Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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r-. ; ', - . -r ; . r
Dtoitft . f p6rt -:' from - Arjentina
Senl . WktU ; Higher.
t ""'.. t ... ...!
I Oeraeel traar with Wktit and
" S A .. A i m - ' . "
i uHll tha Other
, -,';t -.... .
V OMAHA, Nov. 4,. 1M8.
Hlgif Table arvl confirmation of dum-
Tv-poMs frorn Argentina sent wheat
valuta, higher! . Tho aavance on whU was
ste&y-snd strong at the. opening, while,
earn weakened oa scattered- scllirg and
favrfahte wvstner condition
H rie orvrleii, up a rent on ttlff cablet
it r) a eVKXtv 8tenerl trade, Influenced y im
fatfcirani imp news and a decrease In re
served stocks and light receipt. December
wtH-st pen4, at ic and closed at OTVsc
Corn opened strong with wheat and prices
aJvanml.. In .Sympathy. Later favorable
weAtheri -reports and alack demand eased
tha Wrkt, which closed, weak, December
cor"n ornd att 74o and closed at 5sHc
Ftimary wheat receipts were, 1.O49.OH0 bu.
and Shipment were HfJ.dO bu. against ra
ce! taut Vewfof l.Bs6,a0. bu. and ship
ment o( J.7i,0W bu. . . .
fr 1-eoelptg wrrt -56O.000 bu. and ship
ments were JS2.(M bu. agatnat recelpta laat
year, o V4),) bttfand lilpraent of. 826.000
bvij f. . i ..
Clear t art-k ware 5,000 bu of corn, 1,000 bu.
pf eats ah wheat, and flour equal to 657.
0K) bu. '' , .y . ' i.
Liverpool closed IW to ld higher on
wheat and .tad higher to Vd lower on corn.
8baid ,gporte 24.000 bu. of, wheat for
expuR. .,
Local range of options:
Vneat-1 I
Iec... t3
My... 67 . 97H
Corn r
Pec... t1 bl
May... D6H
Dec... 4SVI 4
May...) 47 47V4
9714 97
66 66
4Fi 4r
47V4 47
OaaaA Cakak Price. .
No. 3 hard wheat, 4iB4v: No. hard
wheat. 96i8n; No. 4 bard wheat, 01tJf9V.;
No. t aprlne; wheat, V$Me; No. S com. old.
ttc: No. yellow corn, old, 8c; No.
mled oata, 44c: No. yellow oata, 44
44c; No. 1 white oata, 4Ec; No. white
oata, 4444c; No. I rye, 70o; No. I rye 69c.
Carlo , Receipt. '
. '. "Whoat. Corn. Oata.
Chloago '..'a.... 7
Minneapolla 6
Omaha ft!
bUlUth rrftr...
Fealarea ( tha Trading and Cloalng;
Prices Aa Board af Trad.
CHICA3i Nov.; 4.-Rep6Tta ' of unfavor
able weather for the new crop In Argentina
caused a Saharp- bulge In wheat prices on
the local exchange today, but all of the
advance waa loat on profit-taking, prices
at tho close being unchanged to a shade
lower compared wun Monday s nnai quota
tion. Corn closed weak. Provisions were
ateadv and oata atrnnv.
Tha advance in wheat occurred on Initial
transactions, the price eatabllahed in the
first few mlmites of trade being the high
est of the session.' Prices at the start were
up iftla compared with the clone of ihe
frevlous day and after holding neither near
he hlglv mark for a" time they gradually
declined and at the close were at the low
point of the day. . Dfcember closed at 99c
and May-at Jl. 03. The bulge at the start
followed rf advance of nearly Sd at Liver
pool, whleh wss due mainly to reports from
Argentina Which stated that the weather
there waa cold and wet. Several leading
bulls were active- buyers and this started
urgent covering iy shorts. After the first
half hour the market lost Its buoyancy
owing to later dispatches from Argentina
which mlnltrflsed to some extent the unfa
vorable conditions In the country. One re-
- port cl timed that a statement given out
ly government officials estimated th wheat
acreage damage at 11 per cent of the total
acreage anrV If the weather continued favor
able tha total crop will be about tha same
as last year, s Export new waa favorable
to tha botlai a Wye-lien t demand being tci
ported al'luluth ana Winnipeg, ' where
foity-ftve boatloada were taken for ship
ment abroad. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to WI.OUO bushels. The
world's visible supply as shown by Brad-
atreet's Increased 1,643,(00 bushels. Primary
rec pts, ,(KS,oOO bushels, compared with
1.886,000 bushels tho corresponding day a
year ago. M.nneapolla, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of 1,170 cars, against
6&1 cara laat week and 635 a year ago.
The advance In wheat caused a firm
oienUttro, pwn, but the market soon weak
ened, market closed wk for Decem
ber 4eilverV, but. steady--for the taoTe dis
tant options, with prices c higher to c
Ipwer,. Uecambar and May olosed at the
same point, namely 2c. Local receipts
, were 177- cars, with U of contract grade.
: Oats vert strong all day. Cash oats
were Qo higher as result of fair de-
; mand , by ahlppera. At the close prices
wars a shade to o higher, with Iecember
at 48c and May at 60a. Local receipts
were IW cars.
Provisions war strong part of the day,
but much of the strength waa lost later in
the session, At the close prices were 60
lower to 6c higher.
Estimated .receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
81 cars; corn. I'M cars; oats, 108 cars; hogs,
v v Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Bcin (boxed), dull; extrs short. Ii';
clear rlhs 1IJ2V. short) eleara,
Fot'LTrtY--Hteady; chickens. c; aprlna
chickens, llci turkeys, 12c; ducks, le; geese,
i c. J , ' ' ' ' ;
BfTTER Higher; creamery. 92;Ic.
E(KJS Firm, 23c, ca counf." "
' Receipts.' Shipments.
Pldur. bhls. ., 17.'" 1H.W)
Wheat, bu M.rtW t'.OXI
Corn, bu. aS.oor , 2ft n)
Oata, bu 6UM) K3."a
Qaotatlons of the nay ' oa Various
: kriw' YOrtK. Nov. 4 n.OVR Re
ceipts. l,f0 bbls.i exports, 12,797 bhls.;
market dtilj -and about tesdyr Minne
sota patents. S.2Rfa 5.BB; Minnesota bsk
era, 14 20 tf 4155 f winter fatt-nte, 14.60
4.90; wrnter straights. 4.604.60; winter
extrsS t!t609.90: winter low arades,
$ 40 1.80. Rye flour, steady; ' fair to
J nod; 14. 1504.60; choirs to fancy. (4 S0'n
0. llurkwhent flour,- dull; I2.7&t3ii.90
per ina )hs.
COKNMKAL Weak;" fine white and
yellow, - ll.ol.S; coarse, $1.46tfi;0;
kiln dried, 13.86
KTH Hull; No. 2 western, 83c, f. o.
b. New York
. BARLKY Steady mi'thir, 0,Sc,,c.
L f. Buffalo: feeding, 6f!, New York.
WHKAT Reoelpts. 126,700- bu.J - ex
port'. 284.600 bu.: mat market, steady;
No. 2 red. 11.1)9. .elevator; No. J red,
11.09. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 nortiern
Imluth, $1.13, f. a b. afloat; No. t hard
winter, l.o.-t. o. b.' afloat. Bharp
opening advances'. In wheat, due to strong
cablea and bullish Argentine advices,- were
f aruy lost by midday under linerai. in- 1
erior recelpta . and . profit-taking. Later
selling waa cauaed by better Argentine
reports and the market closed eaxy at a,
fartlal c advanoo. liecember, $1.10
.10; cloaed, $l.l;.May. $1,10 1JU K".
Closed, $1.10.
CORN Here nti . 14.000 bu snot mar-
kef, weak; Nd. t old '80c; spot, 730,
elevator, ahd 78C, f. o. b. afloat, nomi
nal. Option market was easier on proa-
jeots lor larger receipts, closing 14c net
ower. December. 7j'4tB73c; closed.
7$c; May closed, 71 c.
tIAT.S Keceipis. Oi.BUU du.; expnrm,
2.600 bu.: snot market, steady: mixed.
