Till; u.mah. NtWDAY IIKK: XOVKMBEIt 3. TOPICS OF THE DAY OF REST Rev. W. XL Todd, Hw Third Presby terian Tutor, Preache. BE0THEEH0OD MEETS THURSDAY 1 rorawell Ratertalaneat Will B nlve at Afdltorlam I'aOr Auspice ( Koaat Me morial Ckarch. Itiv. VV. E. Todd of Oadsden, Ala., who hat been called to th pastoral of the Third ITesbyterUn church, will preach hli first ifrmon to the local congregation Sun day morning. The Inatallatlon service will b held November 20 at tha church. Mr. Todd cornea to Omaha highly recommended by ,thoe among whom he haa worked. He waa stated clerk and treaaurer of the pree bytery and chairman of the home missions committee. Both the preabytery and the Central Presbyterian church of Qadaden, of which he waa paator, adopted reaolutlona recommending him to tha favor of the Omaha church and regretting bla departure from that field. The Brotherhood of the Third Presby terian churoh will hold It aecond annual banquet Thursday avanlng. The men of the churoh and community will be present at l: o'clock and hold an Informal re ception for . the new paator. Rev. W. E. Todd. The Preabyterlan mlnlaters of the city will also ba present and take part In the after-dinner speechea. The program follows; Rev. Nathaniel McOiffin. D. D., "Outside the Ranks." Hev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., "The Business Man and Bible Study." Rev. W. U Fulton, l. I., "Wider Scope of the Brotherhood. A. D. Schermerhorn, "Tha Men of the Hour." Hev. W. E. Todd, "Mailing the Idoal Heal." A. C. ' Hansen, "The ladles." Vocal and Instrumental music will be Interspersed between tlio addresses. The committee In charge of the affair la A. Ct Hansen, William H. Pfetffer and Robert K. Brown. . On Invitation of Unity club, Robert F. Gilder will tell of the results of his ex cavations recently made at Bellevue and Child's Point before the club and friends at Unity church Monday evening. These excavations are tha sequel to those made by Mr. Glider two year ago to the north cf Florence, which yhilded euch Important discoveries. Tlio later finds, to be shown Monday night. If less startling, ara of curious interest s shedding light on the life of men who trod these grounds agea gj. The lecture will begin at o'clock. sswaiBwaa) Music at First liaptist church: MORNING. Prelude : Flagler Anthem Te Drum KotMchinar Response Black me r Organ Offertory Guilmant Solo The Ninety and Nine Campion Mrs. Harter. Postlude Smart EVENING, 7:30. Prelude King Hall Hymn Choir. Anthem Quartet. Selected Response , Handel Organ Offertory Wolatenholmc Solo Imperfev.tus Blschoff Miss Alice Hall. Postlude Frost Margaret Boulter, organist and director. The Cromwell entertainment to be given In. the Auditorium under the auspices of tha Kountse Memorial Lutheran church I well under way.. The trainer. Miss Lucy Reninger of Washington, O. C, will be In the city to take up her work Monday even ing. November 18, when she will meet all those who. will patlclpate In th entertain ment.' Music at Hanscom Park Methodist Epis copal church: MORNING 10: Prelude Chorale .Boellman Anthem Death Is Swallowed Up Marks Offertoty In D-Flat Salome Solo The Hesvenly Dream St. Quentin Mr. Lang. Postlude March Impromptu Zadlna EVENING T:). Prelude Dudly Buck Anthem, with Tenor Solo Maater. What Shall I Do Bowea Mr. Newell and Choir. Offertory To a Wild Roee McDowell Quartet Nearer, My God, to Thee. .. IJebe Miss Woolf, Miss Westerfleld, Mr. Newell and Mr. Lang. Postlude Rink Mr. Charles Zadina, organist; Mr. Lee G. Krats, choirmaster. Children's day I now an eatabltshed in stitution of the church, but the paator of the Castellar Preabyterlan church la im pressed with the need of a Parent's day. By printed cards circulated at the homes he Is announcing for next Sundsy morning a ssrmon address entitled. "That, Boy Plus " Hi Father." Th printed card reads in part, "A 10 and more of these boys, young A Most Valuable Agent. The glycerin employed tn Dr. Plerc. Medicine greatly enhance the medlainai properties which It extract from native medicinal root and hold tn solution Much better than alcohol would. It poamaant medicinal properties of Its own, Mine a Talnabla demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antlfertnent. It add greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherry bark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root, titona root and