Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1908, NEW SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA SUN PAT" BKfci: NUVKMttiMt t, iwa.
Recommend k'
Pe-ro-na y
( j
Mothers." -
, II t - Yw
.-. Yv&k Mrs. E: W.Brooks
Weak, Exhausted, Pe-ru-na Gave a New Life.
Mrs. B. W. Broolcs, 6415 S. Steele St., South Tacoma, Wash., writes:
"1 want to recommend Peruna to mothers. When my little girl came,
I felt very weak and exhausted, and It seemed that I could not regain my
My mother bought me a bottle of Peruna. after I had tried several
other much advertised remedies without relief. I had little faith, as I was
very weak, but within a week after I had commenced taking Peruna I
was like a different woman.
"New life and vitality seemed to come each day until In a few weeks
t was In fine health and a happy woman. Thanks to your splendid med
icine, I have enjoyed good health for several years. I alway3 keep Peruna
on hand, as a few doses will set me right when I am feeling badly."
Catarrh ' of Kurs
Mrs. O. W. Heard, Hempstead, Texai,
writes Jn, regard to her son Carl: "My
son's ears had been affected since he was
a baby. He seemed to have risings In his
head. He would be very fretful for sev
eral days, then his ears would run pro
fusely what appeared to be corruption.
"The lat year I thought he bad almost
lost his hearing and had u local physician
People Who Object to Liquid Medicines Should Buy Peruna Tablets
Doctors of Xw York Hospital Closely
; Watching ncmarkahle
' Tha doctors at Bellevue hospital. New
York, are watching with Interest what is
thought, to be a case of psetido hydropho
bia. At the time of the rahles scare last
summer there was a good deal of discus
sion among doctors concerning the genu
ineness of, such cases. It was stated by
many Authorities that probably most of
them were spurious.
i The case now under observation In Belle
Tue, tho tdottor say,, bears all the ear
' marks, of being genuine. It has been un
.6w observation for nearly a week. The
patient is a girl 19 years old. While her
convulsions are the Indirect result of- a
! bite, the woman who bit her for she was
f bitten by a woman had never been bitten
. herself, so far as can be learned.
. The girl Is Dora Klapkln of 221 East
One Hundred and First street. July S
! last her aunt, Mrs. Sophia Thaler, became
: 11) at her home and the girl helped nurse
: her. " The illness developed Into Insanity,
but -at i first Mrs. Thaler was not violent
and the girl continued to attend her.
One day while bending over the patient's
' be dto give' her a glass of water, the de
sire for which precludes the Idea of hydro
phobia in the aunt, the doctors say, the
girl was bitten on -the left cheek. The
bite was a slight affair. Miss Klapkln paid
no attention to It and went on about her
duties. On this same day Mrs. Thaler's
The flays are getting shorter and shorter more of the days' silling
mast be dons under artificial light. Tbat is where the new lighting
- system In use by this store Is so advantageous to our patrons. Every
color shows up under our light Just as it will In daylight. Tou will
' not be disappointed with what, you buy here by artificial light.
' Vy.- T - j' "
I 'a I 1'"
Correctly illustrate this new coat worn as an auto coat and as a street
coat. It la I lame Kaxhlon's latest, but unlike so many of her whims,
is extremely practical.
They come in a variety of fabrics
"browns and niodva. plain colors,
n Some trr t-ruvanetteil In medium
quarter and full lined. 60 and 62
No store in town has so many auto
as this store, and no store is so
look, evii though you don't Intend to buy.
and look
Tats atom or
treating him for abcAit six weeks. He
pronounced him well and for a fw week
he was not troubled, but since that time
the discharge from ht. ears was almost
constant and very offensive.
Finally I began giving him Peruna and
Lacupla, and after he had taken two bot
tles of the Lacupta he was entirely cured."
"I cannot praise Lacupla and Peruna
11-year-old son Max brought Into the
house a dog, but because the neighbors
disliked it and because of Mrs. Thaler's
condition the dog was soon sent away.
