Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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Best t'hn. West
Vol,, xsxvjii no.
MflE. ittl J '.. iSKf MMJ M BHga
1 'm-rr'T''l
Shoes- of the Finer Grades
A vjirirljr tf hili rlnsM fm it wear for theater, party nml
street wear thai will pH-nl to refined exacting taste. No
where in thf ! tnirnt more replete with favdilonnble linen.
?"ow ideas for om?n In black suede and Ijndon smoke or
Tnupe button shos and patent colt shoes, with firay, blue,
white. rhampSKne and brown tops; quality up to shoes
priced at $S.OO about town, here S6.00
K KXIXO HMPPKKS Punu find sailor ties, In many
dainty new conceptions; gold kid at $7.00; bronze kid at
JG.0O; black beaded cahtor suedes; pink. blue, white and
lavender kid and pink, blue, red and white satin, Jj$5.00
Hiding Hoot for AVnnien
Tan or black, $15 values,
at $10.00
Hiding inittles for Men Tan
or black, new and well
haned 83.50
Wide Flouncings
Mondfty 2,0n0 yards wide lS-lmh Klonnrings for Corset Covers,
Skirts, Combinations worth ui to o'n- and 4 Cr
40c, for IOL
I I f I I I If I I
lJL1 !m1 NLjji.-
Winter (Quarterly Style I look Just In, with
any l&c Ladles' Home Journal C
Thanksgiving Linens
Kur Moni'.ny'n sale we linve arranged some extremely tin
iimiiiI, lmr;dy reduced, drive In table linens nn1 pattern
t'lctliM to grace your Tlinnksnlving Table. These lines are
new iiiiporlNtioiiM and very newcM tleslp.n.
Pattern Cloth Two yards oqimro. with pretty spot, floral si'-l
Si-roll uel:ns, bordered all around; cxerliont J'.."i0 ilolhs;
.Monday Bt i.9V
Pattern Cloth Two verd wpv. two anil a linlf yards long.
In n y In weight slid must durable qualiiy; Ili.C'i regularly;
now for S.B
Kapkins to match above patterns, In 20-tncli slue, nlwnva
at. per dozen 1.B
Bleached Damask by the yard; strictly nil pure linen. JO luetic
wide, very -holer inlterns, our beet $1 quality, at. yd 'SO
Bleached Dtmnk 70 Inches wide, heavy and lasting, a grade
Hud m i el v Is ess than S!'c. more otten i.-c; our Aiominy
prii-e Is
, .oo
-.' i v n , r j
SI Lontj Gloves, $1.98
Hundreds of pairs were sold Satur
day. Jjundr"ds more on sale
Monlny. Never Mich a glove bar
gain known hereabouts.
Very fine 18-btitton lonpth Cape
(ilovei. imported to sell for $1.00
ii pair. ilnoiiRli a fortunate trade
happening wr can sell them at
I alf. Come Monday,
hot cannot last much
In same purchase were F00 tairs
l'rlni'! I.anibpkin Gloves, In 8
btitton lengths. In blacks, browns
i lid tans, that are
I rtnol 1 .75 (juality,
btir Monday price ....
I Xnias Ihndkcrchicls
Pj I'l.iln linen hem-.ned H.indki'rrlilt?f.i.
II i-. lie. 15c. iUe tn r.Oc.
W .turn Initial Handkorchler., 10e,
i !'". 2ltc, Sue and .iHc
H t.inen rmliroliJr red Handkerchief.
CJ r". 3.'.c, BUc, l to a.
H .iiiienian bund embroidered llaiuU
iTtnoesa Luce H.indkcr. liifs,
13. id, 3 tc 110.
Bennett's buy all quarter and half Pieces, Suit and Skirt Longhts of
From New York's largest ami most exclusive women's tailoring house. .Almost 1 ,
pieces of finest fabrics, retaili hr nt IjCI.OO and $;..' a yaid.
