B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: NOVEMBER 8. 1903. KING ADMIRES TINY HANDS Congratulates Lady Hesketh on Her 'Return to Health HIS MAJESTY'S GREETING WARM Some ! the Modern Instances of American Women la Rnalloh Sot-let y that Are Worthy at ote. LONDON, Nov. 7.-Ppeclal.) Ever since ricr blf monetary losses In Ban Francisco Iafly Hesketh, who. of course, was Flor ence Sharon before her marriage, has been but little seen In society. For a long time, too, ahe was seriously 111 so much so that It was feared at one time that she would never resume her former social position. These fears are, however, at an end, and she Is about again looking extremely pretty and beautifully dressed. At Newmarket the other day ahe was one of the smartest women on the course. The king had not seen her for a long time and directly he caught sight of her went up and said as he shook hands with her, "I'pon my word, that dear little hand Is hs tiny as ever." Lady Hesketh and Lady Charles Bores ford hava the distinction of possessing the smallest hands and feet of any society women In England. Though It had been a considerable time since King Edward had met Lady Hesketh, he did not forget her remarkable characteristic a fact which flattered her very much. Now that things are looking up In San Francisco Lady Hesketh hopes soon to come again Into possession of some of her Income, the loss of which she took so ter ribly to heart. Notwithstanding her tiny hands, she Is a splendid whip, and in the old days she many times had the then prince of Wales, now the king, beside her on the box seat of a wagonette or a mall phaeton. She has a most Independent so cial spirit, and has never pushed nor never gone out of her way to seek royal favor, and has always been very exclusive. Misses Ilia Old Chum. To say that the king has missed the so cio! y of his old chum and friend Consuelo, duchess of Manchester, Is to put It mildly. Since the death of her mother she has been rusticating and resting thankful for the "excuse of her mourning to do so. Of the scores of younger and more beautiful women friends of Edward there Is none jvho fills her place. Once In speaking of her he remarked: "Apart from the splendid spirits of the duchess, she Is full of sympathy, r have never met another woman with as much common sense. She is the best pal a man ever had." . ... Rusticating and resting have left their ' mark on her Grace. She is looking splon ' did. "I positively don't feel an hour more than 6 and 30," she has been telling those who 'have welcomed her back. "But how . long this state of things will last of course I cannot say. One requires the constltu-- Hon of a horse to be able to keep up with our beloved king. He Imagines that his friends, like himself, can do with a few hours rest, that they can sit night after night at the bridge table and spend the day on a race course, yet never feel done.' ". Declines to Mope. After the death of Mrs. Trnaga, the dowager duchess' mother, the king Insisted on the duohess going to Biarritz. "No use moping," ho said. "That won't bring your mother back." She went and all the so ciety papers and the American press men tioned tha,t she: was "entertaining," when a a matter of fact she was merely having the king, who Invited himself, and a few very old friends to dinner. Much apnoyed at the announcements in the press, she L showed them to Klg Edward to prove to " him that It was absolutely impossible for tier to go on seeing him at all while she Avas in mourning. That was how she got ld of his majesty for a while, for he quite foil 1n with her views, being himself a tre mendous stlokler when the question of cor rect behavior is at stake. The duchess is booked for every house party at which the king Is a guest during the next six months. She Is also to be of the house party that assembles at Sandrlngham for the queen' birthday. As everyone knows, she Is almost as great a friend of Alexandra as she Is of Edward. Duchess Well Again. There Is much Joy In the circle which claims Lily, duchess of Marlborough for Its own that she Is now almost completely re covered after her serious Illness. I was told the other day that it was l;er own In tense anxiety lest she should die that re tarded her progress toward health. Her ""intense desire to live la entirely