Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Loveland to Speik on Ethici in
the Campaign.
tries of niscnarsea Will ! Prarhr4
by Dr. McBrlde at Ceatral
tailed Preyerlaa
At the First Methodist Episcopal church
flunday night Dr. Frank U Lovelsnd will
apeak on "Tps Ethici Involved In tha Pres
ent Political Campaign, and the llelatlon
cf tht Voter Thereto." The address will
be In no sense partisan one, but simply
discussion of the broad principle under
lying Christian civilisation.
"The Rudiment! of Keltglon," being a
practical presentation of the ten command
ment. Is to form the basis of a number
of vesper sermons at St. Mary's A vent e
Congregational church. The roualc Is under
the direction of Frank J. Reeler.
Tr. R. 'B. A. McBrlde haa entered upon
a series of sermons at tha Central United
Praabyterlan eh arch on tha Ten Command
ments. Tha first and second command
ment war dlscueaed In an orlglnsj and
practical manner last week. Sunday the
third and fourth commandments will be
taken up at tha morning- snd evening; serv
ices, respectively. Dr. McBrlde hss also
begun a series of flve-mlnute sermons for
rhlldren at the beginning of each morning
- Carriages and automobiles will be utilised
Sunday morning to take old folks to Trinity
Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. John A.
flpyker will preach a special sermon to the
aged and those who are unable to get there
any other way will be taken In autos and
carriages which have been provided.
Castellar Presbyterians bosst of a teach
ers" training class which is one of the
Urgent single church classes In the state.
It meets each Wednesday night after th
mid-week eeivlce. The average attendance
Is ever thirty. The pastor Uds the class
In the study of Hulburt s Teschers" Train
ing Lessons.
"Scenes Crossing the Pacific. In Hono
lulu and in Japan." A free lecture will be
given In, All Saints church under the aus
pices of the All Saints Social club next
Frldsy evening, I o'clock, by O. W. Wat
tles. Members of the congregation and their
friends have been Invited to attend.
George C. Porter will address the Omaha
Philosophical society Sunday at II o'clock
p. m. In Bartght hall. Nineteenth and Far
nam! street, on "Social Ownership of
Socialized Industries."
Hansrom Park Methodist Episcopal
Prelude Andantlno Lemnre
Anthem Praise e the Father tjounod
Offertory Andsnte Rellgloso Lematgre
Tostiude Rink
Special music service:
Prelude Etude Buck
Hymn, Anthem-God of Our Father
.,, Wnrren
Solo 1 Stood un a Lofty Mountain. ..Beban
Mr. Lee Q. Kratt.
Solo (organ) toccata D'vry
Mr. l.ndena. the Blind Organist.
Anthem, with Tenor Recitation He Was
DesplscJ mil Kejected Marks
Mr. 1-underyon and Choir.
Offortory-iUu.tstion Lemalgre
Mr. Zadena.
BLlj-Save Me. on. nod Randagger
Mrs. Herbert Hoerner.
Anthem on. Most Meroiful Elliott
Potiude Frstlval March Kinder
Mr. t harles Hadena, organist; Mr. Lee
O. Krats, choirmaster.
Mrs. H. J. Klrschstein, who has been In
Colotado with her daughter for several
months, has returned and will again take
charge of the muslo st the North Side
Christian church. The music Sunday will
be as fol'.ows:
Opening Sentence The Lord la In HI
Holy Temple H. P. Dank
Offertory Sentence All Things Come of
Solo No Burdens Yonder ,
Mrs. R. L. Clark.
Response Now the Day la Over
Sass Solo At Eventide..
James A. Fairfield
v ' Mr. Walter Cady.
Postlude Batiste
Charcoal Removes
Stomach Poisons
Pare t1iarcoal Will Absorb One Han
dred Time Its Volume In
PoiHonous Gases.
Charcoal was made famous by the old
monks of Spsln. who cured all manner of
Stomach, liver, blood and bowel troubles
by this slmrle remedy.
One 1 t nw v jus Frenchman held forth
Us virtues Ik for a famous convention of
Eur. nun ).; tli iuns and surgeon. Sechey.
luii wi. , ! .. name, lie was odd. Quaint and
very detorm.ned. His brothers In medicine
laugllid at his claims. Thereupon he swal
lowed two grains of strychnine, enough to
kill three men, and ale some charcoal. The
doctors thought him mad, but he did not
even have to go to bed. The charcoal killed
the effects of the strychnine and Secheyron
was fsmous. Ever since that day physi
cians have used it. Run Impure water
through charcoal and you have a pure, de
licious drink.
