THE OMAHA SUNDAY NKfi: XOVTOIBEn S. IPOS P The Ideal Car 1 a vehicle seemingly per fect for ladies or physicians use, interchangeable with Queen Victoria body. The Baker Glccteio Inside Driven Coupe is distinctive for the elegance. tot it appointments a car that ' is handsome, refined and digni fied yet exceptionally con- venient and serviceable. Allow Us to Demonstrate the Inside Driven Coupe1 to you. We shall be pleased to make an appointment for a demon- atra f istn ataitlm Ku mail -taa oviawiuii a mi a j iuu Vt telephone. x KLECTRIO GARAGE CO., Telephone Douglas 3961. 190 rarnam St., Omaha, Vsb. Toilet Creams and Lotions At Beaton's 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream 20 25c Woodbury'B Facial Cream, tubes SO 23c Allan's Roso Cream 16 ( Monday only.) 25c FroBtllla '. 17 (Monday only.) , 60c Malvlna Lotion '35 (Monday only.) 25c Beaton's Velvet Cream 16 . (Monday ouly.) 50c Vantine's Cream 35 (Monday only.) 75c Poinpelan Massage Cream.. 48 (Monday only.) Beaton Drug Co. ' ICth and Farnam. '' 5?C DOUGLAS ST. THERE'S A REASON I FOR EVERYTHING This store lias grown cut. of l lie needs of the current days It wan not founded on . tradition or Impressions received from I ant periods. If you have grown weary of the ser vice, the qualities or the prices In other stores, we are here for your Immed iate recognition. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Repairing Everything 910.00 buys a flrt-clss adjusted Omtt, la SO-year ease. m WATCH 0AEGA ON TIME If you have been or are displeased with any goods or treatment ever received at our store, we ask that J ou make complaint or a.l vlte us for undemanding and satisfaction Is due and guaranteed you In every transaction at our store and we welcome any Just complaint. T. L. COMBS & CO. Jewelers ani Cplxians LATEST STYLES. ?ZgFICT ITT ' first-Class Work at Moderate Vricss. Hfc? L Fox Ladies' Tailor and Furrier 89S8 X.E AVBWWOBTat ITBIIT, vi. marnsy 663. i Have your fall ami winter suit uiadu at ' our place. Though new In Omaha, in the ' fchort period of time we have dujuoustrated our superiority In every detail over others to the many who already nave tried us! ' Ask a lady who has hud a suit at our : place and hear what she says. Our per- ! rectors In fit, style and workmanship is I without coinpur:si)ii In Omaha. Remember F. M. Schadell & Co. when looking for your Winter Hats. Latest up-to-date patterns especially priced SS.OO, S7.00, sio.oo DEBUTANTES LEAD SOCIETY Coming: Oat Receptions Will Be Feat ures of the Early Winter. PROSPECTS FOR SEASON :ht Vlaltlaa- t'lemllr tadrals from Lincoln anil Ames Here for Font Rail Uarna Make I Many Parties. The ".arret. The secret of fsjr woman's rule Is first to make of man a fool. So blame him not. To do his best. The fool must have his little Jest Thus fools are foolish women, when Thev make fools out of foolish men. The J'hllospher. The Sorlal Calendar. MONDAY Box party at Boyd's theater for Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ilsrwood. given bv the ushers at their wedding: Mr. and Mrs. F. fl. Cowglll. theater party for Miss Wcstbrook; Monday bridge club meeting: Omaha Guards dancing party at Armory. TI" ESP AY Mrs. C A. Hull, luncheon at the Omaha club; Mrs. M. T. Barlow, bridge for Miss Iols Weatbrooft; Melody rlub. Mr. Chauncey Jessen. WEDNESDAY Mrs. C. A. Hull, luncheon at Omaha club for Mrs. K. P. Holmes of Lincoln: Midweek Bridge club. Mrs. Louis Nftsh; Comedy. "A Box of Mon keys" at the Metropolitan club, given by some of the members; Alternate Card club. Mrs. W. ' T. Hoover; Pettlgrew 8arkey wedding. THURSDAY West Kenslrjgton club, Mrs. Frank Bchnets; Lynn Social club, dancing party at Chambers acad emy; Cllx club dancing party at the Rome hotel. FRIDAY Mrs. William I L'niirkef, bridge party: Ql Vive dancing party at Chambers' academy; Ha ruconi Pink danc ing club at the Rome hotel: Mrs. 8. R. Elsen, afternoon reception Junior Bridge club. SATURDAY Mrs. E. A. Benson, afternoon tea for her daughter, Mrs. Oaylord Mar tin. The plans of the debutantes are gradu ally materializing and approximate dates have been set by those whose plans are not definite. Miss Katharine Powell will . be the third debutante, the first two being j'MIss Marlon Haller and Miss Miriam Pat- terson. Mrs. A. C. Powell will give an af ternoon reception between the hours of S and 6 p. m.. Tuesday, November 24, for her daugter. Miss Katharine Powell, when there will be a number of young glrla as sisting. Mrs. W. A. Aycrigg will give an afternoon tea to Introduce her daughter, Miss Jcannle Aycrigg, who finished at the Ogantx school last June. Mrs. Aycrlgg's tea will given as soon as they are settled In their home to which they have recently moved. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy will give a tea No vember 28 for her daughter. Miss Jean Cudahy, and Monday evening, November 30, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum will give a cotillion at Chambers' academy for Miss Cudahy and Miss Bess Baum. The first week In December Mrs. B. B. Wood will give a dancing party to intro duce her niece, Miss Carolyn Barkalow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow, as owing to ill health, Mrs. Barkalow de cided not to entertain. Early In December, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glimore will give a dancing party at the Rome hotel for their daughter. Miss Amy Glimore, and Mrs. B. T. White will entertain during the holi days to Introduce her daugter, Miss Gwen doline White. With that enthusiasm that carries every thing before It scores of students from the University of Nebraska and Iowa Stat col lege In the city for Saturday's foot bait game gave to the week's end a touch of the holiday atmosphere. While most of them were here for but a few hours that was time enough for a score of foot ball parties with little dinners afterward, numerous Orpheum parties and parties at the Boyd and little gatherings of sorority girls and fraternity men. Box parties for both the Ames and Nebraska teams at the Boyd took many there. - Among the reunions was a box party given at the Orpheum for the members of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. The alumni members of the Alpha Theta Chi friternlty also gave an Orpheum party. Ths members of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternities of Ames and Nebraska and the alumni members took dinner together at the new Hcnshaw cafe. The Phi Kappa Psl gave a large dinner prty at the Mil lard hotel. A week-end house party was given by Miss Eva Penney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penney, at their home, 407 North Thirty-ninth street. There were six in the party and thu young women are all members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. These Include Miss Hazel Hanna, Miss Florence Rlddell and Miss Penney. The young men were Messrs. Harry Eaton, Fred Albertson and Sidney Collins, all of the university. Several parties are being planned In Lin coln for the next fortnight which will In clude a number of guests from Omaha. The Delta Gamma sorority will give a hiuio party this week and there will be a Plil Kappa Psl dance Friday. November 20, the members of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity will give a dancing party. A new club was organized Saturday at the home of little Miss Grace Allison on ! Sjuth Thirty-ninth street, which has been named the P. B. C. Cooking club. The members are: Misses Esther Wilhelm, Catherine Baum, Clara Daugherty, Helen Sanatorium ThU institution is the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct and rendering it possible to classify rases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and nonmental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other, Rest Cottage, being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment cf select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. Eastman and Grace Allison. Miss Alice Cudshy took th place of Mias 'Cather Wilhelm, who Is out of the rlty. The little glrla planned the menu themselves and donned kitchen aprons and assisted In cooking the luncheon, for which five guests were Invlbd. Including Masters Burdette Klrkendall. Philip Chsse. Edward Daugh erty, Rslston flcobte and Charles Allison. The little girls sImo planned the decora tions, red and black, the club colors, bHng In evidence; large bows of ribbon In tho club colors were tied at each place and the centerpiece was made of American Beauties. The children have club rooms In lii tMrd story of Dr. Allison's resi dence, which they have decorated and made cosy. A favorite entertainment Is grapho phone muslcales. Pleasure Feat. Mrs. E. M. Morsinan and Mrs. W. V. Morsraan gave a luncheon Saturday com plimentary to Mrs. Guy Barton who has recently returned from Europe. Cut flow ers decorated the table and covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Bchmollcr gnve a dlr-ner party Saturday evening at their home complimentary to Mls Helen Ed wards of Kansas City. White chrysanthe mums .made an effective table decoration and covers were laid for twelve. The H. G. L. club was entertained Fri day by Mrs. -A. F. Jacobs a:id the high scores were made by Mrs. K C. Giles, Mrs. A. Leorhner and Mrs. W. W. Allen. The next meeting will be In two weeks at the home of Mrs. R. C. Drueseilow. K Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blackwell enter tained at dinner Saturday evening for their niece, Miss Margaret Blackwell, the other guests being little Misses Elisabeth Reed. Lucile Bacon. Frances Hochstetler, Messrs. Malcolm Baldrige, Casper Offutt, Donald McWhorter, and Allen Tukey. Judge and Mrs. W. D. McHugh gave an Orpheum party Friday evening In honor of the Misses Ruth and Edna Baker of Lin coln. After the theater, supper was served at the Hanson cafe. The party Included Misses Baker, Miriam Patterson, Messrs. Wylle Hafer, Jack Dumont, A. W. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Baird, and Judge and Mrs. McHugh. A party was given Friday evening by the Misses Mamie and Johanna Chapman of Dundee, when the engagement of Miss Ethel Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, to Mr. Robert Thorpe, was an nounced. The wedding will take place De cember 23. The bride's cousin. Miss Agnes, Lewis, will be maid of honor, and the groom's brother, Mrs. George Thorpe, will serve as best man. The ring bearer will be little Miss Bernlce Peake, and the flower bearer, little Miss Odessa Peake. Messrs. William R. Wood, Arthur Rog ers, George Laler and Clarence Van Kurnn, who were ushers, and Ray Beselin, best man, at the Harwood-Conant wedding, will give a box party Monday evening at the Boyd in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin W. Harwood. The party will Include: Mr. and Mrs. FYanklini W. Harwood. Misses Fannie Howland, Grace Conant, May Murphy, Elolse Wood, Effia Halght. Messrs. William R. Wood, George, Laler, Ray Beselin, Arthur Rogers, Clarence Van Kuran. A surprise party was given Wednesday evening In honor of Mrs. R. V. , Pro haska's birthday at the home of Mrs. Mary Svaclna, 1417 South Fourteenth street Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Ptenlcka, Mr. and Mrs. A. Krecek, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Horky, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barta. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Pro haska, Mrs. Mary Svaclna. Misses Maiie Kuncl, Fannie Kuncl. Tlllle Kment. Ma mie Kment. Rose Janeoek. Emma Vltous, GiiHtye Machacek, . Marie Huntslnger, Rose Svaclna, Messrs. Frank Krecek. Jo seph Kuncl, Leo Resucha, J. - Petska, Frank Michalak and Charles Frohner. Miss Fannie Howland was hostess at a novel dinner party Saturday . evening at her home In honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jud son Chapman and Mr. and Mr. Franklin Warner Harwood. It was a progressive dinner of eight courses, and the men made out programs, choosing their partners for the various courses. Yellow chrysanthe mums were used through the rooms, and the guests were seated at small tables, each having crystal candlesticks tied with yellow ribbon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Har wood, the Misses Elolse Wood, Alice Swlt zler, Sophie Shirley, May Murphy, Effle Haight, Grace Conant. Fannie Howland. Messrs. George Laler, Charles Wright, Jack Sharpe, Arthur Rogers, W. Robert Wood, Charles VanKuran, Ray Beselin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry JenniBon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward P. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bur leigh, and Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Howland. Miss Veronica Dacy entertained the D. D. club last Tuesday evening at the home of her aunt. Mrs. J. F. Russell, at South Omaha. Cards were played and the high score was made by Miss Dacy. Miss Evelyn Etler. field was the guest of the club and sang several solos during the evening. Miss Freda Gibson will entertain the club Tuesday evening, November 17th. Those present at the last meeting were: Misses Kathryn Shields. Grace Cairns, Mii.tilo Rail, Evelyn Bdenfleld, Jennie Nelson, Ebba Gustaveson, Emma Gustaveson, Stel a Olsen, Minnie Cairns, Flora Stmm, Fred Gibson and Veror-ita Dacy. The San Soucl club was entertained by Miss Flora Stemm Friday. The evening was spent In playing cards, at which the high score was won by Miss Jes3le Corey and the consolation went to Miss Jetssle Robinson. The following were present: Mrs. R. E. Rosellus, Misses Jessie Rob inson. Clara Curtis, Bertha PIxton, Gladys Holmgren. Jennie Nelson, Char lotte Peterson, Maude Wilcox, Flora Stemm, Jessie Corey, Reglna Andreesen and Stella Olson. The next meeting will be held November 20, with Miss Jessie Robinson. CuDia aed Go Goanlp. Mr. Charles W. Morton has gore to New York City for a short visit Miss Ruth Moorhead Is visiting Miss Julia Coburn in Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Flora (Webster left Saturday for Chi cago to be gone ten days or two weeks. Mrs. D. I. Gilbert of Warren. O., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Pcarce. Mrs. E. P. Holmes of Lincoln will arrive Wednesday to be the guest of her daughter, Mis. C. A. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright of Pomona, Cal., formerly of Omaha, have been visit ing friends here. - Mr. and Mrs. Willtam Hill Clarke moved Saturday to their house at Thirty-first avenue and Farnam streets. Mrs. George A. Hoag'.and will leave the first of the week for Fort Sill, Okl., to visit her daughter, Mrs. David Stone, and Captain Stone. Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, who Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John T. .Stewatt, second, expects to leave for her hemt' In Indianapolis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Meghan and Mr Lee McSliarje who have been traveling abroad for several months, expect to sail for home November 14. Prof. Charles Peterson has returned from a six months' stay In Germany and on the Riviera where he went for hla health, which was much Improved by tha trip. Mrs. Myers of Washington, D. C, la the guest of Mrs. James MJenna. Mrs. Myers and her husband, Uaneial Myers, were residents cf Omaha many years ago. - Mr. Lipplncott ot New York Cliy, form erly of Omaha, has been visiting friends in Lincoln and Is expected Sunday to be the guest of Mrs. Louis Doup and also of Mia. David Baum. Mr. and Mrs. David Baum spent the first of the week In Lincoln as guest of Am bassador and Mrs. P. E. Thompson, re turning to Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who are en route to Mexico In their private car. Prospective Pleasares. The Lynrj Social club will give a dancing party at Chamber's academy Thursday evening. The Itanscoin Park Dancing cluh will give Its opening party at the Rome Fri day evening. The Qui Vive club will open Its sea son with a dancing party at Chambers' Friday evening. Mrs. William Unslcker will entertain at bridge Friday afternoon at her home, 1028 South Thirty-first street. Mrs. E. A. Benson has Issued cards for an afternoon tea Saturday In honor cf her daughter, Mrs. Uaylord Mariln. At the Metropolitan club next Wednes day evening a comedy. "A Box of Mon keys."' will be given by several of the members and will be followed by a dancing party. Mrs. C. A. Hull has Issued Invitations for two luncheons to be given Tuesday and Wednesday at the Omaha club, the latter In honor of Mrs. Hull's mother, Mrs. Holmes of Lincoln, Neb. In honor of Miss Lola Westbrook of Ogdrnsburg. N. Y Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowglll will give a theater party at the Boyd Monday evening and Tuesday aft ernoon Mrs. M. T. Barlow will entertain at bridge. The Amateurs, a musical club, will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R B. H. Bell, when the programs frr the season will fee planned. The members are Mrs. George M. Mclntyre. Mrs. N. P. Dodge. Jr.; Mrs H. P. Whltmore, Mrs. S. S. Caldwell. Mrs Gilbert Hitchcock. Mrs. Robert B H. Bell, Miss Marie Ctounse, Miss Eugenie Whlt more and Miss Mabel Balcombe. Weddings and Bnaaeraen4s. Mr. and Mrs. Radman announce the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Bessie, to Mr. A. Herscorati oX Toronto, Ont. GLOW OF WINTER'S "FIRESIDE Farewell to the Vanishing- Opea Flra, Banished by Modern Con traptions, With tha coming of long evenings that mark winter's approach, the home-loving man, his feet on the radiator and his pipe In his mouth, lata his wandering fancy hark back In unconscious atavism to the biasing hearth of song and story, with its group of blithe faces gathered around In an arc of kindliness and good cheer. Yet most of the present-day flat dwellers know the open fire and the lively group around It only from history and hearsay. This generation has, for the most part, had to warm Itself suc cessively at the parlor stove, the register and the radiator. Only the elders with frosted hair have remembrance of the open fire; deep In their hearts they know what the hearth has meant In the family life of years gone by. It was a social center, the old open fire place, with Its polished firedogs and Its red sparks from the sputtering hickory logs swarming up the chimney. It warmed the cockles of the heart, expanded the generous qualities of companionship, and, melting the too sharp outlines that some times separated the "me and thee" of old courtship nights, made a hospitable air of sympathy and fellowship instead. True, the young lover, to his discontent, some times found that the comfortable miscel lany of an evening at home around the fire afforded neither the time nor place for solitary withdrawals or the tete-a-tete dearer to his heart. The fireside group was an alembic that distilled the aroma and' essence of home life, a forga that riveted the natural ties of blood Into a still sweeter kinship of spirit. Something vital went out of home life when they walled up the old fireplace, but the Integrity of the family circle was tempered and wrought too truly to be rent asunder by such empty solaces as the register and radiator. Bereft of its Ufeglvlng center, behold, then, the family circle drawn around the evening lamp a student lamp or an argand burner. Inno cent or nouveau art forms or roycrofter's craft. With Its change of