due to her little bov. "Brill" Rfrnfnri1 lout o. ahe expressed It, "he should be left alone In the world." She adorea this child and. haa never for even one night been sep arated from him. Those who were with her during her illness say It was most pa ir thetlo to hear her talking about the bov. Whether waking or sleeping, his name was rarely oft her Hps, and a captivating child lie Is; a regular dare-devil Beresford, he will mount anything In the shape of a horse. He haa a pet pony which walks upstair and during the duchess' conva lescence she wm expected each morning to salute "Paddle," whom little Bill used to trot Into her room for her admiration. Bill 1 as devoted to his mother as she Is to htm, but he is far too young to realize how near losing her he has been. He was never allowed to know that she was seriously ill at all. One day he will In herit his mother' vast fortune, but when he doe It will be securely tied up, as no one knows better than the duchess the Beresfords' capacity for making money fly, and aa little Bill already shows many of the characteristics of his forbears, she says Ilia means to "protect him from himself." Astor Astonishes Folks. The recluse of Hever caatle, as Mr. Astor Is cullod by his friends, has been ex veiling himself lately by the auniptuousness of hi entertaining. He hue given a series of luncheons on Sundays for which each morning a Pullman car ha left Charing Cross station. On arrival at Penshurst, the nearest station, the guests have been con veyed In motor cars to the castle, the gar dens of which ere in great beauty Just now. These ar admitted to be the finest and most picturesque gardens In England. In th landscape portion they have been In many Instances designed by Mr. Astor himself, but Iord Redesdale. who is such an authority on landscape gardening and ' haa designed for the king at Windsor and at Bandrlngham. has also had much In DOll'T BE TOO FAT BE COMFORTABLE " If you're too tat just say to the drug gist th ma to word "Marmola." Takj soma and watch yourself grew slighter and slighter until you are comfortably thin. Then tell other fat folks about it. It's a good thing to remember the vre erlptlon: H ounce Uarmola. nuirn Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and I nunixi Peppermint Water. Take a tea spoonful after meal and before bedtime. While you're taking Marmola you can eat and drink aa much aa you Ilk, do aa llitl aa you wish In the line of work or sards, put you'll keep on getting thin ualU you atop tailing th msdiclna. laying out those of 1 1 ever castle. A guest, In describing one of the famous luncheon to which Mr. Astor has been treating hi friends explained that 'every delicacy In season and out of season was served; one of special Interest being aspar agus In October." Where the host procured It Is hi own secret. Ducklings and green peas were another June delieucy to which the fortunate guests Were treated. Mr. Astor's chef was at one time head nf the Imperial rtilslne at St. Petersburg. He Is a Frenchman and a most cultured artist. Ills life was made Intolerable in Russ'.a by the way in which he was watched by detectives In the Imperial menage and also by anx iety lest those under him would be guilty of any trick for which he would have been held responsible. He wa recommended to Mr. Astor, who was one of the very few people In England who would care to pay him the princely salary he demanded something over J7.50O per annum. ' LADY ' MART. ONLY KING NEVER IN DEBT Victor Emannel of Italy the One Who Holds that Inlqne Dis tinction. HOME, Nov. 7.(Speclal.)-Klr.g Victor Emanuel stands unique as the one sover eign In the world who has never had a debt. More remarkable still he was practi cally free from debt as crown prince when his finance were anything but florid. The Italian civil list amounts to the very respectable sum of 1, 200,000 yearly, but the king's expense are enormous. He hands over every year $400,000 to his mother, he keeps up from eight to ten palace and ea tates, which came to him from the dis possessed Italian rulers, and he Is paying off the debts of an extravagant father and still more extravagant grandfather. When he came to the throne he found that there were many large debts on which very high Interest was being paid, of the great Victor Emanuel, a king In the