Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    -'Jf'P t m
i '
1 N
Ml, IB ft
if " Davit, drugs.
Btockert sella carpet.
f Jk n fle-.-..- a 1 '
i Uwli Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhon S7.
f Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 551,
','lJVi-i rr.KINW AT HBKHAH SRUB., 10
r u.. .! . m
jri. your pianos mnea. v otk fUKranitea.
Mrepe. Phone (44. 2 Pearl St.
Ruga made from old carpet. Council
Blutl Rut Factory. TL 61.
Leffert' window are alwaya Interesting.
They are more io than uaual tlila week.
Carload of nulla base price, 12.75 per keg.
C. Hater Lumber Co., Council Bluffs, la.
Excelsior Masonic lodge will meot thla
afternoon at I o'clock for work In the third
1 Genuine hand-made art craft Jewelry and
I metal noveltlea. U. E. Alexander, 14
f Broadway.
A building permit wna Issued yesterday
v to Mra. Kmina Metcalfe for a Iwo-atory
v frame hotel on Broadway and Thirty-sev
enth at root, to coat 13,0U.
Chief Richmond yesterday Issued "of
ficial ribbons" to 26B boys who will do duty
aa arx-clHl police during; the Hallowe'en
"festivities." One hundred more lada will
be enrolled today.
County Chairman E. E. Smith made ar
rangements yesterday for a big republican
rally at Walnut Monday night. State Sen
ator C. (). flaundors and Uoorge 11. Scott
will be the speakers.
Don't forget that Rorwtcx Tiaa the most
reasonable priced wall paper houae In the
city and If you are cleaning houae and find
that the walls need new papering, let Bor
wlck figure on the job. lie alwaya Uoea
what's right, ill South Main street.
Special Anple and potato Bale We hava
just unloaded a full carload of extra fancy
New York apples; every apple Bound. Spe
cial for Saturday: Ben Davis, per barrel,
W.35; New York Oreenlnge, per barrel, Will;
New York Russets, per barrel, 3.70i York
Imperial, per barrel, 4.I0; extra fancy New
York Baldwins, per barrel, 4.86, etc. Also
two carloads fancy potatoes on sale at ten
bushels for .; this is the cnance or tne
aeason to buy your winter's supply. Come
oadway. 'Phones S20.
Numerous complaints of Hallowe'en dep-
itlons. including the overturning of out-
fic. tearing up of fences, breaking of
Flows, etc., were madu from all parts
ia city to the polico last night. Up to
ite hour none or tna rxy ponce naa
,UU V11 ...... 1 . 'J ,'."- .... wu.
J ters.
' F. M. Kvana of thla city, said to be
mission from J. F. Bloom A Co. of Omaha
on an alleged forged order for a tombatone,
waa taken Into custody yesterday by the
local police. ' Evans refused to cross the
river without a requisition and an infor
mation charging him with being a fugitive
from tustlca waa filed by E. F. Bralley
V of Omaha. Evans denies any guilt In the
I transaction. Ilo la being held at the city
arrested late Thursday night on complaint
of his wife, who charged him with beating
her. Scott waa not ready for a hearing
yesterday and Justice Rief of Manawa con
tinued the caae until next Wednesday. In
default of bail Scott waa committed to the
county Jail. Mra. Bcott. whose lace bore evl
dent marks of the beating aha had r
celved, while filing her complaint with
Assistant County Attorney Rosa, aald: "I
love the very ground Joe walka on, but 1
am awful afraid of mm.
fSwnrk Now Too Hea-iry
' J Morrtaon.
(or BlaJkoai
A movement has been started to divide
-the Episcopal see of Iowa Into' two dioceses
or to have, a coadjutor bishop to assist
Bishop Morrison In the work of the diocese.
irh wnt'W nf tha Hlrwrea. Alch rnmnrlftH
l Tt'be antlre atate of Iowa, It la conceded, Is
toq great ior one man ana mo unnnng
seal with which Blahop Morrison has at
tended to the dutlea of his large diocese
baa undermined his health and he needs
an assistant.
The matter wll ba laid before the congTe
gatton of St. Paul's Episcopal church at
the morning service today by Rev.
John C. Sage of Dubuque aa representative
of the Iowa Episcopate Endowment Fund
commission. .
Sunday being All Saints' day, there will
be apeclul musto at both services at St.
Paul's church by the full choir under the
direction of Prof. Robert Lewis Ayres.
