Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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. : . (.Continued. .
On' South 10th Street
Ar r1t ft:-s1d cvn the first three
days. rx you rcoiiM mat mem wi are
priced rr Inw that anyone wantlns; to
locate Mtmx -lW snd In a ood neighbor
hood cannot help but buying one of these
choice lots in1-
Forest Hill Park
Tb.hnnui srrnunris of the late Herman
KouirltiL on Rls-hth. Ninth and Tenth
streets., between , William and Pierce
strsats, .
' ;y'r Prices:
rt to $1,125 for fifty-foot lotf on Eishth
street. - i
83 a Wont foot on Tenth street.
32S a front foot on Williams and Ninth
Cornrra a trlfla. higher.'
Paving, .curbing, .cement walks, aewer,
water' and, im all In and paid for. These
lota are close to the wholesale and retail
districts and tha Burllnjcton and Union
depot. -. . r
Term one-fourth rash, balanen one. two
and-three -years. Call for plat and have
one vt -our-- salesmen mow you mo un
. sold' lots.
Building restriction, 12,000 to $2,500.
Hastings & Heyden,
1704 Farnam Street. Bee Bid.
(19) 329 4
TKRMAH1KTI, fneyenne, vi yn., jri. iu
Bealed proposals In triplicate will be
received at thin office until : a. m..
Friday. November , J!", ai wnicn time
they will be opened In public, for furnish
lng and equipping complete, with metal
whether strips, equal to the National or
Chamberlain Metal Weather Stripping, alx
sets of quarter at son u. a. nupswii,
Wyoming, as 'follower One (1) Bachelor
Officers' Quarters No. ' 9, one (1) Field
Officers' Quartets No. 23, four (4) sets
Captains gunners nnm. i.w, hi, i ana 101.
Any Information desired In regard to the
Installation of the metal weather strip
ping above mentioned, will be furnished
on application at this office. It Is desired
that the price ior eat' n uuuuuig im siaiea
separately. The government reserves the
right to reject or accept any or all bids
or any part thereof. Envelopes containing
proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals
for Metal Weather Stripping" and ad
dressed to Captain V. K. Hart, 15th In
fantry. Acting Quartermaster V. B. Army,
in charge of Construction, Cheyenne, Wyo.
(hunt with Sebmka
iaata 1114 Rallies sid rrenar
tame t ns Game an Beet
for Their Grtdlrea
Omaha. Neb., November 2, 1)S. SenJed
propouals, Im triplicate, will bo received
here and by quarMimK5tpr8 at the posts
named herein, until loa. m., central stand
ard time. December 14, ' 1908V for furnishing
shelled corn during the fiscal year ending
June 9, 1900. at Otnaha Q. M. Depot. Forts
Clock, Omaha and Robinson, Nebraska;
Forts I.eiver..worth and Riley, Kansas;
Forts r. A. Russell and Murkenxle. Wyo
ming; Fort lies Moines, Iowa, and Fort
Meade, South Dakota. Proposals for de
livery at other places will not be enter
tained. United States reserves rl?ht to re
ject or accept any or all proposals or any
nart thereof.' Information furnished on
application here, or to qunrtermasters at
tho stations named. Knvtlopes containing
proprisals should be marked "iToposai roi
Forage." and, addressed to Major D. E.
McCarthy, C. Q. M. N6-6-7-10-11-12
Dundee Home
Newsroom house at a bargain. Very
ay terms. ' fcllO Underwood Ave. Phone
Douglaa 'W.' . 19)-303 6
4OxS0nfeet.ecclt. biie block from Ames Ave.
car- line; they- are located on the south
side- oIAmi Ave., 40th Ave. to 41st St.;
fine ibearma ffruit, which consists- ot
cherrte. plums, grapes, blackberries.
prices $325 to $500 each
TenttV$lQ 'casb; $10 'a month
Call' at' our branch office, 33rd ami Ames
y,? iany afternoon," and we win snow
he strips. ,
MGS HATDKN, 1704 Farnam St
- W) A1JTU D
Office of ' CAnstructlng Quartermaster,
Fort Robinson. Neb.. Nov. 1, 1908. Sealed
proposals for furnishing all labor and
material required for the construction of
an electric lighting system, building for
transformer substation and furnishing elec
tric current for Illuminating and small
motor Durnoses. all at Fort Robinson, Neb.,
will be received here until 1 p. m.. Dec. 1.
190H. Plans and specifications may be con
sulted at the offices or me cnier quarter
masters at Denver, omana ann ijnicago,
emit Quartermaster. Kt. Louis, and at this
fflce. Blank proposals and Instructions to
bidders may he oDtainea at me same or
flees. Envelopes oohialnlng proposali
hould be endorsed. ' Prouosals for alec
rlcal work," and addressed to "Captain F.
r. Arnold, constructing uuancrmaster,
Fort Robinson, Neb." n3-4-5-
means to colleg life bad It brought home
to him forcibly todsy. 'At every turn he
was greeted with sign! which read "On to
Omaha," "Pawn your old shoes and go
COaChCt Bmj Fitting ElCTen for the lo the game." "Mass meeting tonight."
