. i ...... i i ... -.......- ' nil ii ! i ,.,. ,. JL.... . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 5, 1003. t I r Of a9 tad word tor-rue r pen-Th addest are theset "It digit have ken Balling Powder en r msasi.M nmk Avoid the m!hap the disappoint ment! the 'bed hick' in baking, by ' avoiding; Poor Baking Powder the cheap. or biff can kinds end the hizh price Trust brands. fail Don't trust them. Put your faith in Calumet 'the only strictly high-grade baking powder told at a moderate cost. We absolutely guarantee that the results will please you. Guaranteed under all pure food laws both State and National. Refute substitutes get Calumet. Received Highent Award World's Pur Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907 fc. BRIEF CITY NEWS , Here Boot rrtat It. 2issiondst Sdholm, Jeweler. Bndolph r. BwoboAfc, Pnblio Accountant. aBoarkefor Quality cigars, 316 S. 15th Binehart, photographer, ltth dYFarnam. Bowman, 117 N. 16, Douglas shoe, $3.60. Zlsctrlcal Wiring and Bepalr Burgess Qranden company, 1611 Howard street Equitable Life Policies sight drafts at maturity. H. D. .Neely, manager, Omaha. Mrs: Wheeler Bella Home Mrs. Pauline Wheeler has sold a double frame flat building on Jackson near Twenty-eighth streey. to Lura Dresser for $3,650. ... Veep you ' mossy ' ana valuafclea In a . ,' safe deposit bos in the American Safe Ds- , poalt Vaults in The Bee building, which is absolutely burglar and fireproof. Boxee ' rent for only ii a year or II a quarter. ' ' Kali Business Thrive That Omaha Is ftrewlng us a.postofflce business center Is shown In the fact that during the month of October, 190S. there was sent out from the W ' Omaha office 1,806,027 more pieces of various clusses of mall than during October, 1907. One Woman' Sues Another In the suit for damages brought by Mrs. Lints against Mrs.' Beard for the despoiling of furniture belonging to the former and set out In the street In a rainstorm by Mrs. Beard, the jury Wednesday morning brought In a'ver-dk-t of-6121.85 damages for Mrs. Lints. fruit Company Sues Railroad, Suit for damages in the - sum of 230 has boen brought by the Gllinsky Fruit company of 3 .uth Omaha against the Chicago A North western , Railway company. The plaintiff alleges that a shipment of 700 boxes of fruit to Chicago was delayed and that the con signment spoiled In transit. , The suit has been .lled In district court. 'Douglas Street Boon Paved Paving op . orations on Douglas street between Tenth antl Sixteenth are progressing rapidly, tin . "mixture of slag and tar being laid over the concrete base Wednesday In the western - block af the section of the street where the work Is being done. The concrete work on lower Douglas street probably will be fin ished by the end 'of -the week. ' Oooke Bays Building A new home has 'mir ..been, secured by the J. P. Cooke company. ims m-sntfatJtrenr" of? 'Stencils ' and rubber stamps. J. P. Cooke, president of the com '" pany,' has bought from the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company the three story brick building at 1111 Farnam street, Just "across the thoroughfare from the . building in which the Cooke company has been renting quarters. The consideration was 19,000. The Insurance - company ob t tainud the, building, on a foreclosure. Real estate men say that the price for which the property sold Ib decidedly low and think the Cooke company has made a good bar gain1. 'AT' C. Kennedy made the sale. DICE "TO "SETTLE BUSINESS ". :, Fartaers Jibake o Detersalae Ier- ,f'W -ia BU oa Which to ' Dlvld Profits. . A. J, .Agnew.: president of the Columbian Optical company and Klwood Rlgge shook ' ''dle' tol determine whether Mr. 'Rlggs should , peocire S4 per cent or 36 per cent of the profits, of the concern when he became a member. Mr. -Rings wen the throw and j.- now .the Columbian company is suing Mr. Rfggs Tor U.2C2 claimed to be due upon the ' dissolution of the partnership.: , The ease was called for trial before Judge . Kstelie ,. Wednesday morning and Mr. Agnewi an the Stand, testified that he and Mr Riggs made the contract after shaking dice . lo determine the per cent of profits 'the new member or the firm was to re- ; Want, Ads" are business boosters. "l-CRESHER.