TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1008. A' CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET iffi. ft Opening Wheat Cablet Come Un changed to Slightly Higher. LITTLE LOWER, THOUGH, ON CORN tralnera Get 1b Their Work a Re sale K a port Boslaess Ha Beta largs far tka Last Ftw Day a. OMAHA. Nov. 6, IV. Opening cables came unchanged to Ktgne.r on wheat and unchanged to id lower for corn, and a fair scalping market it-nutted. Kxport business lias been large for the pant few days and wheat value are on a tutfe basin. The weather la fine for rorn and receipt are running very light aa farmer are busy (sHthirlng the new crop, but a material Increase la expected the laat half of till month and price should work lower. The wheat market waa firm and higher, with atronger cables nnd reduced crop esti mates, which opened a better buying de mand. A values reached the up values selling developed and checked the advance. De cember wheat opened at 93c and closed at We. Corn 'ell lower again, beJng weak on the opening, with plenty on long selling and lower outside markeia as a result of weaker cables. Demand proved only fair and cash corn offerings were a drug to the market. I December corn opened at 46o and closed t 664C. I'ltmnry wheat, receipts were 9S3.0) bu. ml aliipments were 6'u.OOO bu., against re ceipt last year of 654,000 bu. and shipment at 55i0CO bu. Corn receipts were 2"9.0cO bu. amt ship ments were ziH.OfO bit., against receipt lant year ol lsu.Oi bu. and shipments of 486.0JU Clearances were 81 2.000 bu. of corn, none rf oats and wheat and flour equal to 4,940, t bu. Liverpool closed Hi! higher to Vd lower nn wheat and unchanged to w lower on -t ru. l.ocal rang of options: Article.. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y Dry salt meats, ' dull; boxed extra loViC; clear ribs. ltlc: short clears. l'c. Bacon, dull; boxed extra shorts. Use; short clears, llr. I'UtWRT-Weak; chickens. c; sprtngs. 10c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, Hjr; geese, 7ic. HflTEK Steady creamery, 22'ij28c. EGGS Firm; IMV-c, case count. Receipts. Bh'pments. Flour. bbl U.orn ,on) Wheat, bu 2H. 27,04) Corn, bu.. 20.mo 7,(HO Osts, bu 42,0tf) 2,0 MOW IOKR GENERAL MARKET oa Varloaa tho Day modifies. Nov. l-WH EAT Re exports, 2,644 bbls.; mar- better demand: Minne- patents, 32648 5.t5; Minnesota bak liviii.tii; winter Wheat Dec.... May... Corn Dec... May... Oats I lec May... 03-l 65 4l- 46- 1 I I t ,1 97 91 87 j 5fii W 55V, 15. , bi 55 BoAl SA j 444, 4!i I 4TW 47V4I 4,T Oaiahn Caan Price. WHEAT No. 2 bard B4r5e; No. S hard. MOittfVio; No. 4 haid, tlV2ic; No. 8 Bluing, 9?8!t5c. I'ORN-No. S. old, 64c; No. I yellow, old, 05e: No. 1 white, old, 64 14c. OATS No. i mixed, 44Hc. No. 8 white, SHi4RV-; No. 4 white, HyVtc; standard, -ioVic. RVE No. 2. 70c; No. 1, 6!c. t'arlot Ileoelpt. Wheat C hicago 20 Rllmeapoll 2.0 O.Tih SS Duluth 347 Corn. 7S "a Oats. 89 22 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading; and Closing; Prices an Hoard ofaTrade. C HICAGO, Nov. . Official conflrmatlotr of damage by drouth to th new sown ; rop of wheat In this country caused an advance In wheat prices on the local ex change today, final quotations being up S'ac, compared with yesterday' close. Corn, oat and provisions closed weak. Confirmation of the oft-repeated claims of damage to the fall sown wheat becausu of Uisiif tlclent moisture was In the form of the Ohio state report, which estimated the condition of the new crop at 66, against i." ..the corresponding time last year, and which estimated the seeded area at 76 per cent of last year's acreage. The mar ket was also bulllshly affected by further advances In the price of flax seed at An leapclls and Imluth, which, It wa main lined, were due to reporta of erlou lamngn to the Argentina crop. V"Prt business at Winnipeg and New York, total ng. sixty bout loads, helped to create a firm tone In the local market. Tho strength In the wheat pit developed during the last part of the day, prior to that senti ment being rather bearish owing to liberal receipts In the northwest. Tho July de livery displayed the greatest strength and closed c higher than yesterday at tc. December closed at tl.004 and May at H.iWV Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 219.C00 bu. Export for tho week, a shown by Bradstreet's, wer equal to ISIO.OTO bu. The corn market was weak and closed weak, wltlt prices off with Decem ber at 6H;(?j1c and May at SltyjjSlHc Oata were strong. At the close price wcro SkUMa higher, with December at 484o and May at 464c. Ixcal receipts, 89 cars. Provisions were bearlshly affected by the further slump In corn and by a decline of 61 no In live hogs. Sentiment In the pit waa bearish all day and closing price showed losses of CnJiVic to 20c, with pork showing the greatest declines. The leading futures ranged a follow: quotations ( NEW YORK, celpts. 12,875 bhls. ket steady, with sota ers, t4.20(U4.66: winter nut emu 1.1 Ufttii 4.90; winter straights. 8 4 huai 4 .SO: winter extras, $7 60 lit 8. u; winter low grades, $3.4Va.80. Rye flour-barely steady; lair to food, $4.16411.60; choice to fancy, 4.MKa 60; buckwheat 'flour easy; $2.i6'(j2.o per 100 lbs. CORNMEAL-Steady; fine white and yellow, li.6otfi.ti5; coarse, $1.60t'1.7O; kiln dried, $3.85. RYE-Dull; No. 2 western, 83c. t. o. b.. New York. BARbfcY-Btrong; malting, 3t-70o c. L f., Buffalo; feeding. trH4o c. I. f., New York. WHEAT Recelpta, 144. 400 bushels; ex poru, 7.DU0 bushels. Spot market firm; No. i red, ll.KiVsc, elevator, and ll.biHc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 1.13"0 f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 bard winter, td.lo'c, f. o. b. afloat. A strong and much broader market waa the feature In wheat today, resulting from the bullish Ohio state report, bulls support, light Argentina shipment, talk of a decrease In Monday's visible supply and ac tive covering. Final prices wero VVi net higher; December, ll.Hm8 1.11, cloeu, 1.W5; May, $1.10S-1.11W. closed, 1.11'4- CORN Kecelpta. 