Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 16

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Selling Space.
Thousands have admired our
great window display with' Its
$1500 willow plume; Its ostrich
chicks and eggs, and Its wonder
ful bargains.
See Big
Drandels Ad
On Page 8,
News Sec.
Brandeis Bought Entire Stock of a New York Impbrter
At a Price Concession That Was Positively Amazing
There were thousands and thousands of the highest quality ostrich plumes in this stock and our cash purchase secured
them all at far less than their value.
There never was such an opportunity to buy the most beautiful and perfect ostrich plumes at such reduced prices as
we offer Monday. There never was a sale like this in the west. Any woman who attends this sale can save many a dollar
by getting plumes now. '
These feathers and tips are in white, black and every color, including rare and delicate pastel shades. Read these bar
gain lots:
Elegant Ostrich
15-lnch . French
$8.60, at
tips i-worth
16-lnch French tips worth
$12, at $7.19
18-lnch French tips worth
$13.60, at . . . .$8.09
lMnch . French tips worth
$16, at ............ .$lo.7S
15- !nch plume worth $2.76,
at $1.89
16- lnch plume worth $2.98,
at ...... $1.79
164rlnch plume worth $8.76,
at $a.l a
16 -Inch plume worth $4.26,
at $2.87
17- lnch plume worth $5.00,
at $3.49
18- lnch plume worth- $5.75,
t $4.23
18- lnch plume, very wide
worth $8.50, at. . . . y .$iS.73
18 -Inch plume, very wide
worth $12, at $7.19
19- lnch plume, very wide
worth 13.60, at. . $8.69
19-lnch plume very wide
worth $15, at $10.73
194 -Inch plume very wide
worth $25, at $17.19
The Leng
Long Willow Plumes worth
$13.60, at $8.09
Long Willow Plumes worth
$16.50, at $10.73
Long Willow Plumes worth
$30, at $17.19
Long WlUow Plumes worth
$35, at $21.43
Long Willow Plumes worth
$45, at $33.75
f&J '- g gp -
Special Sale Kid Gloves
Long gloves, celebrated "Perrin's" make,
for which we are agents in Omaha. 12
button length, extra quality, real French
kid, with 3 radium clasps or Cleopatra
buttons all the newest shades $ y "1 C
for street and evening wear,
also black and white, pair
One and two clasp capo and mocha gloves,
in tan, brown and red, the Northrup make,
also a complete line of ladies' QO
gauntlets) worth $1.25, at, pair ZJOC
18-in. flouncings, skirtings and corset cover
widths, in Swiss, nainsook and JC
cambric, worth to 50c yd., at .at JC
75c WAIST and DRESS NETS at 39c Yd.
42-in. wide, round and filet meshes, neat
dots, rings, etc. white, cream and
ecru, worth to 75c a yard, at JZJC
NECK RUCHINGS, in Latest Novelties.
Immense assortment of pretty new styles,
all new arrivals on sale Monday at, per
yard 25c, 39c, 50c and 75c
$1 SILKS at 49c YARD
Big purchase of new black and colored silks
in plain and fancy weaves, from the Ham
burg silk mills new patterns and new
colorings 27-in. and 36-in. f
wide, actually worth $1.00 if f
a yard ; at, a yard
SILK MESSALINES Directoire and ma
jestique, satin duchesse, the craze of the
season new arrivals from Lyons, France;
Hair Goods at Half Price Monday
Salome Puffs; $10.00
values at... 5. 00
Grecian Cluster
Puffs; $10.00 val
ues, at $5.00
$4.00 Pompadours,
at S2.00
Natural wavy Switch
24-ins. long, $G
value, -at.. .$3.00
$2.00 Switch, 20-ins.
long, at ;98c
Puffs and switches"
made from combings.
If your switch does not match we will
dye it for $1.00.
8 Rufls and Carpels
Axmlnster aad Wilton Velvet Carpets
With or without borders to match, hall and
stair patterns, usually sold up
to $1.50 a yard; special at, yd
Ingrain Carpets
In those rich, beautiful oriental designs
All new patterns the regular 85c Q
best all wool carpet, special at, yd..U C
Sanford's Hest Axmlnster Rugs
a regular $.10.00 value, in 9x12 J'J'lSO
size, at.