Bad breath, gastritis, bowel gases, torpid
liver. Impure blood, etc., give way before
- the action of charcoal.
It la rally a wonderful adjunct to nature
and Is most inexhaustible storehouse ot
health to the man or woman who suffers
from gases or Impurities of any kind.
Stuart's Charcoal Loscngea are made of
pure willow charcoal, aweetened to a pala
table state with honey.
Two or three of them cure an ordinary
case of bad breath. They should be used
after every meal, especially If one's breath
Is prune to be Impure.
These little loaeuges have nothing to do
with medicine. They are just sweet, fresh
willow, burned to a nicety for charcoal
making and fragrant honey, the product of
the bee. Thus every ingredient comes to
man from the lap ot nature.
The only secret lies In the Stuart pro
cess of compressing these simple substan
ces Into a hard tablet or losenge, so that
age, evaporation or decay may not assail
their curative qualities.
You may take as many of them as you
wish and the more you take the quicker
will you remove the effects of bad breath
. and impurities arising from a decayed or
fecaylng meal. They assist digestion, purity
. ' blood and help the intestines and bowel
tbrow off all waste matter.'
Go to. your druggist at once and buy a
package of Stuart's Chsrcoal Losengea,
price at cents. Tou will soon be told by your
frlsnd that your breath is not so bad as It
was. Bend us your nams and address and
we will send you a trial package by mail
free. Add res F. A. Stuart Co., SuO Stuart
Sid., Marshall, Mich.
Mrs. H. J. Klrchsteln. organist and choir
master. The music at All Saints' church Sunday
will he as follows:
processional Hymn Te Deum. Hadlev In
O; Jubilate, M. S. Cnant; Credo, Eyre in
E fiat.
IntrolL Quartet Thou Wilt Keep Him
In Perfect Pee.ce Buck
Anthem Two movements from the 13th
Psalm for alto solo and chorus
' "Lord. Thy truth and loving klnrtnesn."
Mrs. T. O. Helgren snd choir.
Recessional Hymn Ten Thousand Times
Ten Thousand
Nunc Dimlttls In B flat Hsrker
Credo In K flat
. .. . Fly re
Anthem Who Are These Sialner
J. H. Sims, organist and choirmaster.
V. W. V. A. Notes.
Miss Myra Withers, the newly elected
state secretary for Nebraska, will spend
the entire world week of prayer In the
Omaha association, November 8 to 14.
The H. B. B.'s express themselves de
lighted with plans for the furnishing of the
covenant room in the new building. The
first box of books for the Biblical library
to be placed 1n that room arrived this
A Hallowe'en party for members of the
association will be given at the rooms next
Monday evening. November 2. A great
amount of fun is promised all members and
will put on a masquerade costume and
come early. There will be a grand march
and many Hallowe'en game. Refresh
ments wll be served.
Mrs. F. P. Loomig, chairman . of the
Bible tudy com it tee. will apeak at the
gospel meeting Sunday afternoon at 4 30
o'clock. There will he special muslo and
refreshments will be Served during the
social hour at 6:30 for all who wish to re
main at the rooms until time for the dif
ferent church services.
Miss Julia B. Burnard. field secretary
for the publication department of the na
tional board and business manager for the
national paper, Association Monthly visited
the Omaha association this week. Monday
evening she spoke both at the meeting of
the In-Hls-Name circle and at the party
Slven by the membership committee. Tues
ay noon the board of directors gave a
luncheon In her honor and afterward con
ducted a party over the new building;
and Tuesday evening she spoke before the
Business Girls' club.
Unity, Seventeenth and Casa, Rev. New
ton Mann, Minister Service at 10 30- ser
mon, "Halvatlon-What la It?" Sunday
school at noon.
Plymouth Conrreaational T,n'(i.i,
Spencer-Dr. D. E. Jenkins will . preach
Sunday at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school at
noon; Christian Endeavor, at S:30 p. m.
. JC Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, Paator-Sorv-Ices
at 10:30 and 7:S0; Sabbath school at
noon: Junior Endeavor at S:30 p. m.; Chris
tian Endeavor st 6:J0 p. m.
