D Educational Value . i w.. .?v;- ..;;&MHr Wfclv : - - PREPARINO . HEN the oldlen puied ahn( ATI Farnam street during tha laet I VV I Ak-Sar-Bcn parade In Omaha, inpy were receivea witn cneer and applause, but when the Second cavalry gave lta exhibi tion di ills at Fort Omaha the show was witnessed by thousands dally, and the ap plause and commendation given to the army was unlimited. The men had re turned from a hard period of drill and maneuvers at Fort Riley, and from a mili tary tournament at 8t Joseph, Mo that had been run on a strictly commercial basis. They were a little bit more than dlPRruntied at the latter, and a general feeling of Indignation pervaded the whole regiment. The show at St. Joseph had been a great success In every way, but the men disliked being put on exhibition like a circus. In Omaha, where everything . was free, the spirit that pervaded the , troops was in marked contrast to that In which they came here. They were treated aa guests by the citizen, and made to feel welcome wherever they went, and no one was securing a large profit from their presence In the city. Their share of the celebration was to add to the street dis play, and they did It willingly. It la now proposed to make the presence of the soldiers an annual feature of Ak-Sar-Ben If possible. The officers of higher rank in the army are Inclined to favor the public display of the different branches of the service whenever proper, but nearly an object to being made part of a aho that Is conducted for private gain. The Ak-Sar-Ben festival I. devoid of this ob- Jectionable feature, and the Importance of from the veryday routine of their Uvea nd tn PeP'e njoyed them greatly. The sport., which of themselves are but a pirt pense they receive Is their .regular monthly chief of staff of the Department of the for the real work of military evolution.. Omaha, as a headquarter for the army in their multitude of camp and garrison troop were feted and feasted with the of the play of the army. The physical de- tlpend a. .oldiers, which they would get MUsouri, says: "The military tournament I sincerely deprecate the commercial fea make. It comparatively easy to get the duties. It enable, them to .how their erreate.t liberality and a rrost cordial feel- velopment of the soldier Is one of the without the extra amount of hard work Is a good thing, both for the army and the ture of the tournament. All of the. ex troop, here for the fall festivities Since mettle in hor.omanshlp and In the various ,r wa" thu enerated between th troops vital parts of his training and thfs is only they must do to make money for some- public. It give, the public an Idea of what' hibltions should be absolutely free to the the show closed the matter ha. been dls- athletic exercise, and .ports that constl- and cltiiens." - accomplished by the encouragement of body else. Even where prl.c. are offered, the army really i. and what It can be public. No one should be permitted to cussed quite a little among those most In- tute a part of these tournaments, aa well Lieutenant Colonel Frank F. Eastman, such athletic diversions as combine both they get but an insignificant part of the made to be by a course of Judicious train- make any money out of them. They should terested, and an effort ha bean mad by a. demonstrating an efficiency of drill chief commis.ary of the Department of work and play." priie. I do not believe that a .ingle per- Ing. Practically all of the different fea- not be given as a show or circus, behind The Bee to eour some expression of th In the different' branche of th service. I the Ml.souri. say. of the tournament fea- A civilian attache of the army who has son wa. Induced to become a .oldler of ture. of the tourn.ment are a part of or within a closed arena. If more of thes attitude of the army officer toward, th .peak wholly from a military standpoint, ture: "I think they are a good thing, had more or less to do with many of the the regular army by these tournaments, the regular course of the army drill and tournaments were hold In time, of peac proposition. In th main they favor It. and do not feel qualified to expre an It gives th public a good idea of what recent military tournament, held in the On the other hand I wa. told In one In- discipline, and It Is a wrong presumption than at present the public would get a "Divested of it. commercial feature th opinion upon the merit, of