The band was out and played college airs
until the student body went wild with ex
cltement. A number of speeches were
made. It Is probable that a series of these
meetings will be held and undoubtedly the
student body will give an exhibition of
loyalty at the Nebraska game which has
not been surpassed In the history of the
The game should be exceedlnly Interest
lng from the spectators viewpoint. Both
Williams and Cole are famed exponents
AMES, la.. Nov. 4. Bpedal.) Practice of tha forward pass. There will probably
began here In earnest last night for the be more open play In this game than In
Nebraska game. The showing made at any other game played west of the Mlsslss-
Mlssourt greatly . encouraged both the pp river this fall, for the teams are so
coaches and the student body. They are I evenly matched that the coaches will have
also highly pleased because the squad came to depend upon forward passes, outside
bark nractlcallv Intact. The only man who kicks and punts to advance the ball
suffered from injuries was Graham. His The student body Is very anxious to see
injuries are not serious however, and he Nebraska's "peek-a-boo" and they are cer-
111 probably be in shape to start the tain that it will be displayed on this oc
game. casion unless it exists oniy in the fertile
There Is no spirit of overconfldence here. I Imagination of some Lincoln newspaper
In spite of the great showing made at artist. Nebraska's "peek-a-boo" at Iowa
Missouri. Nebraska is undoubtedly on paper City seemed to consist largely of mass
the stronger team.. This condition results plays by the tackles. With this they
from the loss of Jeanson, Brugger and were able to "peek" through the Iowa de
Reppert from the Ames squad. With these fense. With this In mind It Is probable
three men In the game the strength of the that a good deal of attention will be de
two teams should have been nearly equal, voted to perfecting Ames defense at these
Nebraska's advantage now seems to lie points.
chiefly In the line and In the quarterback A round trip rate of $3 has been secured
position. for the game. They will go by way of the
Those at the Iowa City game were greatly Interurban to Fort Dodge, thence over the
impressed with the strength of the Ne-1 Great Western to Omaha.
braska end tackles. Captain Law will take
care of one tackle position for Ames, but I CREIGlITOJf 19 WORKING II Ann
the man who plays the ot'-,er tackle post
Call' at' our
Al.f any
Jroti the st
. y Colorado. , .
Denver Uretley district, under Irrigation,
sugar.. beets, alfalfa, general farming and
fruU .. raising; low price, easy payments.
National investment uo., ijranaeis
Uldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas tl.
Improvements worth $tw0; good soil for
garden i truck ; nnar excellent market
This place must be sold at once. Owner,
&UI Meredith Ave., Omaha. (20) M22
480 ACRES 00 improved land for sale or
trade. ZH No. jJ Bt. r jX)) sub x
i money to loan on ,
'Omah Business Property.
Room,!, New York Life Bldg.
$500 to $300,000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat. Bank Bldg.
- . - !!
RANTED City iuans. Peters Trust Co.
X . ;- cao-TM
PAYE. 30STWICK A CO., N. Y. Life.
Privatd mpney; $6u0 tb $5,000; low rate.
- .(22J-7os
$1,000 TO LOAN cn rJty Improved property
at f per cenu Juiareas . I va. nee,
.. , . .1 . (22) M97$
Paxton block.
Charloa M. RylanJ-r and wife to
Mary J. Moore, wvt lot 6, Lindsay s
addition $ 1
FVlwin K Rrailev. sheriff, to C. M.
Ky lander, same Si6
County treasurer to Ella M. Txschuck,
nH of eMi of lot 4 and sV4 or eVs
of lot 4, block 1, John I. Redtck's
John R. Lowrey to Henrlka L. C.
Lowrey, lot 14, block 4, Kountze
Francis and Edith Welch to Henry
Stanek, lots 6 and 7, block 8, 11111-crest
Goorge Stratman and wife to David C.
Patterson, truetee, south K feet of
east 22 feet of lot 7 and west 11
feet of east 22 feet of north 44 feet
of lot 7, block lWVi, and other prop
erty. Omaha
Marie Schrlba.1 and wife to Maggie
H. Sage, east 70 feet of south 160
feet of lot 114. block 1. Park Place.. 1,500
State National bank of Cleveland, ().,
to Frederlcka L. Krauss, lot 3H,
Lenox addition 60
Samuel Hhafero and wife to Ixiuls
J. Traynor and wife, lot 11, block
11. Plain view 1
Josephine. P. Brisbln and husband to
Joseph Htraub, south acres oi
west 6fi9.2 feet of sw'A neV section
ao-lb-U , 803
Milton Rogers Estate . company to
Estelle M. Stelner, lots 11 and 12,
Milton Rogers' Place i...
William B. Slaughter and wife to J.
F. Oreeloy de Co., east 124 . feet of
sublot 6, of tax" lot 27, 21-15-13 ......