Queen'i root, contained la Golden Medical Discovery In subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and lnng affections, for all of which thoe agents are recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In all caes where there Is a wasting avrsr of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak tomacTt. as In the early tugos of con umrftihn. there can be no doubt that gly- ts a valuable nutritive ana ien Sell reot. Stone root. t and Black Cherrybark la I rest Ion and building tip the rength. controlling the cough i about a healthy condition lo system. Of courso. It must n-ted to work miracle. It will nsumption exivpt In Its earlier acts rn or set's rof nVfsi cerlne Ids Qu prom flesh and brl of the not be e not euro stages. will f.p Very vrre. niisi;- Bate, nspg-rm, rnromi-, r-nign.".. nrimciiun and laryri' V jfU'lhli A. auri chrome sora tTlH'ti. tUlu hoaiieness In acute cough II liiiotsoetlecUv. if It In the lingering nans-on oonchs. or those of Ions standing. van when aocompanled by bleeding from lungs, that It ha performed its most xoarvelons core. Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. College, Chicago, says of gly cerine: " In dyspepsia It serves an exrellent uuiinw, Holding a fixed quantity of the peroxide of hydrogen in solution, it Is on of the best manufactured products of the present time la Its action upon enfeebled, disordered stom achs, especially if there Is ulceration or c sarrbal gastritis (catarrhal Inflammation of tomach). It Is a most etflclent preparation. Glycerine will relieve many esses of pyrosis (heartburn) and excessive gastrio (stomach) acidity." "Golden Medical D Iseo very " enriches and purities th blood curina blotches, pimples, ruptlona. scrofulous swelling and old sore, or elrers. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. for free booklet telling aU about the native snedlclnal mots ocmuosicg this wonderful mere is no aiouooi in iu Thnusht Thst Man Will Do Thlr-gs." Sunday school at jnduy school and old, were preaent at last Sunday'a ses slon of Castellar' Bible school. Next Sun day morning at 10:3u the fatliera of these I boys are asked to attend, and still other father." Muslo at th North 8id Christian church: MORNING. ' Processional O, Paradise Offertory Sentence All Things Com of The ,. Anthem Seek ze th Lord Dr. J. V. Robert Mr. James Knight and choir. EVENINO. Processional Cross of Jesus From Stalner's "Crucifixion" Invocation Response lord's Prayer, chanted and unaccompanied Duet When Some Great Sorrow Mrs. R. L. Clark and Mr. James Knight. Sermon Alto Solo Only Remembered Mrs. T. F. Wiles. Reoesslonal Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise Mrs. H. J. Klrachsteln, organist and choir masterv Bishop Williams, Dean Beecher. Canon Bell, Rev. Mr. Knickerbocker, Joaeph Bar ker and Clement Chase will attend the annual council of the sixth missionary department of the Eplscopsl church at Fargo, N. D., next week. Bishop Williams Is to spesk at the mass meeting and Mr. Chase is to speak at the banquet. m. ni. Peauty and Bad Breath Cannot Go Together No Matter How a Woman May Try to Make Them. It does not matter how beautiful a woman may b. if aha la afflicted with bad breath h will b ahunned and pitied by men and even women will studiously svold her. If any woman doubts this statement let - her make a point of asking a friend In whom she may confide, a man friend or relative. If he be honest he will tell her that foul breath from th mouth of a woman will drive mon from her more rapidly than any other personal affliction. Foul breath arouses tn man dlagust and where thla quality Is brought Into play no amount of self-denial or reasoning can vercom the natural repugnance which Cornel to man when he Is in company with nch a woman. What Is true of bad breath In woman is not true In so great a degre In men. Wo men are looked upon as the Incarnation of sweetness, breed 'ng. vlrtua t.r.6 refinement. Foul bre'tth will sicken a man so that he cannot f -el for auch woman a companion ship rteoeasary to make him desire to be in her Curcpsny. i There is absolutely no occasion for bad breath In either men or women. Charcoal, th strongest sbsorbent known, when taken Into the stomach, will prevent tnls repug nant tendency or affliction. Stuart's Charcoal Losengos re sold in tremendous quantities ail over America and Canada. They cur and have