unday Bee PART II. I EDITORIAL SECTION PAQIS 1 TO 8. THC OMAHA DCC Best & West VOL. XXXVIII NO. L1. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXd, XOVKMI'.KU H, 1!K)S. sixni.K corv fivk cents. Handkerchiefs Blankets Fine Linens Our Greatest Sale The Omaha S TnTnTTTTT3i & Ml Jr. M s TV "V . .1 f ' I s Wi7.sV . MM, 1 7, M sent a SVW A We announce toda tlie orders of Holiday Hand kerchiefs front the famous renters of the old world. We rail particular attention to tho fact that most all our lines are pure linen and absolutely lower in price as we go direct to foreign makers for our supplies.- It's a Rood time to select your Xmas Gifts; all are fresli now, no culled over assort ment and you can choose leisure ly. Everyone of the lines .repre saving of from 10 to 25. WOMKVS HANDKERCHIEFS. Pure Linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 10 15 25? 35 Pure linen embroidered Handkerchiefs- t 15 2535 50 Pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs t 1525 3550 Armenian lace trimmed Handkerchiefs a- 50 75 $1.0O to 32.00 . Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs at 852.00 $2.50 $3.00 to $10 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS. Plain pure linen Handkerchiefs at 15 25 35 50 ' 5 Pure linen initial Handkercniets t -15 25 35 50 Fine all silk Handkerchiefs 50 75 $1.00 Great Glove Bargains Shop where you will there are no other Glove Kales like thee. Hundreds of pairs went out Satur. riiy. Enough for another big day's selling tomorrow. Women's 'I-clasp Kid Gloves In black, tan, brown and white, all slues, $1 gloves 79o Mosquetalrcn, 8-button lengths, French kid, black, tan ami brown, beat $1,-75 values, at, pair $1.15 Caps Qaaatltts for street, driving and motoring, soft cuffs, $2 values S1.49 Finest French Kid Gloves, 18-button lengths, regular $3.75 qualities, black and- colors, pair 3.39 Think of buying fine, strictly pure wool California Illankets that are excellent $H.5U and ftIO values for 95. W have 89 pairs only, In tan shades, largest size, and heavy. Think of baying them at (T C such a price Cp J 60 pairs gray wool Blankets, largest size, stitched in colors to match, fancy borders, every pair worth $4.50 to f 5 choice Monday. .$2.08 White Woolnap Blankets, with silk bound edges fine, large, soft apd fluffy great $3.50 Blankets for, per pair $1.75 Domestics Unbleached Shaeting. 2, 2 4 and 2 M yards wide, worth tip to 30c a yard, for r lfic Plain pink and blue Domestics and heavy brown and gray mixed flan nels, 1 2 Vt c and 15c goods . . . . 7 It c Fancy Eiderdowns, for robes, worth 39c, on sale Monday only, yd.. 15c Percales, 36-Inch, best goods, 40 pieces of one style 7Mc sly Winter Quarterly Styls Itook and any. C 15c Ijadles' Home Journal Pattern About Fine Shoes We are reaching out farther for the patronage of women who insist on the highest grades in footwear. Our assortments of these better lines for street and evening wear are again largely augmented with new arrivals, so choosing can be made with discretion. We have complete lines of sizes in calf, patent colt, kid, satin, suede and gold effects. Of luterest are the new gray, blue, brown and white suede top shoes with patent vamps; gray cloth top pat ent vamp button boots; evening slippers in all the popular shades. Bennett prices, too, are considerably less than exclusive . dealers ask. From the famous linen cen ters of. Ireland, Germany and Austria. The finest product the world produces, imported di rect, eliminating all jobbers' profits. Linens that are fam ous for beauty and lasting qual ities. Table cloths and napkin sets in every size, for Thanks giving. 