THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, IPO. Want - ads AlTfrllifmra'li for the waat a rolamns will be takes aatll II the Tcnli( ealtloa aatll for the morals anil Snnony ealtloa". Cash maat aceosaaaar all aruers far rraat ada i4 a adrertlacmrat will ha accepted for leaa Ikia 10 crata for first Insertion. Ritn apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Alwaya point sis worda to a Has. . Combinations of Inltlala or anmbern rotint aa ana word. f ASH RATES FOR WAWT ADS. . R Efit lA R CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, par liar, 10 rents. Two or more consecutive I oner tt oaa, per llaa, Ucrnli. Kara insertion made oa odd days, 10 cents per llae. fl.BO per llaa per month excepting that DEATH AKD fCNERAL NOTICES. BECK Oscsr C, November 6. 1308, aged 22 yea i s. Funeral services will be, held from resi dence of hla brother, V. F. Beck, 271 Rug gies. -Saturday, November 7, 2:30 p. in. Friends Invited. Portland (Ore.) paper" please copy. ' MARRIAGE! LICENSES. The following marriage licenses hs-re teen Issued: Nam a And Rasldenc.a. AgS. Arthur Horry, bloom In rt on, 111..... A Delia Hicks. Keokuk, Ia 22 Arthur Serlet South Omaha 29 Pelagle Von den Brouck, South Omaha... 27 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Births Charles Leon. 2332 South Twer. tleth street, girl; Charles A. Schramm, WIS North rUtewntn street, girl; diaries aenra rnek, St Poppleton avenue, boy; Vernon Tracy. 3100 Seward street, boy; Julius C. Kreeger, 6614 North Twenty-eighth street, Kill; Hurry F. Fowler, IHii Corby ureet, Hirl: Steven Billette. &27 Walnut street, girl; Chester Burnett, 1318 Leavenworth street, boy; Lewis Biggorstoff, 2423 Frank lin street, boy; Joscpu l finer, 'tMi Martha suect, boy; Clarence Klnsie, S14 South Nineteenth street, gm; Lou Rice, 114 South i'wt'iity-elghtn avenue, girl. Deaths Mrs. JLulu Hicks, 1418 Leaven Worth street, 37. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworlli Bis. iei. uougias 1387. (D-666 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas, (1) 666 Medical Swedish Movement Treatment as given at the Blomquist mas- sage parlors Is highly recommended by the leading physicians fur the many ob stinate and stubborn chronic diseases. We develop and beautify the face and neck. This Institute la equipped with , tnuuern appliances, X-ray electrical vl brators, etc.; also give ozone, electrical ana vapor bath treatments. 230-234 Pax ion Block, 'Phone Douglas 190. (D-M298 D2 LADIES' shirt waist boxes, skirt boxes . and baby boxes made to order; odd pieces a of furniture made and repaired; ptunoa polished . and reflnlshed: the only place you ran Jiave yottr own original designs made. All worn guaranteed. Tel. indw B-2023. (D 26i Nov EXPERIENCED accountant, will open or cioss dooks. Aaaress L. m, care Bee. ' (1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES. One 19W model F, five passenger Buick car, fcouU as new, been run three months, luhy qutppea; also uaoriel horn and set of tires, cost $1,287: Drice. ijoo One model C, 19o7 Jackson, five-passenger , louring car, equipped who new set of i uies, car is in no. i condition; will guar antee both of these cars; cost price, $1 im now. $9u0. iLiULAN AUTO OARAGE. HARLAN. IA. 13) M434 ocnu ior our list or second-hand auto muuurs. utKiunr, ibis farnam. (2)-667 THREE one-ton commercial automobiles . prices, law, ifcA and $1.2uo. Apply W. 8, , i.aiuuii, rarnam ec. (2) 668 BEND for Hat of 2d-hand cars. Colt Auto iiiioo., .or arnarnit. (2 M210 30 BARTER AND EXCHANGE WHY pay more, when ou can buy or ex change for any purl of tkt.l'OO irr. r, beautiful, level, biack, prairie land, close i lo the railroad In Texas, at from $10 to . iu ii ntitj t Ageiu wanteu. Aaaress N iiiieey, ua xuonaanocK, Chicago. I31-MS78 11 ' -TRADE! . TRADE! TRAnir.t We handle trades exclusively. On commls Bion niy. io not answer unless wlllln to pay Vn per cent commission. If willing list with us. Quick deal certain.. No charge for listing. . No matter how large or small your deal, lint with ua for quick returns. ABBOTT REALTY CO., 415 Brandels Bid., Omaha. (3) 3S BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG stores tor salo everywhere. Knleat, New York Life Bldg. (4 669 TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, Room 403, Bee Bldg. (4-670 FOR SALE 1st class hair dressing estab lishment, splendid trade; reason for sell ing, leaving city. Address B 4H4, care Bee. (4)-M227 7x FOR SALE-Prtnting office in growing town. Power press, Fairbanks-Morse en- fine, new typo. etc. poor health reason or selling. Address The Monitor, Davis, D. (4-M9a8 7x WANTED Book sales people; see our new .copyrighted edition; Bret Hart, Hall .tuine; popular pi Ices; rw methods of pndiiclng business; thousands of splen did names prospective buyers; sales peo ple with other publishers should Investi gate, p. F. Collier & Son, Paxton block. 1 (9)-336 8x PROSPERITY AT HAND. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY LOCATION Two store rooms, can unite, plate glass, brick, good cellars; Just place fur a live ir.un with good slock; monty spenders to be supplied ; make object to right man. See owner this week. Second floor, 1101 N. 18lh Ai.. a. m. to i p. m. (41337 i WANTED An active partner, with $1,500 cash and ability, to take ft Inlererest und management of an established - nifg. business In Omaha. No rink and big future. I need money and time In other businesH or would not sell. Ad dress K 502. Bee. 4) M377 7x X)H balk one of the best two-chair barber shops In northern Nebraska; also brick building and lot; poor health only cause of sale; good terms; write me or come and see property. T. E. llkalsky, vruigie, nru. . , 141 M467 9X MUST SELL-QUICK. At oe".ty-five cents on dol ar, clem, up- lo-aie buna in Hardware and qu enswaro or i iieen inousuna dollars. Iing esial) Hshed trade and a money muker. Musi be sum quica. t ire or call. J. H. A 1 1 K 1 N 8, Room 4. First Nat l Bank Bldg., Council . iiiuns, ja. (4) M479 ' SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON TUB DOLLAR. 111 buy strictly up-to-date stock of I'arowaie una queensware ot HI teen thou sand dollars. No better established busi ness in i-.isiern jNCDrasaa. Must go quick t all or wire J. ti. Adkins. Room 4, First .-Nau. jvu.k uiug.. council uiulfs, Iowa (U-M478 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men lion The Bee. : BUSINESS DIRECTORY , Chiropodist. PR ROY, R. t 1506 Farnam St. Doug. MV. l 71 Creameries. BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Carpet Cleaalac A. K. JETT,' cleaner and layer. Ind. B-2n. lt moos Cemeat Blocks. IF TOTT object to the aameness see our line, we nave tna most up-io-oem iyi In length, height and faces. Always a large stock of well seasoned' blocks on hand. Oldest plant In Omaha. Omaha Concrete Stone Co., th Ave. and Bahler and Belt Line. 'Phones: Webster imi. Webster 4231, Independent B-S018. (6) 402 Nv23 China Palatine;. CHINA decorating, order work a specialty. Lesson Tuesday, xnursaay sua diui dsy. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and desirms. Mrs. C. C. Hun gate, 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel, Red fi4. (5) Sol DreeamaJc las;. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, Tel. Doug. (5) 671 2973. McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam DRES8MAKINf and alterations; Womsn's Exchange, 1822 Farnair.. Tel. L. anil. (6) -675 IN FAMILIES Misses Weidler. Tel. W. 4fi65. (5) M13 Edaeatlonal. Boyles Business College Enter any time for Bourses In stenogra phy, typewriting, oooxKeeping. iuiiiii. Night and day session Catalogues free. H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. Boyles Telegraphy School Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Official train ing school U. P. R. R-l positions guaran teed. Booklet free, )- Florists. HESS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farniun St. tDJ H L. HENDERSON, 1519 Ksmam. Tel. D. 1263. W -a, i J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. Financial. Money TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2304. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5)-7 MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Bldg. (b'-aw Safes Shatters, Kte. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works "makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 13th (b) 681 Hotels. THE BCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harney lb) Xi Osteopath. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 16C4. 3 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 608 N. Y. L. Bldg. (61 84 Msslo FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, man dolin and guitar, 506 Barker Blk. (6) 418 n9 Moving; and Storing. HXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 214 N. 16th St., warehouse 22U7-9 Izard St. (5) 685 Pristine. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve, printers, ICth and Capitol Ave. (5)-68 EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and first-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., 312 S. 18th St. Tels. Doug. 5562, Ind. A 2532. (6)-M424 D5 Dentists. BAILEY & MACH, d fir. Paxton. D. 1086. (o)-6S7 , Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions, 628 Bee. Tel. Douglas 1905. (6)-&8 Shoe Repairing. ' RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrst-class work. 1618ft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red DSL (5)-689 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam 8c Tel. Douglas 7567. (6)-90 Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD St., Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. (5)-ti91 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED Twenty-five experienced sales vfmerj In thebe departments: Ho&iery, kn't underwear, muslin underwear, art goods, notions and velvets. Apply Super intendent,, J. L. Brandels & Suns. (71-333 LADY AGENTS are making $25 per week selling our great line of neceasltios; no scheme: oarticu'.ars free. Write us now. xYoung, 184 Dearborn St., D, 123, Chicago. WJ aioi ox WANTED Salesladies tor outside work; best or pay; easy work. Inquire John F. Coll Pluno Co., 106 McCague Bldg., 15th and Dodge Bt Main Floor. t7 378 7 Clerical and Office. LADIES Write letters at home, spare time big pay; caBir weeKiy; particulars tor stamp. Weldon Co., Dept. 16, P. O. Box 126, Cleveland. (O-MW tlx Factory aad Trades. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In s nail Tamuy, mat could ga horn nights. 3129 Pacific. 'Phone Harney 732. (7J-M615 FIRST CLASS hand Ironer, one who can finish shirts, vs per week; more it sat isfactory; board and room, $3.50 per week. Xleanwell J-aunary, cneroKee, ia. 7-M253 7 Honaekeepera and Domestics. GIRL for general housework; small fsm- 11 y. Burgess, 2024 Farnam St. (71-M425 8 WANTED Experienced girl for general Housework In small family, who could go home nights. 3129 Pacific. 'Phone Har ney 732. (7) M615 GOOD SKIRT MAKERS. Burgess, 2024 (7)-M42 8 Farnam St. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Herbert A. Senter. 44 Harney SI. let Harney 2078. (7)-M251 7 WANTED Girl to do second work. 3510 Farnam. (7) 338 GIRL for general housework. Mrs. C. E. Burmuster. 1022 Park Ave. i7) 328 8 WANTED Girl for genersl housework, family of four; must be good cook; good wages. Mrs. 11. B. Boyles, 2735 Burt St. Harney 4o. (7) M349 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. 812 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3f92. (7)-M368 7 WANT WD A good cook. Apply S210 Far nam bX. (7)-380 7 WANTED Girl for general housework. 252j California Si. Tel. Douglas 4"",1. (7)-M462 9x HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Hustling, wide awake salesman to place gtlt edge security. Ap-ieais strong to all Investors. Good man csn make $6u00 In four months. First class ref erences required. Address Y 9. csre Bee. t)-M416 $t HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Salesment oallnaed. WANTED Salesmen of enperlenre fnf our high grade line of calendars, ar tistic signs, show cards, etc.. In Iowa; good prospect for cstatlllilnjt per manent business; first class references must accompany application. Sulea Dept., Campbell Art Company, Kllxa beth, N. J. tj M27 WANTED-Sollcltor and collector for country woik; position permanent, with good Income. Address G-449. Bee Office. t-M3..7 WANTED-Traveling man by local firm; good position for a business getter. Ad dress H-5U0, Bee Office. (9)-M.X SALESMAN WANTED Experience un necessary. IKK) per month and expenses. Kiiyul Cigar Co., Chicago, III. (9)-M4Tu 9x EARN $Ti DAILY advertising KAIRA dia monds. Sample rlna; free. "Zalra.'' 4 Weiln St.. Chicago. M413 7x Clerical and Office. FOl'R salesmen, traveling, 81'rt slralglit salary. Contract salesman, good proposition. Stenographer, $65. Office clerk, young man, $43. Assistant bookkeeper, $45. Call and see us at once In regard to the above or write for particulars. We can place you. WESTERN RF,F. & BOND AS?N INC., Suite 721 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-446 6 DRUG CLERK'S position. Life Bldg. Knlcst, N. Y. l9)-93 Factors- and Trades. WANTED Twenty union bricklayers, at once. Wlckham Bros., 19 Scott St.. Council Bluffs. Is. (9)-M37 12x WANTED Bushelman, also pant and vest maker, geod pay and ateady work. Address Lock Box 120, Coon Ra( ids, Ia. (9) M290 8x WAfNTED Men to learn the barber trade. Will equip and place you In your own shop or in Kood position In few weeks. Don't overlook this chance. Investigate. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (S))-M451 12x Miscellaneous. WANTED For V. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35, citizens of United States, cf good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to recruiting officer, l""h and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., and Massachusetts Bldg., S.oux City, la., t9,6S FREE employment. Dept; Business Men's Aes'n; no fees. Call 525 N. Y. Life Bldg. ()-94 WANTED Young men, 18 to 35, for rail way firemen and brakemen; o to wu per month; promotion to engineer and conductor, $160 to $200. Many positions now open. Write today for full particu lars. National Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Central Bldg., , Kansas City, Mo. (9)-M2u9 NovSOx BOYLES TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL. Boyles building, Omaha, Neb.; official training school U. P. 11. R. ; positions guar anteed; booklet free. (9) M318 YOUNG MEN to prepare for coming ex amination for railway mall and other government posttlons. Buperlor instruc tion by mall. Established 14 years. Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Government Posi tions Are Secured" sent free. Inter-State Schools, 324 Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids. Ia. (9)-M3'i4 15x POSITIONS open for young men for elec tric railway motormen and conductors, at salaries of $K0 to $100 per month. Write at once for full particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Cen tral Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (9) KJ07 Nov30x WANTED Bids on carpenter work for remodelling frame building at southeast corner of IRth and Ontario St. See F. William Krelle, architect, 909 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9) 37S 7x WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary $X00. Many examlna lions soon. Preparation free. Write !m mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 270, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M468 Dec. 6x WANTED Boni-hon and chocolate dipper. Apply R, C. Phelphs, Brandels Candy D pt. (( M470 9 HELP WANTED male: or femaijR, MEN AND WOMEN are earning $35 week selling my newly patented articles needed by every woman; rapid sellers; no scheme. A. M. Young, 3S Howland Bldg Chlca go. (10) M460 8x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. 