3.2U0 bushels; spot mar. ket easy; No. 2, 7oic, nominal, elevator and il4c nominal, f. o. b., afloat to arrive; No. 2 old, i8c, spot. Option market was ac tive again and steady, with Chicago clos ing lc below last night closing. Decem ber, "iVuTlc, closed ilc; May closed 70'ic. OATts Receipts, 2S.Mi0 bushels. Spot mar ket firmer; mixed. 2&a-32 pounds, b-VI'&c; natural white, 'iM2 pounds, ftWa&lc; clipped white, 82fi4 pounds, MH'?oc. t- thu-Firm; spring bran, J3.3iig23.60; middlings, J.a6ti'i3.8o. iiAV Easy; ampping, OKj-tc; good to cutiice, 8U0. HOPa Steady; swfte, common to choice, l0s, lie 14c, 1S07, tfuWJtlc; Pa- cltlo coast, 1907, 36c. H1DE-Dull; Central America, 194c. 1AH(,K Quiet; acid, 23ViW2c. I'ROVIBIONS ileel, firm; funiily, $18.00 Ut-w; mess, 13.uo13.do; Deet -ll.WKivll.Oo; pat Ket, J14.o0il6.ot; txtra India mess, i-o.o'iji-H.w. meats, gulct; pickled benies. iu.uu; plt'Kietl hams, 110.60 1 1.00. steady; western, S. !., io; refined, continent, lo.w; Uouth America, compaunu t.2W!-.). Fork, firm; hams. city Cut IH.oOH Eard, qu,ei; si 1.26; family, short clear, Jo.lbijii.u0; mesa, -Steady; country city, (t2 per pack (packages tree), b domestic, fair, (Vic; lH.oo-lV.oo; u.oou iti.;(. TAUUJ vv' age), 6vc-j 4i lac. RiCE" Steady Japan, 6 ikC c; held, firsts to specials, 202SHc; state 2uc; extras, thirds to tiists, 20t! i&c; held, tlrst to special, 2qksc; state dairy, common to tluest, Jojc; procesa, firsts to six-cials, 17f(ji4ic; western factory, firsts, ic; western imitation creamery, firsts, H'',iailc. COFFEE yulet; No. 7 Rio, V4c; No. 4 hantos, xc. CHEESE1 Firm; Btato, full cream, specials, HinoJt-c; same, Septemoer, small, colored, white or fancy, 13V4c; same, large, lic. EGOS Strong; western firsts, grade raised, 3J(i3ac. POULTRY Alive, dull; spring chickens, 12c; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 12c. Drtssed, Ir regular; western spring chickens, lSrgEOc; fowls, llVaHc; spring turkey, U(aV7c. WEATHER I SI THE GRAIN BELT Fair Saturday After a Nlgrht Slightly Cooler. OMAHA. Nov. 6, 1908. The weather continue utibeitied In tne eastern aiaiea and ligm snow are tailing in eastern "eniisy ivunia. The Daromntrio uepiessiun, wveriiiig me extreme upier Miasouii valley inurtUay inui ning, naa moved eaaiviaird and is central over the lake legion this morning. '1 111s depression la accuuipanled by a very deuideu ' rise in temperature over the central valleys and lax region and 1 preceded by rising tem perature eaisi to the Atlantic coast. Clear weather prevails ttirougiioul the suutnein, central and western portion of the coun try. The pressure continues high over the western portion, with sugtiuy lower tem peratures, and It will be allgutly cooler In this vicinity tonight, with continued fair tonight and Saturday. Omaha record 01 temperature ana precip itation compared with the coresponding day of the laat three years: IWfl. Minimum temperature.... 44 41 60 31 Precipitation 00 .00 .07 . 00 "Normal temperature ior ioaay, u degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 1.63 lnche. corresponding period in iau, Article. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Te y. Wheat Dec. May ...... u uijr Corn Dec. May July May . July Jan. May t Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May Jan. May t Otxgnii oovtj 1 11 wai I 103HI 98 I 1 04J 99 994 103VjW 1 0S, 97? 100! 61sj(&61"iB2 61H6im 61V.I 47(3"4i 4874 47H1 48T4504j(&'HI49T, 46HI 467,1 46 I 16 07H 16 IB 16 00 15 -Hl 6itel 484' SUM 997, 108, 97 61i&7i 61 H 4974 45Vj 16 00 I 18 JO 16 07HI IS 7W WHI 1 07V4 615 95 9SS I 9 37H 42H! m 8 45 I so 7H 8 67H I ( 62HI 8 6U 8 6rni 8 fi2H' t -'! 8 tii'-i! 8 65 I 8 45 8 62! (is 6& 8 4?V, 8 55 I I 8 4&S 47H I 8 52H 8 6?H 165 42H . 47 V, 8 62V4 I 62H 8 (0 8 6f Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn. by. . Oats, bu' .. Rye. bu Barley, bu. Wo. I. - Cosh miotntlons were follow FUiCR-Steady; winter patent. M.41V3 4 86: winter straiahta. t4.HHii4.66: Kprin nnt c-nts. tSCMfSM: spring straights, 8l.(HKSM.S5; bakers. .Ol"-. 4.15. WHE5.4.T-NO. 2 spring. ILOSfllM: No. 8 spring. 9401.03; No. 2 red. c5f l.OOV CORN No. 2, e3at'c: No. 2 yellow, 63 1!KC. OAT8-N0. 2, 4SVic; No. 3 white, 4l74ft 5Wc. RYK-No. t. 7374o. BARtKV-Oood feeding. 5c 557c; fair to choice tv-altlng, 5W63C. 8EKDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern. $1.37. Prime timothy, 13.35. Cloven contract araales. tM. PROVISIONS Bhort rib, aide (loose). MrW(K9 00. Pork. mess, per bbl.. $14.7S(f 14 87V,. 1-ard. per loo lbs.. 39.42H- Short clear side (boxed). 89.2&Q9.50. Followlns" were the receipt and ship ment of flour and grain: Keceitxs. onipmenfa 40.snn 67 000 51,000 15.0ti0 l'3 1O0 51.000 170.000 196.tiO 1.000 4.0110 67.000 6,000 On the Produce exchange todav the but ter market wa firm; creameries. 2lftf28 dairies, 19if. Egs. firm: at mark, cases iiiciiiuea. jsku-.-jc : nrsts. ire; prim rirsts. ac. v neese. strong; l-4bg?13c. St. I.oala Oeaeral Market. 8T. I1C1S. Nov. 6.-WHBAT Higher; track No. 2 rrd rash. 81.1)1.06: No. 2 hard, 9Wti$102V,; December, 99,m; May. iLOSi jl04. CORN Iwer; track. No. 2 cash. 6?J4c; No. 3 whits. 63c; December, 68 '4c; May 60VC. OATS Firm; track. No. J cssh. No. 3 whHe, 50Vc; December, 46',c; 4. RYK Nominal, 74c. FEOl'R Dull; red winter patents. 84 65(f9 4 i; extra fancy and straight, 84.2oviH.65: clear 1350. 8 KED Timothy. $2.50(03.35. f "O R N M E A E 13. 40. H RAN Lower; sacked east track, 96c $1 00. HAY-rirm; timothy, $8 5O4ffl4.0O; prairie. $9 OOU'11 00. HAGOINO 8c H FM r TWINPV-7c. 1R6N COTTON TIK8 $100. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing. 815.0V. lard, steady; prime steam, $9.rVtt Deficiency 6.42 lnche. Deficiency 3.88 Inches. corresponding period In 1906, La. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Kansas City Grala sal Provision. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 6.-WHEAT-Un- ehanired- December. 9Mic: May, 94ic; July. . . . a a ' r 1 . r . M m. t. a c. caan, rvo. c nuru, tiu-t.w, i-iu. o hard. 9u9Sc: No. 2 red, I1.0MU'1.04 ; 1NO. 3 red, 99c(&1.02. CORN Unchangea; jjecemoer, ooc; wiay, Kastc: Julv. fiiAc: cash. No. 3 mixed, bSff-soc; . . - . , . - . A .L.(. ."11 No. 8 mixea, wsuufinc; wiu-.o, vo-rvw ,. No. 8 white. 63c. OATS Uncnangea; xo. 2 wiuio, watj No. 2 mixed, 4647c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.50810.00; l...l nralrie. S.6u4l9.00. BUTTKlt ririu ; creamery, u; stock. 17VC. iresn extras, ac, current EtlOS Firm; receipts, 23c. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu . . . . Receipt. Shipments. ..101.000 57.000 17.000 16,000 18.000 9,000 Kansas City option closed aa follows; Article. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat III rccember 93H 94Mi ?3VH1H"'i May .VI 9SWi97VuV4l97Vo93 Corn III D-cember 56"iff-Hl 5iH 55V4 May StrHIMHift'S! tWi.eiJH'aV, A asked. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 6 WHEAT De cember, $1.01H; May, $1.0674; No. 1 hard, $1.ub: No. 1 northern, 1.04; No. 2 north ern, $ltC; No. 3 northern, iBcij$1.01. H RAN In bulk. $17.50. FLOl'R Demand Improving; flrat pat enta, IS.Xijii.oO; second patents, 8&.Oiiia.5; first clears, $3.90(!.2o; second clears, i.'Mti 3.20. NEW YORK STOCKS AS D BONDS Speculative Movement Enters a New and Broader Phase. GENERAL ADVANCE IN VALUES Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 6. WHEAT Spot, ftrni; No. 2 red western winter, 7 5d; fu tures, steady; December. 7 .d; March, 777d; January, 7a 6d. COKN Spot, firm; American mixed, 7s Slid; futures, quiet; December, 6s 6Vrd; January, 6 4d. Oatslde slonal Lift Peoria Market. III., Nov. 6 CORN-Ix)wer; white, 95c; No. 8 white, 65c; No. 3 yellow, 60V4c; new. No. No. 4, 64c; new, 57Hc; old, no new, 531 65c. no. 1 white, 47V4c; No. 4 474c; M-ay, Demana Grow and Profea- Employ t'sual Device to Prices Volume of Deallna t.argte. speculative a new and NEW YORK, Nov. -The movement In stocks entered on broader phase today In the entry Into the buying movement of additional forces from widely scattered sources. The alert leaders of the speculation were prompt to perceive this development and to take advantage of It by manipulative devices to help on the advances In prices. The advance waa. In itself, ah attraction to the somewhat ex cited operations of the new participants, who were apparently of the elites that would have withdrawn or waited If prices had moved downward Instead of upwards. The prospects of danger contained In this kind of movement are perfectly well rec ognized by the practiced professional op erators In stocks and this class today was attentive for sign of reaction in the mar ket and prompt to digest profit frequently In the course of the rise. The buying orders today through com mlmiton houses w.re on a much enlarged scale and they seemed to come from widely separated sources, aunougn ior me part from the speculative center. Boston wa much Impressed: wun t-ne promise ut the copper Industry and, together with In that srrouD sent ex cited reports of the volume of the new buy ing of copper and the rapid advance In the rrlce of that metal which wa In ympathy. Philadelphia and Pittsburg, as usual, paid close attention to developments in the Iron and steel trade and the heavy order for United Statea Steel, for the anare 01 v' minor stocks, and for their equipment com panies and electrical equipment com panies correspondingly Interested, were at tributed to those sources to an Important extent. What are called "western wire houses" represented a ollentage even more scattered throughout the west and outn- "operations for foreign account' were mixed, but Influence from that lde were or cheerful effect on the speculation. The speculation was dominated tlll by the con siderations springing from the passing ot the elections. Bevcral incidents served aa a supplement to this. A notable Influence was attributed to the remarks of Judge Taft to the Commercial club of Cincinnati In the assurances of non-interference from the federal g-overnment with all business and corporate enterprise that observe the law, although thla assurance wa coupled wrtti, in.- uitA a A nn in 1 1 1on of an enforce- m nt ol tha 1 vi against dishonest method'. vvVilr st.... hastened to arrogate to hkii a promise of exemption In these words. The incoming rush of order for took was regarded confidently as a herald of com ing development In the Industrie ot the country. Yesterday' extra dividend declaration on Northern Pacific had it consequences In re vived rumors of other Intended distribu tions, which were without any confirmation. Today' spurt to 1,534.000 shares shows the largest such slittrp expansion that ha oc curred on rising quotations since the day of the abortive speculation on the Increase In the Harrlman dividend. The market' furloua activity wa maintained to the last and prices were still forging upwards, al though with some effect from realizing sale at certain points. The day' move ment showed such gains aa 4 to 4Vi for Amalgamated Copper, New York Central, Loulavllle & Nashville and Atlantic Coast Line, 3 for United States Steel and Union Pacific, 64 for Great Northern ore certifi cates and 10 In I-tckawanna. ' 4 Bonds were strong and active. Total sales, par value, $8,612,000. United States bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Haies. tiitn. i.ow. uioro. Amalcsmated Copper 7H.200 Am. c. F 7,000 Am. C. F. ptd 700 Am. Cotton Oil t.DOO Am. H. A L ptd 700 Am. Ics Securities. 1,100 Am. LlnsMd Oil CM) Am. Locomotive I,0"0 Am. Locomotive pfd 900 Am. 8. a R M.J'K) Am. 8. a R. pfd l. 