"A SV 5, Editorial Section for the Great Seethe Ail. on Pag 8, Ed. Section, Oreal Sale Ostrich Plumes Sale Ostrich Plume g p. vyftfOvV . Clever and Practical Fall Attire for Women A Superior Variety of New Styles that are Correct in Every Detail lirandeis offers the broadest range of newest styles and what is equally important, this store's special prices for Monday enable you to buy tailored apparel of the highest character for considerably less than you can buy it anywhere else. These price concessions rule in newest groups of fashionable suits and coats and in other ready-to-wear lines as well. Women's Tailored Suits Greatly Reduced New Models in Women's Coats THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER S. M03. r . .-T.- r , M - - - - nll f-iiiaiirm ,,,,. .mm'iif - , , T - , - ,,,im,mu, ",j ri-ii i cn'-VT I If : m (if U iYiW i .fit r tAy y $65 Sample and Odd Suits at $35 As an extra special for Monday we have assembled about forty very fine sample and odd suits, that have been marked to sell at $50.00 and up to $65.00. These embrace all the newest and most exclusive style features for this season. It is the rarest opportunity to buy the most elegant tailored suits, in the cleverest fall models, at $35 Newest Arrivals In "Fashlonseal" Suits These suits have just reached us from the Fashionseal factory. The newest style features that are now the rage in New York; many are copies of the most expensive b rench creations. Such suits as these were never before offered at $25 Beautiful new models in long black broadcloth coats, both in the tight fitting and the semi-fitted, new empire and direc toire models. Women considering one coat for different occa sions should consider the unusual merits of thesb rprments lined with light or dark $Q $90 UP satin. Prices Om to J' Stunning Black Broadcloth Coats $12.50 52-ins. long, satin lined with folds of satin or braid trimmed, large directoire reveres and collar an excellent $ 50 value for Monday at New Long Tight Fitting Covert Coats Imported Covert Coats. These are the popular coats that are always desirable full satin lined, beautifully tail ored and very plain, at IlndMisses' Sweaters Brandeis shows a splendid variety of these extremely practical gar ments for fall and winter; Norfolk jackets, Alice coats and the new sweater 'blouses very fetching, in white; red and gray. They are spec ially, priced, too, at $53 $98 $298 UP 598 Special Offers in Infants' Wear Infanta' Ureses In bishop and French styles lace and em broidery trimmed at 98c; $1.50. H.98 and $2.8. Infanta' Slips In the bishop styles with tucked yoke, at SOc. Infanta' Cotton 'Flannel 'Sleeping Drawers at 89c. Infanta' Skirts embroidered and lace trimmed manufacturers' samples, slightly soiled worth up to $1.75 each. 49c. Women's Fall Tailored Skirts at Prices Greatly Reduced Finest French Voile Skirts, worth up to $17.50. There are 37 skirts In this lot of high-grade skirts. Some have silk drops, some are trimmed with satin or taffeta folds indicating the Direc toire models. Each is an extremely attrac tive bargain at $10 Clever New Models in Women's Skirts A lot of high-grade Skirts in French voile, chiffon panamas, novelty worsteds, etc. Some are silk band trimmed, others have the Directoire side trimming with ten large buttons and some are worth up to $8 each. Specially priced Monday at .$5 STUNNING STYLES IN FURS i i t i t Such a rich assemblage of the , new furs In latest shapes and cor- 1 rect Innovations has never before been shown by a western store. BlackLynxFurs Genuino Black Lynx Sets, rug . muff and throw, at. . $22.50 Separate Black , Lynx Pellerines, head trimmed.'. $19 to 949 Separate Black Lynx Rug Muffs, head trimmed. . . .$17.50 to $49 Mink Scarfs and Sets Separate Mink Scarfs in Zszas and novelties, at $10 to $20 Mink Muffs in new square and rug shapes. . . . .