.THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1903. 8 .'I Want-ads i)lina will he taken aatll II tha evented ealtlan aal aatll for tha moralaa- Ml flaaaay ealttaae. fash mast iwHr al araers far want ads ! aa aarartleeaseBt will ha ac-te far laa tkaa .! eeata for first lasertlea. ' Rates alrto either Tha Dally ar flaadar Br. '.'- r. Always ( six ware's ta a llaa. Cmnklila af laltlala ar aomhera raaat aa aaa wora. , " CAHIt RATF.s FOR WAJIf ADS. DKG11.AR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per llaa, 14 erata. Twa ar mora reaaeeatta ; laaartlaaa, par llaa, l rent a. Kaea laaartlaa made aa aaye, lO tnti per llaa. fl.SO per llaa per aaeath) eptlag; that FURNISHED ROOM AD. whea aceosnpaaled hjr rasa, tha rata will he I Oaa lasertloa, eeaia per llaei three ar alx eoaeeeatlve laser flaaa, 8 aeata per llaa each lasertloa evea ar snare eoaseeatlva lasartlons, S eeats per llaa each lasertloa SO ceata per llaa per neath. Wait aaa for Tha Bee may ba left at any af tha following; drag; stores aaa la year "eoraer draaarlst'. they are all hraach atflees for The Bea and yoar ad will ha laaerted Jaat aa promptly aad ea the saaae ratea aa at tha mala office la Tha Bea BolUHna, Seventeenth aad Faraam streets I Albsch, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranrk. 8. A . 140$ 8. 18th St. Berht Pharmacy, 720 B. 16th St. Benson. Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. itemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 226 Sherman Ave. Coughlln, C. It., 6th and Pierce Bis. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Corite, J. B., list Ave. and Farram St. Crlasey Pharmacy, 24th and l ake Bts: Ccrmak. Emll, 124- B. lath 8t. Khlers, B. H., 2802 Leavenworth St. Foster a Arnold, 113 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J , 1914 N. 24th 8t. Florence Irug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th a .d I-ake Sts. Oreenough, O. A., 10 B. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A., 1824 B. 10th Bt. Hayden, William C, Z920 Farnam 8t. !Iancom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 29th 8L Hoist, John, 824 N. lth Bt. Huff, A. L., J924 Ieaveivworth Bt. Koun'tse Place Pharmacy, 2804 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th Bt. ,... T o.H. ..-A l...rlh Mrs Saratoga Driig Co.. 24th Bt. and Amel A v. Schaefer's Cut PHca Drug Co., lth and Chicago Bta. Bchaefer, August, 2031 N. 28th St. ttchmldt, J. H.. 84th and Cuming fits. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bts Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming tits. ' Walton Pharmacv, 30th and Grace 8t. Worth. O. II., 40th and Hamilton Bts. MARR1AGRS LICENSES. - The following marriage licenses have been Issued Name and Residence. Age Oscar A. Johnson, Omaha , 26 Valeria L. Hchaffnlt. Omaha 21 Clyde O'Neill. Omaha 31 Gene O'Neill, Omahu. 38 Simon Baron, Bloux City, la.. 23 Agnes Freidcn, Omaha.. 18 Charles R. Lockwood, Kankakee. Ill 31 Hosier Tuylor, Cmnha 28 William Trctjena; South Ohiaha 34 .Frieda Huchten, Omaha......... 22 William O. Byas. Omaha........... 23 Keith L. Lenhart, Omaha. . 22 Karl A. Becker, Columbus, Neb 2 Ruby H. RasinUFsen, Columbus, Neb 22 M.ke Sehelby. Howells 24 Muttle Scott, Anita, la.,..' 29 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-Wilbur 8. Adams, SUM Grant street, girl; Ernest A.. Clark. 2612 TemulH- luii on eel, girl; George B. ' McGinn, uu! !"J.th;. u'.uul,.."!rlr.,m JiJ'1.' B.HJl l lull IUV.I, llf' IHUUID ,..II.II(IU1(, l.Vavenworth street, girl; John W. Sca biouk, 1043 North Thirty-fourth street, girl; Waller Van Dercreek. 2008 North Twenly- tiilrd street, boy; Delbert Warner, 3O40 South Eighteenth street, boy. Deaths Cells. Bcoggln, 1414 South Thir teenth street, 42; James Ward. lDutf Ohio street, 1 month; Annie MoCutchen. 915 Jack son street, 40; Rudolf X. L'lui, 1730 Mouth Ninth street, 49; Mary Wlesel. 1056 Bouth Twenty-ninth stieet, 23; Edward Hall, 821 iNorin i wenty-seoona street, au. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4tfi and Leavenworth Bta. leu Douglas 1387. . (D-665 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. ... . , ............. (1) 6b Medical Swedish Movement Treatment as alven at the Blomntilst mas. sage parlors Is highly recommended by the leading physicians for the many ob stinate and stubborn chronic diseases. Wa: develop and beautify the face and neck. Thfs Institute Is equipped with modern appliances, X-ray electrical vl- orators, etc.; also' give 6sone. electrical and vapor bath treatments. 230-234 Pax- tun Blocs,, -.rnone uougias i;h. (D-M298 D2 LADIES' shirt waist boxes, skirt boxes and baby boxes made to order: ixld rrtm of furniture made and repaired; pianos polished and reflnlshed: tlte only place you can have your own original designs mane, a'i worn guaranteed. Tel. Jnu u-MO. .. U 267 Nov6 EXPERIENCED accountant, will open or i'iu uuuas. Aaureii l,. care Bee. ' (1) MM66 AUTOMOBILES v WE GIVE technical Instruction on all cars; special driving lessous for ladles tba feature of our school; write for utr tiuuiara. Omaha School of Automobile Engineering. 