Bdwln F. Bralley, , sheriff, to John
Mclntyre, lot .18, block Z," .Jotter's
2d addition 175
Hastings & Heyden to Edward Gash,
lot 1, block z. Hastings At Hoy
den's 2d addition 400
Adolflhua Busch and -wife to thel
Anneuser-Buscn Mrewing associa
tion, lot 4, block I, Shinn's 2d ad
dition j 2,450
The Anheuser-Busch Brewing asso
ciation to Philip J. Kuni. samo .... 1,500
Msry F. Bourke to Edward J. Cor
nish, tax lot 32. 3-15-13 ,C15
Adeline Jahn to Jens Hansen, north
100 feet of wM, lot 2, block 6, Lowe's
2d addition 2.276
Harriett O. Whitehead et al to Nathan
P. Dodge, Jr., east l- of south 127.t5
feet of north 154 foet of lot 66,
Glse's addition 1
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam.: Smith tc Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
.. , (22)-T5
$100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
neaa cioi., )o ana f arnam. (a 7t
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
. r (22) 7S0
VRIVATB money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
. rranaeis tuag. (2-) 761
LAN8 of $600 to $5,000 on Omaha resl-
aence property.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
PRIVATE FUNDS to loan on second real
estate mortgages. Apply room 818 First
j raauonai nana uiag. Bell Phone Doug.
iuT i
JIIOHEST prices for 2d-hand furnlturs, car
eets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 397L
(25 76J
RIGHT prices ald for 2d-hand furniture
carpets, atoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red
MUJ . . (25WW
WANTED-15 or JO loads of black dirt at
once. pnone Webster 4460.
(25) MS50 6x
V ANTED Rooms and, board bv counl
with 13-year-old daughter, within walk
lng distance. . Address E-!t7. Bm,' o
pnona Webster Isn, y6tMil2il
YOUNG man with eight years' experience
in general mercnanaise, wants position
1 Milt ba In city; best of references fur
risltedi Address X , care Bee.
I . (27)-MS36 x
KXPluRlENCED. steuographera; excellen
-eftKes. O, Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs.
IB.,.-. , ; . -, . . . U,J N-J
WANTED Position , by elderly women as
nurtte jur caring for children; can glv
.references.. , Address K-4f. Bee
Office, . . , , (27)-M3i2 6x
WANTED House cleaning, window wash
lng, etc., by dy or hour. 'Phone Webster
tu. . iiMMi x
LAOIES1. TAILOR, designer, cutter and
rater., with the buHt references from New
York, wishes portion 1n city or country
Auuiess j-wi, yee Office.
Getting; Ready (or Its Rab with the
Kaasaa Aggies.
The Crelghton foot ball souad has been
out in rorce the last few dats. as thouah
team as the Denver university was
tlon and the two ends are all Inexperienced,
The Ames line is undoubtedly much the
lighter but swlfttr of the two. The back-
fields seem to be evenly matched both In l guch
wfelrht and sneed. The Lamberts and I only a mvth.
Hubard are undoubtedly three of the fast- B".!tlnt01 i ,url""cl wsl,,1a revf"
. ... , t . latlon to the local players as well as to
est backs In the west. Nebrsska has prob- their faithful side line rooteis, who are loud
ably a slight advantage In the speed of Its J" their praise of me good showing the
quarter backs, but the headwork shown knoins of Colorado.
ty 'Keggen in me Missouri game was an vv ith the Denver game a thing of the past
that could be demaoded. The punting of je Crelghton coaches are bt-nding every
Lambert at Missouri excelled anything gan-wT
shown bv the Nebraska backs this year the Vinton street nark. Am tho nlavnrs
and in the game as it Is played today Ames ft? Importance of next Saturday's
... ...- i in Tie in gooa condition ana rorm. so as to
. . Me able to give a good account of them-
Binaenis Are bnisuiMtic. I selves and show that there are no nnllt. rs
Considerable enthusiasm Is being shown in the blue and White camp.
bero unit everv atnrlent who can nnssiblv I . iiuirrs nave naa a Slur scneaute
here and every student who can possibly g0 far thu eago but naV8 on, ,ost
rake up the money declares he Is going to game up to date and that to the. husky
Omaha to see this game. Tonight a large k,a!!m'a, "I'vslty team. After Vlefeat-
.in. n. n . v,i Tk. .MBv,n,Dn I eleven iiom ivansas vesiean 10
mass meeting was held. The freshman the score of 28 to 6 they held tho well
who did not know what one of the contests known Kansas team to a 12 in
u ne, uispiaying their ability to hold their
own in- fast company. The remaining
games on their heavy schedule, besides the
one wim crelghton. are with the husky
Oklahoma Aggies, the shifty and speedy
game wss botlv contested and the locals
held the visitor's down until within about
ten minutes of the -close, of the game the
latter broke sway from the lines snd made
a touchdown, followed soon after bv a
kick of goat, giving them the game. The
team cache out on the 2 o'clock train und
were taken home overland after the game.
C(-.t itu nuAHA and WIT nTF UN "" irom wasnourn con ge, cosing
Twtf ROAD COMPAN Y-SDeclil MN se"on wlth lt" r neighbor ng rival., the
200 hiiih. Nb Oclobi 7 li?-A soel Colorado Aggies, on TnanksKlving day.
of the ?o7khoWers of 'FTm 1 h advance sale of tickets for the
'ahro,ha and Wa Sn Railroad Com as-Crelg,.ton g .me assures the local man-
"i," m i2i held at tha o(fl .f tta agrment that there will he an unusually
Ettny in Omaha Nfb on Frldav ft la'B0 s-regatlon of rooters on hand to
Con,KP,nf i at li tfclock a m forTh. S 'r their ic,h .live teams on to victory.
6 "m.b'r. 'V.rtor imV'and Idfi- Vi! TJ1. . .lur"..l have secured a number
f"'!1"" r .ul uV.h i Zt Th. fiA,.h ViTu.V. ol auiomoDtit-s ana carryal Is and ev.dcnt y
th isale ol the raUroad Om"h Intend to let the people of Omaha know
and Western Railroad Company, with Us thBt Crelghton unlversltv la on thH western
And you know the promise
we made to ett
WE -have In, stock (no delay) repairs for
very-make of furnace, steam or hot water
limter; water front.
