Rand Gold Mines 7 7SS - &7 7 Q 7; f 4 - i- ? wit (Copyright, J90S, by Frank O. Carpenter). iOMAWiWUHW-hpkiii Lor- r!ponaonce or iti ti.j lane out your watch, hold it to your ear and llKien to the tlcka. Far every one of them M wor:h of ;il!ow sold la now coming out .at mlnea under my feet. That ... .i.i; mcasuro of the stream and it guei on te.ond after aecond, minute after mln u.o, hour afler hour, day and ntght, ar lh year through. Tha steady output ol li.u gald mines of the Hand la now (4 1'tr s.cor.d, Kto rer minute, more than fHtfi) per hour and over $MO,0Cp per. day. In VM the product was more than $130, Kv.OCO, or more than 111,030,000 worth of V.m yellow metal every month. Ti-nnsvanl'a Golden Flood. In t.U li.'s'.ory there lias been no such WJliIon f.ooJ a that which Is now pour )!'. forth from the Transvaal. The mines of U.CU, of Cro uo and of Bolomon were as noth.ng- bcsMe It. The treasures of Mtxlco flnJ Peru in the times of Cortes an P.sarro dwindle in comparison, and Australia, Alaska and California have had Kothinff like unto this. The mines of the Hand are now producing more than one fourth of all the new gold in the world. They were discovered only a little more than twenty years ago and they have al ready turned out more than S1,0U0,UX,000 worth of bullion. This is equal to ono twelfth of all the gold from all the mines of all the world since Columbus discovered America. In weight it is Just about U00 tons, or so much that if you loaded it on two-horse wagons at a ton to the wagon It would take line of teams twelve or fifteen mile long to carry It all. More than this, these mlnea promise to continue pouring out gold tor generations to come. They could produce twice as much today If they had the labor and they could treble that amount and keep the mines going for years. The gold reefs In which the precious metal lies have b en proved for a length of more than sixty miles and experts say that they can be worked to a depth of 6,000 feet If they were worked to 4,000 tho amount so far tuken out would be just about 3 per cent cf the whole, and at that rate there is from UO.UAOoOAO to (lu.OOO.ooo.Cvt) worth of the precious bullion led. The production has been Increasing by leaps and bounds ever since gold was discovered here. In 18S4 the output was about $00,000, and ten years later it had Jumped to $38,000,000 per annum. It' steadily Increased to about 80,000,(w0, which was the annual product at the beginning of the Boer war. It then fell to almost nothing for a year or so, but In 1904 It was again $80,000,000. In l0o it reached $100, (00,000, In 1900 It wus more than $1:0.000,000, and In 19P7 the vast sum of $138,760,000. These amounts are Inconceivable, but they are n bout what the mines are producing today. The aggregate dividends Uat year were $35,000,000, and the mines which paid them ur capitalized at over $120,000,000. I have lefore me a newspaper which glvea the produc'lH of a doztn of tho leading mining companies during the last 'month. None of ll.oi.i has paid less than $7,500 for every ilay of that month, and some have run as high as $1J,000 per day for the thirty days. Talk about gold. Where will you find it ilsewhore as here? Golden Donah of the Rand. I almost despair of describing these avea of Aladdin on the highlands of South Africa. They are not like any mineral region of North or South America, and I doubt if they have their counterpart on the face of the globa. The country la half desert and there are no indications of minerals. The gold is found in several great reefs of rock which run through a range of low hills for a distance of about 130 miles. The land Is a mile or more above the sea, and these nils run from 100 to 800 feet higher. The reefs begin at the surface and extend down at a regular slope for no one knows how deep Into the earth. They are great sand wiches of gold-bearing rocks, streaked here and there with a conglomerate or pudding containing quarti pebbles. The pebblles may be called the ralslna in the pudding. They range In slso from the egg of a wallow up to that of a goose, but dough of the pudding, or the cement which holds these quarU and other rocks together. Money Is often called dough In our alang. but the dough of the Transvaal la the Blmon-pure thlug and U really sprinkled with gold. mm the Great Kerf. I can describe this better by taking you with me on a trip over the reef and going down into one of the mlnea. We iplght start at