2418 lavnworth Bt. Tel Hud 6338. O-W . FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES. One 1908 model F, five passenger Buick car. good aa new, been run three months. fully equipped; also Gabriel horn and extra aet of tlrea. coat 81.287: nrln bain One model C, 1907 Jackson, five-passenger ' touring car, equipped, with new set of tires; car ta in No. 1 condition; will guar antee Doin oi mesa cars; cost price, 11,250; HARLAN AUTO OARAGE. HARLAN. IA. iiiuiu 1IUW, fVUUk (2-M434 , BEND for our list of second-hand auto- i mounts. iitiuuHT, ibis rarnam. ' "v '- - " ' " ' (2)-667 i THREE one-ton commercial automobiles. I tlll tx(J .nd tl -hti lir a oaiaun, luntm ou (21668 BEND for list "of fd-hand oars. Colt Auto- mobile Co.," 9026 Farnam Hi. (D M21U 3o BARTER AND. EXCHANGE WHY pay more, when you can buy or ex- cnange iut any pari si eu.vw acres of beautiful, leveL black, prairie land, close to the railroad In Texas, at from 110 to Ilu an acre 7 -Ago" la wanted. Addresa N. lljlaey. 535 Mouadnock. Chicago. ) M878 U .WILL exchange complete manufacturing plant, s-'&.uuu, ror property or land. For- tune In lt.--Jm -Union, no N. 9th 81.. t. i w,.. JM.34T 5x BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG stores for sate everywhere. Knlest, New I or uie tVQg- vm TO GET In or'Cu of business call on uanulbi au. noom sw. see oias. 1 1 $1 ' BUYS rh largest -' bakery and les i cream rsctory 'in town oi i.oui peopia. Only loo cream business In 200 miles. Blippir live ivwni. . ahuivh x. J. v- borne, Casper.' Wyo. (4V-M93S ( FOR 8ALE-4 st clase hair; dressing estab Ushment . ttendid trade; reason for sell ing, tearing cur. M uui t-M u W sii ix fOR" AL-Printing office In growing town. Power press. Fairbanks-Morse en- Sine, new type, sic Poor health reason ir selling. Aaartsa rne "onuur, uavis, V U t4)-M9a8 7 BUSINESS CHANCES' (Continued. WANTET-J4ok salee paople; see our new copyrighted edition; Bret Hart, Hall Calne; popular . prices; iw methods of producing business; thousands of splen did names prospective buyers; sales peo ple with ether publishers should Investi gate. P. F. Collier A Bon, Psxlon block. () Uf. 8x PROSPERITY AT HAND. NEIGHBORHOOD OROCEHt LOCATION ' Two atore rooms, can unite, plate glass, brick, rood cellars; Just place for a live man with good stock; monty spenders to be supplied; make object to right man. Bra owner this week. Second floor, 1101 N. ixth St., 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. (4J 337 WANTED An active partner, with f 1,600 cash and al.lllty. to tase y, inicrrrfn and management of an established mfg. business in urnana. jno ris anu h t a future I need money and time In other business or would not sell. Au- dress K 602. Bee. ( M'J7x- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chlropedlst. VIL KOT( ,( 150, rnm St Dou-91' (5-71 Creameries. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (6) 871 Carpet Cleaalagr. A. K. JETT, cleaner and layer Ind. B-89. -uwi Cement Blocks. IP TOIT oblect to the sameness sea our line. We have the mosi up-io-aum "J' In length, height end faces Always a large stocK or wen seaaoii ui- j; hsnd. OUest plant In Omaha. Omaha Concrete Stone Co., 28th Ave. and Bahler and Belt Line. 'Phones: Webster 8W. Webster 4231, Independent B-3018 China Palatlna;. CHINA decorating, order work a Pclalty. Lessons Tuesday, mursaay ana day. Firing dally. Leather craft, tln. leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hun gate. 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel, Bed 586. Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. (5) 673 2973. McDowell Dressmaking school, 1823 J""" DRESSMAKING and alterations; Wmin'i IN FAMILTE8-Mlst.es w?.1,'L4lr2tvI,e Webster 4655. Educational. Boyles Business College Enter any time for courses In stenogra phy, typewriting, DooKKeepmg, cngim... Night and day sessions. Catalogues free. H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. Boyles Telegraphy School Ttnvles Ttlrlff.. Omaha. Neb. Official train- "f. c"?' V'v V " ' v 5)-330 Florlsta. HES8 SWOBODA, 141B Farnam Bt. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (o; oi i J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. Financial. TO LOAN-LOW Money RATE, In sums to lit. 310 Bee Hiog. 'Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6)-79 MONEY to loan on real estate at low rates. W. B. Melkle. Ram re Bldg. Safes. Shatters, Ete. OMAHA' Safe and Iron Works makes specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sales, a. Andreen, Prop., 102 ium (B 681 Hotels. THE 6CHL1TZ. European, 18th and Harney Osteopathy. . JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1684. . W 683 Dr. Katheryn Nickolas, 508 N. T. L. Bldg. Masle aad Lanarnagre. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of banjo, ma.V dolin and guitar, 506 Barker Blk. (5)-41S n9 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. 