Fhe Omaha' Daily Bee. ' P4LLS Oft AT A. M. VOTE 0(1 TUESDAY rLLS CtO AT P M. OILS OPsT AT A. M. VOTE Oil TUESDAY POLLS CLOtl AT P. M. VOL. XXXVIII NO. 118. OMAILV, TUESDAY MOKNIXd, N'OVEMIJKR 3, 1SKJ8 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. READY FOR BALLOTS SUMMARY OF TUE BEE RAILROAD HAND IS SHOWN Word Sent from Headquarter! to Cast Ballots for Shallenberger SHELDON IS UNDER THEIR BAN Prosperity Spell' TA1TS FINAL WORD Candidate Cloiei Campaign with Great Meeting- at Youngtlown. ADDRESSES THE EE BIO CROWDS V Taeorfar. Nevember S, 1oa. Final Estimates Made by Leaden of Both Parties. EACH SIDE IS " CONFIDENT Judge Taft Says He it Sore He Will Be Elected. 190S qvembers 1908 4 5 6 Z 8 t ' O 1 12 IS 14 15 It 18 19 20 2 22 23 ' 25 26 2Z 28 Railway Commissioner Williams Also oa the Rr.tlread Bad 1. 1st and Cowarlll Recommended for Commlaaloacr. REVIEWS 13 HEW YORK TOUB . annanus e is Alio Sure that Governor ughei Will 'Be Ee-elected. HITCHCOCK TALKS TO TAFT In Telephone Converautlon Chairman Assure J ad Ha Will Reeelv v Thre Hundred Twenty Five Electoral Vote. NEW YORK, Nov. . Within a few hours the extraordinary national and elite political campaign of 1901 will be history. In all the mates but alx (Oregon. Maine. Vermont, Arkanaaa, Ken tucky and Georgia) atata officer are to be elected; In neaily all new delegation to congress ara to be choaen, ana in many states, legislatures which will select United States aanatora will be elected tomorrow. Judge Taft predicted today a great and decisive victory In New York for the re publican ticket. i "I have lust coma out of New York atate with the conviction that tomorrow will bring with It a republican majority which Will not only give the electoral vote to hie, but will elect Governor Hugliea by a round majority," aald Judge Taft. "W all of ua recognise New York aa a pivotal atale, and I apeak advisedly when I aay that the republican ticket will pre vail there. "The democratic plurality In New York City will not be aufflclent to overcome the tremendous republican vota which will be rolled up In the rural district. "Tha Madison Square Garden meeting was regarded aa the climax of the cam paign, but In the meeting which I have held lnc there has been the same en- thuslaam, the same huge crowds and the tame firmly Implanted conviction that New fork will again go republican. "I am satisfied with the sltuat'on and 1 iwalt with confidence the election tomor tfw, for I am aa certain of victory aa a wan may well be of anything here below, There was bo change today In the announced 1 estimate of the oppos ing national chairman, Mr. Hitchcock of the republican committee holding stead' lastly to his forecast of FJ6 votes for Taft, and Mr. Mack of the democratic commit tee announcing himself as equally certain that Mr, Bryan will receive 333 of tb 483 vote In the electoral college. Hoth Chairman at Helm. The last dsy of the campaign found Mr. Hitchcock early a I, his office In the Metro politan lower and h remslned there un til 13 o'clock tonight, when he left for West Newton, Mass., to cist hi vote. He will return Tuesday afternoon. -Mr.-JlLcIi-oock seal out ltvjlal night for delivery early today a aeries of telegram to na tional committeeman and to state chair men, giving them their last Instructions. Not a single state was omitted. Today the republican national chairman was In telegraphic and telephonic communication with lvaC.