$22.50, $35 and up Striped Mink Set, large muff and throw, at. $29 Ermine Scarfs $9.08, $15 and tip Belgian Lynx Sets, special at $5.98 Blended Squirrel Muffs at $5-$8.98 86-in. Brook Mink Jackets at $09 62-in, Aleutlon Seal Coats at $185 4. X Women's Clever Satin Costumes at Prices Greatly Reduced Satin Gowns and Evening Dresses made In the season's .most ef fective fabrics satins and mes calines. The colorings are beau tiful taupe, smoke, i peacock, rose, malse, catawba, light blue and pink. They are seml-Direc- tolre and empire and made to sell as high as $75 each Monday. $45 Women's Silk, Satin and Wool Dresses For street and evening wear. This is a lot of samples and odd gar ments that we have collected from our extensive lines in order to give a splendid special for Monday the values are up to $45 at : $25 Women's New Lace i Silk Waists SpPerttSy J Beautiful hand made lace imported waists in Irish crochet, Renaissance, Met, $Q98 $ T $ 750 A $))50 f French, Irish braid, etc. tf - 1J- IV' Ub- I MM A Special in Lace and Silk Waists Beautiful colorings In French Mescalines, such as taupe, brown, peacock, and evening shades the new ribbon and tailored net, the newest styles, also beautiful lot of fancy lace and nets green, Beautiful New Tailored and Embroidery Linen Waists With the narrow 'or .wide pleats, new shirt effects or the hand-embroidered j panels soft or stiff cuffs at. $2'$2" 'W-W'H''l'f WOMiN'S NEGLIGEES and House Wrappers We have given great attention to this section and we can readily say that our assemblage is far su perior to any other west of Chicago. Women's practical fleece lined dressing sacques that are worth 75c, are priced . 3J)c Women's German flannelette' combing Jackets and dressing sacques, worth $1.50, are RQi priced at O-f C Full length German. Flannelette long ., $139 kimonos, all colors, worth $2:00.. 1 Heavy percale and fleece lined, house QO wrappers, worth $1.50,- at OC Blanket robes and wool eiderdown fobes, at $2.08 83.60 and . . . .'. . .,. . ; . . .. ... . . . $3.98 Japanese silk house, kimonos,; at' i 854.98' aId up ' -. a- ate to 914.85 7 "C. llLrl , 1 -f.v;.. y...;. . yS..., V -j ..i-i .-. I f 4r - 7Jf i "-wr'-'rl 1 IT il ipk . ; A ' . '1 f all regular n.- if, jT.s ' 1 French Hand Made Lingerie Monday we offer choice of any piece of hand made Lingerie at just Vi off the regular prices. This includes everything, all our new fall garments. Nothing re served. 25 OFF Our Annual November I SALE OF APRONS T Substantial reductions are made from T prices for this sale. 5 Fine Princess Aprons Are largely shown in these as T sortments and are offered in dozens of different styles, at 69 98 and up to Whit Bretelle Aprons and straight aprons in extra and regular sizes, also round or square aprons in fine white lawns, hemstitching and em- broldered scalloped edges, etc., at TrJC White Aprons, with or without bibs, with or without bretelles, plain or dotted, round or square, maids or nurses, extra large, 50 styles, ? each D C Gingham Aprons, In straight or Gretchens, also the "Overalls," at 19 39tf 45 69 X 1 m m m t..l.j..t.j.j..l..l..l.XAAAAAXXXillilJiXXJi.l.AXXXX.t.. ......w... ... J-.-.. ... J.J-.. w I "'II ' " 1 T' ' - ". ' TTTT-TTTTT I TFl TTTTT TTTTTTT Jy", RJADSWANT TWO-CENT LIMIT Railways Seek Eenewal of Agree . ment on Minimum Bate 1JEGOTIATI0NS ' TO THAT END ON Western Fmnrngrr tiaorlitlon . Dele Kate MrI.etxt to Confer wltk Otber DlTlaiona and "Make j AtrermtBl It PoMlble. Rtlroils of the west which Wfr forced By the legislature of the weatcrn states 10 accept a reduction of 2 Venti) per mile for pascengvr farea aro again uniting- to make S centa the minimum ad well as the maximum after January . When - the t-:cent h was enacted railroad official declnred they would not make a reduced rate of any kind, but wotiM Insist on hav ing i cents a mile from every man and woman who traw.Vd." They -stuck to that proposition for a year and a half and then, as aome roadi Jumped over th trates and made ratea fr'fnlr; others followed until the I'nlon Pacific went the whole route nd gave the Nebraska state fair nd Ak-8ar-Ben a fare of y cnt R'mlle. The rehctlon has set In and now the roads re again trying to come 4o an asreement to give no reduced 'rates. 