Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
at riEr: orncE
Democrats Revert to Questionable
Methodi to Catch V'"8 in County.
V '.
Candidate for Countj
Out Letteri Asking b
Organized Labor Is for Taft, .ieldon
and Jefferii, Sayi Keegan.
Say Editor Who Fall to Kin La
boring; Men tor Tuft, Has Mad
Ma Search. Op Wu
ssrvBixcAW MXBTnrai.
Washington halt, last mtlns; of th
campaign t hort aorssa ay S. .
Cornlsa, . A. aroma, J. !. Wb
atar, rorroar Oongrnia David Keroer,
and oongrslonl, oennty, Board of
Zdneatloa and Watat board candidates.
General O. T. Maadersoa will praalda.
Music by Seymour quartet and Xaatman'a
Veterans' dram corps.
Benson, Baa1 auditorium, closing rally
of tha campaigns Bpaakara, Jndg Baa
tar, A. W. Jeff errs, . A. Brogan, David
K. Karcar and othara.
Dnndaa, town hall I gpeakers, X. X.
Baldric and 3. X. Xnady.
Soutn Omaha, Kltohle's hall. Twenty,
fonxth and X atraata. Bpeakers, A. B.
. Xltchla, X. 0. Broma and X. O. Murphy.
Misleading and deceptive statements are
now being marie by James P. English, the
. - Uemocrntio candidal for a third term as
county attorney. In his fight to hold his
(ii lp on a county office for the third time.
Mr. English U now nerving hla aecond
term. According to time-honored custom,
Iwu terms have always been conldered the for elective offices, from president of
the United Bates down to road overseer In
t.iu farthest outlying township. But this
has no weight with Mr. English, and he
erks for a third term. He recognizes the
custom, however, and openly attempte to
deceive the voters by asking them to vote
. for hlni for a "second term." This Is what
ke' has written, abov his own signature,
to hundreds of voters in the county:
This nomination was given me without
opposition for the reason the party believes
my record In the office entitles me to go
before the people for a second term.
"Up to the hour of going to press we
have been unable to find a member of or
ganised labor who will vote for Taft."
So shouts the Western Laborer, subsidised
by the democratic committee and made the
official organ of that party, which has filled
It with cuts and complimentary notices of
the candidates on th democratic ticket.
But when the Western Laborer wss "try-
Inn to f fcuT" an organised labor man who la
for Taft It must have done considerable
dodging to be abla to keep out of .their way.
This Is tho opinion of Benjamin Kecgan,
Vice president of the Central Labor union.
"Here la one organised labor man who
la going to vota for Taft,. Sheldon, Jefferts
and the whole republican ticket," aald Vice
President Kjeegan. "and 1 can show you
hundreds of others who believe as I do.
The laboring men know what democratic
rule means and the laboring men know
that tha republican party stands for them,
and when any person or paper say that the
laboring men are not for Taft they say that
which cannot be aubstantlated.
"Organised labor In Omaha will be found
lined up for the republican ticket, with the
exception of a few disgruntled men who
feci that the party ought to have given
them a chance at the public crib or the
pork barrel."
Threo meetings were held for the foreign
born voisrs in Omaha and South Omaha
. jesterday, two for the Bohemiana and one
for tha Italians. Ona meeting waa also
'"held In the country at Bennington. Mr.
Jefferi. W. F. Wspplch, P. C. Best and
, T. A. Hollister were th speakers at Ben
nington, A. R. Harvey, who waa on the
bill, being unable to attend. The meetings
In tha two cities were addressed by non
candidates. Prof. Lulgl A. Ctendardi and K. a. Maggl
of Unroln were the principal speakers at
the Italian meeting, which waa held In the
hall at Thirteenth and William streets. P.
Procoplo waa the chairman and tha hall
was well filled with the aons of sunny
Italy, Prof. Htendardl spoke In th Italian
language, and the names of Taft, Sheldon
and Jefferts called forth loud cheering.