Johannesburg and go east and west for sixty odd miles and sea nothing but mines all the way. We get the train t Park station and are aoon flying by the great work with their mountains of tailings. We can ee the black smoke stacks cutting the sky at the front and behind us, and we could throw a atone into the great hills of dassllng white sand which have been left near the mine after extracting the gold. On each of those hills cars are crawling up and down. Some of them are attached to steel cables, which bring the refuse for several miles and automatically dump It on th top of the hi 11. crawling on without stop ping until they are back at the works ready to be loaded again. The cars look like enormous ants or bugs. They are going en the dead run over the white sand, which ahlnes out under the rays it tho African auu. Jut w go the train swops every few momenta, and at every atop Is a, mine. Thin mi a range of sand hill, th ma It. t . . . S iS K It f f 1 k'- V - t aW . w .If II -7,- .'Vi ;; II-.- JLd. UNDERGROUND IN A RAND GOLD MINE. terial of which Is as fine a that you use for scouring your floors. Let it rise right out of the green hills and extend on for forty odd miles, and you have some Idea of these enormous piles of refuse which have come from the reef. Remember, as you look at It, that every grain of that sand was once part of a rock containing gold, and that hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of gold has come from It. If you continue your ride you will find a fence of Iron smokestacks along th whole forty miles, and you will never be outside of the din of the stamps which are crushing the rocks to get out the gold. In n BIsT Boath African Mine. It Is only one of these mines that we shall visit today. It Is the "Simmer Bnd Jack," within a half hour's rldt by train from Johannesburg, covering an enormous territory sprinkled with gold. This mine has produced mere than $3,CO0.0O0 worth of gold during the last year, and It yielded about $000,f00 worth of gold last month. It I a great gold factory, devoted to taking tho rock out of tho earth and reducing It to bullion. The ore contains only about From the Story A Child's Etiqnette. HORTLY after the removal to SI the suburbs of the household I In which Claire, aged 4, 1 tho UVIHIV.lJIIB U , ' . 01. V TTW taken ill. The nearest physi cian was called in. After her mm mourn- had explained what she thought was wrong, questions were directed to th little lady herself. In contrast with her usual display of volubility, Claire became extremely noncommittal. "Does your head ache, little .one?" "No-o." "Is tho pain here?" aaked the dootor, softly, pointing to the patient' stomach." "No," very emphatic. "Are you cold?" and the professional hand sought the pulse. No answer, simply a tolerance of con ditions that gave him the right to touch her. "Now, please tell me Just where you don't feel quite right," coaxed the doctor. Dead silence. "Precious, tell the doctor where you feel sick," cooed the mother. "I don't feel sick anywhere not now." The man of medicine gave directions, wrote prescriptions and went his way. "Why, Claire!" the mother reproached. "You've acted very badly. Mother never knew her little girl to be so rude. The doctor came to help you get strong so you can run and play. Aren't you sorry to displease mother? You always told Dr. Regan how you felt." . "Mother, I'm sorry, but not much. It's this way: Dr. Regan always comes In hi carriage and hi horse stands at the door. This doctor" with a not of contempt "Just sneaks In with a little black bag and all the other children will think we've got Just a common doctor." New York Time. . What lie Could Do. John J. Hayee, the Marathon hero, at a dinner In New York concluded a toast with a story. "Truly," he said, "we must work. We must not rest on our laurels. A tho president told us, it would be a pity to see an Olympic winner twenty years hence a tramp. "Yet such things have happened. A cousin of mine, the foreman of a Chicago iron mill, once employed a tramp who hud been a Yule base ball champion. Their acquaintance began In a way that showed the tramp still to be game and cheery. "It was a cold autumn dawn, and the tramp had slept In front of a furnace on a warm stone. "My cousin, being short of laborer, on Ills morning tour of Inspection, spied th fellow and thought he would give blm a Job. " 'My man,' he said, 'can you do any thing with a shovel r "The tramp smiled. " 'Well, I can fry a piece pf ham on It.' "Philadelphia Record. It Was for HU Friend. "Don't cenfuva," said John Ellis, the well known apostle of the unemployed, the other day in Washington, "don't confuse the hobo, ths tramp and the bum, for these men are very different one from another. "The hobo," Mr. EUls went on, "works and wanders. The tramp dreams and wan ders. The bum drinks and wandera. 