At the morning service "The Pillars of
the Earth Are the Lord's." by Tours, will
Wb sung aa the tntrolt. . The offertory an
"them will be "Who Are Those that Are
Arrayed In White Robes T" by Stalner.
ZWr's Nunc Dlmlttls" will be rendered at
vi eons', which will be at 4 o'clock. "Re
Jolcel Ya Pure In Heart.!' by Whitby, will
be sung aa the offertory anthem.
Advertising Solicitor Arrested,'
W. S. Amy called on County Attorney
lieu yesterday to make complaint against
John W, Wooten. a transient advertising
tfH cilor. Amy alleged that Wootert had
jfectTtd 11.60 from him under false repre
anniat'ons. According to Amy's story
WiJten represented himself aa a aollcltor
lfrf a local paper which recently Issued a
big special edition. Amy paid for the space
ha contracted for -with a check, made pay
able to. the paper In question. Wooten, It
la aald. endorsed the check with hie name
and with the title, "Manager Special Kdl
tion" attached to It, and caste ft at a
South Main street j.ilcon. At the office
of the newapapt. n question It was found
that Wooten had made enquiries aa to the
coat of renting space for advertising mat
ter, but had not contracted for any.
Wooten was found Thursday night in a
bad condition from excessive Indulgence In
liquor and had to be placed In St. Bernard's
hospital, where Assistant County Attorney
Roaa learned yesterday be had developed
. I a good case of delirium tremens. No
chaige waa filed against Wooten pending
further Investigation by the authorities.
JadgO Roasts Balooa Keeper.
"Theaa saloon keepere had better pay
v thla hnv'a fine. If they do not. an Intorma-
? tlon will ba filed against them for selling
liquor to a minor. Anybody can see that
this boy Is under age and anyone who
would sell him Intoxicating liquor should
be made to Buffer. I don't Intend to let
the lad off without a fine, but I think
tha saloon man should pay it," declared
Judge Snyder In police court yeaterday
&iornlng when Bobbie Hall, a newsboy,
whe aald he was II years of age, but looked
; younger, waa brought before hlra charged
with being drunk Thursday night.
Judge Snyder asked Chief Richmond to
make an Investigation and learn how much
at fault the proprietor of tha saloon waa
where young Hall aald he got the liquor.
Sola agents Radiant Hem base burners,
eteraen Schoenlng Co.
Twwnty Years of BooeeawuJ Ftuineaa.
cojurxn maxx axd broad wat, oven American extress.
re mnwtlM wit tfea flra sailing WibiiImi Tha Clara afertgam Ca.
BOTH 'TUOXL aUT. MO. k. iXXUlx, Mgr.
M. TW. a.
! Court Order Permits Remedying; Over
light of the Party Committed.
Fifty rrnaaes eceaary In Case the
Voter expresses Ills Preference
for All Officers to lie
Voted For.
The nsnic, of the three democratic candi
date for members of the Board of Super
visors will appear upon the official ballot.
with the terms for which they are candi
dates designated. This will be In accord
ance with an order Issued by Judge Thor-
nell lni the district court yesterday morn
ing after an agreement had been reached
between the attorneys for the democratic
candidates and the attorney for County
Auditor Cheyne. '
Prior to the time set for the hearing In
court John P. Organ arjd James P. Mul-
queen, chairman and secretary, respectively.
of the democratic county convention held
on June 20, filed with the county auditor
a certificate ahowlng that John Maassen
of Valley township was nominated for
member of the Bosrd of Supervisor for
the short term, beginning on Junuary 1,
1!n, and that F. H. Klopplng of Haxel Dell
township and Ariah McLean of York town
ship were nominated for the long term,
befrinr.lng on January 1. 191t).
Soon after the certificate waa filed Judge
Thornell Issued the order directn. the
county auditor to' place the names of the
democratic candidates fr.r members of the
Board of Supervisors on the official ballot
aa designated In the certificate. At the
same time Judge Thornell held that costs
should not be taxed against the county
auditor, as It was through the error of
the plaintiffs that' the controversy was
brought about, they havlng failed to file
any certificate at the time the action was
When tha democratic managers discovered
that tha ballot did not bear the designation
of the term for which the democratic nomi
nees for aupervlsors wore candidates they
failed to rectify the error by filing the
requisite certificate, but merely went to
the auditor's office and complained of the
mistake. Even after the mandamus action
was brought they failed to file the certifi
cate and thus, correct the error officially
until yesterday morning shortly before the
time set for the hearing In court.