One of the Bohemian tneetlnga wss held
in . the Turner hall on South Thirteenth
street and the otb'f in the National hall
in Omaha, the sijne speakers addressing
both meetings. Music and cigars war pro
vided and th attendance waa large
Joseph Jurks of Chicago, a leader among
the Bohemians and who has visited Omaha
several times, waa th principal speaker,
together with J. J. Langer of Wilbur. Ed
itor V. Buresh. a. Charvat. Jeseph
Koutsky, one of th legislative nominees,
and Louis Berka were the other speakers.
On of tha speakers alluding to the
'World-Herald's criticism of the foreigner,
and the statement by Its editor, a. M.
Hitchcock, candidate for re-election to con
gress, that It takes three foreigners to do
as much work as one American, and the
cheers for "Big Jeff" which followed,
showed that th Bohemians resent the ac
cusation. Constantine J. Smyth, president of tha
Jai'kaontan club of Nebraska, will not vote
for Bryan, Hitchcock or any candidat on
tho democratic ticket. Thla la because he
Is not registered.
Mr. Smyth returned Sunday from the east,
where he spent nesrly a month campaign
ing for th democratic ticket. He was bom
on September 1. th first registration day,
and h was home on October C tha second
registration day. hut like many other men.
he put off registering until th lsst day. Th
last day he was not here. And th presi
dent of tha Jarksontan club csn not vot.
IMrt. ' Arrive
KI York
fcosTOM Columbus...
M.Vttlll TH fkiue.ipbu.
Hoi UK) Ml .
AkTWMr . ..
.-X Paul.
.. Patricia
.. Nuoreaaa.
.. Harbaroaaa.
. . K. A. Victoria.
. ..Miaaehabe.
... Veeerltae.
Mllvraakee Paul Hoad Devote
AdrertlKlna Vmmm f Time Table
to the Ksoeltlon.
few expositions have been more exten
sively advertised by the railroads than the
National Corn exposition.
Almost every day the exposition manage
ment receive some new piece of railroad
advertising for the exposition. The latest
Is the November time table of the Milwau
kee A St. Paul road, which diKotes the
renter of the table to an advertisement of
tho big corn show. It Is the work of
Charles Toung. advertising manager of the
road, and the "corn show girl" appears on
one corner of the center pages. The adver
tisement ys: "Over two snd a half miles
of corn, the ears placed side by side, will
be included In the exhibits at tha National
Corn exposition. Three city blocks w.ll be
occupied by the exposition and a splendid
list of attractions has been arranged."
The folder also announces the list of
speukers and the special days for tho ex
position. The Rock Island folder is attracting con
siderable comment from the business men
of Omaha. It is not only full of Information
about the National Coin exposition, but
several pages are devoted to views of the
city and facts about Omaha.
The Auditorium building. Its Interior, the
Oklahoma exhibit and views of fields of
lttu-ley and oats which have been grown
after e.ght or nine years of continuous
breeding, are among the picturts shown.
Of the city of Omaha the Rock Island
folder sjys:
"Omaha's present population Is, In round
numbers, 1BO.C00, not Including South Omaha
(',00) or any of the various small suburbs.
It has over ninety miles of paved streets
and over eighty miles of street railway. It
contains IS churches and missions, repre
senting various denominations, with an
average Sunday school attendance 'of 36.000.
Among Its educational Institutions are
thirty-five public schools and twelve col
leges. Omaha's Jobbing houses number 123,
the annual sales of which aggregate over
120,X),Uou. It is the greatest butter manu
facturing city In the world. Omaha Is the
headquarters of the Department of the Mis
souri, United States army, possesses nine
ho.pitals and the Nebraska institution for
the desf and dumb.
"Seeing tho City A good view of tho city
may be obtilned from the tower of the New
York Lite building, also from the roof of
The' Bee building or from the high school
grounds. Twentieth street, between Dodge
and Davenport."
Celebratlow of Cestesslsrr of Koand
1ns of Catholic Dloceae of
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 1. Inlterest In
the Balkan situation is centered In the pos
itive statements of several parliamentary
leaders that Russia has determined to drop
the Idea of the proposed International con
gress and will refuss to recognlx the an
nexation by Austria-Hungary of Bosnia
and. Herzegovina.
