1 i! THE NEW STORE Half Minute Store 'Talk V U Hurried making causes 111-ftttlng shoos that will not retain their shape. High grade shoes, when allowed to dry on the. last. In making, will wear much longer and retain their shape ladot Inately. Our orders for Spring Shoes and (Jx tords have been placed and the shoes are now; in the work. They will b allowed to dry on the laflts for 60 days which means perfertlv sea soned shoes for our customers next spring. This Is the only Omaha store whose spring or Jers are placed we refer to it. only to demonstrate how earnestly we strive to better our merchandise. THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES TMU OMAHA DAILY VA'A): SAT T HI") AY, ft Pm MP i IhL. ULlr 1 ' Vn- YES! Particular men should coma here for their HATS Not only are our styles and mi V n v ( ! I; ; S; ii ? p Entry. ) ii Imim i 'fat l THIS STORE IS CERTAINLY MAKING A SELLING RECORD The phenomenal selling by this store since its opening proves that Omaha people were ready to wel come a store of this character. Modern and convenient equipment, liberal business policies and price? that profit the buyer as well as the seller meet with as much favor in Omaha as in other cities. Come here any time and see how many people favor this store. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS You have never seen such superb suits at moderate prices as those we sell at $13.00, $15.00 and $17.00. The fabrics are stylish and serviceable. The colors vary from Blacks to those beautiful Tans, Browns and Olives. They are cut along graceful lines and the tailoring is faultless. The prices are such as to interest men or young men who want to make a bona-fide saving of $2.00 to $5.00. Other suits at any price from S7 to $40. 13 mm '8 - m : 17 OVERCOATS OVERCOATS Take a look at windows 8 and 9. In these windows you will see comparatively few just enough to convince the careful man that "the Middle "West's greatest clothes store" is the place to get Overcoat excellence, tempered with great price moderation. If you will visit our great second floor Overcoat section we'll show you hundreds of coats of all kinds so reasonably priced as to cause comment and all sold with an absolute money-back guarantee. s: if (Hit, l u fi v mi, a prices rxacuy rignt out our lKTlenced hatter takes parU delight in perfectly confor hats to hard-to-flt heads. Great CP Lin at Soft hats and der bies In any correct col or or block- Others from SI to $6 ex- ' I oular - Visit Our Second Floor 7, s9, $10. 13, s!5, $I7 up"- s50 AUTO COATS We would like to have jTou see our Auto Coats. AVe certainly did select a fine line for you to choose from and we priced them to meet your favor. Come in and look. UP FROM , $17 MONEY-SAVING PRICES ON CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Last week we called particular attention to the children's section on our great second floor We said the prices quoted were unusual for such qualities. The rapid selling that followed proved that we hadn't made our statements strong enough. So we say now "Greatest Values Ever." ' 1 s The Wardrobe SecMon. The Overcoat Section. ww The Children's Section. The most complete, comfortable and homelike selling space in the country particularly at tractive to ladies interested in men's and boys' wear we would be glad to show you around any time. You don't need to buy a thing. We want you to see this magnificent second floor and also to see the kind of garments displayed. Shoes Good Shoes Tour shoe wants are carefully administered to at this store and our prices are a relief to the over worked pocketbook. Knickerbocker Suits Knickerbocker Suits Overcoats All .Wool Buster Browns, Buddy Tuckers. AH Wool Buster Browns, Buddy Tuckers, rslnri,nl ,oVo. , . Norfolks and plain and double breasted Blouse. Norfolk, nlaln or belted, double ChInchi,la8' crushed velvets. Scotch Herr- Knickerbocker Suits browns, tanB, olives breasted Knickerbocker Suits any color, lng-bones wool and serge lined, any styles, including EtonB and Reef-en era $7.50 down to.... and the lighter greens 50 lncludln8 blues 6-60 values, Men's Shoe Gun Metal, Velour Calf, French Wax Calf, Leathers and Vici. Straight. Freak and Combination lasts, medium and full double soles, equal quality not sold in Omaha for less than 6 and $7 our price BOYS' HIGH CUT SHOES bellows tongues, two brass buckles made for Patent $5 Kangaroo Calf, Sioux Tans, storm-proof f 0 i $2 2? V ows tongues, two brass buckles made for . I rough wear every size, each size priced at 1 w "" p.7 an actual saving of 50c a pair. 2k to 6 $3.00 w 9 - I REVENUE LAW HELD GOOD Seduction of ' DeTits -Irom Credits Valid, Sayi Supreme Court. OPIHIONS IN OTHEE CASES Will lan O. Clark ot IUtnola Fails In . Htm Effort to Secar Foaseaatoa , of HU Children Held