Asa result of the controversy it developed
yeBlerday that the filing of tha nomination
of Thomas McCaffery, the republican can
dldate for sheriff, waa defective and the
democrats In an amended petition yesterday
asked that his name be stricken from the
ballot. McCaffery'a nomination certificate
waa signed by Elmer E. Smith, chairman
of the republican county central committee,
whereas It should have been signed' by
Fred Williams of Neola and Dr. A. A.
Robertson of Crescent, chairman and secre
tary, respectively of the republican county
convention. . Judge Thornell declined to
order McCaffery'a name stricken from the
ballot, however, and the defect was reme
died during the day by the filing of the
proper certificate.
Marking Ballot a Task.
This Is tha first presidential election In
Iowa since the circle at the head of each
party ticket on the ballot has been elimi
nated. With the circle on the ballot all
that was necessary to vote a straight party
ticket waa to make a cross within the cir
cle. Now a voter will have to make a
cross In the little square apace opposite
the name of each candidate on his party'a
The elimination of the circle means that
the sepubllcan who next Tuesday wants to
vote a straight ticket from top to bottom
will have to make exactly fifty crosses;
this. being the number of names In the re
publican column. There are thirteen presi
dential electors, twelve candidates on the
state ticket, one each on the congressional
and judicial tickets, three on the legisla
tive ticket, twelve on the county ticket and
eight on the township ticket.
In the democratic column there are only
forty-nine names, as tha party failed to
nominate a candidate for Judge of the dis
trict bench.
For a large percentage of the voters It
ta expected the marking of the ballot next
Tuesday will be a tedious Job. It Is feared
that In some of the larger precincts In the
city all of the voters may not get a chance
to vote owing to the else of the ballot and
the time needed to mark It. It Is likely
that In the larger precincts the election of
ficials will find It necessary to strictly en
force the law regulating tha time a votor
may remain In the booth to mark his
ttcket. The law on thla matter la contained
In section 1117 of the code of Iowa,' and is
as follows:
No voter shall be allowed to occupy a
voting booth already occupied by another
nor remain within said enclosed space
IT l,lM" te" minutes, nor to occupy a
voting booth more than five minutes, in
it ? ?i ,)f 8ald voting booths - In use
anil other voters are waiting to occupy the
same, nor to again enter the encloaed space
after having voted; nor shall more than two
v'f,r 'n excess of the whole number of
voting booths provided be allowed at any
one time In auch enclosed apace except by
LitAUt?or"yJof ,he election officer, to
keep order and enforce the law.
The officials concede that a division of
the First precinct of tha Sixth ward should
be made and steps towarda this end will
likely be taken after the general election
The counting of the ballots will be a
tedious process and It la believed to be
doubtful If any definite returns will be ob
tainable from many ot the precincts much
before Wednesday evening, even If by then.
Democrats Have Nerve.
"Democrats surely have their nerve,"
said Elmer E. Smith, chairman of the re
publican county central committee, last
evening, in referring to a statement In the
party organ that the auagestlon to elim
inate liquor and money at the polla next
lueaday from the leaders of that party.
ine ihci la l made the suggestion and
Mr. Lenokcr, chairman of tha democratic
temrai committee, at once
acquiesced in It. The same paper also
makes the assertion that tills same sua-
gestion waa made by tlie democrats a few
years ago. This Is an untruth. Two years
ago ,1 made a similar auggeatlon to A. W.
Caaady, then chairman of the democratic
county central committee, and he turned It
down hard and cold. After next Tuesday
the democrats will not be claiming every
thing, unless I miss my guess."
Police raptnrea Fngltlve.
William Olfford, wanted In Dea Moines,
where he Is alleged to have forged several
checks and shot at an officer, waa arrested
In this city yesterday morning by Detec
tives Callnghan and Richardson, at lOOg
Avenue F.
On June 6 the police department received
a circular offering a "liberal reward" for
the arrest of Oifford. Testcrday the offi
cers learned that Olfford had been In Coun
cil Bluffs since 8undsy last and was stop
ping at a house on Avenue F. When they
went there they found Olfford was shaent
and lay In wait for him. When he returned
to the house Olfford caught eight of the
officers and attempted to make his escape.
He headed for a high board fence at the
rear of the premises, but one of the detec
tives seized him by the foot before he got
clear over.