old style, without thought where 'spending, women and feasting were concerned, but a hero for courage and love of country. King Humbert was more restrained in his pleas ures, but thought that a king should be a king ell through, and not look at the pennies. Thus when his son came to the throne he found a sad state of financial chaos. Victor Emanuel's public point of view, curiously enough, is that of his subjects, that while the country Is poor its sovereign should pay the personal family debts, and hi private view is that a sovereign lowers his own dignity and that of his subjects if he runs into financial difficulties, and is obliged to pawn his Jewels, for example. He therefore looked about him for the best way to raise money and came to the i inclusion that the bourgeoisie way Is the beat, 1. e., to cut down expenses. What a day that was at court! W?hen he ex pounded his plans to the minister of the royal house, that functionary wertt about with his eyes half out of his head with astonishment, and is even said to have been seen wringing his hands and praying for a return of the good old days. There was great astonishment, not only In Italy but abroad, when the young sov ereign, with over 11.000,000 income, sold nearly 100 horses which had been eating their heads oft at the Qulrinal palace, only keeping those strictly necessary for royal use. At the same time two or three cooks were got rid of. Today the queen's clothing, while of the best quality, is not bought regardless of price, aa was the case with Queen Margherlta. Furthermore, Queen Elena's gown and hats are seen quite three times, if not more by the pub lic, and entertaining at the palace Is re stricted to two balls a year, the neces sary state dinners, and such Indispensable functions. Despite the household econo mies foreign sovereigns who have visited the Qulrinal declare that they were enter tained as well, If not better, than at any other court. Another of his "economies" was to turn the royal stables, here and there. Into paying concerns. For instance, Castelfus ano and Castelporziano, near Ostla, on the sea, under the late "magnificent" king were merely passive shooting places, which required large sums of money to keep up. The "bourgeois" king has, with modern methods, transformed them into money maiting properties, which pay from 3 to 5 per cent, and at the same time keeps up his game preserves at half the cost. The Coltano estate, which seemed to bo noth ing but worthless marshes, has been drained, and now pay something like 10 per cent. "MY LADY" MUST HAVE GOWNS Desperate Means Adopted by Titled Woman Without a Satlsfao torr Wardrobe. LONDON, Nov. 7.-(SpeclaI.)-It Is fast becoming a case of beg, borrow or steal for the woman who aspires to be smart and In the swim. It Is more Imperative today for a woman to be exquisitely robed during the county house visiting season than dur ing the London season. In crushes and crowds In town frock pass muster which won't stand for limited space in a coun try house and the sharp eyes of one's dearest enemies. At this season womenl with dress allowances of $30,000 per annum are often . driven to desperation to keep pace with the sartorial art of their rivals. A story is Just now being told of a lady who was one of the guests recently invited to meet the prince of Wales at a famous country house in Scotland. She did not consider that her wardrobe was up to the essential standard demanded by the princu who fancies himself a connoisseur In gowns, so she lmmedltely 'proned to the swagger West End atelier. She explained that she was In a violent hurry and must have the garments on approval. Theytwere accordingly forwarded without demur. They included dinner frocks, tea gowns, tailor-made suits, etc. This same night they were packed in "my lady's" boxes and dis patched to Scotland. She wore each in turn for a week and at the end of the visit It was again carefully packed in Its tissue paper and returned from her ladyship's house by her maid to the firm which sup piled It. "My lay " rival who was furiously en vious of the unique display of "creations" her ladyship had exhibited, realized that ther was only one house In Dover street which could turn out a rose leaf charmeuse tea gown of the order her ladyship had worn for the prince. She immediately re paired