THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1908. Bill Dons. Both FkcaH nlfe: New, Glove V A'LLIER'S Monocco LEATHER .vaiieg in Krendli glove making 'of 'leather, imparting thereto equalled finish and perfect fit. . We have the exclusive sale in this city. These new gloves come in blacty . whiter iind new tans. $2.23:a'Tair; Ask o see the lem abo Corsets v ; Corsets. ' VlfUUI bit kj , AAA IV a vwuw a a & v Ve are pleased to announce the arrival of our stock of children. winter coats. All the newest styles in white and colored coats for children. Ages one to six years. Prices start" at $3-5(X. '' '. Ex-Attorney Oeneral Harmon, democrat, claimed .to ha elected governor, but repub llcana dispute. Democratic gains In legis lature. " . .-.. . West Virginia Latest returns favor Taft. Bennett, democrat - for governor, la In the lead, but the republicans claim all , five congressmen admitting only two dis tricts In doubt. The pluralities of Taft and Hughes m' New York state are aome what modified by returns received lale to- . day, though the result was not materially changed. With 80 out -of 66 dlstrt ts miss ing, and two estimated, tats today Taft'a plurality has been raised to 199.G66, an In crease of about 2,000 from the earlier esti mate, and with ninety-seven districts missing anO. tnJrty.livs estimates, Hughes; plurality or governor hatrbeen reduced to f,81, , , , Today's returns leave no doubt upon the election of the full republican state ticket by substantial pluralities all along the lino." Willie Taft carried New York by a plur ality of .over 15,000, Chanter carried the city by about 60,000, and Tammany hall put In office all of Its Important local candidates. MARYLAND BALTIMORE,' Md.. Nov. 4.-The latest re turns from yesterday's election show thai the result In Maryland on the presidency Is tlcse. According to the latest figures, Taft had polled 97,690, whle Bryan had polled 97,433. it plurality for Taft of 1B3. In four of the counties the pluralities ar estimated,.. In some other counties a few precincts are missing, so the state really la In .doubt:' Congressman Pearre, of Iht Sixth district, about irhoae election there has been doubt, Is. safe with a plurality of 680. The Congressional delegation from this state still", remains, .three republicans and three democrats, but with a slight change In the personnel. Covington, dem ocrat, defeated Jackson,, the present In cumbent. In .the glrst district, and Kron mlller, republican, won . over Wolf, the preaent .democratic , representative In the Third district. . ... . BALTIMORE. Md., Nov. 4. Fuller re turns received up to 19:30 o'clock Indicste that the slight Taft plurality haa been wiped out and that Maryland has gone for Bryan. . ,, ' . According to these figures ' Bryan leada by about 1.000, with the totals: Bryan, 101, 402; Taft. 100,839. . In four, counties th returns are Incom plete. These are St. Mary's, Calvert, 'Dor chester .and Predrlck,. but In each only a few precincts remain to he heard from. OKLAHOMA OUTIlRIE. Okla., Nov. 4-Republlcan gains Itava been general, but not large nough to effect the result on the national ticket, congressmen and legislature. Bryan's plurality lstlmuted at 25,000, the congres ional delegation, four detnocrata and one republican 4a re-elected, and the legislature la overwhelming democratic and will re elect United States Senator Thomas P. Gore. No official - figures were available at 7 o'clock this morning. SOUTH DAKOTA 810UX FALLS. S. D., Nov. 4.