Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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1 ClATOEus
New Ruchings
JYom Lincoln 8tck The very
latest wide RuchlnRS. worth 60c
yard, on sala Saturday, yd. 25
Or per ruch 10
25c Ml Silk
Veilings 7ic
Saturday mnrntng only, all colors
In plain and fanry mesh Included,
regular IBc yard values, your
choice, yard 7 H
25c Windsor
Ties each 5c
A big line of Windsor Ties from
. the Lincoln stork, splendid as
' sortment for selection, regular
25c values, at 5
35c Ribbons
Saturday 12ic
This lot consists of extra wide taf
feta ribbons, all silk and In all
staple colors, actual values to 3 5c
yard, at , 12i
f i 'j ur per rutu i cnoice, yara 7tC '' i ztc values, at 5 I yara, at X-' 1 1 1 '
Mkny New Lots From the Lincoln Wholesale Stock on S&.le SaLturda.y Most AUractive BargaJns Ever
Grapd Leather Goods Sale Saturday i ne mm. bw m Winter Underwear and Furnishings I fe-M h Mre'
All the Fine Leather Goods from the
Lincoln Wholesale Stock on sale Satur
day at Just Half Price. The greatest lot
of bargains ever displayed in any Omaha
Hand Bags, Card Cases, Bill Books,
Purses, etc., in fine alligator, seal, sea
lion, lizard and other popular materials.
Nothing reserved, entire stock goes at
Just Half Wholesale Price. For gifts or
your own use you cannot afford to miss
these marvelous bargains.
Speca Shoe Sale Saturday
Another big lot of Crown Shoes for men In all
leathers with genuine Goodyear and English
welt soles, worth up to $3.60, at $1.08
About 300 pairs men's shoes worth, up to $4.00
a pair in patent colt, vlci kid, gun metal and
storm calf in lace or button, a big snap. 82.50
600 pairs women's fine kid and patent leather
shoes In Goodyear welt and hand-turned soles,
most all sizes, very special, at $1,98
250 pairs women's patent colt blucher and but-1
ton and gun metal and russla calf, $3.50 TsTa
poleon cut shoes, at $2.50
Boys' and 'youths' and little gents' fine $1.75
satin and kangaroo calf, gllted sole school
shoes,, solid as a rock, at.. 81.19 08
Misses' and child's $1.50 school shoes, up to size
2, In the kind that wears Well. : $1.00
Men's and women's all felt slippers and felt,
with feather soles and leather patch on side,
worth 76c, at 50 lkna 39
Misses' and child's 39c plush, waim lined slippers,
We sell Grover and Queen Quality shoes for women and the Stetson
and Crossett shoes for Men.
From Lincoln Wholesale Stock are attracting throngs of enthusiastic buyers dally to this store, and no wonder, for
savings on high class, nepemlablc merchandise to match these were never before known.
rday.l f
Ladies' Wool Union Suits Heavy quality.!
grey or white, to $2.60 values, Saturday,
at 81.
Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vnlon Suits, white,
grey or creaon, $1 values, Saturday. 50
Ladles' Union Suits Medium weight, ankle
. length, long sleeves, value to $1.50
choice, at 75?
Ladies' Vest and Pants Heavy weight,
values to $1. 4 lots, at 10c, 25c, 8c
and 50
. Children's Union Suits Heavy quality, 75c
values, at 50
Children's Union Suits, In medium weight,
at 25
Children's Vests and Pants, heavy weight,
all sizes.
25c quality. . 10 39c quality. . 19e
Regular BOc garments 252
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns Regular
$2.50 value, at $1.50
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns Regular
$1.50 values, at 98
Ladies' Jersey Knit Skirts Regular 60c
value, at 39
Ladies' Union Suit, Vests and Panto
Fine fleeced and wool garments, odd lots,
worth to $1.50, at 59
Sterling Union Suits values to $10, at $1.08
We have discovered about 15 doaen
Sterling Ladles' Union Suits, slightly dam
aged by water, Include all wool, silk and
wool and all silk in blues, grey or flesh
colors, regular value to $10.00, will close
them Saturday. In one lot, at choice. Quantity is limited, so come early.
t $1,98
& 1 in
Values you'll find It Impossible to
duplicate elsewhere.