First German Preahvtei it v. .L
Eighteenth. Julius F. Schwars, Pastor
Preaching service at 10:30 a. m. The anni
versary of the rfnrmtlnn in k i -
Sabbath school at 9:30 a. m.
First PreshvtpHan - r. -.
teenth Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D.. Pas
torMorning service at 10:30. Evening serv
ice at 7:30. Sunday schoo, at noon. Chris
tian Endeavor meeting at 6:80 p. m.
First Memorial Methodist Episcopal.
Larlmore and Thirty-fourth Avenue
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. William J.
Brlent; morning theme, "The Christian st
?? venln theme, "Diana Wor-
ihlp Today."
Pennle' fl. . , 1 ti- '
- -. ...... v iiuiirn . DuviiiKr, fas
tor Morning. "Charging God Foolishly ;"
....,,., ,,,,, auurensen to man WHO
ItOle House of Hntie harn. hrlnolnv
idea Of true rprpnt a rcn Ppnf uAPtAa V. .
charge of the music.
T tfl n r n m I ark Vf . , v. 1 1 - t, i i
Twenty-ninth and Woolworth Avenue,
ne. xv. neun tiyae. fustor Morning wor
at ,0:3. preaching by the pastor;
f 7i? P' '" on "rvlce by the choir,
Iee G. Kratl rhnlrmntup
WestmlfflRter Pre.ViK.rl m n ' . a
Twenty-ninth The pastor, Rev. W. S. Ful-
in.., mill L-ir-ni-ii n 1 1 r . i m . m inn n r 7 an
111 .: Pabbath ohonl nnrl nihl
noon; Izard utreet minRinn at r. m'
Wednesday evening, eervlrea at 7:45.
Kll'BL Chlirrh nf rh qiah.i rr
f fth and Farnam. Chambern Buildln-!
Olinda V gphnnl mt Q AL . m . u..n "
. - - ea. , ouiiubv ncrv
ice at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; subject of
oennuii, everlasting fumsnment. "
Dundee Presbyterian-8ervlcea at 10:30 and
:j; sermons by Kev. H. QukKendcn;
morning topic, ' Render I'nto Caesar the
iinngs thai Are Cuesar's;" topic
A 1'ominnnd unA u i m i 1 1 .. . " u
school at noon: Christian Endeavor at 8:30.
f irst German Free Evangelical, Twelfth
and Dorcas German preaching service will
be he d at lii :i u m ar,.i ? .r. ". J
. " in., will!
sermons by Kev. F. H. W. Bruechert,
ki.u, , mum naooain acnool at 2:30 p. m ;
jyOBltory Ulblo lecture at I p. m. Wcdnes-
Iwe Avenue PresbyterWti, Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel McQIffin, D. D.,
Minister Morning worship at 10:30; subject.
The Main Ibhiim " a,l.k.ih -nu i - -
t hrlstlan Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening
nuianip ii (;ju; iitm sermon on "The Great
Men of the Bible."
First I'nltod Brethren. Nineteenth and
Lothrop Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preach
ing. 11 a. tn. and 7 JO p. m.; morning
theme, " I he Spirit's Meesage to thu
thurches;" evening, "Good Citiienshlp;"
class meeting at noon; prayer meeting
Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Trinity Cathedral. Capitol Avenue and
s . 1 vhtuan fn 1 f n . 1 1 s- . . ,
. CY. vMorge A. ueecner,
D'an-Holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday
school and Bible class at :4& a. m.; hol
communion and sermon at 11 a. m.; class
meeting at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and
sermon at 7:30 p. m.
North Side Christian, Twenty-second and
Locust. Rev. H. J. Klrschstein, Minister
Morning worship st 10:30; theme, 'Home
and Its Responsibilities," Bible school at.
noon: Christian Endeavor at 6:15; evening
service at 7:30; sermon subject. "The So
cial Program of Jesus."
Third Presbvterlun, Twentieth and Leav-enworth-Preachlng
by the pastor. Rev.
W. E. Todd, at W:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.i
Sabbath school at 9:30 a. m.; Junior Chris
tian Endeavor at 3 p. m.; Christian En
deavor meeting at 6:30 p. m.; adult Bible
class taught by Mr. Todd at 9:30 a. m.
Ontario Chapel of the Castellar Pres
byterian. Eighteenth and Ontario Henry
Graner, superintendent; rally day exer
cises 8 p. m.: a male quartet and the pas
lor of Castellar assisting. r"arK Forest
chapel meets at 3 p. ni Eleventh and
Dominion: William Kreile, superintendent.