Never was there sueh au oportuni,y presented you before. These exquisite fabrics are indentieal to those used in the making of gowns, eostuines and
suits selling at $100 and $1L'5. Jt was a gigantic spot cash transaction that secured for us this marvelous bargain. I
Not even half the cost to import is the way the goods are marked
We bought them at a price that permits us offering them now at A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE and still make a profit. See the good in the big
Sixteenth street window today. Here's the character of the fabrics in the sale in two immense lots: ' 1
LOT 2 Chiffon Broadcloths, all colors; .")-inch all wool Pana-
1A)T 1 4:50 Hand Embroidered Voiles, black; $3.50 Silk and Wool Voiles,
black; $3.00 Chiffon Broadcloth, all colors; $2.00 Sl,lk Eoliennes, all
eolorse; $1.50 Satin Soliels, black; $2.50 5G-lnch hand-twisted Worsteds,
Fancy Stripe and Check Broadcloths, 54-inch Chevrons, Fancy Voile,
Diagonal Suitings, SeLf-colored Chiffon Broadcloths. This entire lot all
at one price, yard ;
LiUi a v. union ii oaucioins, an coiors; .j-hicii an wwoi i huh- '"if,
mas, all colors; -stripe and check all wool Taffetas, fine Lans- "
downs, waterproof coatings, children's golf red coatings, B
Batistes and Voiles; materials worth $l.r0, $1.73 and $2.00 j
yard, for
Ultra Modes In Tailored Suits
Tlie very late arrivals from the East
ern designers show a tendency to a little
less rlflboratloii in trimming than the
early season stjlew Two strikiiiK new
models that have just come are severely
pluin tailored, self straps ami buttons
being about (he only attempt at garnish,
nient. The routs are somewhat larger
though. The materials are new hard
twibtec! worsteds and Running French
serge inaterlals and velvet collars;
length of eoat lieing 45 inches. A full
ratine of sizes In rach color.
$25. V$35
1500 New Coats
'X?&F GrBatsst-asgregaUon of smart coats in
Omaha today; filled coats, loose coats.
Empire coats In black broadcloths, fancy
;md plain cheviots In new colors, tan and
uray coverts. Prices
SIO S15 $20 $25 to $45
i TV Hk
Kl Dennett's Secure 54,000 Worth jt0
Holiday Box Paper
Genuine American Star
Cut Glassware,
worth to $5.00
a dozen, each..
Illustration is an exact re
production of five styles;
line includes goblets, sau
cer champagne, sherries,
wines, cordials, cocktails,
custards and sherbets, also
straight and bell tumblers;
genuine cut star design,
values to $.").()() doz 29l
More White China, for deco
rators, all vases, jardineres
and tankards; special Mon
day at 30 ',i Off
1,000 Opal Air
Hole Globes Hike
cut J
White Ilaviland
China bargains:
Pickle Dishes 29('
Celerv Tray?
Bread Tray
10-in. Chop Plates . . : . 69c
Bakers, od size 75l?
Bowls '. 45c
Dishes ZJjC n
Travs G5c
Frays 75c J
at a tremendous sacrifice.
One of the largest wholesale jobler of paper In the I'm ted gt'atPS found theniselven ovprwhelmlnaly overboiiRht Willi gift
boxes and decided upon immediate autlon to dispose of the Bood . Knowing lletir.eU'H eupaelty to handle big lots, they ap
proached us Willi an offer to take over the rood on a IjaHU seldom heard of In modern retailing. Thine papers are Hie pto.l
urt of mull well known makes as Eton Harlbnt Co.; BerlLi, Jon(a as Co.; VTlilte ft Wycoff and the Whit In r Papar Co. MaRnifi
cent fflft boxes with holly .designs, novelty boxes, cabinet boxes, beautifully lithographed, embossed and decorated, many dune
by band In water fcolors.
Buy Tour Olfta Monday and Bare Over Ball. Boxes made to retail at 25c to J6.00 at these marvelously low prices, ull
much less than wnoietate cost:
lie fiox Peners all at one price 100
46c and fiOc Box Papers sensationally
; priced at 19o
k trie and 75c Box Papers, very hndso;.i
' ILnes, at.,v...... 29
J1.00 Box Papers, beautiful nnd high
grade, at 49o
J1.60 and' $2.00 Box Papers, surprisingly
priced at. bSo
2. Ii0 Novelty Boxes, very exquisite and
dainty gifts, at 98o
And many other lots, all marked flu
same low basis. t
Black Furs
Fashion says black furs this year. All
the most exclusive furriers and all lead
ing stores are featuring them. We fore
saw the tendency and today are prepared
with magnificent assortments. Black
Lynx, Black Wolf, also Mink, Fox, etc.
In newest shapes.
Greatest Blanket Bargains
Our Immense purchases from the late Aniory-Brown Auction secured
for us uninatehable bargains in good blankets. Still selling rapidly.