U tournament, th army really Is. It show, to the pub- west expressed an emphatic disapproval of stsnce where half a do.en young men who to assume that these spectacular exhlbl- better conception of what the array really military tournaments of th regular army from th standpoint of th public aide. I lie the fine training that 1. given the men, the tournament feature. He eay: "It 1 had seriously contemplated entering the tlons are brought about by a system of Is. and more young men would be drawn are to be commended" .ays Brig am free to admit that to mak th tourna- whereby their physical development Is demoralizing to the enlisted men. The army were Induced to abandon the Idea of extra training and v.ork for the enlisted Into It. There are plenty of opportunltle. General Charles Morton commanding tu a commercial enterprise, to charg shown at it. best. I am also disposed to practicing for the tournaments Involves an enlistment under th presumption that they men. It is a regular pert of their military In the army for young men. Promotion Department of the Missouri. "The tourna- admleslon to these tournament., 1. open think that It creates an esprit de corps Immense amount of hard work for the would be required to undergo the severe training. The tournament. If made a part follow, merit more closely In the army menu glv th public an idea of the extent to criticism. I recall an experience In among th men and a disposition to men which must be done In connection special training to take part in tourna- of the regular annual maneuvers Instead than in any other vocation. Many of th of training that la given the men of the tournament work in th Coeur d' Alene friendly rivalry In all departments of army with their otherwise arduous military da- ments in addition to the regular military of being undertaken after the men have great of our army leaders rose from th mruiar rmv and brines the armv into closer contact wtlh th public. I am In- Curious Capers of Cupid A Btrenaoaa Wooer. HE way to marry a apiriteo I woman who say. aar to on I I proposal 1. to pay no attention A I . -li 1a m.. ihft IUVI Kut mm Just to go ahead and wed her. Landon T. James of Cleveland, Baltimore A Ohio engineer, nand. out ttiu advice. James ought to know. The young widow he loved had him arrested twice when he put hi. theory Into practice. Th object of his tender regard complained that he broke In her door to make her sign, an application for th marriage license. On top of this comes th announcement that th wedding la aet for Monday, Jamea wore a smile as wide a his collar when he set out on hi. locomotive run Wednes day. In court, when Junes wa. tried, It did not look a bit like Jame wa. going to win. He got a suspended workhouse sen tence and heavy fine, on two charge, and wa. told if he did not suspend hi. per emptory sort of wooing th suspended sen tences would get unauspended immediately. But Jamea' method, of wooing had al ready had their affect. Tuesday evening, according to announcement from the Balti more & Ohio yards. Mr. Mamie Johnston, 20t7 West Fourteenth street, who 1. the object of Jamea affection, telephoned him. She told him he might calL He did In a hurry. Telephoned-at 7:45 p. m. Arrived at house 7:64 p. m. Admitted at 7;W4 p. tn, Joke Wedalaar slay Eal Happily. The .ensailonal Joke wedding, or .up posed ' mock marriage, participated In at Sunbury, Pa., by Arthur Orr, th son of a prominent Pittsburg railroad official, and Miss Maud Elohelberger, daughter of a well known Lewtaburg family, which th surprised couple found had legally mad them man and wife, may have the story book ending, "and they lived together happily aver afterwards. " Orr never met the young lady until both arrived at Sunbury a. guest, at a wedding and then got married in a spirit of Jost. believing that because the young lady had given an assumed nam that th tying of th nuptial knot would not be binding. Who Orr left for his Pittsburg borne h stated that conditions would have to re main unchanged until he acquainted hi. father with what had occurred and hi. fu ture action would follow th decision of his family as to what course he would pursue. It did not deny that b wa engagsd to marry a Pittsburg girl, merely saying: "Isn't tul. a pretty mess tor a fallow to get tangled hi to all through a Joker When nffort wa. made to Interview Mis. Elchelberger at her bom at Lewis burg it was said that ah would Joav nothing to .ay concerning th wedding or what .he was going to do ftbout It A sister when approached reluctantly said: "They knew Just what they were doing and we don't consider It a. a Joke." Continuing .he stated that Orr wu ex pected to arriv at Lewlaburg from Pitts burg en Saturday and that her sister would more than likely accompany him back to hi. boom. . Th bride', father evaded ' all IX" EX FOR THH CX)OK. ft' 4 'if0'.