'This man, for Instance, would not be a hobo. "He rang the bell of a suburban house and when the master appeared he said earnestly: " Could you, lr. for the love of heaven, give a hard-working but unfortunate man some employment T ' "The houueholder laid hi hand cordially on the other's ragged shoulder. " 'Here's work for you right on the spot,' he said. 'I've got out in my back yard a great pile of wood that' " Thank you, sir,' said the man a be hook the hand from hi shoulder gently. I'll let my friend know at once. It's not for myself I'm hunting a Job, but for a friend a little way up the road.' "Wash ington Star. Aboat All They Dleeaaacd. Postmaster General Meyer is of a serious turn of mind, hut he has a bit of humor in hi makeup, ueverlhelee. Being looked Produce Ten Million Dollars profit Is riot more than 17 cents on every ton handled. It ha the best of mining ma chinery and It works between 8.000 and 6,000 men day and night, Sunday and week days, all the year through. It has more than 4,000 Chinese, 1,000 black natives and the hundred of white who act a skilled laborer and a overseer and managers. Gold Sandwich. The Simmer and Jack begins at the sur face and It gold bearing rock run down at an angle of 43 degree to no one know how deep. The gold Is In a great sandwich of rock more than a mile wide and on th slant four-fifths of a mile long. Already ten of thousand of ton of tho gold bear ing conglomerate have been taken out and 60.C09 tons are now being raised every month. The sandwich starts In a great plalr.'. It leans, as I have said, at a broad angle, and one can look down between the walls out of which It ha been cut, and by . hanging onto ropes can slide down Inside them for hundreds of feet. The manager of the underground work $7.50 worth of gold to the ton, and the ing In the Simmer and Jack Is an Amerl- Teller's Pack upon aa the shrewdest politician In the president' cabinet, he I the objective point for newspaper correspondents on cabinet days. Last week a Mr. Meyer emerged from the Whit House a newspaper man asked: "Mr. Postmaster General, can't you give us some new about the cabinet meeting?" "There is really nothing to say," replied th cabinet officer. "We discussed noth ing of especial importance." "Do you mean to say you did not dis cuss politics?" the newspaper man queried. Th postmaster general burst into laugh ter. When he recovered h s uiu il serenity he said: "Do you suppose we were all muizled?" Washington Times. Doabtfol Powder, ' pne day after listening to a story par ticularly offensive with age Lincoln Mc Connell, the Georgia evangelist, told this: An old darkey went into a store dowu In Georgia and aaked: "Say, boss, you got any gun powdah heah?" "Yes, we have gun powder." "Lemme see some of that theah gun powdah." The dealer showed him com. "Pore a little of that powitah in my hand." The old darkey took the powder' near the light, ran his forefinger around and around in It, looked at it critically, and then melled it two or three times. "And you say this heah is powdah?' "Yep," answered the dealer sharply, "that Is powder. What is the matter with it?" "Dunno, boss" the darkey shook his head doubtfully "but hit smells to me like It's done been shot oft befoah." Judge. Sailing Soop. Captain Charles Gerolomlch, the million aire skipper of the Martha Washington, saJJ one n ght in the steamer's saloon, as he ate some very rich and fragrant turtle soup: ' "This soup reminds me of something that happened: to my old friend, Captain Jere miah Gotschalk of the brig Scud. "Captain Gotschalk and his first mate were doing London. On a tine summer morning they walked in the Row and saw tho fashionables horsebacklng; they strolled in Piccadilly, where all the great clubs are; they looked over the guns and men's things In Bond street; and lastly they got hungry. "For lunch they entered a temart looking restaurant. A maid In a white cap took their order. The things In the little res taurant were rather cheaper than they had expected. Still, that was all the bet ter, provided the quality was good. "In a few minutes the maid put two plates of thin, transparent fluid with, a somewhat salty taste before Captain Gots chslk and his mate. "The mate tasted It and coughed. ' "Put a name to this, cap'n, will ye?' said he. "Captain Gotschalk tried a spoonful and then beckoned the waitress to him. " 'What might ye call thla here, my lass?' says he, lifting up a spoonful and letting' it fall back into the plate. " 8oup, sir,' say th waitress. " 'Soopl' cried Captain Gotchalk. " 'Yes, ignorance,' the waitress answered, flushing up. "The captain turned to the mate. " 'Soop!' he cried. 