'oo Am. Sunr Refining t 400 Am. Tobacco pfd... 4JC0 Amarlc Woolen 1. 0"0 Anaconda ktlnln Co ls.tuo Atchison 14,400 Atchison pfd l' Atlantic Coast Line I.C'H) Baltimore A Ohio.., 2S.40 Hal. a Ohio pfd Brooklyn Kapld Tr 6,700 Canadian Pactflo ,6io Central Leather 11.100 Central Leather pfd 1.OI0 Central of New Jersey 100 Chesapeake a Ohio 14,iu0 Chicago Ot. VV HJ0 Chlcafo a N. W 1,6-10 C, M. a St. P 40,71-0 C. C, C. a Bt. L 700 Colorado F. a I lt.ooo Colorado a so T, Colo, a 8o. let pfd 600 Colo. So. td pfd 800 Consolidated Uss 7.100 Corn Products 4.9O0 Delaware a Hudson I.i0 Dttnver a Rio Grande 10 D. R. O. pfd 1.100 Distillers' Securities ....... 4.300 Erie 2.00 Erie 1st prd 4.00 Brie Id pfd 200 General Electrlo 1,000 Great Northern pfd 17,400 Ot. Northern Ore ctfs 17. two Illinois Central 12.000 Interborouih Met 1 400 Int. Met. pfd i.LOO International Paper t,!J0 Int. Paper pfd (00 International Pump 11,100 Iowa Central 400 Kansas City 8o t.OuO K. C. So. pfd ("0 Loulavllle a N 11.200 Minn, a St. L 6"0 M.. St. P. a 8. I. kf 100 Missouri Paclfio t.tao M., K. a T $1 M . K. T. pfd 400 National Lead t.(o0 PEORIA, old. No. 3 new. 6oVje; 3, c: old trade sue: OA 1 julel; white, 46(q46c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 6. METALS The London tin market waa higher today, with spot quoted at 139 2s tkl and futures at 141. The local market was strong and higher also at $:.62Vr30.86. Copper made quite a sharp advance in London, spot be ing quoted at 64 5s and futures at 2s 6d. The local market waa firm, with a con tinuation of tlie upward tendency, and lake was quoted at tl4.12lVtil4.2&. electrolytic at IM.wult.liVi and cuating at $13.7S( 14.00. The London lead market was higher at 13 12s. Locally the market was firm, with bidders showing mora disposition to meet the views of holders and quotation tanging from M JiSfc to 64 40. Spelter advanced to 20 IDs. In the London market. Ically the market wa firm at $4.i'u6.uO. h-on was higher In London, with standard foundry quoted at 4s 3d and Cleveland warranta at 49s 6 J. Th local market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern. $16.50a 17 -S; No. 2, $16.00 47.16.7d; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, oft. $16.7M( 17.25. ST. LOUIS. Nov. t M ETA 1 .8 Lead, firm at $4.36. Spelter, firm at $4.86. New York Central N. ., O. a W Norfolk a Western North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Penneyivanla People'a Oas p.. c, c. a st. l Preeaed. Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Bll Spring ttnadlng Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Iiland Co. pfd St. L. a 8. F. 2d pfd.... St. Louis 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Slots-Sheffield S. a I Southern Pacific o. Peclfle pfd Southern Railway go. Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Teiaa a Pacific T, St. L. a W T.. St. L. a W. pfd t'nlon Pacific t nlon Pacific prd V. a. Ruober I'. 8. Rubber let pfd...v V. 8. Steel r. 8. Steel pfd t'lah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .. Va.-faro. Cham, pfd Wabash Wabash pfd Weetlnghouss Electric ... Vteeteru t'slon Wheeling a L. B WlscoUMin Central Total sales for the day, 14.700 ,. 2,7l0 .. 2.200 .. t.UtO .. 44,200 .. J 4J .. 20.400 .. $.400 ,, 10i .. 4,M) 400 ..14S.2O0 .. .70 .. .100 .. II. ,. 10,0011 700 100 10 . . 1,4') .. 72.700 .. 1.0 O .. 11.4K) .. &,J0 .'. 9,100 too .. I.i0 ..Hi. 100 ) .. I.ioo 800 ..lit. tu . . o.h .. 2.200 .. '4aV .. I.eoO .. I.S"0 .. I. SO) .. I2,;i .. 2,400 fritt 107 4014 304 274 11V 6Vi 110 7H to Vi nt 944 10 14 108 'si" 17B-4 2i - 1007 Mti 444 74 If 14i4 1,1 !S 43 "4 6H4 604 146 1 ls 1724 2rH 78 244 3t 44 274 154 137H 724 141 14 Mi 21H n4 M if r.4 24 624 UC4 34 1244 b'J sz M 84 Hi. 4i4 SO 70 14 140TS 2 12 44 Ut IHMj 14 45 136H SOX 21 . l's 1V4 4 7i llt'4 U' M t.7'4 "tsi 24 4s 17 M 31, l'C it 1134 a st 112 mt4 2.14 fi 4 04 4 . lOAtt !4 r,. 2B4 11V4 66 110 K14 108 4 13S 4 24 44 344 nA 10144 174-4 26 4 208 43 74 147 144S 66 SS4 42V4 8 M'4 145 184 17114 24 71 '4 234 214 45 17 152 134 67 141 10 90 104 (4 214 26 28 62 111 J 124 674 11 M 14 lo84 42 7 6 144 27 1!7 84 84 86 16 4-i 136 2t 4 l!i4 46 804 1 4 76 111 118 23 66 '26 2i 176 4 96 102 61 112, 44 85 110 1" 28 41 . 1.000 28 28 1.534,800 shares. 7-4 4S 101 40 i.144 87 U 66 110 17 los 18S M 17 61 84 28 V 10C 87 61 '4 175 H 100 )8 44 7 168 lW'k 67 38 : w 40 14 14S 19 1714 2 72 34 J3 4 4S 38 i;;i is. 71 143 10 11 63 t'i to i 1:4 68 U1H 8 80 112 4: 7'J - 148 2n 136 M 88 174 46 13', 264 84 ;i 41'. 81 13 48 7t 112 118 24 44i il'i 11 61 176 1 101 M lit 44U Hi 111 80 42 Londoa ktock Market. LONIX1N. Nov. . American securities opened firm and higher today. First prices were from 'a to 4 above yesterday' New York closing; and thla level wa maintained throughout the early session. London closln stock quotation: Consols, money ... 84 8-14 kfo., Ksn. a Texas. do sccount sef--.er.cw Tors t entrsl Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. . COFFEE Mar ket for coffe future closed steady, net unchanged to i points higher. Sales were reported of 24 600 bags. Including No vember at 5 30 i.J&o; December and January, .30c; March, May, July and September, 6 2419 4 SOc Spot coffee quiet No. 7 luo. Uc; No. 4 Kanto sc; wild cvffe dull; Cordova, !VllHc. 10-4 Norfolk a Western. .. 88 do pfd ..1.0 Ostarto a Western., ..104 Pennsylvania .170 Kaud Mines . 46 Resdlng . 7 Southern Railway .. .148 do pfd . lb Southern Pscitie .., . tnlon Pacific ..j... . 74 do ptd , . ei I'. M. Steel . 4 do pfd . IS Wabash . Jl do pfd .144 Spanish 4s Ansl. Copper Ansconds Atchison do Pfd Baltimore a Ohio.., Csnadlan Pacific .. Cheaapeake a Ohio t'hl. Oreat Weetern Chi.. Mil. 4V St. P De Beers Denver A Rio O ... do pfd Eric do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central Louisville a Nsah. SILVKK liar, stcf.dy ut atta per ounce. MONEY 1 per cent. The rat of dlacount In the open market for abort hills la a per cent; for thre months' bills, 2431 1-16 per cent 321. 