Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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The Chi ah a Daily Bel
Ji 1 1 iii
" "Entere.1 at Omihi postofflc M cond
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State of Nebraska. Douglas County, sr :
yonrt-n B. Tischu.-k, treasurer of The
Bee Tubl'shlnf Company, being duly sworn.
s.ys tnot the actual number of full and
vimnleie copies of The Daily; Morn'r.
Evening and Sunday Be pr nred during the
montn 01 ucmoei. inn. was as iuuo;
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often aa requested.
Governor Haskell has n6t yet coh
itiUiaud Mr. Taft.
The Dingley schedules have reason
to 'feel a little nervous.
Missouri has decided to remain" In
the procession of progress.
Lincoln Steffi ns has turned socialist,
If that makes any difference.
Mr. Erjan may now devote more
Uino to editing the Come-on-er.
The blaclt and. brown. haH show no
Uiqiination to turn green wka envy.
.Russia donbtess wishes It had sent
Its. fleet to Japan for a frolic Instead of
ft ight.
It la evident that the night rider
trie in the south did not go for the
republican ticket.
. Missouri - wobbled for some little
time, but li aally fetched up in the
republican column.
Gubernatorial Candidate Cowherd
iq Missouri failed to justify his name
by' his running record.
"Housework will goon be a busi
ness," says a college professor. It has
never been looked upon as a pleasure.
"Sunny Jim" Sherman says that the
election cost him $2,600, or considera
bly less than a 1909 model automobile.
An Illinois court! has decided that
foam cannot be sold as , beer. It Is
sold that way, however, in spite of the
court's decision.
; : the rumor that Theodore Roosevelt,
Jr., is to be married this winter is
probably erroneous. His salary is
only $4.50 a week. ..
.'The congratulatory telegrams have
about all been sent now and the tele
graph wires will hum with business
from this time out
.' Mr. Hearst's candidate did not get
many votes, but Hearst had all kinds
of fun out of it and sold several extra
copies of his papers.
" Some folks will be disappointed at
the mikado's positive assurance that
Japan has no desire to either buy or
(teal the Philippines.
. Of the ten octopl imported for the
New York aquarium only one has sur
vlved. The other nine must have
been democratic cctopi.
Tho New York Ice trust carried
"good will" on its books at $S0,000
000. It's mighty difficult to get cash
on good will for an Ice man.
Once more oil the subject of names
Prince So Long was selected to dellvei
the farewell messages to the .'.can
Seet when It left Chinese waters
And -the chances are that the man
who wears a green hat takes delight
In poking fun at the Merry Widow
hat and the new "pill-box" creation.
ice ning - worse nag been sen
tenced to thirteen years in the pen!
tentlary tor crooked banking. A few
sentences of that kind will furnish
splendid system of guaranteeing de
' Of course, the triumph of the brew
ry and whisky Interests In the Ne
braska election may make it unneces
aary for tho Seward Bottling YYorkF
to go out of business, as It threatens
to do If Bryan was defeated
The republican party Is In posi
tion to carry out one of its pledges to
the people at the coming short session
of congress by enacting the postal sav
ings bank law, which has already been
used by the senate and Is now pend
ing In the house as unfinished business.
The platform of 1808 pledges the party
to prompt legislative action oft this
question and the progress already
made on the measure would appear to
make It unnecessary to coniue dis
cussion of It until the next congress.
The more the proposed plan ia dis
cussed the more arguments and
stronger are adduced In its favor. In
the current Issue of Van Norden's Mag
azine, Postmaster General Meyer
argues that the adoption of the postal
savings bank system would solve the
panic question. He believes that the
uninformed Immigrants who' have Im
plicit confidence In the American gov
ernment, but do not understand the
commercial banking system or have
confidence in It, would be glad to trust
their money to the government Instead
of sending It abroad. Tie says that last
ear more than $72,000,000 were sent
abroad in money orders. On that point
Oenerat Meyer says:
t learn that 48,756 postal orders 'were
drawn by Italians alone. These orders
averaged 341.29. and the total was more than
118.000, 000. We know that this vast sum
was not sent home to be spent. . The bulk
of It was added to the deposits of the banks
In Italy. Our financial Institutions lost the
use of It. Italy rained It.
