THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3!-!-JI I - 5, 1903. NEWS' OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43. at ' ktafOR stmrriO. " . Davis, drugs. v ' Storkert sell carpets. BEE WANT ADS PAT. Ed Rogers. Tony Faust beer. Lewis Cutis, .funeral director. 'Phone J7. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. S39. Photographic supplies, C. E. Alexander. C. C. Haynea, funeral i director and em balmer, aul RroadPayt Henry Detjrmr; Jr. fc-ft last evening on a visit to- Li l lie Bock. Ark. , . Qet ymir pianos tuned. Work guaranteed. Hoepe. 'Phone M4. 29 Peart street. Harvey Prions; arrived from Kansas City yesterday morning In -time to vote, Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet this evening at f o'clock tor work In the sec ond degree. Duncan A Hoffman, ' cemedlans, dancers and singers. 'Just off the Orpheum circuit, at the Diamond theaten . A building permit was Issued yesterday to A. U. -Iohan for a one-story frame cot tage in Curtis & Ramsey's addition, to cost 11,000. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Plum, who recently removed from Council Bluffs to Moore, Mont., and who. have been visiting friends here, left last evening for their new home. The funeral of FVrft. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Goodrich,, will 1 be held this afternoon at a-olfclotk front the Ooodrlch hotel and . interiaenl will be Id ' Falrview cemetery. The funeral ' of the late Mrs. Elisabeth Burbrid. age) 81-years, who died last Sat urday st th home of per daughter, Mrs. 8. D. Porter In Neola,.' will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock, with burial in the Grange: cemetery. K A. Oray, a traveling i salesman resid ing at 834 Frank street, east his first vote In Council Bluffs yesterday since 1896. It happened that every election since 196 until yesterday Mr. Gray was on the road tar iwvy from home. A marriage license waa Issued yesterday to Waaler H, Blauvele of . New York, aged W, and Mrs. Grace Knight of Carrol ton. Mo., aged 33. Thy were married by Kev. Honrv DeLong. to whom Uiey stated they intended making their home. In Bt. Louis. Owing to the election the meeting of the Council Bluffs Medical association which VOTE IS A RECORD BREAKER Thii and Long Ballot Makes Count , Very Close. CTOQIIKS CLAIMS THE COUNTY Taft Carries it by Canal Plurality Vote on lyoeal Candidates Not Kaown afllrieatly . te Give the Resalt. With ideal weather conditions the largest vote ever polled In the presidential or any otlu-r election was cast Tuesday In Coun cil Bluffs. In nearly all of the precincts the vote fell but a few short of the regis tration. The weather waa of that kind known aa "republican weather" and from the moment the polls opened at. T-o'clock In the morning th democrat realised that the weather was against them. At the same time the heavy vote cast Indicates that the democrats did not stay at home, but went to the poll the game as the re publicans did. For once the party leasers did not hav to - work like Trojans to get the voters to the polls. They went of their own accord and what la mora foHowed the advice of their respective county chairmen and went to the polls early. At least a' large num ber of them did. By noon It was evident that more than half of the entire vote was In in practically all of the precincts. Despite the size of the ballot there was but little delay In voting In most of the precincts and things as a rule moved like clockwork. The voters csme In a steady throng from the moment the polls opened, with a slight lull now and then. Contrary tn rirt atlrinn Ihem waa m- trmm .n.h Zt'voJlTM wis fntiennlte0.y'Cpeos0tt the closing hour in any of the precinct. except in me first preclncti or the Sixth ward where 823 votes were cast. noned. - The meet in u will be ht-ld at the rail of the president, when officers lor the ensuing' year, will, be elected. Hon Thomas C." Dawson. ' United States minister to Colombia, who returned to Council Bluffs to vote, expects to leave today for Washington, D. C, where Mrs. Dawson and their children remained while Mr. Dawson came west. Mr. Dawson Is uncertain when he will return to his post In Colombia, -. W. A. Goldssury wai arrested by the po lice yesterday on the charge of stealing a pair of shoes and overalls from a Broad way saloon. The owner of the articles Is said to have fallen asleep In the saloon and Goldsbury, noticing his condition, , Is alleged to have vamoosed, with the shoes and overalls. " W. E. Balnbrldge left last evonlng for Washington, -D.. C, where he win be for a short lime bi-fore going to New York to sell for Paris to take up the duties of his office as 1 Ulted States treasury agent for France, Spain and Italy. His headquar ters are at Paris. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Balnbrldge, D. J. EtubbS, ' who was'srrested a few days ago by the police at' the Instance ot the authorities of Chicago, where II wan stated he was wanted to answer to a charge of larceny by tmbeixlement, was released yesterday from the city Jail by order of Chief . Ktchmond. As no officer arrived from Chicago for Stubbs, Chief ' Richmond decided not to hold him any longer; The ' regular meeting of the Woman's Christian temperance union will be held ' held this afternoon In the club rooms at 'the public library building. .It is expected that arrangements will be made at this ineetlnor for .linlrliltflr memiirtal. .services for the late Mrs. Ellen K. Denny and a com . mlttee. will be appointed to draft suitable resolutions. Rev. Frederick Rouse of Omaha, who was to have addressed the congregation of the r irsr. uonaregauonai cnuren mis evening on Uie subject of "Adapting Church Meth ods to Changed Conditions." ha notified the pastor, Dr. O. O. Smith, that on i account of an unforeseen emergency he will not be able to fulfil the appointment. Dr. Smith will speak on the same subject this evening in plu.e of Rev. Mr. Rouse. The recelots in the general fund of the Christian home last weelr were $181.30, be ing $18.70 below the ciirrent needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency In this fund to date to 82,463.83. In the manager's fund the receipts were $17,' being $18 below the needs of the week and Increasing the deficiency to 840.G3 to date in this fund. The amount needed In the Improvement and contingent fund Is ' $13,000. Mrs. Elisa Maria Smith, wife of H. A. Smith, 615 East Pierce street, died yester day afternoon, aged 77 years. Besides her husband she is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Anna P. Platner of this city, Mrs. F. 8. Bowley of Gary, Ind., Mrs. J. A. Price of this city and Mrs. H. A. Price of McClelland, la., and two sons, W. H. Smith of Los Angeles, Cal., and Frank fc'mlth of Oelwein, la. Arrangements for the funeral have not bean completed- Election is Orderly. The election was as orderly as any ever held in the city. Whlla there was evident Intense excitement shown by the people there waa no excitement In the vicinity of the polls. There was not a single case of disturbance at any of the voting places and the peace officers had nothing to do except to stand by and watch the. pro ceedings. The saloons were closed all day. The banks of the city were closed all day as were the city and county offices wltli the exception of that of the county auditor. The republicans made use of several automobiles for carrying voters to and from the polls, but the carriages were but little used. In fact, the voters did not need any hauling to the polls, they went of their own accord. As soon as the polls closed lmmcns out of 53 votes there were 120 straight re publican and eighty wo straight demo cratic, In the Second precinct of the Fifth ward out of 23 votes cast there were seventy straight republican and seventj-two straight democratic. In this precinct there were eighteen socialist votes. These figures, however, are. not official. Vata Senator. Indications last night were that th primary vote on republican United States senator and the constitutional amend ment would fall far below th general vote. In the First of the Third ward Cummlnt received 121, while Lacey received 1?!. in the First precinct of the Fourth Cum mins received only 74., as against 163 for Lacey. Word from York township wa that In that precinct Cummins tccelved 28 to 2 for Lacey. Cummins' friends were confident last night that- Cummins hsd carried Potta wattamie county by a safe majority. Unofficial figures from Pleasant town ship gave Bryan, 82; Taft, 66; Innes, re publican candidate for auditor, 63, and Hannan, democratic candidate for same office, 86. York township gave Taft, 60; Bryan, 71; Cummins, 26; Lacey, 2; Carroll, republi