-WINS THE PURSE i, Palis Den a Oae Iluadred aad Fifty Dollars oa the Klectloa of J a dare Taft. - , i In the archives that held many of the largest and smallest election bets made In Omaha this envelope was found Wednes day, and since then Mr. ' Dresner's friends have been pouring into his tailoring, estab lishment in streams to see how the "pro fessor" took his modlclne: This envelope contains $160. If Taft Is elected A. V. Dresher gets all the money. If Bryan la elected. Prof. Pfuhl gets -all the money. a. V. DKESUER. PROP. PKUHU. Ueorge Rogera holds the meitey. , Jap Rose Bath and Toilet Soap Is made by "our own process," perfected after years of experimenting. '"It cannot be Imi tated." Kirk make! it. All dealers sell It. War ttvaalag Clothes.' 1 Afles cleaning clothes with gasoline the ring left around the part can be removed by steaiidng' over the tea kettle. Great Sale Of MATTRESSES . ... , -This Week at flier, Stewart :;$fieitprir; 413"-15-17Si.i6t!lsi.S a if x t Thejr are unreliable they too often POSTAGE TO FOREIGN LANDS Rates Are Kevised in Many Instances on Mail Matter. ' DISCLOSES FOB HOLIDAY USE Letters and Parcels Have Benefited by the Changes Made by Govern ment la the Last Few. Years. With the approach of the-holiday season comes the need of Information on . postal rates to foreign countries. Ths rates have been changed considerably during the last few years, so unless one is careful in sticking the right amount in stamps onto the letters and holiday tokens he is send ing abroad, he may expend more money than Is necessary for the purpose. Both letter and parcel ratee have bene fited by the changes, and now Instesd of having to pay regular rates for weights over a certain mark, one need only affix stamps at a lessened rate when the letter or package weighs more than the ordi nary. Letters to Great Britain have been made the subject for one of the largest re. ductlons in the amount of postage required. The letter rate to Great Britain Is no. 2 cents per ounce or fraction, while to other foreign countries In the .postal union ,the rate Is 5 cents for the first ounce or fraction and cents for each subsequent ounce. The parcels post rate is, with a few ex ceptions, 12 cents per . pound or fraction, while the weights vary from four pounds six ounces to eleven pounds. To the Bahamas and Barbadoes, Bermuda, Bo livia, Chill, Republic of Colombia, Costa Rica, Danish West Indies, Ecuador,' Ger many, England, Ireland and Scotland, Guatemala. British Guiana, Biltlsh and Republic of Honduras, Italy, Jamaica, the Leeward Islands, Newfoundland, Nicar agua, New Zealand and Fanning Islands, Peru, Salvador, Trlnadad, TJruguay, Ven suela and the Windward Islands the rate is 12 cents per pound or fraction and weight limit eleven . pounds. To , Australia, Bel gium, China, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan and Cores, Mexico, (to certain offices the weight Is limited to four pounds six ounces. while to some parts of the republlo the limit is eleven pounds), Norway, the Nether lands and Sweden the rate Is 12 cents per pound or fraction and the Weight limit is four pounds six ounces. . Soma Cannot Be Registered. To France, England, Ireland and Scot land. Italy, Uruguay and The Netherlands articles sent by parcels vost cannot be registered, being transmitted in the ordi nary mails only. To all other paroels post countries packages may be registered on payment of the registry fee. which Is 6 cents In addition to the regular oostage, all paid In stamps, to be attached to the parcel. , To secure advantage of rates to the coun tries enumerated it Is, necessary to procure at the postofflce, registry or stamp divi sion, a blank declaration tag, which must be filled out by the sender and the parcel. If to be registered, presented at the registry division and a receipt procured, but If the parcel is not to be registered It musj be submitted to the superintendent of malls, and If properly prepared the parcel will be dispatched. Where It Is possible the postal authorities advise the public to use the registered mall, as this Insures safety and proper delivery. Should the sender of a registered letter or parcel desire It, a receipt will be obtained from the addressee, on delivery, and It will be mailed to the sender without additional cost. To procure a return receipt, the sender must endorse on tht face of the letter or