EDITORIAL SECTION. Pcrjes 9 to 16. The Omaha Daily Bee A Ppr for th Hem THE OMAHA DEE Best & West VOL. XXXVIII NO. 122. OMAHA, SATUMUY MOKNIXO, NOVEMBER 7, 1903. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Rare Corset Bargains You still have another chance Saturday to buy corsets of well known tl.00. $1.60 and $2.00 quality, such an R. & O., Kabo., W. B.. V. C. C. Thompson and C. B.f etc., all sizes and best styles, choice Ribb ons tOO pieces fins all silk plain taffeta ribbons. 4 Inches wide, In white, black, light blue, pink, red, navy : and brown, every yard great, 26a value, on sale Saturday, at, 121 per yard IIC 79c Veilings Fancy mesh In white, black, navy, brown and green worth to 26c, for ....ISO VICKWIAK Manufacture er'a lot of odds and ends, many styles. Including en tire eaniplf Ine .regular 26o neck (..ces Bo SATURDAY Box Paper Sale 59c Holiday boxes, very beautiful designs, from recent big pur chase. More lines added. 60 and 76c boxes for 25c; $1.50 and $2 boxes for Aler Books for boys, all titles, 2 for 33 Kt. Elmo, S1.BO edition. . -25 Tost Card Albums, padded, $1.60, kinds for.. f)8 RIO SALE PICTURE FRAME) Gold Tram., Ix20-ln. with ninr" or oval openings. .69o old Prames, 8x10 Inch, with glum, special BOo Gold Frames, oval shape, 6x8, 15o Aasorted rramea, all elien and colors 10c to 35o Brown rramaa, 6x8 and $xl0. with glae 3 00 (Art lrpt. 2d Floor.) Hffi J 1 The Winter Quarterly Style Book, with any ISo Ladles' Horn Journal Pattern for SOo HI 1 SATURDAY Chrysanthemum Sale 10,000 large, handsomo, full bloom Chrysanthemums In all colors, worth $4.60 a dozen. Get one before you go to foot ball gamo, each Lowest Prices on Amer ican Beauty Roses and Carnations. 10c SHEET MUSIC SALE riupooni in nm aept. New child songs aro popular. There's a sen- I tlinent in the fad that , I appeal, to- young Hnrt r old alike. s Here are two I new ones. ISO, . : . J If more convenient order by telephone. Telephone In the dept. (baloony, main floor.) New child songs nro "DOUBLE DOUBLE DABB TOO' Hetter ami tngger than "School Iiays." "FLATMATE S" Another big hit and Just received. "Castles I Have In Dreams" liugene Cowles' New York song hit. "The Time Will Come When You'll He- member." "You'll Ho Sorry Just Too l,ate." "And a Little Bit More." Hits from The Alaskan, "Somebody I, led." "Rainbow." "Long , Ago." "Komnlsy, Sweet heart." "Nnpance." Now waltMs. new two-steps, new rev eries, all at Three Twins and Top o' the" World. A "Bombshell" from the Glovo Department Two-Clasp Kid Gloves, all sizes In black, tan, brown and white, worth $9.60 a dozen, to Jmpoj't, on sale, at, 79c 8-Button Mosque talrcs. French Kid In black,: tan and brown, best $1.75 glove, on sale In U. S., pair 31. 1G 2,500 pairs of gloves in a gigantic sale again Satur day. Bennett's ready cash secures the biggest glove bargains in years. Competing hduses completely non plused over such unexpected and seemingly impossible glove prices. Long gloves and short gloves, all perfect goods too, at less than other stores are paying at whole sale. Countermand order from N. Y. importer on sale Saturday at these extraordinarily low prices. Double stamps with every purchase. Cap Guantlets, Imported capes with soft cuff, best $2.00 quality, on sale Sat urday, pair $1.49 16 and 13 Bntton Capo Gloves Best $4 and $4.60 Import ed capes spear point back, tana only every sire, pair S1.98 10-Button French Kid, very finest quality imported identical gloves re tailing usually at $3.75, pair $2.39 Saturday SaJes Underwear, Hosiery, Etc, y Women's underwear priced to create intense Interest and many Hales. 'versally good. Quality and low prices are inseparably linked toirother. At no time are values so uni- Women's fleeced gray or cream 35c vests and pants, each 21 Women's fleeced and medium weight 50c vests and pants 39J Women's fine combed 65c veBts and pants, finely finished 49 Children's wool plaited 50c union suits, at 390 Women's fleeced union suits, always 75c, at 490 Women's medium weight union suits, the $1.00 kind, at 79 AVomen's extra or out-size fleeced $1.25 suits, for , . . -89c HOSIERY Women's fast black mercerized, seamless, 20c hose, pair. 1210 Women's Imported cotton, full-fashioned 29c hose 190 Women's Imported lisle hose, double sole, 35c quality 250 Geneva Silk Hose, In black; look and feel like all silk, wear better; 50c values. 