Olfford was taken back to Des Moines
last night by an officer from that city and
the two detectives who effected his cap
ture are speculating as to how much the
"liberal reward" will amount to.
Conrt Term Closed.
The supreme court today rendered the
following decisions at the conclusion of
the October session
IcCaskey "Register rompany. appellant,
ifnat w. D. Hall; Dallas county; af-
Henry J. Collins against Oleason Coal
company, appellant; Webater county; peti
tion for rehearing overruled.
Estate of J. R. Lamb against W. W. Mor
row, treasurer of state, appellant i Jasper
county; affirmed.
C. II. Uospey agalnat Lueretla Stewart,
appellant; Clinton county: affirmed.
Andrlno Hannestad, appointed against
Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul railway;
Plymouth county, affirmed.
National Surely company against War
ren Walker et si., appellants; O'Brien
county, affirmed.
Thomas Qulnn, appellant, against Monona
county; Monona county. Affirmed.
Para Kirkpatrick against Aetna Life In
surance company, appellant; Poweshiek
county; affirmed.
Francis J. McCulIogh against Minnie R.
Houar, appellant; Bcott county: affirmed.
Ellsabtth Wood et el., appellants, ag,ilnst
Brotherhood of American Yeomen; Polk
county; reversed.
Ellen MeAleer s gainst Kd McNamara,
appellant; Jones county, reversed.
Thief Take Halt Case.
The apartment of D. S. Evans at 101
West Broadway were ransacked by a
thief last evening between the hours of (
and 8 o'clock, during the absence of the
family. The thief secured entrance by
unlocking the hall door with a skeleton key.
Every room waa thoroughly ransacked,
drawers and trunks being opened and tha
contents scattered on the floors. Mr. Evans
was unable to state last night whether the
thief had secured any money, but a leather
suit case belonging to Myron Trapp, an
old soldier who rooms with the Evans
family, was found to be missing. Tha suit
case contained clothing and, a number of
army paper of no value except to the
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses -to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Louis Blmon, Council Bluffs 27
Agnes Olltnsky, Council Bluffs Zl
John Baskervtlle, Crescent, la 10
Nell Hough, Crescent, la 15
Harry M. Shepard. Omaha 21
Nina O. Rosengren, Omafca 18
Iowa Acne Aotea.
LOOAN George W. Clark, republican
candidate for lieutenant governor of Iowa,
will address the people of Logan Saturduy
evening, October 31.
ATLANTIC Congressman Walter I. Smith
delivered the address at the republican rally
held last night. The meeting waa held In
the opera house and waa well attended.
Congressman Smith delivered pne of his
characteristic speeches.
LOOAN Yesterday at Magnolia occurred
the funeral and Interment of William
Hainey, who died at hla home east of Mo
dale Tuesday of an accidental gun shot
wound In the thigh. Mr. Halney'a son waa
trying to remove a shell from the gun when
the accident occurred.
ATLANTIC At tha parsonage of the
Christian church of thla city last evening
occurred the marriage of Miss Lucinda
Keith and John Rotherham, Rev. Elston of
ficiating. The groom has lived here most
of hla Ufa and la well known, while the
bride comes from Cumberland,
CHARLES CITY Dr. Blrney of Nora
Bprlngs was lighting a gasoline lamp when
It exploded. His little girl was atandlng
near and was completely enveloped in
flames. He quickly threw a wrapper about
her and extinguished the fire. The doctor
waa badly burned about the arms. ,
CRESTON A new lumber firm. Incor
porated with a capital of 15,000, la planning
to open a yafd at Greenfield soon. The
new firm Is composed of Theodore Coffoy,
E. Q. Irwin, James Valentine and Oeorge
Van Camp. Mr. Valentine and Mr. Van
Camp will have the management ot the
CRESTON The wedding of "Mias Theresa
Kern of Burlington and John Braunberger,
formerly of this city, but now with the
Adams Express company at Ottumwa, was
celebrated at St John'a Catholic church In
Burlington Wednesday morning. Rev.
Father Gregory officiating. Their home
will be at Ottumwa.
CRESTON About 100 delegates, repre
senting the Relief corps of the Sixth dis
trict of Iowa, will meet here In annual
convention Wednesday, November 4, and
will be entertained by the local Union Re
lief corps at Ben Hur hall. The convention
will begin at y o'clock In the morning and
the evening program will be in the nature
of a campfire.
