THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER S. 1903. TOUR OF WORLD IN PICTURE 0. W. Wattles Delivers Illustrated Lecture' at All Saints' Church. VIEWS OUT OF THE OftDERABY nrrnt Trig) Graphically Deserlh nail Facta Concerning Scenes rortrared Told In Interesting- Manner. If a moving picture show or a profes sl nnl torturer could get possession of the films and slides which wer used last night y O. W. Wattles In his lecture at All Saint church his fortuna would be made. The lecture was a description of a trip around the world Which Mr. Wattles has recently completed. More accurately speak ing It was a verbal and ptotorlal description of part of the trip, as one evening would be fsr too short a time In which to hear and see the wealth of Incident and de scription and the Immense number of views which the traveler brought back with him for the entertainment and pleasure of his friends. There was not a vacant seat In the largs audience rdorh when the first picture was thrown on the soreen and Mr. Wattles be gan his Interesting remarks. The audience may best be' described as one represnta tatlva of the nest of Omaha's social and business element. Members of the congre gation of All Saints', business friends and associates of the speaker and many others came to see and hear and all were mora than repaid. " The Illustrations, of which there wss a constant stream on the screen, were most happily arranged with reference te the lec ture for as the speaker carried forward the trip from the time he left Omaha until ho reached the shores of Asia almost each sentence was Illuminated by a view of the particular place under discussion. Faasrams of tho World. The moving pictures are especially worthy of remark am" It may well to doubted whether any series of views more original and more out of the ordinary were ever presented to an Omaha assemblage. They began with a panorama of the west" rn mountain as they unfold from the ob servation car of a transcontinental train. The' trip through the Oolden Gate was also shown in ti manner Wonderfully true to life. Numerous views of Honolulu were shown and the pictures of the natives, caught while they were engaged in their quaint customs of greeting visitors with showers , of flowers, were .decidedly unique Other notable views were those of a ship passing an iceberg and of the fire drill on a ship when an alarm Is soundod. Perhaps the most marvelous of all, how ever; were the views of the ocean tn a storm, and these held the assemblage awed, for It was bard to believe It was the picture and not the reality which was to be seen. Japan and China were also - Interestingly portrayed. The lecture Itself may be described to some extent as a running fire of com ment on the pictures, but It also con tained a large amount of solid Informa tion' and many amusing Incidents of tourist life which were greatly, enjoyed by the audience. The, lecture will be repeated next Mon day, alght at the Lyric for the exclusive benefit of the employes of the street railroad company, of which Mr. Wattles Is president Me .stated last night that In the near future he may give one or two similar lectures, continuing . the trip the entire wajK around the globe. If he does it Is , safe to toay; the auditorium of All -Saints' ' church ' will be taxed to Its utmoat to accommodate those who will want an other evening of pleasure similar to that of last night. Attention, A. O. U. W. Tou ax hereby notified of the death of Brother 'John P, Hainan, a member In good standing of Union Paolflo lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W. Funeral from the residence, 814 North Seventeenth street, Sunday at 2 p. m. All uniformed degree teams of the city and members !of the A. O. U. W. are re quested . to be present. H. I. Chestnut, Master Workman. John P. Carr, Recorder. RECEPTION TO REV. FRANK DYER Followed by Sapper and Address VratlnsT Consrresratlonalista to Organise. A reception and supper for Hev. Prank Tver of Chicago, general secretary of the Congregational Brotherhood of America, was given last night at the Young Men's Christian association by fifty or more prominent Congregational laymen of the cltv. Tte event began at 6.45 last evening with an Informal reception In the Young Mn's Christian association lobby. This was fol lowed by the supper, after which Mr. Dyer delivered an address: "The Challenge of the Times to Congregational Men." Short sddresses by others present followed. A feature of the evening was the discussion of plans for a more complete irganlsatlan among the Congregational laymen of the city and It Is probable that a general move ment to this effect will dato from the meet li.S last night. Hollow