'OLD HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (1U MS04 D2 Cows, Birds, Doss and. Pets. FOR SALE 30 head of fresh cows and springers. Call Peter Kaer, Florence, Neb. Tel. Florence 3541. ll M4oi a LOST AND FOUND LOST. English bull dog; brindle; answers to the name of Baron. Return to Mr. Horace Brenlzer, carpet department, Brandels store, and receive reward. (12) M3U9 7 LOST Friday morning, small, narrow- black purse . containing money. Reward for return to Bee otfice. (12)-436 6x LOST Lady's gold watch, between Deaf institute and 45th and Grant 8ta. Call Webster 169. Reward. (12) 435 7 LOST Monday, November 2, an anchor shaped pin with a small diamond In the point. Reward for return to lieo on ice. O2)-M360-7x LOST Knight Templar's pin with Cana dian leaf on outside and engraved inside. Return to Room C-16 Rome hotel. Re ward. (12)-M3S2 7 LOST Gold watch with Taft fob. Initials E. K. C. on front of case. Telephone Doug las 1109 day limes, or Doug. 3374 after 6 p. m. Reward. (12) M 463 8x IXST Gold watch Friday, November 6th. on car from South Omuhu, or between Sixteenth and Howard Sts., and Havdcn's store; had Bacred heart on face; return Ribbon counter, Hayuen Bros.,; reward. (12I-M471 7x MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. "Gray's Nerve Food Plll.i," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman Si McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-t!96 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav en port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 123 ANY poor glil in need of s friend call or write to the 111 a iron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 2itli St.. Omaha. Neb. I3 ML89 SANITARIUM treatment parlors. Battle CreeW Sanitarium and Hot Springs Treat- . ment for all kinds of chronic diseases. Old Boston Store, Rooms 212-214, 'Phone Douglas 3741. (13) M34I llx MONEY TO LOAN ARE YOU IN DKBTT If so, see as. We will show you an easy and quiet way to get out. We will lend you enough on your furniture, piano or other personal pioperty 10 put you "on your feet ' and help you supply yourself with the coming winter's needs. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., Pith St. Entrance. Telephone Douglas 22UO. T (14)-M299 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; asy iwymeuts. Of flees m M principal dlles. Tolman, room sU New Tors Lit Bldg il4-M7W By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad pages you gat the best results CFFERED FOR RENT Uoardinv and lluouia. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) 6M DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Karnain. (15 ;u0 BOAKD and rooms, lst-class bosrd. 2211 Douglas St. (16) M378 Nnv&x Rt.x.'iMS snd board, clean, warm, best of home cooking. -4'8 Cass tit. (15)-M408 lf.x Fl'RNlSHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern; first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. isi3 Wirt St. , (15)-393 NEWLY furnished soutli rcom, modern; references required. 2112 Cass 8t. Tel. Red 7-35. tlo)-M4il 12 BOARD and rorm In private family for Kr.tloman. 2424 Seward. 'Phone S ebster 3D7S. (16-M42J U'x UNFURNISHED suite of front rooms; also furnished rooms, llrst-clsss tabl board. Hanscoui park district, on car lines, mod ern. 2W5 Pacific. (151 M24 4 7x GOOD bourd and room, private family, close in. Call or 'phone U-337, Indepen dent. 6.8 N. 23d. (1'i)-2.9 8x LARGE, steam heated rooms, with good home cooking. 2616 Farnam. (15)-M4H 12x SUITE of rooms, modern, with board, for four gentlemen; first class In every par ticular. 2616 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M450 9x Famished Rooms. TWO nicely furnished, strictly modern rooms with heat; sultahle rnr two or four young men, or roan and wife; very easy walking distance. 2319 Harney St. (15) A1977 Sx 2409 Harney, nicely-furnished front room. (15) aSOVHX FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO., RENTAL AGTS., 703 N. I . Lire Bldg., i'hone Doug. ZJ4 (16) 702 FURNISHED or unfurnished, two pleasant front rooms, all conveniences, reasonable prices. 2611 Chicago St. 'Phone Douglas 706. . (16) M243 7x LARGE front room wU furnished for one or two gentlemen. Private family; terms reasonable. 215 No. 23d. (lGO M3l'4 10X ROOMS for genttemen, fcf day, week or month. The Chatham. U9 a. lain si (151-291 2218 CHICAGO ST. Modern south front parlor, furnished, for two people. Phone Red 6678. (16) M252 7 NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; house new and strictly modern, 316 N. 19th Ht. (15) M313 Sx COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, $20 per week. 2702 Farnam. Tel. Harney 210. (15)-M141 7x NICELY furnished room, very reasonable. walking distance. 