This Information, although purporting to
be from official sources. Is not entirely
exact. Russia haa finally committed itself
to the principle that the question of the an.
nexstton of th provinces may b discussed
In a conference of the powers anfT AustHa
will permit the status of Bosnia to be In
cluded In the program, but only on condi
tion that the delegates will refrain from
questioning its action and content them
selves with registering the abrogation of
the article referring to this matter in the
Berlin treaty.
Th Foreign office states that the negoti
ations between Russia, Austria-Hungary
and other powers on this question are still
In progress and considers that an accepta
ble formula for submission to the congress
may ultimately be found. It Is difficult,
however, to foresee how a satisfactory
agreement may be reached without one
side or the other withdrawing Its contention.
Goes Into Effect On All Roads East
of the Mississippi and
North of the Ohio.
CHICAOO. Nov. 1. The new uniform bill
of lading, approved by the Interstate Com
merce commission, went Into effect on 416
railroads In the official classification terri
tory today.
Hereafter every shipment of freight In
the territory east of the Mississippi and
north of the Ohio must be made upon tha
basis of thf new form, unless a shipper
objecting to the terms agrees to psy 10
per cent more than the regular freight rate.
It wss customary to charge 80 per cent
extra on shipments not under the old bill
of lading. The new form Is believed to bo
universally acceptable. It has a distinctive
color, yellow, adopted at the suggestion
of the American Bankers' association, for
all "order" bills of lading, which ar
negotiable and enable a shipper to obtain
an advance payment through a banker.
The difficulty of fixing a definite basis for
the settlement of claims prior to shipment
Is also minimized. The Pennsylvania rail
road today announced that It had more
than 10,000,000 cople of the new form
printed. It is through bills of lading chiefly
that a record la kept of th country' com
mercial activity.
Trie to Make Hla Eseap and Officer
Often Kir with (iood
RAPID CITT, S. D., Oct. 31. (Speciril)
Two horse thieves, named Harvey and
Johnson, escaped from th Jail at Oaconia
In Lyman county Wednesday night and
later while being re-arrested by the sheriff
cue of the malefactors was shot dead. It
seems that Harvey and Johnson had
stolen a team of horses, wagon and har
ness at Dallas and wer overtaken by th
officer and placed in th Jail at Oacoma.
With the aid of a stov lifter and some
lumps of coal they pried and pounded a
bole In the roof of th Jail and escaped.
The sheriff thinking they would probably
be on the train that shortly afterward
passed through, went from Presho to Ken
nebec and at the latter place found the
two men trying to board the train. John-
son he placed under arrest and handed hlai !
over to the train men. Harvey when ar
rested, made a breakaway in the daik.
The elierlff fired four times at him, tak
ing aim by aid of the conductor's lantern.
The dead body was soon afterwards found
In the tall grasa on th right-of-way.
The two nwn mere about thirty years of
Cotton Comer.
BKLTON. Tex.. Nov. 1. Fir started by
Halloween roysterers last night totally de.
stroyed the lviion compress and lO.OuO bale
of cotton. The lose will exceed l-50.iX.
covered by Insurance.
Both of Leading Partiei Held Large
Number of Meeting!.
Object Is to tadaee Them to Go Home
te Vote, They May Be Needed -In
amber ef Close Cos
trreselonal District,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. I. (Special.) More
speeches have been made In Washington
and more meetings have been held by the
two great political parties In the last two
months than ever before In the history of
the capital.
These meetings have been generally
largely attended, the department clerks be
ing greatly in the majority, although thers
have 1een a fair proportion of navy yard
employes present, these men living In the
main In the states of Maryland, Virginia,
Delaware atjd Pennsylvania and many of
whom will go to their homes to vote on
eloctlrn day.