Cheeks and Sunken Chests Hay Be Quickly Rounded Out With Bobuit Flesh by Using; Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Write for l"re Trial Package. Hollow choeks, sunken thesis, muddy complexions, pimply faces, and nervous breakdowns are caused primarily by bad blood, either filled with Impurities or con talnlng but littls strei gth. Build up. your blood snd you supply every pert of the body with the material for building flesh, bone, muscle and nerves. The ordinary woman or man who suf fers from physical decline Is morose moody and Inclined to despair. Conse quently they do not eat or do those things which tend to Improve their condition and thereby steadily grow worse. Stuart's Cal clum Wafers is a tonic pure and simple with a great blood purifier combined, thus giving tho system immediately that re newed vigor and life so necessary to over come decline of flesh and nerves. These little wafers make themselves felt st ence by renewing the blood so that It InvigoraU-e the nerves arxl buoys I'p ths spirit of the sufferer. One notlcee almost Immediately a gen eral Improvement In health and a desire for greater, activity and vim. This condition is due to ths Introduction of new blood to the dying, tired or decay ii.g flesh and nerves. Stuart's Calcium Wafers, though power ful and their result wonderfully rapid In transpiring, are absolutely harmless, and they may be used by children as well as adults. Do nut let . your blood rsmaln longer In an Impure, decaying state, but write a once, for a trial package of Stuart's Ca! tium Wafers. We will send them tu you fie"., pr go to your druggist and buy a box. "trice 6uo. Address K. A. Stuart Co., IV Stuart Bldg. Marshall. allcr BRIEF CITY NEWS sts Boot mat It, Diamonds, B&aolsa, Jeweler. Bndolph T. Swebeda, PabUo Aoeonatant, Sr. Swing- Brown, 503 Bldg. raBoaxkefor Quality cigars, .IIS 8. Hth Btaehart, photographer, ISth A Famam. Bowmen, 117 N. la. Douglas shoe, tt.tO. Bleetrteal Wiring and Bepalrs Burgess Qrandan company, 1511 Howard street. Ssoitabla I4fo Policies sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely. manager, Omaha. Tor furnace or hot water combination heating see Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1X4 Douglas. Bell Tel. Doug. MO, Ind. A-ai:i. Tear Mosey and Znsuraaea Papers should be kept In a fire and burglar proof safe deposit box In the American Safe Deposit vaults In the Bee building. Boxes rent for only $4 a year. B. A. Benson Will Talk on "Cowards' E. A. Benson will address the - Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at I p. tn. In Barlght hall, Nlnete'entli and Farnara streets, on "Cowards." Pipe Oeta Too Hot An overheated fur-r-ace pipe started a fire In a hnl'.way of the boarding and rooming house conducted by James Linn at 2321-23 Harney street Saturday morning. Floors and caniets were damaged to the extent of about root Ball Pan Loses Clothes Walter Southerland, an Ames foot ball enthusiast from Iowa City, la., had his suit case. which contained a quantity of new clothes, stolen frorh Union station late Friday night. The police were given a descrip tion of the man whom Southerland sus pects. Burglar Steals Barber's Goods A bur glar with tonsorial Inclinations is sup posed to have stolen a puckago of bar ber's Jackets from an Minneapolis & Omaha freight car which was standing In the Omaha yards Friday. The Jackets had been shipped by a local barbers' supply house. Heart Pall ore Caussa Death Heart failure caused the death of William R. Hardy of 718 North Nineteenth street Fri day morning, according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury at the Inquest Saturday morning. Hardy was an agent of a nur sery company and had been setting out trees Just before he fell dead. A brother at Clinton, la., has been notified and will come for the body. No other relatives are known here. Mog Drops on Man's Back Because a live hog dropped from the celling on his back, bruising him - and breaking his leg, Oeorge Novak has begun suit against 8wlft A Co. for 13.000. Novak was at work in the killing department hooking hogs to a chain In order that they might be drawn up over the large wheel to be transferred to a cable. One of the animals came loose and fell on him. Inflicting the Injuries. Tom Sloan Made Guardian for Indians An order was Issued by Judge W. II. Munger Baturday morning appointing Thomas L. Sloan of Pender guardian ad litem, as the representative of the heirs of, Joseph, William P. and Alvin Cox, Omaha Indians, in the matter of certain land allotments on the Omaha Indian reservation In Thurston county. The amount of land Involved approximates about 480 acres. Bo Federal Court West Week The fed