TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: KOVEMBhtt 8, law. ft " 1 Some Fwaitare Co. Formerly Formerly LPfSCOFlELD .KSCOFIELD 24th and L Streets, South Omaha. Sells Furniture 20 Below Omahex Prices 1 icLOAK&surrco ICLOAK&SUITCq 1510 DOTJGIAS ST. Stool Springs l-WI. Again We Announce a Special ihcvring tNew Tailored Suits and Coats B f sjissa ii . , Nsjsjsim umifci l j 3 mh tin f fff t V Vv . sill''" i III ft U- 'ipS j Just as it sennas to us that there is no limit to the amount of high class gar ments we are going to sell this season, the same it will seem tl you that there is no limit to the new styles we are showing. Each day we are bringing forth more high class garments and all are entirely new styles. Tfcii display of new models will positively be the best of the season and we especially invite you to come Monday whether your intentions are to purchase or not. New Models in Tailored Suits at $39.50 and $50.00 Women who desire exclusive styles should be especially interested in this announcement. Entirely new models in tailored suits will be shown here Mon day. These are all exclusive new styles and no two alike. They are made of fin est plain or fancy French broadcloths, in all the staple and new shades and of im ported suitings. Prices ' $39.50 and $50 New Models In Tailored Suits at $25.00. Our wonderful collection of new tailored suits includes every correct new model in trimmed and plain tailored styles. All are carefully man-tailored. The materials are fine broadcloths, all wool serges, plain or lancy cneviots and mannish suitings. All colors and all sizes. Price cneviots ana .$25 New Coat Models at $29.75 and $39.58 The smart simplicity of these coats render them very' desirable for street wear, while the handsome materials used and its general air of elegance make it suitable for dress affairs in fact these coats are the very desirable garments which on account of their refinement of style is perfectly adapted for any occa sion. They are made of fine broadcloths, in black, gray, taupe, catawba, wisteria and tan. Prices $29" and $3950 New Coat Models at $25 W are now ready with the greatest variety of desirable coats at $25.00 that you have ever had the pleasure of making a selec tion from. AH are high class in design and have that touch of distinctiveness that coats at that price shown elsewhere lack, and while no commonplace styles are shown here and all are decidedly stunning, They are practical and have the new features without being too extreme price. . . i here and all $25 Now Lace and Colored Silk Waists The unusual worth of a number of new models that will be shown Monday should commend them to intending purchasers. The materials, designing and workman ship are those usually found in much higher priced lines. The lace waists come in white or ecru and the silks come in black and GJC C 7 C CIA colors. Prices H $0iD9 CplU i . if Music and Musical iNotes n T HE great-, quadrennial concert he: taken place; the presi dential duct ban been sung and the sweet singer of Salt Creek has been outaung by the brilliant baritone of the Buck- . eye state. ' Mimical life hereabouts will now take i on a mora pronounced activity, because .election times always keep the people more or less unsettled, and the pursuit of musical study suffers somewhat tem porarily. This election has caused much discus sion amongst the professional people, and The Bee musical commentator has had 'every question ; settled and explained to -his entire-satisfaction by other niombers ' of the profession; in fact, some bet were heard of here and there. It la a good thing to see musicians taking an interest In Dnlltlrs. It gives one relaxation and enjoyment and It doesn't hurt politics. The present campaign has started the writer upon an unusual train of thought , In connection with political , matter as the subject for opera. Here Ih a chance for 'some musical lights to Jevelop a new school of national opera. No charge will be made fur the few suggestions here laid down, but when the opera has been' written and is a great success, it is hoped that The Bee will be "mentioned." ' Look at the great opportunity: Chorus, instead of being ranged along both sides of the stage, singing and looking out to the front, let It be standing with Its back to the audience when fthe curtain rises, looking up at a screen upon- which the election returns are being displayed ' by aid of lantern slides. A chorus with such themes as "Every little bit sdded to what you'va got." or, "What shall the harvest be?" would not be Inappropri ate for an opening. Or Kipling could be Invoked for use In parodied version, for e sample, in Danny Deever: (Tha scene, same as before. Enter Oen eral Bryan and one of his political officers, who