"VtlsphoneSi BeJl.- Douglas tsju; Ind., A-3Ct
" W
Omaha, Nsbraaka, November 2, 13ui.
Sealed propossie. In triplicate, will be re
ceived here until 10 a. m., central standard
time, Noveaiber 17. lnua, for furnishing hay
tor shipment to the Philippine inlands.
lropsals will state railroad station at
which deliveries will - be made. I'uited
stales resarvee tha right to reject or ac
cept any- us-eU ttroposakt or any part
thereof. -lBtomutton furnished on applica
tion. Envelopes containing proposals should
be mrket "Preponala for Hay," and ad
dressed to Major 1. E. McCarthy. C. Q. M.
-o" SO
Price is awfully low and
may make us "TIRED,"
for we guarantee first
class,' careful work.
But there's the Price
Now you get "TIRED."
If you know if any firm in
the city doing any more or
any better
In a more systematic,
squarer way than we do,
"Telephone the Chief
of Police."
10th and Harney
franchises ana appurtenances, urn rea, . m f f ...
tate an personal propari. w union ra- To gUPDy thn wantg of ,oca, enthualal!t.
lor such a-le '"..if.'n o f"olng drug stores: ; Beaton's. Merchant,
the bonds and ssUsfacUon and Myers-Dillon's.
nf aaid The South Omaha and Western
Railroad Company, and the assumption of VARSITY
all its omer mueuieuucM ui uia ma
iinion Pacific Railroad ComDany: and for
the purpose of transacting all such other Iowa Doing- What They Are Able to
business as may u iuri ins Prepare for llllaola.
meeting, ior n ihoiiiim Ifttt, . Vifv- . , . , T
the books for ths transfer of stock will , iOWA. ciTY-. '- -r3pecial.)-Iowa s
be closed at S o'clock p. m. on Monday, vaislty took a brace last night and In half
December 7. 1808, and will be reopened at ,n nur s scrimmage practice succeeded In
10 o'clock a. m. on Saturday, December I , 1 xjesrwns goal line six times
19. 1S08. T. M. ORR. Secretary. OsdtoDU the thlrty-fv julnutes play, despite the
tuties in the varsity lineup. Captain Kirk,
Seldel, gtutaman rand Carberry were left
on the side lines -during the scrimmage,
but were used In the long and strenuous
signal practice which lasted until a quar
ter to seven. .
Coach Catlln gave tho men the longest
practice of the year and they were thor
oughly tired when the final lap around the
iraca was nnisnea. rue team Is In fair
Sally Preston Wlas the Feat are Raee
at l.atonla.
CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 4 Bally Preston
had no trouble In capturing the feature
event, a mile and seventy ysrd. handi
cap, at Latonla today. All Red got the
place by a nose. Four favorites won.
Financier took the last race In a drive
from the heavily played favorite, Hughes.
First race, five and one-half furlongs:
Denver Olrl (100, llckens, 80 to 1) won,
Ludhlana (107. Troxier, even, place) sec
ond. Bister Phyllis (1. A Martin, 5 to 1,
show) third. Time: 1:08. Juliet M., Anile,
Kenmore Queen. Giddy (llrl, Mednra,
wheat Bread. Point lo. Melcon. hplen-
dlda, Kllvainey and English Lass also
Second race. five furlongs: winter
Green (114, K. Martin. 7 to 101 won. Sen-
well (108. peverlch, to 5. place) seconu,
Mabel Henry (lOn, Olasner, out, show)
third. Time: 1:00- Ethelda and Project
also ran.
Third race, six furlong.: Al Muller (PS.
Kennedy, een) won, Director (105, E.
Martin, I to S, place) second. Lens (102,
McUee, 1 to 2, show) third. Time: 1:1H.
Ovelando, Bltterhand. Topsy Robinson,
Van Dan, Robin Hood and Hyperion II.
also ran.
Fourth race, mile and seventy yards:
Sally Preston (10. A. Olynn, 7 to t,
straight) won, All Red (102, Deverlch, 3
to Z, place) second. Old Honesty '119.
Mcriee 100 to S show) third. Tni:
1:43. Gliding Belle also ran. Lady J
Martha broke down.
Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth: Still
Alarm (102. Martin. 2 to 1, straight) won.
Quagga (100. Kennedy, 2 to 1, place) sec
ond, imboden (97, Urlffln. 6 to 6. show)
third. Time: 1:47. Karl's Court. Orena,
Oambrlnus, King Folly, True Boy and
Ladv Vie also ran.
Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth:
Financier (101. E. Martin, 10 to 1) won,
Hughes (102, Olasner, 3 to 5. place) sec
ond, Severus (98, McOee, out. show) third.
Time: 1:4. Annetta Lady, Rnlelgh,
Beau Brummel, Lsdy Baldura, Puuvegan
and Albert Star also ran.
Iowa University Students Mildly
ILsse Stedlous One.
IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 4-(Secial.)