MARSHALLTOWN The annual meeting
of the Marahalltown district of the Metho
dist church will be held in Montour De
cember 1 and 2. A committee composed ot
District Superintendent W. F. Pltner and
Kev. M. N. Smith of this city, Rev. 11. O.
Pratt of Toledo and Rev. W. H. Hay ward
of Montour meets in this city today to ar
range tha program.
ATLANTIC Word was received in this
city yesterday by Dr. A. D. McCall that
Center Payton was dead and that the body
would be taken to Ontervllle for burial,
The word came from Corse Payton of New
York. The brothera were at one time At
lantic residents, later leaving and making
names for themselves in the theatrical
world. Center Payton waa a brother-in-law
of Dr. McCall's, having married Mrs. Mc
Call'a sister.
MARSHALLTOWN The results of twenty-five
years' work of the American Sumlay
School union In Iowa were made public to
day in the report of A. L. Falea, atate
mlaaionary, of Newton. The report shows
S 2)3 Sunday schools organised. luO.OOt) teach
ers and pupils brought in .21.7.4 families
visited, .ou0 Biblea and testaments dis
tributed, 10,ou0 rellgioua booKs and periodi
cals distributed, 17,757 hopeful conversions
ami 32t churches resulting from the work.
MARSHALLTOWN A gang of thieves
operating In Muscatine county laat night
alole property the value of which ia un
known, and deatroyed property of a value
of tt.oOO. The Rock Inland nassenaer at.
tlon and the Wyoming club houae were
broken Into and the depot at Fairport was
burned to me ground, rnree tramps seen
about the latter station are suspected.
Bherirr Ben nam tnis aiternoon arrested a
man who gave the name of Homer (Sprin
ger. li confeaaed to the Wyoming club
houae robbery, but refuaed to implicate
nis pais.
IOWA CITY Juniors In the college of
law "cut ciaaaes me oilier flay and in the
course of their pranks i,ad a photograph
taken with President George E. MacLean
aa an Innocent abettor of the violation of
Uiacipline. Mr. MacLean In puaaing the
group waa invited to Join In the picture
and the photographer snapped the shutter
before the head of the institution learned
that the rlaaa waa violating university
rulrs. Students are rapidly buying the pic
tures. M ARSHALLTOWN 0 iarles F. 8mlth. the
well-known real estate dealer ' and auc
tioneer of thla city, who attempted to kill
himself Monday In Cedar hapids by slash
ing hla throat with a penknife while Insane,
escaped from the Cedar Rapids hospital In
which he waa confined early yesterday
morning. It waa not until after a long
chaaa and hard struggle that officers ran
Smith down and returrd him to the hos
pital. He was adjudged Inaane and taken
to tha Independence buspltal.
To the Douglas County Anti-Saloon League
I am obliged to you for sending me your latest elec
tion bulletin asking my support for the election of
Harry A. Stone, the secretary of your organization, and
note your claim that the election of Mr. Stone would
mean a victory for personal liberty. Did it not occur
to you when wording your letter that such a claim is
preposterous? Every intelligent voter knows that the
election of Mr. Stone would mean a victory for the very
opposite of personal liberty, and would be an endorse
ment of the strict enforcement of the blue laws now un
fortunately contained in our statutes, and which every
intelligent voter wants repealed.
It may be you will say that I have no standing be
fore the community in such an issue on account of the
business I am engaged in. To ease your mind on that
score, I wish to say that the interest I take in the Per
sonal Rights League is a strictly personal one. The
company I represent does a legitimate distilling busi
ness; its product doei not suffer through prohibition
for the simple reason that experience has proven abso
lutely that the consumption of distilled beverages shows
no falling off in prohibition territory. This company
therefore is strictly out of politics and does not contri
bute one dollar for any political purpose whatsoever
but disburses here annually near 100,000 dollars for
wages in Omaha. If manufacturing is stopped in
Nebraska, goods will be produced somewhere else; the
demand will remain and so will the supply saloon or
no saloon. Probably nine-tenths of its product is sold
outside of Nebraska, and more than half used for indus
trial, or other than beverage purposes.