3 pairs for $1.00 Boys' heavy 20c bicycle stockings, all sizes, at 12 HO HANDKERCHIEFS Women's fine Swiss Handkerchiefs, cross bar design, 8c value 5 Women's pure linen embroidered Handker chiefs. 25c kind. 3 for 60c: each 170 Women's 20c embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, special at li0 Men's pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs, fine ISc values for lOo We gl I on all pi ve double 8. tt II. green stamps purchases In these depta. Saturday. D . t Boundless Variety New Suits for Saturday 600 new and distinctive suits made to our or women demand are in again for Saturday. Where In all the west Is there another sue a big saving to you on them, couldn't . wasn't A more representative line of lat Hard finished worsteds, rich broadcloth an tuously tailored and trimmed in great pro ers who know styles and values have mad unparalleled In Omaha retailing, savings o every suit, $29.50 and der after Ideas proven to be the kinds Omaha Just think of It! Suits at $25 and $29.60. h representative showing? Of course, there's waste Rood money advertising them if there e styles Is simply impossible. d novelty cloth suits, sump- fusion. Spot cash and buy e this a Saturday Suit Sale f $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00 on 2S The New Coats Of course you want something out of the ordinary and here's Just the place to find It. We show Saturday a tremendous coat stock and every garment an exclusive model. The new mouse colored and brown shades In heavy diagonal and dark, all wool 1 plaids are stunning. Made in Empire and .tight-fitted backs and full circular skirts, with large lapels, buttons and pockets. Some are piped with velvet. Extremely atyllsh. .. . $25 A Skirt Sa.Ie 350 fine skirts in an Immense sale Saturday. ' Our buyer has closed a deal In which he bought a maker's stock on hand of voiles and panamas in the piece. He bought the goods at a low price and had the skirts made to his special order. Handsomely gored and side pleated styles, trimmed with silk folds, all the new browns $ navy and black. Every garment positively $7.60 value, for '42 e mm in mm a & i Saturday is the Children's Day Our great children's wear department is replete with more neat, dressy, beroni Ing coata for all ages than were ever shown In town before. Of very special Interest is our line of Melton, Cheviot, Kersey and Scotch Mixture Coats In 6 to 14 year sixes. Military and full length, double breasted $ f-qq styles, trimmed with gold braid and buttons, silk velvets and C-'' contrasting shades of cloth; red, navy, green, brown, etc Misses' Coat, full navy, green length, all wool, heavy diagonal storm coats with em pire back, and buttoned vents from waist to bottom on each side; colors, brown,- green, navy and cadet, in 14, 16 and 18 year sizes $15 Bearskin Coats In 2 to 6 year sizes, In tan, blue and brown $2.95 Fur Sets for little children. Thibet, Er mine Chinchilla, Krlmmer, Mink, Coney and Gray Fox, muff and collar, $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 P silk velvets and brown, etc Junior Suits for misses of 13, 15 and 17 years. Stylish semi-fitted 33-inch box coats and side pleated, gored skirts. Materials are handsome worsteds, as finely tailored as any woman's suit, all colors $15 Girls' DressesLot wool dresses, odd ments of sold-out lines, sailors and French blouse styles, checks and plaids and mixtures sizes to 14, were $3.00, clearing, at 950 Infanta' Caps French shapes and poke bonnets In white, red, brown, navy, trimmed with ribbons, showing beads and ostrich, $1, $1.95, $2.95 to $5.95 Jap Mink Fur Sets These populeij furs are shown In all the new styles for 1908-09 throws, scarfs, " small neck pieoes, shawl scarfs, with heads and1 tails, and ruga or pillow muffs. 