-ra of the party In all sections of the country. , National Chairman Mack of the demo cratic party alao sent out his final Instruc tions to slat chairmen last night and at democratic headquarter In the Hoffman house today the same rule as to tele graphic and telephonic communication pre vailed. Claim la New York. The republican organisation of New York slat I making It final bid for vote "be low tli Brgnx" today. Governor Hughe delivered ten apeclies . In this city before midnight The local republlcin leader are working upon the belief that they Will hold the Bryan majority In k greater New York td the neighborhood of 'o,w ana mat Mr, -rare wiu come down to ' the Bronx with a plurality from the up state counties sufficient to overcome the democratic vota In the city and leave a margin of 100,000 in his favor. Ths democrat claim that Mr. Bryan will . have a sufficient majority in greater New Work more than to offset even an unusu . Lily heavy republican vote from upstate. Titty claim that p-trty unity prevails in every Motion of the state for the first time In a decade and are depending upon the labor Vote, they declare, to turn the tide In their direction. The result a to the SLate tlckeU remain In the balanc and the confident claims of success put forth by both side are ap parently based mors upon bop than upon definite Information. Political obaervera her declare that thre haa never been a state election more difficult to forecaat. Hanhe and Taft. . Leader of both parties agree that Gov ernor Hughes will run behind Mr. Taft. but the republicans say that the difference will nut be so great to Imperil the gov ernor chance for rt-electlon. They base this claim partly upon the opposition to Governor Hughe which developed prior to hi nomination, to the unity of the demo cratic party, to the personal .popularity claimed for the democratic candidate up state, and to the historic fact that New York governor running for a second term usually receive a greatly reduced vote. There r so many different phases and so many varying elementa entering Into the tat campaign this year that pjrty line cem bound to be broken on both aides and the usual political means of forecast. (Continued on Socoud Page.) ' I -X VOT From 8 a. m. to 6 p. tn. Polls will open Tuesday at 8 a. m. arid close at 6 p. m. in every voting precinct in city itnd country alike. 29 SO 1 .EATHE. - For Omaha v-ouncil Bluffs and Vicinity Fair Tuesday. Slowly rising temperature. For Nebraska Fair Tuesday. Slowly rising temperature. For Iowa Fair Tuesday. Slowly rising temneraMir. Hour. 6 . m.... a. m.... 7 a. nr.... 8 a. m.... 9 a. m.... 10 a. m.... 11 a. m.... 12 m 1 p. m.... 3 p. m.... 3 p. m.... 4 p. m.... A p. m.... 6 p. m.... 7 p. m.... : 8 p. m.'... Deg. .... 35 .... 33 .... 34 9 p. m.... roimci Judge Taft spent last day of the cam pal an In northwestern Ohio, making speeches at Cleveland, Toungstown and I other points. Par 1 W. J. Bryan made last political speech of campaign at Marysvllle, Kan. Far Leader of both parties are making claims for the election of their tickets; National Chairman Hitchcock of the re publican committee adheres to his first estimates, while Chairman Mack of the democratic committee Insists there will be a landslide to Bryan. Fags 1 DOMESTIC. Mr. Claudia Halns alleges that her huaband Is making charges derogatory to her character In the murder case to save hi life. Far 1 Fomziow. Aji outlaw chief was killed In a battle with constabulary on Mindanao Island. Far I HZIlalKl. The hunt for the murderer of Officer Ralston of Weeping Water continue! throughout southeastern Nebraska yester day. Two suspects were traced to I'apll lion. Far 3 X.OCAX. World-Herald fake regarding Barton and the A. O. U. W. Is nailed. Far 10 Bee will display election returns on th Seventeenth street side of the New York Life building. Fag Omaha detectives pick up a man for whom reward Is offered. Far 10 " Electric display at the Corn show will be a great atght. Far COKMBBC2AX AJTD X2TDUSTBXAA. Live stock markets. Far T 'Grain market. Far 7 Stock and bonds. Far T KOTEXXXTTS OF OCEAN BTSAJHKXFS. Port Arrlr.a. Billed. NEW YORK Due dl Oanava. LIVERPOOL rMtrlil LIVERPOOL RaDUbHc ...Canadian. ....Carthagjniss. ... Ib-Tian. LIVERPOOL........- , sov'tham rroM rbu4ihi. Ul EENSTOWS. Caltlc ..Lucanla. .