Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Tiie Omaiia Sunday Ber
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Hunday Bee, one year IfJJ
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Addreee all complaints of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department
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Communications relating to newa and edi
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Slate nf N'ehraaka. noiurlas County, ss.t
(leora-s B. Tsachuck. treasurer of The
Xtmm PnhH.hlna- fnmnanv lMtlngr dtllV IWOtll,
aara that the actual number of full and
complete coplee of The Daily, Montir,
Evening and Sunday Bte printed during the
month of October. 1901, wae aa follows:
17 37,70
II 36300
It 37300
JO 37,500
21 37,680
22 37,650
28 37,730
14 37,460
25 37,100
26 47,750
27 3740
2g 33,820
29 37,830
30 37,640
31 37,000
Less unsold and returned copies.. 0,875
Net total 1,168395
Dally average 37,609
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before me tbla Slat day of October, laos.
Notary Public,
tabacrtbera leutif the city tent'
porarlly ahould have The Bee mailed
te theaa. Addreaa will be chanced aa
ftea aa reqaeated.
It la possible, of course, that Mr.
Hearst will yet demand a recount.
Anyway, Debs went through the
campaign without being publicly
It is in order to congratulate Mr.
Taft and wish him many more happy
C.W. Morse, the banker, doubtless
feels that he is closely related to old
R. E. Morse.
Walter Wellman is now in the "I
told you bo" class. He predicted both
ways and couldn't lose.
Nothing In the result can be con
strue'! as an encouragement for orphan
ticked in the next campaign.
John D. Rockefeller, jr., is serving
on the grand Jury in New York. The
fact should scare Mr. Archbold.
Caruso has become a, naturalized
""British citizen. Neither Italy nor this
country will offer any objections.
England is said to fear trouble with
India. That evens the score, as India
has long feared trouble with England.
"Why do all the men who ride motor
cycles look alike?" asks an exchange.
Why do men ride motor cycles?
Kansas has sent a call east for 6,000
corn huskers. Kansas farmers are
getting too proud to work any more.
For a concern that hasn't a friend
in the world the Standard Oil company
pay dividends with remarkable regu
To date Judge Parker has not been
able to quit laughing long enough to
6nd a telegram of condolence to Mr.
In a little while now you will be
hearing comments to the fact that Taft
and Sherman are preparing to March
King Peter of Servia says he is anx
ious to get rid of his army. He might
accomplish that by going to war with
Mr, Bryan Bays -ho would rather have
tho affections of the people than their
votes. The people evidently feel the
same way about it.
It la reported that Mr. Bryan is go
lnr on a duck-hunting trip. It will be
quite a change from wild goose chas-
log, which is his favorite sport.
A Georgia court has fixed the
weight limit of a mule's load. The
weight limit of the democratic mule's
load eema to have been definitely
In Oregon It Is against the law to
make a ' political speech on election
day. Oregon can make a great bid for
newcomers by making that law cover
U days.
Consuls report an active demand for
American windmills and gas machines
in foreign countries. Might spare a
lot ot them that went out of action on
November S.
The Navy department has been in
formed that tho cruiser Yankee will be
raised without much difficulty. Cer
tainly. It would be more difficult to
keep a Yankee down.
Mr. Taft will bavo the privilege of
naming his own cabinet it he iftes not
Ilk - the one the newspaper corre
spondents will construct for him be-
twan sow and March 4,
1 37,100
t 36,680
3 36,680
4... ..36,300
S 37380
7 38,500
1 37,830
10 38,880
11 36,680
12 37,700
13 37,630
It 37,610
IS .V. 37,730
IS 37,780
rxrrRtMEXTtxrt ox kebrazka.
In his post-election tatoment Mr.
Bryan concludes his explanation of his
third defeat for the presidency with
this allusion to the resumption of dem
ocratic control In Nebraska:
With a democratic governor and a demo
cratic legislature, wo ihall bo able to put
Into practice o much of the Denver plat
form as relate to state legislation and I
trust our itat will act an example that
will be an Influence for good In the nation.
This means that If Mr. Bryan has his
way and the Incoming state officers and
, . , . . . . x.
lawmakers let him direct them, iNe-
braska is to become the legislative ex
periment station for ' all the newly
coined vagaries whose advocacy
brought about his repudiation by the
There is scarcely a demand In the
Denver platform proposing a radical
Innovation that cannot be made of
state application, although no other
state,- even though under democratic
control, would undertake to write
these discredited proposals on its
statute books.