Special Bargains in Lace Curtains
Monday we will place on special sale one
big lot of lace curtains, from 4 to !) pairs
of a kind. These curtains are 3V-j yards
long and up to GO inches wide plain and
allover patterns worth up to $2.50 a pair.
As long as they last they (T Af
go in one grand lot at, P J J
pair '.
Great Special Purchase of
Tailored Clothing for Men
You never had the chance
to buy clothes of such re
finement and genuine ele
gance at anything like
this price before. Select
your overcoat or suit
Monday. High class
clothes away under price.
Worth $18, $20
and S22.50, at
5 Suits
and Suit
by Hand
Boys' Overcoats and Suits
11 in newest juvenile styles, latest fea
tures in little chaps' clothes correctly
made of all wool fabrics and Q 7 C
will stand hard, steady wear.) y J
Kegularly worth to $7.50, at
laid Up Together in a Bunch in a
Brooklyn Yard.
.' t f -Yaebtlna; fcy No Means Ceases
Wkn "eason Clones Laylna Vp
Big aad Little Craft for
NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Only a few weeks
ago the waters along; the Atlantic coast
were crowded with yachts looking trim and
neat. These waters are deserted now and'
the trim, white-coated pleasure oraft are
lying In basins, shorn of their beauty.
Dirty streaks of black mar their white
hulls, and ovsr their decks, where guy
parties enjoyed themselves during the sum
mer months, are grim looking houses built
roughly of wood to protect the fine wood
work from the storms of the coming winter.
This la the doleful time of the year for
the yachtsmen. Hie season of fun Is over.
The craft on which he has sailed for many
miles, with wtiloh, perhaps, he fought with
the wind and sea and of will h he was
proud, la no longer a thing of beatuy, but
a hull, dismantled and homely.
All along the coast In the harbors fre
quented by yachts there are yards and ba
sins where these craft can be lalJ up when
not wanted by their owners. The larger
craft float Uk the water, sometimes anchored
out In the harboi- and sometimes moored
alongside piers. The amai;r craft and
yachts that are particularly In need of care
-rare hauled out on the beach and then carc-
luny and anngly covered up. The spars and
sails and fittings are stored in houses built
specially for the purpose.
Where the Boats Lie.
There are basins at Boston, Marblehe'ad,
Newport, New London, Greenwich, Milton
Point, Huntington, Port Jefferson, City
Island, New Hochelle, South Brooklyn, Bay
Ridge and Gravescnd. There are yards
along the Btaten Island shore, on the New
Jursey coast; Indeed, wherever there are
yachts and yachting there are yards where
the craft can be stored.
The larger craft around New York are
la I J up at the Marine Basin at Ulmer Park,
at Tobo's Bur'.i at the foot of Twenty
third stieot, Brooklyn, at the foot of Flfty
flflh street. South Brooklyn, and along the
liurle.n river nt Morris Heights. Most of
the vi8els xtoied In these yards, with the
exception of the Marine basin, are steam
ers anI power boats, although there are a
few sailing craft.
At the Marine basin there are steamers
and sailing craft large and small, and there
Is found the largeet fleet -of dismantled
craft to be seen near the city. There are
three long piers, two of which form the
sides of the ba.sln, and one that runs down
the center, and every inch of space along
thuse piers Is occupied by craft well known
In the yachting world. In many places
theae vessels are three or four deep, and
on the shore the smaller craft are so thick
that walking through the grounds one has
to dodge around the hulls of boats that
have u( finished a season of cruslng and
Without CnUiag, Tying or Burning. All kinds of Files Oared, Bleeding,
luttrnai. External aad Itching- mas eared by
A graduate or Believue Hospital Medical t'ul'ege of New York t'itv.
Dr. Maxwell has reshled to Omaha for Jl vears and lias had 17 yeara
experience In treating diseases of the reetnm. Hundreds of the most proxn
loot people of Omaha, BTebraaka, anA from aU parts of the United Btatea
hare boea eared by Dr. Maxwell.
A written guarantee ie given In every case taken under treatment bv
Dr. MaaweU. All persona unable to pay will be treated absolutely free of any
charge, whatever, on ttatutday of eat n week.
Be aaU&lBg.