The interest I take is personal, because I resent the
idea of having my neighbor dictate to me when, where
and what I shall eat or drink. I denounce as a direct
and known misrepresentation of facts your statement
that the Personal Rights League claims to have five
thousand dollars to defeat Mr. Stone; you knew when
you penned your circular that it was untrue. . The pur
pose of your letter is to make it appear that the Per
sonal Rights League and the liquor interests are one
and the same; you knew also that that is not true. You
know that the Personal Rights League in this1 state has
some sixty thousand or more members, of which per
haps several thousand may in some vay be concerned
directly or indirectly in the liquor business. .You know
also that the other fifty odd thousand are good moral
.citizens who resent interference with their personal
liberty ,the same as I do, and are therefore banded to
gether to oppose your methods of solving the problem
of true temperance. Many of the members of our league
are foreign born, but they were lured to these hospit
able shores by the words of Benjamin Franklin:
Where liberty dwells, there is my country," and I
Adjutant General Thrift Expects
Accused Man to Settle Up.
I.aeey Managers Coma Oat la the
Des Moines Tapers with aa
Attack on Governor
Coiunilns. t
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Oct. SL Speo!al.)-Ad-jutant
General Thrift of the ' National
Ouard returned today from Cedar Rapids,
where lie was called to look Into tho af
fairs of the militia company there. A re
port had it that Captain Thomas Ucrklblle
had absconded, leaving a ahortage. Mrs.
BerkJblle had sent for Thrift and she ex
plained the situation. Captain Berkiblle
had gone to St. Louis on business and
while he had not settled with the com
pany h waa prepared to do so. General
Thrift received a telegram from Berkiblle
saying he would be homo Sunday or Mon
day prepared to make an accounting, and
tnis was accepted as definite. Berkiblle
has resigned as captain. He waa judge ad
vocate of the guard and conducted the
prosecution for the state of the captain
of the Davenport company who violated
the law by permitting a prise fight under
the auspices of a club at Davenport. As
soon as tho adjutant general reached Cedar
Rapids It waa found that If any shortage
existed the friends of Captain Berkiblle
stood ready to make It up on Instant no
tice. Desertloa Law Is Defective.
I-at,ers of this city are preparing an
amendment to the wife desertion law In
Iowa which Representative Sullivan will
urge upon the next legislature. Thla will
provide that before an Indictment for wife
desertion can be found the defendant
must be called before the grand jury. It
lias been found that In a number of cases
Indictments have been found for this crime
when aa a matter of fact the men have
a good defense which they have been able
to establish In court on trial. On the other
hand, this proposal will be opposed by
the humanitarians on the ground that in
many caaea It will be impossible to find
the deserter and hence the most flag
rant cases will go unpunished. The law
Is a aevere one and his caused a great
deal of dispute In the courts of the stats.
Only a few convictions have been had
and membera of thu county boards declare
that it has not hsd the effect of les
sening desertion.
Uuestloa of Resldeace.
An interesting divorce case Involving
prominent persons Is nearlng a close here.
Fred Choate, an attorney of Los Angeles,
said to be related In some way to the for
mer United States ambassador to Great
Britain, was sued by his wife for divorce.
She came here to visit a sister from New
Jersey and started the auit. The defendant
came on from Loa Angeles to contest the
case, but finding that he had loat the love
of his wife, announced he would not con
test the matter. But the court ralued the
question as ta whether or not It has juris
Spat Paid for by Per
diction and upon this will depend the final
Political Trace Broken.
A sensational turn was given the political
campaign today, when the managers for the
Lacey campaign Inserted paga advertise
ments in two of the local papers boldly at
tacking Governor Cummlna and revamping
the old aocusatlona against him which have
served In a half-dozen campaigns. There
was an understanding that the campaign
waa to be free from personalities and thus
far no hint has been made of any attack
uppn Lacey or question of his republican
ism. The time is so short, however, that It
is said no campaign of retaliation will be
Inaugurated. ,
Kamor Secretary is to Become Head
of Colorado Agrrlealtaral
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Ia., Oct. II. (Special.) A
rumor has gained currency In the state
that Secretary Jamea Wilson, while here,
hinted that he expected to retire from the
cabinet at the end of the Roosevelt term
and that he may accept the presidency of
the Agricultural college in Colorado. It Is
known that a claim Is being made that
Iowa will have a new man in the cabinet
of Secretary Taft, Indeed It la aaaerted
positively that a promise is out to that ef
fect, but this will not happen unless Sec
retary Wilson retires. .Wilson spoke this
evening at Tama, and on Monday evening
he will close the campaign in his home at
Traer. He has for many years closed the
campaign each year at his home.