can, 'for governor, 50; White, democrat, for governor, Tl; Congressman Smith, 50; Spencer, democratic candidate for con gress, 71; Btate Senator Saunders, 50; Wadsworth. democ ratio candidate for sen ator, 71. The vote on 'supervisors in this township, was also said to be 71 for the democratic candidates and 60 for the re publicans. These figures were not official and were, reported at democratic head quarters. . NO CONTRACT FOR AUDITORIUM Carpenter Work to Be Done by Day Work. The directors of the Auditorium company have decided that all the bids for the car penter work on the Auditorium building now In course of erection at the corner of Washington avenue and" Bryan' street were In excess of the amount which the com pany had at Its disposal to expend for this part of the construction. The bids, it Is said, ranged from $4,500 to $6,000, and the directors derided to have the work done by the day. The firm of Anderson Brothers has been selected by the directors to super Intend the work. They will commence op erations the first of next week, if not sooner. Caavmsa for Now Church. The committee sppolnted by the board of trustees of the First Congregation church to raise the funds needed for the proposed new church edifice plans to start an active canvass of the church membership the beginning of next -week. "The committee has formulated Its plans, and has In fact been doing some of the preliminary work In the matter of se curing subscriptions toward the building fund during the last week," said Ernest E. Hart, chairman of the board of trustees yesterday. "We expect to go after the sub- crowds gathered at the places downtown ! frlpUon8 " oon a" tne election Is over. where returns were received. At the Inter- x am pieaseo 10 say, nas a section of Broadway and . Poarl street, whore an operator with a megaphone was stationed In an uprfer window of the AVick ham block, the crowd almcst blocked the street and the street cars experienced con siderable difficulty In making their . way through the mass of chec-rlng people. On Pearl street an lmmenso crowd gathered opposite Bayllss park, where the returns were thrown on a big canvass stretched between two trees on the cufbing. Th crowd thronged the street from curb to number of good subscriptions promised.' S'.'o agents Radiant Home base burners. Petersen A Schonnlng Co. Tramp Pinched by Cars. James Burns, a transient, while attempt ing to board a freight train in the yards at the Union Pacific transfer depot yes terday morning got pinched between two care, but succeeded In saving himself from being. thrown beneath the wheels. He was removed to the Jennie Edmundson Memor- curb at this point and the police had much ( a hospital where It was stated that his irouoie 10 Keep me street car tracKS clear, injuries wouM not ne...-iiv ,,i Associated Charities Harvest Home. The Associated Charities will hold Its annual , "harvest home" at the Creche on East Pierce street all day Saturday of this Week. Members of the association wilt be on hand to receive donations of vegetables, fruits, preserves, canned goods, clothing, tc. The Creche cow from which the babies Burns said he was trying to get to Omaha where he hoped to secure employment. Hunter's have a splendid showing of ladles' tailored skirts at prices which suit both you and your purse We ask you to come and look the skirts will do the rest. Voto ts Heavy. Thot there was an unusually heavy vote even for presidential year Is shown by the fact that In the First proclnct of the Sixth ward, with a lrglnjratlon of . 865, there were 823 votes cast. " ' I In the First precinct of ths Fifth ward, with a registration of 822, there were 773 votes cast. With a registration of 423 In the Second precinct of the Third ward there were 407 votes cast. f In the First precinct of tho Second ward there were 532 votes cast, with a registra tion of 5-M. ' . In the Second piecinct of the Second ward there were 677 votes cast, with a registration of 699. In the First pteclnct of the Fourth ward, with a registration of 421, there 'was a vote of 414. In the First precinct of the Third ward 526 votes were cast, with a registration of 644. In the Second precinct of the Fifth ward 282 votes were cast, with a registration of 292. There was an unusual amount of sratch- InB an.l thla tunllier uritr, th ! k. I Iowa SW Notes. ballot made the work of counting the vote ! ATillT!