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio
..V' M.' X'.."1'1'0, -tor-Morning wor
fi)'P JL; Jhf'n"- "The Refreshing
Word : Rahhalth anr,..!
People s Society of Christian Endeavor at
vnll- worship at 7:3u; theme,
Vigilance; people's meeting at 8 Wednes
day evening.
First ChrUtlun. Twenty-sixth and Har
ney. Rev. 8. D. Dutcher. Pastor-Hi bio
school at noon, W. A. DeBord. superin
tendent: nrMehtnar jl in.lii .. .
. r Hk m. in. una I :j I
p. Ill . by Chancellor Ayleswortll of Cotiier
unliArattv I ' L ' i . . ....
m.; teachers' truinlng class WedneHuJ
st 8 p. m.
HillmMe t,i'.irri'nt I'l.l.. ...i.
Ohio. Rev. Herbert I .. Mills. Pastor
Morning worship at 10:30. witn tlie com
munion service and reception of new mem
bers; Sunday school at noon, with Rally
day exercises: Christian Endeavor at 6 30
v. o.cii.u iiiuB elk i :ju; special
music at both mornlii ami
Central United Presbyterian, Twen'y-
f nil rill u nrl I l.tilil. Uai, D U A m , r. i i
. ... .... ' " t., . daenriue.
o clock with a sermon on tlie tulrd com-
iiiaiiuuieiii , evening worsiup ut 7:30
o'clo k with a sermon on tlie fourth com-
nmnillillinl - Kal.KutK .,li,.rtl u .nr.n.
people's meeting and teachers' meeting at
All Saints', Twenty-sixth and Dewey
Avenue All ftainta' rlov n.
.. u, ,,,, 1 j LUlll-
munion at 7:30 a m. ; morning prayer
and sermon at II a. ni ; vesper service
at 4 p. m.; church school and tiumlay
school at :4& a. 111. . Miss Howe will be
In attendance to care for children whose
parents wisli to enjoy these services.
St. Mark's English Lutheran. Twentieth
and liurdette. L.. lirnli
at 10:44 a. 111. and 7:30 p. 111.; momma-
theme, "The Reformation of 1517 MaJe
Civil and Religious Liberty Possible;"
evening theme. "Temperance In All
Things Brings Godliness;" Sunday school
al i m.; young people's meeting at 6:4
p. ni.
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport, Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor
Morning service at 10:311; theme, "To Him
That Hath Shall Be Given." Evening
service at 7:46; a pre-election sermon on
"How to Test Political Policies." Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
So p. in. Chorus choir morning and even
ing, led by Fred G. Ellis.
Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
Fellman, Pastor 'The Pearl of Great
Price" at 10:46 a. m. Young people's meet
ing, conducted by Miss Laura Wisdom, at
1 p. m. Rer. William Ailing of Japan will
speak at 7:45 p. in. Sunday school No. 1.
Let Hartman
Feather Your Nest
Douglas St.
Yqu re a man or moderate income and you want to get
that, home outfit at the Lowest Possible Cost. You've plenty places for your
money and you want to make every dollar count. Then we say to you that the firm with 22 great stores
to buy goods for the Hiirtimm firm is in. position to supply those lioniofurnisliings at a decided saving to give yon your money's worth and them some. We
buy goods '2r( to o.Vc under tlie regular market prices and sell on the same basis. We'll put the best goods made into your home at a saving of one-fourth to one
third we gtiarantfe It. It's not Idle talk It's facta we're stating here. We urge you as you vulac the saving of money lo get our prices before you select a single article elsewhere.
Solid Oak I' x ension
It is of the stretcher design, haa large
42 Inch square top, brilliant
ly polished and extends to
Fix. fvet. Sale price
oakd Sideboards
Of magnificent design,
elaborately carved and
splendidly made. Have
serpentine top drawers
and extra heavy
French bev
eled mirrors.'
Brussels Rufrs. size tx9
ft., no miter seams,
Brussels Rugs, size 8ft.