-Late- re turns Indicate that the republicans havo elected nobles than 108 out of 148 members of the legislature, assuring the election to the United Statea Senate of Governor Coe I. Crawfofd. republican primary: nominee, as successor to Senator Kittredge. Charles H. Burke and Eben W. Martin, republican are elected to congreas by ma jorities wlrtjrh aro rat very much different she looks forward to the hour with elm by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, unpleasant, feelmgs, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passpa through the event yi tt or- y m fir'w with but, little suffering, as PMmUTTtM I ?Tm iC orAA " J1 P ' druiisisia. "Yr-yC"- m-"V tttxZT Boufc cubteu-iug valuabl la- I furmatloa auued f res. I TBS BRAD FIELD KRXOUtATOK CO. AD p. Ib4. A1D41. - You are invited to call at our Glove department and inspect the season '8 newest creations in street gloves. These gloves are the most recent ad- a new and distinctive curing extraordinary disability, un- VALLIER'S MOROCCO LEATHER Price '.You'll appreciate the two leading fea tures of Kabo Corsets no metal eye lets, and non-breakable stays. Either ot , these is enough to make the Kabo a great favorite. If you have a medium bust and average figure, here is an excellent cor set for you at a very low price. It is the Kabo Corset, style No. G80, made of fine . batiste. Price $1.00. A Kabo dollar's worth of corset is the best value you can find. Other Kabo Corsets up to $3.50. . Come Thursday and see these Kabo Bee ll-4-'08 , I from that given Taft In South Dakota. Late reports make It certain that Taft'a plurality In the state will not be under 23,000 and may reach 80,000 or more. Vessy, republican, for governor, will have a majority of not less than 15,000 over le, democrat. . . MISSOURI ST. LOUIS. Nov. 4. Indications at I p. m. are that the democrats will control the next Missouri legislature on Joint ballot by four" votes, .assuring the re-election of United States Senator Stone If all the dem ocrats In the legislature . abide by the. ad visory vote of the senatorial primary. The state Is extremely" douTJtful as to its elec toral vote, v .r. '.. : . ' There la little doubt but that Attorney General Herbert S. Had ley has defeated hU democratic opponent. Congressman William Cowherd for the governorship. With ninety six counties heard from, more or less com pleetly, Hadley had a plurality of close to 18,000, the ' vote In the state having failed to disturb the margin of 16,500 with which he left St. Louis. This, too, despite the fact that Kansas City gave Cowherd a plurality In exceas of 8,000. At noon the democratic state chairman, Harry Rubey, said: "It looks bad, but In the absence of def inite figures, we refuse to concede, any thing." ... The minor parties cut no figures In the St. Louis vote. Hlsgen, according to. latest returns, failed to receive a single vote In the ctty. Debs was given about 6,000; Chafln about 200, and Watson about 180. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 4,-Thls morn ing It looks as If William 8. Cowherd, democrat, would have to depend upon his plurality in Jackson county(wblch Includes Ksnsas City), to gain a lead over Herbert 8. Hadley, republican, for governor. . Cow herd's plurality In Jackson county Is esti mated at from 1,800 to 2,500. but this may not be sufficient to give him the state. KANSAS ' TOPEKA, Kaiy.. Nov. 4. Returns from sixty-nine countes complete and Incomplete have been received. These give Taft 22,021 and Bryan 18,417. Later returns are re duclng the estimated plurality of Taft and of Stubba, for governor. Stubbs' plurality Is placed at 20,000 to 26.000 and Taft'a about 8,000 more. The election of Joseph L. Bristow- to the United Statea senate la . assured. Returns received up to tonight show the election of thirty-nine democratic representatives and five democratic senators, seventy republi can representatives and thirty republican senators. This leaves sixteen representa tives and five aenatora stHI In the doubt ful column. ' The republicans have a majority In the legislature of fifty-six, not counting the tloubtful members and of thirty-five, count ing all the doubtful ones In the democratic column. OHIO CINCINNATI. O., Nov. 4 A plurality of about 60,000 for Judge Taft, the repub lican candidate for president, was the election-day expression of the voters of Ohio, who, however at the same time chose the head of the opposition state ticket by a plurality iof probably 20,000. More than half the precincts of the state are Included in the figures that show these results, no- estimates being consid ered, and any. difference will be simply as to the slse of the plurality, there be ing no question as to the certainty of the result. The slow count delayed knowledge Is to love children, end no home can be happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass usually is so full suffering and dread that iapprehension. Mother's Friend, j I j 1 CXJ J, rf the doclnlon as to the legislature and both parties claim to have the majority that wilt se4Me the Cnlted States senator-ship.