16th St., warehouse 2207-9 Hard Hu (5)-685 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng atad & Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. w ob Dentists. BAILEY MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. Vtt5. - (5)-687 Shorthand Reporter and Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE, depositions, 528 Bee. Tel. Douglas 1905. W Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First-class work. 16184 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red wt. (5 m SHOES repsired right, called for and de llvered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7567. (5)-6S0 Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD Ft., Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. or toi HELP WANTED-FEMALE Agents aad Salesladies. WANTET.T'n,y".wj)."Ce?in.?l I wemeni In thebe departments: Hosiery, kn't underwear, muslin underwear, art goods, notions and velvets. Apply Super Intendent, J. L. Brandels & Buns. (7)-333 8 Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER. $8 per aeek. Stenographer, Vf. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc ), Buite 721, N. Y. Life Bldg. (7) -331 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In small family, mat could ga noma nights. S129 Pacific. 'Phone Harney 782. . (7)-MtUS I first CLASS hand Ironer, one who can flnish shirts. 88 per week: more if sat isfactory; board and room, 83.50 per week. Kleanwell laundry, Cherokee, la. (7)-M253 T mpi. nn..a .kir- , i t- . . -"- work. 29u7 Leavenworth St. (7)-281 4 It oase keepers and Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. E. Roacwaler. 1U3 The New Hamil ton, 24th and, Farnam. (7) M381 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In small ramny, wno could go home nights. 3129 Pacific. 'Phone Har ney 733. (7)-Mol5 6KIRT8-Flrst-claas skirt hands wanted. Apply J. JawlU, 18th and Farnam Sts. - WILL Tlllle please coma hornet Mother - 1 llcti ROSE. (7) M931 (x 9 I GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Herbert A. Benter. iX Harney BL Tel. Harney 27t (7)-Mil 7 WANTKD Girl for genersl housework; no washing. Apply Mrs. Avcolgg. 201 8. l I Bt. li)-27t t A As soon as uso a 4Bk,E Want Ad.M uho thing you want begins' to move towards you HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper aad Domestles .Coat'd. WANTED Olrl to do second work. 9510 Farnam. (7) 338 QIRL for general housework. Burmanter, 1022 Park Ave. Mrs. C. E. (7)-3J8 8 WANTED Olrl for general housework, family of four; must be good cook; good WHges. Mrs. H. B. Boyles, 27. Burt St. Harney 406. . (7) M349 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. 812 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 3892. (71-M363 7 HELP WANTED MALE Agrents. Solicitors and Salessnea. AGENTS wanted for the most Complete oil gas burners In tha world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine gas; It fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper than coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept. B 809 and 810 N. TC. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. () M241 Nov5x SALESMEN Petticoats, sunbonnets, aprons, side line, in Nebraska and other territory. American Sunbonnet company, Lathrop. Mo. (9)-M321 8 WANTED Salesmen of experience for our high grade line of calendars, ar tistic signs, show carda, etc., In Iowa; good prospect for establishing per manent business; first "alass references must accompany application. Balen Dept., Campbell Art Company Eliza beth. N. J. (9) M297 9 AGENTS wanted for Omaha Farnam St. Call at 1911 (9) 841 Bx WANTED Solicitor snd collector for country work: position permanent, with good income. . Address Q-449. Bee Office. (9) M357 WANTED Traveling man by local firm; good position for a business getter. Ad dress H-500, Bee Office. (9) M356 WANTED Salesman to sell wines and liquors to consumers. Inducements to me right man; sample case and outfit free. Address, P. O. Box 734, Baltimore, Md. (9) M348 5 Clerical and Offlca. TRAVELING salesman, 1T straight sal ary. Stenographer and clerk, 965. Billing clerk and stenographer, lumber ex perience, 160. City salesman, salary and commission. If vou are In need of a position, see LS AT ONCE, or write for a complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), Suite 721, N. Y. Life Bldg. (9r 331 DRUG CLERK'S position. Life Bldg. Knlest, N. Y. (9) 693 Factory and T'.ades. WANTED Twenty union bricklayers, at once. Wlckham Bros., 19 Bcott St., Council Bluffs, Is. (9)-M837 12x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. The demand for barbers greater than supply. Graduates earn splendid p-y. Tools given, wages Saturdays, few woeks completes. Call or write for free catalogue. Moler Barber college, 110 B. 14th St. u (9)-M922 5x WANTED Bush elman, also pant and vest maker, good pay and eteady work. Address Lock Box 120, Coon Rapids, la, (9) M290 8x WANTED Experienced Jd codk. Curlahy Restaurant, South Omaha. (9) Jot a H laeel laaeoaa. WANTED For V. S. army, able-bodied. unmarried men between ages oi is ana So, cltlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation applv to recruitlr-g officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. (9) 588 FREE employment Dept; Business Men s ass n; no lees, can sz sx. x. tiie (9) &4 WANTED Young men, 18 to 35, for rail way firemen ana nranemen; w io "y per month; promotion to engineer and conductor. 