Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6, Image 34

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Florence Boulevard Property is Ex
periencing: Early Winter Boom.
Rnl Estate Firm Krndlna: Oat
Optimlatlr lrrlrs tu Prosper
tlr ( Mlnmf ni Vl nf
Belt l.lne Property.
Florence boulevard Is to bi tii! srenr of
otlvlty In the north part of the rlty dur
ing the early winter months nnd from too
tnumlier of sh!p fx Iiibx made hy H-ccnti
handling the properly north of Ami" ave
nue the Indications lire that tho lioiilevard
wtll hp a tu.iy purl of the It y for ninny
month to Kiln".
T. F. Stroud bought lot a lift ly tr otid In
netting a home which will cost vW or
more. Many of the lots whli'li are fcelng
old ate known na 'Ixmli-viirU strips" and
are long and sometime narrow Iota. Mr.
Biroud secured one of them and la con
verting II Into a beautiful residence aile
w hich la ItiKpiting others to buy the "bouh- !
vard strips ' and make them desirable ol. !
Hnrtisofi ft Morton have aoltl another I
irlp to Ucorge W. Covert. assistant sutcr
iitend nt of tranapnrtatlun. Just aouth of I
Miller park, wheie Mr. Covert will creel a.
home tin the b'ingalnw slyle. Mr. Covert
paid 11,2.10 for bin priperty.
South Omaha buyers have secured sev
eral strips of the boulevard property and
Intend fretting homes. C. F. Harrison pic
tllcta lliut not less than twenty homes will
be eroded on the boulevard within I lie
next few months if weather pernills nnd
the Bo.-tlon will ace greater actllty than
for muny years.
In a 4iovel Iv. ill ir-posl card published by
the K al F.fluti Tllle-Trust company tlie
company says: "Th re may be some ques
tion about the eleu cn. but not as to Omaha
real estate. The' niarki t Is firm and Omaha
reulty Is soon to have a season of unusual
activity. It is all a notion that we
have dull seasons in real estate for In
stance the hot summer or cold winter
months. We belli ve It Is t-o largely b. -muse
of the habit of expecting It to be so.
and that It Is made so hy a lethargy re
sulting from this habit."
While the Il -ai Kstate Til le Ti st cum
pan:' has rent thla folder ;md wldi
Charles K. Williamson, president, ex :!. ins:
"We, appreciate tho value of nvpaper
advertising, otherwise we would n t rpend
so much money with The Bee each year,
el we have to do aom by sending o,,t
irculara." The post card which Mr. Wil
liamson sends out contains a blank for sale
liKtlng and states tho usual terms. Tho
plan has worked admirably and hundreds
if the cards have been returned nnd soniy
property Hs'ed with tho ormpany' as a
l"su!t of tho scheme and the optimistic
feeling expressed In the circulars.
Bell Line trackags property la to have
a boom from all Indications. Holders of
real estate on this line of rnllroad are said
to bo In a class all by themselves. They
are among the only ones who own really
desirable property for the location of In
dustries who uro willing to sell at reason
able prices or lease on reasonable terms.
Commissioner J. M. Ouild of the Commer
cial club Is authority fo tho stafement
that no leas than half a dozen Industries
' are now contemplating locating on tho Belt
Line, several of them being new to Omaha,
beer use of the advantages to be secured
liom such a location. The president of a
large manufacturing company who visited
Omi t a during the wetk said, after look
ing over Belt Line trackugn property: "I
know of no city which can offer such
favorable Inducements as Omuha can offer
,1n the wnv of trackage property. This
Belt Line property Is ideal and there are
not only a few sites available, but actually
hundreds of them, and If the entire line
IS not a WniKll"f In a few veins f will1
1h eiy much surpi ised."
What I" ' ! done with t'.iv old Wise
Memorial hospital property? 'I hi leg hrii k
house, in .solid (omliiion, Hliiniis In ln re:ir
of a hi!M' Ir-icl. with 11 tiimpiis in front
of It w .leh would miiko an de-il arr-und
for a l.'4 school aiorg the private lines
for hoys or for g ilc. The property Is being
handled hy Jeorg Cn. and the rental
arked is so rcasormldo t'.ut M is believed
torue "chiv I will nrnip up the property on
u h'lig-Htiic Johsc Tin re Is :ilro-idv talk
of ronxerting It Into a school lor boy, tho
laikir net ilcsiriiiT th 'ir names mucV
known nt present. As the hoppit ll grounds
are located in n desirable pnrt of the noit.i
ride the It cation of a school would not
only Inereas" the -.nine or the old hospital
property, but also of rmrth side property
In the vicinity, i
Over J) p r i ' pi IncreHse In a few yesis
is the rcicrd nuide bv the holdings of Dave
1'ener In the west part of the city. Ixits
which he bought n few ycur ago for S,i)
hae been s Id io TCd llayden of Unyden
lire", for lil'ni. K:c-Congtessniaii Mercer
bought the lots at a thne when property
was li'gh un.l held firm, the ?,(iil Increase
representing about hh near urinal value as
onything could. The Mercer lots are hi
culed at Thirty-ninth and Dodge streets,
In response to many requests, the Omaha
Real Kstute exchange has prepared a re
port concerning the rented propeity of
Omaha. KxchangcH In all parts of the coun
try are exchanging this information anil the
following is the report furnished concerning
the Omaha property:
What class of people occupy Jour houses
renting for
15 per month? Colored, and families where
the man does not work nnd the woman
takes In washing, etc.