cured all form of bad breath. A single box will con vince you of thla fact. On should est sums of these loaenge after ech meal and upon retiring. You might eat fifty of them without harm. They are not medicine, but pure willow charcoal mixed with aweet honey to anaa them palatable and com pressed into a loaeng to preserve their psoullar and lasting strength. Th next time you wish to go into com pany and don't want your foul brssth tn humiliate you. at seversl of Stuart's Char coal Lossnge and your breath will bo pure and sweet. ' Every druggist carries them, price cent, or nd us your nam and address and w will seed you a trUl package by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., n tusrt BJdg , Marshall. Mich. ( T. W. C. A. Note. TVia house committee Is making bis n re parations for a basar to be held November 50 and 21. The November secretarial meeting was held at the home of Mra. Emma F. Byora, general secretary, who entertained the force at tlnner. Miss Estelle Psddock. formerly stste sea retarv of Iowa now nationsl secretary of China, la being partlslly supported by Ne braaka associations. This makes the study of China of especial Interest to the Omaha association during the week or prayer. Miss Myra Withers, state secretary of Nebraska Young Women s Christian aa sociatlohs, will speak at the gospel meeting Hunday at 4:30 p. m. on the world's work as carried on by the Young Women'a Christian associations. There will be special music. The meeting will be followed bv the usual social hour at 6:30 o clock when light refreshments will be served. All women are Invited to attend. November 8 to 14 is the authorized world's week of Drayer for Young Women s Chris tlan associations. The plan is to have daily meetings In every association In the world with the following program: Monday, Africa: Tuesday. America, including the United States. Canada, West India Islands and South America; Wednesday, Asia, In cluding India, China, Japan, Syria, Aala Minor and Turkey In Asia; Thursday, Aus tralia. Including New Zealand and Tas mania: Friday Europe, aa follows: Austria, Hungary. Bohemia, Belgium, Holland. Den mark, Russia, France, Germany and Greece; Saturday, Europe, as followa: Great Britain. Ireland. Italy,. Sicily, Malt Norway, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Sweden Switzerland and turkey, in the omana as sortatlon these meeting will be .held st 12:30 each day In the asaembly room. Miss Myra Withers, state secretary, will speak at eacn meeting. There will be specie music, the list of soloists being: Monday Miss Callsta Kerr; Tuesday, Mlsa Blanche Sorenson; Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Hsrter Thursday, Miss Alice Gates; Friday. H. C. Jennlson; Saturday. Miss Alice Fawcett, All women are invited to attend these meetings. Y. M. C. A. News Notea. General Secretary B. C. Wade left for th west Thursday on a short hunting trip, The employment depertment the lsst week sent out three young men Into Iowa to learn scientific farming. Guy Carleton Lee will deliver his closing lecture or the series next Friday. His sub Ject will be, "The Nstlon Triumphant." Croaa-country runs sre now In order st the aasoclatlon, the first being held Thurs day evening These runs are a regular weesiy arrair on Thursday, and ar becom tng popular. A committee will be In Omaha ahortly 10 investigate conditions here with the vie of selecting Omaha as a place for holding the International Convention of Employed iii icere or I lie lonns Men s Christian as soclstlon. This convention takes nlare tr June and brings together between 60U and ew men. narry w . Arnold, religious secretary o me international committee, will visit th Omaha association Tlieariuv MnvemWee 10 Pastors, Sunday school superintendents snd icjt.