eral petit Jury recently drawn for the en tire Nebraska district and ordered to re port next Monday, will not report after all, the panel having been discharged1 for the term. Consequently there will be no Jury term here for. the fall session of the federal courts for the immediate present. It is probable that a Jury will be empan eled later to try civil cases In the Omaha and North Platte subdivision. Sheldon's Defeat Blow to State "Gov ernor. Sheldon's defeat is a blow to good government In Nebraska as welt as n great loss to the republican party. He has made the best governor Nebraska has had In years," said Senator E. J. Burkett, who was tn Omaha between trains Friday night. Senator Burkett was on his way to Carthage, Mo., to give a lecture. He will leave In a few days for Washington to make ready for the coming session of congress. Voted Colored Woman in Omaha Mrs. Lucy Thurman of Michigan, national or ganiser among colored people, has made several engagements in Omaha. Mis. Thur rnan arrived Friday morning and will speak at tho African Methodist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and Webster streets, Sunday evening, at the social, science de partment of the Omaha Woman's club Monday, and at the Literary club at Zlon Baptist church Monday evening. Other meetings in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs will be arranged for. . T. Ollder Starts Unity lectures- Monday evening at Unity church, Seven teenth and Cass streets, Robert F. Gilder will open the series of lectures planned by Unity club for alternate Monday evenings during the winter. H.s subject is "Results of Excavations at Bellevue and Child Point." Mr. Glider gained distinction among archaeologists by his discovery In October, 1906, of eight human skulls of a primitive type In a Loess hill north of Florence. The antiquity of these finds is said to compare with that of the famous Neanderthal man. Poor Wives and Oae Hubby Divorced Four wlvea and one husband were suc cessful In securing divorces by decrees filed with the district clork Saturday morn lng. Nellie Trlplett secured her divorce from James on grounds of desertion; Stella Sweeney accused Anthony L. of desertion; Mae C. Levtne charged Shepard L, with non-support; Mandy MUner charged ex treme cruelty and secured the custody of two children. William W. Harper, the lone husband, secured his decree on al legations Mary D. was extremely cruel anl abandoned him. Bow Election Affsots Courts "People will have to take a week or two to realise that our old state has gone democratic," said Justice of the Peace Eben K. Long Saturday morning when asked. why the Justice courts wre not as busy as usual Only a comparatively small number of cases have been heard In these courts since the election. "All the excitement in cident to the election has subsided, and I think people are Just sitting back and drawing their breath for a while. When they gat rested and realise that the ex citement is all over, the Justice courts will resume their wonted business again." Pig and Colored Man la Jail A amall black and white pig with a curly tall and no great excess of avordupols, is liable to make Its home at the city Jail tor a day or two soon. No, It will not be a regular prisoner, but Just a piece of property brought in on a search warrant. Its owner, Irene Miller, having complained that some one stole piggy from her residence at KC1 Parker street a short time ago. The search warrant ana complaint is sworn out against John Watson, a colored man, and Court Sergeant Whelan, who will servo the papers, says that If the woman's al legation is true, the colored man and the pig will go to Jail together. POT TIKI The beautiful hand-made $400.00 Schmollcr & Mueller , Piano. Given Away Absolutely Free with 14 other principal and cash prizes, and In addition $5,000.00 worth of minor prizes. For nearly twenty years the Schmollcr & Mueller Hand-made I'iano has been manufactured as a high grade piano, adapted peculiarly to the needs and conditions of western climate and people. It has never failed to give absolute satisfaction. With the purpose of further Increasing the sale of the RCHMOLLKR Jfc Ml'EI.I.KH riANO and to make known Ua Intrinsic merits, we now Inaugurate this, the second contest we have featured this year. Refer elsewhere If you plesae In this ad as to how well we lived up to our promise In our former con test. We guarantee to do the same in this contest. The residents of this community know that our word is as good as a government bond. We therefore will give away WITHOUT PRICK and ABSOLUTKLY FHKK the following prises to the, strcressful contestants In this contest, which closes NoTrmbrr 80th, at 6:00 