2o43 Capitol Ave. (15) 267 7 ROOMS for light housekeeping; nicely furnished; Hanscom Park district. Har ney 1348. Phone between 6 and 7 P- m. (15) M355 7x WANTED Young gentleman room mate. can between und 7:30 p. m. lis o. ;ijin St. (15)-M369 7 Untarnished Rooma. NICELY furnished room, modern. Douglas &JU1. (it nana ix 8 LARGE ROOMS, first floor; large pantry ai:d closet; niouern, except furnace; good cellar. 29:11' N. 2Stli St. (16) M4) 8 Apartments and Flats, $- R flat. Bcargo. 516ft N. 34th, Bouth Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (15) 291 FIVE-ROOM ST. LOUIS FLAT. 2508 Sherman Ave.; Furnace, Gas. Electric Light, Cement Basement, window Shades, Birch Finish.. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St Ask for Rental Department. (15)-708 FOR RENT In walking distance, desirable V-room flat, excellent repair ana modern; furnace, bath, eic. ; good neighborhood and paved streets. 2646 Dodge St. Rent, GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. (15) 707 STEAM-HEATED. APARTMENTS. Six large, handsome rooms, modern, hard wood, sliding doors, shades, hooded gas ranges, steam heat, hot water, walking dis tance. Summer, $23; winter, $30; well lighted. Summer, $27; winter, $34; all outside. Summer, i'JJ; winter, $39; all outside. You can't match them. Leferences re quired. BKM1S, Paxton Blk. (15)-M218 7 FLATS. 6 rooms, modern, 26O8 9herman Ave., $30 7 rooms, new, modern, 617 S. 19th St., $jO. 7 rooms, new, modern, 631 B. 19th St., $30. 7 rooms, new, modern, 2712 Jackson St., $45. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (13) 441 6 FOR RENT 9-room modern flat at 624 S. 16ih St.; second floor. $4n; A No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (16) 7(J 4-ROOM apartment, modern, 816 So. 22d; 6-room brick, modern, 1616 Maple, $17 05) M792 NEW 4-room brick flat; modern; refer ences, $19. 2208 Nicholas. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16) tfo COZY 4-room apartment, complete for housekeeping, ground lloor, private bath, good U cation. 1713 Georgia Ave. (151-334 7 FOR RENT To adults, upper apartment, 6 rooms. 554 South 26th Ave.; furnace heut, .lo. Apply Doug. 6451. (15)-M3D1 8x FOR RENT Seven-room modern flat. Tel ephone Webter 1498. il6) 388 12x Housekeeping; Rooms. EXCELLENT modern furnished large front parlor on first floor; phone In house. 2074 Ilarr-ey St. (1) 30 Furnished Houses. WELL furnished, new C-room all modern house for rent until spring. Located near 20th and Vinton Sts., 15 minutes from Ex. change Bldg., South Omaha. Will rent to right party for $35. Both 'phones. BEMIS. Paxton Blk. (1E) M621 NOV 7 Houses and Cottages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS & HEYDEN, INS., AGENCY, 220 S. 17lh St. 'Phone D. 16u6; A-3161. U5)-7U HOUSE- for rent. 8115 Burt St. (15)-719 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. 8ee owner, 3831 N. 22d Si. Tel. Black 2360. (16) 720 MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving plunos. H. II. goods. (15) 721 FOR RENT. 610 So. :7th St.. 6 rooms all modern, flat; vacant November 1; 135. 8502 No. 2ilh Ave.. 7 rooms, $17. Both Plionts. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (loj M9J6 FOR RENT. In Kountse Place, 9-room modern house, suitable for one or two families. Call Douglas 170 or Webster 1016. (15) M261 7x RENT OR BALE New 6-room house, modern In every particular, corner 3utii St. and Poppleton avenue. Telephone Harney 1227 or call at house during dav. (15) M315 10 HniTCT In all parts of the city. iliJUOfjO Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg 115)-718 FOUR ROOMS, ?S77 Wirt, $10. Turrol A Co. DoLglas 1129 or A 2129. 310 Bostou Store bul'dlng. (16-M42S I blX ROOMS, modern, good neighborhood: .,-..., !.. IK. , 1.-!.,. a. 'f 1 OFFERED FOR RENT llonara and CotlaaeaConllnned. CHOICE (-room modern boose at 4M and Dodge. A. L. Patrick. Tel. II 3.A4. Oji Mil "x 6-ROOM modern cMtage. N E. corner and Ohio, tit. Carlberg. 91 N. Y. Life. (15-;ii HI N. ?8th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent lnw to guod tenant. Apply at 6U7 N. 1 "t !i St. (15--713 ALL modern 8-room house, licit furnace, near Hansioni park, mid wner; va cant, Nov. 1. 'Phone Webster 1718. (li M:II6 8x FOR RENT November 1, brick house, 2KIS Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1C16 Farnam St. C.5 71KI HOUSES, Insuraneo. Itlngwalt, Barker Blk. (.It.) 726 SEVEN-ROOM house. Just west Hanscom Park, $24. Phonj Harney lolio. (lal 1 J HOUSEHOLD GOODS picked, forwarded; cheap rrelxlit rates; moving anil tirtng. Expressmen's Delivery Co. in. Douij. ''Hi. tla)-714 FOn RENT 6-roont modern cottage, ex cept turnace, to family of adult". SiS Pieice St. (16) 7H3 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bios., 164 Farnam. tit.) 717 25t2 JONES ST., 10-room, all modern, $4v; 6-room modern flat, -514 N. Slat and Ohio, $20; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co., 6-9 Bramdeis Bldg. (15 M59J -ROOM house. 29nr Beward St., $13. Store room, laon is. Z4tn. 116. 7 rooms, second floor. 1362 N. 24th St., $17; modern except heat; 6 rooms, second floor, 1006 N. 20th, $15;. 8-room modern house, 24lh and Blnney Sts., 30. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) 795 NICELY furnished 6-room all modern house for rent from Dec. la to Mny 15; will make It object to reliable party. 