-ners are invited to meet Mr. Arnold a dlnnei and conference at 6 o'clock Tues day evening, in regard in the f.irmstlo and extension of Men's Bible clubs In th cnurches of the city. Those expecting to be presont st the dinner will kindly notify mr. iToesmun at the association by Tues day noon. Dr. D. E. Jenkins of the Presbytorla Theological seminary will address the men' inning at me roung .Mens Christian as soclstlon Sunday at 4 p. m. upon "Th rower of Prayer." This servics begins too observance of the "week of prayer," which ui coiuinue through the following Sunday iacn uay uuring the week at 13 m aervlce of prayer will be conducted room 316 of the association building. Mem bera and friends of the association are in vitrei to attend these service. Th Bible class of the senior departmen meet Monday evenings from 0:46 to 7:30 for study and recitation. A fellowship sup per Is given st II: IS for the convenience of those enrolled In the classes. Classes are already organized in "The Life of Chrlat. teacher, Mr. Morton; "Life of Paul. teacher, Kev. Charles Heron of the Prea byterian Theological seminary; "lntroduC' tlon to Bible Study." teacher. William Parker, member ship secretary, and "Teach lnga of Jesus. ' teacher. Hev. Frederick Donovan of Benson. Member and non members are eligible alike to enroll. Mlsvellaae Assssaetaisatt, Trinity Cathedral. Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth Th Kev. J. E. Cottrell will oc cupy the pulpit at the 11 a. m. service. Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Lyric theater, Nineteenth and I arntm. lunday morning service st 11 o clock. BuDJec ' Adam and Fallen Man. North Side Christian. Twenty-second and I,ocust. J. H. Klrsvhsteln, Minister Morn ing subject. "Seek to Save," evening, "What Hast Thou Doner' y Vnity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New ton Mann, minister St i vice at lo .M r. mon: "Jesus' Ever Greater ro ti. First Memorial Methodist Eplse opal Ser mons by the pastor at 10:o and 7:30. Mnrn Ing subject, "( (btalnments and Attain ments;" evening, "Your Present Loca tion." Kountse Memorial Lutheran Mission, Rev. John E. II urn mon. Pastor Sunday sohiml st t p. m., E. B. Cook superintendent. Mis sion locsted at Nineteenth and Castellar streets. II Saints, Twenty-sixth snd Dcwev ave nue. Morning service and sermon et 11 a. m. Vesper service at 4 n. m. Holy com munion at 7:30 a. ni. Church chool snd Infant school at 9:45 a. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty-fifth and Farnam. Chamber Building Sunday school at 9:4S a. in. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of lesron sermon, "Adam unit Fallen Man." First Presbyterian, Corner Dodce and Seventeenth, Rev. Kdwln Hart Jenks. D. D., Pastor Morning service at 10:30. Even ing service st 7:30. Bunduy school at noon. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:16. St. Marie's English Lutheran, Twentieth snd Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m "A Great Man I'sed of God for Great Work;" S p. m., "Saints of God for Special Times." Su at 1-'. Young people at 6:16. People'a, Charles W. SavUlae, Pastor Morning, "The Cruel Taunt of the Chief 1'iiesls;" evening, "Why Is It Such a Fear ful Crime Not to Wear the Wedding Gar ment'" Prof. Mertes haa charge of the music. First German Free Evangelical, Twelfth and Dorcas Services at 10:3o a. in. and 7;S0 p. m. with sermons by Rev. F. H. W. Bruechert, pastor.- Bible Sabbath school at 1:30 p. m. Expository lecture Wednesday at 8 p. m. North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Hlgbee, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30; Sabbath school at 12 m. ; Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30; evening service st 7:30; prayer meeting at I, Wednesdsy evening. First Christian. Twenty-sixth and Harney, 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school at noon. W. A. Dellord superintenudent. Preaching by the pastor at lu:30 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. in. Teachers' training Wednesday at 8 P- m. Cl.fton Hill Presbyterian, Rev. Thomas B. Greenlee, Ph. D., Pastor Morning serv ice, 10:30 a. m.; theme. "Anglo-Saxbns' Debt to Missions. " Evening service st 1:M. Sjnday school at 12. Young Pennies So ciety of Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Third Presbyterian Preaching by the pastor. Rev. W. E. Todd, at 10:4fi a. ni. and 7:30 p. m.'; Sunday school st 9:30 a. m.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Chris tian Endeavor meeting, 6:3) p. m.: Bible study class, taugiit by the pastor, 9:30 a. m. Westminster Presbyterian, Mason and wenty-nlnth. Rev. W. 8. Fulton. D. D., astor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. naunatn scnoot ana is. Die classes, i.' Isard street mission at 3 p. m. Wednes day ev. niag S"ivlc at 7:45. Mies Grace C. Glen of Chicago will apeak. Pearl Memorial Methodist Eolsconal North Twenty-fourth and Larlmoie. hciiias C. Miwkle. M. D.. pastor Preach ing service every Sunday at lo:46 a. m. nd r.w p. m. mornink' tnome for the coin ing Sunday. "Thlnkitig." Evening. "Frlend- Bhtp." Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth and Spencer, Rev. John P. Clyde of Water- own, b. D., win preach at 10 30 a. m. snd 30 p. in. Sunday special music services In the Auditorium of the chuich. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 80 p. ni. First Congregational Nineteenth and Davenport. Froaerlck T. Rouse, pastor. Morning servlct at (:au. ouoject: "The Way of Peace." Sunday school ut 12 Y. . a. C. E. at 6:30. Evening service at 46. Subject: "The Tea.chin of Jesus on Brotherhood." Kountze Memorial Lutheran. Rev. John E. Hummon, Pastor Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Morning subject, "The Per petual Candidate." Even.ng subject, "How to Be Saved." Christian endeavor at 6:46 m. Sunday school at 12 ni.. Oscar p. Goodman, superintendent; classes for all sges. First MethodlBt Episcopal The pastor. Rev. Frank L. Loveland, will preach both morning and evening. Morning theme, "Tha Mystery or me crucifixion; evening aub- 12 m., T. F. Sturgess, superintendent. Young People's meeting at 6:30 d. m.. L Ject, "A Soul on Fire." Sunday school at I a. Marti, president. Central Unl.ed Presbyterian.Twenty-fourth and Dodge, H. B. McBrlile, Pastor- Public worship at 10:30 and 7:30. .Sermon by the pastor In the morning on the "Fifth Commandment and the Place of the Home n organized (society." in the evenln on the "Sixth Commandment and the Sac red ness of Human Life." Firet United Brethren, Nineteenth and Lothrop, M. O. McLiughlln, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching, n a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning, vocal solo. Miss Ed monds; sermon theme, "Chrlat Our Pass over;" holy communion: class meeting. 12 evening, special song service: sermon theme, "The Young Man of Nuzareth." Tiinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, the Very Rev. George A. Beecher, Dean There will be no service at a. m. on account of the dean s ahaenea Sunday school and Bible class at 9:46 a. m Morning prayer and address by Mr. Heber atraw of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and address at 7:30. Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Twenty-first and Blnney, Dr. John A. Spyker, Pastor- Sunday school, Bi30 a. m. ; preaching ser vice, 10:46 a. m., subject. "The Human Side of Religion;" Junior league, 8 p. m .; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m.; ureachlns ser vice, 7:30 p. m., eubject. "Methods of Bible Study;' prayer meeting. Wednesday 8 p. m. Immanuel Baptist. Twenty-fourth and Plnkney, Phlletua H. McDowell, Pastor 10:30 a. m., "The Prayer of a Burdened Prophet;" 7:80 p. m., special evangelistic service, subject, "Denying the Lord Who Bought IT:" Bible school at noon. The Baptist Young People's union at 6:30. Re- ! vlval meettnga begin Sunday. Meetings every evening at 7:46. Hanscom Park Methodist Enisconal. I Twenty-ninth and Woolworth Avenue, R. j Scott Hyde, Pastor Preaching by the pas- tor at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "The Rational Baals for Prayer." Evening theme. "Religion and the Impossi- I hie." Snectel music at both services. Lee O. Krats, choirmaster. Sunday school at 12 m., Bert Wilcox, superintendent. Calvary Bantlat. Twentv-ftfth and Ham ilton, Rev. E. R. Curry Pastor Services at ld:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Morning theme. 'The New Jerusslem. or Idea:" evening, Jesus in the Home." Bible school at 12' m. Young people's meet nr at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday. 8 p. m.. devotional service. 1 calvsrv Baptist branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward. Sunday. 3:80 p. m.. Blbls school. Friday, 8 p. m., devotional service. First Baptist, Twentv-rJnth avenue and Harney, Rev. J. W. Cor.lsy, D. D., pastor Services -at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morn ing sermon, "Jesus and the Collection Box." Evening, "What la Man?" second In series. Sunday schrol at noon. Young People's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Bethany branch First Baptist, 3S83 I-avenworth Sunday achool at 3 p. m. Gospel meeting Frldsy at 8 p. m., conducted by pastor. Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Forty first and Charles, E. E. Hosman, Pastor Ladles' Aid day. both services In charge of the Ladles' Aid. 10:30 a. m. sermon by I Rev. J. N. Gortner, pastor of McCabe I MethodlBt church. Theme. "A Symmetrical Christian Woman." Sunday achool 12 m. "l"'1" ir,ufi, s.io p. m. .wrai service i using the hymns of t anny 1414-16.-18 DOUGLAS STREET g"""" 11 11 " 1 rrTJUB'-ti L4fiig..ir.-aLfl tmnxyr" "" ' ' ' ' 111 v r" i i .7 r i n v i n w i is iviirrvi it v MfflMKl DOUGLAS STREET s. ... . DON'T take any one s say-so do some figuring your self. They all claim to undersell that's natural. We say to you make comparisons and see who is simply talking and who is making good. Take the offerings featured on this page. You can't match one of them in any other housefurnishing institution in Omaha. Figure the savings on these single pieces, then make up your list of goods for that complete home out fit and see what those savings total up. If it doesn't make you open your eyes we've missed our guess. We can save 25 per cent to 35 . per cent on the total cost of the goods from one-iourlh to one-third, mind you. Don't select an art icle for the outfit until you have secured our prices you simply can't afford to. Quartered Oak Extension Tables They are of massive pedestal design, made of quarter-eawed oak and bril liantly polished. They have large claw feet. A bargain that's truly wonderful. Price J 121 VERMIS MARTIN IRON BED Our Newest and Most Artistic Iron Bed Creation This is absolutely the handsomest iron bed you can find on sale this week at even double the price. This illustra tion cannot give you a true idea of the real beauty of these beds, even though the illustration is a photographic r e production. These beds are made of good tubing, heavily enam eled in Vernis Martin, rubbed , and burnished. It's a beauti ful bed, a won derful bed for the money. Special in this sale Solid Oak Extension Table Has large 42-inch square top, brilliantly polished and ex tends to six feet. C98 Sale price. Solid Oa.k Sideboards Of magnificent design, extra elaborate In carved ornamentations. Has double serpentine top drawer, carved claw feet and extra large French beveled mirror. The beBt Sideboard that ever sold in Omaha at the price 161! m., 7 .30 p. Crosby. Grace BapMst. Tenth and Arbar." B. F. I Fellman, Pastor The first of a serU'S of sermons on. "The Holy Spirit" at 10 :5 a. ; m.; 7 p. m.', Young- People's meeting; 7:45 ' p. m., "The Hand of Jesus." Electric stere- ' ciptleon will be used at thla service. Bun- i day school No. 1, Tenth and Arbor, 12 m.; 8unday school No. i. Fourth and Cedar, j 3 30 p. m ; Sunday achool No. S. Thirteenth ; and William, 3:80 p. m. 8t. Mary s Avenue Congregational, St. I Mary'a Avenue and Twenty-seventh, -Rev. Kudus O. Balrd. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30 o'clock, aermon by the pastor. Sub ject. "Every Day Religion." Sunday school ' at 12 m. Vesper worship at 4:30 o'clock. 1 Subject, "Bplrltual Worship The Second ' Com nandment. Junior F.udeavor and children's hour at 4:30 o'clock. Young Peo ple'a Society of Christian Endeavor at 5:45 p. m. Ursce Lutheran, Twenty-sixth, between Poppleton and Woolworth Avenues. Rev. M. L Mellck. Pastor Church services at 10:45 a. ni. and i.'Ju p. in. Tha Sunday achool will render "Leaders," a "Luther Iay" service prepared by Mra. C. E. Wlrlck for the Board of Home Missions. Sunday achool at IMS p. m. and Luther league at :30 p. m. Organisation of Cate chetical class Friday st p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Castellar Presbyterian, Sixteenth and Castellar, Ralph H. Houseman, minister Public service and sermon at 10:3o, "That Boy Plua His Father," a parent's day I heme, Bible school at 1 l- on. Henry Kleser, suiierlntendent. Park Forest SiJ Ontario chapel bible Schools at I p. m. YounK People's meeting at :.W p. m. Evening service at 7: p. ui., "Life to a Goal." tha fourth and laat theme of the series of autumnal season sermons. Peo ple'a mid-week service, followed by teach er' training class. Wednesday eenl: at 7:4s p. m. -a? WS 5jyT GREAT BIG STOVE VALUES Sanitary Steel Couch Made with angle, steel frame strongest and most durable construction. Has finest patent couch fabric and spiral . spring supports. Makes an exceedingly comfortable bed, and when both sides are lowered makes a very handsome couch. Specially re duced for this sale Extra Large Base Burner Exceedingly elaborate in design and nickel trim mings. Has