shall be called the Colour-Sergeant: They watch the returns.) "What were the voters votln for?" said Bryan-on-Farade. "To turn us out. to turn us out," the Colour-Sergeant said. "What makes you look so white, so white?' said Bryan-on-Pjrade. Ttn dreadln what I've got to watch," the Colour-Sergeant said. , (CHORUS.) They've been "scratching" Mr. Bryan, yon can hear the Dead March play. The country Is In, 'ollow square they're acratchln' him today: They've taken of his precincts off and cut his wards away. They've been scratching Mr. Bryan all the morirln'. "What makes the rear-rank breathe so 'ard?" said Bryan-on-Parade. "U such a frost, O such a frost," the Colour-Sergeant said. "What makes that front-rank man fall down?" says Bryan-on-Parade, "He's craiy with tha heat, he is," tha Colour-Sergeant said. (CHORUS.) They've been scratching Mr. Bryan, they've been turning of him down. They're against him In the country. tney re againsi mm in xne town. And he's finding out this evening, that he "needn't come aroun'. They were scratching Mr. Bryan all the morning. "That state was right-hand-state to me," said Bryan-on-Parade, "It doesn't atata that way tonight," the ' Colour-Sergeant said. "I've helped him out a score of times," said Bryan-on-Parade. "He's helpln' In the other man," the Colour-Sergeant said. (CHORUS.) They've been scratohln' Mr. Bryan, you must mark him to to his place, For he started out a "runnin' ," but he couldn't atand the pace. For fast a, man muot run who'd win tha presidential raoe. Hence tha voting and the scratching of the morning. "What's that ao black agin the sun," said Bryan-on-Parade. "It's Chanler flsrhtin1 harij fop life," the Colour-Sergeant said: "What's that that whimpers over'ead?" ssld Bryan-on-Parade. "It's Chanler's chance a-passln' now," the Colour-Sergeant said. (CHORUS.) For they're done with Mr. Bryan, you can hear the quickstep play. The figures are In columns, and they make a great array, . Oh. tha people are delighted and they're full of Joy today. After soratchlng Mr. Bryan In the mornin'. the foreground, but there are soma an nouncements to be" made In this column and therefore at this point the plan must be left for more worthy artificers. " i ,d) ; t The following clipping earns the other day from Seattle and the handwriting waa cer tainly Ilka that of Mr. Frank Brown, If memory does not play one false. Mr. Brown waa well known In Omaha for many year, and while his business was banking, be had a constant love for the organ and for good music generally. A churchfull of music lovers sat through a terrific storm at the First Presbyterian house of worship last evening, during which the lightning flashed, the thunder rolled and a sixty-mile gale reached up the big thirty-two foot pipe, with Dr. Chase ut the helm and a breathless audi ence dodging Imaginary thunderbolts. At a few minutes after 8 o'olock with a clear sky and smooth sea, this courageous musician unbuttoned the green pillow share, that hung as. a sort of fatigue uniform over the business end of the great organ, and fetched a far-away whine from ove: the mountain to Indicate that the barom eter was rapidly falling. I'resentiy a milkmaid on the way to the pump trills a guileless melody, while a cloud perhaps no bigger than a man's hand, Dr. Chase's hand, for Instance, steals un over the mountains and one row of electric bulbs In tha balcony fadea into darkness. Out goes Dr. Chase's left foot, and a dis tant rumbling of thunder, from another big gold-plated whistle heralds the ex tinguishing of aonther batch of electric lights away up in tha celling. At this, the startled milk maid ceases her warbling and hies to the house and a whole covey of clouds come up and turn the Interior of the big ohurch Into a deep chocolate brown, with only the gleam of a light at the organ, to keep the audience from rais ing their umbrellas. Then tha big wind hits them. Heaven help the poor mariner on the deep. Even the oldest Inhabitant cannot remember such a hard blow. Gwendolyn gasps hysterically and nestles closer to Percy; and all the whlie Dr. Chase tearing off handful after handful of dripping chords and dragging them down to the left-hand edge of the keyboard, to disappear up the big thirty-two-foot plpet now tearing things to shreds. Away up in the celling a row of elan trie bulbs comes suddenly to life and as suddenly dies away, and a thunderbolt tears through the huge auditorium, nar rowly missing Dr. Matthewa, who smiles serenely from among tthe members of tha choir. Another flash back by the echo or gan another craah of chewed up chro matics, with Dr. Chase playing with the hands one direction and walking up the pedala in another. And then Just as everybody Is on the point of hysterics comes