2x2 yard Table Cloths. $1 98 to fS.BO 2x2Vi yard Table Cloths, $2.41 to fS.SO zxa yard Tame cloths, in.nx to S7.7S 2x3 Vi yard Table Cloths, M 98 to i S 2x4 yard Table Clot hi, $4.75 to $10.76 2tx2 yd. Table Cloths. $3 2ft to $18.75 2 4x21 yd. Table Cloths, $.1.1)8 to $28.60 Napkins to match all cloths, at. jer dozen $1.75 to $37.M MONDAY SPECIAL A strictly all pure linen bleached Table Damask. two yard wide, and very heavy, very beautiful pat- fCs; terns nur usual $1.00 quality, "45 for the day " ",w GREATEST DRESS GOODS BARGAINS Now for a Grand Climax to Our Most Succ9ssful Dress Goods Purchase and Sale Last Monday we had thousands of yards of very finest imported $3.00 and$3.50 dress fabrics, bought from New York tail oring house on sale at almost unbelievable bargain prices. Several hundred women bought the dress goods bargains of their lives. MONDAY ALL THE SHORTER PIECES WILL BE SOLD Skirt lengths and suit lengths. Many not on sale last week, many others are lengths remaining from the half and quarter pieces. These lengths will be sold at so much a yard or the entire piece, we cannot cut them. There are great counter heaps of them; all high grada goods mind you, from which'the highest priced suits are made. Finest Voiles, Novelty Suitings, Chiffon Broad cloths, plain and fancy; Silk Eoliennes, silk and wool materials, blacks and all best colors. Monday they'll all go like a whirlwind at still lower prices for a grand clean up in three great lots. $2.50 plain Broadcloths . $3.00 fancy Imported Broadcloths $2.00 silk Poplin, silk voiles, etc $3.00 silk mixed fabrics for even ing wear 13 60 bordered Suitings 64-Inch Cheviot and Rainproof Suitings $4.00 Astrakhan and Bearskins.. Per Yard for $1.60 fancy Broadcloths ... $l.iB silk and wool plaids children and waists $1.60 black and colored Voiles..., $1.S0 Panamas and Cheviots (64 Inch) $1.25 Mohairs and Sleilllans $1.60 wool Serges, Taffetas and Poplins Read's L-ansdowns. short lengths ah these magnificent ratines PER YARD We ad vis having all goods sponged So a yard. Lot Three consists of: 64-in. Mannish Suiting (mostly grays) $1.25 Serges, self colored stripes. Finest all wool Plaids. 44 to 64 Inches w ide, for children and waists 'Wool Serges, Panamas, Batistes, Mohairs, almost any color, all ' fine $1.00 qualities Per Y.rd 0 . TOMORROW Gold and Gold Filled JEW E LRY This our greatest of all Jewelry sales will be the big event of tho store all week. Over n.OOO pieces of every kind of high grade Jew elry novelties from American and European makers, consisting of Rings, Watches, Iekets, Fobs, Hat 11ns, Opera Glasses, Fancy Combs, lint kles, Mesh Bags, Etc., Etc. Owing to business depression Eastern man ufacturer sold to Bennett's $15,000 worth at half. Astonishing bargains on very fine Oenulna Turquoise Matrix Jswelry, In solid gold and gold-filled mountings. Kings, stick pins, brooches, cuff links, la Valiers. etc., less than other dealers are paying for them. Prices range from , $1.50 to $10 Solid Gold Braoelats at almost half the value of the gold In them very special reductions up from 99.60 Solid Gold Kings,' set with turquoises," opals, rubles, emeralds and sapphlrst doublets $3.00 Rings for B80 to. 00 Rings for S1.BS) $7.60 Rings for Oesulne Cameo Comfes, with finest brilliant set tings, values positively up to $35, choice. .98.98 Ilea's Gold-filled Watches, regular 16 nixe, open . face, gold-filled, warranted for 20 years, com plete with 7-JeweIed Americas movement. .98.94 Women's Chatelaine Watches of Sterling silver, very handsome, less than half S1.B8 Locket Finest gold-filled dockets, greatest va riety displayed In Omaha, values to $7. 50.. 91.98 Silk Fobs for men. worth $4. for 8o German Silver Mesh Bags, high, grade and very newest styles, special 98o, 91.98, 93.98, 93.98 Hundreds of other different kinds of articles, all at proportionately low prices. Many have made plans to buy their Christmas Gifts during this .sale. It will surely pay. This Handsome ; Brass Bed $25.65 rnTTTTTt We offer for Monday only a straight reduction of 10 on entire line of new brass beds. Many new styles have Just been added." The bed as illustrated has 2-in. continuous posts and seven heavy fillers, five cot lacqu ered; ball bearing casters; a good 936 bed marked 28.5( with . 