- Lancaatarttn. LONDON. MONTREAL.... Grampian.. H 1 L A D K LPH I A Meat n . . . . MOV1LLB Columbia... HERE IS TAFT MONEY FOR YOU Hepabliean Beta Three Thousand to Six Hundred on the General Oatcome. Thirty-six hundred dollars In cash was deposited In a certain natloral bank In Omaha yesterday afternoon, representing a bet of 33,000 to $600 that Tuft would be elected. . Thla Information was given to The Bee by an official of the bank whure the de posit was made. "I thought you would be Interested to know how some reftl betting was going on," said the banker. "We have heard so much of this talk about Bryan money and democratic confidence. I do not care to give you the names of the men who mada the bet." The fact la that Taft money went bogging all day yesterday. Down at the Merchants hotel In the afternoon a democrat was making a talk nbout how much he would bet on the Peerless leader and when half a doxon "takers" Jumped to the front at once this man got clear out of the place. SUIT OVER SHERIFFS DEED Mrs. Elisabeth Linton Saya Transfers Have Been Mada to Avoid Debt. The long drawn out ' litigation over the property of, Phoebe Elizabeth Elwlns, Lin ton broke out in a new pluce Monday, when suit was filed In the district court by Mary A. R. Howell to clear the title to a lot In Benson which formerly belonged to Mss. Linton. She bought It from John T. Cathers, who secured It at a sheriff ale to cover hto claim for attorney fee for representing Mr. Linton. The petition filed yesterday says an error was made in distributing the property, th description placing It In-Benson's audition. Instead of Benson. The petition also asks that deeds cover ing th property given by Mrs. Linton to Kate Rrmnant. a maid In the Linton house hold, and by Mias Remnant to Adolphu Frederick .Linton, be set usldc. It Is as serted they were given to defraud creditor and not In good faith. ' Th polls will open at 8 a. m. Tuesday. Here re the voting places City of Omaha. FIRST WARD. 1st r'.t-ia s. h. td Dtsl l Pacific. Id Dlst 17o3 S. loth, tin Last tn Mam-roft. 8BCOND WARD. 1st Dial S. Mn. id Wsl aCJ Vinton. Id Itl loiS Vinnm 4th IMst lTot Vinton. 5th Dlat-fjm B. lath. THIRD WARD 1st Dtst-IMH Welmler. Jd Dlst-S1s 9. hh. fci L'lat-f .i N. 16th. 4th Dlst 410 S. Utti ilh Dial to 8. 1.1 1 h. FOURTH WARD. 1st ntl mi Davonport. !d Dial 4? K. Id! h. J.1 Dial 718 B. lUi. 4i h Dlvt-3lt 8. '.inn. th Dist l-Xl Davenport. . FIFTH WARD. 1st list i-4 8hern.au Ave. 3d 1 11 4th Dlst - 2.1 ltl A Sherman Axe. -'t Dlst-lalil 3d DUt :uil ibaruj bUiiu n Av 3d DWit-2Ul The Nebraska railroads have shown their hands and are out against Sheldon. Two years ago It was known that the railroad favored 8hallenberger. The letter of Tom Allen, atate chairman, then na now, , begging the democratic press of the state to publish editorials favoring the railroad side of the fight for terminal tax atlon proved the tie-up. Governor Sheldon I wae then, as now, openly fighting for re- 35 moval of the affairs of the state from rail i road domination. ' He signed nil the reform 45 ' bills passed by the last legislature, none bo ; of which were especially relished by the i railroads and several very obnoxious to the 5 1 bosses. Among these were the law giving 67 ' life "to the. railway .commission; requiring , railroads to psy their taxes and at the El same time and In the same manner as ' other citizens; reducing freight rates; re ducing the rates charged by express com panies; the 2-cent fare law; the terminal tax4aw and other similar bills. It Is to laKe vengeance or trovernor eneioon ror these measures that the railroads are now fighting him. Monday a general alarm was aent to every. Burlington and Union Pacific station agent In Nebraska, ordering them to do ail that can be done for Shallenberger. Just how far this order will affect the result is not known.- The Railway Employes? association was already lined up for Shal lenberger, and It may not be that the general order will have much effect out side the employes. Railway Commissioner William 1 also Included In the denunciation, and the In structions from Omaha railway head quarters are to vote for Cowglll. - DEMOCRATS BEATEN TO FRAZZLE This Is Way President Roosevelt ' Soma lp Campaign. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. President Roosevelt started out for Oyster Bay where he will exercise his right of fran chise tomorrow, tie was accompanied by Secretary Loeb and a party of the ex ecutive office staff and a few newspaper men. The president will reach Washing ton on his return tomorrow evening and will receive the election returns at the White House. Final reports on the exact condition of the political situation which reached the White House today from all quarter of the country Indicate that President Roose velt maintains, the highly optimistic feel ing he has held throughout the campaign regarding the ultimate sUct tss of the can didacy of William H. Taft for the presi dency. In a single sentence this feeling of ex treme confidence I expressed by President Roosevelt, who In speaking of tbs hotly contested campaign of th republican against the democrats, declared: "We've got them beaten to a frarile." In administration circles there Is an equally strong feeling of. confidence for the success of the republican ticket. The probable weather throughout the country electlcn day was predicted today by Forecaster Carrot o . of the weather bureau : . "It looks like fair weather over the en tire country Tuesday, except In the gulf states, where local rains are likely to occur, and the northern Pacific section, where storm warnlnga are already dis played. Cattlemen Lease Bis Tract. WINNIPEG, Man., Nov. I.-A ayndlcat of Minnesota, Montana and Oregon cattle men have' leased 10,000 acres of graxlng land near ChlJtco lake, some distance from the head of Butte Inlet, British Columbia, and thousands of yearlings will be shipped In. The arrangementa are In the hands of J. A. Stetson of Duluth. In this locality ther Is no snowfall and young cattl atay out the year round. Bee Election Returns Always the earliest and most reliable figures on the vote, city, county, state arid nation are fur nished by The Bee. Flash Out Tuesday Night Bulletins from all over the country; comic and cartoon pictures of pub lic men. Accurate infor mation and enjoyable en tertainment. EVERYBODY INVITED. Hours and Places to Vote and close at 6 p. m. in every voting in Omaha and South Omaha: 4h D!st-ltl Sherman Ave. Mil Dist 11 J& N. Ulh. SIXTH WARD. 1st Dlst 2.M N. 4th. 2d Dlst-IM. N. i4th. 3d Dlat-lluot N. hth. 4th Diat-i:. Military Ave. SEVENTH WARD. 1st Dist-271 leaven woith. 2d Dlst-lS.7 Park An. 4th Dlst 1430 8. 161 h. Mil Dil-14S S. 13th. ELEVENTH WARD. 1st Dial Hamilton. Id Dlst 3 Farnam. M Dial 440 Leavenworth. 4th Dist 7u$ 8. 27th. TWELFTH WARD. 1st Dlst 4418 N. 34th. M Dlsl-3524 Ames Ave. 1M.S Purk Ave. M Dlst 315 Corby JK 8. 23d. (barn r.r 4ln Dlst-jac N. 34! h EIOHTH WARD, lsl Dim-1. N. S4ih. 2d Disl-1! Cuming. 3d Dibi Chss. 4th Dist-415 Cuming. NINTH WARD. 1st Dist 257 Cuming id Dlsi 3SS1 Cuming. 3d Dlst 3,4 Davenport (barn). 4th Dlst 211 H. 3(h bru. fith Diet Sal Faruam. TENTH WARD. 1st IMst lull 8. loth. City of aeath FIRST WARD. 1st DJst 543 N. 2oth. 3d Disl-tttft N. 34th. SECOND WARD. 1st Plst m 8. 2Ath. td Dlst-10 N. t4lh. THIRD WARD. 1st Dlst Broadwell & Rich Coal Yd., Washington St. and R. R. Ave. Id Dit- side M. K. Sun day school. 34th A I' Sts. KOI RTII WARD, let Dist S12 N. Ulu. td DUt-17 y Leawnworth. L-an.rth. From the Philadelphia Press NEW TURN IN MAINS CASE Wife of Murderer of Annia Make Charge Against Hatband. HER CHARACTER PRICE OF LIFE Halaa' Lawyer Offer Lara; Sam If Woman Will Swear to Her Allagmtlona Case Grow Involved. BOSTON, Ma., Nov. i.