to the particular house, therefore, at which she was well known, and said she wanted such a robe. "We have the Identical thing you de sire," they said. "It la one of Doucet's," and forthwith the garment was produced. "Why," she explained, "that is the Iden tical garment Lady A wore at the duke of O ' house party a few duys ago. Beautiful as it is I should not think of wearing a model which was repeated." Shop assistants in the smart houses are aa perfectly trained never to show sur prise ms the best servants. The young shop woman merely remarked that she was sure "Mrs. JC. was Mistaken." People are nw wondering what attitude the house in question will take up against her ladyship. The tea gown wa a tjO one and it i a recognised fact in the trade and to the heat dressed women that a great house like Duucet never turns out two models alike FIRST CIRL LAWYER IN PARIS Only 21, but Makes a Hit with Her Opening Case. ACCUSED WOMAN IS ACQUITTED Car Peculiarly Pathetic and Offers the (hnrmlna- Pleader "neelnl Opportunity to Appeal to the Jury, PARIS, Nov. 7. (Speclal.)-Mille. Helene Mlropolsky, a talented young woman bar rister, made her debut last week at the Palais de Justice. For the first time In the history of the modern Paris law courts a woman stood alone before the red-robed judges surrounded by all the solemn maj esty of Justice, pleading in her own right as legal counsel the cause of another woman who was being tried for murder. No wonder that the court was crowded with an eager public and that all the other counsel, young and old alike, who were not engaged In other cases that day, thronged to witness the ordeal of their young woman colleague'. Clnd In the sober black gown and white bib of counsel, but without the mediaeval bob-wig so familiar In England, Mdlle. Mlropolsky was not In the least overawed or outwardly nervous. She had doubtless looked at herself In the mirror that morn ing and recognised that the verdict of "the men" could not be other than favorable. Mdlle. Miropolsky Is a handsome brunette, with fine dark eyes, a wealth of wavy black hair clustered out from beneath the coquettish toque and altogether she Is pleas ant to look upon, for sho is In the bloom of 21 summers. Even the public prosecutor, her adversary, unbent from his stern mis sion as the avenger of Justice and made a graceful little speech welcoming his learned friend at the outset of her legal career. Case n. I'nthrtlc One. The case that this twentieth century Portia was called upon to defend was a peculiarly pathetic one. It was that of a poor woman, a button-maker, who had managed to keep the wolf from the door until she mated with a brutal and lazy man. During the winter Helene Jean found herself with her baby on many a day face to face with starvation. Work had fallen off and there was no prospects of matters Improving. At last one cold morning in March she lost all courage and addressed the following piteous letter to "Monsieur Le Commlssaire de Police:" Life Is too miserable for It to be worth living any longer. I have decided to die, but I shall take my baby with me. for I cannot leave him to the tender mercies of the world. I beg you as a favor to have all my belongings sold so that a wreath may be bought for my baby boy. Then she lighted the little charcoal stove, locked the door, filled up all the cracks and then, taking her baby In her arms, lay down on her bed to await death. When, some hours later, tho door was burst open, It was to late. The baby was already dead. Helene Jeaon, who was still alive, was taken to the hospital, where she lay be tween life and death for many days. When at last she left the hospital It was to find the prison doors open to receive her as the murderer of her own child. Jury Take Little Time. The young barrister could hardly have had a more grateful case to defend than that of this bereaved, heartbroken prisoner, alive In spite of herself and now childless. Mdlle. Mlropolsky drew such a picture as only a woman could draw of another woman's sufferings, and when sho had finished the tears stood In the eyes of many of her hearers. The Jury's consulta tion was brief. There was only one pos sible answer to such an eloquent ' appeal; Helene. Jean was unanimously acquitted. The young "advocate," her checks flushed with emotion and triumph, was