10 reduction. Linoleum, -MM Ends we bought up 2,000 square feet beat quality ooc goods; fine long lengths, all good, new patterns, at, yard 3J4 Velvet Carpets In new fldral designs, selling regularly at $1.00 Monday : v'v ' '75 lnmiB Can Cotton chain, big variety, yard. . , :-3f) Colored Curtains New line for doors or dining rooms, at, pair $1.50 "Bennett's Special" Sewing Machines, best $20 machine made, drop head. 10-ear guarantee, special 813.69 Foot Stools, like cut On sale Monday 200 fine vel vet and velour upholstered top., stools with shaped biouzed iron legs . All the High Priced Suits Must Go All the $50, $60 and $75 Tail . ored Suits, Monday, Choice at First break in price and a most decisive quick clearing mark-down It is. Every one of our most exclusive high grade models, the season's highest attainment in tailoring art, show reductions of 910 to $80 en each suit.. At no time have there been more tban one suit of aay style been shown In Omaha. They come in every fashionable shade. In the very finest of materials and gor geously tailored and trimmed. About fifty suit in all. Your unrestricted choice for ...$45.00 $45 More than 50 New, Coats for Styles of Smart 0J r Women" at . . . . Such a display of coat models at thla popular price is an innovation in Omaha. There-is not a single style worthy of note that is not featured. The stunning full length Empire Coats in heavy diagonals In browns, greens, smoke and mouse shades are town talk, then there are storm coats, doable face tweeds, auto coats and black broadcloth coats, tan and gray coverts and theater wraps; absolutely most noteworthy assemblage of high class styles you have ever seen at $25 Everything in Furs Black Furs, everybody wants black turs. Fashion demands them this year, hence you can look to Bennett's for them. Monday we show new arrivals of Black Fox and Black Wolf shawl and throw scarfs and animal rug muffs, these are all long, rich, silky furs in newest pre vailing styles, each $18 $20 $25 "d $30 Black Lynx Furs, very finest qualities, at $35 $45 TO $65 EACH Genuine American Mink Furs Not blended or dyed, every conceivable style, in large and small pieces k $20 UP TO $75 Austrian China Dinner Sets 100 Pieces $15 Sets for $10.00 0i Sale MONDAY; 20 Sets, seven different patterns, white and gold and decorated patterns Austrian Chins, also English and American semi- CIO ft II porcelain, positively all $13.00 sets, your choice '. iJIUUU CUT GLASS One big lot very fine, rich, sparkling, deep cut Tankards, Jugs. Pitchers, Comports, Bowls, Vases, Water Bottles, Fern Dishes, Sugars and Creamers, Tobacco Jars, (TC ftfl worth to $8.00. choice PJ.UU CHOP SETS Of French China, consisting of six plates and one' large chop dish $17.50 sets Monday for $10.00 I 6-50 sets Monday for $3.08 $15.00 sets Mouday for. .$8.75 I 4-75 sets Monday for $2.08 Game Net $5.00 sets for 2.98, and $10 Bets tor $4.08 Tom and Jerry sets. 1 bowl and 12 cups, $4.75 regularly, for.. $2.98 Baking or Pudding Sets Decorated, in Haviland and other French and Austrian China, worth to JC.75, foi $2.50 7-piece blue banded Berry Sets, I Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, sliver only I tops, each 15 : y CAPITOL COAL Why not join the amy of users of Capitol Coal? Ever try it? Just 'phone your order for a sample sack, all it costs is 30c. We'll send it. Convince yourself that Capitol Coal is equal to any soft coal on the market before laying in a quantity. CAPITOL COAL Lump or Nut "th Bast that urns" South Omaha orders filled direct from South Omaha yards. Prompt deliveries to Duudee, Florence, Benson sod Omaha proper. S6.SO Monday's HaLrdvva.re Sales Ranges and Heaters as advertised for Saturday on sale again Monday. $36. DO Peninsular Range S31.50 , '.'. 