10 ft. 6 In., no miter
seams, made of all
wool material
extra hlfrh pile,
most beautiful
patterns, price ,
in. x 10 rt. 6 in., best
rugs on earth for
the money
Imicess Dresser
In oak, mahogany fin
ish or maple, large
firm weave, extra nlgn
mirror, expert A
pile, richest patterns,
wurKinunsuiy smi
f hrnn o-hniit
Saving of i to i Absolutely
Large Steel Range
M spec
They are complete with high shelf as
shown above, have large square ovens,
elaborate nickel trimmings and extra
heavy castings. Equal to
any $35 rango on sale in
Omaha. Our price
Tenth nnd Arbor, at noon. Sunday school
No. !, Fourth and t at S:J0 p. m. Sun
day school No. 3, Thirteenth and W illiam,
at 3: JO p. m.
First Baptist, Twenty-ninth Avenue and
Harney. Key. J. W. Cunlty, U. L., Pastor
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
niorniiiK sermon, "To t'asar and to Clod;"
evening. "What is Man.' ' Flisi in series
of four sermons; Sumluy school ui noon;
Young People's ineetinE -.11 6:1 p. in.
HeihaiiH branch, . First Baptist, 2Jsti3 Leav
enworlh, Sunday school, 3 p. m.; gospel
meetlnK Tuuisday at s p. m.
.Church of St. I'lilllp the Ueacon, North
Tweniy-first. Near l'aul, Kev. John Al
bert Williams, Hector Twentieth Sunday
after Trinity and All Saints' day; iioly
communion at T:3U a. m. ; matins at 10:30
a. in.; holy communion and sermon,
theme, "The Faithful Ueparted," al 11
a. in.; Sunday school and catechism at
l:4o p. in.; veiigong and sermon,
"I'rayeri for the lead," k o'clock.
Grace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth, Between
Fuppleton and Woolworth, Rev. M. 1
Melick, fasior Keformaliou day services.
Text: "And llu had in ills hand a little
iMKik open.'' Morning theme, "What the
Bible Hid for I.uiiier." Evening theme.
"What I-uiher Did fur the Bible.'" Hours
of church services 1v.4f a. m. and 7:30 p. Ill
Sunday school at li.ii. Luther league at
C:30 p. in. i'rayer meeting Wednesday
tt. Mary's Avenue rongtegailoiinl, St.
Msry's Avenue and Twenty-seventh Street
Morning worship, closing with the com
munion at 10: it'. Sunday school al noon.
Vesper worship at 4:30 p. m. Sermon by
the pasur, Kev. Lucius o. Baiid; subject,
"One Uod" Hie first address on "The Kudi
ments ot Religion," being a short, practical
presentation of the first commandment.
Young People's Soclsty of Christian
deavor at & S P- m.
First Methodist Episcopal The pastor.
Dr. Frank L. Luveland. will preach Lxitli
morning and evening. Morning theiiie. "Do
Uie Hcsults of Church W'oik In Omah
.i,i. niniiM,....,.,.. m- mm-m , .n.u I'--. B UT. Ji,.,t,, syiB ;UI yJJ Jln. P..IUJ ( ' ' till ''
.China Closets
Made of solid oak, bent end
design, adjustable shelves,
double strength glass. A
remarkable value at 75
the price ........ '. .
8 In. z
9x12 Brussels Riis. made without
miter seams, of extra . '"kHI
fine all wool mater- 8 f"J
IhIs. Price reduced to...'..
Wilton Velvet Runs, slse x ft..
Velvet Rurs. size 8 ft
8 ft. S
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, extra
i, extra
priced at
Assured on Any Range or Heater
Tha best
makes of the
best maksrs.
riot Blast Heair
It burns coal, wood, slack
coal or rubbish. Most eco
nomical heater on earth.
Burns Its own PA9
gas and smoke. J
Our price
Amount to a Heasonable Interest on the
Capital Invested .'" Evening subvert, ' Tlie
Klhics Involved In tlie Present Political
Campaign and Hie Helatlon uf Voters
Thereto." Music by liirne chorus choir,
'1 lionias J. Kelly, choirmaster; Sunday
school al noon, T. F. Siurjess, suwrm
teiulent; young people's meeting al t.;30 p.
ni., U. B. Maul, president.
Trinity Alethodisl Episcopal. Ywenty
flist and Binney, Dr. John .V.Spyker, l'a
tor Sunday xciiool al :30 a. in.; pleach
ing service at 10:4G a. m. The patlor will
preach to the old folks, who will be
brought to the church in automobiles and
carriages prepared for them. Junior league
at 3 p. m.; Kpworlh league at 6:30 p. m.;
reaching service at 7:30 p. ni. Tlie pas
tor will preach a special bermon to you.ig
people. Prayer meeting Wednesday at
p. ui.