2 to 32 lbs., 62W62Vic; natural white
28 to 32 ll.. 50WtiMc; clipped wnue,-ae
to 42 lbs., R369c.
FEED Steaav: oprlng bran. iza.&;
middlings. $23. Bo; city. $21.85.
HAY unlet: snipping, suntioc: gooa
to choice, 80c.
HOPS Bteadv; state. common to
choice, 1908, llsl4c; 1907. So 36c; Pa
cific coast, 1907, 36c.
HIDKS Firm; uentrai America, ic.
-LEATHER Quiet; acid, 2329c.
'PROVISIONS Beef. aulet : family.
n.00ip;16.r0: mess, $13.00013.50; beef
hams, $29.001881.00; packet, $14. 60916. 60;
city extra India mean, $24. 6 . .6.00. Cut
meats, steady; picaiea neines, ts.w
10.60: pickled hams, $10.6011.00. Lard,
steady; western, $9.809.90; refined
barely steady: continent, jio.zu: nouin
America,- $11.26; compound, $7.267.b0.
Pork, firm; family. $19.0020.00; short
clear. $20.r7o22.00; mess, $16.00fi16.60.
TALIA3W Steady; city (ti per pak
age. 6c; country (packages free), 6
tj c.
RICE Steady; domestic. fair, .V4c;
Japan, 6c.-
piitlt.THV Firm: western. spring
chickens, 1618c; fowls, 12 14c; spring
turkeys. lZOil'c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, specials,
28'29c; extraa, 27(Uc: third- to
first, 2026?; held,' firsts to specials,
24 27c; state dairy, common to finest,
20 27c; process, firsts to specials, 17
24c: western factory, firsts, 19c;
western Imitation creamery, firsts, 20
CHEESE Quiet; unchanged.
E(KS Strong; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy, selected, white. 45tM8e;
fair to choice. 85ftt4Sc; brown and mixed,
fancy, $5 0 39c; fair to choice, 30& 84c;
western firsts, 28680c; seconds, 26 27c.
POULTRY Alive, easy; spring chlck
f.a, 11c; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 12c;
rfrnaaeH Hteariv: western snrlna chickens.
1620c; fowls, 1214c; spring turkeys.
12 17c.
j . - - ,i .
Market Openi Strong; and Sells Off as
Result- of Heavy. Offerinfv
Raylaa; for Ileat of l)af Is Peralateat
and (irtkeaslTe, and Valaea
Are Lifted ThrOna,hoat
- V the Mat. .
eral fund, exclusive of the $l5n.(nn),onn gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balances.
H.WvM.jKS gold coin and bull. on, $,vU,
WS, gold c-rtflcales, $46,,4U.
Fair Tharsdar ana Warmer for This
OMAHA, Nov. 4. 190
The disturbances, overlying tha Lake
Superior region and south Atlantic states
Tuesday morning, nave unitea on ins upper
Atlantln coast, and decidedly unsettled
weather, with rains and snows, prevails
throughout the eastern and New England
states and-'cloudy weather, west to the
Mississippi river. Tha weather continues
generally clear west at the Mississippi
river. It is cooler this morning In the
gulf states," lake- region, Ohe' upper Missis
sippi and ' Missouri valleys,- and temper
atures are slightly lower In the mountains
and west to tha Paclfto coast. A very de
cided rise in temperature has ocourred In
the Atlantlo states, and it is warmer 1n tha
Ohio, middle. Mississippi and lower Mis
souri valleys and southwest. The pressure
continues high over the mountains, and
the outlook Is ravorable for continued fair
in this vicinity tonight and Thursday, with
slightly warmer Thursday.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation oompared with tha corresponding
day of the. last three years:
' " JOR 1905
Minimum temperature,... 33 40 38 40
Precipitation ....v 00 .00 .00 1.18
Normal temperature lor loaay, 43 de
Deficiency In precipitation since March
1, 3.63 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1907.
6.82 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period in 190$,
Local Forecaster.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4-iThe'stock market
today demonstrated a striking capacity for
reaching a conclusion beyond a prevailing
asiumptlor-. It bad- been bolnted out with
great precision by a multitude of advisers
what the -exact conrae of thw mock market
following the election-would be.- There was
to be an Immediate bulge irfrlces, helped
by manipulative-tactics on the part of the
po erf ul - backers of the movement, thus
making the new outside buyers pay tha
highest -prices for their stocks and giving
the largest profits to the Inside sellers.
Afterwards the pressure' of realising sales
would Inevitably tell on .the price level ani
a -sharp reaction must "lie expected until
tho gathering ol forces sufficient to resume
an upward movement. -
The extent nf the- advancen ' Established
for Americans in London beforu trading
began In New YO'.-lf today confirmed this
view in the minds of jnaiy operators in
stocks nd they acted In accordance with
this view. So11I.-.l' from these sources waa
in aucn .volumes, in fat, that -few -or tne
opening 'prices here 'were as high as they
urnn ueen in ix.nooni- earner, jneteaa ot
advancing after the ' opening-the market
gave way slowly and on a voturoa-of sales
which has not been seen before this year.
It waa the subsequent r.ctlon of the- market
that belied the common opinion. After a
momentary pause at the end cf the first
hour, when the buying order soemed to
have been exhausted and prices were quite
generally a point below the opening high
level, there developed an Impressive r.ew
demand. The buying for the ret of the
day was persisted and determined and
rargeo over a wide field of choice In the
list of stocks. The dimensions of the orders
executed In this movement gave evidence
of transactions by. operators of the lnrcest
resources. Apparently great sutlsfactli
Was felt over the digestive power shown by
i" maraei in tne profit-taking period of
the first hour, and the profit-takers then
were believed to be amongt the largest
buyers on the resumption of the advance.
Having brought the market to tho verge
of the election period at practically the
usiiT-ai ievei 01 me year ana tacked on a
Buoyant additional rise at the opening to
dayt and having corjserved most of this
advantage after effWtlnir a v.r, uh.tnn.
tlal realisation of profits, banking interests
mm large capitalists seemed to come back
Into the market with great confidence. The
sentiment of the couMry as expressed in
the elections was construed as favorable
to capital and as opposed to radical re
adjustments of establiHhed methods or re-
iniuuo uciween capital- and labor and capN
tal, employment. A spirit of hearty cc.
operation for upbuilding amongst the
wealth producing forcea was Inferred, not
alone from the general result, but from the
various details of the election outcome.:
U? i.outbur' of speculative enthusiasm
whlqh resulted proved " a surprise to the
most careful observers.
Beyond the election news there waa nol
much of Immediate consequence in the
news to account for the day's doings. It
is generally expected that some Important
measures of corporation finance will be
undertaken before long and funda thus
aecured for furtherance of prelects of con
struction. The placing of a $5,000,000 con
tract by the Pennsylvania company for
electrical equipment Was accepted as an
Index of confidence.
veTllVl"ln.Jton0, thft etock market was
very animated and buoyant and lust prices
were close to the highest of the day. That
Z "a." .thea "'Sheet In tho history of
Pacific. 1 Preferre1 Southern
KoiT WeIrTe,P'7n.Tf,U, "lp- PRr value,
on'1,!!??:-0!..'" Iea4'n- Quotations
- oiui'K exenange:
oii. Hun. ixw. Clow,
ierv lorn Money Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4-MONEY-On -call,
steady at IVA' pee cent; ruling rate, 1
per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered
at 1 per cent.
TIME LOAN4 Dull Btid firm; sixty days.
S'fia1 per cent; ninety days, 3 per cent; six
rmnth, 3 per cent.
per cent. '
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.836
U4M6 lor alxty-day t.llla and at tIM for
demand; commercial bills, $4.83'tji4. 83.
SILVER Bar. 4c; Mexican dollars, 46c.
BONDS Government, steady; railway,
firm. 1 .
Closing quotations on New York bonds
were aa follows:
V. . ref. Is, res.iOHi'Hork. Yal. 4s...
do coupon 14 int. Met. m
V. t. v reg l'H4u a N unl. 4i..
ao eoupua h 'Man. 0. t.
V. S. 4. rf 13014 . reotral to...
do coupon 11 do lat inc
Am. Tobacco 74 'Minn. St 8t. L.
do ........ II M., K. St T. to....
Atcniwin sen. 4...,v.n- do
Cattle of All Kindt Show Mora or
Less Strength.