'No exact agree ment was reached at . a . meeting held, in Chicago. Thursday.' but E. -E. McLeod chairman of the Westeiti Passenger abao cfatlon, wa . appomted. a.' con unit tee to visit other associations-to see if they-would agree to make S centa a mile the mlnumum. While most . of .the roads seem to favor this action It Is conceeded that'roads -which have a large suburban business In and out of the lurgu ccntors must .charge less than 2 centa a mile and that an exception might also be made for large conventions of a national character. A vote has been taken on giving reduced rates to the National Corn exposition which meets In Omaha next month. The result of this vote haj not ben annohced. It being given outjthat the vote Is not completed. Omaha has the assurance, however, of rates to the big com show whether the roads take united action or not. Moat of the roads In the corn belt have promised the officers of the exposition that rates will be given and two of the roads, the Milwaukee and the Illinois Central, have announced that 1H cents a mile will be their rate to the exposition. MAIL IINES AX XI HI I. ATE TIME Increase Speed for Tola Prise of Rer : enae and Preatlaje. Few people realise the splendid time made by the mall-carrying roads of the west In their efforts to make the schedule given them ly"Vrlcle Sam. The matl contract Is quite a prize, as It gives the road holding that contract a prestige In addition to considerable revenue. To handle one of these fabt mall trains across the country requires more than simply running the trains fast. It requires years of practice In building, up a system of competent men who can make the changes required In the flight across the country. Little time Is lost at a division point In changing engines. Notwithstanding the heavy passenger busi ness 'of September the Burlington made a remarkable record between Chicago and Omaha with Its two faat westbound train No. 15. carrying the New Tork mall, ar rived -In Omaha on lime twenty-six days of the month and the'average delay for eacii train waa S.D minutes. The other fast mail, carrying the-Chicago mall and morn ing papers, arrived In Omaha on time twenty-eight days during the month and the average delay on this train was exactly one-half minute. r. P. RECEPTION AUAIV Pl'T OFF Delay la Reoetnt of Material Makes This Xeceaaary. Delay In the receipt of material is caus ing the postponement of the big reception which A. L. Mohler, general manager of the Union Pacific, Is to give to the people of Omaha at the Union Pacific shops. It waa at first thought that the opening of the new car shops could be held sometime In October. A postponement was then made until November, and now further delay la necessary because of the delay In securing some of the material to complete the new 11,000,000 car shops. Mr. Mohler Is anxious that the people of Omaha should see what a magnificent plant the I'nlon Pacific has In Omaha, and he is especially anxious that the families of the men employed nt the shops will attend the opening, that they may see where the head of the family Is employed. Glasses for All Ages ..... should be most carefully chosen. No one is too young or too old to be care less of the eight. We examine child ren's and old folks' sight with special care. ..If anybody at your houj has sight trouble bring Dim or her h re and have us determine and supply the proper glsases. No charge for otni inatrons. - 0. J. PENFOLD & CO. leading Optk-lHUR. 1408 FaruM n. MILWAIKKE CHECKMATES II ILL Will Peed It. Own Main Line la the Nortbneat Territory. As a result of the little "scrap" the Mil waukee has had with the Hill lines In build ing the coast extension, that road Is about to atart upon a little reciprocity move of Its own. It Is planned to Invade the hither to exclusive Hill territory, not only with th. main artery from Chicago to the Pa cific northwest, but also to build feeders up and down the producing valleys of the northwest and thus make the new line a revenue producer from lis own territory. The Milwaukee is moving fast to the coast and has ample funds for completing the work. It traverses a country that will pro duce lota of freight which may be reached by the building of a few sld. lines and feeders. . Brlna; Ashe, of McFarland. NEW YORK, Nov. 7 The ashes of Silas C. McFarUnd