Mediaeval methods were employed by the
students In the University of Iowa when
vesierdnv thev emnloved the "stocks" and
the "ducking stop!'' to chastise some of
the undergradua:eS who persisted In attend
ing classes on election day despite the gen
eral edict to "cut." j
3. Johnson, a member or the college of
liberal arts, attended a history lecture
under Prof. Plum. He was the sole student
In attendance, and when the hour ended
and he was dismissed, classmates seized his
arms and legs. He was carried down two
flights of stairs In a hurry. A yellow can
vas slgp nearby was taken and space
enough for the student's head made. Then
the huge yellow square was put over John
son's head. However, before the students
put on the yellow "stock" the hair was
cut. Dean C. N. Gregory of the college of
law, saved the young further humilia
tion in front ot the campus on t.nn on
street as he was being rushed northward.
Registrar Barrett broke up another In
surrection, when a .second band of liberal
arts students took two obstrepurous mem
bers to the river with their coats turned in
side out, lower legs bare, etc. Although
the university officer was Jolted In the rush
he managed to stop the trip to the "ducking
Tlia professional schools did not attend
classes Monday, declaring practically a
two days' vacation. Yesterday afternoon,
with the college of liberal arts out. Presi
dent G. E. MacLean declared a half hull
day, and orders were Issued to close all
university buildings. Four years ago the
medics cut for a week, and a threat was
made by the ndmlnlstratlon to decrease
their grades ten per cent for the semester.
Some act of discipline Is expected tomorrow
by the students.
a -rrrTToTE
I 11 1 i in him 1 1 i
Contains only the Juices of
barley malt and hops and
sparkling artesian water.
Thoroughly aged, mellow, . '
palatable and agreeable to
the most delicate stomach.
To srll "TEMPO". We guarant '
It to contain Iras than onrhalf el one
per cent alcohol by volume. ? .
Villon Pacific
Overland Limited.
Olorado Express..
Atlantic Express...
Oregon Express
..a 8:50 am
..a 8:60 pm a 5:00 pm
aiu:io am
..a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Aneelea Limited... al2:66 pm a 9M pm
Fast Mail a 8:30 am a 6:46 pm Van Hook
China and Japan Mall.. a 4:"0 pm a pm
North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 4:46 pm
Colo.-Chlcago Special.. .al2:10 am a 7:05 am
Beatrice & btromsourg
Ixical Diz:au pm Di:upm
Illinois Central-
Chicago EStpress
9:40 pm condition but several of the regulars are
not in snape ror a grueling game.
. Seldel's nose Is much better and It Is
probable that the bjg guard will be In
fine condition- for against the giant
I ne Dump on nis nose wss
not so serious as was feared at first and
he will be ready for the first charge' when
the teams clash Saturday.
It Is the aim of the coaches this week to
train the backs to start faster and to give
more snap to the bucks and off tackle
.... ..-I.. M . V. n II V, .. 1 . 11 T-
...a T:lo am a 3:45 pm n .,.,. .t nnm.. .v.. w., i. . v. .
Chicago Limited. a 6:00 pm a 8.30 am carefully drilled the past two days In leav-
Mtnn.-lSt. Paul Express.b 7:15 am lng their positions faster. The work of
Minn.-ttt. Paul Limited a 6:08 pm a 8:30 am ,he NebrasKa backs was a decided lesson
Oma.-Ft. Dodge Local.a 4:16 pm ull:9)am t0 th iWans and Catlln Is working the
inivaso s nonsHMitrn i men nara to bring aoout results.
Chicago Daylight....
St. Paul-Minn. Exp.
Chicago Local.
..a 7:26 am all: 48 pm
ailieBm aiolao pm ,AXCE W"'1' PLAY SEX'r YEAR
,.all:30am a 8:28 pm
Sioux City Passenger.. .a 3:50 pm a :10 am Gives So Credence lo Rumor of Any
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am .
Bt. Paul-Minn. Limited. a:a) pm a 8:uo am ... .r.. ......
Los Angeles Limited.. ..a :80 pm al3:35 pm In Chicago there Is strav talk that Presl-
Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 8:23 am dent Murphy and Manager Chance of the
Fast Mall a s: pm Cubs had had a difference over money
Sioux City Local ,...a 3:60 pm a 9:20 am matters that might Influence Chance from
Twln-Clty Limited .....a 8:20 pm a 8:00 am returning to Chicago next season. When
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:10 am a 6:20 pm Chance passed through Omaha Tuesday
Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:40 am al0:35 am enroute to California he was asked point
Dead wood-Lincoln a 8:00 pm a 6:20 pm blank: "Will you play with the Cubs next
Casper-Lander a 8:00 pm a 6:20 pm season?" And his reply was a prompt and
Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pm b 6:20 pm emphatic, "Oh, yes, certainly.' He then
Fremont-Albion b 5:30 pm b 1:36 pm consented to speak of several pinna he
Chicago Great Western
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 7:30 am
Chicago 1 Jnilted 6:06 pm
Chicago Express 7:30 am
Chicago Express 8:30 pm
had for next season, chief of which was;
7-0 am I wiiiik we uugui 10 ue uuie 10 maae 11
,1 ... I im Biiaiptiu,
'' 1 The Cub manir loiwut a .nn.
8:27 am
Km President Murphy says he has no doubt of
s.jv pm chance s satisfaction with that contract or
of his Intention to fulfill Its terms. Chance
i :2S am confirmed this bv stating while tn Omaha
there was no Intimation nf frlrtlnn in )
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all:15 pm ranxs or management of the Cubs
Btanberry Locul (from
Not Likely, However, He Will Be Able
to Play Against Antes,
LINCOLN, Nov. 4. (Special.) "Pip"
Cooke, Nebraska's sir quarter, this morn
ing lit the liasiiitat where ne lias ueen con
fined for the past two weeks with a bad
case of blood poisoning In his right foot.