Ho adj. to.
. rH
. w
. II
Fat s-heep And Lambs Steady to
Stronger and Active, While Feed
- era Arc a Little Slorr and
. Only Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 4, 19W
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep
Official Monday S.969
crucial i uesrtay j.ttu
Eatlmated VV'eJneaday .. 3, too
iN. R. R. o M. c. 4i SOS
do c. to... ....... .imii n. T. C. a. tJt or. to Klo:4iN. 1. C. . 6a 12SV,
Atlantic C. V. to M'-iNn. Pacirtc to H1-
Hal. a Ohio to. ..... 4 da S 1
do as wN. W. c. to "It
Br. R. T. CT. to 76 O. 8. L. rtJg. 4a
Central of Oa. 6a;')iPenn. c. JSi S
do 1st Inc 4.... & do oon. to KO'4
16 M Ina 49 Reading son. 4a
lie Id Inc........... 40 Ret. ot Cuba Ss....l'Ji
Chea. A tlhlo 4H.. . St. L,. I. M. c la. .111
rhliaio A A. 17 St. U 4 B. P, t. to. T
U 8. W. 0. 4a.... 75H
7T Arahoard A. L. to... i4
7-i T4 80. Paclllc to tl-
SI do'lut to V-'Vi
ts So. Railway 6a... K't
10 Trial P. la in
Colo. Mid. 4 titHT., 8U U ft W. 4a... 1SS
l-nlo. a 80. to WHL'nlqn Pacltlo 4a I0i
Del. Hud. ct. to. .HI do ct. 4a 104'i
I a R. o. 4a XHWaNiirti la ,.M
Erie p. I. 4a.,.'.'.... 7'4Weitern Md. 4a (7'
do cn. 4 74 w. A U E. to...... ISYt
Japan to ...... .'.1 si) N. T., N. H. A H.
do 441 H ct. a ctfa 134
in 44 id serlea.... S9 L Bhora 4a 1WI... 9i
Bid. Ulfercd.
C, B. a Q a. to
v., R. I. a P. 4a.-..
do col. fa
do rfda. 4a
CCXV Rt. L,. f . to
1 olo. Irtd. 5a
Three days this week.. 8.4T.4 10.546 29.70
Same days last week ... .11023 S.160 0.6i9
Same days I weeks aso..27.U3 11.SU0 ",l.iJ
Same days 3 weeks airo.. 24.560 16.274 63.9X1
Same days 4 weeks ago..30,6i 16,713 2H.0V0
Same days last year 12,6ti8 8,037 46,668
ihe lollowlng table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
tor uie year 10 date, compared wun
year: 19OH. 1907; Inc. Dec.
Cattla 961,332 1.04,783 164.461
Hogs 2.062.122 2.04.312 37.810 ....
Bheep ,...l,IMl,0)i8 1X.M9 6,794
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last
several days, with comparisons:
Oct. 25...
Oct. 2. . .
Oct. 27...
Oct. 2S...
Oct. 2...
Oct. 30...
Oct. 31...
Nov. 1...
Nov. 2...
Nov. 3...
Nov. 4...
Boston Stork and Bonds.
BOSTON, Nov. 4. Money, call loans, 2
3 per cent;, time loans, StyStH per cent.
Closing prices on stocks and bonds were as
follows: ' "
AtcMaon ad, to...,. 91 Tal. A Horla...
. do 4a in-) Centennial ....
Atchlaon It. R M Copper Range .
do ptd -. JSK Paly West
Boatnn a Albany...... 217 Franklin
n nranby
its lala Royal ....
HI Maaa. Mining .
-I44 Michigan
.1TV, Mohawk
. JHMont. C. AO..
. ii! Old Dominion .
Articles. Open.j High. Low, Clos. Yes y.
, , Doc.
' May,
.. 4 Dec
."Way ,
Juiy. .
' Pork-
Jan. -
Ribs 1 '
Jan. '
May ,
1 01
1 04V4
, . 4tj
It SO'
16 K
a eo
8 TO
1 03.
l 60
S 90
1 0S;
16 06
1 00
1 03
4b Sa
1 17MJ 16 12U
16 00
40 9 4S
9 47HI 62"
860 8 60
8 60 j 860
' Ko.'t. -
. Cash ouotaflona Were as fotTows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $4.4(V9
4 86; winter straights, $4.2094.66; spring pat-
ems,; spring straignis, .owy;i.
bakers, $-. 007 4.16.
W U BAT No. 8 pr1ir. .0S9t.o4; No.
aprlng, 9ooel.08tt; No. t red. 9'o$1.0Ha.
CORNt-No. I, 4ti6c;.Na J. yellow, mi
J4SHO. "
OAT8-N0. 2 white, 49H361cj No. I whits,
' ' RYE No. 1 14W6c.
3AJ1LKY -r-vCiViod .feedings' 64c; fair to
onoioa malting, stvotac.
v8h7ED8 Flax,. No. 1 northwestern, $1.811)i
Prfn tmjthyj $S.7. Clover, contract
BTne. m w.
-PROVI8ION8)-Short ribs, sides (loosed
Aatan-Uvi-v ITotk, fness per, bbl., $lt87H
4Jl6.t)0. .lpX, prr 1 lbs.; $8-47V4. Short
clear sides (boxed). $9.2(tr.60.
following wero tb rocalpts and-ahlp-
mcnia 01 tiuur aiv grain; ... -
.-wvV. .-vr Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bb.a, 4,7u0 . . 6f.o0
tV'hcat. bu. 201,ni0
Cor- bu.".s.,i..;.'..v.K7.ovi
Oata. bu 46J.0U0 436.800
Hy. btl ". 1.000 11,400
rley, !.'. ...; ' . 62,100
-r On tha Produoa exchanga today tha but
ter market waa firm: creamerlaa. JlfiiR,.
dalrlea, 1926c. Garga, firm; At mark, caaV
rricivX. 17ac; . flrata, Mc; prime flrata,
--. , yiieean. nr mat wnj'H-c.
. St. Lonlsta7rafMarl(t.
i ST- . W-'f - 4,r WHEUT-Steady ',
JJiUoer. On track: No. 2 red, cash,
no. 1 nara. (; Ufccenv
er. lsic; May. tl.titv
j.BN-Lowar. On track: No. t cash
vHc; r, 1 whlta, &,-; December. 6V
atallLAia WLM A St Sit I A if - -w
J74c; No. I white. 60c; December. 4c; May,
SrYK Ftrmar. 7ld.
' rLOCR Kjrra: red winter patents, $4
, v ) na airaignt, .Ii.6d,
f 8tv0ll..iy,t .tt6t-i6,
h CORN MAL-fe. 411
t teJlfJ-"jkf. east track, 90ct
t" HAY Steady ; timothy, $8.$OTi14.0l : pral-
'sat u O d im wvi 1 1 W
47x1, stuvti 1 1 -w.
iBAfaINl-e8e.7 '
tHEMJ TCl'IKft Tc.
PROVISIONS-Pork, jilgher. $14.10 Lard
. Jiigher: prime tib.L ft J7W $. ury.
JmH sneats tboi. dull; itra ahtirtK.
I', siear rioa, iu a; anon cli-urs, $lu.i7"j
$.79 inches.
Kansas City Grain and Provtalona.
Unchanged to lo higher; Ueoember, 88Hc;
May. 97!ic; July, 9140. Cash: No. 2 hard.
96VSHc; No. 3 hard, 931jtlc; No. 2 red,
$1.0U'1.04; No; 2 rod, $1.03.
CORN Unchanged to lc lower; December,
eec; May, 67c: July, 67Hc. Cash: No. 2
mlxod, tilifriwc; ino. mixea, chh'(c ; , jno.
8 white. 63d5o; No. 8 white, 6240
OATB Unchanged ; XMo, x wnue, towi
No. 2 mixed, 4&j47c.
RYE TWibc.
The market weakened with wheat and on
docllno of lo to 2c in the price of the
cash grain, December declining- to 62c. The
clcse was weak, with December 3 lower
t Wic, , t MU
joceiiis. oiiiiiiienis.
Wheat, bu. 231,000 153,000
Corn, bu 46,000 ,Ouo
Oats, bu 22.000 34.000
Kansas City options closed as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.