This was all before Mrs. Thaler's in
sanity developed. Finally her condition
grew so bad that she was removed to
Bellevue hospital and then transferred to
the asylum at Central Isllp, L. I., where
she died on July 14.
Dora Klapkln- went on about her duties
and was apparently In the best of health
and spirits. Not long ago. however, some
one told her thather aunt really had been
bitten by a dog uhd had died of hydro
phobia and that Dora, having In turn been
bitten by hrr aunt, might suffer from It,
too. The girl is said to have taken .the
remark to heart and to have bought sev
erul books and read much on the subject of
rabies. She became sullen . and grew thin
and listless worrying over the matter.
On Saturday, October 1", she suddenly
fell In a faint on the floor at her home
and when a doctor was called he found her
in convulsions. She was removed to Belle
vue, and after watching the case there the
physicians discovered all the symptoms of
Whether or. not the girl can recover the
doctors are unable to say, out they seem
convinced that they have on their hands a
case of a young girl who has simply ter
rorised herself Into her present condition.
New York Sun.
By using the various department sof The
Bee Want Ad pages you get the best re
sults at the least expense.
and colors, including
checks and stripes.
and heavy weights.
inches long
600 and
costs to choose from
ave,r0ou Cl"! 7 Ufa
Come ln)Xl IID
willing to ti
QUaxrrr clones
Want All of the Appointire Offices
that Are in Sight. 1
Appointment to Be Veste la Gr-
eraor Instead of Hoards Coa
trolled by Repahllraa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOL.N. Nov. 7.-(SpeclaI.) While the
election returns so far reported to the sec
retary of st-ate by the various counties
indicate that the republican state ticket
with the exception of governor has been
elected, there is little consolation In that
for the appointees now holding office by
virtue of a commission from a board.
The democratic legislature has a program,
no It was learned today, which will turn all
these offices over to the democrats. The
legislature will be asked by the leaders of
the winning party to place the appointing
power in the hands of the governor in
place of the haunds of boards as is the
case now In some instances.
Should the democrats be able to carry
this program out the secretary of the
State Board of Charities and Correction,
Joel Piper,' though now appointed by the
governor, the land commissioner and the
state superintendent, will lose his place
even If the republican state ticket wins out.
Two county treasurer examiners are now
appointed by the state auditor. Should the
democratic program carry these appoint
ments will go to Mr. Sliallenberger.
The republican secretary of the state
banking board and the republican state
bank examiners will also go the same
way. They are. now selected by the at
torney general, the auditor and the state
treasurer, vnder the proposed program
they will give way to democrats.
The state banking board may be abolished
entirely when the democrats pass their new
law to force a levy upon the banks to
make up a fund to guarantee deposits.
"There will not be a republican left if
he can be knocked out of office by legtsla
tlve enactment," said a prominent demo
crat this morning. "The legislature will
simply pass a law changing the power of
appointing to the governor or to boards
which the democrats control. We have too
many democrats yelling for Jobs, to let any
tepublican stay in if we can put him. out
I am satisfied the clerk of the Board of
Charities and Correction, the bank exami
ners and the county treasurer examiners
wljl have to go. The legislature will attend
to that the first thing."
Ircldentally while W. S. Shoemaker of
Omaha and Representative Pool of John
sor. county are fighting for speaker of the
house the grandest old Roman of them all
ha let It be known that he -wants to be
chief cletk of the house, the very Hon.
Tr nmore Cone of Saunders county. Mr,
Ccr.e was defeated for his second lection
In his home county and owing to his ex
perience as a legislator, his friends have
proposed him for chief clerk.
Then on the heels of that comes the re
port that Henry Richmond should be given
this place. Richmond went to Chicago and
Torked like a mad man to elect Bryan and
keep Urey Woodson from getting his rjose
In tco deep In the affairs of the committee
and now his friends hope his reward I1I
be the chief clerkship. So up to date two
very much earnest men are after this pluru
. Tools for Officeholders.