He appeared at the tranlng table for din
ner but did not don a suit at practice, al.
though watching the Cornhuskers at their
work from the sidelines. He announced
that he would report for practice tomorrow
afternoon, but 1 the coaches said they did
not believe lie would be In condition to
play In the Ames game at Omaha Satur
day. Cooke Is quite weak from his long
confinement and It will be hard work for
him to get strong enough to endure the
grueling play that a quarter will have to
stand In a game with the Iowa Aggies.
The loss of Cooke will compel the
coarhes to play Bentley. who Is still suf
fering from Injuries received at Iowa City.
Bentley Is gamely going after the prac
tice In hopes that he will be In tip top
form tot Ames. He Is not ns fast as
Cooke, but showed in the bame last Sat
urday that he can plav steady ball and
run the earn In first class shape. The
coaches hope he will get back Into form
so that he will be able to play as well as
he did last Saturday. If he does the quar
terback problem will not give them much
concern next Saturday.
This afternoon the Cornhuskers again
held secret practice at Antelope park,
where a light scrimmage was run through.
AH of the regulars were out and the show
ing of the varsity against the scrubs was
very pleasing to the coaches. The new
plays which were Introduced to the regu
lars again worked well against the second
team. Secret practice will be held again
tomorrow. i ,
Masses ojT People Get Election News
from The Bee stereopticon.
St. Louis Express a 6:-10 pm
St. Louis IOcal, (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:16 am
Chlcaso, Milwaukee A St. Panl
Chi. & Colo. Special. ...a 7:26 am all:0 am
Cal. er Ore. Express.... 6 M pm a 6:26 pm
Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:16 pm bll:26 am
Chicago, Hock Island Tai'lfle
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all:06pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:80 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 8:00 am all:05 pm
Des Moines A Eastern .a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Des Mclnes Passenger.. a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm
Iowa Ixx-al bll:00am b 9:55 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex..a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:28 pm a 8:36 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd ..ail :15 pm a 2:B0 am
Colo. & Cal. Express.. a 1:20 pm a 4 .1) pm
Drake Men Do slants.
DES MOINES, la.. Nov. 4. ifltuw-lnl
Drake has started practice for the two big
games remaining an the schedule, big In the
fact that they are with state universities
and also that the opposing- schools have
teams recognised throughout this section
ot the country. Missouri will be played
tnis weeK and the squad will be worked to
the limit. Coach Griffith4 slowed up on
the daily practice before the Washburn
game and the varsity did not display the
scoring powers shown in - the Grinnell
Same. To Instill this ginger is the aim of
rlffith and Crow. Drake is anxious to
defeat the Tigers, the team coached by the
former Drake coach. 'William J. Monllaw.
Four of the Drake players In the UrinneM
game who did not play against Washburn
were Wilson. Beldlng. Evans and Hubbard.
The fact that Washburn has not had any
Okl. '& Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm too good reputation for squar officiating
A Papor for thm. H
Best tX. West v
Missouri PaclfU
K. C. St St. L. Express.a 9:00 am a 6:45 am
K. C. A St. L. Express.. aL':15 pm a 6:60 pm
caused careful selection of officials and
uraae nas nothing but praise ror the
sportsmanlike manner In which the team
was treated. STA-
Leave. Arrive.
Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm a 3:50 pm
Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a3:50pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm
Northwest Express all:66 pm a 9:08 am
Nebraska points a 8:46 am a 6:10 pm
Nebraska Express a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm
Ldncoin r-ast Man d i.jj pm alZ:ll pm
Coloinblas Win at Waterloo.
WATERLOO. Neb.. Nov. 4. (Snecial.)
The Columbia foot ball team of South
Omaha played the Waterloo team Tuesday
Biiernnnn on tne noma ground and won
from the locals by a score of 6 to 0. The
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Belle vue-Plattsmouth
Plattsmouth-lowa ...
Bellevue-Plat turnout h
Denver Limited
Chicago Special
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
St. Louis Express a 4.46 cm all:3o am
Kansas City A Bt. Joe..al0:45 pm a 6:30 am
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm
nunu city k ni. joe. . a 4 to pm
?: m Qulokly Cora Bhsnmatlo Pallia, Also
.b 3:10 pm bl0:20 am
.a 8:00 pm a 8:69 am
,..D 9:18 am
b 1 06 pm
..e 2:36 pm c 2 ) pm
... a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am
,.a 7:6 am all:45 pm
System Builder.
Oo to any good prescription druggist
and get the following:
One ounce compound syrup of Sarsapa
rllla, and one ounce Torts compound. Add
these to a half pint of first class whiskey
.a 4:20 pm 3:66 pm I and use a tablearjoonful before each n-nil
!'.'. 15 Im all -30 am und "l ' t1m"' Th boUle muBt be woU
urn raen lime.
Aiinougn mis is seemingly a common
place formula, yet it is tha moat effective
known for the eradication of acid puis
WEBSTER T A 16TH A WEBSTER on from the blood, absolutely curing all
Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis A ot rheumatism, and at tha same
Omaha time restoring tha whole system to a vlg-
Iave Arrive I orous, healthy condition.