Out of patriotic loyalty to Nebraska
The Bee boldly expresses the hope that
Mr. Bryan's plan to make Nebraska an
!xperimental legislative Btatlon may
not be carried out. We do not want
to see the BO per cent trust remedy
tried on Nebraska's business undertak
ings. We prefer to let Oklahoma demon
strate the bank deposit guaranty a lit
tle longer and to wait for the promised
postal savings bank that should pro
vide all the guaranty necessary for
savings depositors. We prefer to let
congress take the lead on revising the
procedure of the federal courts and
then have the procedure in our state
courts made to conform.
A few things may be found in the
Denver platform adaptable to state
legislation that would constitute com
mendable steps in the direction of re
form, but most of these have already
been given us in Nebraska by the pres
ent republican administration, and all
the democrats can do is to hold fast to
them and perfect them where they
have developed weak spots.
If they go farther and press Ne
braska into service as an object lesson
to vindicate all the fantastic remedies
prescribed by Dr. Bryan for the body
politic, the poor patient that has to
swallow tu") dose and, also foot the
bills will be entitled to sympathy.
Reports of snow-blockaded trains in
the northwest recalls the coal famine
of last winter, with its consequent suf
fering for thousands of persons, and
directs attention to reports indicating
that the coal supply in the bins of the
dealers of the country is far from
sufficient to meet the demands, should
a rigorous winter set In. For once
the railroads cannot be blamed for this
Early last summer, when the side
tracks of the country were congested
with idle cars, the railroads scattered
circulars throughout the west and
northwest warning the peope that then
was the time to buy coal and predict
ing a car shortage in the fall and early
winter months. Agents of the roads
supplemented this appeal by personal
visits and dealers were urged to make
proper provision for the winter's fuel
supply. Times were hard, however,
and the winter's coal supply, which
usually moves to the west and north
west in July and August, is only now
fairly on tho way. Consumers re
fused to heed the warnings of the rail
road companies and dealers, without
orders from consumers, bought spar
ingly, with . the result that reports
show that there is less coal in the west
and northwest than there was at this
time a year ago
Under the circumstances about the
only thing left is to hope for continued
pleasant weather in order to give the
railroads time to perform now a Berv
ice they were anxious to perform In
the dull summer months. It a fuel
famine does comes, as we hope It will
not, the consumers will have to blame
themselves and the retail dealers, in
stead of the railroads
Mr. Henry White, the American am
bassador to France, has added the
weight of his opinion to the movement
now being urged upon congress in fa
vor of regular legation houses for all
our ambassadors and ministers, to be
owned and maintained by the United
States government. Air. White says
that until some provision of this kind
Is made it will be that our American
diplomats must be rich men, In order
to maintain their standing among the
diplomats of other powers.
The problem has been before con
gress many times, but there has been
a lack of public sentiment or public
interest back of it. Unquestionably
the public underestimates the import
ance of both the diplomatic and the
consular services, which are made prac
tically the most Important features of
the governments in other countries
Americans have been too much dis
posed to look upon the diplomatic
service as political or ornamental, with
out giving proper consideration of the
service It performs In affairs that at
feet the material interests of the coun
American diplomats are placed at
disadvantage, too, by reason of being
required to furnish their own resi
dences in tke capitals to w hich- they
have been accredited. Nearly every
other country, even some of the toy
republics, maintain legation houses for
tho ambassadors and diplomats and
the officials in foreign countries have
difficulty In understanding why the
United States should expect and re
quire its representatives to do bo un
dignified a thing as to lire in rented
houses. Ambassador White tells that
when the American flag was run up at
halt mast, on the death of ex-Presl-
dent Cleveland, other tenants of the
building occupied by the American em
bassy at Paris objected and he was
forced to haul down the flag. If the
United States had owned the house
there would have been no such em
barrassment. Mr. White also explains
that the ambassadors are required to
live on a scale in keeping with the
dignity of their positions and that un
less a man has a private fortune he
can not afford to accept a diplomatic
post under the American government.