Around the State . House there Is being
garnered a lot of agricultural Implements
sent in to those who it was thought m.lght.
have to go to work. This morning Mr.
Bishop received two husking pgs- and
Walker 8mlth In the office of the secretary
of state received a pair of good warm
husking gloves. Martin Dlmeiy has re
celved his second husking peg. '
Estimates of Expenses.
Thirty departments of the state and state
Institutions have made their estimates of
appropriations needed for the coining bl
ennium. These estimates have been filed
with the state auditor and will be re
ported to the state legislature for action
Those reporting show an increase over th
appropriation of two years ago from
I.AI9.61S. to $2,722. 166, or almost tTOO.OCo.
This increase is due to a large extent to
the need or dealre of new buildings.
One new building is asked ' for at the
Nebraska School for the Deaf at Omaha
to cost 160,000 and to Include an audi
torium, library, museum, domestic science
room and dormitory.
The Soldiers' home at Grand Island
wants an administration building to cost
$15,000 and an addition to the blick hos
pltal kitchen to cost $3,000.
The Home for the Friendless at Llncol
asks for a boys' cottage and school build
Ing to cost $25,000 and a $35,000 men's col
tage Is wanted at the Hospital for the In
sane at Norfolk.
Two $5,000 Items In the estimate of the
Industrial School for Boys at Kearney pro
vide fur a new barn and equipment for the
trade department.
Superintendent Osborn of the Institute
for Feebleminded Youth at Beatrice asks
for a $100,000 cottage furnished- and ctm
plete and a horse barn and a boiler house
costing $6,000.
The Normal school at Kearney wants one
new wing to the building costing $50,000
and a chapel and gymnasium with equip
ment costing $50,000.
The Hospital for the Insane at Uncoln
wants a $50,000 building for men, a $6,000
ice and cold storage plant and $5,000 for
repairing a reservoir and building a stand
pipe. The Insurance department estimates that
It will have a deficiency of $2,000 by April
1. J09.
The Peru State Normal wants a $50,0,0
new building for an administration build
ing and enlarging the library.
Following is a comparative statement of
the appropriation for 1906 and the esti
mates for 1908 so far as filed:
106. 1908.
10.190 t n.e
8.20 S.20
81.280 28,8(i0
22.2S0 28.2SO
60,U0 6o.ft.-J
7.30 26,000
87,100 37,400
38,000 42.100
7,000 5,000
6. Ohio 10.000
S93.9H0 417.700
I'M 259.010
$2fi.0uO z: 700
40.ft 71. ft)
46.000 45.000
50.6O 44 40
133.200 1U.0O0
163.160 189.5TO
99.7i10 1H1
143.920 . $07,700
$.9K KM
$500 IIWO
7.60 6.6V
Il$.10 227.9VV
M.575 " 149 766
15,000 30. 000
50.006 inn.ttvt
Insurance department f
Iabor commissioner
Iand commissioner, sal's.
State superintendent
State Railway commission
State veterinarian
Hanking board
Board of Public Lands and
Board of Educational
Lands and Funds
Board of Purchase and
Ubrary commission
Asylum st Hastings
Asylum at Uncoln
Asylum at Norfolk
Home for the Friendless..
Orthopedic hospital
Institute for Blind
Industrial School for Boys
Soldiers' Home, Grand
Normal school, Kearney..
Normal school. Peru
State entomologist
Geological survey
Investigating plant disease
Feebleminded Institute
School for Deaf
Junior Normal schools....
Normal training In high
Aid for weak districts
Examiners' salaries
Totals $J.0R1& $2,722.16
Gaardaaaea to Military School.