11 7 434 41 4'. 34 DlV4 U'i 181 " U 11; 13-, . 82 4 Do Your Banking "Where the assets are large; over $12,000,000; "Where the facilities for doing business are com plete; "Where every account, whether large or small, re ceives the close personal attention of the officers; Where, 'for fifty-two years, conservative, progres sive banking service has been rentlered to the people of Omaha. A Zrc Certificate of Deposit is an ideal form of investment and it keeps your money at work. First National Bank of Omaha Entrance to Safety Deposit faults la on 13th St. Thirteenth and Farnam Sts. Capital $500,000 Surplus and Troflts 700,000 Deposits 11,300,000 1161.484.933; Bold coin and bullion, $38,774,785; gold certificates, $46,964,330. REPORT OF THB t'l.K ARIMG HOUSE Transact loa of the Associated Basks tor the Week. NEAV YORK. Nov. 1 Bradstreef bank clearlrs; report for the week ending; No vember 6, 1S, show an af-Krcgnte of $,(36, 376,000, aa against $2,570,8l4,UilO lust wet-It and $2,377,615,000 In tho corresponding week last year. The following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings. I Inc. Dec. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Kansas City Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orlt-ans Cleveland .t Detroit Omaha Loulavllle Los Angeles Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Fort Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Richmond Washington, D. C. . Spokane, Wash Salt Lake City Columbus St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Tacoma Savannah Toledo, O. Nashville Rochester ' Hartford De Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Orand Rapids Birmingham Syracuse Sioux City Springfield, Mass. . lOvansville Portland, Me Dayton Little Rock Augusta, Oa. ........ Oakland, Cal Wortx-ster Mobile Knoxvllle Jacksonville, Fla. .. Chattanooga Charleston, 8. C. .. Lincoln, Neb Wilmington, Del. .. Wichita Wllkesbarre Wheeling, W. Va. . Fall River Davenport Kalamazoo, Mich. . Topeka Helena Springfield, 111 Youngstown Fort Wayne New Bedford Brie, Pa Cedar Rapids, la. ... Macon Akron Lexington Rockford, III Fargo, N. D 1OwHl Blnghamton (.'heater. Pa Sioux Falls, S. D. . South Bend, Ind. ... Bloomlngton, 111. :.. Canton, O Quincy, 111 Springfield. O. Decatur, 111 Mansfield, O. Fremont, Neb Jacksonville, 111. ... Oklahoma Houston HlalveBton Columbia, 8. C Sacramento Jacksor, Miss ln.0M.2P2.onol 2:"o,(ti,oji 171.t.iHM llii,44,00O. 64,8( 2, a . 30,711,000 34.W.0U S6,478,ono! 24.045.100 23,li,Ot. 14,061,000 13,672.000 12.77U00 11,166,000 llt.OiR.OUO 9.1SO,000 10.307.0ii0 84,00l 10,276,000 7.6:2.000 8.167.000 7, 144,1)00 12,700,000 7.576.0110 6.4!),UI0 4.779.O0O 6,797.0t"0 6.982,001)1 6,381.000 4.917.000 6.071,O 4.714 0 0 6.8;'9.IXO B,21,000 4.2S6.OO0 ,Mii,C00 3.276.0fO J.779.0TO 8.912.(0 3,5tM.0OO 2.826,000 2.874.(001 2.449,000 2.603.000 1.970,000 2,332.(00 2,356.000! 1.875.000! 1,739,000 l,881,flo0 1.590.000 2,426,0001 2,610,0.4)! I.4ti0.ono 1.665.0O0 1.4w,000 l,33:i,uoo 1. 677.000 1,379,000 1.442.100 1.536.0UO 1,054,000 1.6(6.000 1,19,000' 1.6RJ.O0O l.aii.tMv 1,3:18,0001 961,000 l.ltw.otw 8a.ooo 846,000) 679,0OO TiM 1.440.0001 603,000 814.000 943.00W 669.000 680,1X10 4';4..u, 823.a.W 6!,00(H 3H3.4tO 4:7.0OO 699.0OO 441,0001 404.04) C4O.00O 606,OtX) 460,000 3ffi,0no 297.IXK) iiitf.OOOl 23l.0(!0 1.298,000 .3..0H 21.ZI4.000 8'JIS. ) i 883.ti 159,00. 18. 2.. .o;.. 24.7 21.31 6. .0 81 I "6!8 1S.4 -66 "s'i 4 4 18 9 12.7 9.3 2.6 .4 -7!3 10.9 1.4 72.81 S.7 'lV3 2.71 0.81 '12.6 36!i 16.1 23. 1.0 65.0 10.91 "i!e 3.2 2.4 SV.9 25i 10.6 68.0. I 6.3. 4 1.9 21.7 1.6 4.5 18.6 14.3 8.7 lV. i 6.3 4.0 21.2 2 1 10.4 "z.i 13.0 6.8 21.5 "i83 15.9 4.7 23.6 36.3 8.8 "a!6 "2s!i "2L4 16.8 13.6 "i!7 10.9 17.8 10.4 27.6 "j 18.? '"6.3 27.6 24.2 14.3 17..8 "6!i 'zi'.k 'as! 2 12.4 21.6 22.0 "L8 23.7 19.2 0.7 tt.u 'ti'.b 11.0 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Ban of Cattle, with Pricei Steady to Strong. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWER Sheep and Lamb In I.laht Receipt, While Price on All Kinds Are Stronger nnd Trade Fairly Active. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. , 1908. Receipts were: Oftlclal Monday .... Official Tuesuay.... Official Wednesday Official Thursday ., Estimate Friday .. Cattle. Hugs. Sheep. ... 3.969 3.688 19,ti l.UBo Z.VM iMX ... 1.4S0 8,939 4.915 ... 2.IW7 6,7o7 4.136 ... 1.4i7 4.200 4.863 Five days this week... 12,868 20,492 38,294 Same days last week.... 19,127 17,943 73,819 Bame days 2 weeks ago,. 34.263 17.626 89,17 Same day 3 weens ago..U,43 30,121 81,903 Same day 4 week ago. .3,Ulj 26,81 &).M Sam days last year la,2ue 12,513 61,2.1) The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tna year to date, compared with last year: lo8. 190i. Inc. Dec, Cattle 865,746 1,082.781 167,035 riugs 2,072,068 2,09,283 42,785 tiheep I,8v9,a37 l.tsU.m 22,5 The following table 'shows the average price of hoga at South Omaha lor the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 1907. 1908. 11906. 1904. 19J3. list. Oct. 26... Oct. 27... Oct. 28.., Oct. t9... Oct. M0... Oct. Hi... Nov. 1... Nov. I.., Nov. 3.., Nov. 4.., Nov. 6... Nov. 6.. 6 54 I 6 60V41 6 57VI 5 69SI 6 60 I 6 Uattl S 72 6 6H 6 8v 6 87 6 7tt 6 45 e t 66 6 48 6 6o 6 81 0 b e 5 62 6 39 6 lo 6 18 6 131 e I 6 15 6 06 1 6 02 6 t5 6 10 6 071 e i 5 98 6 W 44 4 88 4 92 e 4 94 4 92 4 84 4 9vt 4 Kl 4 88 6 08 5 01 4 96 4 9o 4 2 4 4 1 4 84 4 86 4 9u 4 891 4 87 I 6 25 6 I8 6 63 6 08i 6 51 4 971 e 61 4 ii 6 69 4 98 61 1 e 54 6 00 4 871 6 60 4 79 48 4 74 61 4 73 62 0.1 Sunday. The olficlul number of cars ot stock brought in today by each roau waa: Cattle. Huga. P.ieep. C M. & St. P Wabash Mo. Pac I nion Pacific C. & N. W. (east) C. at N. W. (West)... C, St. P., M. & O... C, 11. & 4- (east)... C, B. & O. twest) C, it. 1. i P. (east)... C, K. 1. sir. P., (west).. Illinois Central ...... c. u. w Total receipts The u.sposltlon ot the oay' receipts wa uh follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot nead ludlcatea 1 ..11 , 1 1 .i 13 16 12 2 3 , .5 7 11 1 3 6 . 