X.OBa Distant IThoae Dorurlaa 1434
Cut tills out and bring It with you
The Bensonhurst Yacht club has Its house
at the end. of the long pier at this basin,
and the members who visit the house dur
ing the winter can gaze on the largest, fleet
of yachts they have seen at one time. To
look toward the land a forest of masts
presents itself.' At the end of the basin are
several of the largest steamers owned In
this country.
The l.lneup of the Famous.
On the right Is the Columblu, owned by
J. Harvey Ladow and sometimes chartered
by James Stlllman. Next Is the Rhecluir,
the big steamer on which Confinodore D.
G. Rled flics his flag. The next boat, a
bluck yacht carefully housed over. Is he
Noma, which was owmal by the late W.
B. Leeds. The Rheclalr and Noma were
built at the same time from designs made
by Clinton H. Crane for men who were
partners, and they always have been stored
away together.
Next to the Noma Is the Kanawha, owned
by H. H. Rogers, This is the fastest
'steamer In these waters, and now It is
moored very close to the Noma., which
It defeated In the first race for the I-ysis-trata
cup. Another big steamer close by
the Kanawha is the Tuscarora, owned by
Mrs O. B. Jennings.
The Sultana, owned by E. H. Harriman,
Is a three-masted craft and Is seen on the
left of the bas.n and near it is the Halda,
owned by Max Klelschman, and the Endy
mion, 'owned by George Lauder, Jr.
A fair estimate of the value of the yachts
so plainly in sight from the club houso
would be J4.000.0CO. They are the largest
and most palatial In the basin. It Is not
overestimating things to say that the value
of all the yachts In the Marine basin is
more than J1O.0C0.000.
At Tebo's there are several large craft.
The Virginia, which Is to. moke a Journey
across the Atlantic next spring. Is their.
Worknun are overhauling the ciaft and
Rivets that are weak are being replaced so
that it may be stanch and sound for the
voyage. The Oneida, owned by Commodore
E. C. Benedict and oh which President
Cleveland made many cruises, Is another
boat that is being overhauled.
la a Class by Itself.
The only sldewheel steam yacht in these
waters, the Charmary. owned by Charles
G. Gates. Is carefully boxed over and looks
like anything but a comfortable and speedy
craft. It was formerly the Clermont and
was modeled after the Hudson river
steamer New York, which was burned only
a few days ago.
One of the most attractive yacht at this
basin Is the schooner (juet-n, the fastest
schooner that has been built. It looks like
unythlng but a Qiifi n now. Us white side
ara d.ily and siained with the black water
o:' Si,u; h Brooklyn.
Her musts aie already weather beaten
ami alt the varnish that glistened In tho
utnr.' r sun Is gone. She has had all
her rigging taken off and now only the
hull with the two lower masts Is left of
, the handsome craft that sailed so well
In the summer.
Ner.r It I the same owner's steamer Celt
and the sloop Yankee, a crack seventy
footer built by lie.) reshoff. The big three
masted auxiliary Aloyone, the steamer
Wanderer, the auxiliary Invincible, the
tlyer Arr w nrid tl e sleamer Kivlera are
among '.he fleet Hoiert l.ere.
I. a; tna I a Ynrfat,
of lime,
is to go
hour his
To lay ui a yacht lakes,
Tne owner will decile wh'-n It
out of col li'ilfsi 'ii and at that
flag will be hauled down ai d a gun fired.
Ti e owner aill then have peis mal be
longing!!, s.trh as clothes, bru-a-brae and
small jirttetrts tl at l ave been cm-d io make
fie Interior of iIh raft attractive Hf-nt to
his home, and the captain and crew will
take the yacht to the basin, where it Is to
be moored until again wanted by the
The stewsfds will at once get at work
at the Interior fittings and furnUhlngs.
All hangings, drap-tes. cushions, rugs and
carpets' ara taken up, cleaned, folded and
stored away, awnertLJy In some storehouse
on' shore. The crew Is set at work on the
rigging, spars and deck trimmings, and
the engineers tackle the engines.
The running rigging Is taken down and
carefully overhauled and stored away. The
standing rigging is overhauled and ome
of It taken down, only Just enough being
left to keep the spars in place. If the
yacht ha topmasts, these are lowered.
Then all brasswork, mahogany rail and
hatches i are carefully covered, o that
they shall be thoroughly protected from
the weather. With the engines there Is Just
as much careful work to be dune.