$! per month? Day laborers
$15 per month? Department store clerks.
$-V per month? ' Railway men, street rail
way men :ind mail carriers.
$.'5 per month? Higher claps of clerks,
young professional and salaried men.
fctn. llil and $50 per month?' Business men.
yVhat Hccommoda lions in the way of heat,
water and sewer have you in your houses
renting lor
$.1 per month? Well water In yard.
tl) per month? City water In yard.
$15 per month? Cltv wattr and sink In house.
t-V per month? Bath, city water and sink In
$:'5. :, HO and $.10 per month? All modern.
How many rooms are there in your houses
renting fur
$5 per month? Two. three nnd four rooms.
Ill' per mo"tli? four and five rooms.
$15 per month? Five rooms.
$i per month? Five to seven rooms.
$.'5. $;)". $40 and $50 per month? Five rooms
and up.
What Is the average monthly wage of the
head of the family occupying your houses
renting for
$5 per month? $20 to $30 per month.
$10 per month? $40 to $50 per month.
$15 per month? $50 to $'W per month.
$20 per month? $K0 to $0 per month.
$J8 per month? $so to $100 per month.
And so on up. It being the rule that about
"fo per cent of the salary is paid for
bouse rent.
What is the average monthly wage of the
rr-u of the family occupying your houses?
We hardly know how to answer this ques
tion, as in the majority .of cases the
money made by the children Is spent by
tliem, although there are many excep
tions to this rule, the extra money be
ing turned Into the family fund.
tieneral Mnnderaon Uoes to Court to
to Secure Property He Owned
for Thirty-One Years.
After being In undisputed possession of
the lot on the northwest corner of Six
teenth and California streets for thirty-one
years. General Charles F. Mandcrsnn has
found It necessary to go Into court to
quiet bis title to the property. The flaw In
his title comes about In a curious way.
Shortly after the civil war Mrs. Caroline
L. Ingalls owned the lot. She mortgaged
It, and under a foreclosure of the mortgage
It was sold to Thomas F. Mulloy, who sold
It to General Manderson In 1877.
The flaw arises from the fact the mort
gage covered only eighty feet of the front
age, while the lot is eighty-two feet wide.
It Is to prevent heirs of Mr. Ingalls from
claiming a right to ttie two feet that Gen
eral Manderson has asked his , title be
vallduted for the whole lot.
Xo ONE kind of coal can satisfy every buyer nor fit
every heating apparatus. That is why we handle many
kinds all kinds.
We ean fit your requirements for hut little of your
mouey. It is not WHOLLY "price per ton." It is
PARTLY full weight, PARTLY clean screening, PART
LY suitability, PARTLY our ability to buy high quality,
PARTLY the dryness of our coal and PARTLY Sunder
land delivery service.
5 ffjOO
To those who try to be economical in their fuel cost
we offer u very good cooking and laundry coal for
Four and a Half a ton. Of course ECLIPSE NUT
for $4.50 can't be quite as "tony" as .some of the
higher price coals but it's coal and will give a lot of
substantial service. Lights easily, holds fire well,
burns hot, a splendid coal bargain.
Full Weight for 25 Years
For another quarter century we
pledge our patrons the full quan
tity to which they are entitled.
Since 1883 thla hag been the basis
of our growth and we don't want
to btop growing now.
Our acalea are correct and our
weighers are men of character and
Best Scraolon Hard Goal
Then is no better Hard
Coal than that which we
are receiving this year
from the Scranton mines.
Fresh, clean, pure, bright
ami satisfactory.
All Sises. Any Quantity;
nrno Office, 1614 Harney
Both Phones.
Several Yards.
40 Big Yell-0 Wagons.
V. f I ..
. a- -y. : ,
'A ' !V-Uj ! ' "11 : '
l . !!.'- 'r, v ill.' - :! !: " .... " iJAJ i'
li lt . -'
If- f-- t.l
- t f : i -V k! v - -t: - v; t"
A Well-Planned Square House With a Larue Altic. ICstinmte Cost fi.imi).
Design No. 3W.
Ttby B j SSiHE l' ""T" "mmmm!!!Simmm mmm m"m'mm
Raaa mi II I winBtK I
1 DIMS BOOr-v I I Z? I
' KITCHrVI I i laaBBaBBBmaaaaMBjj 1
BaBM lt1 gMgafiF aaaiIEr jJI
i-IVlAic Boor I -yLj I
t -rl- - i "- v r
I jl ij I r Tl -A
1, n
Brick and Cement Exteriors
Aria err C. Clauaan, Architect.