-. lined to bailer that the men of the army n1ov these tournaments. It 1. a reliof country .ome year ago. wher tn com- munlty In which thl. tournament was question, concerning bis daughter', atrange escapade. It 1. believed by a number of friend, of the ooupl that an effort will be made, aa the easiest way out of the predicament, to have parental approval to let the wed ding atand and have another wedding cere mony performed, using the bride, right nam. 4 Mafera Rosneo ana Jall4. "Hello, Juliet." .aid th Chicago boy. "Hello, Romeo." answrd th English girl. And then .he ran. Th Chicago boy was Arthur Bloodgood Tuttl. .on of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fay Tuttle of 6S30 Jefferson avenue. The English girl was Miss Elizabeth WhltUker, daughter of the late Sir Joseph Wnlttaker of Lon don. Th seen wa th courtyard of a Liverpool hotel. Th time was late In the month of JMly last. Last week Mr. and Mr. Tuttl mad th following announce ment: ' "Mr. and Mrs. W. Tay Tuttle, SS Jef ferson avenue, announce th marriage of their son, Arthur Bloodgood Tuttle, to Ills. Elisabeth Whlttaker, daughter of th late Sir Joseph Whlttaker of London, Eng land, which took place September 18.'" The story which led to the announcement 1. one of the romantic one. for which those ever faithful lover, of history Romeo and Juliet have been responsible to date, and its telling bring to mind th day. of th knight and ladle, and their flower of romance and chivalry, Arthur Bloodgood Tuttl, ot yet 10 year, of age, but on of the promising young architects of th city, sailed on July 18 last with a party of young architects, bent on a tour of th world. According to plans, th boy. were to spend a year traveling through the various countries sightseeing and atudying architecture. One week later found them In Liverpool. Toung Mr. Tuttl .had purchased a wheel just before leaving America, which he had taken along that be might get to nooks and crannies lewher difficult to reach, Th day after landing In Liverpool he donned wheeling clothes, snatched a cake of milk chocolate, lighted a clgaret, took his wheel out of Its packings, and prepared to start for a long and early morning .pin. For Just a few momenta he hesitated In the courtyard of the hotel, and while he hesi tated he munched his chocolat and blew puffs of clgaret smoke. Presently he glanced upward. At a second story window stood a dainty bit of English femininity. "Hallo, Juliet." .aid young Mr. Tuttle be tween tnunuhaa. "Hello, Romeo, cam th answer. And then th Men of th story shift id. Miss Whlttaker, whoa parent have been oad aom year, was at th hotel under th chaperonag of aa aunt, and no sooner had ah responded to the handsome Chi cago youth than, overcome with fear of her own temerity, she sought her aunt and poured out th story of her act. Ques tion brought out the description of th youth and what he was doing. "Then," .aid the aunt, "he la an Ameri can and you must not meet him again." This order because little Miss Whlttaker tiro and again not only had declared tn favor of Americans, but bad registered a ,'H V. Jf . vkrf- TIIE OMAHA of Military Tournaments to ' y : I .y.- m J i '7 CAMP STABLES OF THD SECOND CAVALRT. given furnished the tournament ground, tree of cost. The exhibition, were free work, witn a very lew exceptions the work of the tournaments Is but a part of vow that If ever shi wed she would choose from America's met.. Young Mr. Tuttlo proved worthy a. an American wooer. He sought hotel ac quaintance, with n other object In view than to meet the gUl of the window, and the next day was rewarded with an intro duction. Two das later the courtship, continuing with the rapidity which had characterized its beginning, blossomed Into a betrothal and architecture, English or Otherwise, was forgotten. In September the young man cabled hi. parent, his intention to wed. The two families counseled and the wedding took place September 18, one week later. Evolution