But the greatest effort has been put
forth to get the vote out In the depart
ments, there being 15.000 men .with the
right of franchise whose ballots might
easily make the house of representatives
republican or democratic and therefore of
especial need to all parties at this time.
It has been shown that the change of 630
votes In New Tork In the Blalme-Cloveland
campaign of 1SS8 would have given the
Empire state to tho "uncrowned Ameri
can." as his followers loved to call James
O. Blnlne.
There are thirty representative districts
now held - by republicans by majorities
ranging from thirty-five to tOO and" the
republican congressional committee has
been pounding away nt the voters "not to
forget election day and not to b found
at their desks, hut to be at their homes
and vote."
While the democrats do not have as many
close districts as the republicans there are
a dozen where the majorities run from
seventy-five to 6no and these are being
fought for with all the strength the "un
terrlfled" can put forth.
It Is therefore patent why the spell
binders, are at work in the District of Co
lumbia, for present Indications point to
the largest exodus cf -oters from Wash
ington today and tomorrow s'nee the estab
lishment of the "Joint ticket agent," who
does business with tho accredited voter
and who has been granted leave by his
Soldier Cemetery Too Small.
The cemetery nt the Presidio, San Frar
cisco. Is becoming so congested that It Is
only a question of a year or so. according
to Quartermaster General Aleshlre, when
one of two things will have to be done,
either establish an Incinerating plant and
cremate the soldiers of Uncle Sam who die
In the Philippines and whose bodies are
unclaimed by relatives, or congress ap
propriate money to enlarge the cemetery.
General Aleshlre appeared before the ap
propriations committee of tho houae last
spring and asked for MO.000 to be used for
the purposes of putting the grounds In
shape and extending the fence which nri
rounds the present' cemetery. Congress
had a streak of economy, however, and
notwithstanding that the estimate was
recommended by the Treasury department
and the secretary of war. nothing was done
toward relieving the congestion.
There are about too interments In the
Presidio cemetery yearly, and it Is thought
that In a year or two at most the presont
grounds will be completely filled and then
will come cremation If congress does noth
ing ut the coming session.
Tho bodies burled in the cemetery are of
soldiers of the United States who died in
the Philippines, or at the Presidio and
whose bodies are unclaimed by relatives.
When the question of enlarging the pres
ent cemetery at the Presidio was suggested
to the committee on appropriations by Gen
eral Aleshlre. Chairman Tawney asked the
direct question, "Whether the Quartermas
ter's department had seriously considered
cremation for the bodies of Uncle Sam's de
fenders." Gen;ral Aleshlre stated that but
little attention had been given the subject
except to get some figures on the erection
of an incinerator and the construction of
retorts and a building which he estimated
would cost about I30.CO0, Including a colum
barium to hold the ashes.
Bl Price For Old Paper.
Fifty dollars for eleven old newspapers.
That Is the price which was paid today by
a university whose files were incomplete.
The newspapers were the Washington Post
and the Washlngton Star, issued on various
days during the last twenty years.
Eighteen years ago a newsdealer In thla
city, Mr. T. 8. Lelsenring, began the col
lection of "back numbers." He had only
a small store at the time and his store
room, cellar and loft soon filled up with
copies of dally newspapers published In all
parts of the country. His stock Increased
in volume much more rapidly than It was
depleted by the orders which came in.
About a year ago he moved Into an old
residence In which he secured seven large
rooms. In that place today he has nearly
1.000.000 newspapers, principally the publi
cations of Washington and New Tork.
It seems Incredible that there should be
a sufficient demand for old newspapers to
warrant a man In devoting his time to their
collection, sorting and sale and yet this
man has created a business which has
grown to wonderful proportions. He looks
upon old newspapers very much as the
collectur regards rare examples of Chip
pendale furniture or Cloisonne Ceramics
and whenever he hears of a collection of
old newspapers Lelsenring la right on the
Job with a bid for the pile. Thus a few
weeks ago he discovered, somehow, that
there was a wagon load 44,000 In all to
be had in Virginia. He bought them and
enjoys the work of sorting them out and
arranging them chronologically, fully as
much aa J. P. Morgan enjoy the sight of
his collection of mlnatures.