Twin City Passenger. ..b 6:80 am b i M pm 1 The anfeeb.ed mv1 and nerves will feel
Floux Cky Passenger... a I u) pm alO M am its remarkable restoring effects after tha
L.nerson Local .......... .c 8:46 am c 6 .66 am ,i-.. a k v
l-inerson Local d 156 pm b 9:10 am
Hliusrl Parlfle
Auburn Local b 1:60 pm bll:28 am
a Daily, b Dally exceut Sunday, o Sun.
uay oniy. a uauy except asturday.
first few doses, but it should be contin
ued until health is fully recovered.
Tha prompt use of this excellent mix
ture will be found to save many a dollar
In doctor bills and much suffering
Veteran C nip! re Hpoken of for Clnet
or St. I.onls.
1'mplre Hank O'Day Is being mentioned
as likely to become manager of Cincinnati
or St. Louis Nationals next year. During
the season just closed stories that Hank
would lay down the Indicator for the man rains galnrd- circulation, but he de
nied them at tno time.
J. Perke Sharpe Will Succeed
Charley Dexter.
J. Pecke Sharps, who managed and won
a pennant for Ottumwa, la., eighteen years
ago, has been engaged ny fresiuent J. 1'
Higeiris to manage tits lies Moines team
supplanting Charley Dexter.
The Vnlon Paclf'cs won two out of three
games trem the Omaha Nationals last
night otj the association alleys. Hughes of
the Nationals getting high single game of
185, and Templin ot the Union PacitiJ'S
high totals with 48. Score:
1st 2d 3d Tot.
Temple :.173 149 107 4X9
Wllley 169 114 173 446
Coleman 147 153 163 4iS
Regular and Special Telegraph Wires
and Battery of Exclusive Tele
phones Feed the Paper
with AH News.
' Thousands of people got th?lr first elec
tion returns from the stereopticon views
thrown by Tho Bee on to the gigantic can
vass stretched against the Sevent'eentli
street side of the New York Lift) building
Tuesday night.
Seventeenth and Farnam streets were
literally enmassed with people who stood
for hours patiently watching and sealously
cheering the returns. The figures were
large and distinct and could be read for
some distance. The enterprise was a dis
tinct success.
The story of how The Bee gathered and
displayed the returns Is an interesting one
In itself. It had first the regular Aassocl
ated Press service and its own special
staff correspondents, covering the entire
country, and In addition to this the ex
cellent service of the American Telegraph
and Telephone company and the Nebraska
Telephone company wires. These wires
were' Exclusive to The Bee's use. They
were arranged so as to pour their stream
of news directly into The Bee editorial
rooms. A battery of eleven additional
telephones, each mannedi by an expert
operator and representing a separate wire,
was the equipment established for this one
night In the editorial offices. From every
corner of the county bulletins were flashed
Into Tha, Bee over these wires and at the
same time the Associated Press and the
staff correspondents were sending In their
detailed accounts.
Sonrce that Fed Public.
It was from such a source that the thou
sands of people oh the streets watching
the stereopticon views werei fed. It re
quired a very large staff of men to main
tain the display service. The machinery
was placed In the Updike Orain company's
offices of the first floor of The Bee build
ing. Interspersed between the election re
ports photographs of prominent men,
Taft, Sheldon, Brown, Burkctt, Roose
velt and others, were thrown upon the
canvass. Invariably these faces evoked
loud applause.
Stray remarks were straws that indi
cated the political complexion ot, the
crowd. In the large majority of cases
these straws blew in the republican
Early in the evening when the certain
statement of Taft's election by his sweep
ing victory in New York became possible
there was a deafening volume of applause.
It was plain that the verdict of the Amer
ican people was not displeasing to the
smaller jury that stood in these streets
of Omaha. It seemed apparent that 'the
size of Taft's majority in the Empire
state was a surprise even to republicans
and a crushing disappointment to the
democrats, who had clung to the glim
mering hope that their Peerless Leader
had not led them for the third time to
defeat' and himself to his ultimate polit
ical grave.
There were crowds In other parts of the
city, in fact, in nearly all parts of the
downtown district, but none that com
pared In density with this one.
Returns from points In the state were
eagerly scanned, .one: of the mooted ques
tlons in the .election - seeming" to ba
whether or not Bryan would carrr M
own state. ' About 1:80 o'clock the fact
thai 'William J. retired, for the night.
Pleasant dreams," was soon followed, by
a forecast baaed on the- return that had
been received nd saying . the Bryan's
dream was , of a 12,00ft victory for his
opponent. ' , " '
Prolonged Cheering greeted this bulletin
and some one shouted. .."That was a peer
less dream Bryan had, but ha will soots
wake up from it."
Another witticism that cam earlier in
the evening with the announcement that
rtrvan was running etrong In hla horns
city, created a round of mirth among the
hundreds of spectators who wera packed
between The Bee and New York Lla build
ing! with fhetr faces upturned toward tha
large canvas screen
"Bryan always runs strong! he Is merely
keeping In prsctlce for other vain efforts
In 1912 and 1916."
Other Flaeea fallow Salt.