The question Is one that should re
ceive the attention of congress. There
is no occasion for making appropria
tions to build palaces or enable am
bassadors to entertain on a lavish scale
at the expense of the government, but
there seems to be reason for some pro
vision for the betterment of housing
conditions of our diplomats abroad.
The spirit of civil liberty and rep
resentative government has apparently
made more progress in Russia in the
last few years than is generally sup
posed. The world, more or loss fa
miliar with the despotic methods of
Russian government and the brlttle
ness of imperial promises of reform,
has, it begins to appear, placed too lit
tle credence in reports of the growing
Influence of the Douma and the forces
that have been demanding the curtail
ing of the powers of Russian bureau
cracy. The czar has dissolved a cou
ple of the Doumas, but with each new
election the. spirit of renresentative
government has shown Increased power
and the way now se?ins to be open for
even greater reforms.
When the Russian premier, a few
days since, was asked in London what
were the further plans of his govern
ment in relation to the Balkan situa
tion, he replied that no formal an
nouncement could be made until after
the reassembling of the Douma. On
the heels of that statement the Rus
sian minister of finance appears with
the announcement that he can make
no detailed estimate of the financial
eeds of the government nor of the
government's policy in the matter "of
sx assessment n.nt! expenditures and
loans until the Douma has been con
sulted. The Russian minister of ma
rine has formally stated that the pro
gram for rebuilding the Russian navy
cannot be determined until the Douma
has been consulted. Add to this the
fact that within six months several
members of the Imperial family, high
in military rank, have been dismissed
because of the criticism passed upon
them by the Douma and it becomes
evident that representative government
in Russia has come to stay.
Czar Nicholas appreciates the situa
tion and his recall of Count Wltte to
a position of trust is evidence of his
conviction that the apparently impreg
nable defenses of autocracy has been
broken and that the imperial authori
ties must now heed the public opinion
that is expressed through the Douma.
The czar is learning that the stability
of any government of modern times
can be secured only through the as
sent and approval of the people. The
obviously growing strength of the rep
resentative principle in the vast Rus
slan empire is one of the triumphs of
civil liberty and progress notable in
recent world history.
The boys of the Pueblo high school
have armed themselves with the most
effective weapon of ridicule in an ef
fort to persuade the school board that
it is making a serious mistake in re
fusing them permission to have a rep
resentative foot ball team. The boys
first appealed to the board without re
suit and then adopted the other plan
of warfare. '
When school opened last Friday the
pupils came prepared for a sissy sea
slon, all dressed as little children of
the kindergarten type. The big boys
wore knickerbockers and shirtwaists,
with flaring big bows, and they carried
their tops and marbles. The girls,
who have entered into the spirit of the
revolt, wore their hair in beribboned
pigtails and brought their dollies and
their Teddy bears. At recess the boys
played tit-tat-toe and spun their tops,
while the girls had a dollies' tea party,
The teachers wilted at noon and dis
missed school for the rest of the day.
It remains to be, seen what effect
this exhibition of mollyeoddleism by
the big boys and girls will have on the
school board, but it is safe to predict
that the exhibition will be more effec
tive than any strike or noisy protest
usually resorted to In such cases.
The carelessness, or lack of precau
tion, of Americans In their building
methods is demonstrated in a striking
manner by F. W. Fitzpatrick in' an
article in the American magazine, in
which comparisons are made between
the fire losses in this country and In
Europe. The record shows that the
cost of fire, of actual combustion, aside
from Incidental expenses and losses, in
this country amounts to a tax of $2.30
per capita, as against an average cor
responding tax of 33 cents per capita
in all Europe. The average loss In
253 American cities Is $3.10 per cap
ita, while the average In sixty-one Eu
ropean cities is 60 cents. Europe has
.86 fires per 1,000 of the population
each year, while the United States has
In the whole of the British kingdom
last year there were but thirty-five
fires in which the loss exceeded $50
000. lit New York alone last yea
there were 3,84 3 fires, with a total
loss of $7,568,866. The fire loss 1
Rome for the year was but $56,000.