The postmaster general believes that
this amount of money, with other mil
lions hoarded in different ways, would
be placed In the savings banks of the
Fostofflce department, and thus find Its
way into circulation and perform its
function In the spread of trade. It is
believed by those who have made a
study of the system that it would be an
aid to the bankers instead of a detri
ment, as many bankers seem to think.
The saving of money is largely a habit,
and the more the small depositor ac
cumulates the more be desires to see
his account grow. The small Interest
rate to be paid by the government
would not attract the deposits of those
who understand the banking business
and hhve confidence in the banks, but
would swell the volume of money
n general circulation by drawing uponfl
a supply which la now either hoarded
or sent to foreign countries which have
the postal savings syttem.
The defeat of .Mayor. Top Johnson
of Cleveland in the referendum upon
the franchise of the Municipal Traction
company apparently blocks the trial of
the modified scheme of municipal
operation and opens another chapter In
a curious fight for control of the city's
street railway system. The voto was
close and the result can hardly be ac
cepted as a test of the merit or failure
of the municipal owhership question,' as
many financial and political complica
tions have become Involved in the deal.
Johnson opened his campaign some
years ago by organizing n street rail
way company under S3, agreement to
grant a 3-cent fare. Later the two
companies were consolidated, tho new
company taking them over under an
agreement, on a ninety-nine-year lease,
to maintain the 8-oent fare. By terms
of the consolidation the new companj
was bound to pay 6 per cent on the
stock of the old companies. To meet
this the service was crippled. The em
ployes struck and the securities of the
companies were driven away below par.
An attempt to recoup the losses by
making a charge of 1 cent for transfers
aroused public indignation and forced
referendum vote on the franchise.
The now company lost out on the vote
and the traction affairs are still in a
chaotic condition. ,
The incident simply serves to show
the fallacy of trying to enforce a theo
retical condition when business will not
warrant it. Johnson's plan did not,
perhaps, have a fair trial, but its fail
ure demonstrates' the difficulty In man
aging a complicated transportation
problem by a popular vote.
The presence in Lincoln at this
time of the State Teachers' association
directs attention to the schools of the
state. It has long been Nebraska's
pride that its educational Institutions
are among the most efficient In the
country,, and It Is a matter for further
pride and congratulation that In all
the material prosperity that has corns
to the state in recent years the schools
have shared. The development of the
Intellectual side of life has a direct
Influence on the citixenship and this
keeps Nebraska at the very pinnacle
In the United States, and as the United
States lead the world, it Is not an idle
boast for Nebraska to say that she
utands at the very front In all that
goes to make for right living.
The remarks of Chancellor Andrews
at the banquet at Lincoln on Thurs
day night are peculiarly appropriate
to Nebraska. In referring to the In
fluence of education on the social life
of the people, he laid special stress on
the necessity for the Intellectual de
velopment of the world population.
Among other things, he said:
AS Intelligent rural population la neces
tary to the finest character and Integrity
if th whole people, for the richest de
velopment of common sens, sincerity, large
view and patriotism These qualities seem
to spring from the land. They are found
n cities mostly because brought there. Th
strongest Instance of them are not Indi
genous to towns. Town life would soon
grow sickly alike ta moral and physical
regards but for th Inoessant importation
f blood and character from the land. It
s a matter of common knowledge that
nearly all th men and women of com-
Handing position in society, business.
politic, literature and life were bom and
.-eared In th country.