base the family group now took on a new character; It became less expansive, more thoughtful; It segregated Into Individuals of separate preoccupations, as study, reading, work. It became less communicative, though It still held to somewhat of Its old solidarity. But the light-bearing center table of the back parlor was the last stronghold of the group Idea In family life. With the waning of its vogue, the decline of the family group, like the decline of Rome, has been Insidious, gradual, but sure. Tho cozy corner, with its smothered scenic lighting, the piano lamp, the wall sconce which women of uncertain years find so kindly and the persistent, peftdant. chandelier. Itself eternal, changeless as the fixed idea It springs from all these alien and barbarian In truders have broken up the living room Into an assembly of special features in which the reading lamp Is only a casual and negligible episode, if. perchance, 11 Is to be found at all. Too often the stay-at-home man, with all the best intentions In the world and all the accessories of Dine, slippers and Morris chair Is frus trated and brought to naught In his en deavors by the aDsence or mat une utcu ful thing a light near enough, clear enough, mellow enough to create ihe Illu sion of that Intimacy, comfort and cheer for which his heart Inherits a craving from his f ire-worshiping, hearth-hovering ancestors. Scattered now Is the family group, its disintegration due to the removal of tho magnetic center. The lure of light and warmth Is an old. old one, and the tradi tions of their association with the sweet ness of horn He deep in the human breast. There are moments In the life of every man and of nearly every woman when the open fire and an intimate light near by. but not too near by, "were puiadlse enow." Such moments should be Indulged end prolonged. In Ihe real home the opportunity for their encourage ment ought to be permanently Installed. It Is as truly necessary as bed and board. AT THE LAST MINUTE How Quick Thinking; Led to Having; the Presidency for Hayes In 7. Speaking of minor Incidents that deter mine great events: If the managing editor of the New York Times. In 1876. had been a man readily dls. couraged, the chances are that Tllden would have succet-ded Grant In the White Moush. But because he was hopeful and a promi nent democrat was timorous, thf office was awarded to Hayes. It happened this way: On the morning of November g, 174, every New York newspaper except two the Herald and the Times virtually re corded Tilden's election. The Herald ques tioned Ihe outcome with the headline, "Which Is Elected?" The Times, then a republican newspaper, claimed a majority of one for Haves In the electoral college and otfeird a detailed siatemtnt tu hack Its assertion. To do this it had reversed the statement In Its midnight edition thst victory' was with the democrats. This reversal was based solely on a curi ous circumstance. Bhortly after midnight a messenger boy brought a note to John C. Reid, Us managing editor. The note was from Senator Barnum, a personal friend S7 FARWAM ST. 1 ( H H The CoaJ Store of Wo believe we have tho best assortment of women's coats to be found in Omaha The showing is so complete as to include practically every de sirable type of style produced by the leading designers and makers of the country, and which will appeal to women who use discriminating taste in the matter of dress. The styles are and tlirh 5LT- Great Showing of 3 road clot It Coats Broadcloth coats have the leading call. There is a splendid assortment here in all desirable colors. It's a great showing truly, and every woman with a coat to buy does herself an injustice if she does not inspect the present display at 15, 17.50, Ladies may entertain with afternoon tea at Hanson's; Cafe Beautiful Splendid arrangements have been made to afford ladles an opportunity to economically entertain ttietr friends or obtain llgnt refreshments while down town shopping. From a o'clock dally the beau tiful and cosy seoond floor of that oaf will fcs at the disposal of ladles for card parties, af ternoon teas, eto. Though popular in New York and Chicago, this is a new departure in the west. Your favorite brand of tea will be brewed to your taste at your own table. Entertain your friends here and elim inate the trouble it causes at home The cost Isn't much. Careful Prescription Work Prescriptions, when taken from the hands of customers in our store, are at once Inscribed with the name of patient, and then sent on a dummy to ur Prescrip tion Room. Here a force of skilled Phar maclsts devote their entire time to the Compounding of Prescriptions and thus are able to give a better quality of work than is possible where annoyed with the commercial problems of store keeping. 'Hard'' Prescriptions are "Easy for us. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Owl Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Harney. of Held's who had been chairman of the democratic national committee and was then chairman of the executive committee. It Inquired briefly If the Times had news from Florida. South Carolina. Oregon and Loulslanar Now the significance of the Inquiry lay in the fact that these four states had twenty-lwo electoral votes and that if they could be transferred from Tllden to Hayes they would elect the republican candidate by a plurality of one. With those states democratic the vote stood 206 for Tllden to 13 for Hayes. If they were republican Tllden would have only 184 to Hayes' 185. Mr. Held, being trained by his newspaper experience to be on the lookout for juet such odd combinations, figured out this arithmetical problem before he replied to Barnum. Its obvious corollary at once oc curred to him. Evidently the democrats weren't quite certain of those four states. That was data enough for him. He replied at once that the republicans had carried all four. Then he stopped the presses and got out a new edition claiming the election of Hayes, after which he posted off to the Fifth Avenue hotel, where he found that the republican chairman. Senator "Zach" Chandler of Michigan, had gone to bed sup posing the party badly beaten. W. E. Chandler of New Hampshire, secretary of the republican national committee, arnea Just then and the two men got the chair man up. ti was decided to wire to repub lican leaders In ull doubtful states to "claim everything." and an announcement of Hayes' election was given out. rl.i. was the beginning of the pollticul struggle that ended with the organization of an electoral commission that counted Uayes In. Kansas City Star. Paper Kree of libel Charge. TOPE K A. Kan., Nov. ".An opinion was given today In tli supreme court affirming the district court of Shawnee county, Kan sas, In tha case of Coleman against Mac Uerinan, sustaining the lower court In tha acquittal of the Topeka State Journal In a famous case for W.000 brought by Cole man when tha attorney general and other state officials, wherein libel was alleged against the paper for criticising the state officers in buying Irregular CumaJlch. county bonds for tli school fund. 1 distinctive and values decided ly superior and it is certain v that every woman who takes the opportunity to view the assortments will decide with us that this coat store is to be reckoned as the leader in its field. The Styles and Materials Tl v, tittt -, ltl modified directoire effects name rvsivi 1 4,aa (- i i . 1 i . nrV, nVi iur gjirinriai n vi nij icn ivuuii are shown in a great diversity of dif ferent effects. The prevailing fash ion is serai-plain utility coats for street and general wear, broad cloths, stripe coverts, fancy coat ings, cheviots, satins and velours are the principal materials, and are rep resented in a wide range of colors and black. 25, '29.50, '35, $45 FUR GARIVIErVTS Mad With a Tailor's Touch Garments that Are In a Claaa try Themselves Have your furs remodeled and repaired in a reliable establlshmeat where there Is no danger of substitution, for furs. It must be remembered, come In many qualities. A purchaser remembers qualities Ion after he forgets arias. LADIES' TA1LVK sad FUMtlEI Kl JWKfcV. A HOLIDAY AT HOME naturally centers around the table where the home folks gather together for a good, old-fashioned Holiday Feast In keep ing with then-spirit of such occasions is the quaint, plain, old-fashioned silver service known as Hajfapette tlUer This charming pattern recalls the famous feast days of Colonial times day when La Fayette was an honored guest. The "La Fayette" in Towle Sterling Silver pre sents the tame charming feature that have made the plain, old fashioned spoons of Colonial days coveted heirlooms ever since namely, quaintnea of outline and the simplicity of plain surfaces without ornamentation. A Pleasing Gift We (bow La Fayette Sihtx (Sterling) ia great variety (or gilt purpowa a wkIs range oi pieoa at all prices, Albert Edholm 15th and Hirnty street .f IT s... . t !t --Hill 10 rl IMm OitvolKol V ... Northeast Corner 16th snd ncw&rd Chests of Silver We have laid in' a splendid line of Sterling Silver Flatware in chests, from 2 4 -piece cheats to 200-piece chests, ranging from $S0 to $600, in mahogany and oak. A bride who receives such a present as this from their parents always consider themselves started right. They last a lifetime. We take pleasure In showing you. ' ;' C B. Brown Co. Jewelers and Hilversmiths. 16th and Farnam Cafe Loyal SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER DE LUXE From 6 to I SO o'Clock S1.00 Per PUte MU5IC Hotel Loyal FIRE-PROOF "At the Slg-n of the Red Arrow" OPPOSITE THE POSTOmCE. Advertise In THE OMAHA DEE Best t'h". West al s 8 r d V J