'Soopl By tar. Bill, Juat think o' that! Here you and me been sallln' on soop all our lives and nevir knowed It till now." "Philadelphia Ledger. He Wasn't Friend. The editor private stenographer wss pretty and it became an advertised fact around the office that reporters and others had more business during her service with the editor than under the regimes of former stenographer in that office. One day last wek the assistant city ed itor went into the editor's room to see the editor. Outside the window was a painter, who, in order to aet In a more advantagu oua position, bung by his hand to the top of tha window frame, and wa la this posi tion when the assistant city editor entered the. room. The assistant city editor looked up at the suspended figure and said, laughingly: "Frlaad of yours, Mia Blank?" TIIE OMAITA SUNDAY BFTR: NOVTOfBER 8, 190S. . v. " -. - s r . v ",. 7.,-rv;. - t u T " ' )C 1 V:"7 READT FOR THE UNDERGROUND. can. He 1 a California engineer named Seagrave, who has been In Africa for ome year. Upon my telling him that Z wanted to go Into the mine he said there were ixty mile of tunnel and under ground passages, and I therefor asked him to show me a much a he could in one day. Before descending w put on miner' clothing. W then entered a great skip or bucket which had Just brought up two ton of ore. Then a signal from the engineer dropped u down into the darkness and an other signal stopped us at a tunnel (00 feet from the surface. Here we left the skip and walked through tunnel after tunnel cut out of the sandwich, now and then topping to look down th incline. Imagine a mighty cave Just high enough for a man to stand upright within It and running down at an angle of forty degrees for hundreds of feet, making a flat, slant ing hall covering acres. There are rock wall above and rock floors below and away down theslant hundred of feet distant are score of yellow Chinese pounding the drills to make hole for th blasting. The Chinese are bare to the waist and they sing a they work. Each "No; he' only a hanger-on!" St. Louis Republic. B.-.fe. Homer Davenport, the cartoonist, was talking at hi Morris Plains stock farm about Arabian hcries, of which he make a specialty, "They must, be treated kindly," he said. "Never a blow of the whip. That would drive them mad with rage and humiliation. "Animal. Ilk children, must be kindly treated. A blow spoils all." "But a regards children you know," the reporter objected, "didn't Solomon say, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child'?" "Ah, yes," said Mr. Davenport, "but he didn't say it till after he had grown up." Baltimore American. Arresting tho General. Once during a South American revolution a certain general wa hiding In the capital city of hi iiativ land. HI hiding place was less than a block from hi mother's home, and the government, hi foe, more than auspected It, for It had sent an officer around to hi mother' to make Inquiries concerning the general. His mother, of course, and his sisters and his cousins and aunts were all voluable In maintaining that the man In hiding wa not in the city, that he had escaped over the mountain to the eeacoast, that he was probably already on his way to New York or Paris, those branch office of South American revolution. And the officer sent by the government was quite willing to be convinced. He didn't realy care, because the general supposed to be In hiding was a good friend of his. Duty had been fulfilled, he oould report to the government that the general could not be found. But Just as he was engaged In backing out of the door with a series of compli cated 8panlsh bows the servant of the gen eral in hiding suddenly entered from the' street and, completely falling to slie up the situation, remarked to the mistress of the house: "The general says to please send him his