The Washington Star' was' first Issued in
1862 and the Post made Its initial appear
ance In 1877. Ilsewrlng has copies of every
issue of both newspapers from the date of
the original publication down to th current
Newspapers, like wine. Improve with age.
That Is to say, their value enhances in
direct proportion to the remoteness of the
period at which they wer first Issued. The
original price of the Washington Post pub
lished on the lbth day of October, 1877, was
3 cents. The price which you would have
to pay for a copy of that particular issus
today would be 1 cents plus I cents for
every month of its age, or about tlg.Otl for
a single copy of a newspaper the original
price of which was only 3 cents.
There ar constant demands for old news
papers. Colleges and libraries ar excellent
customers and frequently the departments
huv use for them. The papers published
(Continued nn Second Page.)
lM CL j
. tri'weiQ -f
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Chairmen of Both National Commit
tee! Goiny; .'Home to Vote.
Both" Jar Worlt at 'jradQaartr ra . Ii
Done and Final Instructions Sent
Ont -to Various
- States,
WASHINGTON, Nov. l.-Gcnerally fair
weather for election day throughout the
United States, with the possible exception
of the region extending from the north Pa
cific coast over the northern Rocky moun
tain ststes, was predicted tonight by the
weather bureau.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1 At both republican
and democratic headquarters in this city
today It was announced that the work of
the respective organ zut.ons In the cai piign
of 1908 was at an end. National Chairman
Frank H. Hitchcock of the republican com
mittee and National Chairman Norman 15.
Mack of the democratic committee are, go
ing home to vote and .will return to this
city Tuesday afternoon to receive returns
at headquarters. Mr. Hitchcock koes to
West Newton. Mass.. and Mr. Mack to
Buffalo. Messrs. Mack and Hitchcock ad
hered to the forecasts given out on Friday
and Saturday, the d mucratlc chairman cm
tending that Mr. Bryan will receive 3J3
votes and Mr. Hitchcock announcing him
self as positive In his belief that Mr. Taft
will have 325 votes In the electoral college.
While the national chairmen believe that
all has been done that can be done to elect
their chiefs, the candidates themselves will
continue In the fight until practically the
last minute. Mr. Taft, after spending today
in Buffalo, goes tomorrow morning to
Cleveland, where ho will apeak In the aft
ernoon, hurrying thence to Cincinnati to
vote on Tuesday and hear the results of
the election.
Mr. Bryan intends to put In the day cam
paigning In northwestern Kansas and will
be at Lincoln for a home-coming demon
stration In the evening.
At republican headquarters today It was
asserted that Chairman Mack's estimate of
333 votes for Bryan had been expected In
view of the' same claims made earlier In
the campaign. It was further said that
Mr. Mack had Included In his lists states
that were practically conceded by state
leaders to be republican. It was also said
that Mr. Hitchcock was willing to stand or
fall by his prediction of 325 votes made on
Friday, and Was perfectly satisfied that it
would be more nearly correct than Mr.
Mack's when the returns are in.
Mr. Mack declared today that "the only
thing that can defeat Mr. Bryan is the
corrupt use of maney." He said he had
sent his last Instructions to state chairmen
to get out their vote early and to see that
It was fairly counted.
"We are through," suld Chairman Hitch
cock. "Our fight Is, won."
Mr. Hitchcock announced that thero had
ceased to be any doubt as to republican
success In such states as Indiana and New
Jersey, all claimed by Mr. Mack, and it
waa added by a member of his staff that
the republican national committee Is as
sure of New Tork as It is of Pennsylvania..
asrcaewlthd rmmfw mf wy yppuuuuuuu
Today Republican County Chairman Par
sons of New York county thus summarised
the situation In Manhattan and the Bronx,
two cf the five boroughs included in Greater
New York:
"If Mr. Bryan carries New York county
at all it will be by a plurality of from 40,000
to eO.OC District leaders believe that Gov
ernor Hughes will run more than 33.000 le
hlnd Mr. Taft In this county."