of the Airship (Continued from Page One.) th well known names of Lebaudy and Zeppenn. It was a French-Brazilian ama teur, Santos-Dumont, who first broke the spell of general disbelief in balloon propul sion near the end of last century, when he boldly put one of the new tricycle gasoline motor, aboard a one-man airship. He had not learned enough of what was then known about Renard's work, and even when hi. fifth model brought him at last gratifying success there remained .till a faujty suspension and other radical construction error, to remedy. Yet he attsUned a higher velocity because hi. motor was at least .even time, more powerful for It, weight than Renard's. At about the same period Count Fer dinand von Zeppelin, with splendid bold ness, struck out In an entirely new de parture In airship construction. He did not need to learn from Renard; he did not have the same difficulties to face, because they were eliminated at the very outset by making the whole gas vessel, rigid like the hull of a .hip on the water. The ex perience of no predecessor could help him to correct his mistakes; they were new and of their own kind. When at last proper motors and transmission, had been Ins tailed, and th right form for th rudder been decided on, only th addition of Renard'. .tabllzlng plane, a description of which ha. been published, was needed to make his airship an overwhelming success. That greatest discovery of Renard'. was really very simple, and still no other ex perimenter had ever clearly recognized Its Importance In driving the ship at high peed. The dlecovery In brief wa a fol low.: At a certain velocity, celled by Renard th critical velocity, the airship a previously constructed would begin to pitch .0 violently that Its progress became retorted. Instead of piercing the air only with It bow It would throw more or less It whole broadside against the wind. Renard found that simple horizontal planes In the rear would completely eliminate this trouble. Bantos-Dumont's well known small air ships were In a measure in th class of toy and war limited to flights of about two hour at th most, of quit moderate speed and Imperfect In many ways. Tet they went far to convert the masse to th Idea that airship were after all not hope less. But to obtain really practical result. In endurance as well as speed and carry. Ing capacity greater dimension were first of all required. With Zeppelin they had com as a nat ural consequence of th new system; a small gas capacity could never have lifted the rigid hull of his airship. But the big Lebaudy balloon first realised tn long SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 8, 190S. 1 BABDLEMAKER 18 ALWAYS BtiST. ,5"" ,' the regular training of the army. The ex- ception. being In a few of the athletlo ties, anen again me men are averse to being made part of a show for which an t unsatisfied dream of the old-fashioned flexible balloon a. a perfectly dirigible air craft. It mounted a motor of over forty horse power a stronger motor than had ever before been placed aboard a balloon. Much careful thought had been given to the question of steering, and the rudder wa. not only placed most advantageously, but It was also helped by stationary planes. As an Intuitive' anticipation of Renard's discovery large horizontal planes were pro vided for steadying purposes. Indeed, they were not only In the most efficient position, but they also served to stiffen the balloon. That feature elimi nated the necessity for a long frame, the car being not larger than that of a spher ical balloon. Much needless air resistance wa. thu. disposed of. The .hip soon developed great speed pos sibilities, but only by the addition of the Renard plane, at the rear end could the best 'results be realized. When the gov ernment later placed orders for the two new Lebaudy. which have since been con structed, the Patrie and the Republique, the only improvements made were to add stronger motors and more spacious cars. In the mranflme another big successful French airship had appeared, all the more In.erestlng because it represented., a very different type. Originally planned as an Imitation of Santos-Dumonl'a craft by his friend,' M. Deutsch de la Merthe, It got rid of the shortcomings of the original model, thanks to the cleverness with which Its designer, Mr. Kapfen.r, availed him self of all the valuable data which Colonel Renard hud then