p. m One $400 Sriimoller & Mueller Piano One $125 Schmoller & Mueller Organ One $250 Piano Player One Prize Ten Dollars in Gold One Prize five Dollars in Gold Ten Prizes One Dollar Each All of which are on exhibition in the windows of our salea rooms in this city. And in addition to the FIFTEEN CAPITAL PRIZES Juet enumerated we will rre away FREE. !? v'Vw:! WE IK) AS WK agree. :hvV: .VtV'f'?: 0lir contest of last spring was by far the most ".Jj'lJ to'vAt.' V'.tfi successful contest evej conducted by a piano dealer V'..t ?. rfl I. Ih. T'nlt fltataa. ill hnraiiM w T I r r p faith with every contestant snd delivered to the BUCCESsrub rain wihsibi the prises as we agreed to do, The successful win ners were: Vr aid. w. Wane of Omaha. Heb. Mr. Geo. M. Btolteaberg, loath Omaha, Web. Mrs. Marie Christiansen, Council Bluffs, la. Mr. Wesley Beak. Edgar, B.b. Our fair dealing with our friends snd patrons during the past fifty years Is the best guarantee that the present contest will be conducted honestly, fairly and squarely, and In the Interest ef all con testants. Our sole desire In to advertise the Schmol ler & Mueller Piano. We will play no favorites and are entirely disinterested as far as the making of awards Is concerned. lV.JJV.V No one need hesitate to compete. Ask your local K'Sll'A ?MJ!'.M banker as to our reputation and financial responsl- eieV.Ve bllltv. He will tell you thnt no firm In the music 5-'.;r :", 't? business stands as highly throughout the West ns 'VttI does the piano firm of Schmoller A Mueller. Inves- f.t ;;, tlgatlon into our ousipess memons is bihijh V.VS1 Every contestant, whether successful or not, will receive a handsome SOUVENIR SCARE TIN EKKK. Try your skill count every dot then send your count to us today. Observe oa re fully the , , CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTEST First Count the dots carefully contained In the piano outline. Becond After doing this, mark the total number In the space provided in the coupon. Third Kill out the coupon carefully usn another sheet of paper If you prefer. No answer will be considered unless all questions ar answered as requested. Fourth State whether you have an organ or piano. Write your name and address plainly. Remember every icelves a prise, whether the count Is correct or not. Each one gets a DOUVfcMK BCA contentant receives a d Fifth Awards will be made bv a committee of eleven disinterested newsDSDer men lng papers: Omaha Bee, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha Daily News, Council Bluffs Nonpareil Sioux City .lournal, Sioux City Tribune, Lincoln State Journal, Lincoln Star, Twentieth Centur Isltor. Address your reply as follows: KK PIN. ne eaoh from the follow- Sloux City News, entury Farmer, Sovereign SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO GO. Department B. CUT OEF ALONG DOTTED LINE Omaha. Nebraska. No. of Dots. Town . Name . . .State. , . .Street Address. Have you a Piano?... Have you an Organ?. .Dept. B. PLACE FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE Plenty for Everybody to Eat . and Drink at Pure Food Show. carefully.. In this sheath the hair lies smooth and untangled, only needing to be cared for once In several days, and giving the sick one the least possible annoyance. QUALITY TO TEMPT APPETITE Women Spielers I'rge Visitors to Try Wares Wlthont Money ssd With out Price Good Crowds Attend. If you're hungry visit the Pure Food show. , There Is no excuse for a man going hun gry while the Pure Food show is on at the Auditorium, for on every hand free lunches are handed out In the freest abandon, the pretty demonstrators even begging people some times to sample pancakes, hot baking powder biscuits, sausage, beef broth, cof fee, buttermilk and even Whter, the Intent being ta show the exceedingly fine quali ties of tho flour, meat or coffee that goes into the making of the foods or drinks. Smacking of the county fair, feminine "barkers" cull out to the crowds: "Here you are, the greatest breakfast food ever made and made right here In Omaha. Roots shredded hay, tousled oat flakes, wheat wrinkles and all the rest Come and try Unrle Sam's Breakfast Food." "All the hot pancakes and hot biscuits, with maple syrup you can eat, made from cur own flour," sings, out Miss Mabel Bab bitt In charge of the McCord-Brady ex hibit, as she sets out a smoking stack of cakes with a cup of "Advo" coffee and ar ranges an array of canned goods on the tide as an appetizer. Get a muffin, get a muffin," is the cry at the I'Pdlke Milling company's, booth where muffins, gems and pancake are made from Vpdlke flour. Tickets on sacks of flour are also given to every visitor to the booth and during the show a