'Phone Web. 2792. (15)-M217 7 EIGHT-ROOM modern brick flnt, 3oi,7 Pa cific. For Information 'phone Harney 32S3. (15) 724 FOR RENT To private family only, that commodious and attractive residence io. 2025 Dodge St., $75. Alfred C. Kennedy, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglau 722. (15) 722 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (15) 7i3 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 727 OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move. store H. 11. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th; office, 16" Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (15)-726 LOW RENTS. 4-rooms, city water, 2537 8. 8th, $8. 6 rooms, city water, 1936 S. 18th, $11. 5 rooms, part modern, 840 S. 23d. $lii. 7 rooms, city water, barn. 4103 N. 28th Ave., $16. 6 rooms, part modern, 2502 Pierce, $17. 8 rooms, modern, 4206 Hamilton, $15. 5 rooms, choice, 2208 N. 27th, $18. 6 rooms, modern, barn, 1613 Webster, $25, RUSSELL & M KITRICK CO. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (16) 444 6 FOR RENT-6-room house, modern except furnace. 1323 8. 28th St. Call Tel. Har ney 2359. (15)-20 FOR RENT 4-room cottage; bargain If taken immediately. 2468 So. 19th. (161-3S3 6 7-ROOM house, $23. 527 So. 27lh St. (15J-359 TWO 6-room houses, $18. One 6-room house, $20. One 8-room house, 530. All modern except heat; located on 11th, between Mason and Pacific Sts. 'Phone Harney, 4204, Ernest Stulit. (15) S90 NEW 5-room modern cottage. 2613 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 1762. (15)-278 7 7-ROOM house! wtth bath, all modern. 1026 N. 33d St. Tel. Harney 2049. (15)-398 llx 2802 MANDERSON, 6-room, modern except furnace, vacant the 12th; $20. F. C. Best, 1008 N. Y. U (15) 441) 8 Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, ground floor auditorium, holding 650, with stage; best dancing floor in the city; also 8 lodge rooms at $5, $7 and $9 for two meetings a month. See Janitor on prem ises. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. U5)-84e Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts. South Omaha. .Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and M, new address. (15)-M577 DESK room, nam. Ask F. D. Wead, 1801 Far. (15) 434 12 KlRONT OFFICES. Two outside offices, south front, on second floor Conservative Bldg., 1614 Harney St.. oak finish, gas and electric light, steam heat, Janitor service. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental depart ment. . (15) M4o3 8 Stores. SCARGO BLOCK, South Omaha, new, 520 N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 7406. (15) 728 1408 Howard St., large store room and base ment, 82x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (15) 841 2D AND 3D floors, 1207 Howard St.; elec tric elevator and skylights. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. (15) 433 8 LARGE stores to suit tenants will be built between Chicago and Cass Sts., facing Jefferson square. Inquire of O. C. Camp bell, agent, 1610 Chicago SI. (15) OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will ell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (161-143 Typewriters and Sewing Machines. Used Machines These machines have all been put In con dl ion to give sut'aratl-ry seiviee und have ailai hmi nts. 1 Favl. drop lieiul 1 luelt r & W l.ten. drop hed. 1 Singer, drop head 1 New Home, drop head 1 New Home, drop head 1 Klilildge. .drop hcid.i 1 Singer, box lop 1 White, box top 1 Domestic, box lop 1 Sitiar, box top 1 Whit'--. I ox top .$15.00 6'0 1 W. Ac W box top 10.0) 1 8lngvr bux top : 5. 00 We rent machines and sell parts for and repair any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha. 234 Broadway, Council l!luffs. Douglas li;3, A-1663. (16) 441 7 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPE WHITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVESTI GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210. BEE. (16) 70 TYPEWRITER-Before you buy or rent one examine the L. C. Smith & Bros, writing in sight machine; write for cata logue. Call or 'phone B. F. Swanson Co., li.c, dealers,' 1614 Farnam, Uuiahs. 1 ll'.')-7Jl OFFERED FOR SALE tt oiitinut a. i Oalrlrh rinmrs. BEAUTIFUL heavv French droop plumes, 17 Inches, $2.45. worth $. Other grades half retail slnre pi lees. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red SuM'ti our agcni will call. (hl)-7:: IMnan and Other Mnalcal laatrnments ONE excelk-nt upright piano; one cash register, one double case g'dd R. R. watch, ope diamond si ml 11 ml one la. lb s' gold watch. 214 Karbach block. 20!' S. 15ln St. 'Phone Douglas 214. (Hi) A1618 Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. t!6i-731 SEND us your mall orders for drtit;s; fielht paid on $111 lots. M vers-D'Hon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 731 FOR SALE Swing arm rug rack, capacity twenty 9x12 rues. Price $25. L. L. Mathlsm. Tekamah, Neb. (151 M4n 8x FOR SALE New and se.