By an order from the War department
received at the adjutant general's office,
the following officers of the Nebraska Na
tional guard have been authorised to at
tend the army garrison school at Fort
Crook. Neb.; Colonel J. A. Btorch, First
regiment, Fullerton; Captain H. F. Elsas-
ser. First regiment. Omaha; First IJeu
tenant Ivan McKay, First regiment, Madi
son; First IJeutenant O. D. Latta, First
regiment. Weeping Water; Second Lieu
tenant C. O. Orlmm, First regiment, Wil
bur; Second Lieutenant Harry Schmidt,
Second regiment. Kearney.
EiesiM of Caadtdates.
M. TL Hopewell, republican candidate ofr
lieutenant governor, spent $125, of which
$100 went to the state committee; $20 to the
Burt county committee, and $5 to the pre
cinct commute
Moses P. Klnkald, for congress In the
Sixth district, spent an even $600, but he
claims a credit of $45 for unused literature
and $43.0 for unused stamps and envelopes,
which leaves his expenses $rll 92. 8. J.
Weeks, chairman of Mr. Ktnkald's com
mittee, reported the collection of $900, of
which $600 came from Mr. Klnkald and $300
from Jack Klnkald. Of this sum $88? was
Itallroad Ajpeal Arnroed.
The appeal of the Northwestern from the
ecislon of the Railway commission in the
York case, wherein an order was Issued for
transfer switch was argued in the federal
court this morning. W. B. Rose, for the
state, filed a demurrer and. argued that
the railroad cotnpany had no case in
equity, and therefore the court had no Juais-
Reception in Afternoon and Lecture
by Dr. Wheeler In Evenlna-.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 7. (Special.) The last
day of the 8tate Teachers' association
meeting was among the best of all the days.
During the afternoon more than 2,500 teach
ers were the guests of Governor and Mrs.
Sheldon at the executive mansion and
spent two hours very enjoyably.
At night Benjamin I. Wheeler, president
of the University of California, lectured at
St. Paul's church to an audience that
packed the building. ,
Dr. Whetl;r tpike In f jvor of the national
university as desired by President Wash
ington and advocated by him more than 100
years ago. Notwithstanding the first presi
dent had made provision for founding this
institution in his will the American people
had done nothcr further to carry out his
desires. He opposed the university In poll
tics and condemned the 'populists of Kansas
for looting their university and denounced
the officials of Oklahoma for the way they
have treated their university.
Brother of Man Killed Near Ogalalla
f.l Fashing- Case..
OGALLALA. Neb.. Nov. 7. (Special Tel
egram.) Samm Mann, the brother of Voi-
iey Mann, who was murdered foir weeks
ago near here, has identified tho gray
mare which the Smiths, man and wife,
suspected of the deed, traded to a farmer
living six miles south of Ogallala. He
says It was the property of his brother.
who was killed. Other developments tend
to Implicate Mrs. Smith in the case." The
farmer states that Mrs. Smith . did the
horse trading, although her husband was
Volley Mann had left his home at Raton.
N. M., with the horses and was traveling
by wagon through Nebraska, enroute to
Laramie, Wyo., to visit his two brothers.
Mrs. Smith Is becoming nervous under the
close questioning by 8hcriff Bcal and the
Yoana" Man Held for Officers of
Crystal lake, III.
BEATRICE, Neb.., Nov. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Wanted on a charge of murder at
Crystal Lake, III., John Bedford, a young
man 2 years of age, was arrested last
night by Sheriff Trude near Ellis, this
county, where he was visiting with his
sister. He was lodged In Jail and will be
held until an officer from Illinois arrives
with requisition papers. Bedford 1b not dis
posed to talk other than to say that he
knows of no reason why he should be ar
rested. He appears to be well educated
and Is of fine appearance.
News Notes.
bowling contest last
evenlng the Gas Company tern won from
the Nursery team by the score of 2,102 to
BEATRICE The men's fraternity of the
Christian church met .last night and ar
ranged to give a banquet at thhe church
next Thursday night.