Between the acts at all the theaters the
audiences were given returns from tha
stage, and the Interest in Taffa alacUon
often put the play In the background,
Business men. with their wives and In
some cases their children, waited for tha
returns at the Commercial and Omaha
clubs and the Rome hotel, A dinner for
the members was served at the Omaha
club early In the -evening and at all three '
places the reading and billiard rooma wsra
In uo. An orchestra and moving- pictures
at the Romo gave variety along with the
election news. ' . ,
Stereoptlcory bulletins were also displayed
by the Bennett company at Sixteenth and
Harney streets, the Brandeis building and
by business men whose houses are on
Douglas' street , between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth; At one of these places a car
toon stating "BUI Is elected; this la no pipe
dream," wits shown as often as thera were
no fresh bulletins to throw on tha canvas.
Seats . for several hundred pPl wera
provided in the large gymnasium of ths
Young Men'a Christian association build
ing, where the reading rooms, game room
and lunch room were In full swing to ac
commodate the visitors, who comprised
members, non-members and many women.
Along with the returns at the association
building, advertisements of ' the associa
tion's work, of the corn show and the coin
ing foot ball games wera shown, and at the
various other places advertising was mixed
with the news bulletins.-'
Inaalrlea at The Be Office.
Tho stereopticon- service, great as It was,
did not In ths slightest degree lessen the
usual demand for information made di
rectly to The Bee over its office 'phones.
Scarcely a minute or fraction of minute
wore these 'phones Idle.1 Men, women and
children were calling to ask every Imsgln
able question about the election. The
earliest recorded Inquiry was mads aa
early aa 11 o'clock yesterday morning. A
woman called to ask:
"How has tho election gone?"
' Hhe was advised that' the polls had
been opened but three hours in moat parts
of tho country.
These inquiries w-re kept -up In almost
ceaseless trains until toward day.
With the closing of tho polls Tuesday
evening at 6 o'clock, the saloons opened
their doors and did a rushing business till
closing time at 1 o'clock this morning. The
restaurants and -cafes also benefited by
tho late hours kept by the people waiting
for the last returns. In many of the sa
loons and restaurants returns were ob
tained by telephone or wire for the patrons.
You can build up your business by using
The Bee Want Ad columns.
479 416
491 1.3X8
.... 94
. . . .367
416 1,246
Tho Brotlegaard Crowns pulled them
selves up In first place last night when
they took two games from the Birmingham
Range, as Captain Ross says there is no
pla'-e ItWe first and he will hold onto a
good thing as long as they can get the
p.m. Schultx took high honors for the
Broilcgaards with a total ot 646 and 208 for
single. Thomas dene some fine work with
his strong arm, making a total ot 632 and
a single game of 234. Score:
1st 2d 3d
Fagerburg 174
Vosa 146
Schultx IM
Carman 159
Learn 167
Totals 814 978 H56 2,617
' 1st 2d 3d Tot.
Keyt 22 li 1S7 648
Palmer 175 26- 104 4M
Martin 1X8 ' IM I'M k'.i
Thomas 174 24 ' ti3!
Drlnkwater ...i.. 173 -176 149 61J
Totals 958 9c 843 IJ10
To night Post Office and Kelley-Hcyden
will play.
Scalded b Steam
or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen'a Ar
nica Salve. Cures plies, too, and the worst
sores, (luarsntecd. 2&u For sale by
I Beaton Drug Co.
Malaria is due to impurities in the blood which destroy the rich, healthful qualities
af the circulation, and reduce it to a weak, watery fluid. The body is then, deprived of
its necessary nourishment and strength, and is unable to resist the countless disor
ders that assail it, and the funeral system suffers in consequence. The appetite fails,
iigestion is weakened, chills and slight fever are frequent, while the auflerer loses
;nerg-y and ambition. Boils, skin eruptions, and sometimes sores and ulcers follow
when the blood becomes deeply polluted with the malarial genua. Both a tonic and
ilood purifier are needed to cure Malaria, and S. S. S. is best fitted for this work. It is
iie most perfect of all blood purifiers and at the same time an invigorating, healthful
xrnic S. S. S. goes down into the circulation, and removes every trace of .impurity or
xiison, and gives to the blood the health-sustaining qualities it needs. -- It cure Malaria
iioroughly and permanently, because it removes from the blood the germs and poisons
which produce the disease, and while doing this tones up and sterngthens every part
f the system. Book with information about Malaria and any medical advice furnished
lee to all who write. yjjj smgj SPECIFIC CO.t ATLANTA, OA.
r ' 1 1 1 1 1
Will cor 70a for X.BSB HOBBY than any ether spelali
aa4 aeoept ths money ta asy way yea wish ta pay,
Berreaa SsbUlty, Blood Voisea, Bala . Diseases. Xlaaey
and Bladder Slaeascs, Stomach, all Special Ptssaasa aa4 ALU
meats of Men. ,
Established in Omaha 25" Years.
W maks no misleading tr false statements or
ffer you cheap, worthless treatment. Examination
and consultation. Writ for symptom blank for
horn treatment.
DR. McGREW CO.. 215 S. 14th St., Omaha, Nfbw
r- i mm.' .
CUBCD WITHOUT TH1 KNIFB. Ail Rectal Dimsxm trsaud MtmMn
auarsntM. No monav ta ba nia Mil mirmA A mils i...t,ui Aa a...
' SUi00'"! l,Kr tsneral anMSthettca, EjjmlnatSca PhlcXVnis
kwujw nt r rwm mwmm m (& tiasa wife TMiintMiaia, f
DR. C. R. TARRY. 224 Deo Building, Omaha, fob.