1 19 12 1 2 .. i 8 .. 1 48 67 19 Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour &, Co Krey Packing Co.... Vunsant & Co Carey Hi Benton Hill & Hon F. P. Lewi J. H. Bulla ilcCreary & Carey... 11. F. Hamilton Other buyers Smliu & P Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 47 111 463 214 ""ft 70 40 68 1 16 14 74 14 009 9"8 l,u3d 1,247 113 43 4d6 1,116 4M 3,019 Not Included In totils because containing other Items than clearings. MLIH- wlth IVew York Money Blnrket NEW YORK. Nov. 6. PRIM F. CANTILB PAPER-44i ht cent. STERLING EXUMANQK Katy, actual business In bankers' bills at $1.83' 4.8383 for sixty-day bills and ut 4.s;,: fur demand; commercial hills. $4.83's!hl.K3'4. SILVER Bar, 6o4c; Mexicuu dollar, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; rairoad, strong. MONEY On call, steady, VM'2 per cent; ruling rate, l per cent; closing bid. IV per cent; oflered at 14 pr cent. Time loans, active and easy for short dates; strong 011 long dates; sixty days. 33 per rent; ninety days, 34 per cent; six moiuiis, 34, per cent. 4 Closing quotation on New York bond were as follow: V. S. ref. 1m, re.... 1034 Int. Met. 4Vte ao coupon 104 L. A N. unl. 4s.... V. 8. . re( lOllteMsn. c. . 4s ...W'tHfl L'eutral 4s.... ...12U4 do let Inc ...lii Minn. A 8t. L. 4s. ... 7WM., K. A T. 4s.... ...im Mo 2s ..10)y,eN. H Bank Clearlaga. OMAHA, Nov. (.Bank clearing for to day were $1,769,041.44. and for the corre sponding dat last yesr $1,662,292.43. Tresssrr statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. Today' state ment of the '.reasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the HW.rXiO.utnJ gold reserve, show: Available csb balance. do eoupoa .... U. g. 4. re... 4o eoupon .... Am. Tobsctv 4s. do 4s Atchison sen. 4s do snj. 4s 81 N. Y. C. f. '-.. do e. 4 l-li M. J. C. i. 5e ... do cv. is lu4 No. Pscltle 4s... Atlsotle C. L. 4s.... XS, -do 3s Bai. at Ohio 4s D-0 N. 4k W. c. 4s ... do ',. M-.iO. 8. L. rids. 4a.. Brk. R. T. cv. 4 7i'iPeun. c. te lli central or us. as 10J do cos. 4a . C7 . J H . s . 8; . 18 . ;' .100 . 86 do lal luc... do 2d Inc.. do Id inc. tS 48 fteadlu csn. 4s... hep. of Cubs 5s. of M. o 4s eVs .. tl . .121 ..it: .. 14 .. J' .. 5-i .. 6'-t . l'Ml, ..1(M .11)2 4 . 4J-(8t. L. st 1. M. c 5s . Ill (Ties, a fMtlo 4V.S....1114 ft. U S K. !. 4. H (hicsso A. !a '., B. A CI n. 4a C, ft. 1. P. 4s. do col. (is..'. do rfd. 4s fi'O. gt. u g. Colo. Ind. ie Colo. ssid. 4a Colo. 4 Ho. s el. 4 H. cv. 4s. l A H. O. 4s... Krle s I. 4s do en. 4s Hock. Vsl. 4Ss... Jspsn 4s do 4t8s do 2d eerlea uld. Offered. Stew York Mlalaaj atofk. . NEW YORK. Nov. I. Closing quotations on mining stocks were ;8 gt. L. 8. w ... 88V, i-sbosrd A. L. 4a ... i':Vs io. Pacific 4s ... 7's do Ut 4s ... Mvegn. Hallwsr 6s..... 4s. V. Teias A P. la.... ... .'D4T., 8t. L. A W. 4a ... 48t3 I'ltloa Pad lie 4s... ...! do c. 8s ...UK Wsbaab la ... 8b Wealera Md. 4s ... 874, W. A U t. 4s ... 1 Wis. tnlral 4s ...lOktiN. T.. N. H. A ... i ee. 4s rtfs ... i Lsks Sborr 4s 1831... 4v ... nv. H. 78 . . 9S'sj .l"8' .lltiSj . 77 .i-a4 .1mi .in . 71, . S"4J .0 j Alios Breezes BruuwtcU Con. . . Coca. Tu.sel stork Cost. Tunnel nonds. Con. Cel. A Va Hers Hitver Iron Stiver . i . 4 . V. . II . u . 1I .106 Lesdvllte fan. Little Chief ... keilcun Ontsrio Ophlr Standard Yellow Jacket ... S ... 1 ... M ...m ...17"i ...la) ...44 Total 1.443 4,312 6,796 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were light this illuming, as uauul on a Friuay, oniy forty-eigiu cars leing reported in. For tne weeK to date tne receipts snow a tailing orf of over t,W0 head as compared with last week and of over 21,uuu beau aa coinpaieu witn two tseeks ago. U iiiii tew beef cattle lucre were here sold at good, steady pilces and the offer ings weiu aii picked up In good season. Cuiii-letia sold up to $6.u0, with Wyoming rangeia at yt.bu. Cows and neiteis also commanded good, strong prices, the few luaus ol dcsnuole khida selling qullit reuUily. mere were only a few stockers and feeder in first hands and, as usual the mni of tne week, tiiey were Blow aeileia. unu tning thai contributed to the dullness was tne tact thai speculator are loosung lor a pretty good run the coining week anu hence were not overly anxious to load up Willi calile tuuay thai tnuy might bav to carry over bunuay. 'im market tot the week ha been In exceedingly goou condition " and all de- all aula Kinds ot cattle, both killer and lec-dci. are around io-unoo higher than la; wt-ea s ciuhtf. Coniiuun isaner cows and irasny cattle generally nave not aiiuwu very much change. Wuuluiion on cattle: Good to choice corn-ied tsleers, tt.zojr7.00; talr to good corn-ted b tee is. $o.j-(o.2j; common to fair coin-led steers, 4.tA.t).uu; goou to choice range steers, y4.uoj-u.&; fair to good range sleura, K.ot4f-t.iio; conutiun to tair range steers, V.W(o.eo; good to choice corn-ted cowa and ueuers, eo. .1X04.25; good to cnoice grass cowa and huitera, di.ib; fair to good grass cows and belters, fi.autsi'i.20; common to fair grass cows and nettors, l.iou '.uo; good to choice slocaers and t cede is, $4.boti&.tx); fair to good stockers and feeders, 83.oVg4.Bt); common to fair stockers and feeders, 82.icd-tw; stocK heif cra, .'