fifty- pound sack of flour will be given away every night. Hot biscuits and fresh bread, baked In the booth, are also given away by T. C Bruner & Co., while nearby steaming cups of Parmer's Ak-Sar-Ben coffee are served the hungry multitudes. Not far fmm these booths Is the Kamo coffee inn where coffee and wafers are served, and in another booth Runkel's cocoa is poured out in un stinted quantities to tickle the palate and quench the thirst. Live Exhibit. Occupying a prominent place In the cen ter of the Auditorium Is the exhibit of the Cudahy Packing company. On one side an endless chain of Dutch scrub women la shown chasing dirt with "Dutch Cleanser1 and a pretty girl with a bar of "Diamond C" soap stands ready to obliterate any smut which might by chance get on a vis Itor's face. On the other - side little pig sausages are fried for the visitors and beef broth served them. Macaroni and spaghetti are served In two booths, the Lorens Brothers Macaroni company of Milwaukee and the Minnesota Macaroni company both havlni.; exhibits Both cook and serve spaghetti Ir several styles and the Minnesota company will give away & tonight to the person guessing the nearest number of pieces of maccaroni in a box. The Lorens company expects to begin the manufacture of maccaroni In Omaha by the middle of the winter. It not before. In the booth of the Fairmont Creamery company Diadem butter on wafers Is served In quantities and the man who hesitates to spread butter ea his bread very thick while it is 9)-odd cents a pound can for once In his life get all the butter he wants. But termilk Is also given the thirsty, and when tou many people are not crowded around the booth Delicla Ice cream Is served, but sparingly, for the reason that the women of the Kountse Memorial church have ice cream to sell In a couple of other booths. Bide by side the Iten Biscuit company keep plied on numerous plates on the counter samples of sundry wafers and crackers and the Carnation milk people pour out cups of their milk and cream to drink with the wafers, drink In coffee or pour on dishes of breakfast food borrowed from Vncle Sam near by. The smell of coffee, sausage and biscuits permeates the sir In the Auditorium, and If a person Is not hungry when he goes he soon gets an appetite, which, however. Is easily satiated. Whole Toanato Preserves. Take firm tomatoes, not too ripe; place In Jar and covey with melted paraffin. Have Jar warm by placing In hot water, put in layer of tomatoes and cover with the paraf fin, then add second layer of tomatoes and continue until Jar It (Hied. To remove friut place Jar In hot water, and wax will soften tnd tomatoes can be taken right out. SHAWL IDEAIN NEW FURS Marked Tendencies In Winter Wraps of Ilatskln Seems to Be In Hlarh Favor. It Is always difficult Oscrlbo a sea son's furs. In many cases the mew shapes vary but slightly from those of the pre ceding season, and besides often much of the beauty of a fur garment depends upon the quality and color of the fur and the workmanship put Into It rather than upon ar.y originality of line or trimming. The most beautiful furs are at their best when severely handled. No applied trim ming or blsarre cutting can Improve Rus sian sables, silver fox, etc., and Indeed as rule the better long-haired furs are .more effective when merely self-trimmed. There Is, however, a marked tendency even among these furs a widening f shoulder and flattening of line In the large neck furB, oddly at variance with the. fluffy frilllness and choking closeness of the frivolous small neckpieces. Naturally, consideratfon for purBe or fig ure usually modifies the size of such models, but the shawl Idea finds an echo even In many of the smaller pieces. Chin chilla lends itself particularly well td this treatment, and lovely shawl models, large and small, are shown In this fur and In ermine, while the lighter, thinned breltsch- wanz Is usually slightly draped when It assumes the long shouldered shawl or fichu lines. The dlrectoire cape goes beyond the shawl Idea ar.d is possibly the newest and most luxurious note In fur garments. Va rious models launched under this name show slight differences of line and finish, but the general character of the garments Is the same a long, loose, sleeveless cloak whose shoulder line runs down almost to the elbow. The cloak is opened all the way up the sides, but caught together lightly undet the arm to provide some slight semblance of a sleeve effect. Often the back ends In one long point, falling out over the train and the front In two shorter points, but other models show a gradual slope from middle front to middle back. SUBSTITUTE F0R BRIDGE Other Ways In Which BatterHles of Fashion