of Iowa, former consul gen-eral-at-larfce for the European district, who committed suli-lde Ortoter 24 on a train between Hamburg h.ni Heilin, wer. brought here today on the Kaiser. n Auguste Vic toria from Hamburg. Mrs. W' I'arland, the widow, and her dsughler were on the steamer. ' Iran Works to Re.naae. PAN FRANClStX). Nov. 7 It was an nounced today that Charles M. Hc-nwab left N.w Tork ywtierday for this rtty and that h. la to spend two weks In or about ttn Francisco preparing for a renewed ncflvlty or. th. pm ot the Union Iron works which ta affiliated with th. Schwab tuteresta, T LORD INJUNCTION KILLED Restraining Order in Paving Case Dissolved by Es telle. JUDGE DENOUNCES THE WINNERS Condemn. Method of Lettto Work. . to Hln-h Bidder at Flurea snb mlttod by the Low Man. Judge Estelle yesterday afternoon dis solved the restraining order secured by Michael Ford to prevent the Kats Craig Construction company and E. D. Van Court from paving Military road and the lower Irvlngton road under contracts lot last month by the county board. Ford was the low bidder, but the board declared he could not do the work tvltliln the time limit and let Van Court and the Kats-Cralg company have th. contracta at Ford'a figures. Ford tried to re strain the work, charging the letting of the contracts waa Illegal. Judge Kit telle denounced the practice of letting contracta to a high bidder at the figures of a low bidder, but at the same time refused to keep the restraining or der In force. He said . Ford had. stood by over a week and allowed the two con tractors to begin work and go to con siderable expense before Interfering. By doing this. Judge Eatelle declared, he lost his right to an Injunction. If he had asked an injunction at once Judge Estelle said he would have granted it. Work on the two roads has been tied up orej- a week by the ttuits. Charges that thcr. are two paving "rings" In control of Douglas county were made at th. hearing of th. suit before Judge Estelle Saturday morning. General John C. Co win, representing E. D. Van Court and th. Kats-Cralg Con struction company, charged there U a ring which controls city paving and which Is trying to extend its operations to the county roads. Ed C. Strode of Lincoln, representing Michael ForJ of Cedar Rapids, charged there waa a ring .which Is trying to foroe his client , out of th. county road work here. Each charged th. other' with being In a combine and each pleaded not guilty to th. charge. . "Ford la a member of th. combine which now trying to extend Its operations to th. la in control or city paving and wbluh Is country roads," declared General Cowln. "It Is admittedne-Is a stockholder in one of these companies." ' "Instead ,of being In a combination, Ford Is up against a combination," declared Mr. Strode In reply. He came here and broke up a ring." . No Chance for Ontslder. "He came here and tried to extend a ring which now control, city paving so tnat It could control the country roads as well," responded Oeneral Cowln. "An outside contractor can't bid any more." "I don't know whether thero Is a ring or not, but with due deference to the county commissioners," broke In Judge Eatello, "It they are letting high bidders take work at the bids of low bidders, a combine is as attar of roses to aas.foetlda, com pared with the possibilities of such a prac tice." "Bevcn loads of rock Ford was using were rejected by the county," said Mr. Strode, as a rejoinder, "and he transferred them to a favored bidder,' Mr. Hannon, and he put them in the Krug park road." Mr. 6trodo then read a letter from Mr. Hannon to Mr. Ford, offering to buy the rejected rock. . EMMA SORRY BRYAN LOST Qaeen of AntrrkUti Hesrets Election of left Will Sne for Cancella tion of Enaraatenient. Is there any balm In Gllead? Aye, verily. "I am sorry Bryan did not win," declared Miss Emma Goldman, queen of anarchists, In an Interview at Hotel Loyal, Saturday morning. While we anarchists do not be lieve In the efficacy of government under any political dispensation, yet I prefer Bryan to Taft." Although professedly not a believer In government, the strong arm of the law la to