Wheat I I I ' I
December ....!94H,H 9493
May WSHH .98V41 97 97A
Corn I I
December .... 66 66 66 66U
May 67 67l67HS4l 67B
B bid. A asked.
Available Supplies of Grata.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Brartatreet's show the following changes In
available supplies ss compared with prev
ious account: Available supplies:
Wheat. United States, 'east Rockies, In
creased 3.229.000 buahela; Canada decreased
88.ouo bushels: -Total 1'ntted States and
Canada increase, 2 943.000 bushels.
Afloat for and in Europe decreased 1,
300 600 bushels.- ' - 1
Total American and European supply In
creaaed 1.643,000 bushels. 1
Corn. United States and Canada , de
creaaed 2:u buahela.'
The leading Increases and decreases re
ported this, week follow:
lnceaaes: Chicago private elevators, 199,
000 bushels.- -
Ixiulavllle. 114,000 bushels; Milwaukee pri
vate elevators. 60,000 bushels; Minneapolis
private elevators. 60,0u0 , bushels; Water,
town. 60,000 bnrfhels.
Decreases: Manitoba, 120,000 bushels.
Amalmmated Copper ..
Am. C. A r
Am. c. a r. pta
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. H. a L. pfd
Am. lea Socurltise
Am. Unseed oil
Am. Locomotlra ....,
Am. LocomotiTa j(d....
Am, 8. A R.
Am. B. A R, ptd.;
Am. ftuaar Retlnlnf....
Am. Tobacco pfd..,
American Woolen .....
Anaconda Mining Co....
Atchlaoa v,
Atchtaoa pfd ,
Atlantlo Coaat Una.,...
Baltimore a Ohio
Bal. A Ohio ptd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian PaclMo
Ontrml Leather
Central Loathar pfd..,.
Central of fi. J
Chesapeake a Ohio
Chtcae-o Gt." W
Chicago a N. W
0., M. A at. P
C, C, C, A St. L
Colorado- r. A I
Colorado A 80
Colo. A 80. lat pfd
Colo, a So. Id pfd......,,
CoaaolldaUd Oaa
Cora Products v.,..
Delaware a Hudson"....
DaoTer a Rio Oraada...,
D. a R. O. pfd
rlttllers Securities ....
Krla 1st pfd..,
Erie Id ptd
Oenaral Electrlo
Groat Northern ptd
Ot. Northern Or ctfa....
Illlnola Central
Inurboroush Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd ,
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kansas City So
K. C. 80. pfd
LouiaTllla A N
Mexican Central
Minn, a St. L
m., at. p. a a, 8. M..'..
Mluourt Paclflo
M-. K. A T
M., K. A T. ptd
National Lead
New Tork Central
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
North American
Northern Paclflo
Pacific Mall
People's Oaa 1
P.. C. C. A it. L
Pressed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Railway Steal Spring
Reading t
Republlo Sloel
Republic Steal pfd
Rock Island Co
Rock laland Co. pfd
8t. L. a S. r. M pfd...
St. Louis 8. W
Bt. L. 8. W. pfd
81osa-8heffleld 8. A I...
Southern Paclflo
80. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway
80. Railway pfd
Tennaaaea Copper
Texaa A Pacific
T, Bt. U A W .
T.. 8u L. a W. ptd
Union Paclflo
I Dion Pacific pfd
V. 8. Rubber
V. 6. Rubber lat nfd....
1. a. ateei ,
C. 8. Btaal pfd
t'tah Copper
Va.-raroUna ChamlcaJ
Va.-Cro, Cheat, pfd..
' abash ,
Wabaah pfd
Wesilnshouaa Elactro
Waal em t'nton
Wbeollnf a L. K. .'. .
Wlaoonaln Central
,.. ,.)0 M 81 Hi
.. -,SCK 441 43 44 i
.. 1.800) 1064 104 10.1
.. 6,200 S 3J 18
100 li Uk 24U
... SOt 4tH Mti 86
.. 11, C4i SIX M
PtO 1W 107 lot . Kt U
. I,ISJ KITH 10M- 107
.. I. IWK) 134'4 13S 134
.. .U0 H
400 tS U
... T.4II0 4 47
... II.OOO T 86
6X n
00 Kt4 (4
... 14,Xi 101 V, W
4.SO0 60 4H
i.0O 1711 174
1,500 26 . 25 u
1W '. M
. 7'
Mlaaeapolia Grata Market.
cember. $1.01: Mav. 9106: cash wheat.
No. 1 hard. $1 Ontfil.Oota,: No. 1 northern,
$1 04UY1 04.; Nr. northern, $1.02; No.
8 northern. ttvlMK.
PR N In bulk. $17.60718 00.
FLOUR Unchanged: first patents, tS-iWr.
6 SO: second patents. s.ttsfiAM: firat clears,
$39T4.20; second clears, $2.90gS.iO.
Peoria Market.
PRORIA. 111. Nov. 4. CORN-Lower. No.
$ white, old, 6c; No. 9 white, new. 64c;
No. 2 yellow, old. 69c No. 3 yellow, new,
64c; No. 3, old. 6&Hc; No. 8. now. 64c; No. 4.
new. 'c: no grade. 66t.
OATH Firm; No. $ white, 47c.
... 10,800 44 411
... ' 1,800 7 7
.... 6.3)0 1IKU 14
... ,000 14S 14S H5
... 1UO 04 64 U
... II. too 18 94 17
... 6,000 48 42 42
6"0 f.7 7 f
... too (0 B 68
... s,!iu Ml 144 144
... 1.406 1 1 , 18
.... t, 171 18 71
r to jsu
700 71 71 ;2
... a,v si ss nu
.... 1.000 11 ti 31
... ,uw 44 44 44
.... 1,7110 147 14,". 147
.... ,)0 13 l.M ise
.... w,w oe o t;ii-
.... 6,100 143 140 -141
.... wsi iu 111 10
a m : ai
.... aw uen iVa 1
100 14 64 &.-
.... I.KI 10 go 30
.... I'W zd ja 31
.... 4.000 t rx. i8
. . . nftj ua ve a
.... 1,100 111 110 -111
100 18 18 1(.4
.... 1.100 114 ltS 1S1
.... 6.000 H 6 67
.... ll.toO S3 81 l
.... 1,100 f (6 6.:,
.... 4iO 84 (8 ' 84
....UB, 10k 1IM 107
.... l.llO 41 41 41
.... e,VW 7S 71
ISO 67 7
.... 43, O0 1 14
.... 8.200 r i'.
.... T7.1O0 111 128
.... 1,60 t SE.
8 88 81
.... 4,700 34 86
.. I M0 48
..164.700 185
.. t.too
.. 1.800 88
.. ht (Xl
.. 38,4I0 47
4 80
8U0 1
7(10 60
.. 1.100 76
.. M.700 111 1011
.. 111
.. 10.4O0 23 !3
a. cbj ao
.. t.600 46
.. 1K)
.. 800 83
600 6
133 184
24 ta
12 .82
45 V
80 -'
4.1 -26
M 177 175
0 ' "ii
.) 100 KO
110. 4u ti 48
M.iOO 114 112
4.400 44 43
. U0 S6 33
1) 111 111
8410 It 12
!. l 28
1,1 'V 88 87
1.800 41 40
Total sales (or tha day, 1.I70.8UO shares.
' 18
, ui
34 '.
Boston a Mains
Morton KleTated '.'.
Pltchburg pfd ....
N. Y:, N. H. A H.
t'nloa pacific ...-,1
Am. Arga. Chem . . ,
do pfd
Am. Pnen. Tuba.'..'
Amer. Pusar 181 Parrot
do nfd ...18i OuincT
Am. T. a T
Am. Woolen ....
do pfd
Dominion I. a 8.
Bdlaoa Elec. Illu
Maaa. Rlectrlo ..
do pfd
Maaa. Gas .......
Vnlted Fruit .;
United 8. M
do pfd .......
V. 8. aieel. ......
do pfd ....
AdTenture '
Amaiaamatea .....
Alloues ,
Atlantic '..
MW, Shannon
. 24 Tamarack
. tlTrlnltjr
'. 17Vntted Copper
:1V, v. b. Mining
W'iV. 8. Oil
k7 Victoria
130 Winona
5o Wolverine
...... 2 North Butts .'.
