand farmers, hailing from thirty states, will meet In this city next in Wednesday, when the National Orange ,e- .Patrons of Husbandry, assembles for Its V f 7 forty-second annual convention. The con T vcntlon will be significant as besrlng upon (the financial, social and educational ad vancement of the farmer. V During the ten days' session of the grange the program will cdver a wide range of subjects. The farmers will dls cuss methods by which the attractions of the home may be enhanced. A concerted movement will be Inaugurated among the 8.OOO.0W members to secure the passage in congress of postal savings banks and par-cels-poat legislation, to which the national grange Is committed. Teat ot Slguul Device. Approval haa been given bv the BInc-k Signal and Train Control board of the In terstate Commerce commission for the pur pose of test of an automatic train stopping device, to be established on the Cole-Brook-dal branch of the Philadelphia Reading railroad, near Pottstown, Pa. It la a cab signal and the automatic train stop de signed In such a fashion thst If the engi neer of the locomotive should fall for any reason to observe a dnnger signal on his route the train la brought to a stop auto matically. One of the special features of the device, and In this respect It differs from any other aubmltted to the board. Is Its application to train driven by means of electricity. The board desires to make a thorough and practical teat of the de vice during the severe weather of the com. Ing winter. - Already the board has Installed several train slopping Inventions on ahort stretchea of railway and Is trying them out. It Is expected that so far as possible the various devices will be explained In the forthcom ing aanual report of the board, which through the Interstate Commerce commis sion l to be submitted to congress. Enforcing; Allen Labor Law. Sine Secretary Straus became the execu tive head of the Department of Commerce and Labor he haa paid particular attention to caaea Involving violations of the alien contract labor laws. The records of the bureau of Immigra tion and naturalisation for the fiscal year onded Jure 10, show that there were rejected at the porta of this country J, 832 aliens , seeking admission to the United State purs ant to offers or promises of employment made prior to migration. There J . were arrested and deported from the United Continued oa Second Page.) CONDITION OFJME WEATHER FORECAST TOR NEBRASKA Fair Mondar. T: "pruiur" at Omaha yesterday: Hour. NATIONAL CIVIC EXHIBIT Unique Exposition to Re Held la Pittsburg In Connection with Municipal Leaaroe. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. . In connec tion with the Joint yearly meeting of the National Municipal league and the American Civic association to be held In Pittsburg, November 16 to 20, the flrnt civic exhibit will be held. This will In clude exhibits of Industrial conditions, public health, municipal government, con gestion of population, housing: conditions, transportation, the land system and town planning. It Is expected that more than 200 ex perts In civic affairs and active reform era will be present, representing all the largest cities. The questions of great est public Interest which will be con sidered by the Pittsburg meeting will be those pertaining to the conservation of natural resources, Including the forests; public utilities commissions, with Chair man Meyers of the Wisconsin commis sion, Thomas M. Osborne of the New York commission and Joseph B. Kastman of the Ronton commission as the speak ers) churter and electoral reforms, bill for smoke nuisance, etc. It Is also possible that a report will be submitted pertaining to the recent In quiry by the National Municipal league concerning the liquor problem In the va rious states. This Inquiry was conducteJ entirely upon Impartial lines, with a view to ascertaining the actual result of the practical application of high license, lo cal option, prohibition or other means. Attorney General Bonaparto is president of the National Municipal league and will preside over the Pittsburg meeting. His address will deal with the significance of recent disclosures of corruption In pub lic affairs and prosecutions. Protection of American forests, with special reference to forest-devastating fires, will be the theme of a talk by Oifford Pinchot of the United States for est service. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE MEETS Delegates from Mne States Will Hold Conference In Dea Moines Thla Week. i DBS MOINES. Nov. 8,-Delegates from nine states in the middle west were as sembled In Dcs Moines Tuesday at the con ference of the central district of the Amer ican Antl-8aloon league, which Includes Iowa. Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Mlnne- sota. Souths 'Dakota. Nebraska,, Kansas and: Colorado. ' ". One of the chief matters for discussion will be preparation for a new campaign to secure in congress the enactment of the Interstate commerce act for which a fight haa been made many years without suc cess, and whose defeat at the last session of congress was laid at the door of Speaker Cannon and used against him In his recent contest for re-election. There will also be some discussion of the legislative policies of the league In the different states and In this connection also some debate on the relative merits of tho prohibition and local option lawa. There are within the league many super intendents and field workers who believe local option a more effective weapon against tho liquor traffic than prohibitory laws, and there are also many who stand strongly for absolute, state-wide prohibi tion. The conference will continue three days. MINING SWINDLE UNEARTHED Postal Officials Raid Offices ot Al leged private Bankers In New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. That they have un covered a get-rich-qulck swindle rivaling In magnitude that of the 8torey Cotton company of Philadelphia, la the belief given expresalon tonight by postal authorities here following a raid late today upon the offices of George W. Emenuel & Co., pri vate bankera, on Fifth avenue. Two arrests were made by the local police on complaint of police Inspectors, Louis A. Prince snd J. Walter Larree being taken into custody and held for the action of the federal au thorities. The postal authorities are look ing for Emenoel, head of the firm, but said they believed he had fled the country, perhaps having gone to Mexico. Emenuel as Co. are accuaed of having used the malls to defraud by aeeklng to sell stock of a Mexican gold mine, which their literature Is said to have represented as yielding a yearly return of 29 per cent to the Investors, fully guaranteed by an International bank ing house. According to the postal au thorities 50,000 or more investors have re mitted money to Emenuel & Co. to the amount of at least $500,000. SHERCLIFFE STARTS NORTH Alleged Train Robber Leaves Ksoi- Till for Minneapolis la Charge . . of Two Oltlrers. KNOXyiLLH. Tenn.. Nov. .' Frank Bhercllffe, alias Sherman Morris, arrested In this city on Friday, October JO, at the tratance of Minnesota authorities, charged with train robbery near Minneapolis, waa today removed from the. local Jail on requi sition papers and started north In charge ot City Detective Bunnrldge of Minneapolis and Deputy Sheriff Stutta. Colorado auth orities were also anxious to get the pris oner, he having been sentenced to twenty years for murder In that state and escap ing from a train running at rapid apeed, and while In the custody of Sheriff Bonner. Bhercllffe was heavily Ironed by the of ficers tonight. BtOTEaTBaTTa Or OOBAaT STaAhTBXir. Pint. NF.W YORK. KKW YORK NKW YORK NEW YORK NEW YORK. NEW YORK. Ballad. Llrtnla Nrar yorl. . K. A. Victoria.. Pitori. Il -. Konlges LuIm .Rlstoala Cr.lraco .La Touram (alllvrala PXYMOl'TN raul uiunliLLU ...rvruin HAVKR La Batoi. QlKKNgTOWH , Ctlttc UVKHHooi Vlrilnlaa ANTW KRP , Kroonlan4. MOV ILL. at Columbia. Li NlxiN ., Miaurapnlla gOlTHAMPTON.. Pailadaiphla. CFNOA Prtnaeaa lraa....R- !' lmiu. ALMKRIA m aao?le HhtMlN r. LMt Groat. Hour. Deg -SxttxA. m JtjTj J f 1" a. m 62 JjVrJ IW 11 a. m b Vyv'? 12 rrv 0 i HJjVjv i p- m V"n 3p. m...! 61 4 p. m RJ tl 6 p. m 64 nT 6 p. m.... 52 'Mitel I WATER COMPANY MAY FIGHT R. S. Hall Prononncei Union Pacific's Action Violent LAWSUIT MAY BE THE OUTCOME Bold Forties to the Controversy Over Bart Street Reservoir Site Claim Tltlo to tho Land. Legal action may be taken l)y the Omaha Water company to protect Ita avowed rights to the land comprising the old Burt street reservoir site, across which the t'nlon Pa cific began to lay Its tracks Sunday morn ing, immediately after midnight. H. S. Hall, attorney for the water company, said as much last night and will take up the mat ter today. Both companlea claim title to this land, the I'nlon pacific maintaining Its right dstes back to ISC3, the water company clalma Its deed is at least twelve years old. Mr. Hall ssld last night he could not go Into a discussion of the subject until he has given It renewed consideration. ''No, we did not anticipate any such ac tion by the I'nion Pacific," he said. Asked If the matter had been In contro versy of late, he replied, "Not specially." Asked how the water company acquired possession of this land. Mr. Hall said: "1 don't propose to discuss that question at this time." Mr. Hall pronounced the action of the Union Pacific "an act of violence." Worlr All Day Sunday. At midnight Saturday night the Union Pacific Railroad company sent a force of 100 men to take possession of this land and to luy a track across the basin to hold possession. The