1150 to 1200. Many positions now open. Write today for full particu lars. National Railway Training Ass n., 847 Central Bldg., Kansas city, mo. 191-M209 Nov30x pnvi va TPT unoiPHV SHHOOL. Bovles buildlna. Omaha. Neb.; official training school U. P. R. R. i positions guar anteed; booklet free. (9) M311 YOUNG MEN to prepare for coming ex amination lor railway man ana uiuci government positions. Superior instruo. tlon hv mall. Established 14 years. Thousands of successful students. Sample questions and "How Government Posi tions Are Secured" sent free. Inter-State Schools, 324 Iowa Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. (9) M324 15x POSITIONS open for young men for elec tric railway motormen ana conauciors, at salaries of 880 to 1100 per month. Write at once for full particulara. Na tional Railway Training ,Asa'n., ml cen. tral Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (9) M207 Nov30x WANTED Young- man, not over 26, to call on business men. call S14 Miiiara noiei. 00 327 4x WANT following work done. In connection with developing a new 40-acre addition to Omaha; Grading of streets, cleaning up of the grounds, trees planted, lot stakes painted, numbered and set after the sur veyor; also tracts sown to grass. Apply - at office for particulars. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam. We also want a new well dug In the north j west part of the city. (H M372 6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. "OLD HONESTY" $3 horse blankets wear like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (U-MSM D2 Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FOR SALE Fox terrier pups, $5.00 each, i.. a. tans, 2(4 Chicago st. (11) M291 6x LOST AND FOUND LO&T Fox terrier, male, with brown spots. Reward. 4312 N. 2olh St. Tel. Webster 1022. (12)-M345 6x LOST Monday, November 2, an anchor shaped pin with a small diamond in the point. Reward lor return to Bee office. (12) M360-7X IX8T ladles gold watch between Dea and Dumb Inst., and 45th and Grant. Finder please return ta Miss Kdn 'Shomber, Webster 155. (12)-M364 6 LOST Knight Templar's pin with Cana dian leaf on outside and engraved inside. Return to Room C-16 Rome hotel. Re ward. (121-M362 7 LOST. English bull dog; brindle; answers to the name of Baron. Return to Mr. Horace Brenlser, carpet department, Brandels store,, and receive reward. (12) M3S9 7 LOST Opera glasses, Tuesday evening on 24th St. Bo. Omaha car. Finder return to N. C. Bears. 2424 Jonea. Reward. Jli) M374J MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Qray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Buerman sV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (ll)-695 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport St.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college Drofessors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. 113)-12$ you make lip your mind to MEDICAL (Continued.) ANT poor girl In need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at IX24 N. 24f St., Omaha. Neb. U SANITARIUM treatment parlors, Battle i rerK nanltanum ami Hot springs i reai ment for all kinds of chronic diseases. Old Boston Store, Jtmmi 212-214, 'Phone Douglas 3741. (131-M344 llx MONEY TO LOAN ARE YOU IN DEBT? If so, see us. We will show you an easy and quiet way to get out. We will lend you enough on your furniture, piano or other personal ptoperty to put you "on your feet" and Ijelp you supply yourself with the coming winter's needs. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance, Telephone Douglas 2296. (14) M299 MONEY loaned salaried: people and others without security; essy payments. Of flees In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room til, New York Ufa Bldg I14)-M791 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. ' VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) .DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (ii- BOARD and rooms, lst-class board. 2211 Douglas Bt. lie) MSiS inovscx FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern; nrsi-ciass neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1x23 Wirt St. (161393 TWO bay window rooms, with board. 628 B. 19th Bt. U&J MSJS ex UNFURNISHED suite of front rooms; also furnished rooms, rirst-ciass tame Doara. Hanscom park district, on car lines, mod ern. 2965 Pacific. (15) M244 7x GOOD board and room, private family, close In. Call or 'phone B-ai7. indepen dent. 608 N. 23d. (lB)-279 8x Faralaaeal Raame. TWO nicely furnished, strictly modem rooms with heat; suitable for two or four ynung men, or man and wife; very easy walking distance, narney oi. (16) M977 8x 2409 Harney; nlcely-furnlshed front room. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rocr.ii do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELBON & CO., RENTAL AGTS., 703 N. X. Lite Bldg., i-none uoug. &a. (15)-702 FURNISHED or unfurnished, two plessant front rooms, all conveniences, reasonable prices. 2611 Chicago St. 'Plions Douglaa 705. (15) M243 7x LARGE front room well furnished for one or two gentlemen. Private family; terms reasonable. 215 No. 23d. (160 M3V4 lOx ROOMS for gentlemen, by flay, week or month, xns cnainam, uu o. uin bu . . (16)-291 2218 CHICAGO ST. Modert south .front parlor, furnished, for twc'people. 