slippers." It was too good a Joke to spoil. With a smile the officer of the government, acting exactly as If he had heard nothing, con tinued to bow and bick out of the house. Then You'll emtmbrr Me. George W. Coleman, sociologist, discussed, during the recent sociological conference at Sagamore Beach, tips and tipping. "I have a friend," Mr. Coleman said, "who belongs to an antl-tlpplng association" My friend in obeying the rules of his society, has many quaint experiences. "Ha went trayellng in the west In the spring. He dined one night In a fashionable western restaurant, and after paying his bill he gathered u; the change that had been brought upon a sliver plate and drop ped It Into his a ilstcoat pocket. "As he arose to depart the wa.lter said In a low, appealing voice: " 'Surely you won't forget me. sir?" " 'No. no,' said my friend; 'I'll write to you.' " Brlsrhtuess Ahead. A man who died recently In the north of England and had been Uvlr.y a dishonest life under the cloak of religion, wishing to pese as a good man to the last, said to these around him: "All Is bright before ine." "Aye," said one of those present, whom he had swindled out of a sum of money, "an' In about ten minutes thee'll be near em ugh to see the blase!" Something Jaat as Good. There is an evangelint In Boston who is so devout that, so Ms friends say, he scarcely ever permit himself a secular thought or his tongue, a worldly word. It appears that this evangelist has a very bright daughter, aged S. Not long since she answered the doorbell and found there the Iceman with a bill. "Father is not home," she said, "but If you will come In, you poor, perishing soul, perhaps mamma will pray for you " Cause" and Effect. A theological student was sent one Sun day to supply a vacant pulpit In a Con necticut valley town. A few days after ward he received a copy of the weekly paper of that place, with the following item marked: "JUjv, of the senior class at Yale seminary supplied the pulpit at the Congregational church last Sun day, and the church win ha closed for three weeks tor refialre, ' "' '""'V. 7 '. , .7:-V... .-; 7- m; it. i CHINES& ha a candle, and th light from this give lhra a weird appearance a h slaves, away down there in the darkness. Th Chinese are paid at the rate of 1 cent for each Inch of hole drilled, and an ordinary man drill fifty Inche or more in a day. They are gouging out the holes for the dynamite candle. At certain hour the charge are put in and several scores of blast are set off at once. After this th or, which ha been blown out, 1 hov eled down Into th cars In the tunnel be low. It 1 then carried to the shaft, up which it file In great Iron klp and onto the stamps which crush th gold out. Look attth Ore. A I went through the mine Mr. Sea graves showed me the gold bearing pud ding. It lies here and there in streaks or streams In the rock, now widening and now narrowing. It is a blue conglomerate filled with pebbles of white quart em bedded In a cement which is impregnated with iron and gold. The gold Is In crys tal and flake so small a to be Invisible to the eye. I could see no yellow metal whatever, and the rock looked more like limestone than anything els. Th min In the Field Corrent Power on Railroads. EVERAL notable strides In sub- S tituting electricity for steam I power on railroads are sched I ,.1.4 f lh. .nnln vr tin. der pressure of public- opinion against the locomotive smoke nuisance on the lake front of Chicago, the directors of the Illinois Central have In structed the company's engineers to pre pare plans for changing the motive power on the Chicago terminal. On the Canadian Pacific the management intends placing electric locomotives on about 700 miles of the line In the western mountain ranges, particularly where many tunnels exist and where power will be generated from moun tain streams. A similar change on the Cas cade division of the Great Northern road in the state of Washington. It is well understood the Central Paclflo will utilise the abundant water power of the Sierra when the projected straightening of the line is finished and the necessary tunnels are bored in Nevada and California. This work Involves the abolition of snow sheds and greatly reduced grades, and may re quire two years to complete. Around New York City next year will witness a large Increase in electric power on the railroad terminals. The Pennsylvania line tunnels' under Manhattan Island and Into Long Island