- The same alow count delayed de clalon ts to the balace of ths state tick at. INDIANA , INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.J Nov. .-The dem oorati of Indiana yesterday elected . their candidate for governor, Thomas R. Mar ahall. and probably the entire state demo cratla ticket Eight democratic congress men have been elected, a gain of four. C. B. Iandla, republican representative from the Ninth district, has been defeated and Jesse Overstreet.'. republican, of the Sev enth district, also has been defeated by a small margin. The democrats, are alsa claiming the legislature, - which will have the election of la United fetates senator. ILLINOIS CHICAGO, Nov. 4.Earty morning re turna did not materially change the figures sent our last night. Taft carried Cook county by 7 J. 400 and the city of Chicago by M.400. Toft's plurality In the state. In cluding Chicago and Cook county, 1a esti mated tt from 170.000 to 175,000. The entire republican state ticket was elected, Charles 8. Deneen for governor, receiving a plur ality of about 40,000. The congressional delegation from thla state will oonlst of nineteen republican and six democrats, the democrats gaining one 1n the Eighth district, where Thomas Oallagher, demo crat, . aucceeded Charles' McOsvln. ' a re publican. The proposition to Issue bonds to the amount of $20,000,000 for the purpose of aiding In the construction of a deep waterway for the lakea to the gulf was carried by an overwhelming majority. IOWA, DES -MOINES, la., Nov. 4. Incomplete returns from evsry congressional district In Iowa Indicate the election of republican congressmen. In the Sixth district the fight Is close. KendaH haa wen by a mar gin of probably 600 to 1,000. In the First, Second, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth, where It was conceded by the republican man agers the fight would be close, the re publican candidates won by good majori ties. Hepburn, In the Eighth, and Hull, in the Seventh, were elected. Hull's major ity In the Seventh will be 8.000. The en tire republican state ticket Is elected by pluralities ranging from ' 50,000 to 80.000. Tarts plurality in the state will total 57,000. Governor Cummins, for United States senator, has won by an overwhelm ing majority. Incomplete returns from nearly overy county in the state Indicate his election over Lacey by at least 25,000. The complexion of the next Iowa legtsla- ture will be progressive republican. WYOMING CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 4. Complete re- turns from eight out of thirteen counties In Wyoming give Taft a plurality of 2,760. Democratic State Chairman Stickney con cedes the state to Tat by 6,000. Congress man Frank W. Mondell, republican. Is re elected by about the same majority. Albert T. Twsme, the primary nominee. Twesme's plurality , is estimated at about ICO. cnairman Fdmunds of the republican state .central committee,' says Taft will have at least 60,000 plurality in the state while Chairman Manson of the democratic state committee will not concede his elec tion by more than 26.000 from the returns received by him. .i MAINE-, . PORTLAND,- Me., Nov.- 1-Malne today gave Taft an estimated plurality of 81;600. John P. Swasey and Frank El Guernsey. republicans, wero chosen in the Second and Fourth congressional districts, respec tively, to fill short term vacancies. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, Mass., Nov. J.