water company tried to stop the laborers by turning water In the basin, but the Union Pacific had such a start that the work could not be headed off and the laborers continued their work all day Sunday. The land In question has been In dis pute for some time, but as no agreement could be reached the Union Pacific took forcible possession when no legal process could stop the work. "We have held. the fee title to the south two-thirds of the south basin on the river front for twenty-five years," aald Bdson Rich, general attorney for the Union Pacific. "In 1880 this land was leased to the water company that a basin might be built for settling water lor the use of Omaha. These basins were aban doned In 1892 and were of no further use to the water company. We needed the land which belonged to us for trackage. We have not enough room around there now to store the cars of the ameltlng company, so we tried to get possession of our own land to level down for stor age tracks. To several overtures the Omaha Water company would make no reply when we asked It what claim It had, so we decided to take forcible pos session. The tracks are laid and cars are on the tracks and the men workad Sunday leveling down the plot. SeHd ritr Block. "The tract Is half a block wide and a block long and Joins other property owned by the Union Pacific on the south, ex tending to the smelting works. The mat ter of crossing Eighth street Is merely temporary and will be adjusted." "There is no question that the Omaha Water company owns this land and ac quired It in the early '80s," ald A. B. Hunt, superintendent of the Omaha Water company. "The dividing lines have al ways been Indefinite, although we did lease part of one basin from the Union Pacific. The reet of the land Is owned by the water company. It shows on the face that the railroad company does not think Its claim to the land very btrong when it Is compelled to take forcible possession at midnight." WINDUP OFJTHE CAMPAIGN Victor Roaewater Returns from ChU "to, Where National Head quarters Are Closed. Victor Rosewater returned Sunday morn ing from Chicago, where he spent most of the last three months In charge of western publicity for the national republican cam paign. He waited in Chicago for the ar rival of National Chairman Hitchcock Sat urday for the closing of the campaign headquarters. Owing to other engagements Mr. Rose water waa compelled to decline en Invita tion by Mr. Hitchcock to aind Sunday with him and ether officers and members of the national campaign committee at French Lick Springs: Secretary Hayward was among those who spent the Jay there. He expected to reach his home In Nebraska City today. As director of the literary bureau for the western division, Mr. Roaewater Is com pleting a report to be submitted to Chair man Hitchcock which concludes: ."I want to emphasise the cordial co-operation accorded thla bureau by the great army of active republican newspapers throughout the country. Out of unselfish xeal and party loyalty these newspapers have not only given freely of their valua ble space, but often incurred no Inconsid erable expense of their own to further re publican success. The publishers of these republican newspapers are entitled to a large measure of credit for whatever re sults may hava been attained by the lit erary bureau under my direction. In com bating the appeals and arguments of the opposition." DEATH RECORD. Her. Alexander Peck. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 8 -(Sp-cln!.)-Rev. Alexander Simeon Peck, aged 74 years, one of the oldest Presbyterian ministers In Iowa, la dead at his home. 1414 Jones street. He was born In Jamestown, N. Y., Febru ary 28, 1834. In 18o he moved with hla parents to Omaha. He served In the civil war and after the war was graduated from Hanover college. His theological training was' finished in Chicago and he had chargea at Wyoming. Dallas Center, Tamlngdale and Perry In Iowa. In more recent years he has had charges in 8outti Dakota. Mra. Fred Dryer. SPENCER. 8. D., Nov. S. (Special.) Mra. Fred Dryer, one of the most promi nent old-time resident of McCook county, is dead. She was born In Brandenburg! Germany, in 1145, and came to this coun try when a girl. She was the mother-la-law of Rev. Mr. Beasler of thla city. FIRE RECORD. Residence Soar Btnrgls. 8TURG1S. 8. D., Nov. S.-(Special.)-The Borsch residence two miles west of town was destroyed by fire last night with all contents, loss total, , damage t2.5O0;. Insur ance. I1.0M. Fire supposed to have started In defective chimney. YICTORIEN SARDOU IS DEAD Dean of French Dramatists Dies In Paris of Pnlmonary Con creation. PARIS, Nov. I. Vlctorlen Sardou. who had been 111 for a long time, died today of pulmonary congestion. He was the dean of rench dramatists and a member of the French academy. The nan whose first rlay was hissed and who then wanted to go to America to seek his fortune, died rich and honored, with the proud title of France's greatest and most prolific contemporary dramatist. Vlctorlen Sardou Was possed of singular charm and waa greatly beloved and there is universal regret that he left no memolis. He was born In Paris, September 7. 