By reason of his position at the
end of the great state university,
?hancellor Andrews Is the natural
eader of the teaching forces of Ne
, raaka and he should feel proud of
the magnificent army that follows him
In the work of spreading information
and enlightenment among the people
who are so eager to be served In this
wsy. The teachers of Nebraska are
a splendid body and richly deserve
the credit so freely given them by the
Wh'.e the republicans will have an
effective working majority In the
house of the new congress that will
meet early after March 4, 1909, for
special consideration of tariff revision,
there will be a number of new faces
In the body to succeed members who
have been prominent In Washington
o'llclal life for a number of years.
These changes will cause a radical re
adjustment of the chairmanships of
important committees snd, will work
(or a readjustment of congressional af
fairs throughout.
One of the veterans to fall by the
wayside was William Peters Hepburn
of Iowa, one' of the veterans of the
bouse and for many years chairman
of the important committee on Inter
state and foreign commerce. Mr. Hep
burn's defeat is due to two causes. He
was a persistent standpatter, while the
republican sentiment of his state was
pronounced In favor of tariff revision.
Then, he had grown indifferent to his
local constituents and for a number of
years hnd refused to take any active
part in the cuiiipaizn. As a result, a
nexv generation of voters who were not
actiim'nted r.Hn him and resented his
Indifference voted for his retirement.
Jesse Overstreet of Indiana was ap
parently defeated bec.i'iuse of factional
fights In his party and the state oppo
sition to former Congressman Watson,
who was the republican nominee for
governor. Overstreet'a defeat will
leave a vacancy in the chairmanship of
the important committee on postofflces
and post roads, one of the biggest and
hardeBt working committees in the
house. Charles B. Landis of Indiana
was lost in the same tide that over-
whelmed Overstreet. He is chairman
of the house committee on printing and
one of the most popular men in con
gress. Minnesota furnishes another illus
tration of the fate that- overtakes re
publicans who oppose tariff revision.
James T. McCleary, who represented
the Mankato district in congress for
a number of years, was defeated two
years ago for his stubborn opposition
to tariff revision. He was appointed
second assistant postmaster general,
which position he recently resigned to
seek a vindication and re-election in
his old district m.l was emphatically
defeated. J. Adam Bede, representing
the Duluth district, also fell by the
wayside In the primaries, his successor
being a republican pledged to tariff re
vision, to which policy Mr. Bede re
fused to pledge himself.
General J. Warren Keifer of Ohio
was defeated, although not unexpect
edly, as he was elected to the Klfty
ninth and Sixtieth congresses by small
majorities In a close district. He was
something of a figure in the house, as
he had represented his district for sev
eral terms after the civil war and was
speaker of the house for one term.
On the democratic side, John Sharp
Wiliama, Bourke Cock ran and John
Wesley Gaines will be among the nota
ble missing. Mr. Williams retires to
become senator from Mississippi. Mr.
Gaines, the noisiest man in the body,
was defeated at the primaries and
Cockran was ordered out by Tammany.
Mr, Williams' retirement will probably
mean the election of Champ Clark of
Missouri to the minority leadership. .
South Dakota voters did not take
kindly to the proposed new laws which
were Intended to regulate divorce, the
liquor traffic and Sunday amusements,
and turned them all down at the polls.
South Dakota seems to have been In
touch with Nebraska on some points,
at least.
The governor of Kentucky says he
will borrow $1,000,000, It necessary,
to suppress night riding in that state,
li he will borrow a little of the nerve
shown by Governor Patterson of Ten
netsee in suppressing night riding he
will not need so much money.
Governor-elect Shallenberger is be
ginning to realize already that suc
cess brings its trials.' The hungry
horde of democratic statesmen so far
outnumber th offices at his disposal
that he will certainly have to disap
point some one.
Governor Sheldon's last Important
duty will be to name new members
of the supreme court of the state, and
the people may depend upon it that he
will discbarge this duty with the same
fidelity that has marked his course in
Th& Washington Herald Is still pro
testing against skating on the streets
of the capital. As the Herald grows
older It will become accustomed to
seeing men on skates in Washington
Mr. Bryan declared that the mills
and factories were starting up in Oc
tober for "a transparent political
trick." Funny that none of them are
now closing down.
"Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is saying
nothing and sawing wood," says an
exchange. Nothing of the kind. The
young man is saying nothing and soft-
og wool.
The resumption of work In the coal
field, the steel mills and other great
Industrial centers is coming In time td
make the winter an easy one for the
Msyor "Jim" says Shallenberger
ran on a platform opposed to county
option. This means that he only se
p ted the populist nomination and
not the platform of that party an
other evidence of the beauties of fu
sion. Jim Hill probably feels a little bet
ter now. At any rate the stockholders
In the Northern Pacific are getting an
extra dividend that must look mighty
A Welcome Era,
New York Time.
The election of William H. Taft ushers
an era of peace and prosperity.
recrlesa Leadership.
New York World.
Peerless leadershln is a bolter remihllcan
asset than the blK stick. Even Roosevelt
could not carry New York City.
Back to k Masks.
Chicago Tribune.
Drop a tear of Sympathy for Colonel
Watterson, In the bitterness or his disap
pointment he is likely at any hour to re
vert to Ms normal opinion of the Cheerless
4eer Politic In Dixie.
Boston Herald.
Populist Tom Watson of Georgia seems
re entitled to the most profound condo
lences of any of the late presidential candi
dates. Receiving no votes to speak of Is
gentle treatment compared with the social
ostracism which he says he has undergone
me nands of his fellow cltlsens down
Georgia, who have even refused tn
recognise him, returning his salutations
wun a stony stare. They still take their
politics very seriously down in Dixie.
Triumph of Good Cltlaenshlp.
Chicago Tribune.
If Governor Hughes had "fallen Outside
the breastworks," as Warner Miller did In
188. th rejoicing over the election of Mr.
Taft would have been tempered by the
sense of a rreat loss. The governor has
become a national character, not as the
governor of a gTeat state, but because he
ha been waging in New York that battle
against special privilege and corruot
'vested Interests" which mut be fought
In every state In the union. He is the
honest and uncompromising lawyer In
politics so much needed and ao seldom
Poor Prophet Mack! They out him off
at Buffalo.
Even in Maryland stiver Politics has be-
como a reminiscence.
Those "near Washlna-tan" r,lctnr. nf
the peerless loser helped some.
In the lingo of the Illlnl. Uncle Joe I.
all right Uncle Adjal I no good.
The Bidder family put un 137 000 for the
sweet privilege of confirming what Herman
said to William at Falrvlew last summer.
Preston B, Hicks, republican candidate
for surveyor of Macon county. 111., won
tne orrice and a bride as a result nf the
balloting. Tho lady paid the bet without
waiting for the official count.
The New York correspondent of the
Springfield Republican eavs that a man nf
national reputation, not given to enthusi
asm, makes the statement that Governor
Hughes "I the greatest camDeJe-ner th
country ha ever had."
"Flngy" Connors, the great democratic
warrior and prophet of New York, ob
served after coming out of it, "We got
licked, and licked good. I don't think
anyon will deny that. I am willing to
admit now that I am a pretty bad prophet."
The New York World chortles In a mel
ancholy ton and reprints It solemn
prophecy of June 1. 1908: "One vital, dom
inating fact confronts the democratic party
which no oratory, which no eloquence,
which no rhetoric can obscure: Bryan's
nomination means Taft's election."
Among th countless left, big and little.
a few will be found live enough to ap
preciate the pathos of the lover who hav
ing Deen nrea over tne renoe by the old
man, calmly inquired by mall: "Dear
Bir Am I to understand by your action
of last night that you wish to discourage
my attentions to your daughter?"
lf there is any one thing that a
woman dreads more than another it
Is a surgical operation.
We can state without fear of a
contradiction that there are hun
dreds, yes, thousands, of operations
performed upon women in our hos
pitals which are entirely unneces
sary and many have been avoided by
For proof of this statement read
the following letters.
Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman,
Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
M For eight year I suffered from the
most severe form of female troubles and
was told that an operation was my only,
hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham
for advice, and took Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and It has saved
my life and made me a well woman."
Mrs Arthur It House, of Church
Road, Moorestown. N. J, writes :
"I feel it is my duty to let people
know what Lydia . Pinkham's Vege
table Compound has done for me. I
suffered from female trouble, and last
March my physician decided that an
operation was necessary. My husband
objected, and urged me to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and to-day I am well and strong."
For thirty years Lydia K Pink'
barn's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills.
nd has positively cured thousands of
women who have leen troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, and backache.
Mrs. Plnkbam invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
Rhe has rulded thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Whatever secret design Kaiser AVIlhelm
had In view when he tacitly consented to
the publication of his profession ot friend
ship for England, It Is evident he did not
expect to increase the flow of national good
111. Th time and the character ot the
outburst were alike Inopportune. Coming at
a moment when England and Its allies
Russia, France and Italy are co-operating
for a settlement of the Balkan difficulty
upon lines calculated to antagonise Ger
man and Austrian designs, the rasping sen
timents of friend-spurned widened the
breach and produced an amaslhg discord
In the concert ot the power. German sen
timent is outraged by the revelations of the
deliberate snub of the llorr envoys, and
Rrltlsh radicals Jeer at the professions of
friendship, admittedly limited to German
official circles. What strikes British
pride In Its tenderest spot is the assertion
ot the kaiser that he forwarded to his
royal grandmother military plans ot cam
paign on line subsequently adopted by
Lord Roberts. The mere suggestion of
"Little Bob's" drawing inspiration from
German Sources roused British wrath to
such a pitch that ministerial denials were
necessary to quiet the storm. British in
dignation I mild compared with the In
dignation of the German people. Chancel
lor von Buelow Is th object of attack for
the moment and his readiness to shoulder
responsibility for permitting the Interview
to become public, diverts criticism from
the emperor. Popular wrath must have a
victim, and as the emperor ha a lit Job,
von Buelow may bo forced to retire from
office. Apart from the official and Inter
national character of the Interview, one
feature, admirable as It Is rare, shines
above all others the emperor did not de
nounce the reporter nor deny the allega
Judging from present Indications, the au
tumn session ot the Russian Parliament
will be more harmonious than any pre
vious session since the Institution of the
law-making body. A number of reform
measure Introduced at the last session
will be brought forward for early consid
eration. Two meaaures dealing with phases
of. the agrarian problem. It Is expected,
will be taken up Immediately. One oi
these land bills will, In case of Us final en-
aotment, make possible the dissolution ot
the communal system of land tenure and
provide for a redistribution ot communal
land on a private ownership basis. An
other measure affecting the interest oi
th rural peasantry la designed to bring
about reform of the courts In the country
districts. These, with the budget bills and
tax problems, constitute the larger ques
tions to be considered and disposed of.
Up to October 18 the number of claims
submitted under the British old age pension
aot was 4tti,164. Of these 273,8bJ cam from
England, 131,610 from Ireland, 49,077 frbm
Scotland and 13.U15 from Wale. These
figures are luminous of the relative condi
tions ot the components of the United
Kingdom. They show that up to the date
mentioned to about 1 per cent ot th popu
lation of England and Wales the grant of
165 per annum wa an object, which was
4he proportion in Scotland also. The pro
portion In Ireland rises to 8 per cent ot the
population, a percentage due to the larget
proportion of old people on th Island.
The forcible annexation of Bosnia to
Austria has already awakened among the
annexed peopie great contempt for Austria's
benevolent intentions. A correspondent of
the Frankfurter Zeltung reports the native
arming against their benefactor. So eager
Is the Austrian department of benevolent
slmllatlon to glv the Bosnian the best
possible government, that it ha appointed
only well educated Austrian to manage
the country's affairs. At this the bar
barian have uttered loud growls and mut
tered something about home rule. As If
there were a bag-trousered brigand among
the 1,790,000 who could be trusted to sell
postage stamps! Th abolition of silly na
tional holidays, the Increase In taxes, and
other great moral uplifts are also received
coldly. Th Bosnians are helpless ingrates.