915.00, 930.00, 123.00, $30.00 to 940.00. Black Furs, now so extremely fashion able, shown In great profusion, waster Coate for women. In high military collar or regulation coat style, with pockets gray, navy, red, white, etc.. on sale at 93.60, 93.00, 93.93 to 97.53 Black Waists of the gloria open front or back yokes of tiny tucks, for business wear: also white and percale tailored ' styles 91.35 riannelette Gowns A new shipment for Saturday, white and fancy striped, heavy fleeced materials, cut generously large and full, all aizes 91.00 Fleeced Wrappers and two-piece houf'e dresses, sixes 34 to 46, all colors, on sale at 91-38, 9160 ana 91.69 Big Sale S3 Shoes for Men 1500 Pairs on Sale SATURDAY One of the great shoe Jobbing houses of the west closed out to us all the floor stork of several lines of fine shoes at less than cost to make. Every size, every style. A wonderful bargain event, choice of I in , 1 a - - v I m mu (wcra or cungieBo; Gunmetal Calf, (laced, blucher and button) Velour Calf Patent Colt (laced) Tan Storm Calf (laced) Wm, Ij. Douglas Shoes, patent colt laced shoes only; sizes 6 to 8 4 ; best' $3.60 union made shoes, our third shipment on sale, Saturday Boys' Shoes The best line of good honestly made all solid leather shoes for boys ever shown In Omaha. The kind of shoes that stand the hard knocks, 91-60. 93 and 93.50 Misses' and Child's black Jersey Laggings, sizes to 13, worth 60c, at '39o Fine new line women's gray, blue and brown top shoes; also all gray. and all black suedes, in all sixes. 2.29 Saturday Morning Speolal 8 to 11 o'clocK we will sell misses' and children's laced and button, solid leather, vlcl kid shoes, with pat. top, worth $1.60 and 91.75. sixes up to for 980 69c for Men s Shirts Worth $2.00 130 Dozen on Sale SATURDAY A big lot of 1,560 shirts from a maker, anxious to clean up the lot, pur chased at practically our own figures. The styles are right in every par ticular, negligee pleated and stiff bosoms, values to $2.00. Arranged in two lots, this way: 73 dozen in large assortment, ui imo shirtings, plain or pleated, cuffs on or off, nearly all coat styles, excellent pat terns, $1.60 and $2.00 shirts, for Electro Peninsular Ranges x aaaaassBaaassaaa...aaa.aaa.a.aaaaaiaa.aaaaaaaaBaaBa..aaaa 67 dozen madras and percale shirts with plain or pleated fronts; either light or dark patterns, worth up to 75c and $1.00, for I 11 VU l , 49c L. (JULIO VU 69c MEN'S DRESSY FALL HATS Hats that are fashionably correct both in shape and shade. Our expert hatmen can "hat" you with a becoming head piece, no matter how modest your expenditure. New Greens In Alpine, Telescope and rounders. All the new, green shades values to $4 for $2.50 and.'. $3 j uenneu opetiai , own, y . for $3 Crofut and Knapp Hata, blacks and new browns, In stiff hats, $2.50 and $3 Stetson Hats, greatest assortment, plain soft or stiff styles, $3.50 to '. $7.50 y y "Best on Karth", 11.35 Sad Irons. per set 9o tbc Flour t'anH, 50 lb., Ja panned. 590 htc Bread Llux, extra Urge. . . .430 , 60c Mall Boxes, castlron 390 91.25 Mall lioxes. steel, loek and keys .860 SOo Fire Shovels, long handles.lBo 16c Fire Shovela. long handles.lOo $1.10 Pott's Pat. Sad Irons, set.79o As fine a $40 stove as Ib built, attractive In design and orna mentation; opens entirely from the front; has four 8-inch holes and two 6-lnch holes; burns coal or wood. This high grade range on sale Saturday at $31.50 Peninsular Base ISurner with all steel base, most powerful heater made, regular $4 4.00 stoves, tor $38.00 Peninsular Home Oak 1 1 eater with 13-lnch fire pot, a $11.00 stove. Saturday $8.85 Other heaters from $3.50 up ward. Stove Upe Beet quality Iron pipe, with 10 stumps 13o 45c 1'lanlnhed Iron Pipe for ....30) Coal Hulls All sizes and styles. Including ZD ktamp.n, up from. SOo Waffle Irons Including 40 wlampu. at 980 and bSo Itove Boards All sizes, Including 40 stamps, up fiotn SOo Wilson Bread Toaster for 350 and 20 stamps. Jap China Cups and Saucers 2.350 Highly Decorated Styles ' In a Great Sale Saturday n i.t. 1 4 -v nloo im SI big overstock. Line consists of coffees, teas, nior.s. after dinners, chocolatea and moustache cupa, plain ana footed. 5r. 30c and 35c Cupa and Saucers. 10c 3-9c, 50c and 69c Cups and Baucers, 25c 98c. $1.10. $1.50 Cups and Sauoers, 39c BBBSHSSBEaCE I Fruits aixd Vegetables All strictly new and freh supplies for Saturday at lowest market prices. . Grape Fruit. 10c. 3 for JTic yulnees, dozen. 25c and 40o I ulif. Tomatoes, lb 10c 50c. Uaxket. Fine Tokay Orapes, 3 'ha. for 25c Bananas, doz.. 10c and lie Uen Davis Apples, pk..25c Celery. 