warmly congratulated by a crowd of admiring con freres, who pressed forward to touch their pretty and learned sister's hand. Defends an "Apache." Helene Miropolsky's triumphal debut was followed the very next day by another "masterly" pleading in the same court. This time, however, the subject was an ungrateful one , It was the trial, for at tempted murder, of a female "Apache." Last December, In tho gray light of early morning, an old widow, named Delellle, who keeps a little draper's store 1n rue St. Martin, was taking down the shutters, when a young woman of the quurter, Louise Brut by name, entered and asked to be shown a blouse. While Mme. Delellie was busy getting It, tho young one was trying to get at the till. Unfortunately, Mme. Delclllo turned round at the, critical mo ment. Caught In the act, the "Apache" rushed at the old woman, seized her by the throut and kicking her violently 1n the stomach with her knee, laid her on the floor. The old widow struggled desperately, but Louise Brut held her round tho throat with a grip like a vice. A few seconds longer, and tho victim would have been a corpse. At that moment a second custo mer entered the store. The "Apache" tied precipitately, but was arrested shortly afterwards. The prisoner pleaded that she was Intox icated at the time of the outrage, und as It was proved that she had drunk two cups of coffee and four glasses of absinthe lie fore going to Mum. Dchllle's, Mdlle. Mlro polsky was able to induce the Jury to al low extenuating circumstances! Malire Henri Robert, the great criminal advocate, could not have dune more for his client than that. Louise Brut was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment. i'areer Fairly Started. Mdlle. Miropolsky Is, therefore, now fairly launched upon her career, at tho very outset of wnlch she has reached u decree of celebrity tha. many briefless bar risters dream of but never attain. It is probable that the new "avocate" will con tine her activities to her own sex. Such at any rate la her present Intention. It is not generally known ttiai prior to the great resolution of 1?M no woman wa-s admitted to the bar. The rules of the order were extremely strict and excluded "the deaf, dumb, mad, minors of IS, women, Judges, notaries, policemen and persons belonging to a religious order." When the revolution broke out the Corporation of Barristers shared the late ot every other privileged body: it was dissolved and the bar was thrown open to everyone. Many prisoner, most Indeed, defended them selves, and there is moid than one famous instance of women having coma forward to plead the causo of their husbands and fathers. The first on record was Mdlle. Nina d'Ambert, whose father, the Marquis de Merle d Ainbert, colonel of the regi ment of Royal Marine, had quitted Franue without permission for England in order to put his wealth in a place of safety. On his return lie was seized as an emigre and brought before the terriblu revolutionary tribunal, before' which hardly anyone ever dared to appear as defending counsel of a prisoner. Mdlle. Nina d'Amoert -fearlessly presented herself on behalf of her father, i'ae tribunal could not in decency refuse to listen to her. but her eloquence wa In vain. Th marquis was guillotined and bis unhappy daughter died broken-hearted. It la a curious fact' that the Purls bar only now reckons 1,3a) "maltres," fully half of whom never don the rube. So there should be plenty of loom for "ces Uames," in spite of the (act that we tire clearly tea Jinglously inclined tnan our sites. . It 1 an easy matter to do business through The Bee Want Ad Columns. We Seil the Bisscll's Grand Rapids Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweepers, tach $2.50 Tic (Ereafi Sale One week ago we told you such an interesting Linoleum story that you came by hundreds the next day to profit by it. This is to announce that we will be ready for you Tomorrow with bargains in Room Size Hugs that ought to bring to our 5th floor the first thing in the morning every Omaha housekeeper with the proper idea of economy. There are hundreds of room-size Rugs in WILTON, AXMINSTER, VELVET AND BRUSSELS, which will be dis posed of at this sale. And while they last there will be clean-cut reductions ranging from L'o to 50 per cent, (llance at a few of the prices we herewith quote: Brussels Rugs $43.00 Brussels Rug, 10-6x12-6, Bale price $28.67 $34.00 Brussels Hug, 10-6x12-3, sale price 822.67 $25.00 Brussels Rug, 10-6x10-9, sale price $16.67 $31.50 Brussels Rug, 10x12-9, sale price $21.50 $20.00 Brussels Rug, 8-3x11-6, sale price $10.01 $22.