HIE OMAIU SUNDAY BEE; NOVEMBER 8, 1003. Sj , JAYHAWRLRS NEXT ON LIST Contfmiken Will 6trlTe to Do Up . Their Ancient Enemy. K. U. HAS GOOD TEAM WAITING Kaaaaa pales Have Be klagr Flad Oat Hoaia af ba Nebraska Farmatlaas -Other JHarl LINCOLN, Nov, T. (Speclal)-Now that A mas, the. most feared and greatest rival of Nebraska has been met, the Cornhusk ers are anxiously awaiting the inu with Kanaas at Lincoln, neit Saturday, This contest with the Jayhawkers will be the most Important game on the Nebraska schedule from the viewpoint ef the students at the state school, The fames with Wa bash and the Carlisle Indians Will probably be Just as hard fought the ene a week from today, but there Is a traditlonl dint ing to the annual meeting with Kansas that makes the game the most Interesting for the students, ' . For many years preceding the rise ef Ames into prominence, Nebraska and Kansas were the leading football teams In the Missouri valley, and every year the championship of that region was fought out between the football teams of these (wo schools, Both elevens looked forward to the annual meeting and pointed for It as the greatest game of the gridiron season. Fortune varied between the two teams and neither ef them had a cinch on tha title for any great number of years, Since the lews Aggies took a high rank in the Missouri valley foot ball circles three years ago and became the honorable rival of Nebraska, Kansas has been pushed out of Its former posuton relative to the Oorn huskers, It Is ne longer the chief con tender with Nebraska for first honors In the valley, but Its annual struggle with the Oornhuskers has lost none of the Interest tot tha students which formerly obtained. Kaasaa Record. ' During the last three seasons Kansas has not been as strong as Nebraska and Ames. In 190$ Kansas defeated Nebraska, but critics conceded the Cornhuskers had the better team. That year Ames also defeated Nebraska, and the showing of the Aggies against the Cornhuskers was so much- bet ter than that made by the men from the Sunflower state that the husky Iowa players were given a clear claim to the Missouri valley title. Last year Kansas was put out of the running In the middle of the season by Washburn, and the fight for the champion ship rested between Nebraska and Ames. All fall the scheduled game between these two teams overshadowed all ather Missouri valley games. When the two teams met In Lincoln In November the most fiercely fought game witnessed In the west was played and the Cornhuskers won out by the narrow margin of one point, making themselves the leaders In the valley. " This fall the position of the Jayhawkers has been peculiar. For the first few weeks of the season little attention was paid to them, for it was expected that they would 'be extremely weak. But as the season ad vanced and the eleven won game after game It was seen that Coaches Kennedy and Mosse were developing a real foot ball machine, and that Kansas by the time Ne braska was met would be In shape to make a strong bid for the game. Developments during the Inst two weeks nave caused the Nebraska coaches to come ' to fear the game with the Jayhawkers. Against Washington university of 8t. , Louis, s team rated as one of the best In 'Missouri, Conch Kennedy's men made a - temarkabie showing," uslnft , modern foc-t ball plays with great success, and In a way outclassing thtlr opionents. They displayed a keen krjowtedge of the new game, using the forward pass and onslde kick with good effect. In this game the Jsyhawker line also proved to be a stone mall for Wsshlngn, The showing In this gams caused Kansas stock to take a sud den rise, and led the supporters of the team te hope for a return to championship form. Kenaedr Takes Hope. ' CoHoh Kennedy hlmMlf Is again taking hepe end now believes his men will be In form ta give the Cornhuskers a great bat tle and probably defeat them. He saw the Iowa-Nebraska game and was free In admitting that hi team could give either the Cornhuskers or Hawkeyes a hard run. Ills remarks were taken to Indicate that he thought Nebraaka would have "to play better ball agalnat Karras than It did gainst Iowa In order to win on Novem ber 14. For two weeks Coach Kennedy has been pointing his tesm for the coming strtiggls with-the Cornhuskers. All the information that' could be secured regarding the Ne braska plays has been used to good ad vantage of Kennedy and his assistants In getting the Jayhawkers ready. Last week on two or three occasions the Haskell In dians, who met Nebraska three weeks ago,' were lined up against the Kansas team and employed Nebraska plays on both flis defense and offense. Beports from the scene of the Kansas practice say that The "Early Bird" la tha man who hag the most hane to pick of the very best Autumn fabrics. The stock Is fresh and unbroken now. The selection ia largest. The number of unique, different, ex clusive fabrics Is greatest and it Is to your advantage to make your election now. At the same time. If you do make your selections now. It Is to our advantage, because we're not so overwhelmingly busy cow as we will be In a month or so. We'll spend more money adver tising ta get you to come In now than later, because our tailors can give your garments more tlnio and more painstaking car