be Invoked by Miss Goldman against those responsible for the cancelation of her contract at the Lyric theater. She was billed to lecture there during her stay In Omaha, but the lessee was forced by the owner of the theater to quash the contract. Miss Goldman announces that she will bring suit for damages. Her visit to Omaha, so site explained, "la to set. forth what anarchism really means and to let people see that I do not come with a bomb In one hand and a dagger in th. other. .1 am . In thorough accord with Prlnc. Kropatkin and others of th. phllosphlcal school which abominates 'violent methods," she asserted, . Among th. lectures, which sh. will gtv. h.r. is on "Th. Devil," , "I propos. to 'glv.. him hla due." ah. remarked. Her first Uctur.. which will be Sunday after noon at Fraternity hall, will be on "An-arohknn-What It Really Stands For." KAWV1LLE SCHEME BLOCKED Kansas City Grain Dealers Try to Corner Freight Rates. - MEET SOME POTENT OPPOSITION t Omaha Men Aro Before Interstate Commerce Conimlaaion to Show that Missouri Town Ask. Too Much. Efforts of Kansas City grain dealers to acquire by unjust freight rates all the South Platte territory met with a stubborn resistance Friday at the hearing before the Interstate Commerce commission in Kansas City. The Omaha Grain exchange was repre sented before Commissioner E. E.. Clark and Special Examiner Lamb by Myron L. Learned, counsel for the Omaha exchange. Vice President F. H. Cowgill and E. J. McVann, secretary of the exchange. Their testimony showed indisputably that there Is even now an unfair differential of I cent per 100 pounds in favor of Kan sas City on points equidistant from Omaha and Kanaua Clt' between Rock Island and Burlington Hues In the territory Indicated. Kansas City asks the commis sion so to change the tariffs that there will be installed what will amount to a differential of 3Vi centa In favor of their market. The propoajtlon is so amazingly barefaced that there la suld to be little likelihood that Commissioner Clark and Examiner Lamb will recommend . anything of the sort to the Interstate' Commcrco commis sion. r The local,' men .who', attended the hearing returned home. Saturday 'morning. " , "The' Omaha .'Grain exchange will rueei 1 Wednesday to elect, three directors to -sue. ' ceed N. B. t'pdike, Nathan Merriam and F. 8. Cowgill for athrec-year terra and one director ' to -succeed S.' A. MoWhorter for , orje year, Mr, McWhorter having placed his resignation in the hands .of the board. The officera of the exchange will be chosen a week later by the executive board. . Ai Vloer In the .Stomach Is dyspepsia, complicated , with liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all such cases or no pay. ' 60c. ' For sale by Beaton Drug Co. BUSINESS 'ACTIVITIES ' RESUME ew England State. Will Keel Effect More Generally Than Other , i'lace.-' BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 7. The business Inactivity which marked the pre-electloa period has given way with a ryh in New England, announcement of a lesumptiin of operations having lcen mudo in all di rections within the last Hir e days. Many Industrial inteiesis ui uf e ti d, althougii the reports Indicate that the texlle con cerns huvo acted mine promptly and In greatfr number in ordering lunger (hours and more operatives. Other lines which alieady , l.av. arrang'd for Increawu or-rai'i.ii;s a-e jewelry and rubber factories, thread, yum and knitting mills, machine and tool niukiug plants an l railroad repair shopa. ' 1 i 155 IS Is the joy of the household, for .without it no happiness can be 'complete. Angels. smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over -the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass is such that she looks forward with dread to the hour when she shall feci the thrill of motherhood. Every woman should know that the danger and pain of child-birth can be avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, which renders pliable all the parts, assisting : ay its women nave di crisis in safety. JbRSZttOXl book of laformstloa to womea sent free, t US BsUDnKLD REGULATOA CO. Atlanta, Cs, 4 mmm