Fine $5.50 Wool Blankets, gray
with pink and blue borders; spec-
: lal, pair . . .$3.48
Largest 12-4 Wool Blankets, gray
only, made of choice 'selected
stock, absolutely $7.50 values,
for S4.rn
Silk bound wool nap Blankets, in
white only, best $3.00 values,
for $1.50
Cotton Blanket 200 pairs gray
heavy long fleeced napped Blan
kets, worth $1.39, at 75
Other rare bargains at 39c, 0lc,
9c and .-98
mm $2.29
J nic hes RV
long, six inches
wide, 10V;j inches
Solid shelf, .'-ply
built up s t o c k,
brass hands, fig
ures and chains
)" Six weeks ago, we put this clock on sale, and it created
a wonderful furore in the furniture department. Hun
dreds were sold in a single day. Now here's another ship
ment for Monday. It makes a novel and ideal holiday or
wedding gift for it's entirely new.
A Mantel Clock In Mission Plnloh for dining room, hull, den
or parlor, lfa odd and artlntic; every clock Is tested before
if ma ine iaciory una guaranteed periect. Meeds c ai
no key. Regular tetall price is $S.O0. Several v V aU
hundred more Monday, al
Monday In the Grocery
jO'O&i ) AnU S0 tJ,'' " Stamps
'?Til $ Jos. TetlevH C'o.'k I'evlim Tea.
nnJ s Kit uu, ijvuiiu tins fuc
r-frii S And i'iO Green Stamps
J Sunflower Blend, V&-pound tins.. ;,"c
aiiu -a irrt-en niamps
-Sunflower Blend, Vi -pound tins 18c
And 10 Cireen Stamps
French Cut l.oaf Sugar, pkg 35c And 10 Urcen Stamps
Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack.. $1.70 And 0' (Ireen Stamps
tlhlrardelU's Grnd. Choc can....30o And 10 Ureen Stamps
BfSt-We-Have extra sifted liarly
June Puas. per can 20o And 10' Ureen Siamps
Maple Cream, two cakes 10c And 10 Green Stamps
HartUy's Imptd. Marmalade. Jar. .30c And 10 Green stamps
Bi-nuctt's Capitol Mincemeat, 3 pkgs.
for 35c And 10 Green Stamps
Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs 33c And 10 Green Slumps
Beauty Ak para gus. can 3Sc And 10 Green Slumps
Bennett's Capitol Pancake or Wheat
Flour 11c And 10 Green .itamps
Crackers, large assortment 100 And 10 Green Stamps
Cooking Haisins, large, lb 8o
40c Burnham's Clam Bouillon 350 -
I'ic size Grape Juice 150
New Evaporated Apricots 13'jO
$1 00, $1.23, $1 60 and 18.00 Kinds
Women who keep In touch with this line, corset section
eagerly watch for these specials. .Every now and thou
we snap up some good purchase then hand them out to
you, more for the advertising it gives us than from a
profit standpoint. This sale, Monday, is just such a one
for we are offering such corsets as
R. & G., v . B., Kabo. C D. a la sprite,
hompson's and all good late models, too.
There's a style for every figure. Probably the very
corset y.ou like best and have been wearing is In the lot.
Over a hundred dozen on sale Monday. . Corsets worth up
to $2.00, all at one price 79
Peninsular Stoves are Supreme
Stoves of quality, moBt practical, satisfying and
artistic of any constructed. Monday again wo
-"offer rhe sjttoUe-consuming TJire Draft
Heater for any kind of fuel, at
Furnace St oops, regular 75c kind, for. . . '. . . .lf)
Fine Shovels, long, double handle, loc kind. . It) J
Fine Shovels, extra tlouiile handle, 2dc kind, .5c
Good, all steel hatchets. . . 35 nd 20 Stamps
Good Family Cleavers i.5 nd 20 Stamps
Stove Boards, all si.ep, up fioiu 0C and 40 Stps
Zinc Bindlns for oilcloth . . 0(' and 10 Stnmps
Coal Hods, all sizes, up irom 20!" all(i 20 Stps
Brass Binding for Linoleum, per yard
Sale Self BflMlr-g l;o.S'l K I IS All etiainel-d, $1.2
Best enameled Berlin Preserving Kettles, $1.00 values
Owing to the continued mild weather w are still able to orfer very
low prices.
Capitol Coal ?fp K(PS egr&
$18 ?-B : ?