than thoy can later on. Suits and Overcoats to Order 525 to $50 v Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 1 McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-806 Kouth lfJth St. Near South West Corner 16th and Famam. . ET ""1 l Kennedy's men outplayed the Indians dur ing theae daya. On the defense the Jayhawkers broke down the wall of the Indians and scored frequently, while on the offense the red men were not sole to do sny successful work with the Nebrsaka plnys. The for ward pass and onslds' kick, which have been used so extensively by "King" Cole's pupils this fall, failed to gain when em ployed by the Indians. This week other Cornhusker plays which Coach Kennedy saw the Cornhuskers work successfully at Iowa City were given to the Kansas scrubs, who at times played rings around the 'var sity. This was what Kennedy expected, however, and be will continue to have the scrubs use these plays next week that the regulars msy study them more thoroughly. Coach Kennedy had two of his assistants watching the Nebraska-Ames game today, and the new plays uncovered by Nebraska in this game will also be given to the scrubs to use this week. Kennedy has seen so many of the Cornhusker plays this fall that the Kanaas rooters believe he ought to be well prepared to meet Ne braska next Saturday. Col Is Not Worried. Coach Cole, however, has manifested no concern about the spying of the Kansas coaches. Very few of the plays uncovered so far this year will be used Saturday. Despite the large number of new plsys the Nebrsska coach has already worked out, he still has several more good ones which he has been saving for Kansas, and he thinks Kennedy's spying on the Nebraska team will be of little use to the Jayhawkers next Baturdsy. At Nebraska the students have the ut trost confidence In the ability of their team to defeat Kansas. To them Kansas has appeared to be a second clsss eleven all year and they never have considered It seriously thin season. Injuries to the Corn huskers they believe will be the only con tingency that can keep their team from triumphing over the honorable rivals from the Sunflower state. It Is this that led them to fear for their team ln the game with Ames today. If many of the players sre laid up for very long from the In juries received today the team might enter the Kansas game next Saturday greatly weakened, and In that event, and that event only, they think, the Jayhawkers might Sfjeese out a victory. Coach Cole has outlined the program for the work of the Cornhuskers this week snd has announced that there ".111 be no letup In the strenuous training of the last four weeks. Secret practice will be held on three days at the state farm. Scrim mages will occur on probably only two of these. Most of the time will be spent in developing new plays suited to the at tack and defense of the Jayhawkers. Basket Ball Practice. Basket ball practice Is progressing nicely and Director Clapp Is well pleased ' with the ante-season showing of the candidates. The practice has been held every afternoon at 4 o'clock for the last two weeks, and over forty men, the largest squad In the history of the school, have reported reg ularly. The prospects are encouraging for a strong team. The schedule of the Cornhuskers this sea son will contain more hard games than last season. There will be six or seven good games on the home floor. The two most Important ones will be with Minne sota on February 18 and 10. These games with the Gophers wero arranged by Dr. Clapp at a meeting of the conference rep resentatives In Chlcsgo last week. Besides these two games Missouri, Kansas and probably Iowa will be brought to Lincoln for one or more games apiece. The Cornhuskers will probably make two trips, being away on each t of them five days. One will be made into Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, and tjia other Into Missouri and Kansas. The : southern trip this season will Include the greater num ber of games, Missouri, Kansas, Washing ton, Baker and the Kansas City Athletic club probably being played. The Missouri valley conference will take up the question of organizing a basket ball league next Tuesday at a meeting to be held In Kansas City at the Costes hotel. At this meeting a set of rules and a sched ule for this season will be adopted. Missouri. Washington, Kansas, Ames, Iowa, Drake and Nebraska will have repre sentatives present. Dr. Clapp will be the delegate from Nebraska. Cross-Coantry Team Rob. Nebraska will send a team to the western conference cross-country ,run at Chicago next Saturday. Chicago, Wisconsin, Minne sota and Illinois will have teams entered In this run. The course to b run over at Chicago Is five miles long. Nebraska won the race three times during the last four years. Last fall by defeating Chicago and Wisconsin, It became the permanent pos sessor of the silver cup which had been offered by A. O. Spaulding. The team which will represent Nebraska next week was selected at a tryout held Wednesday evening. The men composing It will be Bauman (captain), George, Gable, Amber son and JRatcllffe. The best time In the tryout was made by Talon, a fresh man, who covered the five miles In twenty Seven minutes and forty-seven seconds. Talon, on account of the freshman rule, will not be allowed to compete in the race at Chicago. This fall Nebraska does not expect to win the run. The team is not as fast as the one sent east last year, while Wiscon sin and Chicago are both reported to be represented by speedier runners than they had a year ago. Nebraska, however, hopes to finish better than last,, and ought to run even the winners of the first two places a close race. BADGERS WTH FROM GOPHERS Only Score la Tonekdowa by Wla. eensia la First Half. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 7.-Wlsoonsln de feated Minnesota this afternoon In one of the hardest fought games ever played on Northrop field, by a score of 6 to ft. Wis consin scored a touchdown In the first hslf on (t farward pass, but failed to kick goal. Wisconsin would have scored again in the second half had the game been one minute. longer. Moll punted over Johnston's head and Wisconsin got the ball on Minne sota's ten-yard line. Two attacks on the line carried the ball to the Minnesota three yard line, where Wisconsin had the ball when time was called. Minnesota had poor success with the forward pass, while Wis consin worked It to good advantage. John ston was the star of the game, his end runs and line plunges being the feature of the game. Moll played a star game for Minnesota. The teams lined up as follows: MINNBBOTA WISCONSIN. tw OatJtf Drutr Biuna MeMiitrr Hot' Mm Mg'l rettljoks Youdc , OfttrtnS Saflora. .i RoanwaJ4 Gerlhasi !( tuai'har LB ...L.T. ....1,0 C ... n a. ....H t. ....a K ....U B. UM B .It.H.Sj H.T HO... C L.Q .. L T... 1.1... Q B... R H B LHB F.B... McOovars HubbaM Piaufcers Cunnlutfti jiui Cl Wilis r b Official: Referee. tladden, Michigan umpire. Snow of Michigan; fluid Judgu. F Porter, Cornell; head linesman, Fleagsr, Northwestern. Royal Foal Taaraaaeeat. Beginning tomorrow evening at 7:90 o ciock the itoyal pool touriuunent will open between Will Usher and Sam Frledun. Theae players will constitute the tourna ment i Roy White, Will Usher, tlenry Harsch, barn Prince, Sam Ftleden, Con ureener and Jease Reynolds. By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad pages you get ths best results at the leaet expense. KANSAS COMING FOR FIGHT Coach Kennedy Will Try Results with Hit Men in Week. MEN ON QUI VIVE FOR GAME Kebraska rorsaalloas Belag I sea la Scrimmage by Freshntea ta Pre pare First Klevea for Cora k aaker Taetles. LAWRENCE, Kan., Nov. 7. (Special.) Next Saturday Coach Kennedy will take his yet undefeated team of pigskin chasers and travel northward to the camp of "King" Colo and do battle with the strong Cornhusker team. Kennedy will have his team trained to the limit and coached to a point much finer than any time they have been this season. This will bs the first game the Jawhawkera have played outside of Lawrence this year. The Nebraskans will be the first team they have met over which they were not confident of victory. Every man will go Into the game "on his toes" and be in physical condition to "keep up" throughout the full seventy minutes. On the other hand 'Kennedy Is hoping to find In "King" Cole's men an overtrained, over confident team. The Cornhuskers for the last two weeks have been kept on the apex of 'training In order to meet teams of greater strength than the Kansans and It stands to reason they will not be in as good condition when they meet Kansas Saturday as they were when they faced Ames or Iowa. v Although Kennedy will take his team to Lincoln In pink of condition, there Is still a question whether they will be able to hold up against the Nebraskans. This week's practice was badly broken Into by many of the men being away to vote. Mon day and Tuesday were holidays and many of the men were home for the week's end. Kennedy and Mosse returned from the Iowa game with only tales of woe, though by no means discouraged. When ' asked what he thought of Kansas' prospects against either team Coach Kennedy seemed dlsinollned to talk, but Insisted that Kan sas had a chance against either team. Mosse seemed more optomlstlo and said, "Kansas should be able to hold Its own against Iowa if they came out of the Ne braska game In fair condition." Since their return from Iowa City the coaches have been putting In their hardest licks at getting the line to start faster. All season the line has been weak, alerting slow and full of holes. Of late the holes have seemed to mend pretty well, but on offense the men do not taka the aggressive enough The line has been greatly strengthened this week by the return to school of "Red" Burt. "Red" has had a regular position on the 'varsity for two years at end. He has been In the contracting business and that has kept him out of school Although he will not be able to stsi grill of seventy minutes In a game, be invaluable to fill In with. Cal still having trouble with his k, though he reports regularly Tor, It Is doubtful If It would hold game. Stephenson, at full bac knee thrown out this week so keeping him out of practice w It must be something serious can stand no end of punlshme murmur. V. Woods has been table this week. He Is a new 'varsity, but has been a falthf the "scrubs" and If given a c hold his own In a real game. The freshmen have been usl formations In scrimmage aga sity this week and at tlmerf stantial gains with them, pass haa come In