will be completed, and elec tric power used exclusively. On the New Haven road the electric uower new em ployed within the city limits Is to be ex tended so as to cover Its suburban service as far a Stamford, Conn. The action of the Illinois Central direc tory is considered the first decisive step toward the banishment of steam locomo tives from the railroad terminals of Chi cago. There are many roads In tha city which are not In as good a position to elec trify a the Illinois Central and, these fear the spread of the movement. Several of the roads insist that compulsory electrifi cation would spell financial ruin at thi time. It Is understood that a conference of railway president will soon be called with a view to a thorough discussion of the question and in the hope of securing uniform action with reference to electri fication. A few years ago Senator Depew predicted that in ten year the steam locomotive will disappear from view, relegated to the' crap heap or the museum, and electric power take it place on all railroads. This prediction was oversangulne at tha (ime, as It Is now, but the progress being made in spots Justify confidence in the early retirement of belching locomotives from the cities, and the, substitution of the clean and noiseless electric motor. Copper Welded Vpon Steel. Electrical transmission of energy by the overhead system, whether for street rail way, telephone, electric lighting, or power purposes, remarks the Technical World Magazine, requires the use of wire or cablo of high conductivity in order to avoid heavy losses of power that would result from an attempt to overcome the resistance to the passage of the current In metals that are poor conductors. Copper Is one of the best known con ductors, and posseses noncorrosive qual ities that are valuable; but copper is ex pensive anpd lacks tvnsile strength. For economic reasons, tensile strength Is a most desirable quality In a metal used for line work, while low cost Is, of course, of prime Importance. Steel pnsseses both strength and cheapness, but Is low In conductivity and rusts quickly when exposed to the ele ment. Foreseeing the value of a combination of the desirable qualities of these two motals, investors and metallurgists have mado var ious attempts to perfect a process of coat ing st'.-el wire with copper. , Partial failures convinced a French metallurgist, J. Ferrcol Monnot, that the two metals must be wlded together homo geneously, and he aet to work on the prob lem. He finally achieved entirely satis factory results by first cleaning a steel billet sis Inches In diameter and thirty-six Inches long and then welding on to this at Mgh temperature a thick coating of soft copper. The copper can be of any desired thick in Bullion a Month 7 , ' ' . .' ' .7-1 n . 4i "i ' ' ' i' i. A . X if ':7 -c":v- '- ' V: V'N . .... iV---'l n v2sJK ill' ,h 1 5 BARS TO THE WAIST, BING AS THBT WORK. er disregard the pebbles, for they have been crushed again and again and found to oontain no gold whatsoever. Th gold-bearing strata lie upon gran It. It I supposed to have been deposited by mean of water in sand and clay, which In time ha turned to oement, and which by volcanic force ha been forced up Into the slanting ridge which now forms th southern watershed of the con tinent. Indeed, it may be that the gold wa once in the water Just a gold Is now aid to be In the water of the ocean. Some sclentlits assert that there 1 about forty million dollars' worth of gold In every cubic mile of sea water, and if this Is so It would only take three oubto mile of the ocean to equal the present mighty yearly output of the Rand. I have been In many gold mines, but In none where the dangers are greater than in these great slanting caves of South Africa. The walls so dtp that you have to take a-Tope or chain to hold on to, as you move through the stopes, and a slip would send you rolling down over the rocks for hundreds of feet. The accident are so many that visitor are required to give a of Electricity ness to suit It to various commercial pur poses. After receiving Its copper coat tho billet Is reheated and put through ordinary rolls such as are used in eteel mUls foe rolling down steel or iron rods from largj billet. The resultant wire, three-eighth of an Inch In diameter. Is then lent to the drawing jnlll and drawn Into wire of any lie down to No, 40B & 8. gauge, If de sired. Th copper and steel drawn down equally and In the final product the copper coat ing i relatively the same a In th original billet, so that It 1 easy to determine be forehand the precise proportion that the copper will bear to the steel and the actual thickness of the coat. The thickness Is the same throughout the length of the wire and is also perfectly intact. Locomotive Cab Slgrnal. The' following is a description of the sys tem of cab signalling now under trial on the Great Western railway of England: The system has been In use for the drivers on th Fairford branch (twenty-one miles long) sine December. 