1811. the son of Leandre Sardou, an educational ist. At first he studied medicine and was obliged, In consequence of the embarrass ments of the family, to give private les sons In history, philosophy and mathe matics. He also made attempts ' In literature, writing articles for several reviews and for the minor Journals. His first comedy "La Taverns Dea Etudl ants," was produced in 1S34 in Odeon, then the second state theater, btu It proved a coiraletee failure. He then wrote the comedy "Lea Pat tea De Mouche." which waa produced with great success in 1880, and subsequetly adapted for the English stage under the title of "A B?rav of Paper." At the age of 75, Sardou witnesses the production of his latest drama "L'Affatre Dea Poisons," at the Porte St. Martin theater. This rlay, which has to do with the In famous Camarilla, existed under the reign of Louts XIV, and which was presented for the first tllme on December 7, last, la still running to crowded housea Almost every land knows the heroes and heroines born of Sardnu's resourceful mind. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt has won her great est triumphs in roles ha wrote for her, such as Tosca, Fedora, Theodora and Gls monda. "Mme. Sana Gene" was written for Mme. Rejane, In which she portrayed the out spoken, good-hearted wife of Marshal Le Fevre. It was translated Into English, and Plr Henry Irving and Miss Terry were een in it at the Lyceum. The great Eng lish actor also appeared in "Robespierre," and other products of the geniys of master Frenchman. M. Sardou realised a princely fortune by his writings and bnllt a splendid chateau at Marlyle-Roy. He married on June 17, 1872, Ml!?. Soulder, daughter of the con servateur of the museum of Versailles. He whs decorated with the legion of honor In 1853 and was elected a member ot the Frtnch Academy In 1877. FIGHT AGAINST MR. GOMPERS To Be the Principal Feature In Con vention of Federation of Labor. DENVER. Nov. . Beginning at 10 o'clcck tomorrow mofiitng at the Auditor ium the twenty-eighth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor will. It Is predicted, be the most JmportarA gath ering of delegates ,u it eiojventloli ot XhuX body in Its history. The all Important .qtiestlcn to he decided la the endorsement of the political pro gram carried out by the executive council during the recent preeidentlal campaign, and which has generally been referred to as Mr. Gomper'i plan. Opponents of Samuel Oompers, president cf the federation, of more or lesa strength within the federation, are w irking together In an effort to organise a plan against his re election. They are charging h'm with "pernicious political activity" and uslna; other arguments to convince delegates that Gompers has lost his standing ns a leader of working n en and that the working classes need expect nothing from .-ongress In the way cf legislation If Gompers con tinues at the head of the federation. Among those who are expected to lead the fight on the federation's president Is Daniel Keefe, of the Longshoremen's un ion, who was charged with deserting tho federation's legislative committee and com ing out for Taft In consideration of the premise of political office. Although it la difficult to get the temper of the delegates at this time, local leaders who will par ticipate in the sessions of ti e convention laugh at the Idea of Gompers being turned down, but declare their certainty of opln Ion that not only will he be upheld, but that Keefe will be removed from his pWc as a vice president of the federation and all liia followers will suffer like defeat for whatever office or other preferment they may eeek. They point to the fact of the defeat cf certain candidate for congresa known as enemies of labor as a distinct victory to the cause and one to be Joyful over, In spite of the federation's unfruitful support of the democratic rational ticket. In addition to thla leading question there ara a number of matters up for decision, mostly relating to Internal dissensions of affiliated bodies, quarrels over Jurisdic tion, etc. Halt a dosen cities are after the conven tion for 1W9. COUNCIL THREATENS TO WAKE Promises to Discuss Extreme Case of Hospital Physician Thla Afternoon, The committee of the whole of the coun cil this afternoon will discuss the appropri ation of more funds for the commissioner of health. Dr. R. W. Connell notified the council nearly a couple of weeks ago that Dr. Straus. Uie physician In charge of the i Emergency hospital, was without food and coal and had received no pay since Sep tember with which to buy provisions with and that he la In danger of starv ing or treeslng to death. To date, how ever, the council has been content to let the physician waste away, putting oft until this afternoon the discussing of the feasibility of letting the commissioner of health have more money with which to wage hla cam paign against unsanitary and unhealthy conditions In Omaha. USE FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS Abandoned Mrurtures nt Winnebago to Be Used for General Agency Purposes. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 8.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Indian Commissioner Leupp today decided that the abandoned Indian school building upon the Winnebago reservation should be turned over to Albert H. Neale, superintendent of the Winnebago reserva tion, for such usee as he may deem advis able. The old agency buildings are entirely Inadequate for the purposes for which they were originally constructed and additional buildings are most Imperatively needed, therefore It has been decided to remodel the abandoned Winnebago school buildings and convert them to the uses of the agency. ,N fl) FINALS IN STATE Republicans Secure Five and Demo crat Four State Officers. CONGRESSMEN FOUR TO TWO CowaMIl, Democrat, for Railway Com mlssloner Haa lx Handred Elahty Lend, with Only Three Small Conntlea Mlsalnsr. Complete returns from eighty-five Ne braska counties Indicate the republicans will save five state officers and give the democrats three below governor. The re publicans get two congressmen and the democrats four. The compilations show Cowlea (rep.) for land commissioner has secured a lead over Eastham (dem.) In these counties amount ing to 1.772, which the five remaining coun ties that four years ago did not hava a re publican lead of over 50 together, are not likely to overcome. This would mske the roll of state officers as follows: Governor, A. C. Shallenberger (dem.); lieutenant governor. E. O. Garrett (dem.); secetary of state, Dr. A. T. Gate wood (dem.); treaaurer, Lawson G. Brian (rep.); auditor, Silas R. Barton (rep.); su perintendent of schools, E. C. Bishop (rep.); attorney general, William T. Thompson (rep.); commissioner of public lands and buildings, Edward B. Cowles (rep.): rail way commissioner, William H. Cowglll (dem.). Such a lineup would give the republican officers control of the State Board of Equal ization composed of the governor, secretary of state, treasurer, land commissioner and auditor. The figures from eighty-seven counties complete on state auditor shows Barton to have a lead over Price of S.4S1. Eighty five counties on attorney general give Thompson a pluarility of 4.3S5 over Fle harty. In eighty-five counties, Brian leads Mackey by 2.607. It is apparent that for aecretary of state, George C. Junkln la de feated by Oatewood, eighty-five counties showing a plurality of 1,782 for Gatewood. Cowles In the same counties practically re verses the vote, securing 1.772 majority over Eastham. who has been claiming election to the, office of land commissioner. Close on Railway Commissioner. Computations on railway commissioner were altered Sunday by the discovery of an error In computing the Douglas county returns which give Williams now a plur ality of 1,808 in the county and a plurality of 680 In eighty-seven counties. The Doug las county vote stands: Williams, 13,891; Cowles, 15,699. Results cannot be gTeatly changed from these figures which on railway commis sioner are minus the vote of Blaine, Mc Pherson and Keya Paha counties which two years ago gave a majority of 2 for Sheldon. The total vote In these counties was 666. Figures on the various officers are as fol lows: Secretary of state, eighty-five counties. Junkln, 126,640; Gatewood, 128.422; Gatewood a plurality, 1,782. m. State auditor, eighty-seven counties, Bar- ttm, 130,681 ;TMce,r.200; Barton" plurality,' 8.481. Treasurer, eighty-five counties, Brian, 126.891; Mackey 124,284; Brian' . plurality. 2,607. Attorney general, eighty-five counties, Thompson, 128.082: Fleharty, 123,797; Thomp son's plurality, 4.285. Land commissioner, eighty-five counties, Cowles, 126,081; Eastham, 124,309; Cowles' plurality. 1,772. Railway commissioner, eighty-seven coun ties, Williams. 127,630; Cowglll. 