-The republican aiionai ana sine canaiaaioa carried the state today and all eleven republican con-1 gressmen were re-elected. Both branches of the legislature will be republican by ncavy margins. Early returns indicate plurality for Taft of 120,000. The plurality of Lieutenant Governor Eben 8. Draper, republican, for governor. Is estimated at 80.000. . MINNESOTA ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 4. It was con ceded by all parties at 11 o'clock today that Governor Johnson had been re-elected governor to aerve his third term. Governor Johnson himself says that his Indicated majority will be over 25,000. TEXAS DALLA8, Tex., Nov. 4. Practically com plete returns from yesterday's election sho the usual overwhelming majorities In favor of the democratic ticket, both state and na tional. A resolution adopted by the demo crat!: atite convention Instructs the legis lature to submit to a vote of the people at a future election a consltutlonal amendment .... . . . . . . providing ior siaiewiae proniDition. CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4.-Californla probably will give Taft a plurality of over 60.000 votea and In addition has re-elected eight republican congressmen and a repub lican legislature. Of the numerous con-1 atitutlonal amendments the proposal to re move the atate capital from Sacramento to I Berkeley has undoubtedly be n defeated. Judge Frank H. Dunno waa the only demo cratic Judge elected In San Francisco and he waa victorious In spite of a vigorous I campaign against him by those who ob-1 Jected to his rulings while trying the Rusf I and Schmlfk graft cases. COLORADO DENVER. Nov. 4. Estimates of plurality by counties based upon Incomplete returns show that Bryan and the entire democratic atate ticket, head' d by John F. Shafroth for governor, carried Colorado with plu raUtles hi the neighborhood of 6,000. ' The democrats probably will control the legislature by a narrow margin. Insuring the election' of Charles J. Hjghes, Jr.. as United States senator to ' succeed Teller Hughes having been endoraed for the post tlon by the state convention. Resulta of the congressional elections are not positively known, but Indications favor Edward it. Taylor, democrat. In the state at large: Robert W. Bonynge, ' republican. In the First d'strlct, and John A. Martin, democrat, in ' the Second. At a late hour this afternoon complete returns hsd been received from only fifty five out or 146 precincts In Denver and theae showed the following results: President: Bryan, 11.711; Taft, 1.415. Governor: Shafroch, 11,624; McDonald, 8.756. Typaola at Asim, BOONB, la., Nov. 4. (Special Telagram.) Iowa State college at Ames la threatened with a.tieup on account of typhoid fever. The sanitary conditions of the college grounds are bad and many b'.g houses housing up to thirty students are In bad condition. Already there are many cases of typhokt on account of poor aewsgs and the cases continue to Increase.' DINNER TO, AMBASSADOR D. . Thompson ii Honor Guest at the Omaha Club. J. E. BATTM GIYXS THE FUNCTION Loaa- Mat of Prominent Men of Omaha Are Kate rtalned with lalted States Represent ilTe to Meatco. t. K. Thompson. Vnlted States ambassa dor to Mexico, was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by J. E. Baum at the Orraha club .Wednesday afurnoop. Ihose present Included leading cTlisens of Omaha, representing all of jts , larger. Interests. Brief addresses were made by Oeneral Charles T. Manderson, Dr. George t,. Miller and H. II. Baldrlge. Mr. Thompson, delivered a short talk upon Mexican affairs, reviewing th general business, commercial, political and social conditions of that republic, that was list ened to with the most Interested attention. It was a symposium of Mexican affairs told by an observant business man more comprehensive than any written article could possibly be. These were the guests: C. H. Pickens. T. C. Byrne I. W, Camenter C. F. Wcller . C. N. Diets . . O. P. Diets Dr. Palmer Flndlay W.-M. Burgess A. C. Smith H. D. Neely C. J. Green William Stull V. B. Caldwell Dr. C. A. Hull A. I, Lcve F. W, Judson W. .A. DeBord M T. Barlow N. fr ijnomla Frank Colpetser W. A. Redlck J. R. I ,e timer I. B. Conadon G. F. Bldwell William waunc . C. J. Lane .. W. L. Park A. I Reed E. P. Peck Clement Cbase . F. M. Hamilton E. K. Bruce W. 8. Wright c V. T. Kountse W. D. McHugh C. F. Manderson ' J. C. Cowln R. 8. Hall Luther Drake 8. t. Barkalow C C. Rose water- t. F.