1 sw? vim
5 kind, Af
The Beat That Burnt." Per Ton
nut, very hot and no slatu, pyr
tou SS0.00
1MIKSTIC Ll'MP Or Nut. best
coal ever sold for the'inonev; per
on 555.25
AKCT1C M TA highly satisfactory
ecal at a very law price, per
to $1.50
South Ohiuha orders filled ilircct
frotii Soutli Omaha yard. Prompt
deliveries to liensiiii, i- lui cm .- Uiindt
it ii-1 Diuaha proper.
Reason Stat.'d by South Omaha Bus
iness Han, J, S. Kelly.
llljru Mho Never Held or Aaked
Cfll.r fur lllmeelf Make A p
I'fnl for Krpubllean (or
S.l Tlt OMAHA, Oct. 30-To the Editor
o The lice: Ai you know, I have never
held nor souslit. nor will I seek or hold, a
polit office. Ycl I have given much
attention to public affniis. I believe every
K' il t ll xen eahould do s Especially have
1 lent my best efforts toward eh etlug to
pjblle of fee what 1 eonaUler the best type
ii. ir ciUzeiiMhip.
Mr. A. W: Jefferls, the republican eandl-
tie tor loiigrena from this district. 1s a
n an that I have known and known of for
tin- U.hi a.xteen yeare. Many of our Soutli
I'.iuiha ivpubllcan may not know him and
t f hU vterliiig iitialitlea, that have en
sealed him like a brother to all who know
Mm; hence tliu letter. Mr. Jefferia la a
magnificent example of our aelf-made men:
a tw that haa done so much toward the
.ipoul'ding of Our glorloua country, creat
ing udinliatlon al home and reapct from
liie mo i powerful of nationa. Thla man's
fundi) was of the beat, but, unfortunately,
wr lathrr fortunately for htm, the many
IrotiKts and slater at home compelled
him to work and work hard to acquire the
l.nlihed education he finally secured. For
lite want of the price of a meal, he has
more than once gone hungry. An un
usually gifted lawyer, a public speaker of
, ommandUif presence and polished, power
ful delivery, be la of a class, all too few, of
our men In i'Ubllc life, honest, aggressive,
clean to the very core, lie p-mm-snes every
i.ialitlcllon to mosl ably represent equally
well the working man, the business man
and the piufessioiiul man. During this
campaign, no candidate or newspaper has
liad aught to say against his spotless per
gonal or professional life.
Mr. Jcfferta' abilities and all- round good
qualities are such that In asking your sup
port and personal help In thla campaign
for him. I fel that I have never asked the
support of a cleaner .man or one better
able to fill to the entire satisfaction of
each and every constituent the high office
to which he aspires. I dp-m him most
worthy to dlsehsrge ably and honorably
our every trust.
Fourth Time lor G. M. II.
Mr. Jef ft ris' democratic opponent Is seed
ing tills office for the fo'urtli time. No one
will deny that Mr. Jefferis is at least as
capable In every respect as Ills opponent.
Then why not pass the honor around and
on to one whose ability, public splrltedness
and knowledge of this district s needs is
second to that of no man residing within
this district?
With a republican president, a republican
senate and a republican house we need a
republuan represt In congiess from
thla district to represent us to I lie ad
vantage. My views as above ai presented to you
enlhely uti my own initiative. Anyone per
sonally with Mr. Jeffcils knows
that 1 have not overest.mateu this big
luarted, inU Hi dual giani.
My convictions on the stale and national
issues are so strong that 1 tanwot refrain
from commenting thereon. I believe here Is
less excuse for a republican to vote Uie
democratic ticket next Tuesday than at
any other time in the lasl twenty years
and more reason why a democrat can
consistently vote for lepubllcan principles.
Al tae time the panic struck us last full,
tins country never enjoyed as great pros
perity as then. This trouble was admittcdly
iausd by a few large New York banks,
rotten to the very core. A panic would
have resulted, no matter what party had
been In power. Mr. Bryan himself has said
as much. The wonderful manner In which
the country has iscovered speaks volumes
for the confidence the nailou has in the re
publican party. With Mr. 'la It elected,
instiling a continuation of the policies tlu
resulted In the immense prosrily during
the last twelve years, I predict that in
six years more, confidence will bo fully
restored and business will again go on as
before th panic.