PONCA John Doyle, one of Pnnca's bar
bers, has sold his shop to J. C. Hanson
of Vlborg. S. D. Mr. Hansen will move
his family to Ponca at once.
NEBRASKA CITY Chicken thieves have
been numerous of late and the police have
rounded up several parties and not only
recovered the property, but punished the
NEBRASKA CITY Three arrests have
been made of automobile owners who have
been exceeding the speed limit. The offi
cers have secured stop watches and will
enforce the law.
NEBRASKA CITY A. J. Smith won the i
golf contest at the Country club yesterday
over Otto Schneider snd won the silver cun
offered by the club. Mr. Smith Is considered
one of the best golf players in this part of
the state.
BEATRICE The United Brethren church
will hold a bl revival meeting In ths city
next month. Rev. William F. McNulty of
Blnghampton, N. Y. the converted actor,
will conduct the meetings.
BEATRICE L.- L. Marcel! -of Chanute.
Kan., has arrived In the city to push the
work of erecting tsnks and an office build
ing for the Chanute Refining company,
which is to locate a plant here.
BEATRICE George Baker, a former
Beatrice resident, and a son of C. F. Baker,
has a theatrical company of his own on
the road and is traveling throughout New
York state. He was formerly a member
of John Griffith's "Faust" company.
BEATRICE The Farmers' Elevator com
pany of Blue Springs yesterday instituted
a damage suit Involving $625 90 agalnat the
Union Pacific Railway company for the
loss of 720 bushels of wheat from a car
In transit from Blue Springs to Omaha
last June.
BEATRICE Work on the Nebraska Corn
Products company's new building on Siuth
Seventh street Is belr.g pushed ss rapidly
as possible. The Burlington Is building a
switch to the plant and it is likely the
other railroads will do likewise.
NEBRASKA CITY Andrew I.ingle. who
was stabbed by Andrew Srouf last Satur
day, la reported as being very low, and
when the case of his assal'.int was called
last evening It wss continued until some
time when the result of the Injury can be
BEATRICE W. H. Ml.ler and Daniel
Moschel living west of the city are making
great Improvements In the roads near their
homes. An effort will be made to get other
farmers interested so that the highways
may be put In good shape before cold
weather sets In.
BEATRICE Word hss been received
here of the death of Mrs. Otto Scheve,
which occurred a few days ago in a hos
pital In Omaha, following an operation for
gall stones. The remains were brought to
Plymouth, Ne., near which place deceased
had lived for years.
VALLEY The Ladles' Aid society of the
Methodist church held Its annual meeting
at the home of Mrs. Thoval Resume, elect
ing the following officers: Mrs. Sarah Sul
livan, president; Mrs. DvLand. vice presi
dent; Mrs. Edmister, secretary, and Mrs.
Glrkln, treasurer.
VALLEY The Valley school were closed
from Wednesday noon so thst the teachers
might attend the annual meeting of the
Teachers' association at Lincoln. All of
the teachers were in attendance.
VALLEY If arrangements go as planned,
Mrs. Pierce snd Mrs. Holdaworth, two
ardent flrvan women, will haul Mrs. Ram.
sey and Mrs. Kennedy, equally ardent Taft
women. In a pushcart from the poslofftce
corner to thee opera house.
PONCA Sutherland and Holland sold all
their livery stock and vehlclea today at
the Red Front barn. They expect to go
out of the livery business. .W. H. Cady,
the owner of the barn, will rent or put
In a livery stock and run It till spring
and then sell.
BEATRICE Word was received here
Furnishers ol hotels, club and restaursnls, mm well private home).
Orchard Wilftelm
414-16-18 South Sixteenth iitret
Dining Furniture Sale
display of dining room furnltiir comprising the latent design In popmlw Catshcs, all woods, and at prteew that
art decidedly lower than the same wtylca and the same quality arc sold for by others. To convince yom of this
fart we ask only for an opportunity to show you onr goods and quote prices.