128.310; Cow gill's plurality, 680. ECHO OF JTKILLIP CASE F. A. Broatan Will Press Clalma for Deeds to Certain Parts ot Estate. For the reason that certain properties were deeded to the Union Central Life com pany within four months of the time P. E. McKtlllp of Humphrey and Newman Grove went Into bankruptcy, it may be held by the courts that these properties belong to all the creditors, share and share alike, and the creditors may get more out of the bankrupt estate than was at first thought. F. A. Brogan, attorney for the trustee, has Just returned from Cincinnati, where he found some of the properties were deeded to the Union Central 'only a short time before bankruptcy proceedings were begun. In other cases it has been main tained that the deeding of property shortly before going Into bankruptcy la not holding and that the deeding shows intent to de fraud. For thlrf reason It Is held by the trustee that the deeded properties should belong to the entire estate and for the benefit of all the creditors. Upon the dis covery that the deeds were made Just prior to the bankruptcy proceedings, Mr. Brogan, as attorney for the trustee, who represents the creditors, will press the claim against them. The suit Instituted by the trustee against the Union Central Life company will be heard In federal court. Y. W. C. A. RAISES LIFE FEES Wll Advance from Twenty-Five to One Hundred Dollars First ot April. The board of directors of the Young Women's Christian association will be raised from 125 to fluO, the change going Into effect April 1, 19t. the beginning of the i association year. So far as can be ascer tained the Omaha association Is tho only one whose life membership fee Is less than SUM, and the board considers that the priv ileges of such membership warrant the ad vance. Announcement, la also made of. a Junior membership fee of 50 cents a year tor girls under 15 years of age. This will go Into effect immediately and will entitle the girls to the privileges of the classes. Regular membership which costs 11 a year la not extended to young women under 15 and the Junior branch la established to meet the demands of the girls. JOHN R. KIRK OF MISSOURI First Republican to Break tho Demo eratle Lino In Show-Me State In Omaha. John R. K1rk. formerly state superin tendent of Missouri, who stopped in Omaha Saturday to see the Nebraska-Ames game while enroute from the state teachers' meeting at Lincoln to his home at Kirks vllle. Mo., wss the first republican to break into officialdom In the "show-me" state. Mr. Kirk was elected state super intendent of public instruction in 18S4 and held offloe until 189. Blnce then he has been president of the Missouri State normal at Klrkavllle. W. A. Lewis. In the depart ment of chemistry in tba normal school, accompanied Mr. Kirk. TWO ROBBERIES ARE BLOCKED One lllahwayman anal One ricu- poeket Nabbed with the Stolen Hoods. An assault and attempted robliery was upon Mrs. II. E. Merrill of (H Nrt!i Eighteenth street near the corner of Eight eenth and Cass streets at an early hour Saturday evening. Mrs. Merrill was returning homo and as she neared the corner she was knocked down by Frank nro""ks, who snatched her pockctbook and fled. , A passerby saw the theft and started in pursuit of the man. Officers Allen and Carey happened to be near and Joined In the chnse. Brooke wah overtaken near the corner of Sixteenth and Cass streets and taken to the police sta tion. In his flight he threw away the pocket- book which waa afterward found by the officers and returned to Mrs. Merrill. It contained a small amount of money and a pair of gold framed glasses. Brooks is well known to the police, hav ing been mixed up In several questionable deals. Once he was officially reported dead, an inquest was held over his sup posed body and he was reported burled. Shortly afterwards, however, he turned up In police court and it developed that a body which was found Ini the weeds near the Lyons hotel and which was identified as his was that of someon? elst. A temporary charge of being a suspicious character waa placed against him at the station last night. While A. W. Powell of 830 South TWrty flfth street wo on a car returning from the foot ball game at Delta park yesterday afternoon he was relieved of hla pocket- book. Detectives Donahue and McDonald were on the car and promptly arrested George Wheeler who gives Denver as hla residence. The pockctbook was recovered and Wheeler was taken to the police ela tion where a charge of larceny from the person haa been placed against him. Friday night W. Sutherland of Iowa City, la., had a suit case stolen at the Union depot in this city. Yesterday Offi cer Flynn arrested Frank Hess who says he Is a burtender fionj, Fremont and re covered the missing bagnage. Sutherland will remain In the city to appear agalnat Hess. HONOR TO J0HNEDW. KEYES Tribute Paid to Memory of Late President of Omaha Philo sophical Society. Services In memory of John Edward Keyes, president of the Omaha Phllo- aophlcal society who recently died, were held by the society yesterday afternoon, taking the plce of the regular address on "Cowards" to have been delivered by K. A. Benson. Rev. Frank L. Loveland of the First Methdist church delivered the principal address in