Mr. Mack said today that his claim that
Bryan and Kern will receive 333 votes in
th electoral college is based on reports
received from state chairman and from
private source. State Chairman Conner
has predicted thst Bryan will receive more
(Continued on Second Page.)
The Bryan Democracy
Decision Reached at Recent Naval
Conference Held at
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. In view of the
order of the secretary of the navy revok
ing the prohibition he recently placed
agalnsf officers who attended the New
port conference from dtocaouluolt action,
an officer who was prominently identified
with the entire proceedings today stated
that It had substantiated with a few
minor exceptions the charges of defects
pointed out in Commander Keyes' letter
on that subject. This officer has been
foremost In his denunciation of naval de
fects. The conference decided, he said, that
very few of these could be remedied in
the North Dakota and Delaware, which
are now 40 per cent completed, but sug
gested that. If practicable, additional case
armor of about 100 tons be placed around
the smoke pipe and uptakes to protect
them against splinters. The additional
armor would Increase the protection to
eight inches. 'They recommended that, If
practicable, an additional fire control
mast be placed forward of the smoke
stacks, so that In case the vision from
the rear mast Is obscured by smoke a
clear view could e secured from tho
other position.
The conference also hesitated about
making extensive changes in the plans
In the Florida and Utah, as any altera
tion thflt WnilM Invfltv pnnalricmhlii
Vhange of weights would require a re
construction of the plans.
On the important subject of what ought
to he the type of the next battleships to
be designed, the kind of battery they
should carry and their armor the confer
ence has not made a decision. .
Presence of American Fleet Makes
ISo Impression I'pon the
PEKING, Oct. 31. The presence of tho
second squadron of the American battle
ship fleet at Amoy, where the vessels ar
rived yesterday, and where the men re nJW
being entertained by the Chinese govern
ment, is hardly known in Peking. The
Chinese papers have said nothing at all
about the visit, and the occurrence Is being
completely Ignored, both officially and
otherwise, so far aa Peking Is Concerned.
This probably Is because the festivities In
connection with the birthday of the empress
dowager1 are coincident with the entertain
ment of the visiting Americans.
The Japanese newspapers alone in Peking
have any information regarding the doings
at Amoy. Up to 6 o'clock this evening the
foreign board had no news of the arrival
of the warships, and was still awaiting their
coming. Neither had the American lega
tion received any news. The only member
of the American legation at Amoy Is Cap.
tain James H. Reeves, the military attache.
This silence Is the more remarkable be
cause the native press has, during the last
few weeks, given much space to promul
gating the Idea of an alliance with the
United Slates.
j -Not Permitted to Visit Native taar
ttss for Fear of Cholera
and Plagae.
AMOY, Nov. 1. Two thousand men of the
Second tqusdrcn of the American fleet were
allowed to land today and were served at
the reception grounds with an European
luncheon and a Chinese dinner. The men.
however, are showing great disappointment
becausu they are not permitted to leave the
grouncs, lestrlctlons having been pla e J
upon them because the authorities do not
, believe that the city is yet frte from
cholera and plague.
Admiral Sah of the Chinese navy today
gave a luncheon in honor of Rear Admiral
Emory and the fleet commanders.
The German cruiser Nlube left here this
w . v- iif ' nny
ff cm... n"Y
Statement! of the Chairmen of the
Leading: Political Partiei.
Republican CommltteAU Tkrosh
Except the Work of Chasing
Donn Democratic tlan
deroa Circular.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 1. (Special.) "I am sat
isfied Nebraska will go republican. The
majority will be from that given President
McKinley up.
"While little noise lias been made abou
It. the party has a splendid precinct and
county organization. The fight now reals
with these organizations. I am sure they
will get out the full vote. The rrJrts
they have made to headquarters are satis
factory. If they continue the good work
they have done, and I am sure they will,
the republican party will give good ma
jorities for the national and state tickets,
elect a full delegation to congress and a
big majority of the house and senate."