May Make Money. There can be no doubt bridge has lost Its hold, but this does not mean the butter flies of fashion will cease to find excite ment In gambling, said a New Tork man. If It is not bridge, It wilt be something else, as was shown the other night at one of the first formal dinners of the opening season in New York, when an ingenious young matron added several hundred dollars to her credit by a guessing contest as to the number of feathers in the Indian head piece of the Irish maiden decorating the new S10 gold pieces. . The thing' was rather apparent, but the diners, pining for novelty, did not seem to care, paying their $26 each, and the win ner gallantly returning his prise of 1100 to the fair originator of the friendly swindle. Although large amounts still are won and lost at bridge, adeptness In the game Is no longer necessary to the woman of a com paratively slender purse remaining in the social whirl, for the unskilled or unlucky ones now may plead off the card table without running risk of being looked upon as a hindrance to every hostess. GIVING WEDDING PRESENTS Among Best Families Relatives Alone Are Son Eiiertrd to Make These Gifts. "Wholesale giving of costly wedding pres ents Is no longer In good taste," writes one of the dictators. "Many wedding In vitations sent out by the best families of Europe and America now are accompanied with requests that no presents be given. Among these It is the custom for presents to be given only by relatives. Occasionally such a privilege might be enjoyed by a very dear friend, but for others to give presents to a bride could be Interpreted as taking a liberty to which their relations do not entitle them. It was only among the vulgar classes that the great erase of wedding gifts ever received extensive sanction." Celery Itellsh. Three green tomatoes, three large cab bages, le quart onions, three peppers. Chop fine and soak In weak brine over night. Drain and add three quarts vine gar, four cups sugar, one large tablespoon brown mustard seed, one ounce celery seed, and a half ounce turmeric. Bring to a boll, then add one cupful of flour moistened In a little water. Can at once. If not cooked too long this has a crisp, fresh flavor that Is pleasing for winter and early spring use. MISCHIEVOUS AUTUMN WORK Raklna- Leaves from the Grass De stroys Natare's Method of Restoring- It. Why on earth should a man or woman run a lawn mower In October, or why should they rake all the beautiful brown loaves out of the grass and burn them? Nature sprinkles these leaves all over the lawns as a protection against the cold of winter, and I would have removed only those which gather In heaps, or possibly lie so thickly as to smother the grass. Nature works all summer weaving at mil lions of looms to shade us and the earth, and when the work la done she shakes off the leaves to keep the earth warm during the sero weather. It is a wonderful gift, and that man Is a fool who rejects It. Leaves not needed on the, lawn, should be gathered for the compost pile; others to be used as bsddlng in the stables, and others still to bank the buildings and eover the floors of tho chicken room and tha apple cellar If these are under the bam. In all sorts of ways autumn leaves are money savers and money makers, and yet, I think that over half of these brown beau ties are burned that is, of those that fall near our villages. Outing Magazine. Bee Want Ads are business boosters. We want you to expect much 0 Dynamite Wrecks Bnlldlags as compleeelely as coughs and colds wreck lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's New Discovery. 50c and H'.UO. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Care of Invalid's Hair. "When caring for a patient with long heavy hair, I arrange It In two firm braids," writes an experienced nurse. "Fastening two long sort ribbons or strips of cloth at the top of the braid, I wind It closely to the end, again securing ths strips I I if , jK' 1 I "- K ' a!i 1 I k ' " ' I u - '"7 ft " ; tv ' ti i VX? j ' J ; Wv;; i Vv ! it1' S It-" -I f i j t : i -$M) i - 3 f J I r " s ' -' - j .V...-f J v'1 HIS store has made its biggest success in pleasing exacting patrons. Men come here expecting a big bit more in style and quality than they can obtain elsewhere and get it. That's why we specialize Clothes. Kuppenheimer We want to be able to say here are gar ments that have individual character and tone that are above par away from the common-place. There's a certain genuine worth and rich value in a garment made by The House of Kuppenheimer that you'll find in no other. Just see the clothes and you'll understand what we mean. Copyrif ht. 19U&, Toe House oi Kuppesb.imer. Chicsfo