-The publication In New Tork of extract from letter pur porting to have been written by Mr. Claudia pain U farf -band. Captain Peter C. Ualna, 'jr. who Is waiting trial for killing William E. Annla, haa ellcted a declaration from Mrs. Halns that Captain Halns and his brother, T. Jer.km Halns, are seeking to blacken her chare oter "in their attempt t save their own lives." Mr. Haln In her statement published to- day. asserts that the obvlou reaon for the attack on ber character la that they were the only way In which the Haln brothers could Justify themselves before the public and "manufacture public-sympathy in Qie community from which th Jury before whom they are to be tried la to be drawn." Mr. Halna alluded to the lettera as hav ing been forged and garbled and declared that the charges against her suggested by the letters are false. She affirms that she has endeavored to keep silent under pro vocation because her replies "must neces sarily take away the only chance my hua band has for his life." but that many of her frlenda are urging her. to become a witness at th murder trial and whether or not she does so will depend upon her ability to althstand "this torrent of abuse." Attorneya Take Up Charge. NEW TORK. Nov. l-Joaeph A. -Shay, counael for Peter C Halna, Jr.. aald today that If Mrs. Claudia L. Halna would come to New York and make an affidavit that th lettera and diary which have been published are false, Halns' counsel will pay her 11.000 and then take her case to the courts for determination of the truth of her affidavit. Mr. Shay declared that he wa anxious ho have Mrs. Hains go. on the stand In th murder trial In order to show the Influence, that hav been at work in captain nam mina. I WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL N amber of Appal Intents Mada In the Inspection Department of Bureau ' of Aalmal Indnstry. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-(Special Tele gram.) David F. Stauffer of Schuyler. Neb.; Lt B.' Dunlap and D. W. Hurst of Ames, Jam W. Nelson and A. R. Zum walt, both of Ames, la., have been ap pointed veterinary Inapectors In connection with the bureau of animal Industry. Tim othy J. Sullivan, Peter Devany, Thomas F. Flood. John Sherry, all of South Omaha, and Arthur C. Brenneman of SIjux City. Ia., have been appointed meut Inspectors In the same department. precinct In the cities and country FIFTH WARD. 1st Dist S10 N. -Till. :d Dlst c N. Si'.ili St. SiXTH WARD. 1st Dlst 114 N. L'tth. Id Dlst-415 N. 28lh. t oantr . Benson Town hall. Chicago Precinct Elkhorn. loan hall. 'loruarf 1211 Blaine St. DougUs Fred It j dwcHIng, W. L Hi. Dundee City hall, 60th and fn- derwood Ave. East Omaha t School Dlst. No. 4i Anunion'i dwelling house Flkhorn Elk City hall. Florence Clly hall. Jefferson Mangold's lumber yard. Bennington. McArdle W. o. W. hall Millard School house. District No. 17. I'latte Valley Town hall. Val ley. Vnion Modern Woodmen hall, Irvtngl'in. Waterloo Town hall, Waterloo (barn, rear) Omaha. LEAGUE SC0RES CARR'S ACT Former Becre-tary of United Civic League Had Stationery Printed for Latter. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Special Telegram.) Dr. E. Arthur Carr, deposed secretary of the United Civic league of Lincoln, who sent out the slanderous letter about Judge Taft on the letter head of the league, ha not only been branded by the league offi cers for the outrage, but It ha been proven true that he had th letterhead printed after having been fired from hi Job. The original letterhead upon which his name appeared aa secretary of th league did not contain th union label and the letterhead: - he sent out doe contain th label. A comparison of th two letterheads shaw jthat. different ouiamerrt .want need and tn some case different type. Dr. Carr today Is busy driving over Lincoln tacking up Bryan pictures. He Is one of the head leaders of th Bryan blowout scheduled for tonight. Following la the official statement Issued by the president of the league: l ,rre uwic: ine united civic league has noticed that political letter have been sent over the state, signed by E. A. Carr as secretary, and printed on what pro ports to be the letter heads of this league. The league brands this letter and the use of the league name In thla connection as an out rage. E. A. Carr, is not the secretary or an officer of the United Civic league. The letter paper used by him In which the league name