The offer of the position In Colorado was
made by the trustees of the Institution,
who have not as yet received Secretary
Wilson's formal word, but think he will
nailroad Man oa Aaaloaa Seat.
CRESTON. Ia.. Oct. II. (Special.) Much
concern la felt In local railroad circle as
to the changes that may be expected with
the advent of a new superintendent. It is
recalled that when O. E. Stewart waa ap
pointed to the Creston division some years
ago a general shaking up of under officials
whose headquartera were here followed,
and It ia expected something of tha same
kind Is In store for some of the employe
now. No reasons are made public for the
auperseding of C. T. Leonard by A. W.
Newton as superintendent, but It Is under
stood the difficulty was over matters of
policy In the conduct of the company's
business and not a question of Mr. Leon
ard's ability as a competent railroad man
that waa in question. There la probably
no man In the company service who pos
sesses the knowledge of this division as
does Mr. Leonard, he having risen from
the lowest position to the plac of super
intendent by his demonstration of ability
and fitness for heavier r- aponaiblllties.
Farsaer Attempts Suicide.
WEBSTER CITY. U.. Oct. II. (Special
Telegram.) Will Kritl. a farmer north of
this city, attempted suicide last night with
a 22-callber revolver, tie shot the ball Into
his forehead, but It tild not enter the skull
and he will recover. He had been drinking.
it is an easy mailer iij aecure ouainuss
through The Bee Vaii Ad columns.
assure you they know that liberty in their vocabulary
does not mean unbridled license ,any more than it does
in yours.
You say "The saloon is always in politics"; I
answer, you were in politics first; you have caused the
organization of the Personal Rights League, and you
have driven them into politics.
There are, it is true, thousands of good Nebraska
citizens" interested directly or indirectly in this busi
ness; their very existance, the support of their fami
lies, the bread and education of their children depends
upon their earnings in a business that is as legitimate
as any other when properly conducted. You would de
prive them of their support and at the same time deny
them the right to defend themselves by opposing you
, at the polls.
The well-to-do would suffer little or no inconven
ience from the restrictive measures you advocate; they
can have their private side-boards and enjoy at the
hotels or high class restaurants what the less fortunate
seek at the saloon. What right have you Mr. Somers,
or Mr. Loveland, to say to me when I wish to dine with
friends or family down town, that I shall not have the
opportunity of enjoying a glass of wine with my meal?
And I denounce as insincere and hypocritical any asser
tion that that involves even the slightest degree of im
morality. You mendacious and grossly exaggerated query
"Shall we remain forever bound and gagged by the
legalized liquor interests," is a sad commentary on
your opinion of our form of government, because you
suggest thereby that our form of government is so de
ficient and impotent that it cannot regulate tha sale of
beverages so as to deprive it of its abuses without ex
terminating the business entirely.
' The county option idea is in opposition to all jus
tice and equity, because it gives to the rural districts
the right to dictate to distant communities in the same
county how they shall conduct the affairs of such town
or village which you know is wrong in principle and
would not be tolerated in any other connection. It is
really a perversion of "local" option.
A vote for Mr. Stone, who is no doubt a very
worthy gentleman, is equivalent-to an endorsement of
intolerance of the worst kind, and I cannot therefore
vote, or ask my friends to vote ,f or him. Furthermore,
the abolishment of the saloon would merely shift the
sale of intoxicants to other channels, involving much,
greater evils than the saloon. Temperance has abso
lutely nothing to gain by such a charge, which would
also deprive our public schools of $250,000. annual in
come ,the effect of which upon teachers' salaries and
the general efficiency of the schools can only be sur
mised. Very respectfully yours, .
tonal Rights League.
Man Who Placed Rope' Around
Rankin's Neck is Known.
Three Complete Confessions Hare
Been Secured Covering; All
Details of Crime and Iden
tity of Murderers.
Oct. 81. "We know who fired the Bhota
and who put the rope around Rankin's
neck," said Governor Patterson In a state
ment this afternoon just before his depar
ture for Union City, where a special grand
jury is Investigating the night rider depre
dations In this section which culminated
recently in the murder of Captain Quentla
The goverror In his statement said:
"The proof which has thus far developed
Is positive as to the guilt of some of the
men under arrest and Implicates many
others. This will all be presented to the
court at tha proper tlmo and a long step
lias been taken to diacover and auppieas
lawlessness In this region. We know who
fired the shot and who put the rope around
Rankin's neck. The number of men ac
tually at the killing was probably not
more than ten, while some stood guard
and. others hold the horses. The whole
number engaged In the undertaking did not
exceed thirty-five. The Inquiry will be
further prosecuted and the state will hava
ample evidence to convict."