Dining Room Suite
(Like Illustration) Genuine mahogany veneer, dull finish,
consisting of buffet, china cabinet, serving table, dining table,
six side chairs, leather Beat, and one arm chair, leather seat.
Buffet Is 46 inches long and 21 Inches deep. Hal one top drawer
partloned and lined for silver. Has double cabinet, large linen drawer, trimmed with wood knobs, has French
beveled mirror 12x40 inches China Cabinet, large size with bent end glass. Dining Table is heavy pedestal
construction. Chairs are full box frame. An extraordinary value for the pulte complete 9147.00
Dining Tables
(Like cut) This table is constructed of the very
best quality of quarter-sawed white oak, highly
hand polished. The entire top rim, pedestal
base and legs are quarter-sawed golden oak.
. Extends so as to seat from 8 to 10 people.
Round top, 45 Inches In diameter. A $30 value
at. each , -24.00
A carload of Dining Tables just re
ceived and especially priced for this
Thanksgiving sale.
IIct you will not only find the
newest style at the low jKtrible
Brumeis Lace Curtains with extra -thre net :inartic:
new conventional designs. Special jier jialr $2.95
BriiaselB Lace CurtainK, a new line Juat opened up,
all Imported, delayed in shipment. Special per pair
at B.7o
Dutchfsa Lac Curtains. In dainty designs. Lory
color, new plain net center with edge patterns. This
is the most popular curtain made. Sells up to $15
per pair. Special per pair 811.50
Have you visited our Stove and Kltche
Howard Sholl. a former Beatrice resldnnt,
nd Matilda Woolport of L An-eleii. Cal..
which occurred at Council Bluffs, Ia
Thursday. Mr. Sholl was formerly engaged
In In business In this city ,b ut a now
traveling on the road. The couple will
live at Norton, Kan.
BEATRICB CharleB H. l.avers, the new
secretary of the Young Men s Christian as
sociation, arrived in the city last evening
from BoBton in company of his family, be
fore locating at Boston Mr. anud Mrs.
Lavers were engaged in missionary worK
In China. Thenr only child, a sjn, was
born in China w hlle they were there.
AINSWOUTH-Mrs. J. M. Kingers of
Tllden, Neb., was here today and Inspected
the Woman's Belief corps and renewed the
acquaintance of her many friends here, as
she and family used to live her severs!
years since, when her husband ran a njnK
here. She says that she Is ,tad to find
the corps in so prosperous a condition.
NEBRASKA CITY Dolile Wallace begun
suit In the district court to obtain a divorce
'from her husband on the grounds of
cruelty and nonsupport. She says she had
to work out for her board and clothes after
being narrled and that her husband sold
the hogs which she purchased with her
savings and squandered the money.
NEBRASKA CITY-George Hargus, one
of the leading young farmers of Wyoming
precinct, died at his home yesterday of
typhoid pneumonia, aged 4G. lie was born
and reared In tills county. He leaves a
widow, to whom he was married two years
ayo. His father, who died some two years
ago. came to this county in 1H54. The
funeral will be held at his home, tlve miles
north of this city. Sunday.
NEBRASKA CITY The body of Gottlclb
Elsenm-ann were brought here from Arapa
hoe. Okl., for Inlernient. He was found
dead In well with several pigs. He was
a hermit and lived alone and Is thought
thst he went In search of tho missing pigs
and fell Into the unused well and was not
found for some time. He was a resident
of this city years ago and has a number
of relatives here. He s quite wealthy.
NEBRASKA CITY Sheriff Fischer and
his deputy had another chase after two
strange men last evening twelve miles west
of here, who were thought to be the two
men wanted for the killing of the night
watchman at Weening Water. They found
they were two men from I'nlversily Piece
who were going home from here with two
teams which they purchased here. The
officers drove nearly all night.