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12, sale price $14.67 $23.50 Brussels Rug, 8-3x12, sale price $15.67 $26.50 Brussels Rug, 10-6x10-0, sale price ' $13.25 $32.00 Brussels Rug, 9-3x10-9, sale price $20.00 $35.00 Brussels Rug, 10-6x12, sale price $22.00 $24.00 Brussels Rug, 10-6x11, sale price $13.50 $17.50 Brussels Rug 9x12, sale price $12.50 Velvet Rugs $25.00 Velvet Rug, 8-3x11-6, sale price $14.00 Extraordinary Savings Offered Kitcnen Cabinets We are exclusive agents, for the McDougat Kitchen Cabinet, with and without sliver tops. Trices from $18.75 with silver top up to.. $30.00 Other makes of Kitchen Cabinets up from $3.60 ITALIANS AND AMERICANS Atay A. Bernardy Tells Something of Present Conditions. REPORT TOR THE KING OF ITALY SDl,irrt:i of Victor Kinannel Do Aot I udrratnnd Oar Wn and We D'j ot Inderatand Ilia FLORENCE. Nov. 7. (Special.) Miss Amy A. Bernardy, the American girl who, us special commissioner for Kin Victor Kmanuel of Italy, has Just completed an Investigation of Italian women and enti re n In tho North Atlantic division of the United States, has urrhVd in Florence, Mlbs Bernardy has for years divided her time between Italy and the United States, and her writings on Italian affairs have attracted wide, attention in the latter coun try, us well as In this. She occupied the chair of Italian literature in Smith college and is undoubtedly one of the best in formed authorities on the Italian emigrant question. At present she is enjoying, a year's leave of absence from her duties at Snritli college and has spent the time ful filling her miHsion for the king of Ituly. Although Impressing upon the writer her inability to forecast her official report, she nevertheless accorded your correspondent a Very Interesting interview un the general question of ltarian emigration to the United States. I asked Miss Bernardy what in her opinion wad the greatest obstacle in the way of Italian cinlgrjilon. Her answer was prompt and to the point. Obstacles to Umlgra t lou. "Itek of understanding of the Italians by the Americans, and a new state of af fairs, moral, political and domes, ic, for the Italian,'" sue said. "Tne Amotion ot today cannot rid i.iaiselt of tt.u idea ot the 'dago' of '.wetuy years Urfo. With a hand oiun and a Monkey, as a member of a picturesque race, dealing ia veudenaa and stilettos, lie interested litem. With pick and shovel in hand no Is a disappointment, an altogether untradlti.in.il 'ojjo.' The American, in his zeal lu do Ills duty by htm, note book in hand, approaches l.ini, as a clever woman once said to me, scientifi cally, whi e the iminigrunt has voyaged in.o his new land hcn.imcutuUy. lie is ulanned ai II, e stuiist.tc.Sy anu llies for understand ing to tile aireuuy arrived numuer ot his own laee. .Nuv, eaeu nationality, you know, has lli.eu the iuie of under dog lit the in-cunuiits of iuiiiti.il alton. Today it Is tho Italian. -The liisuinan oiiee was 'I'uddy,' but he always gave back us good as he received. How is Ihi Italian to dj tl.'.s with no knowledge of the lungjage? " Kfl'fct u( Ku Irouiueut. "Behind him, too, is a lilt lory, a religion, as well as habits aid custom entirely for eign to the economic lite of America. Tako one Instance, for example. When he comes over he hears of divorce and remarriage. To him in Italy thut has represented the grossest of hum.'in tins, and to hear that the new land sanctions it upsets his whole code of morality. 