3 heada for.... 10c Cranberries, quart e Irish Potatoes, pk 200 75c Bushel. Cabbage, head, 6c nd 10c Caulltlower. lb 12Ho Sweet Florida Oranges, per dozen, 80c, 40c and....ooe Saturday's Grocery Specials Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack 91.50 and 50 stamps Bennett's Beat Coffee, pound 36o and '30 stamps Teaa, aasorted, pound 680 and 0 stamps Honey, new and pure, glass 1BV40 and 10 stamps Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs. for 36 and 10 stamps Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder,, lb. .94 and 10 stamps Bennett's Capitol, Pancake Flour, pkg. lie and 10 stamps btrlnglesa Beans,' "Beat We Hvo," 26c kind for ISO Two cans for 36o J. M. Early June Peas, 3 cans for &5o Capitol Mince Meat, three pkgs 95o and 10 stamps Capitol Extract, bottle ISo and 10 stamps Beauty Asparagus, can 38o and 20 stamps Allen's Brown Bread Flour, pkg 16o end 10 stamps Full Cream Cheese, pound SOo and 10 stamps Lomestlc Swiss Cheeao, pound Premium Butterlne, two lbs. . A. B. C. Catsup, bottle Ilex Lye, three cans Rub-No-Mora Washing Powder, Helns Sweet Onions, pint Pure Pepper, per can .... Crackers, large assortment 85o and 10 stamps ....47o and 10 stamps . ...93o and 10 stamps ....ISo and 10 stamps for So and 10 stamps . ...s5o and 10 stamps . ...lOo and 5 stamps . ...lOo and 10 stamps OABSIXS IB OBOOBBT Mixed Candy, lb. Chocolate Creams Salted Peanuts, lb.. New Dates, lb.. California Figs, pkg. Pkg. . rmxa demobstbatxow Peanut Salad Oil Small bottle B5o 10 stamps Med. bottle 40o 20 stamps Large bottle eoo 30 stamps A Great Saturday Sale Mens Suits Overcoats Raincoats 1,000 garments, strictly new fall and winter models, in every late shade and fabric, tailored in very latest fashion. In every particular these are the best $20 Suits, Overcoats or Rain coats on sale in any store. We offer them Saturday at a bona fide saving to you of $5 Choice f $15 Suits and Overcoats I Children's Suits FORYOUNGMbN The materials In the suits are -, blue serge, black thlbet and fancy cloths In new Bhades. The overcoats are heavy, correct in style and In a variety of excel lent cloths. Every suit or over coat big $10,00 value, $cn sizes 14 to 20 years. for st and Overcoats There 1b not a single Btyle of note that lb not represented In this collection, good, well-made sty lish suits In double breasted, Russian and blouse suits, with knlcker pants, every new fabric and shade, also heavy, warm overcoats in greatest variety v iaui u; $4 y Fresh Dressed Spring Ducks, lb., 12ic Fresh x.e&f Lard, 10 lbs for. .91.00 Pig Pork Shoulder Boast, lb.. 70 Pig Pork Spare Bibs, lb TViO Bib Boast, all bones out lOo Choloe Pot Boast, lb 7c and 60 HAMS Morrell's Iowa Pride. to 10 lbs., all niHriint.Ar1 IK BACOIT Morrell's Iowa Pride, narrow trimmed strips, per'lb. .' And 30 stamps t strip. BACON Calumet bacon, sugar rurud, 6 to 7 lb. strlpa Der lb T.amnTn in.ih n.n. ,hni,. . l: ... 1 .. -1 1 . , .. . - , -i -- -"-i'i" uci, Armours shield or Cudahy's Rex brand, per pall ii 3s And 30 stamps. Pap X,amb x,ega, lb 10Ve Lamb Shoulder Boast, 4 lbs. for. 35c Veal Shoulder Boast ....So and 7o Mutton Stew. 7 lbs. fur as Veal Stew, 6 lbs. for 36j 13Ho leViO , .13io iSSSsSm MILLIONS FOR SEW BUSINESS Ftbnloni Sums Go Into Railroad Ex tension with Taft Elected. 0RDEES RELEASED, MILLS BUSY Ice Presldeat Brown ot New York Central Lines Makes Tht-4 State uira ta ('. A, l.yale of 1'lnrlada, la. ' The railroads cf tiirf United fixates have released orders fur equipment and supplies material and rolling nock aggregating In ciwl $310,000,1111 since Taft's election as vresldenL Theae orders had Seea placed prior to election day contingent upon the outcome of the campaign. This slat, ment la made by as high au thority as First Vice President Brown of the New York Central lines, the operating head of Ihat great system of railroads. Mr. Brown sal J that the day after election he himself, for his allied roads, leleased $31,000,000 of such orders. Mr. Brown made this statement while In Clarlndu, la., Wednesday. He was in Clurlndd, his birth place, on a matter of busli eaa and pltasurc. He Is the' heaviest stockholder In the I.yale Manufacturing coinp.iny of- Clarinda, a large concern that manufactures creamery and other sup plies. C. A. Lysle la president ot this com pany and It was to Mr. I. yule that Mr. Brown made this statement. "Mr. Brown came Into my office early the morning after election to look Into our business," said Mr. lle. "lie was much gratified at the result of the election, and said to me. 