50 Peninsular Range tM.53 Ab!i Barrel SifterH. special 0 rAli Sifters, all steel, metallic S9o Ash Sifters, small oblong 8o 20c Fire Shovels, long handle l&o 75c Furnace Scoops for Door Locks, copper finish, pcl..38o Door Locks, oval, copper finis'i..40o )4t Base Burner for $38.00 til Hume Oa; HeuieiM S8.B4 Quick Cut Kitchen Stone for " knives JOo 50c KanthiHk Knife Sharpener. .39o Hatchets, all steel aie 45c Stove Pipe, planlnhed lron...SOo Jl Axes, black finlsl 7Bo Monday Special Black 98' J. 000 yard highest quality Silks selling at $1-60 and 12 yard. In one tremenUoiM lot: II 5 j M sallnes. 3 Inches wl.lc; iJ.no Black Taffetas. Inchc wile; li.iO Ret Hlack l'eau ie Soic, , 3-lnch; 11.50 Black fstln Duc.i eaae; 1.60 Satin Dirertoire. Mrs sallnea and l'eau de C'ygnta, h 11 t SBo Bennett's Big Grocery Pride of Bennett'B Flour, sack Bennett's (Jolden Coffee, pound Tetley's India and Ceylon Sunflower Tea. lb . Tetley's India and Ceylon Sunflower Tea, Tetley's India and Ceylon Sunflower Tea, i Peanut Palud Oil, smadl bottle . . Beauty Asparagus, can Allan's Brown Brtad Flour, pkg. .' t'uocolatu itieuier. can Bensetl'a Capitol Pancake, pkg Hub-No-ilore Soap or Powder, nix for A. B. C. Catsup, per botlU bul e Have Corn, three cans for Oatmeal and Oraham Biscuits, per pound . $1.60 and . . 8 So and . . . 70o and lb. 360 and lb. 18o and , ., 86c and' . . Bfio and . . . 18c and . . . 36o anil . . . llo wind . . . S5o and . . . 83o and . . . a& 100 CO Ureeii SO Oreen 50 reen 25 Oreen 10 Oreen 10 Oreen 20 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Green 10 Oreen 30 Oreen Stamps Stamps Mtanips Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stami Stamps Hiampa Stamps tXEXBBUB WHERE DUTY IS BEFORE LOVE Terrible Experience of Young1 Rns- sian Officer. SEKT TO KILL DEAREST FRIEND Meets lllat I" Hots mm Vrm I rates DUfalw, brryo II is C'uaazM'llea to Shoot ' ltlsa.' ; WARSAW. Nov. C (Special.) - Serge Alrxandrovltch, a young ortlcer In one of tli regiments of dragoons stationed at the town of NlUwa, near the German frontier, has been compelled. In the performance of Ills duty, to shoot Ms dearest friend, a Polish patriot who became mixed up in an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap the gov ei nor general of Warsaw. Vet," urrlble as the tragedy may appear to the readw in the Culled Slates. It Is but typical of the conditions which prevail today in Russia. Jan Pietrowskt, Alexaudrovltch's Polish friend, served his time In the Ktiasian army I IV the same regiment as his future exe cutioner. Tho men became txan com pan. Ions. Upon tb expiration of the compuls ory' term th Pols resigned and came home to Warsaw. The two young man. however, emalned flrss friends and constsnt cor respondents. Frequently, when he could ob tain leave. Serge Alexaudrovttch came to visit Jan hero. riots Aaalaat Hassla. Several mouths ago some hot-headed, but Impracticable Polish youths in Warsaw, be. gen plotting against the Itusalan adminis tration, which, according to their poorly laid planaj as to bo overthrown in a night nd replaced by Poles. All was satisfac torily arranged on paper and Jan was among the conspirators, though he had lit tle more thun a passive hatred for the gov. ernment. Serge noticed a change in his friend when he. went up to Warsaw. All the youth's spirits seemed to have left him. "What la the matter?" he asked one night at a gay supper, after he had vainly striven to bring a amile Into the other's face. "Nothing." was the reply. "Im sleepy and will go home to- bed." Instead, he left the supper table to attend a secret meet'ng at which lots were past as to who ghoul. 