which he paid a tribute to Mr. Keyes. "You have got to bring a man up In your memory rather than in your vision to Judge him correctly." he said. "We are too close to Lincoln today to properly measure him I am not sure but the man Is yet to be born, and he may have a black skin, to pay proper tribu'.e to Abraham Lincoln. I am not sure but the same may be sntd of Mr. Keyes.. Perhaps the grass will have to grow green over the grave of Mr. Keyes for many years before this society oan pay proper tribute to him. "I like to aee a man broad between the eyes, with a big heart and deep sympathy. such he had. He used to say he was a heretic unburned. If he was I thank God for such heretics unburned. I can still trust a man's Intellect If it does go erratic some times. If he has a broad heart and human sympathy behind It." Several other membera of the society spoke of the relations with Mr. Keyes and the society adopted a resolution to his mem ory. RECEPTION AT B0YLES SCHOOL Number of Nebraska and Ames Stu dents Attend Annual Faculty Function. It seemed peculiarly fitting that Boylea college should have a reception last even ing and the occasion was Improved by quite a number of university boys who were in the city. It was the occasion of the annual reception of the faculty to the students, graduates and friends of the institution. Being advertised as "a business college with a university at mosphere," the presence of a number of students from Ames and Lincoln made it a delightful occasion. The decorations were scholastic, a large number of school and college pennants decorating the rooms. The large tele graph room and the gymnasium were thrown Into one for the occaalon. A short program opened the evening's pleasure, Elmer Umsted, a sleigh t-of-hand expert, doing a number of mys teries, followed by a eolo from Miss Lida Peterson, a student. Mr. Umsted also gave a piano solo and Prof. Wirt told some entertaining stories, after which dancing was the amusement for those de siring it and games and a social hour took the time of others. HOPE FOR PAVING THIS FALL Commissioners Relieve, Despite Con flict, Military and Irvlngton Roads Will Bo Laid. In spite of the fact that the paving of the Lower Irvlngton and the Military roads has been held up ten days by a restraining or der, which was dissolved Saturday, the county commissioners hope the paving of the two roads can be finished before frost comes. The coi tractors, E. D Van Court and the Katz-Craig Construction company, had considerable material on the ground before the restraining order waa Issued, and will resume work at once, now that the court has rescinded Its order. Commis sioner Ure declared yesterday he did not believe the paving of the Dodge Btreet road, for which Michael Ford has the con tract, could be completed before next spring. The contracts limits his time to December 1, but the commissioners do not expect the road will be finished then. As soon as the road freesea work will have to be stopped until the spring thaw. ORDER FOR FIFTY ENGINES Milwaukee Roda to Make Blar Addi tion to Its Trifle Moving Knrllltles. DUNKIRK. N. Y., Nov. S.-Tho Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad has placed an order for fifty engines, to be built at the Brooks Locomotive Works. HYMENEAL. Peppmnller-Fleld. SPENCER. 8. D, Nov. 8. (Special.) Wtllalm Peppmuller and Minnie Field, prominent young people of Spencer, were married hers Sunday. Mr. Peppmuller la proprietor of tho Spencer mills. They will reside here. JUDGE TACT'S FAITH President Roosevelt Answers Question Regarding His Religious Belief. PURELY A PRIVATE MATTER Not a Question for nn.rl in- Political Discrimination. AGITATION IS AN OUTRAGE Practice Would Mean Destruction of Real Freedom of Conscience. FATAL TO TRUE RELIGION Proscription of This Kind Would Mean Reversion to Dreadful Condition Existing in Other Ages. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8-"Secrotary Taft'e rellgioua faith Is purely his own private concern and not a matter for general dis cussion and political discrimination," siys President Roosevelt In a letter to J. C. Martin of Dayton. O.. made public tonight, in which he answers numerous correspond ents. Tho president ssye he deferred the pub- licatlon of the letter until now to avoid any agitation likely to Influence the elec tion. The lrt'er follows! November 6, 19ns My Dear 8lr: I have received your letter running In part ns . follows: 'While It is claimed almost uni versally that religion should not enter Into politics, yet there Is no denying that It does and that the mass of the voters that are not Catholics will not support a man for any office, especially for presi dent of the Unltad States, who is a Roman Catholic. " 'Since Taft has been nominated for president by the republican party tt Is being circulated