.2uii.i; veal calves, ii. loaj. 16, bulls, stayb, etc., $j.zb(ud.2u. HuGS A lew ut tne toppy loads of hogs old at prtcces inl morning thai were very nearly steady to a little canter, but Ins gcneial inn uf pretty guod hogs sold around. go lower. Ilia ugiiler Kinds were generally 5,'jloc lower, the lighter the weight the more decline as a general rule, 'i lie hugs sold largely ut eo.TLnv.fco, aa against $a.suuT kin) yealerduy. the lop was the sam for botli days, ;6.00. The market was not very active at the advance, but still pretty much everything waa cleaned up In fair season. bHEEP 'Receipt of cheep thl morning Were again small, while the demand. esie. daily tor killers, was biisk and prices gen erally a Hula higher than yesterday. W est ern ltd lambs sold up aa high as $6.90, witn western fed wethers at $4.50 and range yeariings at $4.65. There were nut enough feeders to cut much figure on the market today, but what there wer sold In about yesterday' notches. The market for the week on all desirable kinds of killers Is safely Jo 1140c higher. Feeder sheep and lambs have been In active demand throughout the week and prices have been strung every day. it will he re mem be red that the market last week closed very high on feeders, so that no material advance lias taken place on that kind this week. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $5. i&j6.o0; fair to god lambs r5.2'(r5.75; feeding lambs, $4.2.!i6.26; good to choice light yearlings, $4.bOu6.ou; good to choice heavy yearlings, 94.26u4.76; feeding yearlings, $3.754j4.25; good to choice wether, t4.2Mi4.wj; fair to good wethera, $4.0104.25: ttcding wether. $3.50-04.90; good to choice ewes, t3 75-'-j4.'JO; fair to good ewes, $3,264 3.75; feeding ewes, $2.0tVa3.25; cull anj bucks, $1.0oa2.50. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6. BUTTER Market lc higher; Western creamery, 31c; nearby prints, 3c. F0E to We must get rttl of thin large- stock. Vr have cut price riVr-prr and draper. Now that vre mut vacate tills large, aaclout4 hulbtinK. nnd having no other trr In alght to tnoro Into, jroti ran 4N8ilr see our prrdl(tii4nt. We cannot store urh at ctxttly atN-k o In order to close out a qnlekl a p4Mlhle, we have tindctl the rlee down to almost nothing. Aro You Getting Your Sharo of the Reasonable merchandine that we are selling at such a sacrifice. The readers of thla paper are coming from fifty to sixty miles from Omaha to take advantage of thla sale. There's not a single item where the price hasn't been cut 40 to 60 per cent. De sure and bring this list with you. mammammmammmmmtmmmmimmmmmmmmmmm MHHMMMMsMMsMMsaiMMvMBssMaBMMa RING THIS PRICE LIST WITH YOU GOODS SOLD JUST AS ADVERTISED $25 suits sg Strous ft Bros, hand tailored Overcoats. This season' latest cut and fabric. In all Uie new ahades, cuffs on sleeves aom have those nifty stylish patch pocket. All hand tailored. 530 Overcoats $25j Thore Isn't a suit In thl lot that Isn't positively worth $26.00. You see there Is only one way to move foods fast and that way la to put h price down to rock bottom. Boys' Clothing $4. 60, $6.00 and $6.00 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, at 52.48 and S2.08 $8.60 and $10.00 Boys' Overcoats, 12 to 20 yrs., at 84.98 Knee Pants, only lit? 10.00 and $12.60 Men's Suits, In one JJJJ $16.00, $17.60 and $20.00 f fj CQ . fO 09 Men's Suits, at ,0.w( nd 40Mt $3 Hats (or 89c Positively the greatest hat value In America. We have put In this lot all $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 stiff and soft hats, at the ridiculous price of Sc. ' Don't Judge the quality by the price they're stylish and serviceable. $4 2nd $5 Shoes for $2.85 We include In thla lot all of our better make of shoes. All are Good year welts, vlcl, box calf, valour, lace and button. Regular 9.00 value. Forced Out of Business $2.00 Lambsdown Union Suits i.ia f 1.00 Union Suits, heavy cotton 89o $1.00 all wool flna Un derwear 60 69o cotton fleeced Un derwear So 50c and 760 811k Hand- kerchiefs BOO 2.00 Worsted Sweater Coat SSO f 1.00 blue flannel Shirts at 780 76o heavy black Sateen shirt $1.60 Lion brand stiff and soft Shirts... tSo $1.00 soft hirts, col lars attached S9o $5c Suspender ....IS 25a Suspenders .,..144) Boys' Supender. . . John B. Stetson $5.00, $.O0 and $7.00 Hats for $a.t 10c Handkerchief ...to 10a blue and red Hand kerchief 3a 60a Ladles' Underwear for .aoo Boys' Kne Pants.. 11 BOo Overalls So 60o Working- Shirts 89o 60o and 75c Working Olove S9 Manhattan and Elgin Shirts, large Bisa only, at 48s $2.00 Working Pant for fl. 13.60 Men's Pant 8.94 26o Woven Sox . ...ISo Boston Garters . ...14W Ladies' Goods Sacrificed $30.00 long Fur Lined Coats 914.8S $40.00 Squirrel Lined Kerey Coats at tna.85 $50.00 Nearseal Blouse Jackets at fa7.50 One (only) Fur Cape $13.60 112.50 Long Coats 4.98 $20.00 Long Coat $9.98 $2.60 Fur Keck Scarfs So $6.00 Fur Neck Scarfs ....... .$1.98 $7.60 Fur Neck Scarfs $3.95 $10.00 Fur Neck Scarfs $3.98 $16.00 Genuine Squirrel Scarfs for $3.98 $15.00 Muffs foe $4.98 $25.00 Jackets for $8.48 tVX 1 f VV Fcrccd Out Of Businoss T4SSH.ASSBaSN1 00; feeders, $2.75fl4-T5: calve and year lings, $2.5i"3.50. CHICAGO LI VB STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoc Five to Tea Cent Lower Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Nov. 6. CATTLE Receipt, estimated about J.000 head; market, steady; steers, t4.4Oti7.50; cows, J3.0iXii6.0O; heifers, $2.50fc4.60; bull, $2.5034.50; calves, $3.00 7.85; stockers and feeders, $2.50(i)4.65. HOGS Receipts, estimated about 77,000 head: market. SifrlOc lower: choice heavy shipping, tfi 0(13 30; butchers, $9.1564 30; light mixed, I5.4orq6.so; light choice, 6.wBi.uo; packing. K.txwti.io: pig. H.at).w: duik of sales, $6.7ct6 2ft. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipt, estima ted about 12.000 head; market, steady sheep, 4.5(K(i5.(iy; lamb. $4.75'a.50; year lings, $3.8i06.25. Kansas City Lira Stock. Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. .