The explanation of tho difference la
not difficult. In Europe they have al
ways used less combustible material
In construction than have we; wood
has been less plentiful and they have
been more careful. In this country,
when lumber was "dirt cheap." bal
loon frames were run up, and even
later, when - lumber becamo more
scarce, it was used liberally in parti
tions, stairways and for flooring, mak
ing the work of destruction by lire very
simple. The country is paying the
penalty by losing more by fires each
year than Is derived from any one
source of revenue. The remedy,
which suggests Itself, is better ma
terial in construction and more
stringent building regulations.
Preparations for the taking of the
thirteenth census are now being made,
although reports of the twelfth census
are still coming in. The taking of each
census is naturally a greater task than
its predecessor and there is apparently
no limit to the features that may be
Incorporated in this national inquiry.
The census bureau is now a perma
nent institution, giving employment to
000 clerks who are engaged all the
time in making new investigations and
new compilations along the various
nes of activity, instead of making one
general investigation and report every
ten years. It is estimated that the
census will cost about $14,000,000, of
bich about $1,500,000 is required
for the permanent work of the bureau.
The greatest progress has been made
n providing electrical equipment, add
ng machines and other inventions de
igned to hasten the work of making
the compilations and It is promised
that the returns of the census of 1910
will be announced much more
promptly than ever before.
One danger of the existing system is
the prospect that the demand for data
on all conceivable subjects will lead
the bureau to make its reports so
oluminous that the value of them may
be lost. The need, in addition to the
etalled data, is for a series of ab
stracts on population, vital statistics,
manufacturing and such topics that
will be valuable for reference and
easily accessible.
One might infer from the tone of
the recent interview of Emperor Wil
liam that a campaign was on between
England and Germany for the election
a ruler of Germany. Kaiser Wil
liam has been protesting for some
years that he desires universal peace
and Is really friendly to the English
people for several reasons, one of
which is that his esteemed uncle now
happens to be England's king, but he
admits that he gets frightfully tired of
the persistent efforts of certain sec
tions of the British press and people
to stir up feeling against Germany and
the German people. In the interview
in question, Emperor William said:
You English are as mad, mad, mad as
March hares. What has come over you
that you are completely given over to
usplclons that are quite unworthy of a
great nation? What more can I do than
have done? I declared with all the em
phasis at my command In. my speech at
the Oulldhall that my heart was set upon
peace and that It was one of my dearest
wishes to live on the best terms with Kng-
land. Have I ever been false to my word?
Falsehood and prevarication are alien to
my nature. My actions ought to apeak
for themselves, but you will not listen to
them, but to those who misinterpret and
distort them.
This Is a personal Insult which I resent;
to be forever misjudged, to have my re
peated offers of friendship weighed and
scrutinized with jealous, mistrustful eyes
taxes my patience severely. I have said
time after time that I am a friend of
England, and your press, or at least a con
siderable section of it, bids the people of
England to refuse my proffered hand and
Insinuates that the other hand holds a
dagger.' How can I convince a nation
against its will?
Then, very much after the example
recently set in American politics, the
emperor went on to quote his record
in support of his assertions. He
showed that he had been England's
friend in the Boer war; had refused
to enter attractive European alliances
against England, and had, in all the
political complications of European
politics, stood by Great Britain, even
when German interests might have
been promoted by another course.
In American political parlance, the
emperor seems to have caught his
British opponents with the goods and
his criticisms may be pardoned as
coming from a monarch worn to the
raw by his failure to placate British
opinion and win British friendship.
While the tone of his remarkB is cal
culated to inflame rather than soothe,
he apparently has much justification in
feeling indignant and expressing him
self with frankness.
The result of the emperor's inter
view might be serious if there were
not a comedy side to it. Naturally,
when such a document from such an
authority becomes public, an explana
tion must be made and a scapegoat
found. In this case Chancellor von
Buelow appears to be the goat. The
emperor admits that he felt the docu
ment was pretty strong and so sent it
to his chancellor to be revised before
being printed. Von Buelow either felt
that the emperor had not done more
than he should or else failed to read
it, for he allowed the interview to go
lo the public without the changing of
a word or letter. Europe, Asia and a
few scattering precincts in Africa are
In an uproar over the interview and,
as Emperor William can do no wrong
ven Buelow Is booked for a very busy
time of it when the Reichstag meets.