by RelattTca. (From' a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. . (Special.) The rev enue law of Nebraska, which permits, under the interpretation of the supreme court, a taxpayer to deduct his , bona fide debts from his gross credits. Is not unconstitutional or 'in conflict with sec tion 1, article 9, of the constitution. This Is the holding: of the supreme court on a motion for a rehearing in the case of the Scandinavian Mutual Aid association against Kearney county, the latter being defendant and appellant. Because the present revenue law pro vides for the assessment of net credits rather than, gross credits, the defendant alleged that It Is unconstitutional, the constitution providing for a tax by val uation so that every person shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his property, the value to be ascertained In such manner as the legislature shall di rect. Ths defendant urged that allowing debts to be set off or deducted from gross credits In effect permits such portion of the gross credits as equalled the tax payers' debts to be released from assess ment and taxation and results in levying taxes unequal upon the taxable property In the state. ' . Such a construction of the constitution . ft ' If "Winter sends a chilly draft to remind you that she's here, remember that your "Winter Suit or Over coat is ready for you at this store. The ne,w models at $20, $25, $30 and $35 Duchess Trousers 10c a button, $1.00 a rip. There's a saving of 20. VOLLMER'S Expert Clothes Fitters 107 So. 16th St. was never contemplated by its framers, says the court. If tho taxpayers were not allowed to offset bona fide debts from gross credits, it would result in compelling him to pay taxes in some in stances of man ytimes the value of the net worth of the taxpayer. It would re sult in requiring every bank to pay taxes upon several thlmes the value of Its cap ital stock and would practically result In bankrupting many of the financial and manufacturing institutions of the state. Nelson Diploma Stands. The court has overruled the motion for a rehearing in the case of . Mrs. Nelson against the Lincoln Medical college and has overruled a motion t oallow the college to open up the case, to appoint a referee arid take additional evidence in support of the defense Interposed In the court below. Admitting that the respondent Is entitled to a trial de novo, the court says such trial must be had upon the pleadings and evi dence presented to the district court. To allow new Issues to be framed and addi tional evidence introduced In such cases would In effect destroy the strictly appel late character of the supreme court. The complainant,-Mrs. Nelson, obetained a drtt of mandamus to compel the college to grant her a diploma. Echo of Street Railway Case. The motion of the state of Nebraska on relation of James L. Caldwell, appellant, against the Lincoln Street Railway et al., appellees, to modify the opinion and Judg ment formerly given. Is overruled.' The court holds that Rule 7 of this court, al lowing forty days from the filing of the opinion or rendition of the Judgment In the case within which to file a motion for re hearing supersedes the general rule as to Judgments becoming final at the expira tion of the term at which they are ren dered. This applies only to Judgments and opinions by the court In appellate Jurisdic tion. In the exercise ot Its original Juris diction the provisions of section 602 et seq. of tho code apply. Thomsen Stands Convicted. The judgment of the district court of Wayne county dismissing an appeal of Pfter Thomsen, a saloon keeper who was. convicted before a magistrate of selling Intoxicating llcjuors to minors, Is sustained by the supreme court. Thomsen gave an appeal bond before the police Judge. It was given In writing, but not executed as acknowledged by the principals and surety In the presence of the magistrate tnklng the same. Thomsen tried to get the district court to compel tho magistrate to make a further or amended transcript to show that he signed the bond In the pres ence of the magistrate, but he failed to allege that the surety wak ever present in court to sign or acknowledge the obllga. tlon. The supreme court holds that the application for an amended transcript was properly denied by the district court In this case for the reason that It would havo availed the defendant nothing to show that he signed or acknowledged the obligation In the presence of the court without alsi showing that his surety executed It In like manner. Judgment la also affirmed in a similar case, that of Harry M. Rimsey, surety for Thomsen. The facts In the case are tho same, except that In Ramsey's case an effort was made to obtain an amended transcript. The Judgment of district court ot Platte county