$3.50 Long Kid Gloves In blacks or
tans, magnificent bargains, at, per
pair i $1.98
Ladles' Short Kid Gloves All sizes
and colors, made to sell at $1.00 and
$1.60, choice 75 and 3Jg
Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves and
Mittens Great variety, at....25
MisseB' and Children's Golf Gloves and
Mittens and Boys' heavy lined Mit
tens, 25c value 10
Women's and Children's Sweaters
The most complete line shown in
Ladies' fancy embroidered lace and
gauze lisle hose, double sole, high
Men's and Hoys' Neckwear All styles, val
' ues -to 50c, choice, at. . . . 10c and 25c
Men's Shirts Griffon, Elgin, Regent and
other well known brands, neweBt fall and
winter patterns, all styles, values up to
$2.50, in 3 lots at. .25 50 and 69
Men's Shirts or Drawers, heavy fleeced gar
ments. In all sizes, 60c and 75o values,
at '.....25
Men's Shirts or Drawers, extra quality,
fleeced garments, regular $1.00 values,
on sale Saturday 50
Men's Wool Underwear, natural grey, tans
or fancies, values up to $2.00, all at one
prle G9
Men's Underwear, worth $2.50 at. . . .98
Men'k Combination Suits, heavy silk fleeced
merino or all wool, well known brands,
values to $5.00. on sale In five lots,
at 69 98 $1.50 $1.98 $2.50
Men's and Hoys' Sweaters Fine quality
garments, roll collar or coat style, $1.50
values 50
Men's Coat Sweaters All wool, with large
pearl buttons, regular $3.60 values, on
sale $1.98
Men's Rlue Flannel Overshlrts Worth to
$2.00, at 50 and 98
Men's Fine Wool Overshlrts from the Lin
coln stock, mostly blues, all have rein
forced sleeve and are trimmed with best
pearl buttons. Shirts In the lot worth
to $2, choice Saturday 50
Men's and Boys' Gloves and Mittens from
the Lincoln stock, regular 25c and 39c
value, Saturday 10
Bpllced heel, garter top, values to
69c, at, pair 15k and 25
Ladies' embroidered, allover lace and
plain Bilk lisle hose, regular values
75c to $1, at, pair 50
Children's hose, fine, medium or heavy
ribbed, with triple knee, double sole
and high spliced heel, values to 39c,
at, pair 5 10 and 15
Complst new line Pony Host for children
WARE from Lincoln Wholesale Stock
The greatest opportunity ever
offered for savings on Christmas
$1.50 Cut Glass Tumblers, . . .75c
$1.00 Cut Gifts Tumblers. . . 50j
$1.50 Cut Glass Sherbets 75c
$2.00 Cut Glass Jelly Dalies $1.00
Cut Glass Sugar and Creamers, $0
values, Saturday $3.00
$:J.OO Cut Glass Goblets. . .$1.50
$4.00 Cut Glass Celery Il-h $2.00
$8.00 Cut Glass Horry Howl . $3.00
$12 Stiver Tea set M piece) tea pot,
sugar bowl, cream pitcher and
moon holdor, at 96.00
Oaks and Trait Dishes Complete ss
sortmrnt for Saturday, regular $8,
$7 and $5 values, on sals Saturday
at 14.00. 13 R0 and i .60
Alarm Clocks, Special Bargains, at
1.85, 85o and 660.
Man? saw lots of Jewelry from the Xlaoola stook at the same woaderfal
targaln prices. Come early.
For one day, Saturday, we
will sell all our high class
Trimmed Hats, including
both street and dress hats,
regular values from $12.00
up, absolutely nothing re
served. Your choice at Just
$10.00 Trimmed Hats $4.45
An immense purchaso of
Chicago and New York
ehow room hats, beautiful
new styles, values to $10.00,
at ?4.45 and 92.95
$1.98 Black Felt Flats 75c
Fancy Feathers, Breasts and
Long Aigrettes, new and
II I !Smm
nobby trimmings, values to
$1.50; choice .... ,'119c
All goods marked in plain
figures here.