1906, when the sema phore "dlstants" were removed by sanction of the Board of Trade. The Great Western official are now completely fitting their four main track between Slough and Reading with the apparatus. The require ments to whloh all signalling systems of this character must conform are: (1) that the signal shall be audible, and given In the cab of the engine; (2) that two Indica tion shall be given according to the state of the line ahead one for "all right," and another quite distinct for "danger;" (J) that in the event of failure, If the appa ratus Is wholly or partially electrical, the danger signal shall be given In other words, such an apparatus should, if It err at ail. err on the right side; (4) that there should be no moving parts on the track; (6) that the signal, when given, shall con tinue to sound until acknowledged by the driver shutting It off. At each distant signalling post a ramp is bolted to tho sleeper midway between the rails, so that a shoe on the engine may be lifted, whether the engine la running tender or funnel first. This ramp cannot be moved, and its function Is primarily to lift a shoe placed on the engine for the purpose every time the engine passes over It. The ramp is In clined, with a rise of about two and a half Inches la thirty feet o that th blow struck by the shoe when the contact take place Is reduced to a minimum. In con nection with the shoe on the engine there la an apparatus for operating either a special steam whistle or an electric bell, according to whether the signal I to Indi cate "danger" or "all right." Thi ap paratus consist briefly of a closed circuit whan the shoe Is in It normal position, th electro-magnet connected therewith having, when energised, sufficient power to prevent the steam whistle from open ing. Supposing the signal to be at "dan ger" when the ramp is reached, the shoe will be lifted; when lifted, It will mechan ically break the engine circuit above re ferred to. When the circuit la broken, the restraining force I removed from the whistle, and. being of the self-operating type, the whistle sounds until stopped by the driver. The "all right" signal is glvtn In the following manner, nnd In this lies the chief value of the invention. When It is desired to give the "all right" indica tion, the signalman pulls over hi distant signal lever. This action closes another circuit which . electrifies the ramp, and. when the engine shoe touches it, causes a currAit to flow through the shoe and through another pair of colls having equal power with the pair before referred to. and forming, besides, a circuit - through an electric bell. Thus, although the lift ing of the shoe should, in the ordinary way, break the local circuit on the engine, and thus cause the whistle to Bound, this result Is prevented by energizing an aux iliary pair of culls direct from the en gine box, und In add:t!on the signal box circuit passes through the bell, which con tinues to ring until stopped by the driver. A tare !.- When an old maid make a jocse of herself It merely prove that li 1 no chick n, D 1 4 1 f ' pledge before they enter the mine that no action will be taken against the company In case they are Injured during the Jour ney. The mines are not timbored, as the rock Is solid, but nevertheless the blast ing frequently cracks the walls and masses fall down Into the tunnel upon those who pass through. There are also cars whizzing along, the ore rolls down the planes and rocks weighing tons fly this way and that. Bis Mill of the Transvaal. But let us go to the surface and walk through this mighty gold factory. The mines of the Transvaal have machinery equal to the finest used in America, and the Simmer and Jack ha $20 stamps, which work away day and night, crush ing the ore for tha mercury plates and cyanide vats. . ' As the rock comes to the surface it Is in lumps of all sixes from that of my fist