a rift In the clouds and the lights In the upper section of the big eggshell decide not to play lightning any more, and the rain quits, and the milkmaid cornea out on the back stoop ana sings mm it la going to clear up. Secret of Youth for Women Why Is it that eo many women remain young and beautiful In spite of the fUtfnt of yeara? The aei;ret lies in the preservation of perfect health, which Is dependent upon the regularity of U bodily functions. Of vital Importance Is the proper regulation of the monthly periods. No women can hope to remain young and attractive who suffers each month from ecanty. profuse, painful br Irregular menstruation. A simple and inexpensive prescription which haa saved hundreds of women tro.rt the horrors of monthly ailments Is the following, which any good druggist will fill: Alpen Seal, 2 ouneee; Fluid extract Black Haw, 1 ounce; Pure Water, 6 ounces. A teaspoonful before each meal and at bedtime, taker) before, during and after each period, regulates the flow, curea cramps, soothes tha narves. banishes headache, 'and clears and beautifies the complexion. This is an eminent phyl clan's prescription, which will do away with all palu and bring permanent relief from menstrual Irregularities. BOYS and GIFtLS Play tha new card game "48." (Sent postpaid for Sa F. L. L. Ueajou Bldg.. Aurora, III . Now won't some gentle "bromide" ask the usual question, "What has all that to do with music?" The answer Is nothing in particular. And the moral Is that If the th'Vhun h Shells hlSden'tn musical peop'e would forget all about music avenue suction of the big organ, shake for a few moments now snd then they , themselves snd find that they are wringing would be much better off-end Incidentally ( n fh M bout of m so woula music. 7 Chase's hand dlsappeara over the mountain The muslo man of The Bee always wel- j again and everybody breathes a complimen comea occasions such as these when he i lry '' of relief and the organist arises uu maaes a cute lime oow ana me storm Is over, . .. Bemberg Chamlnade Seventh , Guilmant .... Shelley .Neidlinger Hahn ... Btrauss -i!,;..a,' Cock" ,nd MlM ""'an Wool stencroft. accompanists. ,, Program of the Oratorio society concert V . ??a'ry Avenue Congregational church, Thursday. November-fj at i :15 nr. PART I. -Cliorus-For Unto Us a Child Is Born tfrom The. Messiah." to be given in full by the Oratorio society In De. cember) Handel Prr?' ,n Norseland .... Hermann Lohr T.lmWaa' 1 Roved the Mountains (b) My Ships that Went a-Saillng.,,. (c) Kyes that Used to Oase In Mine.. (d) Youth Has a Happy Tread Mr Hul.. (a) I,ovo Me (b) The Portrait Miss Allen. (a) Andanta Cantabllo, from Striata (b) Fanfare d'Orgue Recitative At Last the Bounteous Sun Aria with joy th' impatient IIui'Dand-'' man "From the Desert I Come".'. , v Mr. Resler. &) The Hour nf nM,mln. (b) Serenade ,', Ula. A II , Alia, I. Chorus Introduction and banquet scene from "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" : ' I'."":'' Coleridge-Taylor vS May" N&u'v'Sr" " PTOPB" ,h The Oratorio Society. PART II. The Cantata. "Autumn," part III of "The Seasons" Joseph Haydn Characters Jane, soprano. Miss Allen; Lucas, tenor, Mr. Resler; Simon, bass. Mr. Pennlman, ' Overture Recitatives (Jane. Lucaa. Simon) WhaU ever the Blossom'd Spring Trio and Quartat Thus ' Nature, Ever Kind Recitatives (Jane. 8lmon. Lucas) Te Swains. Now Hasten Duet (Lucas. Jane)-Y Qay snd Painted Fair Recl'atlve (Simon) I. Where "the Plenteous Harvest Wev'd Aria (Simon)-Behold. Along the Dewy Orass Recltatlve-Ere Yet the Orient 8un!"!! Chorus-Hark, ths Mountains Rewound. Recitatives (Jane. Simon: Jane. Lucas) - The Vineyard Now Its Wealth Dis plays Chorus-Joyful, the Liquor Flows The Arthur llarlmurn . slated by Alfred Calsin, pianist) is as foU Concerto Mendelssohn Arthur Hartmann. Ballade, a Minor-Op. a jt Chopin Alfred Calsln. Faust Fantasia Wteniawekl , Annur usrimann. (a) Mr. Pcnsee Arthur Vvl (b) Wild Rose MucDowell -Hartmann Ssuret . A. Jonai Rnsentha . F. Lisxt may have sn opportunity to try whether h.'s sense of humor Is still In working order, or whether It has gone to sleep. For when a person loses his sense of humor all hope Is gone. But the opera scheme wss almost side tracked by this seml-phtlosophlcal muHlug. Now the comedians might have an oppor tunity something like this: "Marry, me thinks that now this erstwhile sane and normal populace hath in true verity gone daft." To which th other comedian re plies: "Not so Indeed, sweet friend; they have merely gone Tsft." After the roars of laughter which should follow this, if the chorus and "supes" have been trained properly, the comedian might lead forth again somewhat aftar this similitude: "Now my fair and frolicsome friend, you have a pretty wit, but