HI I I I I II H' V S, . a. n II III T
&tXse of Taiior Suits on Sale Saturday
Altman & Ettenson, one of New York's best known manufacturers, sold to us for cash their entire surplus
stock of Ladies' and Misses' Tailor Suits at Less Than 50c on the Dollar. Over 1,400 suits were included
, in the purchase, all newest style ideas, in fine broadcloths, cheviots, worsteds, serges and big assortment
"of beautiful fancy suitings. All coats lined with guaranteed satins and taffeta. C 0,95 Ji 0
ine cnoicesb 101 01 uargaans ever uruugut w jmmiux, uuu u, suit, iu inv imes wuuu J Bayi
w anri i
IvOO IrUCbU VJkieW ChUU Uff IV WeVV CM I i,U HIV IV IO kjdbuiuaj Ut) VUUlC eeeesesee
$20.00 Coats Chiffons, broadcloth's, kerseys, velvets,
' caricules, etc., empire, directoire and other late mod
els, remarkable bargains at sale price $14.95
$12.00 Kersey Coats Saturday $6.95 150 stylish 52-in.
Kersey coats, lined throughout, great snap Saturday.
$35.00 French Coney; Coats-Skioner "satin, Jined, best
values ever offered in Omaha at price. ... .$19.90
Handsome American Beaver Coats Regular $90.00
quality, remarkable values at sale price. . . .$59.00
A Beautiful New Line of Satin and Voile Directoire
Skirts Most attractive assortment and values
Bnown aiiywmuc
MOSt complete line OI xm tuiis auu uuuurui uuaia
in Omaha. Bonnets and Leggings to match.
Two Important
Hour Sales
iu our high grade Linen Depart
ment Saturday:
From 9 till 10 A. M.--Mixed as
sortment fancy linens in cen
ter pieces, squares, scarfs, etc.,
75c values; for this sale, each,
at ............39C
From 2 ;ill 3 P. M. 750 yards
high grade Toweling, fancy
glass and all linen Stevens,
worth. 12V2C yard; this sale at,
yard Cc
Handkerchief Special From The Lincoln Stock.
emerald lawn, linen thread nnisn, nana emorum.
$1.00 box
initial Handkerchiefs,
ever offered at
six in a box, tbe greatest snap
See the New Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 The choice
of most discriminating buyers, equal to $30.00 and
$35.00 values elsewhere.
In Our Children's Department $4.00 Curly Bearskin
Coats, all sizes from 1 to 6 years, all colors, on sale
at, choice . .'. . : .$1.98
Children's Coats, in sizes 6 to 14 years, all wool fringe,
meltons and fancy materials, all colors, $5.00 and
$6.00 values; choice j '...$2.95
8 Till 11 A. M. Women's Flannelette Dressing
Sacques, regular $1.00 values, on sale at 49c
9 A. M to 12 M. Women's $6.00 Silk Underskirts, all
colors, at, $2.95
ntrt Stock of
UIC0I elfllC VI BraiJIJ JOIUIuajf Fashion Mfg. Co.
A choice assortment of the very newest styles in fine, silk
messalines, nets and)ther popular materials, beautifully
trimmed in fine laces and appliques, all the leading colors,
included in this display; scores of waists in the lot that
would sell in a regular way at $7.50; your tf) tf!E
unrestricted choice of the entire stock
Hayden's First. Be sure
Saturday at
You'll never find a better time to try
you do so Saturday, It will pay.