Castellar Presbyterian. South Sixteenth
and Castellar, Ralph 11. Houseman, Min
ister Public worship and aermon, 10:3 1;
"Parly Slaves or patriotic Surveillants
Which?" noon, Bible school. Henry Kelser,
superintendent; tf:ao, Chriiitlan Kndeavoi ;
7 "Autumn, Atniosphers: M jods thai
Measure Man." Hie third sermon of a
series on "Seasonable subjects in Sermon
and Song." Wednesday evening, peoples
conference, followed by teachers' naming
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton, Kev. E. It. Curry. Pastor Services
at 10:30 a. ni. and ; :3o p. ni.; the Lord's
supper will be observed at close of short
address In tho Horning; evening, fourth
series on "Home Making and Home Break
ing;" "Another Peril of ihe Home;" Bible
scliool at noon; two young mens classes;
young people's meeting at :30 p. m.
Wednesday ai 3 p. m., devotional service
Calvary Baptist branch. Thirty-fourth and
Seward, Sunday, 3:3o p. in., blblo school;
Friday, k' p. ni., devotional service.
A lostklsl Magnate.
"YcS." began Mr. Peters, sr.. "Johrj
Pcteis, Jr., has quit sch'.ol und, accepted
Bed. Spring and Mattress
Special for This Week
OR tn
Special Bed Combination
Bed Is of above attractive design. In all slze and colors
heavy posts and tubings, decorated chills, all steel side
rails of exceptional durability., Mattress has soft top,
taped edge, firm ticking. Spring is of pliable f?C
wIm .all. ..11., rTM, l 1
" . i , 111 n 17 1 r: 1 ana 1 u 1 1 guaiailicru. I 1 1 in
combination is a world beater at the price
' ,j '' ' y
Three-Piece Parlor Suite
Made In beautifully polished mahogany finish, upholstered In a most
dependable manner In silk , vehnir. The arm of eaclt piece is adorned
wun a naninome carving, rnis is certainly the nest
made and the most handsomely designed parlor suit
that wss ever sold at anywhere near the price.
Special for this sale
Wo L25
Extra LargD
Base Burner
Exceedingly elaborate in design
and nickel trimmings, lias re
turn Hues and is a powerful
heater. It's a magnifi- 'lOSO
cent base burner. At..."0
u pentlon In Davis" geierul store."
' indeed:" coiniiii nted the summer visitor.
" tiat up' li'.s duties'.'"
"He Is mpe. lnirililent ot the trucker and
cheese dei artment." leplhd Mr. t'elei s, nr.,
,i.ii GUaroed kllsf:iciii a. "lie ha." til"
entire ehaiKe ot wrapping up lt - cneesc.'
Yoiith'a Coii'paniiiu.
Bohemian and Genua u Itanrbers
Over .Nebraska Are fur 'la ft
and hneltlun.
United States Marshal W. P. Warm r re
turned Friday uftornoon from an extended
campaigning tour through Knox, Pierce,
Wayne, Colfax, Plutte and Stanton counties
and reports conditions up there as mvst
favorable for republican success.
"1 made addressfs In each of theie coun
ties and find that the Bohemian and Clei
man farmers of those localities are very
well satisfied to let matteis remain as
1'iey are," said Mr. Warner. "The general
drift is strongly toward the republican
ticket. I followed vary nearly the same
territory that Mr. Bryan spoke in a few
eeks ago, and 1 was rather surprised to
find that his talks have not had any per
manent influence among the farmers of
those sections. They are not at all al
lured by" the bank deposit guaranty doc
trine of tiie democratic platform.
"I was told while In Colfax county thai
the democrats would do well If i.iey got
100 majority there Instead of the tiuO ma
jority thty ars claiming.
"I find, further, that a number of tha
most influential Uermana and Bohemians
They are made in polished ma
hogany finish. Have five large
roomy drawers and has heavy
French beveled mirror,
ard most dependable
in construction.
Special this sale only. . .
1 V.-.Trr5?7.Wt
Furnished Completely
Parlor, Bed Room, Pining
Itoom and Kitchen, or any
other fonr rooms you wish
to furnish.