--OATTLK Receipts, 5,000 head, Including 200 southerns; market for killing cattle 15 ifoc higher; stockers and feeder atrong; choice export and dressed beef steers. $8.2i&7.26; fair to good, $4.85(25.00; western steers, $3.60 4 60; atocker and feeder, $3.004.60; southern sters, $3.O04.6; southern cows, $2,0043.40; native cow, $2.004.60; natlva nelfers, $2.606.26; bulla, $2.36 04.00; calves. $3.50(0 7.00. uuii.i Receipts, i.uuo head; market 10o lower; top, $6.10; bulk of sales, $5.40 frS.QO; heavy. t 000 4 10; packer and butchers, tt. .0 U 6.10; light. $5.303 5.15 : plgM, $4. 006 5.25. Brie;ii;f aiu l.a m tin neceipts, 3,000 head; market strong; Colorado lamb, $6.00; lambs, $4.25 (y 6.00; ewe and year lings, $3.80()4.60; western ) - rfing.-i, $4.204.80; western heep, $ 3. ?j ((? 4. 4 0 ; stockers and feeders, fi.iOtt 4.00. St. Loals Live Stoek Market, ST. LOU19. Nov. . CATTLE Re ceipt, 4, 21-0 head. Including 2.200 Texan; market, strong to 10c higher; native ship ping and export steers, $5.00i7.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.5taC75; steer under 1.000 llw.. $3.6Xa."5; tocker and feeder, $3.00(U4.00; cow and heifers. $3.26 tli.6u; canners, 2.(Hij2.5t); bulls, $2.7541 4.1X1; calves. $4.007.50; Texans and Indian ateers, $3.0o4i5.76; cows and heifers. $1. 75m 4.25. HOGS Receipts, 16.0U) bead; market, 10 620 cents lower; pigs and lights. J3.ik&5.70; packers. $5.804j5.S5; butchers and best heavy. $0.0006.20. SHEEP AND IAMRS-Receipts, 1.000 head; market, 10(&il5c higher; native mut tons, $4.2ui4.75: lambs, 6.(fi 25: culls and buck. $3.IAti4.25; stockers, $2.0l63.00. St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. CATTLB-Re-ceipts. I,5u0 head. Market steady; steers, $4.25tr7.10; cows and heifers, $2.25tf.75; calves. $3.00436.56. HOGS Receipts. 7.50O head. Market 5c to lbc lower; top, $8.05; bulk of sales, $5,754 $.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt, Market nominal; lambs. $1 5o6.75. Stock t88 Slsjkt. Tleceints for llvst alnrb mt ih. cipai western marxeis yesieraiiy 411-16C, nominal: ordinary, BW, nominal; good ordinary, 6 15-16V ; low middling, 8 6-lc; 1.1.1,1 QIC ...... ... . mMIh. ft 0 1 iL,, II11I1U nil. o Itr-ini , hiiuu iiiiuuiiiis, va-.-ni ... , .-.m fair puw. r.ip mi ,-. celpts, 12,182 bales; stock, 225,'226 bale. Boston Stock and Bond. BOSTON, Nov. 6. Money, call loans, IS $ per cent; time loans, 3M,&4V, per cent. Clos'ng price on stocks and bonds wsr ar follows: Alchlaon adj. 4s..... Jl (sl. Hscla. ao 4s 8'i'iOtitsnnlal Atchison R. H i".8 CoppsT Ranfs o ptd 8dD)r Wsst .... Boston A Albany. ...tUtrrajikllo ...... Bostoa A Mslos 184 Oranby Boatos Xlsvated 10 lals Roysls ... FiU-hbur pfd 133 Msss. Mining N. V., N. H. A H...184 Mlchlssn Union Pacific 118 i Mohawk Am. Aria, ctwm il Moat. C. A C. do pfd 84 Old Dominion Am. rnsu. Tubs 64 Osceola Amer. Susr lie 'i Parrot do ptd 10 Quincy Am. T. T 18 Hhannon Am. Woolsa I1 "Tamarack do pfd 8",Trinltr Dominion 1. A 8 I74 Unllsd Coppsr KcM-orl Rlsa. Illu ?t7 V. S. Mlnlu.. Mass. Blsctrlo 1 V. S. Oil do pfd 674, 1'tah Maia. Oas 07 Victoria ...... I' n I led Prult M0 Winona Units S. M 54 Wolverine .... do pfd i-W North Butts . U. S. Stasl it Hutte Coalition do pfd Ill's Narada Adventurs t Cal. 4k Art ions. Aliones 4" ', Arison Com. .. Amslg-amst:l 14"40rsens Csnsnsa Atlantic r-t Uld. Asked. .. J4U .lj .. Vt .. ,.100 .. 3M .. t.K .. It, .. b'H .. 4V .. 4 : ..iV .. fev, is-, .. i .. tn .. :5t4 .. 48 .. i .. t ..IV) .. 48 .. J'4 .. IS-A ..lti .. i3 i none. South Omaha SIouk City ... Br. Joseph ... Kansas City . St. Louis Chicago Hotrs. 4 2i0 6.0(a) 7.500 14.0-4) 16.014) 27,000 Total ..13.627 75,300 Sheen. 4,368 s.'otio 1,000 12.000 20,363 Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass.. Nov. 6.-WOOL The Commercial Rulletln will say tomorrow of the wool market: The market is strong and active. Buyers operated freely In anticipa tion of the election and have accumulated considerable supplies. For this reason a nuleter market is looked for. as holder are disposed to ask higher prices. Th hlu ment of wool from Boston to November 5. Inclusive, according to same authority, were 156.212,603- lbs., agvlnat 214.210.569 lb, for the same time last year. The recelpta to November 6, Inclusive, were 229.286,176 lbs., against 2im.278.2-6 lbs. the am period last year. ST. 1X1118, Nov. 8.-WOOL Firm; me dlum grades, combing and olntblng, 17(p 20c; light fine. lVal6Vc; heavy fin. 114312c ; tub washed, 20f(27c. Snsrar and Molaanes. NEW YORK. Nov. f.-SUGAR-Raw and OUiet: fu.lr reflnlnv Salts.- .. .1. a test, 3.95c; molasses sugar, .20c: refined. steady; No. 6. 4.!ic; No 7. 4 45c; No. 8. 4.40c; J10'.!v4Si:: No- ,0- 4iKr: No- -: No! II. 4.1fc; No. 13. 410o; No. 14. 406c; confer, loners A. 4 70c; mould A. 626c: rut loaf 6. .Oc; crushed, 60c; powdered, 6.00cj gran ulated, 4.90c; cubes. 6.16c. Oils) and Roaln. OIL CITIT. Nov. 8 -Credit balances, $1 TH Runs 162 .m bbls.; sverage. 129 574: shlr, menls. lM.. pkgs.; Average, 1X6 806 SAVANNAH. Oa., jNtv. 6 -OIL-Turpen-tine, firm, c; sales, 100; receipt. SM; shipments. 327. r,'J2"yt 8: - 2.8o'u3.82V4; II? $3f7, t3; I-. ( K.. 34 80; M.. $5.26; N., . 6: W. G., $6.30; W. V.. 6 iu. ' Cotton Market. Sioaa (Itr Live Stock Market. PIOl'X CITY. Nov. 6-HOG-Recelpts, 6,0") head; market 6i?10t lower; range, $5.(0 tl90; hulk of aales. $5 70t)5.75. CATTLE Receipts. 5"0 head; market higher; btevea, $4-5"a700; grass cows, $3.00 NEW YORK, Nov. .-COTTON-Ppot closed quiet at 5-polnt advance; middling uplands, 9.3oc; middling gulf, 55c. No Sales. Futures closed steady; November. 1.03c; Decetnber, 9.07c: January, 8.82c; February, I tic; March, ( ft6c; May, t sfcc; Jun. 8.7c.-; July. .7e; August, H.61c. 5T. LOl'lH, Nov. 6. CO'rrON Steady; middling, V- Hales, 81 bales; receipts, 8 3au bales; ablpmruls, baits, stock, 31,- lkt bale. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. -COTTON-Bpot opened easy, cloacd steady; low ordinary, J, P, BENKARD & GO,, UO Broidvaf. Hew York Cltf. tMembcr N. Y. Stock Exchangs.) Write for Information on STOCKS or BONDS wlhch may Interest you PARTlCULARATTtNTlQN PA10 TO ODD LOTS