-MJ" Ann.a Ah. until lately , ... . , teacher In the schools of New Sharon, TEN DAYS. THENWEDDING BELL Former Professional Ball Player and Sloux City Girl Are Married. SIOUX CITY. Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) After a ten days' acquaintance, Miss Annette Janfallos, who had charge of T. S. Martin A Co.'s art department and Charles Welch ot Akron, O., traveling rep resentative for the Diamond Rubber com pany, wers married this afternoon by Rev. Father J. L. Kerby. It Is understood the meeting -was on a railroad train. The bride formerly lived In Omaha. She Is a girl of striking appearance. The groom once played . professional base ball under the name of Jack Sweeney; - a tedious task, fjo definite figures, it Is eci uu......wr..v ,.v " -""--! believed, will be obtained on th II some oi ine xarmer irienas oi me insu tutlon donate some winter feed for her Ipeclal benefit. AH donations that cannot be conveniently left at the Creche will be Sailed for. , ' The Associated Charities extends an in vitation to the public generally to visit and Inspect the Creche on Saturday and a com mittee of women will be on hand to escort tisltors through' the. building. The Creche, which how occupies a handsome building M Its own on Kast Pierce street, Is sup ported solely. 4,vi .voluntary contributions. N. Y. Plumbing Co, Tel. 250. Night. L696. county ticket until this afternoon, although the general result will probably be known some time this morning. j Some idea of the scratching Indulged la may be galnd from the First precinct of the Second ward. Out of a total of 532 votes cast there were only seventy straight republican and ninety-one straight demo cratic. There 331 scratched ballots and thirty-eight ballots spoiled. Practically all of the "spoiled ballots" had a cross oppo site the name of either Taft or Bryan at the to), of the ticket. ' In the First precinct of the Third ward WAR ON GREEK SOCIETIES Drake University Takes Decided Grounds Against Them. ULTIMATUM TO , CLUB MEMBERS Des Moines ts Have a City Hall TTnloas the t'onrts Acaln Declare tho Resalt of tho Election Invalid. (From a Staff Ccrrespoddent.i DES MOINES. Nov. 4. Epeclal.) A small war over Greek letter fraternities has brokcii out In Dakota unlversltf. and It Is taken by the students to Indicate a similar fight against societies and clubs In all. the colleges of the state. For several years the trustees have had a standing rule that no Gre?k letter societies shall be organlred nrnore the students. During the last year It became known that a number of "clubs" had been organised and ' that they had taken Greek names. President Bell has been Impelled to Issue an ultimatum to these clubs, specifying among othersthlngs: The clubs must not have any Greek letter names. The students must not wear club pins. Club members must not use any form of initiation in taking In new members. Each club must elect a member of the university faculty a member of the club. No club shall keep or maintain any club house. In these clubs are eight members of ths Drake football team. There are members of the debating society and many of the leading spirits of the college. Will Get a Neve City Hall. One of the side Issues voted on by ths voters of Des Moines today was that of a new city hall.. The city owns a site for the hall on the river bank. In an out-of-the-way place, and there., has been trouble over actually getting a . new ' city hall started. Today there was submitted again to the voters the question of borrowing the money for the now hall and It carried. But It Is stated that there Is trouble ahead. The last time It .was submitted a woman lawyer of the city went Into the court ar.d had the bonds declared Illegal on the ground that women were not permitted to vote on the proposition. Today It was found there was' such confusion In the whole matter that It Is feared the bonds may be Invalidated again. For lack of suf ficient ballot boxes the city proposition was voted into the same boxes as the sen atorial primary and In many wards there was no separation of ' the votes of the women. Vladact Contract Is Beady. Tho city solicitor has completed the via duct contract and It will be signed by tho Interested parties tomorrow. The contract provides for erection of & viaduct on Sev enth street In