A Pennsylvania girl has sued a mar
ried man for $5,000 because he did not
get a divorce and marry her, as be had
promised to cio. The man's only ex
cuse was that bis wife wouldn't let
Governor Johnson of Minnesota,
Governor-elect Harmon of Ohio and
Governor-elect Marshall of Indiana
way already be looked upon as entries
In the race in 1912, in place of the star
from the Bryan stables, which has been
The internal revenue officials have
prohibited the use of low grade wines
In tho manufacture of proprietary
medicines. That's proper. None but
well men should be allowed to drink
low grade wines.
"Whose business is it it I fix the
price of coal?" asks Deacon Baer of
the Coal trust. It is just possible,
deacon, that it may become the busi
ness of the "attorney general of the
United States.
Senator Aldricli bays he is going to
retire because he is tired of public life
and not because hla letter file contains
anything that he would hate to have
fall into Mr. Hearst's hands.
A Brief Remembrance.
HoBton Herald.
Moreover, Chairman Mack's 333 electoral
votes for Bryan were so symmetrical and
easy to remember, the day after.
la the Light Breaking!
St. Louis Times.
The admirers of Bryan have stood by him
faithfully, but they ought to see now that
a fascinating orator Is not necessarily cut
out for a trusted statesmen.
Doesn't Look, that Way.
Boston Transcript.
The deposits In Vermont savings banks
have Increased more than W.ono.ono In the
last year, or nearly $10 for every man,
woman or child In the state. Are these
hard times?
Some Itoom at the- Front.
Chicago News.
We trust that our quiet and subdued
campaign has not been Interfering with
the war cloud in the Balkans. If the lat
ter has been politely awaiting Its turn
It can now step forward to the footlights.
Onr Views, end llls'n.
Minneapolis Journal.
It is hard to see that the other fellow's
views may bo tinctured with good sense
when they differ from ours. Old St. Chest
nut, a southwestern philosopher, says:
"I am always willing to concede that a
man may differ with me and yet be honest,
but I can't get rid of the Idea that he Is a
blamed chump all the same."
Co n rait e of Ilia Interview.
BaJUmora American.
At least the kaiser did not, when all the
turmoil was raised about his Interview,
declare that he had been misquoted and
that the reporter In the case manufactured
the article out of whole cloth. He really
did say it, and, disdaining to save himself
from criticism by sacrificing the reporter,
he stuck to his guns like a man. In which
respect he might well be Imitated In less
exalted walks of life among public men.'a Limitation.
Governor Hughes.
We have too much of a tendency today
to rush a law for remedies for existing
evils, tho evils that are based upon ques
tions of Individual narrow-mindedness, of
Individual evil, or of the Individual lack
of this or that virtue. We are too apt to
pass laws, and tho moment a law Is
passed to Bay this or that evil has been
exterminated and wiped out, while we
know as a matter of fact, that It Is not
the passing of the law alone that can
remedy an evil, and the more laws you
pass that are not enforced tho more you
are apt to lessen the respect which the
people pay to them, and the less you are
apt to Improve their natural moral tone.
Schemes of the Trusts to Avoid Pen
alties of Crime,
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
It is tho plan of certain of the trusts,
particularly tho so-called dressed meat
trust, according to the New York Journal
of Commerce, to seek Incorporation in
some foreign country. Tho scheme Is to
form a parent company with offices In
London or some other brltlsh city, and to
have the various companies transacting
business In the different states entirely
Independent of one another. These compa
nies would then report direct to the home
office abroad and all correspondence and
accounts would be kept there." As most
of the evidence obtained In recent trust
prosecutions has come from tho books or
othnr records of these eono". It Is
thought that this plan would render them
proof against conviction. It would seem as ways enough might be found to
circumvent them in any such extreme at
tempt to evade tho Jaws and establish
monopoly In spite of law. We may be
sure some way would be found.
Preparations for Thanksgiving miy now
proceed with undiminished cheerfulness.
The Boston Herald is tho first of the
big dailies to abandon tho comic supple
ment. Dauntless Kitchener coming to America
in full knowledge of what happened to
The people of Illinois affirmed at tho
ballot b x tho declaration of the stato
supreme court that "foam is not beer."
liank'.-r Morse transfers his talents fim
doing the bank to doing time. Ajj a bank
guarantee fifteen years In prison will help
Cincinnati Is firmly fixed on the map
for four years. Oyster Bay has nearly
four months In which to pack up and re
cede from the sKtllght.