parcel, mailed to a foreign county, the words "return receipt demanded." Mall matter for foreign countries must be addressed in ink, never with indelible pencil nor copying ink. Postage stamps should be placed on the face, upper right hand corner, of the article or letter to be mailed, never on the back. The department has Issued, for free dis tribution, a small pamphlet, In which will be found many pointers of general Infor mation on postal matters. Copies can be procured at the office of the postmaster stamp or registry division. WITNESSES FOUND IN OMAHA laele 8am Secarca a Trio to Testify Agalast White Slav la. pastors. Tho "white slave" traffic of the west has received a severe setback by the arrest of thres Important witnesses In Omaha during the last few days and their trans fer to Chicago Wednesday morning under charge of Deputy t'nlted States Marshals Nicker son and Proctor. These witnesses are Alice LaPorte, Ar maria Lapaasengc'and Paul Ronandln, who have been ' arrested to appear In tr- case of the United States against 3. Mitchell of Chicago, who is charged with being one of the most extensive Importers ef Immoral women Into the country- ever engaged In that nefarious traffia, and for whom ths government has been seeking for years. The arrest of Mitchell was made at the In stance of tiie Department of Justice, and not through the immigration bureau, aa in the case of the Duprey woman, now await. Ing deportation under $5,000 in the Douglas county Jail. The LaPorte woman, Lapaasenge and Retiandln have neon In Omaha for severs! wetks, and a fourth member of the trio took the alarm and has disappeared. These people are regarded, as most Important witnesses, and the order for their arrest and trsnsfer was issued Monday, the ar reat following. ..Tax M'aralsg, Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney trouble down you. when you can quickly down them wit ESectrte Bitters. Sue. For sale l.y Beaton Drug Co. NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mr. and Mn. B. A. McAllister Hon ored by Good Shepherd's Church. ALL SOCIAL r CLUBS ABE ACTIVE Card, Danclaa-, Lancheon, Keaslaa-- tea aad Other Clahe Hold Their ' Meetlasrs Rea-nlarlr at Hemes f Members. Mrs. A. C. Powell, opened her Honrs. In Kountse Tlace Wednesday, evening for a large reception In honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MacAUaster and family, . given by the members of the perish of the church of the Good Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs Mac AUaster and fumlly extect to leave Satur day for their new home In San TYanclscot Cal. The rooms had pretty decor ation of yellow chrysanthemums, palm and fern. In the receiving line, besides Ihe guests of honor, will be Rev. and Mrs, Robert B. M. Ben and Mrs. A. C. Powell. Assisting through the rooms were Right Rev. Bishop end Mrs. A. I Williams, Mr., al.d Mrs. Millard Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cole,. Mr. and Mr. L. B. CYum, Mr. and Mrs. A 'W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Miller. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Roomson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke .Powoll, Mrs. Weeth and Mrs. Ely. Serving punch will be Miss Inea Late?. Miss Georgia Trimble. Miss Alios Fry, Miss Gertrude Weeth and Miss Powell. New Kensington Clab. iMIss Grace Conant entertained the mem bers of the new kenslngton club Wednes. day afternoon and the time was pleasantly spent with needle work. The members in cluded Mlts Grace Conant, Miss Elolse Wood, Miss Fannie Howland, Miss May Murphy, Miss Effle Haight, Miss Sophie Shirley. Miss Alice Switsler, Miss Laura Dale, Miss Henrietta Rees, Miss Wayne Hemphill, Mrs. C. J. Chapman, Mrs. Frank Hsrwood, Mrs. Ronald Patterson and Mrs. Paul Burleigh. Mld-Welc Bridge Clab. . Mrs. Jerome Magee was hostess Wedncs day of the meeting of the Mid-Week Bridge club. Mrs. Joseph Barker Was the guest of the club and the members present Included Mrs. Glen Wharton, Mrs. T. L Davfs, Mrs. Louis Nash. Mrs. E. T. Swobe, Mrs. Willard Hosford, Mrs. B. W. Cotton, j Mrs. C. Y. Smith and Mrs. Jerome Magee. Danclaa- r-arty. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers entertained the mem bers of the Young Married People's Dancing club Monday evening at Happy Hollow. The latter part .of the evening a cotillion was given, Mr. Louis Clarke leading and several figures were used which Mr. Clarke had introduced two seasons ago, when he led one of the germane given by the Cotil lion club. Those present Monday evening were Mr and Mrs. Louis Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Plerpont, Mr. and Jtfrs. Clarke Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorly, Mr. and Mrs. N. P Dodge, jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Eira MIHard, Mr. and Mrs; S. S. Caldwell, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. David Raurn, and the guests were Miss Marie Crounse, Miss Elisabeth, Cong don, Miss Faith Potter,- Miss Susan Holdrege, Frank Morsman, Mr. Everts. Hal Yates and Randall Brown. LaDonsalae Clab. Misses Joe and Fay Lyman entertained the members of the LaDousalne club, Mon day evening in celebration of the fourth anniversary of the club. The guests wore olbVfashioned dresses, coming In gowns worn years ago by their mothers, grand mother and greatgrandmothers. Miss Beatrice " Klntner wore a gown 100 years old. The prise for the best costume was awarded to Miss Ines Bonnell. Many Hal lowe'en games were enjoyed, and at the close of the evening refreshments were served In the dining room, the table being decorated with large and small pumpkins, black cats, witches, eto. Souvenirs of the club were flven each guest. Those pres ent were Misses Maud Bonnell, Ines Bun nell. Emily Allen, Beatrice Klntner, Grace Montgomery, Blanche Moore, Edythe Mar ley. Virgil Redfleld, Nellie Winn, Fay Watts, Joe Lyman and Fay Lyman. Mrs. E. W. Gotten entertained the mem bers of the Travelers' Protective associa tion Wednesday afternoon at cards at her home on Harney street. Assisting Mrs. Gotten were Mrs. C. W. Close and Mrs. C. J. Vlebrath, and about sixtieon gaests were present. Yellow and white chrysan themums and palms made an effective dec oration for the rooms. i Airs. c. B. Peterson gave a luncheon Tuesday at her home, 2416 Franklin street, In honor of her guest, Mrs. W.. J. . Van Buren of New York. The table was dec orated with chrysanthemums, and covers were laid for Mrs. L C. Clauson, Mrs. Proof Is inexhaustible that Lydla E. Pinkham'g Yeg-eUble Compound carries women safely through the Change of Life. Read the letter Mrs. E. Hanson. 804 E. Long St, Columbus, Ohio, writes to Mrs. Pinkham i " I was pa Minor through the Chang of Life, and Buffered from nervous ness, headaches, and other annoying symptom. My doctor told mi thai Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com PQiurd was good for mo, and since taking- it I feel so much hotter, and I caa again do my own work. I never forget to tell my friend what Lydla E. Pink ham'g Vegetable Compound did for me during- this trying period." , FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia K. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound, in&de from roots and herbs, baa been the standard remedy for female ilia, and haa positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, pertodlo pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulencyt indiges tloiv, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham Invitee all sick . women to write her for advice She haa rulded thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. ' - B. Mofmsnn, Mrs. A. D. WebK Mrs. IV. Johnson. Mrs. W. J. Van Buren, Mrs. C. B. Peterson, Miss Clara Hofmann, Miss Margaret Hofmsnn. . . Bride Laarhroa. Mrs. John W. 1 Ratlin entertained this woes; for the Tuesday Bridge Luncheon club, r The luncheon table had a decoration of yellow and white chrysanthemums. Thost present Were: Mrs. Longley,. Mrs. Frank Turney, Mrs. A. W. H. Bush, Mrs. SB. F. Reynolds, Mrs. Marshall Collins. Mrs. Frstik; Cowdery, Mr. Helen Fowell. Lunchuon was followed by bridge. -Orgheaea rarty. - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Battln, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turney, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. II. Bush, Miss Wright and Mr. Llndeman made up a party at the Orpheum, Tuesday evening. ' Proseetlv Pleasares. Mr. -and Mrs. C. L. Dundey and Mr. M. E. Berat entertained Informally at din ner Wednesday evening complimentary to Miss Hester Taylor-end Dr. Richard Lock wood "of.dhleago, whose wedding will take place Thursday evening. The