can you tell me who's who in New York?" To which omea the re ply: "Yr, by my halldom. and I can tell you who's who; Hughes who." Or words to that effect. And so on. Oh, there is much field for plan and specification and enlargement of this idea. Don't forget, you who take the matter up. to have a seuilmotital ballad ou thi subject. " 'Tia better to have bet and lost than never to have bet at all." Mu other ideas prts . themselves iuto Such. Is the way. Dr. Frank Wilbur Chase played it with an intelligent obli gato of electrical effects. Nor is there any doubt that whoever maneuvered tha lightning did it well. The dellclously witty manner In which the appeal for the collection Is referred to, Is worth reprinting: After Dr. Matthews extended iilmself and craek'd a few Jokes, and ssld what a nice rholr he had and how much everybody should strive to so live i that the ensuing collection should be very extensive, not to say, liberal a voluntary offering was received. eelved. THOMAS J. KELLY. s M !! Notes. The Nakoma Concert club will give a musical at ths United Presbyterian church on Friday, November i. under tha auspices of the young people of tha church. Tue following program haa bean arranged: Piano Solo Hustle of Spring Binding Miss sther Hal ton. Violin Solo Serensde Dudla Miss Eissle Aaron s. Song The Two Grenadiers .... Schumann 8. 8. Hamilton. Mandolin Solo Walts de Concert. ...Selcel B. O. Pash. Song II Paelo ArdUl Miss La Coata Oodsey. Trio Ivlolin. mandolin and piano) One Sweetiy Solemn Thought Ambrose Miss Aarons. Mr. Pash and Miss WooisienciofL (c) Farfalla Arthur Hartmann. (a) Caprtoho .... (b) Paplllons jj (c) Selected A.lfrrfi falsi,. Orand American Funtasy In the South Artnur Huiunanr Arthur Hartmann. The Clare. First Ranltut -l HIFfh' eVtak Jala November IT. This $3.00. all steel, sanitary gpring, like c elevated ends. gpring, like cut, T7S e-r Mattresses This $10.00 50-lb. all 75 felt mattress U - Metal Beds ' V " it ,i ., '-,BssMBsaBssjsBssJ A carload of the new 6tyle chilless metal beds, one-third below Omaha prices. High Grade Steel Range Like cut. Sold on payments. Four-hole $22.50 Six-hole $24.50 Omaha Trice $35.00. Carpets and Rugs Bigelow Carpet Go's Wilton Rugs, . 3 ft59 Omaha Price $45.00. Bigelow Carpet Co 's Body Brussels Rug, 4 CO 4S at Omaha Price $30.00. A good 9x11 Brussels Rug for 97i RECORDS OF NATIONAL LIFE Precious Archives of the Nation in Three Librariei. HISTORY IN ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS Telethons III Manners. Science mules possible new forms of lm. politeness. Whv should a - - - - 'tf'J because he has a telenhune. ha ukn vantage of by the other man on the out- SIHm M' I muna .a ..II U, . j " l" .u .cn iiiiu unieiitiiis; or bore him. or Importune htm In .some other way? And a way Important only to himself. . mm tittm a if iL'puone, is. in a lame sense, at the mercy of the outside World. Am It msv ha ,.t t h. , - - - .-. UI1I1IIB, IlllfJUl I" ance, he must always answer the call. If nr iu inaugurate system whereby n P rmmA nil himln.,, . . f t t. .. ...... I . calls him up first be made known, then lie is bound to offend someone, snd scqulre the disagreeable reputation of a certain super! nrlru un.l I . . J 1. 1 . . . means guilty. H Is in a sense defenseless, and all this, of course, la duly taken into consideration by the bd-mannered person who culls him up; who It his victim were talkit.g Tith ao.ne one else In the room, would scarcely have the effrontery to walk up and break Into ths conversation; or whu wouldn't force himself Into private office, but who niakra no bones of gleefully sit ting In a nvlahborli.g booth arid compelling the unfortunate man lo listen to him. Thus ths telephone has brought Into ex istence a new nuisance. Something ought to be done about neutralising his pernicious ctlvlty.-Brooklyn Uf. It Is an easy matter to secure buinsss through the Bee Wsnt Ad columns, Priceless Tomes in State, War and Navy Departments Oae Library ' Founded by Thomas Jef fcraou. 1 In the State, War and Navy building are three of Washington's oldest and most; complete libraries. They afford Interest in I hundred and one different ways other than the mere fact that they contain books. They are the archives of tha State, War and Navy departments. Bent known of these Is the library of the State department, on the third floor. wherein the original draft and the origi nal signed copy of the Declaration of In dependence, the constitution of the United States, and the articles of confederation are kept. This library was founded by Thomas Jefferson In 1789, and consists of 06. volumes and 2,60) pamphlets, and now Is a part of the division of rolls and li brary. The division might well be called the successor to tha committee on