this week f its share of attention. Kennel slow to work up this play, tl he Is to moet teams which he his ten yards on straight ball he has finally taken up getlcally the "flipping play." he haa some beautiful format! boys smile when they tell of one but tho regulars know tlons, as all practice this we of the secret order, behind 1 This sort of work, the coach be kept up the remainder of The booting boys continue special workout under the dl tton of Assistant Coach Moss he does not pretend to be turn phonomenal kicker, all the boj ie doje a go. partment are showing ment In this department what Is needed most Is a punter who canj beat forty yards. There Is not much 4oln the place kicking. Bond does fairly well, but that Is all that can be said of him. Dah leno can kick goal from any angle, but he takes more time than a place kicker has. ' More enthusiasm Is being manifested over the Nebraska game than any game thus far ths season.- As no railroad rate could be secured by the management. It Is not probable that many rooters will accom pany the team. This Is most unfortunate, for two years ago when the Jayhawkers journeyed to Lincoln supported by a train load of rooters defeat was turned to vic tory, which turn would doubtless have been taken had the team been alone. When asked about the possibility o a post-season gams between the freshmen teams of the two universities, Manager Lansdon most emphatically denied such arrange ment, stating at the same time that owing to the rules of the school no game can be scheduled for the freshman team other than class games. Foot . ball bugs here would llki tJ sea the two teams get together, as Rouse hss a well drilled team of youngsters who could very likely re deem a defeat that the first team may get at Unco! a. DARTMOUTH BEATS PRINCETON Haaovesr Teana Plays the More Con slsteat Gaasa. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Before a wildly cheering crowd that packed the Polo groun)b, Dartmouth's foot ball team gave Princeton Its first defeat of the season to day, Scoring 10 points to Its opponent's 1 It was anybody's game until the final whistle blew although the men from Han over exhibited the more consistent ball. Plshon, the tiny quarter back he weighs but I2t pounds played brilliantly. In addi tion he directed his team with excellent Judgment. His forward passes brought about the winning score. . Buckingham's short punt had given Dartmouth the ball on Princeton's twenty-yard line. Plshon then oalled for a forward pass and hurled the ball cleanly to Schlldmlller. who dashed across the goal. Immediately before, at the opening of the second half, Princeton secured the ball on Dartmouth's twenty-yard line on a holding penalty. Successive line plunges carried the leather over and Waller kicked goaL Dartmouth's other score came In the first kialf. The ball had slg-sagged back and forth without either side gaining a de cided advantage when Hauley finally got away on a forty-yard run around Prtnoe ton's left end, bringing the leather to the New Jersey men's thirty-two yard line. A few seconds later Sherwln fell back for a drop kick. The angle was diflcult but ha booted the plgshln squarely between the ports. On the whole Dartmouth's victory r 1 i 4 9 was clean cut and Princeton ta more than ever worried over the Tale game next Sat urday. There were fifteen substitutes, three men, Marks, Sparks and Welch, being tsken out for Injuries. Dartmouth. PRINCETON, ft. B Welch ft. T. Boot R. O Bnf fcinjtijm C MrFjIrm U o Willir T Iinr.il U K Joti l Q. B Dlllm ' I R. H XM.I L. H THht F. B MoCrJMa Maaadr (C. U K snnria .... Tobla Rnifta R Bankkart Rlc-h , tMillAmlllnr Plahnn Halr Ine-noll ... Mark! Tw. T. u o ft. 0 .n. r. .R. I O. B. .k. ....R. It. K. II. Touchdowns: Cunningham, Schlllmlller. goals from touchdowns: Waller, R. Benk hsrt; goal from field: Sherwln; substitu tions: Dartmouth, Hohan for Marks; Ryan for Ingesoll; L. Bankhart for BoMllmlller; Greenwood for Hoban; ffeward for Haw ley; Daly for Kennedy. Princeton: Pfelfrer for Head; Cunningham for Ffelfferj Sparks for TIbbott; Csss for Welch; Bamman for Sieglln; Bishop for Sparks; Bergen for Dillon; Gill for Cass; Mclas for QUI. Time of halves: 30 minutes. Referee: Mr. Morlce of Pennsylvania. Field Juda-e: Dr. Williams of Pennsylvania: Head linesman: Mr. Oke son of Lehigh. AMES LOSES GREAT BATTLE (Continued from First Page.) yard line. Hubbard tried to gain through left tackle and was thrown for a small loss. B. Lambert fumbled tho ball on the next plsy and there was no advance. E. Lambert puntod outside tha field of play at Nebraska's thirty-yard line. Nebraska took the ball and Blrkner on a try at tatkle failed to gain. Beltcer at once punted to Hsggen on the Ames forty-yard Mne. Heggen returned the ball fifteen yards. Hubbard circled left wing for eleven yards. G. Lambert added two around the right wing. E. Lambert punted to Blrkner on Nebraska's ten-yard line. He returned the ball fifteen yards. Beltcer punted fifty yards to Heggen on the Ames thlrty-flve-yard line. Heggen fumbled the ball and Chaloupka fell on him before the Ames player could get up to advance the ball. Ames la Peaallsed. E. Lambert attempted a run around Jeft end and made fifteen yards. There was rough playing and Ames was penalised fifteen