-lA. Nash J. C. Wharton J. E. Kelby H. W. Yates D. A. Baum . , D. Baum, Jr. A. L. Bchants I.' B. Thompson J. JK. Baum John 'R. Webster W. Farnam Smith I. ee Snratlen Ross Curtice Ed .Blgnell Euclid Martin J S. Brady i O. W. Holdrego C. K Tost H. H. BHldrlee J H. Millard C. IX Mullen Dr. Qeorfre L. Miller F. P. Klrkendall E. A. Cudfthy J. M. Cudahy . J. L. Kennedy F. H. Davis Dlas Has Tm Years . More. Mr. Thompson said to a reporter for The Bee: "There seems to be a misapprehension regarding President Dlas' candidacy for re election to the presidency of ihe Mexican republic. He still has two years to serve On his nresent term and he haa reneatAtllv Indicated his Intention of retiring at the end of his term. The friendly feeling be- tween the citizens, .of Mexico and the Vnlted States Is constantly growing. Mexlcj welcomes American Industry and capital American capital is heavily Interested In all kinds of Mexican enterprises, mining ind mercantile, as well as commercial. There Is approximately rTOO.OOO.OOO of American capital Invested In various Mexi can enterprises. In the City of Mexico alone there Is a large number of" Americans en gaged In the various industries. ' "Ed Dickinson's Orient railroad Is pro greasing raploly and will be completed within the not very distant future, and Is going to be a big pacing proposition when once In operation." " ' Headaches and Nenralarla Iran Colds. waxatlve Bromo QulnlM, rttit worldwide cold hd grip remedy removes cause. Call for full namev,Lpok tr aignaturti K. W. drove. aSc, LANDSLIDE IN STATE (Continued from 'Flfs't Page.) Knox . 1.837 . 2.3f3 '. V655 . 2.078 . 1.651 . 1,045 .ffi.054 1.8S9 2.S91 Dodge Cedar, majority. 2,) vT.-P 1.397 1.971 r Burt 1.494 1.138 Pierce Totals t. Incomplete. 16,318 FOURTH DISTRICT. - Hlnshaw. Gilbert Saline , .157 2.111 2,1 L5 Butler 1.418 . 1.9" . i,m , 1,707 Thayer , 1.901 3,001 Gage Hamilton 1.589 Totals. ................11,112 10,727 FIFTH DISTRICT. i ' Norris. Ashton. Haves, majority 90 Gosper 528 619 Kearney r,C3 1,224 Red Willow 1.374 1.21 Dundy 616 380 Frontier 626 629 Webster : 1,39 1,440 Franklin 1.073 ' 1.350 muckoiis i,mo 1,6: Adams 1,922 -. 2.4 Clay 1.908 1,910 Totals 11.9S7 13.708 SIXTH DISTRICT. KlrJtald.Westover. Box Butte.. 217 S20 455 Sheridan t.. Logan 878 1M 13S 319 9S7 261 395 619 92 Hooker 74 41 IS I 'Howard J10? 877 UlHIll 96 I Kimball 91 271 Keith Dawson 395 DOCTORS MISTAKES Are laid often to be burled six feet under (round. But eiaajr times woman call cu their family physicians, suffering, as they Imagine, one trorndfepcpAirt, another from Lean disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain here and there, and In this way they present alike to themselves and tbelr easy-going or over busy doctor, separate diseases, for which lie, assuming them to be such, prescribe-) bis pills and potions. In reality, (hey are II only mptomt caused by some uterine disease. TlioTjh3lclsn,iriorant of the. ruute of sufferlngVlcSf pa upBialreatmenti until Urge bills are iude. TttTJerir patient gets no betterJyJr?aA4!tbe) wrong treatment, but probably worseTA . line jir t-iprce. a r avnn retted to '! lo inn muse wouu he disease, tliere- ITv 'd'lTTjJIIihii all those a. jirensinif fymi- tonis, and Instituting omfort Instead ot' prolonged misery, ft has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." . Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, !nd adapted to woman's delicate system, t Is made of native American medicinal roots and Ii. perfectly harmless In Ita ftct tnTm?m7iUi l,r i!,r . At ajibwerful Invigorating tonic "Far torlte Prescription" Imparts atrength to the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out," run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers seamstresses, "ihop-glrla," houoe-koepera, nursing mother, and feeble women gen erally, Dr. Pleree'e Favorite Precriptio ts the greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and re ioratlve tonic. At a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorite Preecrlptlon ia uneuualed and ta Invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous Drostratlon. neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, 6L Vitus'a dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms eoniakonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the tenia. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Dr. PlVce'a Pleasatl Telleta Invigorate1 the stomach, liver and bowels. One tkree a do Easy to take aa candy. t.716 , 115 113 2.479 t.933 2.5 1 114 2.B96 ,37 Thomas , .-. Blsine Buffalo , : Totals Incomplete. FREMONT, Neh.. Nov. 4 -(Ppeclal ) Full retnrns from the county on legislative ticket elect McVlcker and Iawrence, both democrats, to the legislature. Fred volj. democrat, has 700 plurality over Haller, republican, for state senator from the Tenth district and !s elected. 3. C. Cook, republican, Is elected county attorney and Ole Oleson, Jorgen Larson and A. Forman, republicans, and M. O'Hara democrat, upervlsors, the Istter without opposition. Voto. In Dooclaa Coanty. Returns from every precinct In the county except Florence gives this vote for governor: Shallenberger tf.M Bheldoft i 13,841 Majority 1.489 With Florence and Jefferson missing, the returns showed the following results: Lieutenant Governor- Garret t 14,974 Hopewell v 14,021 Berretaiy of Btate Gatewood 15,'JOl unkln 4..' 13. ST.. Auditor t Price U.Otii Barton H,VH Treasurer Mackey 14,93: Brian 14,087 Superintendent- Abbott 15.003 Bishop 14,1 Attorney General Floharty 14,717 Thompson lS.eas Commissioner fubllc Landa and BiagK. East ham Cowlea 13.W0 Railway Commissioner Cowglll 16.247 Winiams 13.S5J Congress HI'chcock 15.S38 efferls 13.3'S State Senator- Ransom 14.RX Howell 14.7X8 Tanner 14.691 Adklns 14.402 8 wan son 18. WB McGllton 4 13,3oO Reoresentatlve Boland 15W Butt 14.621 Connolly .. . 14 923 14,652 14.5W 14..1W5 , 14,878 14.4 . 14.!fi2 , 13.517 . 1S.820 12.747 , 13.60 , 13,002 , 14,M3 , 12.ST2 Holmes ... Howsrd ... Kraus Shnomaker Stoeckrtr .. Thomas ... Barnes - Best ...... Foster .... Harvey .... Koutsky .. Leeder ..... Stone Tucker 13.6" Wapp'ch 13.739 County Attorney Enjrlish 16,194 H'I'-ter Coroner - Hen fey , 14.500 iBewer 13,854 Comm ssloner Plckard 16.17S Walsh 13.356 Commissioner- Bedford 14. Ure , 13.38' Benson precinct also running from at torney general down. Stat "enate. Following Is a partial list of newly elected members of the state aenate: Three S. H. Buck, (dem.) Four W. B. Banning, (dem.) Six Frank T. Ranson, (dem.) E. E. Howell, (dem.) John M. Tanner, (dem.) Seven O. R. Thompson, (rep!) Nlne-J. D. Hatfield, (dem.) Ten Fred Volpp, (dem.) C. A. Randall, (rep.) . . Blxteeiir-C, F. Bodlnaon. -TTwenty-One-s-Jacob- Klein, (dem.) ', " Twenty-Two F, W. Bartoos, (dem.) Twenty-Three Smith Ketchum, (dem.) Twenty-Five J. M. Cox, (rep.) Twenty-Six C. R. Besse, (dem.) Twenty-Seven George W. Ttbbets, (dem.) Twenty-Eight A. G. Warren, (rep.) Twenty-NineJohn C. Gammll, (rep.) The Hour, A list of newly elected members of the house of representatives follows, Including those whose election has been Indicated by returns: S Fred Hector (dem.) B. T. Skeen (dem-) 6 G. W. Leldlgh (dm.) E. J. Stedman (dem.( 8 Marshall Harrison (rep.) 9 J. M. Gates (dem.) 11 H. D. Schoettger (dem.) 12 Nels Johnson (rep.) 13 B. F. Griffin (rep.) , 14 W. J. McVlcker (dem.) Frank P. Lawrence (dem.) 18 8. Sabeeerscn (rep.) 1-John Kuhl (dem.) 21 G. W. Fannon (rep.) 22 1. S. Bygland (dem.) 23 Lew Young (dem.) 24 .lames Grelg (dem ) 25 J. H. Weems (dem.) 28 J. Dostal ( Joseph Lux (dem.) 31 John Chalb (dem.) J. H. Hospodsky (dem.) 32 B. H. Begole (rep.) D. J. Klllen (rep.) C. J. McColl (rep.) 33 Louie Werner (dem.) 86 William Grueber (dem.) 41 R, W. Boyd (dem.) 1 J. Evar.a (dem.) 42 D. M. Nettleton (rep.) J. F. Broderlck (dem.) 43 A. II. Bowman (dem. 44 Dr. R. F. Raines (rep.) 45 T.'J. Cooperrlder (dem.). 46 Erlck Johnson (rep.) 66 W. J. Taylor (dem.) K. Miller (dem.) 68 Armatrong (rep.) G. W. Barrett (rep.) 69 H. T. Worthing (dem.) &h-3. H. Marlott (dem.) 65 Frank Moore (rep.) 66 Dr. K. S. Case (ilem.) CRAWFORD HAS THIS LEGISLATURE aaaBSaaaBBBBB Frleads Claim Blar Majority for Hlin for Beaator. HURON, 3. D.. Nov. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Chairman mcnards or the slate republican league says Taft's majority will be about 16,000, and Vessey, republican, for governor from 8.000 to 12,000 over Lee, demo cratic. He estimates that 75 per cent of the IIS members of the legislature will sup port of Governor Crswford for United States senator. , DEATH RECORD. aBSBSBSBBBBBt Mlu Virciala Joaes. Miss Virginia Jones, a sister of Dr. Ger trude Cuscaden of Omaha, died at her home near Chllllcothe, O., Wednesday morning as the result of severe burns received In the explosion of a coal oil lmp on October 1. Till recently encouraging reports of her condition had been received by her friends in Omaha, where sho visited her sister on two occasions, but weakening strength and arterial hemorrhage from the deeper Injur ies hastened her ultimate collapse. The burns caused by the explosion covered al most three-fourth of her1 body and she bravely suffered for a month before the final release came. Funeral services will be help at Chllllcothe on Friday of this week and the- body will be burled In the family lot at that city. M re. Emaaa Thoaspaoa. The body of Mrs. Emma Thomson, wife of J. C. Thomson, an Omaha printer, will arrlva Iq Omaha. Wednesday and fureral services are to be held, Thursday. Mra. Thomson died at Loveland, Colo., from which place the body is being brought. The Thomsons live at 36 north Twenty, fourth street, Omaha- Mrs. Thomson wss 43 years old. Mrs. Carrlo Waldroa. Mra. Carrie Waldron. aged tl, died at a hospital, Tueaday afternoon. Her home was at SSlf Burt street and she Is sur vived by a son. The body will be taken ts Schuyler, Neb, Thursday, for urlal.1 Custef Our Letter Box Contributions on timely loptcs Invited. Writs lerlbly on one side of the paper only, with name and address appended. Unused contributions will not be re turned, letters exceeding 200 words will be subject to being cut down at ths discretion of the editor. Publication ot ; views of correspondents does not Com mit Ths Bet to their endorsement. " netting; on Klectlon. J OMAHA. Nov. 4. To the Editor of The j Dally Bee: From the report In the morn- I Ing edition of the Dally Bee. entitled "Much Betting Has Been Din" nnd front other ; recent reports In t lie dully press, on the question of btetlng on the result ot the election, It would seem that-some of our i cltisens have overlooked, as well as over stepped the provisions of Beotlon 223 of the Criminal code, which makes It a crime to bet, or wagef upon the vlertlon of any per son to any office, post, or situation which by the constitution, or laws of this state, IS mado elective, or shall make any bet or Wager upon the election of Ihe. president or vice president of the I'nlted Slaves or, upon the election of elcctora of president or vlco president of the t'nlted Slates. The penalty being a fine of from five, to one hundred dollars. This section being a part of the Criminal code. Is not like the "antl-treatlng" law, nor enforclble, and yet some of the dlgnl- j taries and "high-up" cltisens, ind In a few Instances officers of this city 'and state, have, on the last election, atepped high enough to coma within the provisions ot this section of the Criminal code.l Re spectfully, 1 PLAIN CLOTHES CITIZEN. Boys Have Accident. BOONE. Ia., Nov. 4. (Special Telegram "I guesa .I'll have to ahoot you," were the words used by Ernest Taylor as he pointed a rlflo at Willie Miles. The ham mer wss snapped and the ball passed through the boy's left wrist, Rearing his glove and coat. The lad escaped other In- ury. Had the rifle been turned a fraction of an Inch death would have resultech The boy's were out hunting and the remark was made In mere fun. Tailonng as an Art PRACTICAL and competent tailors, and they are not aa plentiful as one might imagine make it a point to look closely after the proper draping of the garment, rather than to simply fit the form of the wearer. No two rSen are exactly alike. There