11' the worst sin In Id Itt-lian mind, is legally, and often religi ously, sanctioned, why not do as you pleusa In all ways in this new land of liberty J This Is but one Instance of how the new world startles and affects him. A delicate poirt, too, is ti.e question of the efficacy of S.U the methods of the settlement work ers and of the imsslcrarle. Tha termor, perhaps, do not always quit grasp the Italian's live of being let alone, nor know lils language, nor th habits of his country, fflkr, Stewart & lea 413-15-17 South Our More present many good Having !Mitunltios at the present time. Recent purchases Just opened add to the Interest that this store always has for the careful, prudent buyer. A visit of Inspection will soon convince one that from the standpoint of variety, quality and good value we merit your patronage. Special attention Is railed this week to our KUANS 11KDS, KITC11KN CABINETS and ItOCKKItS. Rockers Rocker like illustration. It Is extra heavy In weight, strongly braced In every way, polish finish, scat up holstered with seven coll springs, covered with Boston leather. Some thing remarkably cheap In price $8.35 Golden Oak Rocker, saddle seat, each 94.60 Mahogany finish Rocker, saddle seat, each 94-BO Giistav Stlekley Mission Rocker, up holstered In genuine goat skin.. $3 Solid mahogany, heavy mission style, pillow scat, genuine leather ... .$18 CRAFTSMAN rURviTUR We have Just received two car loads of the ori ginal CRAFTSMAN FURNITURE, made by Giis tav Stlekley, the originator of this furniture. It consists of Chairs, Rockers, Large Pillow Rockers and chairs, Morris Chairs, Tables, Settees, Settles Tabourettes, and CostumerH. WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR THIS, THE ONLY, AND ORIGINAL CRAFTSMAN. ... , , u'tmMiryjvjyfvvvjyj'sjyj'jfijnywrjjffvs . which make carpetloss floors and life in a tenement quite natural. They approach him with an nir of unconscious patronage and cause him to retreat for understanding to his own race. An Italian in Italy lives very simply; he has his goat, his dog, his cat for household companions, orly there he has the sun and ajr of Italy to Justify It, for all live more out doors than In. Conditions are condemned as filthy In America which are written atout and ex claimed over In Ituly as 'eo picturesque.' "And what would you suggest as a mean of promoting a better understanding?" Make Friends with IIIui. "Good will, sincere friendliness, co-operation," she said, "but not statistically," she added, with' a smile. "The note book and pencil wilt never win Italian friendliness. Nor will a constant fault findii'4f with his mode ot life change him. The tlrst thing Is to try to know and understand him as he is. "Almost Invariably," continued Miss Ber nardy, "his Italian conditions were better than his American ones, but in Italy the cllmato and his environment discouraged extra effort. In America the conditions drive him like a slave. He works, he re ceives relatively good wages, lives In de plorable conditions, makes heart-rending secrifices and saves." "To return to Italy?" "Sometimes. And right here I would say that the returned Italian immigrant, as a rule, is practically no good for Italy. He has lost his good Italian qualities and has gained the worst American ones, retulning the worst, not the best of both lands. If. he remains In' America, like the German of the past, he will in time become what both President ltoosevelt and the pope alike declared to me to be his Hue destiny, the role of good citizenship. But he must be aided to tills not only Intelligently, yes, but sympathetically, also." "What method would you suggest?" II w U Handle lllui. "Distiibule the demand for his work and he will oislrlbute himself in pursuit of it, as I said recently in my speech, on conges tion of population In New York, but don't 'ay out acres of undesirable lund and offer him 75 cents a day, with a chance of sup pression, race war, peonage, child labor, etc., to accompany It. By shoveling in New York he can make from 12 to 3 a day, and the other mukes no appeal, no matter how much he be expected to move on for the good Vf the nation, nor how much lie be a J vised by the committee on congestion. You can't get him west by promising lilm a farm In ten years, if he pays his own fare, etc., to get there. If he has )lUe, he prefers to buy a fruit stand in New York, or u grocery on an install ment plan, or, better, a house through a share In some mortgage. If you can offer him better Inducements, and Insure the safety of his life, he 11 see to his own distribution. In America the conditions re garding labor, legislation, peonage, child lubor, explosions of untugonlstlo feeling against the newcomer, are frightful, equal to the stute of uffulrs In England as re garded the German of the early part of the nineteenth century. And another thing," added Miss Bi manly, "all the dis tribution of tracts against tuberculosis and tenement house evils are not going to counteract the effect on the Italian new comer of seeing Ms maimed and crippled brothers coming back from the rallwas and mines of Ohio and West Virginia." 