Pon t overlook that the republican party
platform calls for n revision of the tariff
immediately after election, that or par:y
f;ivc rs establishing postal savings batiks,
has passed an emergency currency law and
a ppom.ed a commission to study the fi
nancial system of other countries and will
frame a solid financial system for us, In
t.'u l of asking our Nebraska banks to
make up the losses occasioned by Wall
sue t gambling and wildcat banking else
where. . Let K.acu Slate Stand Atoae. each state be responsible for It's own
1 i . i. - ... .
aims, oecause a condition that might ef
lect New York's banks, as was the case
last fall, would not likely piuvallaJn Ne
baska Why should we people in Nebraska
make up for the rascality of New Y'ork
bankers? Why should Omaha banks who
have not lost a cent of their depositor's
money In forty-five years they've been in
business, be compelled to contribute HoO.'leO
eitcn yt-ar as the proposed guarantee law
would demand, to make up the losses of
mismanaged banks? Kour years from
now. after the state of Oklahoma has
tiled out their guarantee system, will be
lime enough to risk It as a national propo
sition. At It Is the Osklahoma system has
had no trial. A panic Is the thing that
testa the Idea on It's merits. I predict that
the guarantee liw of Oklahoma when put
to the real test will prove as shal
low as when the same plan has lieen
tried In the states of New Turk
and Michigan. The present guarantee
fond of Oklahoma is SIK.OmO. How long
would that sjm have lasted In New York
f'.ty last fall wheie the banks involved in
the panic there alone had deposits of $lo0
0.0iV? Why the $15,000 would hardly have
bought coffee and sandwiches for the bank
employ s during the run on the banks. To
a prai tleil man this "guarantee" plan is as
buslnei-sHke as Mr. Bryan's chimerical idea
of the government owning all the railroads.
The Interstate Commerce commission,
which ty tlie way, does not over-estimate
the value of rallioad properties, placed the
value if the railroads of this country at
$18.UOOO.OUO. When Mr. Uryun figured how
long he'd have to stay on the lecture plat
form to earn this amount of inon. y. he
thought that too much of a good thing, even
as well us he likes to "orale." Mr. Uryun
should at least have noted one fact that
every Kun an traveler comments on, that
Is, the miserable service and equipment of
tlie government owned railroads of Europe.
Mr. l'.ran in many ideas he advuncts and
has advanced, does not appear to profit b..
the mistakes and e.xp.-l l nees of otln is.
Another Inxlance 1 might mention is the
free trade diietrine given such a thorough
and sorrowful trial in earlier limes no-
tably. In 1SH1. Why bting distress to out
business interests again and poverty to our
laboring men? I consider Mr. Uryun the
most unsafe and unpiactieal man who
ever attained any prominence In our nii
tlouul life, and 1 find tlie business men
with whom I come in contact are almost
unanimously of the same opinion. As a
man I esteem Mr. Kryan greatly, but as
I see 11 he is most unfit for the presidential
Hruohlleau Tariff Protects.
Remember that it Is the republican policy
of a protective tariff Hint protects Ameri
can woikmen from free trade and Btaivu
tiKl wages and provides more of the com
fort Hid luxuries for their homes th-in Is
enjo.Ned by woikmen in any other nation
on tlie globe. Ot r party la pledged to a
tetention of this policy, with such revisions
as are Just and fair. The democrats are
opposed to the entire principle and avor
the fiee trade policy. Ask your father or
anyone acquainted with the effects of this
doctrine and democratic rule in lt7, In 1S73
or lvi'i. Don't forget 10-cent corn In 'S3.
I was glad to gi t 25 cents a duy In 1SK3.'
More than 3.1411.1(10 men walked this coun
try In search of work und would huve been
glad to get my Job at a quarter a day.
I hope this country muy lie spard a repe
tition of such pitiful times.
Our own General Manderson, one of the
most gifted- men Nebraska has ever sent
to the t'ulted States senate and yet one
of our foremost lawyers, pronounced Mr.
Taft the "best candidate for president any
party bus had 111 tlie history of the I'nitcd
Governor Sheldon deserves re-election for
the many beneficial laws passed during his
He has proved an honest, capable and
courageous official, who has done right as
he saw it alike to corporations and In
dividuals, regardless as to how his official
ttcts would affect his politicul future. This
streak In his character is altogether too
scarce in public men at this time.
Douglas county candidates for the state
senate and house of representatives, many
of whom helped to frame those' helpful
laws enacted during tlie lasl session of
ihe legislature, proved their fidelity in
every platform pledge and should be again
I respectfully urge every patriotic citizen,
he he republican or democrat, to not only
vote himself, next Tuesday, for the na
tional, congressional, state and county re
publican candidates, but urge his t'rli lull
und neighbors to do likewise. You.s li',
Campaign Affects Business and Sends
the Clearings Down.