is an individuality In each case, that re quires the expert ability of the tailor to produce the proper and desired effect. Our tailors are "onto" that. To Even Up Our Medium Priced Lines we have reduce J the price on many of our highest grade fab ric. You'll find a liberal assort ment of $50 and $45 atyleson the $40 (ablea-$42 and $40 styles on the $35 tables $5 and $55 fab rics at $SO. Treuiirt JG to $12 Suits $25 to $50 WILLIAM JERRKMM' BOM SO O-ll fcouUi loth St. 1 HAND SAPOLIO " FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest kin, and yet efficacious in re-noving tny stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all tht desirable after-effects of a Turkish Tath. It should be oo every wash tand. ALL GKCEBS AND DRUlQIIff jai town DAVIS8 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER with Baler Bros. Engraving Co., Barker Block Both Tbonss: D. 8638, Ind. 8538 Prompt Berrioe. Best Work. What's Your Guess ((MSBHaaaBi Bvsry peraoa who takes a meal at tolf Kaasoa's bsssmeat testaoraat anay gasss the numbs who visit tasre aurlag- ths day. Ths asarsst gasss wins a meal book. (Every 4Lay this weak.) Toll Ijanson's Lunch Room The icoat attractive, brightest, airiest and most economical lunch room In Omaha. COMPLETE SATISFACTION IS THE AIM of The Schlitz Cafes 6-20 South 16th Street. Noon Day 1 1 'at lh Beat Grill Room - lOtti and SKtfe "V Comfort . For e: After bring on vcfgr feVi afl dny, what paol of youi .' body Ih It that nds the moat rest? Your. fett, of conf.?' One-half of the fallgJe-ltt. standing orv walking how- - . ever, comes . fronv- wrongly constructed shoes.' V . c ' ' We havo a lino ofvioea that are made for the com fort requirement of the man with tired' feet, u s "v Vni HKKK'8 KOLII) C'fvMFORf, Theae nhoo8,eome instrong, durable leathers- kid. Jr Qit made In fasts (o(. insure comfort. N v ' '" Try A pair of tfteuo comfott bringers and your fo(Hachs and jyalnB wilt disappear.' I'ltirK 54,00. Sizes 6 to 12. r Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fanam Street. Many,' ..v. Misjudged . Mistakes are the foundation "6f tlie popular opinion that is known' by some as ill luck. Neglecting your teeth" is a mistake that will cause tfre' severest kind of ill luck. A bridge will -"make-good" for teeth that have been lost by decay, thus avoiding the necessity of a plate. Prices are Btich that do not pake you think of unfair profit. ; ." ! Crowns $U.OOm Bridge Teeth, per tooth JS5.00, Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS BTBXT, $50 REWARD For the return of articles taken from the residence of A. Martin Sunday, Nov ember 1st. No prosecution or questions asked. Address A. B. GROTTE, 2204 Howartf St. ASffaKKBHTB. Boyd's Xticntiif i THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT JOHlf COST VBKSBKTB ' THB TUglTUI. OOVUO OTEMA , The Alaskan With Sdwla Martiadel and SO asso olate artists. 1 ' . Thursday, Srtday. Batardav mmti. Tim MurpHy In Oharlss Jsffrsya, Oom ' CUPID AND THE DOLLAR Comlngv Xilsblor ft Co.'s prodaotlon xnj5 jylan FROM HOME AUDITORIUM! PURE FOOD SHOW Afternoon and Evening" Fine Muaic and Vaudeville Admission! Adults aso; OUldrta 5. Special commutation tickets at all lirin r. -.... ,J. ...... " J vww.n. mill. AUVIICI. Vkeaa, Xadspsadsat A-la4. ' ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE v Kat- svsry day, BilS; every Bight. n.. Wilfred Olarks ft Co., Johnny Mo V.iLi and his College OUla, BlalvtuS aS filfl ": f ins, tos Balvaggla, Badle Uwuh mh Ue and Carr, the JoaaslU Trt?Eid th jb.amasvuj. - ric9m, 10o, aHp AOe. KRUG THEATER loo, aso, SOo, To MATIJTBB TODAT TOITIOXX Aiusrlca's Greatest riay T Thur THE X.ZTTZ.B OBwAW OBISDrm. FOOTBALL Nebraska vs. Ames msssrvsd Beats oa sale at ' ' " MVKItS-DILLON ,IIU:a tXTu rj ' i Btardy, Bov. T. Diets Park, 8:30 . V. . I rhoaesi Song. 1806 1 Zno, A.1W. laoei tea, a.1604. MATS. Tl'KS.. THIIW., David Bslasoo'a Vantons 'Plaj THCGIRLOrTHG" ci ldlN w:8T Bpeotal JPsatorei Elk's Quartet Bun Ths mftni tov SAT, atory. I'urtsln at 8:15 and 215 sharp. Lunch. ..50c Lunott In Omaha . . rK HOTEL ROME Jackson Sts. iiut I. i