5n Butts Coalltlfan
......112 -i Nevada
sral. a Arttona.....
'2 Anions fni
a7Urene Cananea ....
Bid. AakM. '
. .14
. V8
. 8
. 22
. '-
. U
. M
. 40
. 51
.. C
. 4
. 81
. V)
. 41
. i
. 43
. 6
. 's
. K5
. 21
. H
. ;
. u
Neve Tork Mlnlna: Stocka
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Closing quotations
on mining stocas were:
Alice .3.) uiadTiiie Con.
-Breere 6 I.Hlle Chief .
Brutiiwlck Con a Meiican
Com. Tunnel stock. .- .It Sfmtarlo
Com. Tunnal bonds, v 14, Ophlr ....u....
con. tal. a va manaard
Horn Silver 70' Tellow Jacket
Iron Silver 80.
.. 6
.. 8
.. 65
.. 44
Condition Trade and Qaotatlons an
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EUTTKR Crtramery, No. 1. delivered to
retail trada In cartons. Uu; No. 1, in 60-lb.
tubs, Z&ic ; No.' 1. in 30-lb. tubs, 23c; No. 2,
In 60-lb. tubs, KrVic; No. X in So-lb. tuba.
2ic; No. 8, lD:iit. cartons, lilc; No. L in
carload lota, Jllisv.; No.. i, in carload lota,
lftoUs-ftc; country, fancy, 'tuba, l?c; com
mon, inc.
EQQ8 Preahsicandlod.- llo'pir dot.
CHtESiG i'lutat . wieconsrn - f ull -cream.
twins, , 14Vc; young Americas, 4 in boop,
lie: fivorlte. 1 rh' hooo. 16Vlc: daisies. 20 In
boop, lattc; 'cream torltk. Inn ease, 13c;
bal case. 13cr half uosen bricks. 14c No
quotations on awias or kmberger until alter
BEEF CUTB-Rlbs: ' No. L 174o: No. 2.
11c; No. 3, (iVo. -Loln: Ks. 1. 20c; No. X 12c;
no. a, , uhuck; no. i. o; rxo. 40;
Mo. , to. ttounu: no. 1, uc; 2so. 2, ic;
No. 8, 6'c. f'lata: No. X 6Vtc; No. 1 4hc;
No. i. 9K.O. - ' -.
DRESoKD PQVLTRT-SquaDa, $2.10 per
SUGAR Coarse -ranuiated, e.GOc; fin
gram, lated, t.iOc? cubes, .6uc; powdarsd,
(.000 ir lb. . .
FRESH S"RU1TB Apples. $2.7503.00 per
bu. boa.. Lemons, H.owud.OO. Oranges, $4.00
O6.00. Bananas, 4o per lb. Plums, $1.U per
4-baaket crate. ' i'aacnea, taurornia, voutxM
par box; Texas, 4-baaket crate, fcyU.Oo,
Pears. $1.60 per 4-basket crate. Blackber
ries, $4.00 per crate. Raspberries, $4.00 por
orate. Cherries,' $8.26. Currants, $2.09 per
crate. Ooosebernea. 62.00 per crate.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9c; springs, 13 He;
roosters, 6c; ducks, young, 9o; old, 7Vko;
geese, 60; turkeys, 14c; pigeons, 63o per dos;
squabs, U.w per ooxen. ..
VKUETABLH.S Celery, - Michigan, per
dos., 36a. Means, new wax and spring, one
third bu. basket, $1.00; navy, per bu.. No. 1.
12.70: lima. 6Vc per lb. Cabbage. Zo per lb
Potatoes, new, per bu., $1.10. Tomatoes, pet
4-baaket crate, 90o. Watermelons. 2680a
Cantaloupes, CaJltornla. $2.&0iia2.00 per crata.
Asparagus, per dot., 10c. Cucumbers, per
dos.. 60c. Onions, Bermuda, 11.00 per crate
Texas ytllov'i $1.26 per crate. Mushrooms,
cultivated, per lb., too. Lettuce, per dos.,
26c. Peppers, southern, Ji.uu per crate.
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK, Nov. 4. COTTON Futures,
opened firm; December, 9.12c; January,
... - - r-, ... - . , m . c T..t.. o OC..; Marcn, b.oc; way, 0.011.-, ju', o.wi!
Atiirust. 8.,ft.
Futures closed .barely steady; November,
9.04c; Pecember, 9.04c; January, 8.80c; Feb
ruary, V.tuc; Marcn, ec; xutty, s.ouc; juno,
8.75c; July, 8.74c; August, s.ooc.
Knot closed aulet at 6 points decline; mid
dllng uplands, c; middling gulf, 9.00c
pales, none. ,.
s l I.OITIS. Nov. 4. COTTON Dull
middling, 94)c; sales, none; receipts, 6,863
bales; shipments, 8.868 bales; stock. 23,336
Spot, 'quiet; low ordinary, 4 l-16c; nominal;
nrrllnurv. RWo nominal: Rood ordinary
6 15-16c; low middling, 8 6 luc; middling,
8 16 16c: aood nitddllnK. 9c: middling (air,
9c; fair, lOHc, nominal. Receipts, 17,039
bales; stock, 211.307 bales.
19, 65 '9
Date. I 19U8. 11907. 1906. 11906. 11904. 11908.I19-12.
' I 5 891
6 54 6 45
6 9(
6 67Vti 6 G6
6 6Vi 6 4
6 1H
t 13
8 161
Oil 6 20! I ( 71
4 94 6 tl 6 2i
4 HH 6 01 6 1M 0 63
4 92
S ft) I Fll tKi 4 04
0 D b
6 61
S 72 16 6b
6 86
4 96 1 6 0H 61
4 93 4 97 6 61
4 931 6 60
6 02 4 92 4 92 1 4 IW 61
6 06 1 4 84 4 B4 64
101 4 901 4 M S 0l)
07 87 1 4 845 4 87 f 60
very great change. AS was to be e peeled
the number of outside buyers In attend
ance ws not very large, but the sin-ply
was also moderate, so that the offerings
generally commanded about steady prices.
quotations en sheep and lamos: uooq
to choice lam ha, $4 fcvf.6.!.; fair to food
lambs, 86.2rj4.60; feeding lambs, $4.2fj 8A
good to cnolce light yvarlinsra, 4 ttii-t-lni
good to choice heavy yearlings. $4 frit's. at),
feeding yearlinga, $3 .4.26; good to choice
wethera, 4 O1 311, fair to good wethera,
$4.ibtj4.00; feeding wethers, $S.ts$4.90; gO-l
10 choice ewes, Uegitii; lair to good
ewes, 3.2B4ji.5f.; feeding ewes, lifJ 16,
culls and bucks. $1.0"Ui.a0.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. '
13 western ewes, culls tfl 1 90
U6 western ewes, feeders 10 2 M
2. Colorado ewes 96 8 66
116 native ewes 117 4 26
1 native buck 160 8 00
47 native lambs, 86 00
Cattle and Hons Higher fkeep and
I.asnbs gtrongr to lllgker.
esttmsted about 17,900 head; market 1c to
25c higher. Steers. $4.40b'7.60; cows, 1.1.00)01
6.00; heifers, LV:ii bulls, $2.6Xfi4.6i;
calves, $aoog00; s tuckers and feeders,
$2.fK5M 65.
HOUtJ Receipts estimated about 24.000
head; market 10c to lno higher; choice
heavy shipping. $6.30(31.40; butchers, $6.2o4?
40; light mixed, 6 6MI6.95; choice light,
$6.0irrj.15; packing, $6.(81..; pigs, $426'
6.30; bulk of sales, $6.0xit).2S.
8IIEKP AND lAMbft-Recelpts esti
mated about 2o,00 head; market strong to
10c higher; sheep, J4.2iVjJ-4.76; lambs, $4.76
.35; yearlings, lAoVat.ob.
I 6osVs 5 621 I 4 88 4 90 4 t9 48
D ..