Just given to the world. Instead of steadying planes there was a row of gas 'Inflated tubes at the rear end of the bag, serving efficiently the same end. Renard had himself suggested this Idea. He had also pdunned the large Renard propeller In front, like that of La France. In appearance it had a trim, shiplike effect. This craft, named Vllle de Paris, after making a number of pleasure trips with guests, including women, wus presented to the French government. Enough has already been said about the Zeppelin airship to point out that it is de cidedly in a class by Itself. Really it is by far the simplest dirigible because its principle eliminates at the outset all those Ingenious compromise, by which the In herent weaknes. of the common balloon made Into a self-moving craft had to be overcome. The Zeppelin Improvements con cerned chiefly stronger motors, greater dia . placement, larger rudder area and tha placing of these rudders. Incidentally the accommodations for pas senger, were gradually made more spacious by connecting the two carss or rather en gine rooms with an enclosed gallery and building a regular windowed cabin In the center of the latter. In many successful airships the Zeppelin has carried a num ber of passengers, chiefly on that moat enjoyable air voyage of twelve hours ihrought the wonderland of the Swiss mountains and lakea. Other German balloons are also Interest ing. In so far as they overcome the diffi culties of the French in an original fash ion. The reascn why so far all elongated -gas bag. required a long rrame as a help toward keeping them in shape was the necessity of bringing the car well up to the bag to prevent It from awlnglr th whole fabrio Ilk a pendulum. Major von Parseval Invented a strikingly clever de vice for completely eliminating this objec tion and making a low suspension possible. HI balloon la stiffened solely by ga 1. . .-v., - . r. , ..... i itAf,- .. , i. '?f?rt!W?"Oir-; rf-i""' - -l "'1 ' ' V';!'1 lent feature both for the discipline of the Mf4 M Sti&t army and for the entertainment of the 'iV V'r'.LyiJ':;'.;;.y-1W,-. . 1 .. V'-" public. Many thousands of people saw and 'JtHf-i-r- '''i V. . ,;'-'?i'ii enjoyed the military tournaments at St. Si&d kU1'? 4V-W,S Jo-Ph. It was educational and gave them '.Ai'e.'f .f-;'.m:V r.t-m-. - Y -VTi- ri new conception of what a well trained rWi army means. The tournament bring, the t'fe directly to the people. It Is a wrong conception entirely to presume that the , V'uVa :if ll?Z4kktYXl?y''-'' 'f''ViV?;V- .;MC'V-. different movements executed by the troop, of cavalry, companies of infantry. 1&VM batteries of artillery, engineer and signal 'iNVff.yJ:; --TS. V--J cor-p. are but fancy evolution, to entertain. TROOPER AND MOUNT ARE GOOD admission fee is charged and of which they are to receive no part. The only recom- duties, it is a question wnemer inene tournaments actually encourage or dls- , pressure, maintained by two air balloonet. Inside, and It can of course be packed away when deflated with all the ea.e of a spherical balloon. Nor are there any .tiff rleces to break or become deranged In the case of an unfavorable landing. Long suspension rnpes distribute evenly over the whole length of the bag the weight of the short car far below to the center. Still, the French Idea of aeml-rigld con struction and its manifest success has taken a deep root in the mind of the aerial naval architect. The German military de partment Is proceeding along the same line, lit It. own official experiment., and .0 are all the other European nation. The English In their last model are even exaggerating the French flat bottomed feature. They have left off the Renard planes altogether. The form of their ga. bag is cylindrical, with blunt, rounded ends, giving lightness and lift The ma terial gold beaters' skin the lightest and strongest In existence and also very dura ble, Is an English specialty, and so I Its re-enforcement by cloth bands. The first English ship of the same name had seemed rather deficient In speed, and In this regard the second promises to be a decided Improvement. It seems yet rather early to guess at the probable type of a distinctively American ship of the air. In points of merit the Bald-' win design may be said to have now sur passed all other new rigid constructions. Th speed for Its size is phenomenal. It is noteworthy that Captain Baldwin ha been able to