1'ablie KrliHli llrlp. "And what of the effect of the public schools?" "They do their duty," said Miss Ber nardy decidedly; "that Is," she added, "they absolutly Amerlcanlis Uis children." Sixteenth Street. 1 Room $2C.OO Velvet Rug, 9x10-6, Bale price '$17.67 $38.00 Velvet Rug, 10-6x12-9, sale price .' -..$25!33 $31.00 Velvet Rug, 10-6x10-9, sale price $20.67 $28.00 Velvet Rug, 10-6x10, sale price $18.67 $21.00 Velvet Rug. 8-3x8. sale price $14.00 $20.00 Velvet Rug. 9x9, sale piicj $13!oO $32.00 Velvet Rug. 9-11x11-9, sale price $2200 $25.00 Velvet Rug, 9-6x10-6, sale price . $1350 Axminster Rugs $36.00 Axiulnster Rug, 10x6x12-3, salo price $24.00 $33.00 Axminster Rug, 10-6x13, sale price , . .$22.00 $35.00 Axminster Rug, 10x13, sale price $23.33 $24.00 Axminster Rug, S-3xl0-6, sale price $16.00 $30.00 Axminster Rug, 10-6x12-6, sale price $2l!oO $24.00 Axminster Rug, 8-3x10-6, bale price $13.50 $34.00 Axminster Rug, 10-6x11, sale price $18.00 $35.00 Axminster Rug, 9x12, sale price $10.98 on Well Constructed Furniture Brass Beds Like illustration, massive L' inch posts with patent fas tenings for rails, guaran teed never to come loose or to become shaky. We are exclusive agents for this patent make of bed our price 21.50 Other Brass Beds from $125, $33, $32.50, $30, $28, $26.50, $24.50 down to ". $21.50 "It's All in tho Care." Lion Brand Clothing Tailor Made at Popular Prices - - $ ASIC YOUIt CLOTIIIEK Manufactured by THE FEDER, SILBERBERG CO., CINCINNATI. OHIO Commendation or condemnation of your goods may depend upon the character of your printed matter A. L Root, locwporaLd, 1210.1212 Howard Sir;, Osaka RfiORPKBNE tV1 "thr drug hshlt. are pnsttlTelv cored by HARITISA. tor h.ii.nnermio or Internal sue Ssmpln cnt to snr 1m hshltu l.r er mall. RKfrular price It 00 per bottle a F rC6 our dniKsiat or by wail la ila.a wrapper. Mail Orders HAVDEN BKOS.. Filled lit OMAHA, XEH. "And what of the Italian In tho south, or on the plantations?" "Te begin with, tlicie he Is in a sunny land, and tho customs are more his own. A southerner, too, by the very nature of liis aristocratic constitution, represents to lilm a congenlul pardone or padrona. South erners, too, understand his sentimental yearnings. Ilia trouble, however," added Miss Bernardy, "Is that tile southerner, in his heart, does not really want him, nor any other Immigrant." "And What do you think America has done for the Italian? Is he happy there?" "When he becomes Americanized he is all right. Happy, yes. America has made him understand economic views. In fact, has disciplined his sentimentality and sys tematized his mind. In the second geneta tlou, at the latest th third, lie is an American. A word here about this outcry over the money he brings back to Italy. Window Shades Car Specialty, All Sizes and Colors, Prices Up From 25c Im lip Daven-O We are exclusive agents for the Owen Daven-O Bed, the only davenport that can be made, Into a bed with springs and mattress and when closed cannot tell it from a regular davenport and always made ready for use. From $105 down to $38.00 TO-NIGIIT 1 V'SBHBBansnatMasaasHBBBVaM As a rule, It la to pay back debts, or the ' cost of ids ticket over. Generally the sue ccssful Italian remain's In America. He haa n vague dream of Italy, but he stays. For tny part, I think the money Is his. He has given America his work for It, and mots' than the contractors pay for, and ha has the right to take It where he will." hi aim. An American who leeently made a walk ing toar of Ireland In company with Ms daughter came pon a white-halrrd old woman silting in front of a cabin sur rounded by some poor little sticks of furni ture tt no it fowl or two. "An eviction'." suld the daughter. . The father said nothing, but being as rich in viiipathy as he i't In dollars he 1 1 . I a fivr-pouud mile Into a wad and pri rs'-d It into the old woman's hand. "Now," said lie, "tell tne what Is the matter.'' "Hare, sir." said th old woman, panting In her curtseying, "me ould rasa's white washing." Youth's ComjMUiloft. 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