12 14
1 8
10 1
14 "i
63 02
The olflclal 'numher nf cure nf stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle, jriogs. uneep.
m. t Ht. I', kv 7
Wabash Ry 2
Mo. P. lly 6
IT. P. Ry 30
& N. W. Rv.. (eastl 2
C. A N. W. Ry., (west).... 4
C. St. P., M & O. Ry 6
C, B. & Q. Ky, (east).....l
C, B. A y. Ry., west). ,..72
C, R., I. A P., (east) 1
C, R., I. & P. Ry. (west)..
I. C. Ry
C, G. W. Ry 4
Total reoelnts 134
1 he disposition of the dav's recelDts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
uer 01 neaa indicated:
Cattle. Hon. 8hen.
umana packing go 284
Swift & Co 927
Cudahy Packing Co 724
Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C... 63
Cudahy Pkg. Co., Denver 468
Vansant & Co 66
Lobman & Rothchild...... 73
W. I. Stephen 48
Hill & Son 41
F. P. lewis ..i 22
Huston & Co 20
J. B. Root & Co 60
J. H. Rulla 15
L. F. Hubs . 94
McCreay & Carey 40
H. F. Hamilton 28
Other Buyers 101
Smth & P 21
3,864 3,951 6.701
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning
numbered oniy 133 cars, wnlch was small
for this tima of the week, but no smaller
than was anticipated for the day after
election. For the three days the receipts
foot up only 8.464 head, as against 13,0.3
head fur the same days last week and 27,-
633 head two weeks ago.
there were quite a good many warmed
up or half-fat corn-feu steers among the
receipts today, and as cattle of that kind
have been selling pretty high, it was not
surprising that the market on that kind
tuoay was a trifle sticky. As a matter of
course, it is a difficult matter to tell very
much about warmed up cattle, whether they
are nigner or lower,' out the reeling today
waa certainly no higher. There were only
lew westerns in .sight, but they com
manded good steady prices.
.. cows and-helpers were-in aetlve flpfnanq
and the market on the desirable kinds Was
anywhere from steady to 10c -higher or Itxtf
100 nigner for tne two days.
uoou reaers were free sellers at prices
that were at least 10c higher than yester
day, but holders of common and Inferior
stulf complained hat there - was no great
demand for that kind.
Quotations on cuttle: Good to choice
corn fed steers, S6.2othv7.UD; fair to good corn-
lea steers, 9b.btKU6.26; common to air corn
fed steers, $4.0i(s.60 ; good to choice range
ateers, $4.40(6.26; fair to good range steers,
$3.8iKu-4.40; common to fair range steers,
$3.003.80; good to choice corufed cows and
heifers, $3.6t44.26; good to choice grass cows
and heifers, $3.20fu3.76; fair to good grass
cows and heifers, $2.6o3.20; common to fair
grass cows and heifers, $1.762.60; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $4.2606.00; fair
to good stockers and feeders, $3.604.26;
common to fair stockers and feeders, $2,609
860; stock heifers, 12.263.25; veal calves,
J2.7SS6.76; bulls, stags, etc., $2.0041.3.00.
Knnaaa City Live Stock Market.
Receipts 9.600 head. Including 300 southern
ers. Market for beet steers steady to 10c
lower; others strong. Choice export and
dressed beef steers. $6.00fl7.2O; fair to good,
$4.6OSi.0O; western steers. $3.4OfH.90; stock
ers nnd feeders, $2.76tt'4.50; southern steers,
$2.80tH.fiO; southern cows, $2.00Cn.SO; nittlve
cows, $'200"p4 .60; native heltere, $2.86a6.60;
bulls. $2.fsa3.f; calves, $3.76(87.25.
HOGS Receipts, 12,000 head; market
strong to 5c higher; top. $6.15; bulk of
sales, $6.70(96.10; heavy. $6.orii.15; packers
and butchers, $5.90r6.15; light, $5.60136.06;
pigs, $3 r6.35.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 5.000
hesd: market strong and active; lambs,
$4.866.70; ewes and yearlings, $3.76&4.50;
western yearlings, $3.904i4.60; western sheep,
$3.44X64.25; stockers snd feeders, $2.StkS4.00.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
fiT. IlTI9, Nov. 4. CATTLE Receipts
5,2iiO head, including l.Sisl Texana: steady
to 40c higher; native shipping and export
steers, $4 (K87 .75; dressed beef and butcher
steers, $2.T6rt.7o; steers under 1.000 lbs.,
$S.Oi1.75: stockers and feeders, W.tlOfM.on;
cows and heifers. $2.S0(S.25; canners, $2.onff
2.26;- bulls, $2.7sVu4.00; calves, $I.OOtS'7flO:
Texas and Indian stet-rs, $2.75t(6.75; cows
and heifers, $1.50(34.00. - .
HOIS-Receipts, 8,500 bead: markat 1B
Ms-her- nlira and llaht. 00(7 5.75: DSCk-
ers. $r.85,00; butchers and best heavy,
$6.10fi26. .
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,900
had; 104J15c higher: native muttons, $4.25i.
4.50; lambs, $6.75(&.lO: culls and bucks, $3.00
K4.25; stockers, J2.50ij-4.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 1,200 head; market active and
strong; steers, $4.00fj7.00; cows and helfors,
$2.Kr?i6.7$; calves, $3.0r-jtM!.50.
HOOS Receipts, 5,0fi0 heed; market 10c
to 16c higher; top, $6.15; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAM R9 Receipts, 8.000
head; market strong to lOo higher; Iambs,
Travel in Safety
The Electric
Of the-
At. Pr. No.
1104 4 80 20
Ill 6 10 88
, 1220 6 60 .'
, 1079 t 60 4
lust 8 66 ' IS
1012 I 40 ' 8 .
....... 306 I 75 1
.... .. 240 4 80 1
180 4 60 1
448 I 00 1 88 8 7f
885 8 00 4 466 8 76
....... 770 i 16 I 10 t 78
I 70 6 864 t 80
S6 I 75
At. Pr.
...117b 6 6
...1871 I 76
.148 t 40
,1'JJt t 60
A OU 9 15
.180 6 00
. 140 6 M
180 8 76
Slonz City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) HOOS Receipts, 4,500 head; mar
ket 10c higher; range, $S.fl0a.00; bulk of
sales. $5.80(&&85.
rTATTLn RecelDts. 1.600 head: market
steady; beeves, $4.5001.00; grass cows, $3.00
M.OO; feeders, xa.twat.ou; calves ana yearl
ings, $2,608 3.50.
Stock In .Sight.
Recelpta of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterciay:
s. on
South Omaha .
Bloux City
Sr. Joseph
Kansas City ...
St. Louis
Cattle. Hogs
. 8.4)10 8.90O
.40,800 66,000 .35,509
.. 4,600
.. 1.200
.. 9.6O0
.. 6,200
Insures protoctloa to
paRRengeri traveling
on its line.
Equipment and Service
That Money Can Buy
Be sure your tickets read via tho
Inquire at
1324 Farnam St.
Phones: Bell Doug-. 1828; Ind. AJ231
4 rows 1020 2 60
3 heifers... 830 2 60
1 bull 1460 2 60
17 heifers... 671 2 85
6 calves... 2S3 t 76
20 feeders.. 9) 4 05
26 feeders.. 743 3 45
9 heifers... 426 2 30
cows 926 2 SO
2 heifers ..740 3 50
7 cows 971' 8 66
2 cows 1110 3 20
27 feeders.. 969 i 30
$ steers.... 9O0 4 00
8 feeders.. 653 3 10
1 bull 1610 S 15
1 cow 1110 2 76
7 cows. . ..1124 3 46
1 bull 1590 3 15
George Lamereaux, Nebraska.
13 steers.. ..fas 486 1 steer 1S'J0 650
7 calves... 126 6 00 116 cows 941 8 65
21 cows V;3 8 26
4 cows 832 2 60
2 bulls 1330 2 60
1 cow 9 H0 8 60
6 heifers... 418 2 60
1 cow 1200 I 46'
' 9 steers.. ..10s2 4 26
18 heifers... M Sli
22 calves... 136 6 00
6 calves... 314 8 75
18 co-.vv 890 2 50
1 feeder... 720 4 25
16 feeders.. 706 4 00
21 calves... 200 3 90
V feeders.. 796 3 80
, 1 heifer.... 440 3 'JO
i calves.... 278 i 75
24 feeders.. 836 4 26
1 feeder... l'JOO 4 25
13 cows tf&l S 45
Milwaukee iraa Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, $1 06l.oH; No. 3
northern. $1021.04; December, 9!)'c,
CORN Dull: Decembsr, 24c. isked.