'Phone Red 5518. ' "'' (15) M262 7 NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; house new and strictly modern, 316 N. 19th St. I (15) M313 8x FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heat, flat, 4 Davldge Blk., 18th and Farnam Bt. (15)-896 6x COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, $2.50 per week. 2708 Farnam. Tel. Harney zotto. (15) M141 7x NICELY furnished room, very reasonable. walking distance. 2o43 Capitol Ave. (161-267 7 ROOMS for light housekeeping; nicely furnished; Hanscom Park district. Har ney 1348. Phone between 6 and 7 p. m. (16) M356 7x WANTED Young gentleman room mate. t;an oetween e ana 7:30 p.- m. us rwo. am St. ' (15)-M359 7 Unfurnished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, modern. Douglas Apartments aad Flats. $-6 R fiat. Scargo, E1H N. S4th. South VMWUM, ilOII, M HiaV ciu. f.M " tie I a FIVE-ROOM ST. LOUIS FLAT. 2508 Sherman Ave.; Furnace, Gas, Electrlo jigni, (jement Basement, winuuw Shades, Birch Finish.. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St, Ask for Rental Department. (15)-708 FOR RENT In walking distance, desirable s-room iiat, excellent repair ana moaern; furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood ana paved streets. 2646 Dodge at. Mm, $30. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. N (15)-707 STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. Six large, handsome rooms, modern, hard wood, sliding doors, shndes, hooded gas ranges, steam heat, hot water, walking dis tance. Summer, $73; winter, $30; well lighted. Bummer, tSi; winter, $34; alt outside. Bummer, $32; winter, $39; all outside. You can't match them. References re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. (16)-M218 7 HEATED APARTMENT. Four rooms, first floor, private front and back porches, newly decorated, polished floors, in Kountze Place; references re quired. 'Phone Webster 1119. J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. (15) 708 FOR RENT 9-room modern flat at 624 8. 16th St.; second floor. $46; A No. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (16) Ju9 4-ROOM apartment, modern, 816 Bo. d; 6-room brick, modern, 1616 Maple, $17 (.') M793 NEW 4-room brick flat; modern; refer ences, $19. 2208 Nicholas. Patterson, 1623 Farnam, (15) t COZY 4-room apartment, complete for housekeeping, ground floor, private bath, good location. 1713 Georgia Ave. (15)-334 T FOR RENT To adults, upper apartment, 6 rooms. 564 Bouth 26th Ave.; furnace heat, $36. Apply Doug. 6451. (16)-M351 8x Hoasekeeplaar Rooms. TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house. 2574 Har ney BU (15)-M784 EXCELLENT modern furnished large front psrlor on first floor; 'plione In house. 2574 Harney Bt. (15 30 COZY 4-room apartment, complete for housekeeping, ground floor, private bath, good location. 171$ Georgia Avs (15)-27 4x Fara Ished Houses. WELL furnished, new 6-room all modern house for rent until spring. Located near 20th and Vinton Bts., 15 minutes from Ex. change Bldg., South Omaha. Will rent to light party for $35. Both 'phonos. BEMIS. Paxton Blk. (15) M21 Nov 7 BEAUTIFULLY furnished house, Hanscom Park cIlBtil. t. Harney 1348. Phone bo-twei-u and 7 p. ru. (15) M3i-4 x OFFERED FOR RENT Iloasea and Cottages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS HEYDEN. INS.. AGENCY. 210 S. 17th St. 'Phone D. 1G06; A-3161. (16)-7U HOUSE for rent. (115 Burt St. (161-719 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. See owner, 3831 N. 22d Bt. Tel. Blsok 3360. (16 720 MAOGARD VAN tk STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (16) 721 FOR RENT. 610 So. ?7th St., 8 rooms all modern, flat; vacant November 1; $35. SS2 No. 2Sih Ave.. 7 rooms, $17. Both Phonea. BEMIS, Paxton Block. (15) M936 FOR RENT 8-room corner house, newly papered. 2548 Davenport, $25.00. OOOP 9-room house, 2308 N. 21st St.. ..$20.00 Store room. 108 8. 14th "St 45.00 JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. (15)-M250 6 FOR RENT. In Kountxe Plar 9-room modern house, suitable for one or two families. Call Douglaa 1702 or Webster 1016. (15)-M:61 7x RENT OR SAIE New 6-room house, modern In every particular, corner Joth St. and Poppleton avenue. Telephone Harney 1227 or call at house during dnv. (151-M315 10 HOUSES ,n 8,1 J,"rt ' city. IIUUOLO Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. (15)-716 8-ROOM modern cottngo, N. E. corner 8Vst and Ohio, $20. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life. (15)-715 SPLENDID BRICK, CLOSE IN 9-rooms, oak finish and floors, tile bath, electric and gas light, furnace, laundry heater, everything first class. The best house In Omah i for 150. at 506 N. 21st St. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Main Floir, N. Y. Life. Both phones. (15) 339 4 211 N. ?8th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19th St (16) 712 HOUSES FOR IR'ENT. $15 per month, 2015 N. 24th St., 5-room cottnre. $22.50 per month, 2506 ft. Marys Ave., 6 ronma modern, except furnace. $25 per month. 3804 N. 24th St.. rooms. modern. $30 per month, second floor. 2J10 Farnam di., o rooms, moaern, except lurnace. x; per month, 1616 Willis Ave.. 7-roonr modern house, nearly new. gas ranae. and an nicciy decorated. $37.60 per month. 