yards. The ball waa now on the Aimcs twenty-yard line. E. Lambert punted, but the kick was- blocked, and Captain Law of. the Aggies recovered the ball. Ames had played rough ball and was pen alised. The ball was now on the Aggie ten-ye-1 line In the possession of Ames. E. La ..bort punted to Bentley In the center of the field. The Nebraska quarter re turned the ball ten yards. Chaloupka made two yards through right tackle. He added three yards more on the next play. Frum carried the ball between left guard and tackle for three yards. A forward pass, Beltcer to Harvey, was fumbled by the Nebraska captain and re covered by Bentley. The ball was on the .1T1.'V..f'f.t'f"Wyar!l 1ne- Blrkner carried rut DlaV. kick was tried by Beltser fell Into the hands of Hubbard. E. Lam bert made five yards on a run around right end. Hubbard added five more on the same play. E. Lambert drew back as If for a place kick, but Instead of trying this play, he threw the ball to Knox on a for ward pass and he It was carried It to Nebraska's two-yard line, where George Lambert carried the ball over for' a touch down on the next play. Score tlx to- Five. E. .Lambert failed to kick . goal. Score: Nebraska, 6; Ames, 6. Blrkner kicked off to G. Lambert on the Ames ten-yard line. There was a. re turn of fifteen yards. Hubbard circled left end for thirty yards. The ball was In the center T the field. Hubbard' drove through right tackle for five yards. G. Lambert failed to advance on a plug plunge at right tackle. He made ten yards on a run around right end on the next play. Knox failed to gain through right tackle. E. Lambert was thrown for a small loss on an attempted end run. E. Lambert tried to place kick from the Ne braska, thirty yards line. The ball fell at the ten yard line, and Beltcer' took it back ten yards. Chaloupku made three yards through right tackle. Beltser punted forty yards to the Ames forty yard line, where the ball was recovered by Chaloupka. A forward pass from Beltser to Harey was intercepted by Hubbard and the ball went to Ames on Its fifteen yard line. G. Lambert hit right tackle for two yards. E. Lambert was forced to punt and booted the ball to his own forty-flvs yard line. Bentley returned the ball thirty-five yards. Chaloupka made two yards. Belt ser added three yards. Kroger took ths ball over from the two yard line for Ne braska's second touch down. Harvey kicked goal. Score: Nebraaka, 12; Ames, 5. End of First Half. E. Lambert kicked off to Kroger on the Nebraaka goal line. Kroger returned the ball thirty yards. Time was call-d for the first half with the ball In possession of Nebraska on Its thirty yard line. Both teams began the second half with their line-ups ir.tact. Ames waa defending the west goal end had the wind blowing at its back. Blrkner kicked otf to Nalson on the Amee forty yard line. The ball was returned two yards. Hubbard was thrown for a five yard loss on an attempted end run. O. Lambert made twenty yards around left end. A forward pass front Heggen to E. Lambert netted seven yards. Lambert punted forty yards outside of the field of play on Nebraska's tea yard line. Chaloupka waa sent through left tackle for two yards. Beltser followed with two yards. Beltser then punted to Lambert on Nebraska's thlrty-flve-yard line. Lambert returned the bail fifteen yards. Kroger broke through the line on the next plsy and threw G. Lambert for a loss of five yards. Lambert booted an on-side kick out of bounds on the Nebraaka fifteen-yard Una Beltser punted out from behind bis own . ana ulu ottwti1' goal lino to Hubbard on Nebraska's thirty yard line. Hubbard circled left end on the first play, placing the ball on Nebraska a five-yard line. At this point Miner was substituted for Beltser at left hslf. The first play from this point rsrrled E. Lambert over the Ne brsska goal line for a touchdown. It wss a play directed at center. E. Lambert kicked goal. Score: Nebrsska, 12; Ames, 11. Temple Displaces Kroger. Temple was substituted at fullback for Kroger. Blrkner kicked off to Hubbard on the Aggies' flve-ynrd line. Thefast Ata-s right half returned the ball thlny yards. Harto broke through the line and threw Hubbard for a loss of five yards. E. Lam. bert punted to Bentley at the centeT of the field. A forward pass from Miner to Blrkner gave the Cornhuskers twenty ysrds. Ames was penalised five ysrds for orr-sido piny. Blrkner circled left end for seven yards Temple hit the line st center for three more. Temple made five through left tacklo. Blrkner followed with two yards. He added another ard on the next pluy. Chaloupka added five yards. The ball was on the Ames seven-yard line now. It was second down and Nebraska had four yards to make. Blrkner wss given the ball to: carry, but the Aggie line held and the ball went to Ames on Its seven-yard line. I "core Seventeen ta Klevea. Aarglea Tie It l'p. G. Lambert was thrown for a loss on the first play. E. Lambert punted to Blrkner on the Ames forty-yard line. Ames was penalized fifteen yards for rough play; Bentley was hurt, but stayed In the game. A forward pass from Bent ley to Johnson gave the Cornhuskers twenty yards. Temple was thrown for a loss of three yards on the next play. Blrkner made three yards and the ball was on the Ames ten-yard line. Chaloupka was given