'I huve sent out over 1X tele grams already todav, releasing orders for railroad supplies and . enu pinent for the New York Cential aggregating In cost $31. OOu.oOO. I placed these orders some time ago and made each one contingent for Its fulfillment upon the election of T"ft, sim ply because our rompui.y, in common with all large business concerns, felt that should the election go against Taft the money and commercial murk-Ms of the country would be too seriously disturbed to warrant us In entering upon any thing so extensive, but that with Tuft elected all interests would have reason to fee' safe." " All Koads the Kaiur. "I asked Mr. Brown if other railroad had made similar orders and he replied, '1 can say positively Hint the railroads cf this country have dono so or will In a few daya, release ordeis like these of ours that will aggregate $-'. Ojo. GO for equipment and material that will g iut railroad building, extensions and Improvement of rolling stock. I can tell you alio that enough orders have been placed with the gigantic steel Industries of this country to keep them working for a whole year at their maximum capacity If they should not receive another order." "Mr. Brown told me that all this meant Just one thing, namely th: greatest period of railroad extent-Ion work we have ycl had. He, reflecting the mood and sentiment of railroad men generally, among whom lie la one of the most prominent, asserted that this country. In every department of com mercial and InduBlilul activity, waa sure to progress over and. beyond the point it had attained In the fall of 1907, when temporary lack of confidence and the nppruach of the national camptiign, conspired to check busi ness and nut only that, but that i wit) entering upon a petlud of even greater prosperity thau huve yet kuuwu." LINDELL FOR BEDFORD JOB Man Offered by Twelfth Ward as Member of tha City Coancll. Friends of Alfred E. Llndell are circu lating a petition to he presented to the t-lty council asking for his appointment as city councilman from the Twlefth ward, to take the seat to be vacated when Jeff W. Bedford la sworn in as county commissioner from the Fifth district. Mr. Llndell, who Is a salesman In the Klng-8wanson cloth ing store, was one of the democratic can didates for membership on the Omaha Board of Kducatlon and was defeated by a amall margin. The IJndell petition has not as yet come to the notlc of Mr. Bedford, but that of ficial says he will claim the right of i.am tiK liis Muwcwssur la Ilia council. Mr. Bed ford says he will probably resign from the council about the first of the year, but not until he has named his successor. NEW UNIFORM LADING BILL Measare Will Be get Forth la Detail by Commercial flub ua. A circular will he issued In a few days by the Commercial ;lub setting forth In detail Information regarding the new uni form bill of lading which has been recom mended to all railroads by the Interstate Commerce commission. There is, of course, to rullroad men and shippers a great amount of Interest In the matter, and amuiig the shippers at least some uncer tainty as to tlit si' nation. It may lie statcO tl.nl .it a meeting of wcbU-iti railroad truffle tig-nt Just held It. Chicago it was ordered that shippers may use tha old forms until the first of De cember, provided that these are made sub ject to the provisions of the new bill of lading through the medium of a rubber stamp mark to that effect. This Involves among other things the assumption of . common carrier's risk by the shipper, and If he refuses to ship on these terms, an In crease of It) per rent In tariff is ordeicd. The circular which Commlsslor;r Guild is preparing will set forth all the regula tions and,, conditions in detail and will be thoroughly read by the many business men Interested, for the recipient of freight as well as the shipper, Is, of course. In volved in somo iimiaurc. Aa American Klavv Is the great king of cure., I'r King's New Plscovery, the quick, safe, sure ciuali iiti-l cold remedy. 6"c and fl.tv. Kor ulc by Ikutor. Lttug Co.