Another famous British institution sur
vives the onslaughts of reforms. The pro
vision prohibiting the employment of bar
maids has been stricken from tho licensing
Democrats who staked their coin on the
political forecasts of Norman' Mack will
havo their grievances adjusted by for
warding their subscription to the Buffalo
Times. Special rain for the unfortunate.
The famous band of Danville, 111., busted
the sheepskin and four sliver horns when
I nolo Joe crossed tho finish lino laps
Hhead of his competitor. It was a whirl
wind finish for the baud.
Aft.T a struggle of five years, Cahfor
mans voted uuwn me propwiuon to n-movt
the ttuto capitol from Sacramento to B'. rk
eley. No city In tho golden stale equuJs
Sacramento In the wealth and magnificence
ot Its oil rooms.
Aa a soothing poultice the touch of time
has few equals. It tones down the ex
uberancu or Biiccers anJ nenis tne scar
of defeat. Victor nnd vanquished alik
respond to Its ministrations, calming the
one, -comforting the other. It's great stuff,
and doesn't need a pure food label.
A bunch of offended prudes who caused
tho arrest of an Indiana woman for wear
ing a sheath gown were routed out of
court when the victim exhibited tho of
fending garment to the Judge. "It dies
not look bad," remarked the court, without
b.i'tlng an eye. "It is modest In com
parison with some f the sights you see
on any rainy day." A court that looks
ahe4 la wet weather la the court to tlj to.
Earnest, Intelligent Duslness Men.
Men Who Have Taste
In return for
Greater scope for your
In return for
Certain Success
No Capital required. No long training. No waiting for tilings to turn
up Start now, and turn them up. No "too-old-at-forty"
limit rears bring reputation and influence. BEST POLICY Jg; BEST COMPANY
The Equitable Life
The best prayers are tiie ones that take
longest to learn.
Tou can never fight a man's foes un
less you are his friend.
It's no use denying sin's service when
you're enjoying Its salary.
If you would shine as the stars begin
with a little aunshlne now.
Keeping faith with folks Is a good way
of cultivating faith In thein.
Sin has no power over the life when It
has no partners in the heart.
Bearing hatred Is a good deal like
carrying vitriol In a mighty thin flask.
Nothing Indicates tho wise man bet
ter than the smart things he doesn't say.
Flowers of happiness never bloom long
when we plant them In our own gardens.
You cannot tell much about a man's
musical ability by the way he. blows his
own horn.
It will take more than arguing the
devil out of existence to eliminate evil
from tho wofld.
It Is possible to be orthodox on the mir
acles and still be Ignorant of the Mas
ter's healing touch.
If you are the salt of the earth you
will not I f dropping yourself on the sore
places In other folk. Chicago Tribune.
Buoyant Spirit rndlmmed by' Years
and Pnhllc tares.
Leslie's Weekly.
Until the tragedy of the death of the
last of his children, who was killed by
the cars Just before the Inauguration.
Pierce was the most light-hearted of all
the men who had been elected to the pres
idency along to his day. Garfield was
Inclined to be frolicsome, but. like Tierce,
trouble beset him on the threshold of
the White House, though of a different
kind, and darkened the remaining month
of his life. "Don't worry about me,"
exclaimed Mr. Roosevelt, Just as he
was starting for Oyster Bay a few
months " ago, after one of the most
tempestuous sessions of congress which
has come since Johnson's day-". "I've
had a perfectly corking time!" After
such an experience as he had gone
through In the preceding half a year,
no other one of our twenty-five presi
dents would have felt that way. In
the boisterous sports at Sagamore Hill
during his recent vacation he was easily
the most tumultuous figure.
Amid the distractions of office no
other great statesman of the last quarter
of a century, with the possible exception
of Gladstone, has kept his enthusiasm
so fresh and active as has Mr. Roose
velt. In spirit, even more than In years,
he has been from the beginning the
youngest of our presidents. Now cele
brating his birthday at the age of 50, and
on the eve of retirement from office,
life has a far keener Interest for him
than It has for the average man at 20.
Haven't you been without music in your home long enough? Read below
of the remarkable bargains offered at Hoape'e. Then come in and examine
them If it'a a Piano you want or a Player Piano or a Piano Player or an
Organ, you couldn't find more value for the prices anywhere in the world.