to a half bushel measure or larger. It Is of a bluish color, and It looks much like the limestone we use for fixing the turn pike. There is not a glint of gold to be seen anywhere, and when crushed the rock looks Just like the dust on the roads. The rock Is first sorted by maohlnery, that the larger pieces may be broken before they go Into the crushers. They are then ground up after the same fash ion that our grandmothers ground coffee, ave that these crushing mill will chew to piece rock the aise of a peck meas ure. When the ore is comparatively fine It Is dropped down Into the tampa ajid pounded by them to dust. These stamps are great bars of steel, which are always dropping upon the gold-bearing rock. There are S20 of them, and aa they fall they make a noise like that of Victoria Fall or the rushing of Niagara. The din is so great that the workmen have to stop their ear with cotton to keep from losing their hearing. Indeed, I found myself putting my hands to the sides of my head to shut out the sound. When the rock comes from the stamps It Is a fine flour of gold ore. It must be fine enough to go through a wire meali with holes not much larger than the point of u needle. It Is now carried by water over the tables covered with mercury, which catches the gold and allows the sand to go on. After this the refuse Is treated to a. bath of cyanide of potassium and water, which takes up such gold as is left. The processes are about the same as those used In our great mines of. the west and as a result practically all of the gold is saved. With th Aasayers. I was much Interested In going through the assay offices of this great mine. The ere has to be tested again and again to know Juat how tha mine Is working and to be sure that nothing is lost. Something like a thousand different assays are made every day. A very little bit of ore Is taken each time, but the gold and silver Is all gotten out of It and then, by measur ing and multiplying, one can tell Just how much gold -there Is to the ton. In this as say office lead Is added to the ore and from each sample comes a button of lead about as big as the end of your thumb. In this lead is the gold. The button is roasted in bone ash, during which process the lead disappears and the goM only Is seen. The Bpeck of gold Is often not big ger than the point of a fine needle, but th weighing machine are so fine that the asaa. can easily tell Just how much the stuff runs to the ton. eea the Real Thing. Before leaving I mentioned to the as sayer that I had spent a whole day In the Simmer and Jack and had been told again and aga'n of the million of dollars' worth of gold It was producing. I said that I had seen thousands of tons of ore alleged to be loaded with gold, but had yet to observe the first glint of yellow or any sign of the pure golden thing. "If you have any doubts as to the reality of the gold here," said the scientist, "I can dispel them by - showing you some bricks, made here within the last few weeks, which we are. about to ship to London," With that he took me Into the bCH room of his ' tin-roofed assay office and by the twist of his wrist unlocked a vault In the wall. He then touched an elect. iq button, swung a combination lock around five times, and threw open a safe, out ol which he pulled a great brick of pure gold. He dropped it on the counter and asked me to lift It. I tried to do- so, but failed, although I might have succeeded had tht brick been lying on the floor instead of at the height of my waist. It wa a solid lump of bright yellow metal, shaped like a paving brick and perhaps two. inches tt.kker. lie put it on the scale and showed me that It weighed over seventy pounds. He taid that its value wi $1SO,CO). In the limn vault I was shown oti er bricks which ran up to more than $1,000 OiO. During my conversation with the assayer I asked him how the gold wus sent to London. He replied: "It u!l goes on the ears from here to Cupe Town and thence by the mail fcteam ura to Southampton. Th shipments are made eery Monday In order that the trains may reach the cape for (hi) ship suiting Wednrsduy. Knch brli'k Is put up In ri scpirnta wooden box. which Is bound around with strap Iron and i..-aled. Tim banks do the shipping and the railways are reipoikslblo tor the gold from here to Cape Town. 'On crtaln Mondays of the Hi' nth the shipments amount to $4,000,000, including about twenty-five of these big golden bricks." FRANK a CARPENTER.