1 he Intrusted wllh the task of kid. napH g and holding prisoner the governor general. The fatal choice fell upon Jan and final arrangements were aoon made. Dressed In his dragoon's uniform he was to go to the governor general's summer residence on the outskirts of Warsaw and demand to see him, saying he bore private and pressing dispatches from tfie garrison at Nllawa concerning the Germans, who are continually looking hungrily across the Russian frontier. Once In' the governor's presence there was no fear of his plan failing, because the conspirators had chosen a day when men who were known to harbor grudges against . the official would be on guard at the house. As these supposed secret dispatches were timed to arrive In the evening, the young soldier world be received In tho governor's private room overlookiiaf the park. The men on guard there were Poles, who had bribed the police to change uniforms. The victim would be gagged, carried through tho park and hurried to a quiet road, where a closed motor car watted. No violence km to be used unless absolutely necesaar. Ufllflala to Be Hostages. Simultaneously with the capture of the governor general all the other high Rustin military and civil officials would b seized I and Imprisoned in various uulet country houses. If the cxar granted the demand of tho conaplratora for autonomy these men would be released; if not, they weie to ba killed and an attempt made to forcibly secure the reins of government. It was as mad. daring and hopeless a plot as ever youth concocted. Although few peopl; wore acqua nled with tho existence of the plul, it happened that one of the most trusted of the plotters was a Russian spy. The arrangements once completed, this Individual lost no time In putting all the details, together with a list of U.e conspirators and the parts they were to play, into the hands of tho police. This happened on June 3. tho day before thai fixed for the can y ins" cut of the plot. Through a frieijd In tho police word reached Jan that he and his friends had been ' betrayed. Jan, after warning his fellow conspirators, decided upon flight. He had no choice cf routes, because he happened to be at the country house destined for the governor general's prison a little place In the gcvoi uiient of Flock, not (ar from tho German frontier when the news of betrayal cane. Having no passport, such aa is necessary to go abroad, he borrowed one from a lady named Madame Oadomaka, living near at haul. Tie quickly dressed In woman's clothes, and as he waa yourjR, slight and beardless, dis guise was an easy matter. With false hair and a thick veil, such as women wear when tisvelang, he was soon ready to pass the cursory scrutiny customary among frontier officials. His friends put him Into a closed carnage and he act out. Spy Spoils All Plata. It was a three hours' drive to tho frontier station and the road lay on the outskirts of Nils a, where his old regiment was still stationed. I'nfortunately for tho young Pole, tho same spy who had mads known the plot to the authorities also disclosed the whereabouts of tho several arch con spirator. Co panic-stricken was the gov ernor general that, upon learning the Iden tity of the man who planned to get rid of him, he telegiaphed to the colonel of Jail's former regiment to scour the country for this desperate character, and shoot him on the spot. Serge Alexandrovitch. among others, was ordered out with his troop. He paled when he heard the fugitive's name, and his colonel, noticing It, said: "You know hhn better than any of us. If fat puts him into voir hands, it Is your duty, not only as a Russian, but the czai'a hpi vant. i(j have hlni shot." Srge saluted in silence and went out to watch the road along which the fugitive must pass on hi way to tho station. It grew dusk. Many peasants' carts and humble vehicles had passed and each time the young Hii'slan heaved a siKli of relief as he satisfied himself that none of them contained the friend he loved better almost than a brother. The dull, sultry day was closing In when a shut can-las-, drawn by four good horses, came in sight. It was the first conveyance of the kind that had passed. Serge Alexandrovitch ordered his mer to stop It with a light heart. Doubt less some lady was traveling in state, he mused. The driver pulled up with reluc tance, protesting that his mistress was In a hurry to catch the evening train. Walk ing up to the window Serge saluted and asked courteously for the lady's passport. They faced one another In