dismissing the appeal of remon strators who had failed to prevent John Koltyn and W. J. Lnt-srhen from obtaining saloon licenses in the town of Creston, is reversed. The saloon men ob'alncd a dis missal of the appeal of remonstrstors on the ground that no transcript of the hear ing before the village trustees had bevn filed. Tho supreme court holds that this is not ground for dismissal. In the case of K. Masin of Box Butte county, who is relator In a suit tt test the right or County Commissioner Christy to hold over In office, the supreme court has reversed the Judgment of the dis trict court. The lower court dismissed MaUa'a Information and lis appealed. Johnson County Man Is Karly In the Knee. TBCUMSEII, Neb.. 'Nov. .-(Speclal.) Frank L. DInsmore. republican, was elec ted county attorney in Johnson county, having no croosltlon. George N. Sandusky, funon, was elected county commissioner from 'the Third district. . Q. . W. Pool of Tecumseh, who was successful in the race for representative from the Fifth district, which Is Johnson and Nemaha counties, an nounces his candidacy for speaker of the house In the coming legislature. Nebraska en Notes. BEATRICE The next annual convention of the EplHCopal church of the state will be held at Wymore in October. BEATRICE A party of Beatrice hunters last night killed two coons and a 'possum on Cub creek, west of the city. NEBRASKA CITY-Charles B. Huff and Miss Addle Weir of this city were united in marriage last evening by Judge Wilson. NEBRASKA CITY-Mart. a son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kregel, while playing with a revolver, was shot in the hand last even ing. The wound is a serious one. BEATRICE Mrs. H. B. Hobbs, an old resident of Wymore, was taken to Omahu yesteiday to be operated upon at a hospital. She is the wife of t lie late Dr. Hobbs, one of Wymore's first mayors. BERTRAND :Magnus Anderson of Ber trand Is erecting a new building for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lodge No. 188. It Is to be a two-story structure, the contract price being $15,000. BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson, old residents of Sherman town ship, yesterday celebrated their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary In the presence of a large number of neighbors and friends. They received many gifts from their friends as tokens of esteem. NEBRASKA CITY" Sheriff Fischer and two detectives from Lincoln were at Syra cuse yesterday chiming two men whom they were led to believe were the two men wanted for t lie killing of Ralston, the night watchman at Weeping Water. They were unable to locate the men or ?et any clue I of them after they reached that place. BEATRICE The wedding of Franr Al brecht and Miss Marie Wlebe, two promi nent young Meiinonitea of this locality, wss solemnized yesterday at 3:30 o'clock at the bride's home two miles northwest of Be atrice, Rev. John Penner officiating. Guests to the number of Sw witnessed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Alorecnt will make their home on a farm nine miles northwest of Beatrice. NEBRASKA CITY The automobfle pa rade aiul celehratlon held lust evening was a fine success and some forty machines were In line gaily decorated Hnd Illumi nated. There were two bands In the pro ceatilcn and the Htreets were brilliantly lighted and the entire line of march was covered with roman candles and fireworks. mrge crowa was present and rully en Joyed the treut. BEATRICE The question of pure milk Is being agitated al Wymore and an ordi nance will probably be passed at the next meeting of the city council requiring those dealing In milk to have a certificate from a veterinarian to show that their cows re freo from tuberculosis. It Is also planned to have the milk thoroughly Inspected In order that It miiy contain tho required amount of butter fat. NEBRASKA CITY-At a meeting of Key. stone chapter. Royal Arch Masons, the fol lowing officers were elected: High priest, W. . Metz; king, R. Kin; scribe. E. H. Flnigan; secretary, M. R. Tliorp; treas urer, E. F. Thorp; C. of H.. W. S. Cornutt: I. S., A. K. Wilson; R. A. G., A. C. Bis chof; M. third. Dr. Frank S. Marnell; M. second, Dr. J. E. Bloomtngdale; M. sec ond V., R. M. Taggart; trustees, Dr. F. S. Marnell. A. C. Bischof and Bert Poling. BEATRICE The Methodist Brotherhood held a largely attended meeting last even ing in Centenary church and completed the organization by electing these officers: A. W. King, president; Harry W. Schafer, secretary; John R. Queln, treasurer; T. E. Stewart, E. G. Ingraham, E. F. Wilt and Charles Burton, vice president: H. E. Stockwell, chaplain. An Interesting pro gram, which Included addresses by Rev. R. N. Orrlll and Rev. V. G. Brown, was rendered. The organisation now numbers about 100. VOTERS TURN DOWN NEW LAWS New Divorce, County Option and Anti Sunday . Sport All Lose In South Dakota. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Nov. .-(Speclal Telegram.) Opponents of the proposed new divorce law, raising the period of residence from six months to one year and requiring that hearings be neld at a regular term of court Instead of "In chambers," tonight are confidently claim ing that the measure was defeated on Tuesday by the voters of the state. Those favoring the law by no means concede that it has been defeated. If the meas ure has been defeated as claimed, as now seems likely, It will be due to several causes, chief of which is the fact that the proposed divorce law was greatly handicapped by being placed upon a sep arate ballot containing three other pro posed laws, two of them being county option and a law designed to prohibit Sunday amusements In South Dakota, such as base ball games and cheatrical performances. The county option law, which appears to have been defeated In the state, ap peared first on the ballot, being followed by the divorce act. There is no doubt mat mousands of voters, after glancing part way down the county option meas ure, by mistake turned their attention to the bottom of the divorce law and placed an X before the word "no" under th divorce law. thinking thev were vot ing no on county option. Among the other proposed laws the Sunday amuse ment law seemed to be much in disfavor among voters generally, and them i not much doubt that other thousands of voters having decided to vote no on this proposed law and county option decided to vote no in general on the proposed laws and thus voted against the divorce act. That fully 80 per cent of the voters of the state favored the proposed divorce law has been conceded. Leading poli ticians who are in close touch with con ditions throughout the state and who have been absolutely neutral in the di vorce law fight express the opinion that the divorce law hajj been defeated and that the defeat of the measure is due to the reasons given above. Keep your eyes on our new showcase and you will find the biggest bargains ever dis played in South Omaha. CLERK OF COURT WAS IN ERROR Case of International Textbook Com pany Against Plgg Not Decided. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.-On October 19, The Associated Press sent a dispatch from thla city to the effect that in the United States supreme court the International Text Book company was denied a rehearing in its suit against Aaron T. Plgg of To peka, Kan. It now appears that this was an error caused by a mistake of the su preme court clerk who confused this case with another having a like number on the court calendar. The case of the Interna tional Text Book company against Plgg has not yet been argued. Announcements of the Theaters. The curtain at the Orpheum theater will be raised at 8:15 promptly this evening, when the last performance of this week's Interesting bill of advanced vaudeville will be given. Next week "A Night In a House boat" will head another feast of entertain ment consisting of eight acts, with Albin Muster's orchestra between the stage and audience. - 9 - i -tr yV -r, ' - - - .-. , -; . T - . . , I' v; - I ft ' P HI I A. Boys and Girls' Good Shoes Have you a boy or girl "just awful hard on shoes?" That boy or girl is our especial delight, and Lilliputian shoes will be equally satisfactory to you. Boys' wax calf blucher cut lace with overweight oak soles, Goodyear welt sewed, stylish and durable. Sizes 2H to 5Vs $3.00 Plzes 1 to 2 $a.T5 Sizes 11 to 13H 93.60 Boys' fine quality patent leather, welt sewed shoes, made on a dressy last to please the most particular boys. Sizes 1 to 6 Sizes 11 to 13 H , .$3.00 , . . $9.60 "Write for illustrated catalogue. Girls' fine quality, plump weight dongola kid shoes, patent tip, dull top, made with lots of style and very durable. Sizes 2' to ii $3.00 Sizes 11 ',i to 2 $3.60 Sizes H to II 32.00 Girls 'patent leather shoes with welt soles and dull calf tops, very stylish. Sizes 2H to ZV. Sizes 11 H to 2 Sizes S' to 11 . . .$3.60 . .$3.00 . .$a.eo BENSON ? THORNE CO ' 1515 1517 DOUol O MONEY DOWN Buy your Overcoat or Ladies' Suit or Coat today, pay us as you can spare. Your Credit is good. Nobody refused Credit. . . Men's Department MEN'S SUITS : MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S CRAVENETTES MEN'S SHOES . MEN'S HATS BOYS' SUITS YOUTHS' SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS Ladies' Department LADIES' SUITS LADIES' JACKETS LADIES' FURS LADIES' SKIRTS LADIES' WAISTS LADIES' SHOES GIRLS' SUITS GIRLS' COATS No other Credit Store offers the Inducements as liidg ley's and You can get better goods for less money. 1417 DOUGLAS STREET. ELMER BEDDEO, Mgr.! Bee Want Ads Produce-ILesult $M