la used. Is a printed forgery. Last February, In the midst of the city campaign, chargea from many directions were brought .against E. A. Carr as an officer of the league. These chargea were too grave to be Ignored, and the league found It necesasry to reorganise and drop Mr. Carr. "The printing and us of letter paper carrying the name of the league by Mr. Carr, Is. a serious matter, which will be taken up by the directors of the organisa tion at the earliest possible moment. C. C. FLANSBURG. President United Civic league." OUTLAW M0RO IS KILLED Force of Constabulary Overtake Member of Tribe Who Have Been Making- Trouble. MANILA, Nov, I. A force of constabu lary from the town of Ilolgan, ?nt in pur suit of a band of Moros which haa been raiding plantations and causing other dep redations In the province of Mlsamis.on Mindanao island, overtook the outlaws, killed the leader and Is following the rest of th band, according to a dispatch re ceived here today. This band has caused much trouble In the province and with Ita capture It is believed that quiet will be re stored In that part of Mindanao Island. MORE ADVANTAGE TO MORSE Coart Throw Oat Another Count in Cnse Aualnat Kew Tork Financiers. NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-One of the most Important allegations In connection with I the charge of misappropriation In the In dictment ugainst Charles W. Morse and I A. H. Curtis, was thrown out of court ! today. The misappropriation allegation waa made in connection with a $100,000 not given by Calvin Austin. It Is understood that the charge waa thrown out on the ground that the National bank of North America was not damaged by the trans action. SHIPS AT MANILA FOR STORES First Sqaadrou nt Manila la Secare Coal and. Prepare tor ,Trl. MANILA. Nov. '.'.The flagship Connec ticut mid the Vermont, Nebraska, Georgia and Kansas of t lie first squadron of the Atlantic battleship fleet came to Manila today from Olongapo for coal and stores. The Vermont returned to Oljng.tpo ton'ght. The calibration of the guns on the ships Is about complete and the squadron will Soon begin target practice. The chi leru. situation here, it is said, ia liuw under complete control. Plna Blaff Threatened. FINE BLCFF. Ark.. Nov. t.-OwIng to sudden rise In the Arkanaaa rlvsr the nigh hanks in front of this clly are raving in tepidly and the eastern section of the busi ness section Is llucutenvd with dcsli ucllun. f STATE HOUSE IS DESERTED Officers and Clerks All Going Home to Cast Their Ballots. TEACHERS COMING TO LINCOLN United State Marshal Start Oat U Serve n Summon and Discover -th Man Died During; Previous Night. (From a Staff ,Correpondent.rr LINCOLTJ, Nov. 2. (Special.) The state house waa practically deserted today by the outgoing of officers and clerks, who went home to cnat'tKelr oto. - Those wlla did not leave today will go In the morning. Treasurer Brian went to Albion, -where he speaks tonight; Attorney General Thompson went to Aurora to speak tonight and to morrow he votes at Central City; Grant Martin, deputy attorney general; Land Commissioner Eaton and J. M. .Shlvely, deputy, vote at Fremont; Secretary of State Junkln at Smlthflekl; Walker Smith at Kim wood;, Addison Walt at Syracuse, W. R. Mellor at Loup City, Harry Lindsay at Pawnee City, Ed Royse at Broken Bow, E. M. Searle at Ogalalla, Governor Sheldon at Nehawka, Martin Dimery at Beaver Crossing. Straight Vote on Weddlaaj Day. Till Is a day of unusual Interest to Frank E. Helvey, who has done such good work at the republican state headquarters, as the head of the publicity bureau. Mr. Helvey left for Nebraska City this after noon, where he Will vote tomorrow. In casting a straight republican ticket tomor row Mr. Helvey duplicates a performance of Mis twenty-two yeara ago to the day, which also was the day he lead to the altar Miss Duff, who became his bride. The marralge occurred In the morning at 8 o'clock. The bride and groom started far the station to board the train