This offer stands today as it
has stood for several years, the
greatest value in a complete
home outfit that was ever off
ered. Try as they may competi
tors find themselves absolutely
unable to give such a large out
fit of thoroughly reliable furn
ishings at anywhere near the
price. We urge you to see the
goods included in this outfit
before you buy.
$7.00 Cash, $5.00
The Best Stoves on Earth at a Saving of One
quarter to One-third. Special EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT.
If .
If it's not
right we'll
make it right
Your sallsfar-
lion means our
L'ck heaters
'I liey are made w ith
lieiixy rastlncs nnd
(juaiaiUicd for durabil
ity. Tliey uro of hand-
litully M Ci
oramented Zi.
with nlrk.-l "Jt
,1 iiiiiiiiiif,"
are outs.poken in their adherence to tlie
republican ticket, and thai they are Work
ing hard for Tufl and Sheldon. One of Ihe
leading German families up there which
owns a chain of banks and has been derm -cratlc.
Is now openly supporting the re
publican ticket.
"It is all folly to say or think that any
considerable part of the farming com
munity of Nebraska favors the election of
Mr. Bryan. On the contrary, my observa
tion during the last few days has beau
that the farmers are for the republican
ticket and that Judge Taft will carry Ne
braska by a big majority."
Un Letter In Alphabet .Vow Being
Overworked by Campaign
bpr llblndrra.
There is one letter in the alphabet Ilia:
has been badly overworked during the po
litical campaign now closing, and that Is
the letter "P." In the old days of spell
binding and political oratory the spell
binder was satisfied If Ills eloquonce was
referred to aa of great beauty and moral
excellence. Now his oratorical efforts are
described st overflowing wilu "pulchri
tude." The homey-handed laboring man,
tlie farmer and the common folks instead
of being so distinguished are - now the
"proletariat." The robber barons, whose
fortunes were accumulated by plunder and
pillage, are now the possessors of "pred-
story wealth." The new aspirant to social
or political distinction has boms on of
Let Hartman
Feather Your Nest
Douglas St.
V 0
Combination Kitchen Table
Complete with bins and draw
ers as above illustrated. Heavy
substantial and dur- T68
able Special price
Of elaborate design anf .
shown above, nmde
quarter sawed osk. '
finished. Iirge
mirrors, drawei
lined for
silverware . . . .
Oak Dining
Made of best selected
materials and thorough
ly guaranteed. They
have extra broad deep
backs, handsomely
carved and QU
ntronrlv I
braced. J
ff i ' ..'''TW' 11 11 5
i I owmVmV ,.7Aa From
I j:gf?-rn, , N u,r
It'S Out:
Superior Steel Rangs
Made of extra heavy gauge
cold drawn steel. Touch feed
hot air flue encircling oven.
Extra durable fire box. Is
elaborately trimmed in j Cfl
nickel. A regular
$45 range. Special
the "parvenu." The prudent citizen who
has a comfortable hank account Is a vil
lainous "plutocrat."
Thus has the dtar old language of by
gonn days gone by the board. Pulchritude,
proletariat, predatory, parvenu and pluto
crat are the catch words of the modem
spellbinder, and the ' avprage hearer nf
their orations and perorations has to carry
a pocket dictionary along to a meeting to
find Just what one of the "P" classes he
belongs to, and hi ther he la being blest
or cursed by the modern orator.
For county commissioner, Oscar J. Pick
ird. Adv.
Notice lo Fat Women
Presumably you know, ladles, that ths
proper caper nowadays Is lines. Curves ai
passe. You have gut to take off your fat.
This must he done In one of three wsys.
By dieting, by exereUes, or by means of
.Marinolu Prescription Tablets. Tlie two
(inner will keep you tLsy for months and
punish you pretty seveiely, the latter ill )ou 71 cents at the druggist's. The
tablets will not make any alteration la
oiir diet necessary, and et In all proba
bility, tiefure you have used up one cms,.
i'U will be I'isiiig from 11 to ill ounces of
fat a day. Wlncn metnod dj you like the
best !
If you fancy this pleasant method of get
ting off tlie fat, see your riruKgist Instantly,
or elae wilte the Marmola Company, In -trolt,
Midi., te- send you a cas.i by mail.
These cases r jntaliv so generous a Humi
lity of table) J that the treatment U verv
economical t is, also, quits harmless, fur
the tablets are made exactly In accordant e
with Ihe ' .muus Marmola Preecrlptloa.
Sideboard fd