table will hate a pretty decoration of pink chrysan themums and covers will be placed for eight guests. Mrs. H. Newman announces the engage ment of her daughter, Miss Amelia New man to Mr. Louis Sommer. The date of the wedding will be announced tster. An "at home" will be given Sunday evening from 7 to 11 o'clock, at 2710 Burt street. Come aad Ua Gossip. Miss Eugenie Whltmore, who Is visiting In Tipton, Ind., Is expected home in about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. . Warren Rogers are plan ning to leave for the east next week, where they will visit before starting for an ex tended trip abroad, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coad have moved to the house which they have taken at Far nam and Twenty-seventh street, recehtly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers. VOGUE OF SHIRT WAIST RINGS Jewelrr for Their Women to .Wear with Attire- for the Morning. "Shirt waist rings" is what they are labelled. They are the simple maaaive rings that some women prefer to wear with morning Attire In place of their Jewelled rings which they save for afternoon and evening. All the various forma of seal rings now popular are Included in the shirt waist ring list, but the name is used more espe cially for rings of severely plain design set with semi-precious stones of the kinds that will stand hard wear and even soap and water. Many of the shirt waist rings are plain bands of twisted or braided gold or silver. Some are fashioned like snakes. But most of the rings are stone set. Turquoise matrix la among the best liked stones, as it is becoming to any hai j that a ciear SKin. It IS usually set In ft large oval rimmed with an edge of gold no heavier than Is necessary to hold It se curely. Many of the turquoise matrix rings are silver highly burnished or oxidised in very dark tonest rr . ins revived gsrrlet Is much used In these rings. It is usually set In cabochon fashion a. irosted gold tins) in a deep Etruscan tone has a lion's head for Its ornament and a cabochon garnet Is set in the lion's mouth.- A great oval disk of highly polished coral simply set In a rim of gold Is the ornament or another ring. ; Moonstones are much ued. usually set; In silver, which carries out the silvery quality of. the stone color ing. Lapus .lasull animalacWlta are' used with gold or silver rings. One model has a long narrow stone embedded in the ring so far rouna me ringer that the ring seems made of the stone. Some rings are made entirely of Jade,t the Chinese lucky stone. Topas anu ameinyst shirt waist rings abound. HERO'S WIDOW IS PENSIONED Caraeile Fans! Briars Timely Assist. aaee t a ' Fatherless Home. Mrs. Mary MoAteer, 8408 Michigan avenue. St. Louis, widow of Patrick McAteer, who lost hi life last June rescuing Uv year-old josnepnine Tulley, daughter of Herv C Tulley, manager of the Walnbright build ing, from a run away pony which she was riding near Union boulevard and Fairmont avenue, has been awarded a pension of J60 a montn while she remains a widow, by the Carnegie Herd Fund commission at rutsDurg. , Mrs. McAteer also is to receive a sliver medal to remind her of the herolo manner In which her husband met death, and 16 a month extra for each of her seven little children, the oldest only 11, until they reach me age oi u years. . - McAtter was standing In ; front of the new Soldan High school at Falrmount and Union when he saw Josephine Tulley ap proaching on a fast wunnlng pony and heard her cry for help. He brought the Pony down, but sUpped In the act of doing so and his scull wss factured when his head etruck the street car track. The pony also fell, pinning Josephine under IL One of her legs was smashed. Two weeks ago a agent of the Carnegie oommlsslon called upon Mrs McAtter, after having Investigated the nature of her husband's act. and made Inquiries as to her financial condition, since MsAteer's demise the widow has obtained employ Kent as janltress at the Herbert school s'.. Louis Times. PLACE CARDS FOR THE BRIDE Cato.u, Water Color Plctares and Old- shoes Among; tho t Novelties. Place cards for bridal luncheons, dinners and suppers are being turned out in rw and fetching styles. Tbey are very large nm, ,nJf elght ,nchet hlBh , 4re either of the paper doll variety or oblong or square, with a picture In