Big Snap In Japanese China Saturday
Japanese Cupa and Saucers, regular values 33c, at f. ...10
Japanese Cups and Saucera in several different patterns, regular BOc,
at W
T-lnch Lunch Plates, regular value BOc, at 10
6-lncn Bread and Butter Plates, regular value 2 Be, at. each 10 '
Chocolate Bets, regular value $5.00, at, a set $2.50
118.00 Austrian China, 100 piece dinner seta $12,98
116.00 Austrian China, 100 piece dinner seta.-i $10.05
$10.00 English Porcelain, 100 piece dinner seta, in rreen and blue dec
orations ' $6.08
Metal Reading Lampa with shade $1.40
Vour Grocery Bill Reduced 25 to 50 by Trading at Hayden's
Impart to every
flKuro graceful
ltiifi and stylish
form. The new
11. Sr O. models
for fall fre aure
to delight every
woman who sees
We are showing- a
complete atook
of shapes and'
alien, which
make It easy for
you to aelect a -perfect
corset and se
cure the perfect
s ease and com
fort, too. There
la quite a de
mand for the
model shown here
for medium fig
ures. High bust,
deep hip, long
back (A 16)
-TT T.r"-'Jit"wi. Kmen ned. with shirt fold, heavy straps
tut way rouna, urasa iock aua side bolts, 2-lnch slxe great- fl 4 fit) I
est bargain ever at.u p4.Uo I
Special values offered by
Lincoln stock and io on sal
75c 2-quart Fountain Syringe
iz z-qt. f ountain Hyrlng,
ti.Si S-qt. Fountain Syringe,
Comb $1.79
60c Bulb SyrlngH 83o
$1.60 Halls Whirling Spray ..980
$3.00 Marvel Whirling Spray . .93.95
76c Hot Water Bottles 43o
11.25 Hot Water Bottles 98o
SI. 60 Hot Water Bottles 81.19
6Qc Atomizers 89a
85c English Breast Pump ........ Sdo
25c Cray's Tooth Powder 12o
26o Kyon's Tooth Powder. .17o
60c Peroxide 33 o
fOc Peroxide , 9o
26c Klectric Glove Cleaner 19o
25c Quick Shine Silver Polish . ,.lo
10c Household Ammonia 6o
1 -pound Borax So
25c box Armour's Soap ...18o
26c L,ard Oil and Butter Milk . .18o
lOo box Palmolive Soap So
15c Pear's Unscented . .120
lie Munyon's Soap 18o
our Drug Department. I'
Saturday, ITorember 7, 1
receired from ear
60c box Carmine Face Powder 39a
6oo Pozzonl's Face Powder 87o
60c Java lllce Powder B7o
25c Swans Dawn Face Powder ,.iao
60c Ponsello Face Cream 86o
fl Pompeian Massage Cream.... 69o
76c Pompeian Massuge Cream. . . .49
60c Pompeian Massage Cream .... 89o
76o Bubber Qloves S'io
1 lot 6c. 10c, 16c Tooth Brushes to
1 lot 86e Tooth Brushes 19o
1 lot 1.2o and 2.25 The Very Hair,
at 98o and S1.75
1 lot 85c and 76c, tl Hair Brushes
for 190, 39o end 69o
1 lot 35c, 40o and 60o Shaving
Brushes 84o
75c Revelation Comb 60o
60c Reform Comb 87o
20c Anker Comb 13o
76c Llppold's Hair Tonic 49o
Our prescription department is un
der graduated and registered phar
macist. Drugs at cut rate prices.
Mail orders receive careful attention
Stove Department
Soft Coal Stoves The dandy Junior,
one of the best oak stoves on the mar
ket -size 11, $4.25; size 13. $6.95;
size 15, $7.95, size, 17, $8.95; sire
19, $9.95. This IB just M what other
dealers get for Inferior stoves..