Permits Issued by City Aggregate
Fifteen Thousand More Thau
Sumu Mou III 111 Itiof.
An Increase of $15,000 over the report
for tin- same month lasl year is tne record
of building permits for tlie month of Oc
tober as shown by the ll'ioks ill tin; office
of the ci.y building lnsecl ir. with onu
day's business not yet reported. In Octo
ber, 17, the building permits aggregated
$5u0 0uo. Po far this month the buildin per
mits for new structures aggregato Silj.UD.
Two large permits were taken out Friday,
one for the erection of the new St, I'hilo
mena church ut Tenth and William street,
to cost jao.Kio. and the other for the new
city jail, to cost I:5.l(). The new church
is to be built of stone and will cover a
ground space 4oxL3 feet. Other perniils
taken out Friday were by II. W. Dunn
for a frame dwelling at Twenty-first and
I Pinkney streets, to cost J.'.iUO; by lienjamln
Coltop, for a frame dwelling at Thirly-
eighlh avenue and Jackson streets, to cost I
I7,5u0. and by P. S. Miner, for a frame !
dwelling at Thirty-fourth and Jones streets, I
to cost S1.6UU.
The plans for the I7S.C00 warehouse for
the International Harvester Company of
America have been completed and are now
in the hands of the contractors. Bids for
the construction will be opened Thursday.
This new warehouse will be located at
Eighth street and L'apllol avenue and will
be six stories high, of concrete construc
tion. It will cover a ground spare fox 13.'
Stringency of l ust Year Made lleeurd
In These Transactions III Omaha
lb:it Will Maud for
s a WUIIe.
The first week of the panic of 19"7 made
u record in Omalia bank il Brings which
will be hud to nV'nouie.
The usual dullnets ) 1 ceding a preslden
tlil e'eciiiui las had 1 s effect on business
n Omaha and bunk eliarln.;g me off SI 770.
V;7 fur the iiionlii if Oi-.nbtT as nonpareil
to the same tumuli lasl. year.
Th.- loss has been almost wholly d irim
the lust In fait the loss if the week
was larger that) the total loss for tlie
moMii. The clearings of Omaha hunks for
tile lust In Oitoher of 17--1 lit- week
following the panic were Ji:.t;7.l'.fi. Wit.i
HI. Paul, Omaha stood as tlie only city
in the country w hich showed s .eii an In
crease in bank clearings. The reiisnu was
that business continued normal regardless
of the currency starvation und I hi t bun
mss was trjnsgeted almost wholly with
checks. The dealings for tlie lust week ot this year tlie wc. !: prcifctfiiig a
presidential election uro $10,741,42. Till
anotis a lo;.8 In one week of tl.!Ct,77.
The u'feet of the presidential alectioi,
.epics I. 11 has been apparent evmy duy of
i.o i-ix bus ueMS days of the last Week.
Live stock receipts huvo been lower, grain
ineipla have been under tiiose of last year.
Husiuess has been quiet, but not as de
pn s. ed us In l;j or 1W4 during the week
pieced. ng the election.
"1 do not know of anything which has
influemed the bank clearings so much as
the presidential election approaching," said
Victor 11. Caldwell, vice president of the
I'niied Slatts National bunk. "But with
all the qjiet in business ll Is not as no
ticeable us d.iring former campaigns. I
believe I tisiuesM has been much nearer
1101 11. al tn. in In Ihe fall of l'.M. Business
has been belter in fact than c mid he ex
peed .1 ai.d the decreasi; In bank clearings
Is dogblliss due to the fact JJiut the check
s. steul was extended to such proportions
!ust fall Immediately following llio we-k
i egliinlng Oi tobi r is."
The fallow itig Is a comparison of cl-ai-lugs
for lie two months by weeks:
li S. 1H')7.
First week I tl 4I6.H4S. JO S . 4.4, 6'. 1:1
S 'colld week 13.;i.ia 'i"o.l4
1 bird w.--k ja.4,4.X..i
K1U11I1 week U.:io7,:i.i.7!
K.ftu week 10,711, lU.'.ul
Totals :;, v.fl . Oti tat .osj .aos . 33
Dccrcafti compared with the torrespond-
ilig month lasl year,
Fur county commissioner, Oscar J.
ard, Adv
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