the dusk Jan reeofmiied ids friend without being recog nized himself. He handed the passport in silence through the open window. Rut. un happily, he nad taken off his glove, which was tight. The right hand bore a large scar on the back the result of a cut given him by Serge Alexandrovitch while they were playing with foils one afternoon In tho barrack yard. Serge saw and remem bered It; his own hand trembled as he took the passport. "Your name, madame?" lie asked. Tho woman inside nodded towards tho alii) of ptiper, implying that ail information was there. S. rye glanced t it and frowned, because his duty hod become so hard. He knew the real Madame Gadom ska; she would have, answered questions readily. Comrade Shoots Comrade. i ou can assurn me, on your wjrd of honor, madam", that you and the worn n described here are one and the same," he asked at lenytli. There was a long silence, hrok. n at loiistii by Jan. who tore off his hat anil veil with a cry of despair. "It haa to be." he exclaimed. "Oh! Serge, how hard our lu k Is." Serge Alexandrovitch looked up and diwn the darkening loud. His men stood near; behind I Im was a ditch, I ho sort of ditch a man might fall hack Into when he it shot. "Why, in God's name, did you tVe of f your glove?" ho asked. "1 have order to shcxit you here at once." Breaking off. he turned from the carriage to hide Ills tearsv . . Jan was dumb for a moment. He had not thought of death as being so near. The . dusty road and flat fields beyond suddenly seenvd very fair, because they represented life. Then he stared at the ditch, the soldiers in their familiar uni forms, and his friend's back. H scarcely heard tin driver's protestations; there was no train to l lust niw. Suddenly he sprang from the carriage and hastily re moving his disguise, went up to Serge Alexandrovitch. "I am ready." he said simply. Serge turned round and they embraced, after the manner of Slavs. Irstcar Carried Oai. "Wo must hurry." murmured ons of tho men, looking skywards. "It grows very dark." Jan turned to tho carriage and returned with a small bag. It contained all his money, collected iu bast to beytu that new life beyond the frontier. Hand ing it to the man who had pointed out the. need for haste, he said: "Take these and share them with your comrades. Only' shoot straight and be quick." He took his stand in front of the ditch. Serge drew up his men and bandajred Jan's eyes with the thick veil. Once more they took have of each other, but in silence, with hands clasped. F.ven the old driver had ceased his lamentations and Mood by t'te leaders' heads leat tiny should bolt. Then, as though suddeu'y ntvald of the sl;ht he should wltn.S'-. he sprang to the box with the aglity of youth ajid dashed with his horses down the rox:d. .leaving the men and the little pile n' coiIips in the dark behind hint. Wllh whit.-, s.-t face. Sergo Alexindrovlteb gave the order t fire and twelve mnsUet rang out. I'tter lrg a sharp cry Jan f' II back into the ditch. BKATRK K BA8KBRV1KL.K. Prattle of the Youngsters. Jamie was begging his father for a s -cond j helping of preserves. "When I was a boy,1 said his papa, "my father only allowed mo to have one helping." . , Jamie was silent for a minute, tuasl then asked: "Aren't you (lad you live with as now, daddy?" Tommy Where have you been, Willie T Willie-Been flahln'. Tommy Catch anything? Willie-Not yet, hut 1 will when I get home. A little girl wss sitting on the floor cry ing. After a while she stopped, and seemed buried in thought. Looking up suddenly she said: "Mamma, what was I crying about?" "Because I wouldn't let you go out" "Oh, yes!" and ahe set up another howl. Principal Johnnie. I'm surprised that yo.ir French la mi weak. Now think cjia I .eau what is that? What does your father throw up when he's merry? Johnnie His Job, sir. 3, PERFECT Cleanses beautifies and preserves the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath Used by people of refinement since 86$