accordance with plans which wer; made and approved Seven years a:o. The railroads waive right of damages for their property and the question of the status of the street railway company re mains to be settled st some other time. Will Train for Navy. R. J. Hartung of this city, manager of a box factory, has been 'elected to become executive officer of the New York Nalitlcal Training school and will soon go to New York to accept, tho place. Mr. Hartung was formerly superintendent of schools In East Des Moines before .the consolidation of districts. '' Bends Family to -Omaha. Mrs. James White, "wftlT her six little children, was given tickets for Oraiha by the county and sent back to her relatives. Mrs. White wss deserted by her husband. She was married When she wss 16 and it now but 24 years of age.. First Use of Machines. The greatest Interest In tho eleotlon in Des Moines today lay la the first use of the voting machines. There waa much con fusion and consequent irregularity, not only because tho machines were used but be cause there were several special propo sitions on the machines, also a senatorial ballot and two special city ballots. At some of the precincts , where there were as many as 1,003 voters two machines were used and these were not more than enough to do the business. A great many voters had difficulty In recording their votes as they desired. There was especial com plaint ' because of the difficulty. In voting spilt tickets, and members of minority parties were hard to suit. j Ulfe lJfegii lib lltate il ii 1M FT , ' , , ; . . i 1' Srtss '; 'Sm ' Bstlsrisa.lsMWajy. S . ""r"- l JBU:-Pii-Tr. S OenUnoan! RaTtnf I'll fZVri VllT3 ' Howj Ubeimiad n f t mflrul lor htm warkt I:, I Ml! .11' lioiu eatiam dmth. J !iia a wry auao;in, Ii,M 1 p II k. II ; f or ax monUa 1 sat- f . . liaoVloa oouh, I iho- ft " ' t Pfc 1J '! im from a eooh J, , cuii boil of I, a. A "' the ioatort Sara M f Tour Dr. Ball Fir. B ' 'm a ! fall 1 .no relief. Abigail J , tr-Hona. Afters trw f . ' IIAi"J reconimendea. fine-1 duM 1 was ah ra- f If IhA Tar Hooar. I eoa ' u.wit and th aougu ' ' fX' SI manaail to Vxa it if nUiatr duai'pnafi J, f , and noted as lnciwll. - Jud,a" jf ' " " nJZl . Eortqa Sun fcltFeJTSS -Urpp,.,-,. v fVlsaml 1 1 Dr. Doit'a Pino-Tar-ilonoy . Is Pars Pine-Tar and Para Hooey, oomblaed hy a aeiaaUfle pro pan nit various oinar mireruents. in ooauats priatea on tvery ooiue. OUR STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION It Hss Sot ret Sutsea Years wit tteaslli Increasing Sal. Ask for DR. BELL'S PINB-TAJU BUty, and Taas Mo Subautut Isek to th BN t Bettt ad Out Caaraata ha. tea, ysiraasa oklt sr THILL SUTNERLaNO MED. CO.. I tMrl Ua 1 5 f 1 I f X. has accepted a similar position in the schools at Council Bluffs. She Is an At lantic girl and a graduate of the city schools. ATLANTIC An electric automobile on a twenty-one-day trip from Lincoln. Neb., to New York City was in the city Monday. O. p. Fritchle and W. P. Pfoff were In me car. tne nrst namea Deing the manu facturer. IOWA CITY The date for the blR an nual State University of lows banquet at Des Moines during the holidays was yes terday announced m Ilnremhxr 5U It wilt be held at the Grant club this year in stead of at the Savery hotel. ATLANTIC John K. Smith died Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Mcdrlff, of tuberculosis, having been ill for some time. He wax m years old at the time of his death and leaves besides Mrs. McOriff one other daughter, Mrs. Harry Sutton of thla city. ATLANTIC Word Was received In the city by Dr. . C. L. Campbell that his brother William, a resident of Yakima. Wash., was dead, having died as the re sult of an operation while on the operat ing table. The body will be taken to the old home of the family In Pennsylvania. IOWA CITY-Anson Phelps Stokes, sec retary of Yale university, will deliver the address at the weekly assembly here Thursday morning. Dr. Stokes Is on his way to Omaha for a reunion of the Iowa Nebraska Yale alumni. He will be ac companied to Omaha from here by Presi dent Oeorge E. Mac Lean of the university. ATLANTIC Early Monday morning oc curred the death of Mathew Shepherd at the home of his brother-in-law, with whom he lived. Mr. Shepherd had been in bad health for some time end his death wss not unexpected. His wife died over 'a year ago. Mathew Shepherd was born