return flues and Is a powerful heater. It's a magnlfl- f 49 cent baaH m I ' burner. g , Dueuiai a i . Quick Return Through Bee Want Ads. Hot Blast Heaters It burn coal, wood, slack coal or rubbish. Most economical beat er on earth. Burns Its own gas and The Celebrated Lirv colrv Base Burner.... ill mi smoke. Price, C50 J The largest and most elahorstp base burner that ever sold at the price. It has return flueH and is a most powerful heater. Hns extra large coal magazine, automatic feed, gas tight cover, antl-cllnker grate and very elaborate nickel trimmings it's a magnificent heater and Is covered by our strongest guarantee. Sale price Solid Oak Dressers They are full serpentine fronts and extra large French beveled mirrors set in carved mirror frame. They are of superior, construction and finish. . You can't equal this value anywhere at the price . . , Every Stove Guaranteed. Handsome Base Burner Elegantly trimmed in nick el, large coal magazine, re turn flues, nickel Q75 trimmed. AO 281 McDougai Kitchen Cabinet All the latest designs are now on dis play at our store at exceptionally low prices. There s a cabinet mane to ault e very taut and every purse. Try the one that suits yours for 30 days at our risk, from. unci mane 2X1 10c a Day for Any Stove in Our Store J Oak Heaters They are made with heavy castings and are guaranteed for dur ability. They are of handsome proportions, beautifully ornamented with nickel trimmings. Special for this sale only, at . . . 4 Exchanges Cheer fully Made We guarantee absolute satisfaction. If you're not pleased with any article you buy of us, send it back and we'll gladly exchange it. This is a courtesy which we are pleased to extend to our cus tomers AND ALWAYS HAVE. 10c a Day for Any Stove in Our Store Laro Steel Range otnpl shown above, have large square ovens. elaborate nickel trimmings s. 7C and extra heavv ruAtinvs. W Km. Eiiual tn any (35 rang" "n Jmt3 a&iw in wnimm. win pi ii v tlrussjis iurf .jpjciai Size 9x12 ft. They ure made without miter seams, of best all-wool worsteds. Recom mended for greatest dura bility. You can't duplicate this niK any place tbat'u a rj 13 ' positive fact. Prico 1X32 1148 II Home Outfits We Invite you to inMX'tt tle furnlHlilngs con tallied in our sHM-al outfits for three, four, five, nix autl seven-room homes. These outfits in clude everything necessary to make them com plete, cozy, comfortable. j Rooms Furnisfisd Complete $ Utmh KnCHEH OH ANY OTHEB TOVM BOOKS YOU WlbM TO TVUMIUH. fredit Terms: 7 Cash, $3 Moullily. 69 . w y CMAHA LABOR FOR GOMPERS Instruct Its Ieleae to l)eaer Cosi. veatiun Vot for 111 He-eleetioa. Oiganisrd labor In Omaha will stand by Samuel Gompers. and at the meetln- of the Central Labor union Friday night ln atructed th delegates to the convention of the American Kederstiort of Labor to vote "flrat. laat and all the time" for the elec tion of that leader to lb- presidency. Tony Donahoe made" the motion to Instruct and thla kui supplemented with a statement from President Ouye of the central body that Nebraska believes In Uompirs and the fight he Is making, and that now while he is facing trial for contempt of court he ought to be given all the aid possible. The voting of $75 expense money for the delegate to the convention, which will be held In Denver next week, called forth considerable dlacuasion. one member of the union thinking the money would be better spent In sending a man to Lincoln this winter to see to It that the new charter for Omaha contuln provision which will result In good to the working man. Others took the other side and maintained that good could be secured in the national con vention and T. W. McCullough, delegate to the central body from the International Typographical union pointed out that just aa It Is Impossible for man to live In or of himself so is It Impossible fur a union to flourish alone, and without mingling with Other unions or attending the national con claves. Mr. McCullough v.-us culled upon by the president and he made a talk fur the union label In which he decried the boycott und asked the union men to always re member to ask for union made goods beai lng the label. Over s.luO.uui) men earning 3,0uO,OXl,0uO belong to the union and If they Insist on union label good they Will soon force non-union good out of the market ard compel merchant . to -, handle non other than tlio of unlom maka