2548 Chicago St.. 9 rooms modern, easy walking distance. ss per month. 3224 Poppleton Ave.. 8 rooms, moaern. $45 per month, 1034 Park Ave.. I rooms, modern barn. $S0 per month. 514 8. 22d St.. 12-room modern flat, barn In rear. $55 per month, one year lease. 833 Park Ave., 10 rooms, modern. HEATED APARTMENTS. .' ' $30 per month, one year lease, apartments at ntn and Burt Bt. Three large rooms, bath and laundry. fc'iricuy modern and very desirable. GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam St. (16) M366 5 6- r., mod., 2508 Sherman Ave., $30. 7- r., new, mod., 617 So. 19th, $50. 7-r., new, mod., 631 So. 19th, $60. 7-r.. new, mod.. 2712 Jackson. $46. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15) 1343 5 ALL modern. 6-room house, best furnace. near Hanscom park, -"5 and water: va , cant, Nov. 1. 'Phone Webster 1798. 1R VtQld C v NEW, MODERN. 4 rooms and hall down. 8 upstairs. tol ished floors best of plumbing, good furnace, cneblock from Farnam rat on South 9th St. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. (15)-306 5 4328 CHARLES; 9-r., water, gas, electric light, half block from 6-mlnute car serv. Ice, $20. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. (15)-307 I FOR RENT November 1, brick house, 2618 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam bt. (15)-701 CHOICE COTTAGE. 2210 south Twenty-ninth street, alx rooms, all modern, fine lawn, on East Bide Park line, re duced to only $2,250. A snap. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor IN. X. L.te Bldg. Both pnonea, (15) 533 HOUSES, Insurance. Itlngwalt, Barker Blk. (U)J 726 SEVEN-ROOM house. Just west Hanscom park, 124. Phone Harney 1565. (15) 713 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing, Expressmen's Delivery Co. U'ei. Doug. 894, (16) 714 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, ex cept furnace, to family of adults. 2MS Pierce Bt. (151793 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, (is) in 1 2562 JONES ST.. 10-room. all modern. 140 6-room modern flat, 2614 N. 31st and Ohio $-0; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co., 6i9 Brandels Bldg. (15) M590 DANDY NEW COTTAGE 4803 north Twenty-ninth street, near Ames avenue car line, 5-room, open plumb ing, conblnatlon light, fine cellar, and only liaj. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agenta. Main floor M. x. lire Bldg. Both Phones, (15) 839 4 I-ROOM house, 2907 Seward St., IK. Store room. 1306 N. 24th. $15. 1 rooms, second floor. 18C2 N. 24th Bt.. $17 modtrn exrpt heat: 5 rooms, second floor, 1006 N. 90tt., $15; 8-room modern houHe, 24th -and Ulniu-y Bts., $30. Chris Buyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) 795 NICELY furnished 6-room all modern house ror rent from Dec. 15 to May lo will make It object to reliable party, 'Phone Web. 2782. (16) M217 7 ElOHT-ROOM modern brick flat. 8007 Ps clflo. For Information 'phone Harney SCHJ. (16) 724 MUST BE RENTED QUICK A splendid 8-room, all modern house south front, corner lot, one block from car, In fine neighborhood. Will rent partly fur nisnea it nesirea ar oniy ju. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. Sole Agents. Main Flour, N. v. Ufe. Both phones. (lo) FOR RENT Large 6-room house, $16. 14u9 Park Wild Ave. (7) 340 (x FOR RENT To private family only, that commodious and attractive residence No, 2U26 Dodge St., $75. Alfred C. Kennedy 9ii9 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone UOUglau 721. (lb) 722 HOUSES-Petera Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (id 7a NEAR HANSCOM PARK A very desirable pressed brick. 8-room house, all modern, hardwood floors, at 3uu7 Pacific St.. reduced to . PAYNE, BOSTWICK A. CO.. Sole Agenta Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Both phones. (lb) 339 4 LIST your vacant houses with Waiter Breen company, N. X. Life Bldg. (if) 727 FOR RENT (-room cottage, bath. gas. 2508 Cass St. (la) Mi ft OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, lx h; office, 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. W. (,!) 72 FOR RENT 8-room house, modern except furnace. 1323 a. 26th fel. Can 'lei. Mar. ny S&jf- (15)-20 OFFERED FOR RENT Ileasee aad Cattaa-ea Oeatlaaed. ROOM house, $3. 627 So. 17th St. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Splendid, g-room, all modern house wttn oa.lt floors, at kJOg Poppleton avenue, nui d.ror.1. In suit Ipnan!. at nnlv $35. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK CO., Bole Agent-. Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. Both Phnnee. TWO (-room houses, 118. One 8-room house, $30. One 8-room house, $30. II modern except heat; locaten on iim. between Msson and Paclflo- Sts, Phone Harney, 4204. Ernest Stuht. tu sw FINE NEW DWELT J NO Right In west Farnam dlstrlet. at 4231 Doiurlaa atreot, 7-rooms, osk finish, tine plumbing, electric and gas light, furnace, cemented cellar. Will decorate through out to suit tenant, for $35, or reduce rent without nanerln. PAYNE, HOST WICK CO., Bole Agenta. Main Floor N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Both Phones. lift) s i NEW 5-room modern cottage. 2613 Blnney Bt. Tel. Webster 1762. (1ft) 278 i LOW RENTS, r.. city water. 2537 8. 