BEATRICE A. P. McCandless. attorney
for Julius Vogel. and lr. K. J. Woods, who
recently brought an injunction suit against
the village board of Barnes'on to prevent
it from granting saloon licenses, yesterday
flltMl a motion to the effect that the Buper
sedeas bond of fl.Of required by the court
to keep the Injunction in force, was un
reasonable. The defendants will oppose
the motion, holding that the bond should
be Increased from 12,000 to U.000.
CENTRAL CITY Told to Jump out as
the team his father was driving was about
to become unmanageable, little Roy Dono
van, the a-year-old son of Cnarles Dono
van, did so and alighted In a barb wire
fence with such force that he received a
bad rut across the face and several minor
scratches. Charles Donovin was driving
along with two of his children In a buggy
when the double tree of the vehicle broke
and the team became unmanageable. Seeing
the danger, Mr. Dunovan ordered the boys
to Jump out. and they both djd as they
were told. One of them got away, kit tut
t ltU?A.HH
China Cabinets
A large, new line Just re
ceived for the Thanksgiv
ing sale in golden, Early
English Oak, and genuine
mahogany. We thow a
very pretty China Cab
inet, solid oa'v, rj'aavter
sawed, hand polished, full
bent end glass, at.gl5.75
Over G7 patterns of China.
Cabinets at $15.75 and at
any in between price up -to
We show these pretty dining
room pieces in a great
variety of styles and prices
In any desired finish. Very
pretty quarter-sawed gold
en oak Buffet with mirror,
at 821.00
Over a hundred
raising In price up
Kitchen Cabinets
A sanitary Hoosler Kitchen
Cabinet will greatly asslBt
in preparing the Thanks
giving dinner. Saves tlme;
and labor. The Hoosler Is
a combination cabinet table
and pantry and
seen to be appreciated'.. It
has many advantages that
. other cabinets do not have.
New line now on display,
at ..... .". . .$21 nl UP
L h e E
largest assort men i of
other struck the barb wire fence by the
roasidc wlili above result. '
BEATRICE An automobile, laco was
pulled off yesterday between E. E. Mockctt
and Edward Plnney of Lincoln, the former
winning the contest and covering tiie d s
tsnce of forty miles between Beatrice to
Uncoln In 1:05. Mockett drove a Mitchell
car und Pinney a Bulck machine. A few
miles notli of town a tire came olf Pln
ney's car delaying him eight minutes. He
again met with an accident which put him
out of the race. Ho run off a culvert be
tween Cortland and Lincoln, breaking one
of the axles of the car.
CENTRAL, CITY While performing his
duties as night watchman st the mill of
the T. B. Hord Alfalfx Me"l company
Sherman Grubb had an exciting experi
ence with same robbers and as a result
carries a Vlllet wound in his left hmd.
Tho mill and hay shed of the company
are quite extensive, and when Mr. (Irubb
was making his customiry rounoa at about
3 o'clock in the morning, lie tatiii? upon
a couple uf men In the. barn muklng off
with some sacks of cemen'.. Me called
to them to drop their booty aid surren
der, but Instead they started to run. He
fired at the mand they returned his fire,
a bullet striking two of I lie fingers on the
left hand and Inflicting a pilnful, but
not serious wound. The men ker-t on run
ning and mude their getaway. '-. vrubb
went at once to th home of a Mr. Soott,
manager of the mill, nearby, anil had his
wound dressed. Ha then went down and
reported the affair to Deputy Hher'ff Dis
ney. No cdlew to who the rubbers wero
has been discovered, and hence no ar
rests have been made. The cetient which
the men were carrying off when they were
discovered Is worth only about cents a
sack, and It Is hard to conceive how any
body would take risks resulting In a shoot
ing to secure so small a boniy. At first
it was feared that Mr. Grubb might lose
one of his fingers,, but that dinger has
now passed.
Wu and Lost One Fort one, bat Cot
Another Before Ills
The ups and downs ot a business career
in New York were never more strikingly
shown than - in the career of John 13.