for a wedding trip. En route there the carriage vaa atopped and Mr. Helvey caat his vote. He voted It straight then and he Is going to do II tomorrow. He and Mrs. Helvey will celebrate their anniversary together at Ne braska Clly and tomorrow evening Mr. Helvey will return to the headquarters here. Tarbera Are Coming. Tli boards of education at Geneva, Fair mont, Ohlowa. Strang. Shlckley. MUllgan, Grafton and Exeter have given their teach ers leave of abaenc to attend the State association meeting at Lincoln this week. Grefet Interest la also manifest In the State Teachers' association in the north eastern part of the state. A letter from Superintendent F. L. McNown. dated Oc tober Id, reads: "The Board of Education of Wlnslde ha given the teachers Wednes day, Thursday and rFlday of next week to attend the state meeting. We'll be tn Lin coln on Wednesday." There I likewise great Interest In the association In the western part of the state. Superintendent William Ebrlght of North Platte visited th state superintendent's office last week and made arrangements for thirty teachers from North Platte and Lincoln county. Deputy E. C, Bishop has Just returned from Harlan and Rod Willow counties and he mporls that great delega tions will attend from the souihwestern part of the state. Mammons for Dead Man. To serve the papers in a 130,000 damage suit commenced in the Lincoln division -of the federal court this morning tlio member of the United States marshal' office to whom that mission Is entrusted fear he will find It necessary to cross the River Ptjx. One of the defendants named in the proceeding is Prof. George R. Burnett, late commandant at the Nebiaska Ml It iry acad emy, who died IpHt nlglit. The petition was not presented by locul attorneys, but reached the federal clerq's office by mall, having been sent prior to Burnett demise. As the preliminaries hud all been uttendrd (Continued on Third Page.) EEWAED EOS INFORMATION Th republican county eomnUtU will pay a reward of 9100 for vt tfsao resulting in th arrest and eoavtoUoa of any psrsoa guilty of Illegal voting apoa eUotioa aay, go. vsmber 3. TBAIS CaiWroao, Obalrmaa. Parade of Uniformed Marchers Sev eral Milei Long;. LABOR ISSUE AT CLEVELAND Further Discussion of Misrepresenta tion of Labor Decisions.' SPEECHES AT OTHER POINTS Day Renins with Address at Daaklrk, N. Y Jndce Taft Left for Cln rlnnatl Late at lht to Vote Today. YOCNGSTOWN. O., Nov. t-The last word of his campaign has been spoken by William Howard Taft and he la now speed ing to Cincinnati to cast his vote tomorrow. "Vote the republican ticket and preserve prosperity, protection ' to American Indus tries, business industry and the rights of labor." This was the message with which Mr. Taft finished his fight. The close of the campaign In this city tonight was, In magnitude and enthusiasm, a fitting climax to all that ha gone "before. The six and one-half hour Judge Taft spent In Youngstown werfj crowded with political events, resplendent with the pomp and show of party organisations and a carnival of hilarity, nols and general abandon by the populace to the occasion. Three speeches were required of the can didate at the Purk theater, the Grand Opera house and in the . public square. Preceding these he reviewed the parade, miles In length, composed of thousand of uniformed marchers. He was then the guest of the prominent republicans of the city at th Youngstown club, for a dinner. which wa served before the evening speech-making began. - Crowd and Enthusiasm Grow. The last day of the campaign of the candidate was remarkable In that there was an Increase, rather than a diminishing of the crowds and enthusiasm wherever he went. Beginning his work at Dunkirk, N. Y., this morning, he made addresses at Westfield. N. Y.; Erie, Pa.; Ashtabula, Garrettsville, Cleveland nd Youngstown. The Cleveland meeting was a monster af fair and was preceded by a parade which was reviewed by the candidate, who passed through the