water colors or a veiled bride or a bridesmaid tarrying a bouquet. The cut out figure, sre also painted In water colors. Many of them are three-quarter length. They stand by mesns of a paper easel .Jand glued to the tni"" tHI. noveltu, "'all place cards for the wedding are cut out water- color Picture, of.tree shaded church... Cut out brides slipper, make other care,.. A "t b"eh of artificial orang. bio.,. . r ,h th t09- 01(1 h0e stlil snother design. . hi?., m0t' C'r b" even ected the.. Cum . PPer ftUed out "ke motor. Cupid appear. n many of th. cards. In hnM, 1h"-hP'd model he ou V ,Ur" bUqU"- In "other cut out card of a tall champagne glass h. sit. upon the rim of the giVi , "U "i. e"y nmt,er to business through Th. Bee W.nt Ad Column! Ballalaa- Permit.. ,.M,r": Bridget O'Brien, Thirty-second mA VV right streets, frsme a welln Emma H. Clarey. Thlity-ttlrd iVreet A PoPPle'OU avsnue. frame dw"lnS LL 4 ' - PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Brigadier General Charles Morton re turned from Chicago and la again on duty at department hcadu trturs. B. C. COUNCIL STILL ON TOE RACK Democratic City 'Administration Be fore the Grand Jury. ELECTION DOES K0T STOP IiTdTTIBY McGovern and the Rest Mast Tell All Aboat Vaeatlast streets Contrary to' the Charter Provi sions. ', Before election democrats said that the county grand jury was trying to make political capital by Ir.vestlgstlng the demo cratic city administration and calling Coun "llmm Thomas McGovern. chairman of the committee on street improvements, on the carpet. But election Is now past snd the grand Jury Is still after the democratic city officials. Mayor Jim Dahlmara, President of the Council L B. Johnson and Councilman Thomas McGovern were all summoned be fore that body Wednesday, together with Councilman Zimman and Chief of Police Donahue, to tell what they knew of the management of city affairs. The nature of the investigation which the grand Jury Is conducting Is, of course, not divulged, but It is stated by those who are in a position to know thnt the action of Coun cilman McGovern in pocketing the city abstracter's report regarding city land un lawfully occupied la one of the Items. In accordancs with the charge to the Jury by the Judge before it began Its sit- ting. It will Investigate tho "red light" district, and the mayor and chief of po lice may have been summoned on that score, though the mayor is also In on the occupancy of city property by reason of his approving the .council's action. Magrney Known Aboat It. Assistant County Attorney Mairnav. who Is acting In an advisory capacity to the grand Jury, Is conversant with the actions of the democratic council in its violating of the city charter by vacating streets, ny reason or a civil suit he brought against It last wlnte. This was when the council usurped Its powers and vacated TWenty fifth avenue between California and Burt Streets on December 13, 1907. Attorney Magney brought suit against the city and the Creighton university authorities on be. half of Louis Johnson, Peter Peterson and G. B. Bonderson, who objected to the clos ing of the street. The council made cer tain concessions, however, and the case was dismissed. Councilman McGovern, who has held the report of the city abstracter since May 12, last, refused to go before the grand Jury on Monday of last week, when re quested to do so by the foreman, because he was not regularly subpoenaed. He has now been subpoenaed and will have to tell the grand Jury why action has not been taken on the report. Large and small tracts of land in various parts of the city are occupied by public service corporations and private individuals. Nominal rental Is paid for the occupancy of a few pieces, but the majority of them are occupied free. HAYWOOD CASE NOT AN ISSUE Famous Trial Had Nothing; to Do with Election, Says Boise Man. "The famous Haywood trial had no In fluence in this campaign in Idaho," de clared Charles J. Perkins Of Boise, who is at the Honshaw. "Governor Gooding was not up for re-election and tha republican nominee, John H. Brady, has been elected by over 7,000, a telegram informs me. Mr. Brady also says that Taft's majority in the state is 19,000 and that a republican congressman has been elected." Mr. Perkins Is general manager of the Twin Falls It ,'ion