Searlea, once "the sugar king of America,"
who dropped dead In London the other
day, at the. ago of m years. He waa the
son of a poor. Itinerant Methodist minis
ter, began to work for ills own living at
the ago of lb and had gained a moderate
fortune by the time he was to. He then
organised a big sugar company, which In
a few years was able to consolidate with
Itself most of its rivals, and afterward.
Mr. Searles formed the gigantic Sugar
trust, with a capitalisation of tH),O,0i.
He was the secretary, treasurer and execu
tive officer of this, but was not content
to confine his energies to its management.
He became. a bank president and a direc
tor In a dosen or more corporations, and
divided his energies to aucb degree that
We har assemhlM an vnnraal
other patterns at $21, grauually
to $200. .
Dining Chair
(Like cut.) . Made of select
quarter-sawed oak, hand
polished, full box frame,
seat upholstered In genuine
leather, carved claw feet.
Extra value, at, ea.83.5Q
Other patterns of full box
frame, dining chairs, at $2
and up. .
Lace Curtains in the West but you will also see the
Dutebes3 Lace Curtains In white and Arabian color,
made on extra heavy net, new pattern curtains. Sell
up to $10 per pair, special, per pair 86.75
Novelty Net Curtains with braided work, all In Arab
ian color, new straight designs for Mission Rooms.
An assortment of patterns, special, per pair 83.75
Renaissence Curtains In new up-to-date patterns with
edge to match insertion, In white and Arabian
colors. Special per pair' 86.75
nware Department In the basement
some of his Interests jot beyond his con-
Mr. Searles was rated at one time to
be worth $20,000,000, and was regarded as
the head of the sugar Interests of Amer
ica. Men were eager to get his name to
aid In promoting other enterprises, and
he embarked in a great number. When
the senate Investigating committee called
him as a witness In regard to Sugar Trust
affairs he refused to answer quest (or. In
relation to campaign contributions, nnd
was tried for contempt of !ourt, but ths
Judge presiding at the trial directed tha
Jury to acquit him. At what seemed th
summit ot his career he retired from the
offices in the American Sugar Refining
company, the corporation formed to re
place the Sugar Trust, to which technical
objections had bt-em made. The announce
ment, created a marked decline in Sugar
stocks, but with the choice of his succes
sor they rallied. It was given out that th-
condition of the health of Mr. Searlea
caused his retirement, but he at once de
voted, himself to other Interests, espectcUr
the American Cotton company. Tha fol
lowing year, however, he waa forced Into
an assignment for the benefit of his credi
tors. In a year Ive was discharged from
bankruptcy and resumed his business re
lations so successfully that he gained an
other fortune before his sudden death oo
curred. t
This was told In Wall street of the cause
of the shrinkage In tho fortune of Mr.
Searles. Before he retired from th Amer
ican Sugar Refining company, in a suddJn
and sharp decline of the stocks It was
said he Inst over ttOO.OCO. He also In
vested largely in a Montana copper mlna,
which he estimated to be worth ftiOO.OOu,
but on which he was unable to realise.
The schedule of his assets and llebllltl'
showed that the former were 3.618.W6 and
th latter t2.196.7K. After he had passed
through bankruptcy with the remnant of
his fortune Mr. Searles, at the age of 2,
began a new business career, and at tha
time of his death was largely interested
In a number cf corporations.
It was regarded as a hit st Mr. Searles
at a meeting over which he presided when
speaker told this story of the reply of
John Bright to one of his admirers of
Lord Beaconsfleld. who sa'd:
"You ought to give him credit for what
he has accomplished, fcr he is a self
made man."
"Yes." replied Mr. Bright; "I know h
Is. and he adores the maker." New York:
Daaaeroas tsrgerr
in the abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr. King's New Life Tills, tha
painless purifiers. 26c. For ami aV SnaXon
Dreg Co,