J. Warren Keifer, jr., chairman republican
state committee.
"Bryan will carry Nebraska by not less
thun 15.000, and all Indications point to a
much larger plurality for him. I am now
certain the entire democratic state ticket
will be elected. I am basing this conclusion
upon reports received from almost every
voting precinct in the state." T. S. Allen,
chairman democratic state committee.
The chairmen of the two big political
parties gave out their statements this after
noon and then began to wait for the coming
of another and the last day before election.
From now on the republicans will divide
time in urging the voters to come out and
in chasing down slanderous clrculurs of
the democrats. Only two of these were
caught and branded yesterday, but the
republican leaders have an Idea that more
will come out before Tuesday.
Senator Burkett and Governor Sheldon
will speak at tho Auditorium tomorrow
night and Mr. Bryan will speak from the
Lincoln hotel balcony. Both parties will
gtv parade and have bands and red
fire galore.
The fight In Lancaster county has been
made and Chairman Matson announced that
the majority for the republican ticket
would be nearer than 1,600.
Statement for the Government.
Governor Sheldon In an Interview today
referred to the letter sent out from Omaha
by Elmer E.' Thomas as follows:
"The statements contained In tho letter
of Elmer E. Thomas under date of Octo
ber 19, addsessed to the temperance voters
of Nebraska, are absolutely falae and
known by Thomas to be false. When I
ran for governor two years ago I did not
directly or indirectly make any ui-ce-ment
or have any understanding with the
brewers vt Omaha or elsewhere.
"The last legislature passed four bills
sffectlng the liquor Interests. Senate
file No. 7, Introduced by Senator Koot,
fixing the revenue of sale of Intoxicat
ing Itquor. which was approved by me
February 23, 1907; senate file No. J5,
Introduced by Senator Patrick, which vai
approved by me April 10, 1907; senate
file No. 76, Introduced by Senator Gib
son, which was approved by me April
S. 1907; senate file No. (, introduced by
Senator Root, which I did not sign, be
cause I did not think it fair to place the
dealers in this state at a disadvantage
in shipping liquor as compared with deal
ers In other states shipping Into tlil.i
state. I did not veto the bill, however,
thinking the Judgment of the legislature
might be better than my own, and It be
came a law February 28, 1907. The 19u7
aesHion laws of this state are within the
reach of all and the truth of my state
ment nl this regard can very .-uslly be
"The Fire and Police commission which
I eppolnted for Omaha conslted and now
consists of Robert Cowell, John I
(Continued on Second Pagr 1
C. A. Falston of Weeping Water In
itantly Killed By Stranger,
Short Shift Likely to Be Gifen If
Caught By Puriueri.
Officer Had Been Warned to Watch
These Two Men.
A He Approached Through Railroad
Yards One of the Pair Fired, kill
! Ralston Instantlyt and
Then Both Fled.
WEEPING WATER. Neb.. Nor. l.- tSne-
clal Telegram. )-Supectlng that Night
watchman C. A. nleto was going to
arrest them one of tw men thought to be
the robbers of the Manley bank, ml es
from here, shot and Instantly killed the
officer about 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Immediately the community was aroused
and every man who could secure a weapon
und a horse started In pursuit cf the mur
derers; the sheriff made a fast dtlve front
Plattsmouth In an . automobile, bringing
bloodhounds with him; officers in Lincoln
were notified to bring hounds and come
here as well as go to stations northwest
of hero in which direction the niurd-tcrs
went after shooting Ralston. The riatte
river briOgcs are also being guarded and
the man hunt has been taken up with
such vigor and determination that It setms
almost Impossible that tho murderers cm
escape. Cass county Is a net work of tele
phones., The lines have all been busy and
towns of Wabash, Elmwood. Eagle, Mur-
doik, Alvo, South Bend, Asniana, ia is
vllle and others have been notified.
Feelina Is so Intense that only th cool
heads of the prominent business men In the
sasrchlng party will prevent a lynching
should the men b apprehended.