That's' a statement we can back up.
Our Prices Ara the Lowest in the United States
Used Pi&nos
Every one from a well known
maker, thoroughlx overhauled.
1VEKM & 1HN1, one of the moat
popular styles, walnut case, '
carved panels $2-18
$10 cash; 17 monthly.
KMKRSOX, slightly used, dark
inphogany case, an unusual bar
gain, at $210
j. It A ILK. a handsome upright
walnut case in fine condition,
splendid value for $149
$10 cash; $5 monthly.
Used Org&ns
KIMBALL, 6 octave, large top
fine mirror, oak case $ 49
$3 cash; $2 monthly.
F.HTKV, walnut case, medium
top. In fine shape $ 23
KAIHtAND, walnut case, low top.
In good condition v-$ 12
Terms 60c per week.
Unsual prices for Instruments in such
fine condition.
NEW I PIUGHT PIANOS $145 $105 $175 $100 "! $108
It's the comparison customers ere making which satieties them that-the
Hospe plan is a saver of money.
A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Doutflas St.
We do eipert piano tuning mid repairing
As Representatives.
In return for t
Quick Promotion
In return for
A Growing Income
j- Write TO-DAY to
Assurance Society
"You had Just discovered the perfect man
when I went away; did you marry him?"
"Yes, I married him, and he has turned
out a perfect beast. Just like all the men."
Houston Post.
"Women," said the juvenile cytilc, "are
more remarkable for head thwn for heart."
"Yes," answered Miss Cayenne, "one
would think so by noting the relative
measurements of hats and corsets." Wash
ington Star.
"Mrs. Olymer is a model housewife In
one wav."
"What Is that?"
"By dint of giving her dinners, leas
and receptions to the reporters, she man
ages always lo keep her houso In print."
Philadelphia Press.
He Did you see here this shocking ac
count of how a woman committed suicidrt
because she was not a good housekeeper?
She Oh. don't flatter yourself I am at
all susceptible to sugestion. Baltimore
'"Yes, Belle Is marrlsj at last, and. da
you know, her husband is the very man ,
who proposed- to her ten years ago?"
"Why didn't she marry him then?"
"Oh, my dear, he was really quite too
old for her at that time." Modern Society.
bn my husband's birthdays." remarked
the club woman, "I always stay at home
and make him a cake. And he appreciates
"I'm sure he does," Bald the home woman,
"I've heard him say to my husband that
ho regards your birthday cakes as mile
stones along his married life." Boston
George MaeDowcll.
O night, send up the harvest moon
To walk about the fields,
And make of midnight magic nion
On lonely aurns and wealds.
In aolden ranks, with golden crowns
All in the yellow land.
Old solemn kings In rustling gowns,
The sheaves, moon-charmed stand.
fiky-mlrror she, afloat In space,
Beholds our coming morn:
Her heavenly Joy hath such a grace,
It ilpenB earthly corn.
Like some lone saint, with upward eyes,
Ixst In the deeps of prayer;
The people still their prayers and sighs,
And gazing, ripen there.
So, like the corn, moon-ripened last.
Would I, weary and gray.
On golden memories ripen fast.
And ripening pass sway.
In an old night so let me t'le;
A slow wind out of doors;
A waning moon, low In the sky;
A vapor on the moors.
A fire Just dying In the gloom;
Earth haunted all with dreams)
A sound of waters In the rooui
A. mirror's moony gleams.
And near me, in the sinking night,
wire thoughts than move in me
Forgiving wrong, and loving right,
And waiting till I see.
Piano Pltvyers, Player Pianos
A $250 Angelus Player in ma
hogany case, as good as new..J515()
A $250 Kimball Player, in wal
nut cast, slightly used $ "75
A. $250 Angelus Player. Bllghtly
used, u good condition $ 08
Pay $10 cash.
A ?650 used Ellington Player
Piano, walnut case, fine condi
gn $350
A $760 used Kimball Player
Piano, mahogany case, as good -
" ew $405
A $1,000 used Apollo (the best
In the world j. plays SSinotea.
mahogany case, latest model.. $750
Our Spec. Bargain for Next Week
New Player llano of the best
make and latent, model, while
thy $375