lines In an automobile with Mr. Taft. The meeting in the Cleveland armory wa presided over by A. L. Faulkner, president of the National Ordor of Window Glas Maker. . Judge Taft' speech here wa a repetition of hi argu ments to show why ther should be no change in the policies of government us applied by th present admlntstratloa, hi addition to which he took advantage' of the opportunity to -emphasise, a) nc lia.4 done throughout the day, that notwith standing opposition to mm and the re publican party by Samuel Gompers, he will. If elected, maintain his great sym pathy for and Interest In the welfare of organised and Unorganised labor, which he maintain hi previous record sustain. Stand by ' Decision. "I want to sty," he declared, "that it doe not make any difference how inucu Mr. Gompers may misrepresent my posi tion. It does not make any difference how much he misrepresents the position of tha supreme court of the United States I suppose I ought nut to feel hurt becauue I am running for office. If these gentle men had the putlence and Justice to read my decisions when I waa on the benoli and when I had not the slightest idea of ever yielding to the weakness of run ning for the presidency, they would have found that I hav not changed from the principles I stated then. I have not turned an lota from the principle I then estab lished and those principle and those principles alone are the bast upon whi-h trades unionism can flourish in this country." "The question of today," he added, "Is how far Mr. Gompers la able by deed of grant executed to transfer what he hat not got. Every attempt mad by inlsrep rt4fentatlon and otherwise a to the atti tude of the republican party ha been made to prejudice the wage earner of thla country against the party and Its candidal." Mitchell Telegram Garbled. In this connection It wa made known that Representative Burton had informa tion from Danl'il Keofe, prtsldent of Longshoremen's union, that the tel -gram published this morning from John Mitchell to Samuel Gompers, In which Mr. Mitchell declares hlmoclf In sympathy and accord with the policy of the American Federa tion of Luhor Is garbled, Inasmuch a It leave out two Important words, thei words being "nonpartisan political." The text of, the telegram, as it should have been published, was read a follow; CHICAGO. Oct. Sl.-Sumuel Gompers. Wastilugton, 1. C. : Teh gram quotlns what purorta to be an extract from speech delivered . by Taft at Buf falo last night received. His statement so far as it refers to rti conveys a Wrung impression. I urn In full sympathy and accord with the nonpartiaun politlial pulley of the American Federation of Ijirxr a it haa been outlined and promulgated by the executive council. JOHN MITCHELL. This city was ulive with political ac tivity throughout the day, meetings being in progress long before the Taft special arrived at 4 o'clock. - Among the prominent speakers at the several meetings were United Btatos Sena tor IjuFuilett of Wisconsin, Secretnry Garfield and Representative, burke of Pennsylvania. Judge Taft's throe speeches her to night dwelt largely with the labor ques tion and again lie emphasised hi denial of churges against him of unfalrneas an I asserted .his friendliness to labor. Hi special train left liortly before II o'clock for Cincinnati, where It wll arrive early tomorrow morning. Speeches at Labor tenters. DUNKIRK, N. Y., Nov. i.-Wht Juds Taft talked about In the speeches he is U miike today, all of which were at labor centers, was outlined in what he aald t i an audience numbering thousands which listened I', him hero this morning. Judge Taft Indicated that he could not empha sise too strongly that Ilia friendly feeling for the Interesta of organised and unor ganized labor will not bu affected in the event of hla election by the fight that has been mado on him by Mr. Gompers. Standing on the rear platform of his car, with Mrs. Taft hy his side, he bald this: "I don't know whether you are a (lad