The murdered nightwatchman is a mem
her nf nrnmlnent families and has lived In
Weeping Water almost since boyhood. Hi
was a terror to evtl doers and a very Drave
man The men who committed the detd
stopped all night at the Riverside hotel.
They registered as Charles Beliier ana Ar
thur Munster and took breakfast there, eat
ing dinner Just before th murder. They
came hero looking like bums, but left
wearing good clothes of a dark color and
soft black hats. They are about five feet
ten or eleven Inches in height an one
was allahtly stooped, one weighing about
100 pounds, while the other was thlncr and
weighed about 140 pounds.
From the hotel they went up in ir
to the coal chutes and behind the car
Ralston met them and they fired on shot,
killing him Instantly. He fell on his facs
In the cinders. The section foreman heard
the shots and saw the men running away.
He went to Investigate nd twtmd the highs
watchman dying.' Prevlotii to going up
the tracks Ralston was talking with a de
tective sent here to look up the Manley
bank robbery and the detective told him
to keep an eye on these men. In less than
fifteen minutes Ralston was killed. Blood
hounds are also on the road here from
Lincoln. N
Hnlston Well Known.
Charley Ralston Is one of the best known
man In central Cass county and connected
with nromlnent families of Weeping Wster.
He has been night watchman at two differ
ent times, covering a period altogether cr
about ten years. He is a brother of Alfred
Ralston, former butcher and cattle buyer.
About twelve years ago Charles Ralston
Joined the Methodist church here and be
came one of the mowt active church work
ers In the community, frequently filling
pulpits and talking as a lay worker
wherever opportunity permitted.
When the murdered night watchman quit
the police duties at one time and opened a
barber shop, it was one uf the most unique
shops In the country and attracted soma
little attention. It was a shop conducted
Just as Mr. Halston lived. Religious tracts
were scattered on the tables, a number of
Bibles were convenient for customers wait
ing the call of "next," arid if Mr. Ralston
waa drawn Into conversation with his cus
tomers, It gave him an opportunity t speak
a word for the church, which h never
failed to do.
When times were hard with the students
of Weeping Water scademy. a Congrega
tional institution. "Charley" Ralston did
barber work for the young men without pay
If the young men were deserving, and the
barber gave liberally and encouraged those,
who were working toward the ministry.
Tills sho pwas run on this plan for over a
year, when Mr. Ralston went back on the.
night watchman's Job.
As an officer ha was conscientious and
exerted a good Influence In keeping boys
of the street at night. He could send the
average boy home and the boy went,
Mr. Ralston leaves a Wife and daughter,
besides his brother, Alfred Ralston, aud a
sister, Mrs. Arthur Marshall.
Counsel In Standard Oil Case Hay
Nothing- Has Been Promised
WASHINGTON. Oct. Jl.-Frunk B. Kel
logg, special counsel in the case of the
government to dissolve the Standard Oil
company, had a confvrence with President
Roosevelt today. Mr. Kellogg said the case
was proceeding as rapidly as possible, that
all the tcrtlniony of the government hid
been taken and the defendants now are
presenting their side In New York. The
final hearing In (lie case, he ss!d. will be
huld In St. IxjuIs on February 3 before
the United Slates circuit court.
When asked whether the government
wou'.d institute criminal proceedings against
John D. Rockefeller and other officials of
the Standard Oil coinpiny after a decision
In the trial for the dissolution has been
reached Mr. Kellogg suld that as counsel
for the he could say that
neither Mr. Rockefeller nor any of the
other officials of tho company had bfen
granted Immunity.
Mr. Kellogg, who Is a member of the
republican nation tl committee frm Min
nesota said he hud conm over from New
York to H.pcar In a case before ths su
preme ci.urt here next Monday.
Contracts for Army Supplies.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 Recent con
tracts awarded by the quartet mutter gen
eral's office livjluite 9.OI0 tons of oats to be
furnished by Seattle und St. Paul firms.
Bids received this week for lO.OuO ttts of
hay for the Philippines have been rejectee!
because cf high price and Irregularity