Imitate the German rubber ized balloon cloth to perfection, while even the French had been obliged to buy It. His statement that he sees in a combina tion of the Zeppelin and the aeroplane th perfect airship of the future should com mand serious attention. It doea, in fact, seem that Count Zeppelin may yet very largely increase the area of his horizontal rudder, which he is already fond of using aa aeroplanes. Instead of ascending toy gas lift he pre fer, to allow his cars to float on a flat sur face with a surplus load; then starting hi. screws and setting his planes he skims Into the air obliquely, exactly as Farnam wheels Into it. Many scientists believe that In tha future that rombinatlon of the balloon will be dominant. Even now the Idea Is increasing In favor that the airship of the future for popular use will be some such combination of the dirigible and the aeroplane, a machine easy to control, rapid In flight, and possessing such automatic safety devices aa will enable its passenger, to embark without fear In any ordinary weather. la the t'oatrtu of tha Fntor. The honorable member from the Third district of Arlxlco arose to address the house. "Mr. Speaker," he said, "to revive an ancient and obsolete slogan, I wish to say that the old qiestijn still confronts us 'Blia 1 the peop'e rul'T " Instantly a multitude rf women, who had pa. Wed the galleries, rose to their feet, waved banneis and sltouUd; "Tiiev don't!" "Half of the peop'e are dlsfranch'sadt" "Votes for women!" "filv us the ballot!" "We demand our right!" "Buffi sue for women!" "Glv us the baulot!" "Vote for Women!" "Women demand their rights!" The speaker ordered the galleries cleared, but there were not enough men to enforo the order. The session broke up In confu sion and the honorable member, fled for their lives. The American suffragetl bad broken loose. CUloi e Xrtbuae. the General Public ' v. f- . I T ' . ... ... 'f MENDINO THID SADDLES. li 4 FRIENDS. courage enlistment. In the army." Lieutenant Colonel William P. Evans, monv iruuSu mo i .-i-u tn the maneuver camps would remove th Quaint Features of Life It Happened In Church. SOUTHERN clergyman tell, the ifk 1 following amusing story:' I After the morning sermon one ounauy ne naa reaa ine notices for the week and then an nounced the elnalnsr hvwin num. bur so-and-so. At that moment one of the deacons came down the aisle and the minister paused to hear what he had to say, which wa that the pastor had for gotten to give notice of a meeting of tho women of the congregation. Accordingly, the divine gave the notice, apologized to the congregation for hi. for getfulnes. and then again announced the number of the hymn and proceeded to read it His feeling, and ' those of the congregation may be Imagined when ho began: " "Lord, wa I!' " What a thoughtles wretch 4 A Savin it Mission. A minister was deeply Impressed by an address on the evils of smoking. He rose from his seat, went over to a fellow min ister and said: "Brother, this morning I received a pres ent of 100 good cifrais. , I have smoked one of thorn, but now I'm going home and burn the remainder." The old minister rose and aald It was his Intention to accompany his reverend brother. "I mean tn rescue the ninety and nine," he added. t'onvolatlon. The Fulton (Kan.) Gazette reports that a minister of that city was moved by the grief of a husband whose wife was to be burled and sought to commiserate him In the following manenr: "My brother. I know that this la a great grief that has overtaken you, and, though you are compelled to mourn the loss of this one who was your companion and partner In life. I would console you with the assur ance that there la another who sympathise with you and seeks to embraco you In th arms of unfailing love." To this the bereaved man replied by ask ing, as he gazed through tears Into the minister's face: "What's her name?" Couldn't Promise. , Cyrus Townsend Brady, the author and clergyman, told a story about charity; It was a story that might appropriately be headed "Cautious Advice." Substantially, It I a. follows: "A millionaire," .aid Dr. Brady, "lay dying. He had lived a life of which as he now looked back on It ha felt none too proud. To the minister at hie bedside he muttered weakly: " 'A I leave $100,000 or so to the church will my salvation be assured?' "The minister answered, cautiously: " 'I wouldn't like to be positive, but If well