Our Genuine Soft Coal Base Burner,
the only one on the market, the Mas
ter Economy, will In a short time pay
for itself in the saving of fuel. . Why
pay 50 and 60 dollars for a Base
. Burner when you can buy the Master
Economy with 16-lnch fire pot,
for $26.50
4-hole Steel Cook Stove. .... .$7.08
4-hole Cast Iron Cook Stove. .$s!o8 '
Best Polish Steel Pipe, per Joint. 25
Best Cokelron Stove Pipe .10
Elbows, 10c and 15c; plain and ad
justable 2.1
10 bars Diamond "C or Beat-'Em-
All Soap, at 3c
1-lb. cana Best Brands Lye.... So
8-lb. choice Japan Rice 25c
1- lb. cans Assorted Soups ....7 Ho
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello,
per package 7 He
The best Domestlo Macaroni, per
package ; 8V c
lr. Price's Breakfast Food, per
package (Ho
Corn Flakes, Breakfast Food, per
package (He
Malta Vita Breakfast Food, per
package . (He
2- lb. pkg Best Self Raising Pan
cake Flour Hc
The beat Hand Picked Navy Be&oa
per pound f.Bc
Fig Newton Cookies, per lb.. 8 Ho
Vanilla Wafers, per lb ....12 Ho
Large Bottles Worcester Sauce,
Tomato Catsup or Pickles, per
bottle 8 Ho
Fancy Golden Santos Coffeo, 160
f ancy "ono Kico Biena conee,
er pound '. lOo
i best Tea Slftings, per lb. 16c
Fancy Sundried Japan Tea, lb.X6o
Dried Traits BaJa Vrioea,
Choice California Prunes, lb.. So
Fancy Oregon Black Prunes, lb.(o
Fancy Italian Black Prunes, SHo
Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb ..7 He
Fancy Muscatel Raisins, lb.. 7 He
The best Mixed Peel, Lemon,
Orange and Citron, lb 1J Ho
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb.lOo
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb.. 7 Ho
Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb ....8 Ho
Bead This Sale on Batter, Cheese
Fancy l'airy Butler, lb Klc
Fancy Country Creamery Butter,
per pound 26c
Fancy Butterlne, equal to lots of
good butter, per lb 16c
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb . .15c
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese,
per pound 18c
Fancy Full Swiss Cheese, lb..20o
Neufchatel Cheese, each 8c
Sap Sago Cheese, each YHc
Anything you want In fresh
vegetables and fruits at less than
half you buy them for elsewhere.
Freeh Spinach, per peck .,...10c
Fresh Wax and Ureen Beans, lb.6o
Fancy Hothouse Lettuce, 8 for.Go
Fancy -Hothouse Cucumbers, at,
each 10c and 7Hc
Fancy Fresh Cauliflower, lb .10a
( bunches Fresh Radishes ...,6c
Freeh Beets, Carrots, parsnips.
Turnips, Squash, Cabbage, Ruta
bagas or Onions, pound ....2c
Fancy Concord Grapes, basket. 2 6o
New Honey, per rack 15c
Rreeh Roasted Peanuts, quart. 6e
Kngllsh Walnuts, per lb 15a
Fancy Tokay Grapes, basket.. 4 oc
Fancy CaL Black Grapes, bskt.SOo
Something New-Woodenware-Biggest Sale Ever known
The famous Western Washer.
Saturday .82.60
The Round American Washer,
Saturday ii.9S
We will sell the Genuine Kasy
Ak-Sar-Ben 10.00 Washing Ma
chine, sold sometimes for (7.60,
Saturday only, while they last,
at 88. 9S. Don't watt.
Woodenwars Woodenware
Busy Bee Wash Board 10c
Parlor Brooms 12 He
25o Padded Sleeve Boards 9c
Try HaydGn's First
Children's- Brooms 6c
35c Chopping Bowls ISO
Towel Rollers, Potato Mashers and
Halt Uoxes. only 6c
75c eight drawer Spice Cabinet 35o
.100 Clothes Pins 100
Five Wooden Coat Hankers .... 1 Oo
1 4 large Wooden Coaster Wagons
for 11 .98
No. 1 Steel Wagons 88c
Iirge Clothes Uaxketx 40c
50c Knife, Fork and Ppoon Boxes
for lto
Knife nnd Fork Box 10o
t hair Keats, all slaes ; 6e
91 Economics Cobbler Outfits 48o
18x?4 Bread Board, worth 60u, at,
each - 18u
82 Folding. Wringer Benches. .81.88
Large Wooden Waah'Tubs ...68c
Six Mouse Traps 10c
8126 Steel Roller Skates ....79c
Well Bucketa 89c
Mop Sticks 6o
Scrub Brushes 6c
Rat Trap ....... 6c
Rubber Lined Weather Strips, per
foot jo
Mrs. Pott s Iron Handles 6e
Axe Handles 10c
35c Clothes Lines, heavy braided
Closing Out Window Olasa.
We will give glalxer's, carpen
ter's and builder's 90 bnd 40
per cent discount on glass to
close It out.