and la constantly urged as a reason for not voting for Taft that he Is an Infidel (Unitarian) and his wife and brother Roman Catholics. If his feelings are in sympathy with the Roman Catholic church on account of his wlf- and brother being Catholic, that would be objectionable to a sufficient number of voters to defeat him. On the other hand, If he la an Infidel, that would be sure to mean defeat. " 'I am writing this letter for the sole purpose of giving Mr. Taft an opportunity of letting the world know what his re ligious belief Is.' " Acitatlon an Outrage. "I received many letters such as yours during the campaign, expressing dissatis faction with Mr. Taft on religious ground; some on the ground that he was a Uni tarian and others that he was suspected to be In sympathy with Catholics. I did not answer any of these letters during the campaign because I regarded It as an out rage even to agitata such a question as a roan's religious convictions with the pui.--- pose of Influencing a political election,. Tttl' ' now that the campaign Is over, when there"' is opportunity for men to calmly consider whither such proposition as you make In your letter would lead. I wish to Invite them to consider them and I have selected your letter to answer because you advance, both the obJctlons commonly urged sgilnst Mr. Taft, namely: That be Is a Unitarian and also that he Is suspected of sympathy with the Cothollrs. Blow to All liberty. You ask that Mr. Taft shall let the World know what his religious belief Is. This Is purely of his own private concern and 't is a matter between him and his Maker, a matter for his own conscience and to re quire, it to be made public under penalty of political discrimination Is to negative the flrat principles of our government which aruprantees religious liberty and the right to each man to act In religious af fairs as his own conscience dictates. "Mr. Taft never asked my advice In the'' " matter, hut If he asked I should have em- , phatlcallv advised him agalnat thus stat ing publicly his religious belief. The de mand for a-statement of a candidate's re ligious belief can have no meaning except that there may be discrimination for or nralnst htm becausa of that belief. Dis crimination against the holder of one faith means retaliatory discrimination agalnat men of othrr talths. The Inevitable result of entering upon such a practice wculd be an abandonment of our ral freedom of conscience and a reversion to the dreadful conditions of religious dlssenajlons whlcii In many lands have proved fatal to true liberty, to true religion and all advance In civilization. allfleatlona of Officials. "To discriminate ngalnat a thoroughly upright citizen becanso he belongs to some particular church, or because, like Abra ham Lincoln, hn has expressed his dis avowal to any church, is am outrage against thst liberty of conscience which la one of the foundatlcns of American life. You are entitled to know whether a man seeking your suffrage Is a man of clean and upright life, honorable In all his deal ings with his fellows, and fit by qualifi cation and purpose to do well In the great office for which he la a candidate, but you ure n t entitled to know n atters which 1U between himself and his Maker,- If It Is proper or legitimate to oppose a man for being a Unitarian, as was John Quln.f Adams, for Instsnce, as Is the Rev. Ed ward Everett Hale, at the preser4 moment chaplain of the senate anil an Amerloxn of whose life sll good Americans are proud then it would be equally proper to sup port or oppose a man because on his Justi fication by faith, or the method of auniln Uterlng the sacrament, or the gospel of salvation by works. It you once enter i pon such a career there Is iiba'ilutely lwo limit at which you can legitimately atop. "8o much for yi ur ohjectlcns to Mr. Taft becaure he Is a Unitarian. N w, for your obectlons to him because you think his wife and brother to be Roman Catholics. As It huppens, they are not; but if they were If he were a Roman Catholic himself, it ought not to affect In the slightest de gree any man's supporting him for the po sition! of president. You say that 'The mnas of the voters that are not Catholics will not support a man for any office, espe cially for president of the United Stat ' whu Is a Catholic." R(iotrr ol fleneral. "I believe when you say this you foully J slander your countrymen I do not for one moment believe the mass of our fellow citizens, or that any conaldi-rable number of our fclluw-cltlzens, can be influenced by such narrow bigotry to refuse to vote for any thoroughly upright and fit man Le causo he happens to have a particular re ligious cried. Such a consideration should never m treated as a reason for either supporting or, opposing a candidate for a political office. As you aware that them (