foreign cor respondence, established prior to the de finitive treaty of peace of 17t2 and the adoption of the constitution of the United States, for until recently it waa the cus todian of the papers and Journals of the Continental congress, Madison and others, which have boen transferred by executive order to the library of congress. In the library of the State department are kept all original acts of congress, alt treaties to which the United States Is a signatory power, all proclamations and ex ecutive orders, all papers relating to the various claims, commissions, arbitrations and boundary surveys. The original draft of the Declaration of Independence Is on exhiblltion to visitors, but the original signed copy of that docu ment and the constitution and the articles of confederation are not. Corrections made by Franklin and Adams can be seen In the original draft, which Is In Jeffer son's handwriting. It Is In a perfect state of preservation, and rests In an open safe with SD engraving of Jefferson and his plan of his tomb beside it. In the same locked sufV with the declara tion is the constitution of the I'nlted States. This famous document Is in a per fect state of preservation, in spile of the fact that It Is only thirteen years younger than the Declaration of Independence. With It Is kept the original Journal of the constitutions! convention of 1787. Other pspesr In the same safe are Madison's de- papers In the same safe are Madison's ae ons amendments to the constitution and the ratification thereof by the states. aval Mar Records. Washington's finest collection of rare old engravings and naval records is kept In the srehlves of the library of the Navy department as part ol the naval war records. Thousands of valuable engrav ings, palntlLtcs and phntograiths are on file In this libra ry. Most of them include portraits of prominent navul commanders In the history of the United States, pic tures of vessels thst have flown tile Stars snd Stripes and civil war photographs. This collection is equipped almost to com pleteness srat will be Invaluable In time to com. Kvery crart trial rvir new I lie mars and Stripes as a unit of Uncle Sam's navy has Its picture in this gallery of naval his tcry. . It Includes a photograph of ths bat tlerhip Maino In Havana harbor, taken on the afternoon of the day of the explosion. One rare old engraving trade in October, I'M, shows the Dutch flart under Tromp la Its victory over ths Spanish and Portu guese flcslf undsr Ocq,uer,d.o. Another en graving made in IMC shows a delineation of the naval war of the Venetians against the Turks at the Dardenellcs. In addition to the E.000 engravings and pictures n the Navy department library is a collection of 40,000 books, which in cludes some of the rarest volumes In Wssh Ington. John Paul Jone's own . personal memoirs, in French, dated 1798, are on the same shelf with a naval history of Queen Elizabeth of England. A text book used In the British navy more than 300 years ago, known as "Sea Dialogues," printed In Ixmdon In NW8, tells of the early methods of flogging and keelhauling In the king's navy. Every flag known to navies and commerce Is pictured and described In a book printed In Dutch In 1685 as a reference book In the Dutch navy when that nation was one of the foremost seafaring nations of the globe. A miniature volume much treasured by Librarian Stewart is a history of H. M. 8. Itoyal George, bound In wood from the remains of that ship, which sank In the harbor of Spit head. England, while beJng painted. In 1772. Dozens of old books on naval warfare grace the shelves' of Mr. Stewart's office. Anyone interested In an cient but crude naval manners could spend weeks looking over such volumes as "Man valetto de BombcstI," printed in Venice in 15S0 as a history of ordnance. Volumes on bucaneers are as numerous as they are. In teresting. In the topmost floor of the State, War and Navy building Is the War department library, comprising more than 66.000 vol umes, not including duplicates. Most of these are cumbersome volumes, occupying much space. This library is older than the government of Washington. It was founded in Philadelphia In the early "90s of the Eighteenth century, before the seat of gov ernment had been moved to the District cf Columbia. This library also has a large collection of photographs and engravings. Civil War Photographs. The Brady collection of civil war photo graphs, for which the government paid 126,000, Is divided between the Navy and War libraries. More than S.S00 large vol umes of the documents of the house of rep resentatives, bound In sheep and marked with series numbers, are Incased here. They are a library In themselves. More than 8,900 volumes on military science can be referred to