In Ontsrlo, Can.. In IMS and In 187S came to this state and all but eight years of this have been spent In Cass county. He was on of the substantial farmers of this county snd had acquired some wealth. H leaves two brothers and four sisters. IOWA CITY-Th Joint meeting of th Iowa society of the Archaeological Insti tute of America, the Iowa Anthropological society and th Iowa branch of the Ameri can Folk Lor society will convene her Thursday and Friday of thla week. The feature of th meeting will be a lecture by Prof. Oscar . Montelius, curator of th Kuyst Museum or Antiquities in Stock holm, Sweden. He will speak on "The Cross Symbol. Its Orlrin and Evolution." Prof. Frank B. Tarbell of the University of Chicago la also on the program. IOWA CITY Angered because th class In th college of medicine, law and den tistry failed to attend recitations yester day. President George R MacLean aiim muned several class nrficers snd Is said to have threatened discipline unless the stu dents renorted to th profesanr today aa usual. Owing to th fart that so many of th atudents go to their homes to vote, several rlaaar decided to hav a couple of holidays because of election. Tt fact that the faeultv imr.eed a pecullsr reerula-tl'-n In rlterln Innumerable details re r(1n trains, tl snent at home, etc., acted as an Incentive to th students. Iowa Debating; Championship, IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 4. (Special.) Over thirty high schools of the state have en tered the race for the' state high school debating championship. This Is tho largest number that has ever taken part In the contest. In the southwestern district ten schools have consented to enter. In the northwestern district eight schools. In the northeastern district six schools and In the southeastern district eight schools, making a total of thirty-two. The question to be debated this year Is, "Resolved, That all corporations doing an Interstate business should be required to incorporate under the federal government." In most of the districts the first prelimi naries will take place on December 11. The district championship must be settled by the third Friday in February. After th ' district teams have been picked pairings will be made and . these teams must meet by the third Friday In March. The final contest will be held here at the Natural Science Auditorium on the third Friday In April. It will be remembered that last year the final contest rested between' Fort Dodge and Cedar Falls and that Fort Dodge won. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD! Stop paying rent live in a home of your own. How many times have you wished , that you could? Figure how much you have paid your landlord dur ing tnt last few years compare this sum with the price of a comfortable home that you will see in Bee Want Ads. But it's not too late please don't think so. You can buy a home in the suburbs, arid. pay for it as you would rent In time the home is yours. Many men who work in,' the city raise fruits, vegeta bles and chickens for profit, besides supplying the table. This helps to pay for the home quickly their itVso healthful for the children. You want a bargain that's why you should read Bee Want Ads. Read them every day for profit. !' S. V i - M. , .j .. ' .' i ' 1 :. i . V V In each case. They evidently were fright ened away before gttting to the vsafes, as a number of the articles taken were found scattered around the windows where they gained entrance, as 'if leaving hurriedly. The work bears the earmarks of . a home talent gang and off'cers are hard at work to locate the gulltr parties. Three" Store Robbed. . CRESTON, la., Nov. 4. (Special.) Bur glars effected an entrance to three promi nent business houses early yesterday morn ing, the Ctrauss dry goods house. Leeche s drug store and Mickel & Haven's furniture store, and made a haul of (42 and a gold watch at the latter place. They did not fare so well at the other two places, se curing only a few articles from the stock MUCH BETTING HAS BEEN DONE One Man Thinks Amount Is Greater Than la Any Vrevious Year. "I have lived In Omaha for thirty-two years," remarked a well Known sporting man last night, "and I have never seen so many or so large bets made on the re sult of the election as on this one." At several places around the city large amounts were put up and the total