-ond-band billiard nod P' ol tables. We lead the world In cheap bar 'ix'ures; easy payments. Brunswlck-P..ike Cullender, 407 S. 10th St. (161731 . HOMEOrATHIC remedies, whole-ale, re- t.ill. Sherman Met onneii Prug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Ne! (lXi) 735 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 736 SATURDAY PPECIAL. J9 75 PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL. Onlv one small car. wrecked In transit. mixed sizes, but mostly nut and suitable for self-feeding stoves. Samples at office, 16i9 Farnam St. Cash only. First come gets the coal. PARTRIDGE-91IELLY-THOMSON CO., (16) 397 t PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books lor Investors mallod on receipt or no Dam age. H. 8. and A. B. I-acey, rooms i-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, C. Estab lished 18u9. (17) 737 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. (17)- Red -731 7117. PERSONAL Sweet-scented skin, smooth as satin, made by Satin skin cream and powder. 2nc. (18)- H ALL S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18)-742 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 739 MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 620 S. 16th, flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 6M5. (IS) M309 9x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th Et., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 786 JOHN CANE Is In town. Now Is the time to trim tiees, trellises, grapevines. Tele phone Douglas 4649 or A-3649. (18) 2S6 Decl' MASSAGE treatment. 109 S. 17th St., room 6. Mrs. Jordan. (18) M375 llx MAQAnTi Electric, vibratory, 120 So. Ai3k32VUJ 16thi Roon, fourth floor old Boston Store. (18) 287 Dtol . OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 740 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. Kir-g, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 8569. (181-741 MAHJF.TlPtreBtn"entnl th- Mme. UltXJAA-U Smith, 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. (18)-27 DRS. EGGERS' private confinement home. 2103 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 6230, city. (18) 595 Nov24x YOUNG WOMEN coming ' to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1618 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18)-268 A HOME for a woman during confinement.' We find homes for babies where mother cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40 Bancroft Si 'Phone Douglus 1921. (18) 801 Jan27x MASSAGE treatment. 5. Mrs. Jordan. 109 S. 17th St.. room (18)-M342 28x INFORMATION Of the lives of James and Grant Anderson, or either, will be ap preciated. Address Isuac Orme, Tnscum bia, Ala. (18) MI59 9x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTAT15 DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (19)-745 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg (19) 746 GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 766. (19) 746 PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (19)-74 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE $4,000.00 25G9 HARNEY STREET A 7-room cottace on one floor, with fur nace heat, modern plumbing; lot is Do- foot front on Harney hi.; the lot alone is worth $3,000; asphalt paved street Hnd navlim all paid: this is one of the best iiamalns S3 close In that we have had for a long time; tills price is only good for a short time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. G9J-M457 8 ijt;x9", near 2 th and Farnam,. $13,000. Har rison & Morton, Omaha. (19) M472 8 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE $200 Cash, Balance Monthly. 15th and Madison Ave. A well built house, not far out. Price, $2,400. W. II. GATES, N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 1294. (19) 429 8 A 157o INVESTMENT $6,500 for new 6-room cottages, all mod- 1 rrn except beat, renting for $81.50 per 17.50, month; witiun lti minutes walk trmn loin 22.10 I and Farnam Sts.; cine block from Furnam 18.(0 1 ear line; houses always rented to good 15.10 parlk's; waiting KM for tenants. Invrsll 12.50 'gate at once if you want a safe buy. l'l.iO1 GEUItliE A2 CO., 1'2. 01 1601 Farnam. Phono Douglas 756. 9.0 ! (i9i393 6 AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Place rented for t7o a month: every thing modern; paved street; east front; will sell at a bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Bourn 1, New Yoik Life Building. (19; 760 26ft ACHES of Improved land 2 miles east of jmsiofflce. Council Bluffs, consist ing of truii, pasture, alfalfa farm and garden land. Kulr Improvements. W. H. THOMAS, 503 First Nat 1. Bank Bldg. (19)-MH6x $8,000 buys a verv desirable trackage corner 1n wholesale district, on a short spur. F. I. Wetd, lsul Farnam St. (19) 432 i 14132 U. P. trai kage. heart of city. $.MI0. Harrison & Morton, Omaha. (19) M476 8 LIST vour property wllh Chris Boyer, 22J snd turning fits. (19)-S1 NEW 6-room, 2-story house and barn, southeast corner 2Mh and Corby, $2,50o, on pay men te RLLD BROS., 1710 Farnam Bt (1SJ-440 9 REAL ESTATE . CITY PHOPKRTi" r-H SAW-. (Continued.) " TOO GOOD To I. list Long These Two choli e homes on such easy terms. 7-room modem house, nicely terraced lot, shade, permanent walk, ete., f:ne location, near 27th and Poppletnn. Only $2,650; small amount down, balance same as rent. Brand new 6-room modern cottage, lane lot, concrete walk. Iiedue fence, etc., lo cated In best S'-ctlnn of north M1. This Is an excertlonsl valae at $2,150, and on easiest of payments. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 431 Rumge Bldg. 15th and Harney flla. (19) 443 For Sale or Exchange 1512. N. 2Rth St., a good 8-r. house, only four years old. built by the original ow ner for a home, first floor has largo parlor and dining room, extra large kit chen with maple floor, bed room off of dining room, good cellar with laundry sink, hot and cold water connection, toilet In basement, four bed rooms on second floor, storeroom, bath room with enamel tub. toilet and wash bowl, esst front, with . fine shade, shrubbery, chicken house and garden, lot S6xl!0; price $S.0f0, terms ft cash, balance monthly, or owner will exchange his equity for 6-room cot tage, worth $1,500. Here Is an opportunity to get a good deal. . The house Is vacant, ready for occupancy. Come In and let us show you the property at once. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Both phones. (19) 447 6 80 FEET on lfith near Cuming, $",ooo. Har rlBon & Morton, Omaha. (19) M473 8 RENTERS BEAD THIS $10 cash. $6.10 per month, without Interest, aro the terms on which we sell the very finest residence lots, with exception to none for beauty of location, view or convenience to car, stores, general surroundings, etc., anywhere to be found In or near the city at these prices good eust front lots, $40) to $600; also wst, north and south fronts same. You can't make a better Investment, and certainly noun so safe, and the $10 cash and $6.10 monthly would scarcely be fill. This is the easiest possible way to acquire a choice home site and at the same time accumulate an absolutely safe savings ac count. Take Benson car to Lynn Ave., then two blocks south and you are on the tract; or call at office or 'phone D. 857 and we will meet you at any time. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Sts. (19) 442 U:NEED-A HOME We-Need-a Customer For , A six-room cottage, Within easy walking distance. - , All modern but furnace. Back plastered. Double floors. Fifty-foot lot. Shade trees. Cement walks. A comfortable home for somebody. Price only $2,300. Most reasonable terms. POTTER-VALENTINE COMPANY. "Phone Douglas 470. 419 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 428 8 90,000 square feet floor space, good track age, Hamsun ot Morton, Omaha. (19) M474 8 Big Sale Saturday Big sale on lots Saturday morning- and 11 day; $1 down, 50u a week. No Interest, no taxes. . Come quick before it Is too late. First come first served. Edgewood park. Take Sherman Ave. car und get off on ltlth and Ames Ave., at the bridge. There will be rigs there to haul you out. If you can't come Saturday, come Sunday morn ing. Prices reasonable, from $45 to $96. Only way to-get' a home. Any further in formation can at otrice, 1201 Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., (19) 430 7 Opposite Field Club 7-room, full two-story square house, northwest corner 38th Ave. and Pacific fc"t.; full double porch, south and east front, electric lights, gas, nlckled plumbing; fully modern In all details; will be finished in blr;h throuhgout; now in course of com pletion; cement walks will be put around the house and lot nicely graded. Price only $3,750; easy terms. Would consider taking some .vacant or income yielding property as first payment. C. G. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 137 6 TWO SNAPS 2414 Maple St.,-6 rooms, new and strictly modern, price $2,tjo; easy- terms. 8iH2 Chicago bt., 9 rooms, all modern, first class it pair, full lot on paved street; owner asks $4,000, wants offer. Two of the best buys In town, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1761, A-llhS. (19) 445 7 110x132, 6-story wholesale building. A k f r price. Harrison & Morton, Omaha. (19J-M475 8 Fine 'Dundee Home for sale at a bargain; Just finished, ready to move In; very easy payments. Price, $5,000. Located 6110 Underwood Ave. Tlione Doug. 4113. (19) 127 t $4,000.00 FOR TWO HOUSES One 5-room and one 6-room, Nus. 2522-2524 Dewey Ave.; rents for HJ a month; lot la fci.'-rool front 011 Dewey Ave.; asphalt paved street; Hie lot alone Is Worth 2.jOD. This Is a good bargain for someone. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 17u4 Farnam Hi, (19)-M458 8 NEW 4-room cottage, complete, on' full lor 2Sth, near Blnney, $1,850, on payments ' BELD BHUd., IV 10 Farnam St. ' (1W-428 9 NEW 6-room cottage, full lot, southwest corner 27'h and Corby, 12,500, on piiyiiic-m 1. REED BROS.. 1710 Farnam Bt. (19) J3 9 WILL sell or rent good 6-room cottage, newly papered: bath, gas, (Ixteru. e,r, cellar, good yard; brick walks, $l.7'i. 26M Patrick Ave.; easy terms, rent $17f.i. Apply twnur, 14u6 N. 21st. Tel. Webster 339- (19)-27 x FOR BALE Quarter block In Florence, shade and fruit tre-s and chicken house,; half block from both cars. 'j J. j. Thomas. Florence, Neb. (19) M4o7 12x FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two good building lota ill Benson, 4 blocks from, car and 1ft blocks from paved Mili tary road. Addrssa -4H care Bee. U)-431 Is "v UAVID COLE Creamery Co. at the least expense Hary 1510. (,15)-M120 J