8th '. $8.00 S-r city water, 1938 S. ISth $11.00 r., part modern, mo . z;in jm.'jci r., city water, barn. 4103 N. 28th Ave. $16. 00 r., part modern, 2502 Pierce $17.00 r., modern, 4206 Hamiltcn $15. "0 r.. choice. 2 N. 27th $18 00 6-r., modern, barn, 1613 Webster $25.00 RUSSELL ft McKITJWCK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th A Harney. (151309 4 WALNUT HILL DISTRICT 4107 Isard 81.. 7-room. open Plumbing. as light, fine furnace, close to car; only . AYNE. BOSTWICK eV CO.. Sole Agents. Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Bph phones. (16) K! 4 Balldlnars. FOR RENT. STORE ROOM and H-ROOM APARTMENT. 2024 Farnam Street, ftore room 22xluo feet, fine new modern front, steam heat. 6-room apartments on second floor, all In best of repair; see us regarding lease. UEOKUOfl A CO. ista Farnam tt. (16) M9.8 S Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, ground rioor auditorium, holding 660, with stage; best dancing floor In the city; also $ lodge rooms st $fi, $7 and $9 for two meetings a month. See Janitor on prem ises. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (16) 845 v Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15)-M577 Stores. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. N. W. CORNER lfiTII AND JACKSON , STS. This room is 22x60 ft., has show window on both Jackson and 16th Sts. Room is nicely decorated and has metal ceiling, Lease one, two or1 three years to desirable party at very reason able rental. GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam 8t. (16) M367 5 SCARGO BLOCK, South Omaha, new, 620 xx. zttn. Han, 433 Kamge Bldg. Red 7406. (15)728 1408 Howard St., large store room and base ment, 82x132, wholesale and retail. N. P, Dodge A Co.. 1714 Farnam Bt. (15)-844 OFFERED FOR SALE Fornltare. TWO folding counter stools, mahosanv Iinisn; Deen unea a snori iime and will sell cheap, can Bee orrice, Omaha. (16) 143 FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak office table 42x72. carved Ws and In first-class condition. 18 chairs suitable lor waiting room or dining chairs. 1 office desg cnair. 1 case for filing or keeping papers. Apply R- W. Baker, Supt., 105 Bee Bldg. (16) 461 ' Ostrich Flames. BEAUTIFUL heavy French droon plumes. 17 inches, v. wonn o. utner grades half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Bea 3&i; our agent will call (16)-729 Flaaoa and Other Musical Instruments PIANO BARGAINS. One Kimball upright, used, $104. One Btelnway, upright, used, $200. One good upright, used, $95. One $450 new upright, $238. ROSE'S ART STORE, 1521 Dodge St. (i6)-7J ONE excellent upright piano; one cash register, one aouoie case goia it. n. watch, one diamond stud and one ladles gold watch. 214 Karbach block, 209 8. 16th St. Pnone uougias zo. uoj amis Typewriters aad Sewing; Machines, TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent one examine uie l,. oruiiu oi nros. writing In sight machine; write for cata logue, can or pnone o. r . owauson (JO Inc. dealers, 1614 Farnam, Omaha. 1 (16) 731 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO INVEST! GATE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210. BEE. (16) 670 Mlacellaaeoas. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-732 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 73$ Wire Cable for Sale Wa have three pieces of K Inch cable. 151 to 250 feet each, for sale at a reasonaole price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha, (16-27 We have three plecea of -lnsh cable', 150 to 250 feet each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. (16)-27 INK BARRELS Wa have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashea. Call t press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 A LOT of stone for coping, window and doer sills; slso fancy prensed brick for sale. Apply It. W. Baktr, Bupt. Be Bldg. (16)-951 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balks Cullender, 407 8. 10th Su (16) 734 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bts., Omaha, Neb. llH)-735 BHERWIV-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Bherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16 736 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Th res books for Investors mailed on receipt of 60 post age. R. H. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-11 Pacific Bldg., Washii-glou. .9. C. Fstab llahed 18o9. (17). -737 PATENTS (Continued.) D. O. BARN ELL, Taxton Blk. Tel. Wed 7117. - PERSONAL Time-tried, merit proven, wotvlrousljr heal ing, Satin skin cream is a at and a ru arricie. v ' .. (18)- HALL'S aafes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. (IS) 14, SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Ullon Ih-ug Co., Omaha. (18) 739 MME. ZEP.KFA, Armenian massage, Ufl B. 16th, flat 6. 'Phone Douglaa 6X45. (18) M300 tx WILL Tillie please eoroe home? Mother aick. ROSE. (I) MSKSI x JOHN CANE Is In town. It will soon ha time to trim trees, trellises, grspevlncs. Telephone Douglas 4649 or A-3649. , (181-783 Nl THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; In fsct, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 13t N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 785 MASSAGE treatment. 