the ball to carry on the next play and plunged between left tackle and guard for another touch down. Miner punted out from behind the Ames goal line, but Harvey failed to catch the ball, and Nebraska received no chance to kick for a goal. Score: Ne braska, 17; Ames, 11. E. Lambert on the klckoff sent the ball to Nebraska's five-yard line. Blrkner re turned It ten yards. Miner made two yards off tackle. Chaloupka added three yards at the same place. A criss-cross play from Bentley to Miner gave three yards. Miner punted to Hubbard on Ne braska's forty-five-yard line, Hubbard tried an end run, but lost eight yards, being tackled by Johnson. The ball was In the center of the field. Lambert punted out of bounds on Nebraska's thirty-yard line. Blrkner ran around left end for fifteen yards. Miner then tried an onslde kick, which was blocked by Captain Law, who also recovered the ball. Lambert punted over the Nebraska goal line. Soma Fierce Work. Miner punted out from the twenty-five-yard lino to SI Lambert on tho Aaale r-ard line. Lambert carried the ball ten yards. G. . Lambert made two Is off right tackle. Hubbard failed to Lambert punted out of bounds on Nebraska twenty-five-yard line. Miner led back-to the Nebraska forty-yard E. Lambert caught tho punt and with the ball for a touchdown. He fine interference on this running, O. bert and Hubbard getting In good c. E. Lambert kicked roal. Score: raska, 17; Ames, 17. oke was substituted for Bentley at point E. Lambert kicked off to vey on the Nebraska ten-yard line. Nebraaka captain made a return of yards. Cooke on an end .run made t yards. Temple plunged through cen- for six yards. Minor added four yards. :ner circled left end for twenty yards, m made two yards through left tackle. ke added ten yards around left end. raska was pen all rod fifteen yards for lng. Miner puntod to E. Lambert on raska's forty-yard line. There was no rn. ibbard plunged around right end and ) fourteen yards. G. Lambert added t yards. Heggen on a quarterback run five yards. Lambert punted and Ne i secured the ball. Miner ran around nd for two yards. Temple hit center x yards. He added five through the place, but was Injured and had to 'he game. Sturtznegger took his place Uback. Blrkner made five yards. Ne- a was penalized fifteen yards for ig. Blrkner added five yards to the ska gains on an end run. Cooke five more on an end run. Miner 1 to Heggen on the Ames ten-yard Heggen returned the ball thirty yards. Hubbard circled right end for ten yards. He added seven around the same wing. Heggen was thrown for a ten-; ard loss, Johnson tackling htm. E. Lambert circled the right wing for ten yards. Lam bert was forced to kick and punted the ball outside on Nebrsska's twenty-five-yard line. It was a forty-ys.rd punt. Hsrvey carried the ball five yards. Cooke carried It fifteen yards more. Cooke fumbled the ball on the next play and Nebraska lost three yards. Miner punted and E. Lambert returned the ball twenty yards. Nebraska Cinches It. A forward pass from E. Lambert to Hub bard fell Into the hands of Hsrvey. On the first play Cooke took the bal himself to carry and on a long run of forty-five yards placed the ball on the Ames four yard line. This was the run that won the game for Nebraska, for on the next play Sturtznegger was given the ball and car ried It over for another touchdown. Cooke's run was made In the laat three mlnutea of play. Harvey kicked goal from the touch down. Score: Nebraska, 2S; Ames, 17. E. Lambert kicked off to Cooke on the Nebraska ten-yard line. The Nebraska quarter returned the ball twenty yards Miner made five yards on an end run. Time was called at thta point, tha ball I 1 1 i I Don't Worry About Piles Pyramid Pile Cure Will Quickly Re move All the Pain. Suffering: and Discomfoit. Trial Package By Mall, Free. Many people suffer the torture of piles because they have little faith In an ulti mate relief or cure. This condition Is part of tha terrible mal ady called piles. Such an affliction drags the nerves of men and women down to the lowest depths snd gives to mankind s feeHng of despair. Don't permit yourself to become a victim of this melancholy. Pyramid Plls Cure is sold everywhere, by all druggists. It does relieve piles and does this wrk quickly, painlessly and without apparent effort We have thousands of testimonials proving its merits. Go to your druggist todsy and buy a package, or If you feel any timidity or modesty about the matter send us fifty cents, the price of Pyramid Pile Cure, and we will send you a Npackags by mall in plain wrapper. One or two applications wRI prove your case not hopeless, and to give this proof to you send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall In plain wrapper free. Address Pyra mid Drug Co 16J Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, wv . being In the possession ft Ncbtska rn Its thirty-five yard line. NVHRASKA. I AMR" Hrry (U 1 R K IUB. . Rlnmrt I'hAloupk lUrt rolllnt Cwlns Fruii , Johntoil Rentier, Cooks r r. LT..., .Low ' ) ... N1ii:l . Rtlll-Ui .. Muroh' Wllmirt'i .... Kant ... H'S-n r o c. b 3. L.O.... C R O ... R.T.... I. C. la ... .Q. R. iq B Smrinrr R K. b.H... -O. tmhert . . Hubtali PHtpr. Tmpl ,a M. IR H ... V fnmmr U . ..... V B I V a . B. Imim ivirree; npisin iv.ns l nt-pi ., t'inpire: Ralph HoaRland of Princeton. Field judge: Thomj-won of West Point Head linrainan: Siewart of Mlch'an Touchdowns: Krnger, Blrkner, Clialouptia r . . . - . 