company and Is here with a party colonists from western Iowa, who will settle on lands his company has made it possible to cultivate. He Is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and was in college with Senator La Follette and former Governor Heriod of South Da kota. By a coincident another man bound for Boise was at tli Henshaw. This was a well known eastern lawyer, Peyton Gor don, special assistant to the attorney gon eral of the United Status. Mr. Gordon, whose home Is In Washington, has been retained to help In the prosecution of land frauders In Idaho and other parts of 'the west. He and S. R, Rush will conduct sev eral cases for the government about to be tried In the Idaho capital. Leather Baa's. The fashionable alligator bags can e kept looking fresh and new If treated with russet shoe polish. The best quality must be used and applied In exactly the same way, as It Is to shoes, being sure to uss the wan finish, which prevents the color from rubbing off. . It is claimed that the same dressing can be used on tan gloves with satisfactory results. Patent leather bags can be cleaned with warm watter and soap with out Injuring the leather. If they are well dried with a soft cloth. The General Demand of the Well-informed of tho World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent part are known to them to be wholeieome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with it ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies oa the merits of the laxative for it remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna i given the preference by the Well-Informed. To get its beneficial effect always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sals by 11 leading druggie . Price $fty centl tor bcttls ape otner drag habits sre Dostttnlv eaiwd i, ror ayponaniifa or lotemu ess. mpi ml to say SMll. Kifiilr prtoe . psr bold s re oer drKst or by mail la i!ala wrapper. Moll Order Filled lly IIAYDKX UIIOS.. OMAHA. NEB. TO.NIf.HT 2avsvk MORPHINE Regal Shoes Stand The Test Lust week the "Hoga! Buzz-Saw" provotl to liuntlrods of interested upet'tators thut tlio material! in, "Uegal" shoes from the genuine oak-bark-tanned soles to the fast 3 Underwear Special at 45c An excellent early fall weight, fine and soft, non shrinkable Men's combed EgjT)tian cotton, derby rib bed underwear. Shirts have silk finished front, drawers heavy sateen French yoke band and ecru or salmon pink, per gannent. . . .45c OMAHA'S LBASIBO OI.OTHIXK. Extra $100-00 Prize is offered to the winner' of the bread baking contest ' at the Auditorium, if the winning' loaf is made of BLUE BELL FLOUR - Our Flour is in the Contest Remember Our Flour Took Flrsf Prlro Last year at. th Pur Food Show Sold at All Grocer - - T. C. DRUNNER (SL SON pMAHAto CHICAGO J jllfSk Via Des Moines and Davenport v yjjj jijl 1 I illlllmiV Into La Salle St Station : $illlilHlll!llll !l llllllllinlllllliSw Nearest Chicago's business fl7' 7 lliilllllllllllIlM shopping and hotel jfi jjj ji!LH j lilVi,Vlct"i0ll,y.07 onM iMElilil ! 1 1 III S I J I lim. the elevated Al i i- . j lllllllllillllliililll ip yfllil fnuliiiiwi 1 TICKETS: JT 1323 FARNAM ST. 1 o As n There are no vacant offices, but: - i , i ' If you have been looking for such rooms, no doubt you have found desirable space is a rare thing. From time to time changes are made by tenants which -would make available just the kind of office rooms which you desire. THE BEE BUILDING N 1 occupied from top to bottom, but for reasons above stated we keep a waiting list and would be pleased to have you call and look through the building. By giving u an Idea of your requirements would place u in a position to fulfill your want along this line at tome future time. Leave your name, and address with '..'... R. W. BAKER, Supt, Room 105 color hooks and eyelets are the finest money can Iniy. No fhoe but the "Regal" could stand the test of being sawed into little pieces and every hidden' part exposed. That's why wc sell so many "Ilegals" tq Omaha patrons. The " Regal" quarter-ixes insure a perfect fit or man or woman at 3.S0 $4 i c a g o Cooking and Heating Fuel and Trouble Savers 1 EVERY CHARTER OAK IS GUARANTEED , If fear dealer tries te talk yon lata taa ndstsfce ef begins another nuke, write te as CHARTER OAK STOVE AKD RAKSE CO, 8T. LOUIS, MO,