here, In addition to the offi cial records of the war of the rebellion, of which there sre three sets, two loaning sets and one teserve set, which never goes out of the library. There Is also a com plete pet of the original Journals of the senate and house of representatives, which Is a very rare collection of books. A unique gathering of newspaper clippings on the Si:inl8h-American war, comprising twenty large folio volumes, to be found on the shelves of this library, has the proud distinction of being the only set of its kind In existence. It cost the government more than 11,0(0. Bound volumes of Eighteenth century newspapers, the National Intel llgencer from 1806 to U69, the Washington GIo'mc from U31 to 1M9, and a perfect sel of Nile's Register, in addition to numerous Indexes, dictionaries and grammars In thirty different langauges, snd a set of 100 books on Esperanto, the universal lan guage, are In the War department library for reference. Other tomes In this collec tlon are offclal gasettes of Madrid, Manila, Havana and Porto Rico In almost com plete series for the last thirty years of the nineteenth century, and twenty-three or derly books of the American revolution, besides a large number of printed rosters and office reports in connection with the early American wars. There Is also a set if albums of the Spanish-American war prepared by the War department, which tre the only original ones outside of four private sets. Chicago Inter Ocean. HOLDING UP THE PLATFORM Asi Incident of the Late "trenaeua Campaign with Taft la Tennessee. Senator William Alden Smith of Michigan told a story at the White House when he visited the president to tell him of the great reoeptlons Judge Taft waa getting on his speaking tour, which shows just bow useful Oustave Karger and Judge Taft's other friends on his special train are to him. "We were at Bristol, Tenn.," the sen ator said, "and were taken from the train to a hall where Judge Taft was to make a speech. As we got In, the crowd surged, on the stage behind us, and refused to get out. The result was that about half of the big crowd could not see Mr. Taft at all. One of the local committeemen, un mindful of Judge Taft's weight, got a splndle-shsnked tablo Snd placed It beside him and invited him to get on top of it Snd make his speech. In the confusion (Judge Taft" took no notice of the frail table, but climbed up and was soon making his speech. Karger. Dr. Richardson and the others heard the menacing creaks of the table and looked every moment for m fall. Karger got the chair, and, seating him self at the table,- put his knees under ona corner and held that corner up. Dr. Rich ardson took the cue and got at another corner and soon the table was surrounded by friends, wbo were holding Judge Taft op on their knees and with their hands. The speaker was making a telling address) and he was absolutely unconscious of tha I '""'"i wiin.il ne was oeing supported unui ns ciamDerea down and saw Oustave and the others trying to smooth out tha deep futrows made by the sharp edges of the table." Cincinnati TUnes-Star. A Baehelor's Regeetloaa. The reason the baby Is always so smart Is because Its parents aren't. When a girl meets s man she likes In the street by accident It hardly ever is. All a woman haa to do to be able to manage a man Is nut to be married to him. A woman can deceive everybody about how she trusts her husband, especially her self. If a man didn't waste his money on his own favorite fool'shness he would on soma oiher fellow's. New York Press. a Tin e i itir.n ki;hi;dt that JitVtH rAIL. Sprinkle's ttlAKABTTEEDTO t'l'KK OK MOSEY REFUNDED. Peerless Group Remedy What mother bat sot experienced tbe harrowing fear of croup-and many bare been the Hues nheu a harrr-up eall wss seut for tbe physician to relieve s lut e tuflnrer from croup. but all this uan be obrlated br keeping a box of Miartnhle'a frearleaa reup Mrstrdr la tbe boute. Tbn reoiedf Is from a prasoripilon of a ph;lcisn that bud nftjr years eiparteuce la practice, and be claim that Ibis remedy uerer failed him la canes of croup. NnrtahJe'e reerleee C'rnnn Rented? Is peculiar is Itself, as It Is an external application, doing away with Ibe naoeulty of pourlus Srn(s down a young child, a practliw thst sbuuld sot be indulged la a long as it van be avoided. This remedy has been sold for years on a positive guarantee te rare erena r arte f rsee refunded, and I harebv auihurne all Sealers lo refaad the price where the rsmeriy does not do all that is claimed for it. A safe and care remedy for the ears of Croup and the relief of Ooaght, Celds, Catarrh, Asthma, Whooping Cough aud all kindred d I . Ifor sale by druggists, or Ballad on receipt of price, W seats, by 1. A. srHIIKU, Vtlln Unit, III.