C. K. Jennlng's make 26-lnch hand
Saws, worth 81.26 . 75c
26-lnch Hand Saw, worth 76c, on
sale for , ........ 39c
David Maydole Hammer, any slie,
,'f ' ..46o'
Maydole Hammer, without brand,
rfor ,.....o
60c Steel Ball face Hammer.. 19o
60c Combination Plyers, nlckla
plated 29o
14-lnch Stillson Wrench 76o
6, 8 and 10-lnch Agricultural
Wrenches ific and 20o
86c Chipaway Carpenter's Bench
. Axe goo
Yankee Screw Driver or Automatlo
. Urill oo
Men's 81-26 Handled Axe 790
8100 Lanterns to
Coal Hods ..18o
Mail orders promptly filled.
Needlework, Ottud Tea at Christian
Church Event f 3y.
Marriage of Mtse Hester Taylor and
Dr. Charlee H. Lerkwoed Sol"
i essalsed at Homo of
Bride's Parents.
Ths women of the First Christian church
jpere hosteeees Friday afternoon at a large
tea given In the church parlors for the
members of the Needlework guild, which
is on of the large charities of the city.
The tea la an annual affair, and those in
terested lni the work are given an oppor
tunity to see the garments which have
been collected for the different charity or
gan! tat ion a of Omaha. The tea table was
attractive with cut flowers and selections
on the harp were much enjoyed. In the
receiving line were the officers. Including
Mrs. R. C. Moore, Mrs. Edward Roae
water. Mrs. Robert Cowell, Mrs. J. W.
NichoUon and Mrs. W. W. CarmlchaeU
Stadeats to Attend Orphesm.
Saturday night will be "foot ball night"
at the Orpheum and a large number of
parties have beea planned. There will be
one party of forty-four students from the
university, which will probably Include
some of the players.
Miss Alice McCullough will give s box
party for the visiting members of the
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, Including the
Misses Lora McCold, Helen Weston, Ellen
Be Sure
Hard colds, hard cougbs, severe bronchitis,
weak throats, weak lungs. We wish you would
ask your doctor if be knows of anything better
for these troubles than AVer's Cherry Pecto
mTJhCcltL couW possibly ttke. But ask your doctor, and
aWfar reeweftZy 7e kmv h" ure to mk BO mistake, f fn?S-
Klngsley, guests of Miss McCullough; Olive
Hammond and her guests, Faye Follette;
Grace Rohrbaugn and her guests. Gratia
Green and Helen Day. All of the young
people attend the university at Lincoln.
Afternoon Tea.
A delightful afternoon tea, was given Fri
day by Mrs. Frank Campbell at her home.
The rooms were abloom with cut flowers
and tn the drawing room, where Mrs. Camp
bell received the guests, assisted by Mrs.
Enold, a dainty decoration of pink roses
prevailed. A basket of red roses made a
beautiful centerpiece for the dining room
table, where tea was served and red-
shaded candles lighted the room. Assisting
here were Mrs. Fran 4 Ransom, Mrs. Rob
ert Olmsted, Miss Helen Bhelden, Mrs. M.
C. Peters and Miss Zola Dellecker. An
aisle of palms reached from the dining
room to the stairs and musts on the harp
was rendered during the receiving hours.
Punoh was served In the library by Misses
Anna Covell, Lola Ruble, Rogene Dellecker
and Faith HoeU A charming decoration of
yellow chrysanthemums was used In the
library. Over 100 guests called during the
For Oat-of-Towm Ooests.
Mrs. Henry Hlller will entertain at bridge
Saturday afternoon at her home on Far
nam street complimentary to a number of
foujt-of-towu guests. Tbs room will be
brightened with pink carnations. The
guests of honor wilL Include Miss Sophie
Kati of Baltimore, guest of Mrs. Victor
Rosewater; Mrs. Iseman of St. Louis, guest
of Mrs. Herman Newman; Mrs. Jeffrey
Klein of Pittsburg, guest of Mrs. Lobman;
Mrs. Harry Coha of Spokane, who Is visit
ing relatives In Council Bluffs, and for
Mrs. Arthur Landauer of Llnooln, 111.,
guest of Mrs. Martin.
Club Meetings.
The Comls club waa entertained at lunch
eon Thursday by Mrs, David Garratt. Au
tumn deooratlons were used on the table
and all of the members were present. In
the guessing contest the prise was awarded
to Mrs. Arthur Hoover. Mrs. Hoover will
be the next hostess tor the club.