RARI.ET Firm; standard. 64c; samples,
52cOlHc. . . . - -
Toledo SeeA Market.
TOLKPO, O.. Nov. 4.-t"7ED.-4-Clover.
rash, $5.16; Ndvemln-r. ISlhi IeeemN-r,
$i.9i; Mai-.-h. t'.W. No, 3. 14. Wi; N... J, $4.65;
rOwleU, $4 7c. Alsike, prime, la.ju. ,
London Stock Market.
London closing stock quotations:
Consols, monar ... 84 7-14 M , K. A T
ii account 84 8-ltN. T. Central...
Aoaooada Norfolk a W....
AUblsoo "S ao pfo
ao pfd 10U Oniarlo A W...,
Baltloiora A Ohio loji-i Peonavlvanla ...
Canadian Pacltlo 178-i Haad Mlnaa
insaauaaita a unio... n Rm4Iii
.. 17
.. n-t
.. 86
.. MA
.. M
.. a-H
.. (8
.. !4'a
.. !..
--lit Hi
.. t)
.. sm
.. tw
. . tin
rhlriu ot. W lS8ouihm Kallway
v . , m. ca oi. r its so ptd
Da Baom l'aSouthsra Pacific
Uobtst a R. O Ul Union Paclflo ...
do pfd, 74 do p'd
Kris WHU. 8. 8taa4
do lat pfd 44 do pfd
da id pfd M Wabaah
Grand 'Irusk .'14 do pfd
Hanoi. Canlral 148 Span lab is
Louiavllls A N ..118 Amal. Cnnnar
SILVER Bar. uncertain, 22-15-lod "per o.
Tb rate of dUcount In the. epen market
for short bills is 2 per cent for-three
months' bills, 2h per rent.
8ssr nnd Molaaaea, :r
NEW YQRK. Nov. 4-Sl"GAR-Raw,
steady; fair refining, J.46c; c nirif ug-il, 66
test, 8.96c; mol.aa sugar, 8.20c; refined
guiel; crushed. 6 eoc: powdered, 6.20c; gTunu
lated, 6.Hc.
Treaanrr Stntentent.- 4 ' - -
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Today'a atate
muil of Uib treasury balances la the gisu.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, "Nov. 4.-METALS"-The
Ixdidon tin market was higher than Mon
day, with spot quoted at A.137 16 and fu
tures A 139 2s 0(1. The local murkel was
firm and higher alao at $:.2u'u3'J.50. The
London copper market waa lower with
spot quoted at a.62 Is 6d and futures at
62 17s 6d. Locally, however, the market
was firm with an advancing tendency.
Lake is quoted at $13.87WSjl4.12V4: electro
lytic $13. 62 Vtf '13.87V nl caailng at tli.A7W0
13.62V. Iad cloaed at 13 lis 3d In Lou
don. The local market was firm but un
changed at $4.354.40. Spelter was un
changed at 20 in lxindim, but was firm
and higher locally at' $t.9ui4.9j. (Standard
foundry Iron closed at 47s 9d In Iondon.
fnd. Cleveland warrants at 4s 9J. I.ocullly
he market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry
northern, $165017.2o; No. : $16.00016.75;
No. 1 aouthern and No. 1 southern soft,
$l.75!rl7.25. it
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts.
APPLES Market aleady; new crop fHncy
aro quoted at iiVc; choice at 7V4'i'7c, and
prime at 6j'7c Old crop apples are
quoted at fiifc according to grade.
DRIED KRC1T8 l?runea are steady with
quotations ranging from 4'c to 13o for
California, and from 6lc to 7Vc for Oregon
fruit. Apricota are atrong witli choice
quoted at t"'aVi: extra choice at 647';
fancy. kV!"- Peai-hea are ' quiet with
choice quoted at 6fjfc; choice at "ViKijSc;
fancv at kVt'iittc. Ralaina are firmer In tone
owing to the repor'a from the coaat that
the .growera' -movement to control the mar
ket la mBklng good progresa. Loose mus
catels are quoted at etdVc; choice- to
fancy seeded at tW74o; seedleas Bt 47fi6
gnd London loyera at $1.2cdjl.tV to arrive.
HOGS Oniy fifty-three cars were reported
In today, inakiiig the total for the week
10.646 head, whUh is about i.OOO head larger
than for the same days laat week. 'The
market opened udloc higher on the desir
able kinds of hods, the oiferlngs of that
kind changing hands In pj-etty goud season.
Tha common, light and grassy kinds were
slow and hard to move all the morning:.
Toward the last the market eased oil,
closing a little lower than early. The bulk
of Die hogs aoid at $V.oa6. 6 and on up as
lilgn as $6.05.
representative sales:
No. AT. 8a. rr. No. At. 8b. Pr.
M tl ... I 78 88 W) 2v 6 80
18 1ZO ... 4 Bl.
W Jul) 4U 6 Ho tl.
re i;t a 6 u 86.
40... 184 ... 6 80 14.
40 820 ISO 6 U 80.
74 17 80 I 76 88.
SO 188 ... i 76 71.
88 l. rn 7j 71.
78 121 11 I bl) IT.
: Philadelphia Prodare Market. :
Firm. Vulc higher; extra western cream
ery, !'Vc; nearby prints, 32c.
EGG Firm; Pennsylvanlan ' and other
nearby flrata, free raaea, 31c al mark: cur
rent receipts in returnable cases, 9o at
snark; western firsts, free c-uaea, 81c at
niaikT" current leci-lias, fn-e tasea, 2S''iJ0c.
CHEESE Finn; NVw York full creuma,
oUoiuc, 13to;' fuir t good, 12)13c.
88 Ml 410 8 ao
78 188 too I 80
23 1JJ 4- 84 83...
40 224 2ut) 6 88 84...
81 r7 ... tit 78..,
t SI ... I 88 t...
to : loo 1 (6 47...
t; .4 l I b 74...
at, IM ... 8 86 81...
88 2 U i b Je...
to. lt 80 6 86 18...
8 124 80 6 'i ...
1 :.-140 ... 8 88 70...
88. .......NT 240 I U 86...
78 .18 200 6 87 82...
14 242 40 6 87 6...
4.1 1:4 1.0 6 SO (8...
81 118 40 I M 48...
80 231 120 6 u 86.. 871
76 SJJ 2 6 80 II. 8U
816 240 6 80 .
281 ISO 80
221 120 I 80
218 40 I td
184 10 M
184 u0 I 84
JUi 180 I 80
220 40 I 81Vi
227 40 5 82
278 ISO 6 i
82 ... 6 81
4 :t0 6 88
tSJ 180 I 96
.....Sl 40 I 86
40 l 88
U lad 6 86
847 120 6 88
242 ... 68
ti 120 6 86
ti M U
&80 ... 6 86
!' 40) ( 7t4
46 ... (00
844- 8M 8 00
818 180 ( 00
;'S4 180 8 01
IM . 120 8. 00
SO 00
N I IE Li' Receipts of sheep this morning
were agitln si nail, only twenty cars being
rcporieu in, anu or tnis number sums were
single liwki, and there were alao Included
among tne number live cars direct to pack
era. Of the number on sale a considerable
fr-roportlon consisted of feeders. Packers
aet-ined lo be In need- of a few sheep and
lambs, and all desirable killeis changeJ
handa quite readily In the morning at
prices that were eleady to atrong. A pretty
decent kind of lambs sold up to $6.6u, which
looked quite a little hiviier than vesierdav.
wlln prime native fed lambs' as high as
$6. Tnere were no fat sharp, at least none
of any consequence. A few native fed ewes
brougni 84.2s ana a Hum li or westerns that
had bean dipped brought $3.66.
The market oa feodeis did not show any
Buying;. Movement Develops In Pig-
iron Where Prices Have Been
Specially Low.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. The Iron Age will
say tomorrow: It is yet too early to
measure 4he effect of the election upon the
iron and allied industries, which must, of
nnnrs inrtlelnate In the fruits of the en
couragement of enterprises In all directions
which Is generally expected to follow. That
consumption of Iron and metals will In
crease Is conceded by all, and that buying
for the future and ror stocxing up may oe-
velop In considerable proportions is ex
rwwtAd hv manv.