worth trying.' " Aa Iasaertlueat laestla. Here', a story as related by the lat General Fltxhugh Lee: "I never discus marriage without thinking of an old colored preacher 1n my tat who wss -addressing big dark-skinned congregation, when a whit man arose In the back of the building. "Mr. Preaoher.' .aid th wait man. 3 objection, to them as Inflicting additional work on the- army, both rank and file. Under no circumstances should the regular army mllltvy tournaments be given for pay. Tnjfcy should be free exhibition, for the benefit of the public. This would b more satisfactory to both rank and file and to the public a. well. I do not think that the men are averse to taking part In these exhibitions. On the other hand, they rather enjoy them, as it give, them an opportunity to display their skill and train ing and it atlmulates both a regimental, and company pride. I do not think that It in any degree detracts from enlistments, but wou'd rather think that It ia. a tend ency to encourage enlistment.." Major D. E. McCarthy, chief quarter master of the Department of the Missouri, say.: "My observations lead me to think that the military tournament Is an excel- They are a part of the regular training of the army In 1U everyday life. Of course there are a few Incidental exception. In the fancy drills by a troop of cavalry, for Instance, but even these are part of the disciplinary work which perfect, the men . . that did forty and fifty year, ago." 'you are talking abeut Cain, and you say he got married In the land of Nod, after he killed Abel. But the Bible mention only Adam and Eve as being on earth at that time. Who, then, did Cain marryt' , "Tha colored preacher snorted with un feigned contempt. 'Hugh!' he said, 'you hear dat, brederen an' sisters? You hear dat tool question I am axed? Cain, ha went to de land o' Nod Just a de Good Book tells us, an' in de land o' Nod Cain gll. so lazy an' so shif'less dat he up an marries a gal o' one o' dem no count pore white trash families dat de inspired apos tle didn't consider flttln' to mention In de holy word.' " A Stunning- Prayer. A dignified negro divine, pattor of a popular church at Washington, D. C, vis ited his old horn in Dooly county, Georgia, recently and waa Invited to preach on Sunday at the local church. After such a sermon aa only a negro can preach he called on one of the old deacons, who had known him In childhood, to lead In prayer and the latter closed his petition aa fol lows: "O Lawd, gib dl. pore brodder de eye ob de eagle dat he spy out de sin afar off. Glue his ban' to Ue gospel plow. Tie hi. tongue to de plowllne ob trufe, an' uall hi. ye re to de wi'les. telefoam pole ob salvation. Bow his head 'way down In d narrer, dark valley, where much prayer Is wanted; den, O Lawd, 'nolnt him wlf de kerosene lie of sanctiflcatlon and set him on fiah!" , Comforting; Sleepers. Here' a story wherein a man' service with the Pullman service came him in good stead. He took the position of a former sexton who had been arrogant, boliterous and Irreverent. To dd the wrong thing at a wrong moment waa his spe cialty. Ho retired at the end of the year, by request of the trustees. The new sex ton wa a negro gentleman, and from th very first gave Intent satisfaction. Hi movements wrr as soft as a cat'a, door, were never slammed, nor did he open win dows with a bang. "Where did that man receive hi. train Ing?" asked the elated pabtor one evening while attending a meeting of the trustee. "In the Pullman service.' grunted a member who was battling th hay fever, "where he was taught to have a regard for the comfort of sleepers." I'nrle lterans' Memorial Fund. An association haa been organized In At lanta having for It. object the preserva tion of the home where the folklore atorle were written, where th best yeara of th delightful author were spent The hop 1 to secure a sum large enough to dedi cate that home to the children, and grown ups, too, who cherish the Uncle Remus stories, and to maintain It perpetually as one of tha shrines of the southern people. Atlanta la contributing freely toward th fund and Alabama U full of people who take delight In recalling the word of th lovable writer and philosopher. All con tribution should be sent to Secretary J.. O. Lester, Empire building, Atlanta, Tha fund 1 Increasing, and th hop la that th association will not be foroed ta a. peal altogether to far-away peopl.