Prime Minister Asqulth, having promised
that Welsh disestablishment would be made
a government measure at the present ses
sion of Parliament If time permitted, the
federated non-Anglican churches of WVile
have issued a manifesto, which calls for
agitation that will give the majority relief
from a relation to state aided religion,
to which they repudiate aa a matter of con
science. This Is an old Issue, at least forty
years old. The Welsh Protestants claim
that having aided Jew and Roman Catho
lic, and non-Anglican Protestant Irish to
secure freedom, It is now their turn to be
aided. If turn about I fair play, it Is.
China's special commissioner to the
United States, Tang-Shao-TI, bearing to
Unci Sam the emperor's gratitude for the
voluntary return to China of the surplus
of the Boxer indemnity, has sailed tor
Ban Francisco. The China Mail, in an
article entitled, "China and America," de
clares that the special commissioner is
charged with a far more Important mission
than that Indicated in his instructions as
to Boxer indemnity, and adds: "Publlo
opinion In the middle kingdom la strongly
in favor of the establishment of the most
friendly relations with the United States.
The native press teems with articles and
paragraph for th most part advocating
an alliance. It would be departing from
American custom and precedent to enter
upon such a pact; the United State be
lieves in being friendly with all nations,
but still clings firmly to Washington's ad
vice not to enter upon any entangling al
liance." M
Reform have a rocky road (. travel in
China, a well as elsewhere. No sooner
doe th opium habit get its deathblow
than the menace of the cigarette looms up
a a national danger. Introduced Into
China only a few years ago, the value of
cigarette imports Is second only to that
of kerosene, and the habit Is rapidly
spreading among men, women and children
Even th walls of the saored temples are
blasoned by the flaming advertisements of
the various competing cigarette brands. It
needs only the introduction ot the merry
widow hat, the sheath gown and rapid-
fire divorce law to complete the awaken
ing of China to the beauties of Occidental
Loulsvlll Courier-Journal. Oct. 24.
It is all over but the shouting. They
may pour out tho Tait-Slnton millions
they may pile up thel rtainted trust dol
larsthey may repeat the villainies of"l8'J,
cf 1900 and of 1904 but It will avail them
not. The chink of gold cannot deaden the
sound of the death rattle in their throat
all the borjflres from hell to breakfast
cannot give a rosy flush to th death pallor
that ahlnes upon their cheek llko Belshas
sar of old, they read the writing on the
wall caught and caged-and they exclaim,
"Woe, woe Is me, my sin has found me
out at last," and then Belshaxsar cries
from the bottomless pit, "You bet it has,
Just a mine found me out misery loves
company both of us were weighed In the
balanc and found wanting you ar
mighty late about It, but com along down
her and bring old high tariff and old
high flnanc along with you satan and all
of ua ar preparing for a regular bear
dance when you get hers!"
Blow music. Dim lights. Than th bias-
Made of Pure Orape Cream of Tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Ing aureole of democracy; and whilst the
boys sing "sound the bold anthem, war
dogs are howling, proud bird of liberty
screams through the air," the spirit drums
of Old Hickory beat In unison, and
The Star-Spangled banner, oh. long mny it
O'er the land of the free and the home of
the. brave!
Louisville Courler-MOurnal. Nov. 5.
There Is something yet better thnn being
president of the United State, and that Is
the real sons of duty done. Tllden will
live In hlstcry when Hayes Is forgotten, or
execrated. History will say of Bryan that
In three great popular movements, clouded
sometimes by errors nf Judgment and ob
structed always by corruption as we now
know by Insurmountable corruption he led
sublimely; that he set before Ills country
men the Standards alike cf God and truth;
and that he went down beaten with clean
hands and high repute, carrying with him
the homage of pair otic men.