The members of the Clemacls club were
entertained Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. James Kelly. At the game
of cards the prises were won by Mrs,
Sticker and Mrs. Langfellner. The guests
of the club were Mrs. E. Callahan and
Mrs. EtChlson.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Winn entertained
the members of the Ideal card club Thurs
day evening. Frliea were awarded to Mis.
F. A. Marshal, Mr. and Mrs. VV. T. Ham
mond and Mr. 8. B. Bower. The next
meeting will bo In two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 8. II. Bee tern.
Mrs. W. A. Yoneon entertained at bridge
Thurday at her home. Red carnations dec
orated ' the rooms. ' Those present were
Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Sylvester Rush,. Mrs
Hubert lllcks, Mrs. C. O. Talmage, Mrs.
Sweeney, Mrs. Joel Wright, Jr., Mrs. Smith,
Mrs, Royal D. Miller, Mrs. Charles Mc
Donald, Mrs. Oscar P. Goodman, Mrs? W.
K. Bhepard, Mrs. George MLckel, "Mrs.
Georgo N. Douglas, Mrs. Howard Kennedy,
Jr., Miss Helen Sheldon, Miss Angcllne
Plndell, Miss Mabel Hlrks, Miss Harriet
Mrs. W. F. Norman entertained Inform
ally at bridge Thursday afternoon at her
apartments at the Dunsnny, when the high
score waa , made by Mrs. Kd Wilkinson.
The other guests Included Mrs. Will
Anderson, Mrs. Grant Barnes, Mrs. A. O.
Mucke, Mrs. Fred Dully, Mrs. James Ains
cow. and Mrs. E. V. Oramllch.
Mrs. J. D. Kendls entertained Wednesday
evening at dinner In honor of Mrs. F. C,
Kendls, who leaves soon to reside In Kan
sas -City. A centerpiece was formed of p'nk
roeea and fern leaves. , Covers were laid
for Mrs. J. Sloeburg, Mrs. L. Artman,
Mrs. L. G. Kendls, Mrs. Tlvol of Kan
iu City, Mrs. J. D. Kendls, Mrs. 3. Kulak-
oaky, Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. J. Lewis,
Mrs. I. Pearlman.
Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. IC. M. FairfieM entertained
at dinner at Ota Gtiiau club Tuesday
evening, their guests Including Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Hart, Council Bluffs; Mr. and
Mrs. C. T. Stewart. Council Bluffs; Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Hull. Mr. O.'C. Redtck.
Yellow Rum Club.
Mrs. M. J. Ford entertained the Yellow
Rose Card club Thursday afternoon and
the high scores were made by Mrs. Lan-
strom, Mrs. Mostman and Mrs. A. Oh man.
The other members present wers Mrs. 3.
Norberg, Mrs. C. Loftman, Mrs. O. W. '
Icken, Mrs. E. Edqulst and Miss Helen'
Ohman. The next meeting will be In two
weeks at tho home cf Miss Ohman.
Quick Returns Through Bee Want Ada.
Sores and Ulcers are indications of impure blood. They show that the circulation
has become infected with genus snd poisons, which are being constantly discharged
Into the open place to irritate the delicate nerves, tissues ana surroundinir flesh and
;eep the sore in a state of inflammation and disease. Whether these impurities in thi
blood are the result of eotne debilitating' sickness, an old taint from a former disease1,
or whether it is hereditary bad blood, there is but one way to cure sores and ulcers, and
that is to purify the blood. Washes, salves, lotions, etc., are often beneficial because of
their cleansing, antiseptic effects, but nothing applied to the surface can reach the bloocL
where the real cause is, and therefore cannot cure. S. S. & is the remedy for sores an j
ulcers of every kind. It .gets down to the very bottom of the trouble and removes
every trace of impurity or poison, and makes a lasting cure. , S. S. S. changes the
quality of the circulation, so that instead of feeding the diseased parts with impurities;
it nourishes and heals the irritated, inflamed flesh and causes the ulcer to fill in wit!)
healthy tissue by supplying it with pure, rich blood. Book on Sores and Ulcers and
any medical advice desired sent free to all who write.