Every part has to be examined and care
fully covered with oil or vaseline to keep
It from rusting, and then many parts arc
wrapped to protect them from dampness
and weather, for the engine in a fine steam
yacht is as delicate a piece of machinery
as a watch and very little dampness will
ruin it. Finally a cap Is put on top of
the smokestack.
When the yacht has been stripped and
covered a house Is usually built over the
deck so that the rain and snow cannot
beat against the. deck and deck houses, and
then all is snug for the winter. Two men
are usually left on a large vessel to watch
it and see that nothing happens and that
nothing I atolen, for even when stripped
there are still lots of things left that might
easily be removed and are worth stealing,
Usually on a large steamer the captain
and the engineer are engaged by the year
and It la part of their duty to watch the
vessel while it is laid up. They don't live
on board, but a a rule make dally visits
to their charge. The watchmen are often
selected from the crew. They live on the
vessel day and night. Thirty-five or forty
'lullars a month and their board is what
they are paid.
Caring- fur Mailing; Craft.
With a sailing craft the methods of lay
ing up 1 a little different. Yachts like the
Reliance, Constitution and Columbia are
hauled out of the water and stand on ways.
The Reliance and Columbia are at City
Island, the Constitution Is at New London
and the Shamrock HI Is at the Erie Basin.
Their mast have been removed and
houses built over their hulls to protect
them from the storms. Their spar are
carefully wrapped In burlap and atored
Laway. The rigging 1 Just as carefully pro
tected and the block are examined thor
oughly and atored away, each one being
labelled. The sails are all well dried,
folded carefully and put In the store
house. Small craft are often kept under sheds,
especially if they are built of mahogany
or cedar, or If left out in the open they
ere covered with canvas.
Many owners of small craft who have
summer homes near the water have their
yachts hauled cut on their own property
and leave them standing on the shore until
the next season The Hanan brothers,
who own the sloops Aspirant, Seneca and
other craft, have houses at l'ort Chester.
They haul their vessels out on their own
ways and have a storehouse In which to
keep sal'.s, spars, rigging and fittings.
With very small crafi. such as cetboats,
they are first dismasted, then hauled out
and turned over on the beach. Sometimes
they are covered with car.vas, but often
are merely treated to n coat of vaseline,
which keep the pUnklng . from drying
wien exiHfed to the weather, and then in
the spring, when refitted, this vafcellno is
snapfd off and ti c aood Is as smooth and
cltan us when first bu.H.
foil of lb Merrier.
Ittcrsia mon.y t' lay a yacht up. The
cost f- r sroall craft Is ab jut 5) cent a
foot of length and length l figured from
the end .f lli lxiwpitt if that ;'Pi I left
In to the extreme end aft. A craft that
measure sixty feet will consequently cost
J30 a month to lay up.
Then there la the cost of hauling the
vesael cut of the water, which varies ac
cording to it sise. and the cost of storing
spars, rigging, sails and fittings, depends
on the amount of space required for all
these things
It Is the same with a large yacht that
floats in a basin all the, winter. Then
there are watchmen to Be paid and Insur
ance charges and other little things that
keep the owner constantly drawing on his
bank. The big steamer Altec Is laid up at
Greenport. Tills yacht Is one of the largest
built In thl country. It ha handsome fit
tings, upholsterlngs and draperies, amd
many finely built small boats. It is said
that It costs $2,500 a month while It Is out
of commission. Yachting Is a costly luxury
not only while the yacht Is In commission,
but also while it Is not In use at all.
Sense of Civic Doty Developed Abroad
Far Mora Than in the
Vnlted States. .
Of all things that make an Impression
upon the American student of European
conditions, the first is the high develop
ment in Europe of the sense of civic duty,
a acm-e of which we seem to have little or
1 mean it Is like this: All about Europe
are men, good men. Intelligent men, glad
and proud to serve the common good, and
to serve It for no other compensation than
the consciousness of service done; whereas
In our country the sole baa! of work lor
the community Is the salary... attached
The most conspicuous example of disin
terested communal service Is the London
County Council, In many respects the
world's model a an administrative body.
The amount of actual work It perform
much exceeds the amount of work per
formed by any other municipal body In the
world. Each member performs in any
given year at least ten t mts as much work
for the community as I done by any
American alderman.