of these will reach a large figure. Twenty thousand dollars has been left at the Merchants' hotel In wagers. Some of the money Is on state results and some on the national election. As a rule In all the betting in the city the odds on the state have been even, while on the general re sult k has run from 2-1 to 6-1. At the BudweUer saloon about $18,(00 has been put up In various amounts ranging from 10 to Sl.WO or even more. At Foley's sa'.oon about $10,000 Is hanging In the balance awaiting the f nal results. At Savhs' cigar, store a considerably amount has been put up, running veil Into the thousands, though no accurate state ments of the total could bo secured. ' Lewis' saloon Is another plnce whcie large amounts have been placed on both general results and the state. Here the odds on the national election have averaged about KQ-35, while the betting on the stale has been even. At Rogers' Cigar store several thousand dollars Is held, l or safe keeping, but the total has not yet been figured. It wns stated there last night that the money has come In so frequently and In such varied amounts that no effort had been made to ascertain the total. The Henshaw hotel has been another fa vorite with betting men and ths safe of that Institution Is literally .crammed with envelopes containing wagers of various amounts on both the state and national results, as well as a few on .New York and other states. McVittie's cigar store holds several, hun dred dollars, largely In small amounts, though some of the wagers reach very re spectable figures. At the Schllts about $1,300 . Is awaiting the men who made the proper guesses. The usual odds prevailed here on. the state and national tickets. The proprietor of a well known hotel se cured a bet on general results at 7 o'clock last night at B-l, he taking the Taft end. The Bryan enthusiast only asked 4-1, but the hotel man .gave more. "It would have been ' grand larceny to have taken his proposition," he remarked after th wager had been placed in the safe. Some of the losers have already given up the fight and have consented for bets to be paid, but the majority are holding on in hopes of later and more favorable news. Fearful Slaughter of deadly microbes occurs when throat and lurjg diseases are treated with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60c and $1.90. Far sale by Beaton Drug Co. Cudahy's sugur cured breakfast bacon. In strips, per lb., USic. Central Grocery and Meat Market, W)-6u2 Broadway. Phones 24. POLICE HAVE AN EASY T!ME . - . !- Captain Mostya Sax It Was qalcteat Election. MsTht la Hls,;;., ' ., Memory. ..... m'; - "This is the most quiet election,' hlghi' I ever saw In Omaha," said Police Captain Mostyn at 1 o'clock this morning. ' ' : 1 "Of course there has been a number of men who have taken more than wss good for them, but everybody has been quiet and there has been no trouble of . any sort." ' , . ::; The streets were crowded until a 1st, hour, but It was a good-natured crowd. It seemed to make no difference whether the bulletins as displayed at the various placea happened to suit the preference ot the readers or not, everybody was good humored and shortly after midnight the streets were deserted except for ' few bunches of belated revelers' snd th police walked their beats with nothing to do . but swing their clubs and wish for the next relief to come and take their places, Ivy Polsonlns; Canses Death, ' BOONE. Ia., Nov. 4. (Special Telegram.) Zilpha Purcell, a prominent young woman In social circles, died here In great agony from Ivy poisoning.. Her sickness was con tracted six weeks ago while In the woods. Boy Killed by Kick of HorH, BOONE, la., Nov. 4. (Speolal Telegram.) Joseph Clouser, an 11-year-old lad, ' was kicked by a colt and It ruptured blood Ves sels in his lungs. . Death was immediate. Does not Color the (Hair ,--Batw ' Destroys Dandruff AYER'S HAIR VIGOR h -1 IFOR fUM API A II y Mini M WIN $125 Cash v By baking your prize loaf of bread with Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. We will add $100 to the Association prize of $25, if the winning loaf is baked with "Pride of Omaha": Sold by Every Grocer in' Omaha, So. Omaha and Council Bluffs Boost for Home Industry by baking with the only flour made in Omaha. Yours for success, UPDIKE !.!ILLI!!Q CO. V sfasriaMaQsadRQaHsgfl JPJJJJJJQHBSsJigsS