Tn Ihms branches in which low prices
have been ruling an almost violent buying
movement may develop. There are some
indications of it In pig Iron. In other
branches, including almost the entire series
of finished products in which prices have
been more or less successfully maintained
during the last year, there la little in
ducement to anticipate, future require
ments. Chicago reports an active market for pig
Iron, with sales aggregating about 50,000
tons, which Includes one block of 20,000
Inm tn an agricultural Implement Interest,
The bulk of the whole business was taken
by northern furnaces, whose prices are
relatively lower In that district than the
prices of the southern producers. Cin
cinnati estimates that the amount of iron
sold through that market footed up 75.000
tons. There has been some good selling
In New England and in the Buffalo dis
trict. Our Cleveland correspondent notes
salos in. that district during the week of
about 40,000 tons of foundry Iron, with
large Inquiries penning, among wnicn is
one for 27.WO tons rrom a pipe snop.
From all quarters come the report of
very lare inquiries and close testing of
the markets by large and small consumers
for delivery, not only during tne uaiance
of the year, but also for the first and sec
ond quarters or ia.
The production of pig Iron during Oc
tober, exclusive of charcoal iron, was
1.663.483 tons, a gain over Septemlwr of
145,000 tons. The dally rate was 60.434 tona.
against 47,300 tona during September. We
enter November with 200 blast furnaces In
oneration, whose capacity is rated at 862,
685 tons, a gain of 12 furnaces In numher
and of close to 25,000 tons weekly in ca
pacity. Foreltrn Financial.
LONDON, Nov. 4. Money was more plen
tiful and easy on the market today and
discounts were weaker. American securi
ties monopolised the attention on the Stock
exchange.- Dealings started at 7:46 on. the
street at from 1 to 2 points above yester
terduy'a -quotations on the election of Mr.
Tafl. The buying came from America-and
was chiefly In Amalgamated Copper, United
Wales- Is nee I and Union Pacific. Large
blocks of the laat named securities changed
bands. Prices advanced and although Eng
lish and continental houses sold on the rise.
Wall street absorbed offerings Wt.lls Values
dropped In tha afternoon from V to 1 point
from -the hest, pending the receipt-el -the
Wall street' opening. When the opening did
come it cauaed another decline, but New
York supported the market later and this
made' this close unchanged at 1 ?oint
higher than yesterday. The tone, however,
was easy. In other directions the market
was dull and easy.
Ballets Fonnd In Walla of tilrl'e
Room Do Not Tnset tha
Theory. -
Death from a gunshot wound Inflicted by
herself with .suicidal intent was the verdict 6
of the coroner's Jury in; the case of Mary
Weisel, who shot herself In the heart Mon
day night at .1066 Oeorgla avenue, . where
she was boarding. . Dementia is supposed to
have caused her to take her life. "
Testimony by Emma 8telnhofeI, who ttept
the boarding house where Miss Weisel was
staying, and by Jonathan Edwards, E. E.
Lemon and A. E. Shaver, other boarders
at the house, brought out the fact that the
woman : shot herself only -once, the bullet
entering-the, .breast,, Mr. fidwarda was the
only person who - heard the snots fired.
There were three, and as twq, of the Bui
lets lodged in the wall of ceiling,- It Is be
lieved that Miss Weisel . fired them In an
effort to learn how the revolver worked,
the last shot being the' one intended for
herself. , . . ,;
This theory of the shooting, necessitated
by the dlsprovaj of eaiiy reports that.. three
bullets had entered her breast,, seems quite
feasible, as It waa known that Miss Weisel
was unacquainted with firearms. Another
revolver than the one used was alao found
in the room where the tragedy ocourred '
and a letter said that she had provided two
weapons In order to make sure of being
able to do the deed without the interven
tion of persons in the house, thinking that
one of the suns might be found missing
and searched for. ', ' ' ; ,,, '
That the, woman was subject to alight
mental derangement and was of a slmble
and easily affected dispositionwas estab
lished by testimony at tha ' Inquest and by
a statement by John Weisel, father of tha
dead woman. The latter says that Jokes,
suggestive postal cards and' many other
things that' would have' been Ignored or
taken in their proper light' by most girls,
seriously affected his daughter on aocount
of her high-strung nature. , He believes
that brooding over her troubles, both real
and Imaginary, led hereto, take her life,
and states that lova story
responsible for her deed, i ... ,
Coroner Brewer will send the letter!
found with the . body , to the persons to
whom they are addressed, without Investi
gating what they contain.. The young
woman's father will take the body to the
home at Beemer, Neb., Wednesday after
noon, where the . funeral . -will be held
Thursday, . . i
Coffee Mnsket.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. COFFER Futures
closed steady -at .a net dot-line of fyoW
points.' Pales reported ;6,600 bags, Includ
ing Novonber at 5.4a5.46c; December, 6.40
4I&.4&C; May, 6.35&o.40c; September, 6.40c.
rioot. ste-1'11 ; Nv 7 Rio. CVtfiHc; No. 4
Pantos, 8'ic. Mild, dull; Cordova. Sv.
12V4C. . - '- . : .1
OIL and Uoelu. - .,
OIL CITY, Nov. 4.-OIL Credit balances,
$1 78: runs, 93.710 bbis.; aveiage, t.tkto in. is.;
shipments. 87r,l&l bbis : average, 144.467 bbls.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. 4. OIL Turpen
tine, 34c. I
ROSIN-Flrra; B, D.- R. 412.70: V. $?.724;
fi. $2.7fV; !. $3.80: I. 88 95; K, $1.80; II.
$6.25; - W O, $6.30; W W, ,6.36.
. Liverpool drain Market.
strong; No. 2 red iweetern winter. 7s lov,d.
Futures, steady; December, 7sloV.d; March,
7sk7d: May, 7-$Vl. .
CORN Spot, .Firm: . American mixed,
7s6M-' Futures., steady December, 6s6d;
January, 6s 6Vd-
Woal Market.
ST. LOl'IB.- Nov. 4. WOOL 'Firm: me
dium giluias combing and clothing, i'QJtr;
llilit fine. I6!16Vl-; heavy fine, llrfUc: ulb
washed, aOg.Tc
Barronsrha Devices Are Vital Faetera
in Gettlnar Early Retarns Ont
for The Bee.
Adding up the returna s- If by malic,
accurate and quickly. Burroughs' adding
machines installed in rr8t 'drtor!al rooms
of The Bee -prpvrd to" beafblai factor lo
reaching an early v annouuceinont - of the
result of the ejeorton Twsd'nlfht. J. E.
Rowlands, sales manager 'fur the company,
St South Thirteenth Street, Supervised the
operation of them; and there' was never a
hitch and the totkrj appearing on tha ma
chines ' were alwaya right, because, aa
Oliver Wendall Holmes said, they are -'too
stupid 'to make a mistake ..... , ,
Votes by precincts were -"fed" to the ma
chine as fast as they 'were received, and
they added tip the, long columns of figures
faster than, five or six men, hever hesitat
ing er being compelled to go back for a
fresh start, because the machine have no
brains to become tired or nerves to be upset.
The machine simply ata up the figures aa
fast as the operator could press the keys,
and whea the returns were coming In the
thickest and the excitement, was Intense,
the correct addition of (hs long column of
figures was there, -waiting for, the operator
to press the total kev. ' '.
TheBurrobths'. . machines print the fig
are faster then the faste'st operator can
press the keys, nnd add them up In no time
at. all. With .their aid the returna of the
election were given to the public much
earlier than bad they been gonq over by
a mathematician' with a pencil. . v
Sloas City. Ma Kills Self.
OKLAHOMA CITIT.'OkC Nov. 4. -(Special
Telcgism ) Georgo' IT. .Dr.Lqng of Sioux
City. Ja.. JVsumped In front of a Rock Island
train -this morning. -"1I trVfJ, "flrst'to buy
a pistol on crudlt. hut had. bo tupnet. De.
Long wss well dressed apt' ajfpareatljr a
man of some accomplishment.
It Is an easy,, matter, to . d buataes
through Tb Bee Want Ad Columns.