It work 1 done without scandal, with
out grafting, without a boas, without a ma
chine and solely for the benefit of the
community.. Yet. observe that the mem
ber perform all this exhausting toll with
out compensation. There are no salaries
In the London County Council. . The work
Is gratuitous. So Is It gratuituos In all the
other similar public bodies In Great Britain
and on the continent. The members of
municipal council, boards and commis
sion serve for nothing, and are glad to
serve for nothing, because they are thus
contributing to the common good, which
they believe to be the highest duty and
function of many.
To sum up, we pay men and get poor
service, and the British do not pay and get
good service. But this Is not at all the
mystery it seems on it surface to be. For
You do nothing for the common good.
I do nothing for the common good. None
of us does anything for the emmon goou.
You are willing to serve the common good.
I am willing to serve the common good.
All are willing to serve the common good.
Well, what is the matter then? Why, the
matter la that, partly because of our own
fault and chiefly because of an Inherited
custom. We have no chance, ft.stead of
ourselves doing the work we ought to do
for the common good we hire some one
else to do It for us, and, being done for
money the work is 111 done aiid expen
sively done and Inadequately done. And,
because it Is done for money It Is placed
at 'once on the basis of sordid gain, and
the door Is opened for all corruption, and
particularly for the bribes of the public
utility corporation. Hence, behold the
worst municipal government In the world.
On still other ground, it Is a bad prac
tice, for see how much ability it catiRcs to
be . lost from the public service. Charles
Edward Russell, In the November Everybody'.
Enormous Sams Spent by Americans
Shown la Confectioner'
An example of tiie enormous sums which
the American people spend annually on
! luxuries Is shown by tho statement In the
current number of the Confectioner and
i Bakers' Gazette to the effect that the
wholesale value of the candy output In
! the United States for the current year will
1 exceed $100,000,000. The cost to the con
sumers will run fully $30,000,000 In excess of
this sum. Thus representing the profits
of Jobbers and retailers.
I According to the I'nited States census
j figures, the capital Invested In the manu
facture of confectionery was $S,4S,Si4 in
l&to. This had IticreuBcd In IMO to VX;i:Z,'J.
in 1900, to $X319,195, and in 1905 to $t:i.lL3.t .
The cost of materials used have Increase;!
from $17,135,775 in 1SS0 to $31,116,629 in 18!0.
to $33,304,308 In 1900 and to $4S,810,342 In Woo.
At the present time there are approxi
mately 1.500 factories engaged In this work.
According to Henry XV. llnppe, president
of the National Confectioners' association,
penple'ln the trade figure the average,
value of the finished product, at the fac
tory, at 15 cents a pound, sj that the ea.l
mate of $100,000,000 for the product this. yar
would mean an output of approximately
667,000,000 pounds of candy, or nearly cljlit
and one-half pounds per annum per man.,
woman and child hi the L'nltcJ StaUa.
Philadelphia North American.
Gre&t November 10th Lighting Supply Sale
AU our small lighting supplies have been grouped
and specially priced to make them unheard of bar
gains. They are marked to sell. Uuy now lay In
a supply for the future. You Mill have money.
.J "tfsH-WW W i iit-:4t. akilj
Jupiter Boa 8 to
One of the latest patent
practical lights, it brignt
' naw is unequalled, and we can
demonstrate that It gives six
timea the light you now get,
aad actually reduces the ga
bill while they last, at, each,
only 63o
300 Oas Chimney at 6e
An unequalled assortment of extrx
fine iiaittv chimneys. They will
cost you !Bo anywhere tflse.
1.000 of Thdse at He ach
Over 1,000 Assorted ties Globes
Will be offered at tins one day aule at only
lie eaoh. Not one in the lot but la worth
several times this amount and many are
worth up to $'2.00. Several of most patterns;
while they last 110
Welahbach Ltmp
at 63o
If you want the' blg-
fest bargain ever oft-red
here it Is A gen
uine Weslbach lamp for
6.1c. Ah they
last, this price Juxt to
make you take them off
our hands.
OeauiB Welsbach Mantel at
oaly go
All you want of these for
the one day at this ridiculous
price. Think what you pay any
other time.
Gaa and Electric Fiture Wholesale ft Retail.
Next Door to lias Office.
Inverted Welsbach
Only 8c Each
All our No. 4 regular
1 5c Inverted WelBbachg
are cut to 8c each for
thU sale.