1.' . Dnln oi uriBiiegKer, , i,imoprt t. ttmui-ii. Goals from touchdowns: Harvey (3). B. Lambert (2). Time of halvea; Thirty-five , ,l i . . ii" timiy minutes KANSAS HA3 EAST VICTORY Washbara Too Light sad No Match for the Jayhaivkers. LAWRENCE, Ksn., , Nov. 7. (Special Telegram.) Washburn was defeated on McCook grounds by a score of 2S to 0. Five thousand people witnessed the game, the largest crowd ever gathered In Law rence for a foot ball game. The game was an exciting one, but from the very beginning it waa plain that the Jay hawkers had the best of It. Kansas played all around Washburn with the ex ception of the forward pass, which the Congregatlonallsts were handyiwlth. They worked the pass five times, making from fifteen to twsnty-flve yards each pass and only lost the ball once. Kansas was too heavy for the blues and they bat tered the Wsshburn line for long gains. Washburn was weak on the defense. Bond, Flske and Dahlene did the best work for Kansas, while Hope, McVey and Bretheur di dthe best work for the Con gregatlonallsts. The game was clean and well played. Both sides played a fierce game and sev eral men were laid out Captain Robb of Washburn was taken out In the mid dle of the last half. Kansas showed up In the game better than was expected by the coaches. Kansas won the toss and choose to kick off the ball, being received by Washburn on their twenty-yard line. Kansas re covered the ball on Washburn's fifty-yard line and from there the Jayhawkers went through the Washburn line for ten and fifteen yards at a clip. Rice carried the ball to the blue's twenty-yard line and by a series bf line bucks Meyers was pushed across for the first touchdown. Dahlene kicked goal.N Score: Kansas, ; Washburn, 0. Kansas kicked off again and In twenty minutes made their second touchdown. The blues braced up and forced the Jay hawkers to punt several times. Wash burn lost much ground because of their poor tackling. The Jayhawkers' klckoff was received on Washburn's twenty-five-yard line. Kansas University tried a place kick for goal, 'but failed. Washburn kicked to Kansas, who lost the ball on a fumble on their fifty-yard line. From here Mc Vey made a sensational thirty-yard run through a broken field and with a line buck advanced the ball on the Jayhawk ers' fifty-yard line. Washburn lost the ball on down. Kansas began here and made a touchdown, going the full length of the -field, pushing Flske over for the second touchdown. Dahlene kicked goal. Score: Kansas, It; Washburn, 0. In the second half the Washburn team showed the . effects of hard work and were worn out. Bond went In for Kan sas and his long gains enabled Kansas to score a touchdown after eight minutes of play. Rice carried the ball over on an end run, but Bond missed goaL Wash burn rallied and kept the ball In Kansas territory until near the end of the half, when 'Kansas by several gains thorugh center scored the final touchdown one minute before the game ended. Bond tak lng the pigskin over and then kicked goal. Final score: Kansas, 23; Washburn, 0. The lineup: KANSAS. Pleaunt RMd WASHBURN. . .L. t. B. K WUIUma. Robb ..LOIr.q Templtton. I McKnlgnt Randall Ctrla Rice WooS Crowcll (C.) Johnioii, Steele... Merrn, Bond ... YUk .. T. R. T fosur ... .Clo Whitney, Codding .R. K.IU E. La rnier Keitir ..R. u. L. O... ..R. T. ,..r. b. ..U H. R. H. L. T..., Codding, Mum fori r. B Hops R. H . Siuiiur BrathH'ir Dthlens .r. ii ir. b. Umpire: BonfUMd. Referee: Master. Heed linesman: Hsrper. F1e't judge: Wsde. Time of halves: Thlrtv-flve minutes. Touchdowns: McVey, Fiske, Bice, Bond. Goals: Dahlene (2). Bond. Weight: Kan sas, 170 pounds; Washburn, 158 pounds. LINCOLN PLAYS OMAHA AGAIN High School Teams Will Meet Week from Next Saturday. The Lincoln High school foot ball team comes to Omaha for the return game with the Omaha High school November 21. They will come to this city determined to win and there is little doubt that the game will be one of the most closely con tested that Omaha has seen. The locals have not been' scored on this year and they will try to finish the season with their slate clear. That this will be no easy matter the boys all realise. Next Saturday they will meet the fast Council Bluffs team at Diets park. This game will undoubtedly be as hard-fought as the Uncoln contest, for the boys from across the river have a wonderful team. They comblns speed with weight. ' By holding the famous Ha Grove team, champions of Iowa, down to a I to 0 score they accom plished something which no other team has been able to do and demonstrated that they are probably the strongest team In Iowa aside from Ida Grove. Monday ths high school students will hold a big mass mooting to celebrate" the victory. LAJOIE'S NEW TRAINING PLAN No Exhibition Games for Naps Next Sprlag. CLEVELAND. O.. Nov. 7. Manager La- Jole of the Cleveland team has sprung the latest training Innovation. "No exhi bition gsmes for the Naps during the training season," says Lajole. The Naps will spend the early part of the spring in Mobile, and will then jump to New Or leans after the Philadelphia Americans have finished their stay at that point. V rom ew vnvMii iiib nap win u Uiftj . . . . ill rectiy to me city meir season is scneauiea to open In without any games being played on the road. Lajole believes that ths ben efit of a straight six weeks' series of work together will do his players far more good than Jumping around the country playing exhibition games. STEVENS YALE TENNIS CAPTAIN Jaalor Elected for Vomlaa; Year la aatera College. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 4T.-N. C. Stevens, a junior, has been elected captain of the Yale university tennis tesm for the coming yesr. He has played on the var sity team for two years. Stevens Is pre. pared . for college at St. Paul's school, Concord, where he won the school cham pionship. Skoot at Wall Lake. MAR8HALLTOWN. Ia., Nov. T. (Soe cial.) An important sporting eent to trap shooters snd hunters of north central Iowa opened today at VaU lake when sportsmen from Wsterloo, Iowa Kalis. Cedar KiipUin, Ksgle Grove. Webster City, Mason City. Clarion, Belmont Williams, Colt. Kldura. Steamboat Kock and Lxjw gatehrs fur a two days' trap shoot and for the purpose of organising an sssoclatlon to taks csre of and preserve Wall Lake bunting preserve. The lake is a famous duck ground and It Is the Intention to erect lodges s4 caoiplug grounds for members use. . It's common sense to wear the newest style. Then you're in no danger of hav ing your style wear out be fore the cloth. The models we show are autrmr. Itatlve and secured direct fnm fashion centers. Many of them won't appear In "readymadea" until six to twelve months later. You'll be surprised at the styin and distinction we put lino $25 all-wool suits made to your measure. Guaranteed Al paca or serge lining. 1515 Fxnmi5t.Onuht 4kSaI2jSt.IAncoln EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THE SPECIALISTS The Austrian-American System of Treatment is Nothing Less Than Marvelous. AUSTRO-AMERICAN DOCTORS Continue to Give Free Treatment and ( Free Medicines To All PHn fa it Is fortunate Indeed that these famous specialists with the Austria-American sys tem of treatment are permanently located In Omaha. They are bringing health an! happiness Into hundreds of homes In this community. They are curing people who could not be cured were It not tfr this system of treament. V Patients who have long suffered v'-ir stomach and kidney trouble, others who have the painful rheumatism, some suffer ing with gall-stones, some with asthma, sll are being permanently cured by these great specialists. By the marvelous Austrian American treatment, all forms of chronic and nervous diseases of men and women are cured. The generous offer mads by the special ists on the occasion of their opening a week sgo Is still good, in fact it will re main In force until November 20th. All patients taking treatment before the 20th, will receive a month's treatment absolutely free of cost. Not only free examination and consultation, but free medicines and free treatment. Even-thing free for one month to everyone taking treatment before November 20th. . Every man and woman In Omaha and m vicinity who Is sick owes It to himself or' herself to consult with these great special ists. With the most successful treatment known In America they can make you well. They do this at moderate cost. The charges they make are a mere fraction of what noted specialists usually charge. They say that they aim to make the cost of being well within the reach of everyone. Now, regardless of the moderate charges, they are giving a month's treatment free to all patients taken before November 20th. The Austro-Amerlcan-Doctors-Speclallsts are permanently located on fourth floor of the Ramge building, opposite Orpheutn theater. Office hours to 12, 1 to J. Pride in Clothes , It la a commendable trait In any man to feel proud of bis clothes, tw4 insist upon neatness In style and com fort In fit. The man whom you in tuitively note In a crowd or on the street as "well-dreBsod" Is not always an extremist In style nor need he bo cvtravss-ant In his plnthpa exnendlturtA The well-dressed man wears clothe aeii im, be- that attract attention, but not criticism. In shade, style and fit bis clothes be speak good taste. Whether he Is a man with sufficient leisure and inclination to study styles and harmony In general effect, or wise enough to select a tailor on whom he can implicitly depend for candid, unbiased advice in the selec tion of material, shade and style, the ( prestige which good clothes give the wearer is 1118. HE receives all the credit of the good Judgment displayed. Next to pride in your clothes is the satisfaction you feel in the reputation and skill of your tailor. Molony pa trons are numbered among the best known and best dressed business and professional men of Omaha. Molony takes just a4 much interest in your suit aa you do, In its fit, style and gen eral excellence. He personally takes the measurements and cuts the gar ment. Drop in and talk the matter over with him. You can easily satisfy yourself that Molony is the man tm make your clothes. Old Viceroys Whiskey EXPRESS PREPAID 4 FULL QUARTS $3, 00 8 FULL QUARTS $5.00 tHEE-Oold tipped glaui souiyle bottlvs aud eurk- ttd or money back, iiac t ilnpped ia plain bo. Makt sll rsnuttsncc snd orders w ni mus st JOHN BRUCE HsiiissCltt Ho I! n m