So, amid the unnelghborly and unpa
triotic vociferation of the republicans, the
Jubilation and Intolerance of the nonde
scripts flocking to the winning side the
blatant bullying of the leaders alike ol
predatory wealth and of plundering politics
let us sit steady In the boat, sustained
by our own rectitude and holding to the
oars of what we conceive to be good gov
ernment In the nation and In the state.
"I am Introducing something entlrolv
new, sir. It is an Invisible suspender."
"No good. If you had a btiltonlss kln l
I might talk to you. "-Cleveland Flair,
"Well. Jinx is In Jail."
"I always said he would land ther.
sooner or later; what's he been doing?"
"Oettlnff A 4nh na tuMlr.w ' t T. . . -,
. - .... v, . uvuoivo
Kind Gentleman You promised me that
you would turn over a new leaf.
Bowling Alley I did, but It blew back
St. Louis Times.
Magistrate Is the assault of which the
prisoner Is accused one of gravity?
Lawyer Indeed, It Is. your honor. It was
Medium Half hi
Corliss-Coon Collars
Hand Made 2 for 25c
Merit your stated preference by their individuality and last
ing style the result of superior hand -workmanship.
utner two-ror-a-quarter
collars are partly or
almost wholly machine
The difference is quite ap
parent and easily de
Keep tab and see T
Iw file CMlirei
The handsome display of Suits, Reefers and
Overcoats that Omaha has ever seen has been pro
vided here for the benefit of the small boy and the
gratification of his mother
We have also a very smart line of Misses' Tailor-made
Coats. The garments are cut full and long
and there is a good variety of patterns as well as
plain blues and browns, made in sizes from 12 to 16
years. The prices are from $20.00 down to $11.00. .
We have, too, a splendid assortment of Chin
chilla Reefers in bright red, grays and navy blue for
the little girls. We also have a fino line of stitched
hats and tams for boys and girls. Prices $3.50 and
down to 50c.
& company
Cor. 15th and Douglas.
at the top of the hill my client was stnich
end he rolled to the bottom. -Uftltlmor
"People are very much given to worrying
over what they can't help."
"Very true. That tendency Is what
keeps them up all nltfht every time here
Is an election. Chicago Record-Herald.
Manager We must put a great deal of
realism Into this forest scene. Cam you
g-t some one to growl so as to resemble
a boar?
AseiFtant I think so. There re several
chorus men who have not received their
( for three w-ks. TH call them.
Florist What Is that rheet of paper you
ha ve ?
Asslstsnt I can't nulto make nut, except
thnt It is a blanket order.
Florist Then I suppope It Is for bedding
plunts. Baltimore American.
Harvard Lampoon.
How dear to my heart sre the old Joke,
the old Jokes!
I sit and read them with infinite bliss;
I chuckle with mirth when a candluat?
hands me
A wonderful, witty two-liner like this:
"What's a college ice?
Rndcliffe girl, I suppose!"
Facetious, now, isn't It? Hero Is another,
That noprlv killed Noah when uttered by
Hut, grac'ii'iir: the candidates bring It round
The fact that It's ancient's no drawback
to them:
"How was the dog show?
Oh, a howling success!"
fnst week a bright freshman brought round
to this office
(I give you my word that this story la
The following new and amaslng conundrum.
Which I think is wonderful, Readet. .
don't you?
"Is the Crimesown read?
No, it's yellow!"
How dear to my heart are the old Joke
the old Jokes!
And oh! how they comfort the candidate
They'll kill me with laughter I'm sinking
And when I'm dead they'll be sorry,
How to Tell
a Good Collar
The main thing
is to get a stout
hand-made col-
Alar as against a
1 A . i u I y - s 1 1 A 1 II C u ,
"How many trip to th laundry
It. S. Wilcox, Mgr.