Three t'oafeasloaa Complete.
It is learned that Frank Ferrlncr'a con
fession was full and complete; that ha says
he was with the men who took Rankin
and Taylor to the bank of the slough;
that he told the name of the men who
pulled the ropo. lifting the mob's victim
Into the air, and the name of the man who
fired the first shot Into Rankin's body.
The confessions of Hogg and Morris are
also said to be complete. Hogg. It is de
clared, was one of the four men who
guarded the horses, while Morris stood
guard around the house when the leaders
went In after Rankin and Taylor. The
confessions of Ferriner, Hogg and Morris
substantiate, it is said, that of Ted Burton.
These three will be used as state's wit
nesses. They were 'started this afternoon
for Obion, whence they will be taken to
Memphis for safe keeping. It Is under
stood that Garrett Johnson, alleged cap
tain ot night riders, and others will be
taken to Nashville. Three more prisoners
were brougbt In today.
Farmers I'slsa Indlaaaat.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. J.-Night riders
and their depredations will be taken up
at the meeting of the National Farmers'
meeting at New Orleans November II and
12. "The pi-lea of cotton roust go up." said
President C. 8. Barrett of the union, in a
statement riven the Associated Press to
night, "but tha union repudiate the insin
uation that it In any manner countenances
the deeda of night riders, who may aeek to
shield themselves under our nam.
"The National Farmeis union utterly con
demns such scoundrellam aa the so-called
night riding,' " say Mr. Barrett. "The
union has an economic fight to wage, but
It must be done In the open and-wlthln the
Frenchman' Aeroplan Goes Twenty
Mile Croa Coantry In Twenty
MOL'RMELON, France, Oct. II. Henri
Farman today for the first time, gave a
practical demonstration of the possibilities
of his aeroplan by flying direct from this
place to Rhelms, a distance of twenty
miles, without mishap.
He ascended at 4 o'clock this afternoon
and after encircling the field, turned hi
machine In the direction of Rheima. Soar
ing over the tops of the trees the aeroplan
rapidly disappeared from view. An hour
later a telegram was received from Far
man announcing hla safe arrival at Rheima.
He said that he would atop there for th
night and Intended to return tomorrow by
aeroplane. The time of flight was twenty
minute and th height reached was be
tween 120 and 160 feet. Th course waa
literally as the crow flies over th trees,
fields and streams,
LEMAN8, Oct. W-Whll Wilbur Wright,
the American aeroplanlat, wag making a
flight this morning the motor of th ma
chine exploded. Mr. Wright landed with
out injury and th aeroplan was not other
wise damaged.
The accident waa less aerlous -than" It
was at first believed to be, being due to
crosshead that had worn out and given
way. Repair were effeoted In a short
time and Mr. Wright continued hla demon
W. D. Hcliaah at Omaha Preeeat
aide ot Railroad t Federal
Cirealt I'aart.
CHICAGO, Oct. Il.-Argumenl In th
Missouri river jobber rat case wer be
gun here today before United Stat Cir.
cult Judges Groascup, Baker and Seaman.
Tho cause of the petition of th railroad
I the order of the Interstate Commerce
commission, which become effective No
vember 10 unless set aside, granted aov
eral months ago, following a petition of
Miasourl river jobber for a reduction of
rate in existence from th Atlantic sea
board to th Miasourl river. Th order of
th commission Is held by th railroad
to be unreasonable and In" effect forcing
upon th roads a discriminatory rat that
I in violation of the Interatat commerce
W. D. McHugh of Omaha, of counsel
for the railroads, argued at length, saying
the proposed ratea gave to on class what
a as nut open to th general public.
"Railroad are subject to government
control." said Mr. Mcliuah. "but that ji
Lnot mean absolute ownership at least no:
yet. Thu commission ha gone ' beyond
regulation and taken upon Itself th rl
power of ownership."
Luther D. Walter appeared aa counsel
for tha Interstate Cora mere eommisalon.
Further argument are to b heard'-tornor-row.
Advertise In Th Be, th paper that foes
Into th horn of th beat recti.