109 8. 17th St., room 6. Mrs. Jordan. (ix MJ( Ux. THI8 Is to notify all concerned that I will not be respo... Me for any debts con tracted by my wlte, Mrs. Michael F. Mc Donnell, as she has left my bed snd board. MICHAEL F. Ji'DONNKLU (18) M311 x MA RS A ITF. Electric, vibratory. 120 So. VOOiVULi lstn Koom 3, fourth floor old Boston Btora. (1$) 287 Dol OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. Kir. 1324 N. 24th. Tei. Wsbster 8o69. (18)-741. M n'RTTP,'','i''n,"tnd bath. Mme, AUiV illLBm,th m N mh 2d floor. (18) 627 DRS. EGGERS' private confinement home. 1103 f arnam St. 'Phone Doug. Sl'SO, city. . (18)-596 Nov24x YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young . Women's Christian association rooms, 1618 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 A HOME for a woman during confinement. Wa find homes for babies where mothers cannot cars for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft 81 'Phone Douglas 121. (18) 801 Jan27x MASSAGE treatment. 10$ 8. 17th 8t., room (18 M343 28x . 5. Mrs. Jordan. JOHN CANB Is In town. Now la tha time - to trim trees, trellises, grspevineg. leie-' phone Douglaa 4649 or A-8649. (18)-JR Deri REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS - REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1868; prompt service; get our prices, luo Farnam St. (19) 745 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19) 746 GEORGE A CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 756. (ui)-in PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Ufe. (19) 748 CITY PROPERTY FOR VALB " TOO GOOD To Last Long These Two choice homes on auch easy term. 7-room modern house, nicely terraced lot. shade, permanent walk, etc., fine location, near 27th and Poppleton. Only $2,650; small amount down, balanoa aame aa rent. Bimnd new 6-room modern cottage, large lot, concrete walk, hedge fence, etc., lo cated in best section of north side. This Is ' an exceptional value at $1,150, and, on easiest of payments. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16tU and Harney Sts. (19) 333 5 ' LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22a ana cuming sis. (i) sa WILL sell or rent good 5-room cottage, newly papered; bath, gas, cistern, sewer, cellar, good yard; brick walks,' $1,700.. 2606 Patrick Ave.; easy terms, rent $17.00. Apply owner, 1405 N. 21st. Tel, Webster 339. (l?-276 8x AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Place rented for $70 a month; every thing modern; paved street: east front: will sell at a bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMA8 BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Lite Building, (19) 760 EXCELLENT HOUSE 7-room modern house In Bemls Park; hot water heat; fine neighborhood; on boulevard; lot 60x140; thla la one of the best places In the park; lot on fine grade. We can offer this for $4,900. CLOSE IN 7-room modern house within walking dis tance of business district; on paved street close to Central boluevard; one block north of Harney car line. This Is a bargain at $4,000. CORNER LOT Fine corner lot In north part of city; ce ment walk; city water, sewer, and gas in street. Pick this up for $750. TEN ACRES IN FRUIT 4 acres In grapes, t In young frutt trees, balance fine for gardening: 1,500 bas kets of grapes and X bushels of peacltea this year; on Dodge street road. $3,7a0. Shimer & Chase Co. Ground Floor. 1609 Farnam St. Douglaa 3867. A -8643. (19)-M36S i FINE LAFAYETTE AVE. HOME. MUST BE SOLD. "We have just listed exclusively, one of the very finest homes In all Walnut Hill district, for Immediate sale. It Is a full two story house with oak finish on first floor and hard pine above; reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, large pantry and china closet, four fine bedrooms, sli closets and fine bath room with open plumbing; cellar la nicely cemented, good furnace, ample laundry room; In fact, thl la a splendd house, built for a home. South front lot, 60x150, one block from car. Ownet now In house snl will gladly show same, but wlll-lesve this city next week. Be sure' to see It at once. 4024 Lafayette Ave. Price $4 800 PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Bole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Ufa Rldg. (19)-M361- HERE ARE TWO BARGAINS 3112 Burt Bt. t rooms and bath. New plumbing, brick cellar under whole house (cemented), double floors. House ss good as new. Lot 50x150. Price for a few days onlv $2 350. 1520 Castellar. 6 rooms and bath. 1524 Castellar. 8 rooms and bath. These houses sre In fine condition. Modern plumbing and gas. Roth Castellsr snd lath streets paved snd raving taxes fullv paid. Totsl annual rental, $660.00. Will sell both houses for 85,5'. or will pell each house separately at I2.500 and n.2o0.uft. MoCAdUE INVESTMENT CO. 1508 Dodge 81. (19)-M368-$ $275 To $276. $10 cash, $t a month for a lot In our Floroma addition, one of the nlcet additions in the north part of Oiniha; all ln are high and level, have rllr water and cement sldewa.ks; take N. 14th St. car and go to Fort St., only three blocks north of car on Webster Ave. Hasting lieyden, 1704 Farnam St. (-M371 I i y