The Ever-Ready Electric Light
Can be carried In tho pocket.
So wires, no chemicals, no oil.
smoke or smell, no danger, no
trouble handling It a child
can operate it. Simplicity It
self. Just the thing for Beelng
the time at Bight., lsefui for
all purposes where a l If tit i
required lostautly.
Vfst Pocket slse (like cut)
t;oat Pocket size $1
Long Hand slxe JH1
OAd-ttl AuU, j kih FuruMiii Kt., Umalia, Neb.
' A v l
Several weeka afro an artii'le appeared IrT
there col'iinriK going into the details of
frame conHtrucllon. Owing to the high
prices of lumber and other wood products
the last few years there. Iras 4-en but little
difference between the cont of a wood
flniuli on the exterior of a home and
several kinUa of masonry veneer. A few
points are therefore Riven here on brick
and cement veneer construction.
Variegated bricks are often hard to se
lect the proper color of mortar for. Here
is a pointer from personal experience.
VuiVgated bricks are usually of two pre
dominating colors. Match your mortar to
one of them, preferably the lighter shade, you will have mortar Joints which will
contrast with the general appearance of
the bricks and at the same time be in
harmony witli them. I will cite an example-
In a recent cumnipulal building
erected the writer selected a beHutlful briuk
with a spotted or variegation running from
light vellow to light nnd dark tau or terra
cotta niiades. Mortar was mixed to match
tilts light yelli.w and a reddish tan sand
stone was. selected for the sills and other
stone' trimming. The combination proved
to be an entire success. The construction
of a brick veneered wall la too well krjiwn
to discuss in detail. We will therefore piBs
to tho cement forms of construction which
are becoming so popular but which have
met with so many failures in recent years.
Tho t "eat forward march of cement prod
uces nod the many methods of applying
them hits rullfrt for a higher class of work
manship and greater study or. the part of
di oiHiit'l I linn any other buildipg lii.U.'l'iul
with the possible exception of steel ooii
slrucMon. The three principal methods of applying
cement plasU r wl'li a "lap-dasli"extr:or
to frame work W to use expanded metal
lath uud wood lath. In choosing between
tlieni two factors are puramount. The best
foundation fur cement plaster is the one
whlcn is flexible, that is, the one which
will allow of the leant "come uiul go" will)
Ihe wood ronsiruction of the wall. The
other factor Is the permanency of the lath
used. More or lss moisture gets through
cement. The metal lath must therefore
deteriorate ir rust in time. Tills Is Ihe
reason why muny constructors prefer wirs
lath, as II can be more easily galvauixtd.
On the- hand, il is not so rigid a
foundation: tc is ngrettuble that the
cheapest and best way of applying; cement
plaster is not practicable exoept In south
ern couiriiur.'tieu. It Is to lath directly on
the studding (.which should be placed
twelve Incites on enters); the first ex
terior coat is then applltd, after which th?
inside of the lath Is given a good coat
between the studs. Tile two external coats
are then appli.-d, matt ng a fct ft solid ve eer
of cement, capable of resisting the terjd
ency to rrack with the shrinking or set
tling of the studs. The great drawback
of this method is of course ths omission
of the exterior wall sheathing, which, witli
the paier und furring upon It, not only
maki s another air space to check lh cold
or mo.sture, but is an Important factor In
the sliffinliig of the structure in sovera
winds. One annoying fault seems tu be
common to ail exterior plaster work and
as yet no method, not barred by expense,
aenus adequate to overcome It, and that
is the apiK-aiai.ce in due time of fine hair
line cracks in th exterior surface follow
ing the line if studs. Tuts occurs usually
Through a special arrangement with
Mr. Clausen, The Omaha Bee Is able to
offer Its readers the complete plum,
details and specifications of the home
illustrated on this page without chauu
lor $10. Mr. Clausen Is the author
of a well Illustrated book. "Home
Building Plans and Problems." con
taining besides many designs for mod
ern homes and exlenHlve urtlcle.i on
home building, over 180 dei-iinib lor
entrances, I lr places. picturesque
groups of windows, stairways, kitchen
and pantry arrangements, etc. spe
cial price to readers of The Bee. ii)
cents. Send all orders to Arthur C.
Clauxen, architect. Studio, 1013 dum
ber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
While it Is cheaper to use wood coli
Mrurilon for tlie frame, masonry Is some
times used as a body for the cement. While
most cement exteriors are left the natural
gray, It is often through lack of the knowl
edge of proper methods- of using coloring
matter in the cement mixture. It Is ditfl-
cult to determine beforehand without con
siderable experimenting the proper propor
tion of the color pigment to obtain the de
tired results. Vegetable colors should never
bo Usui.
Turn Voiir I?ran.o Cllouso
Into a (Somen! E.ouse
Any frame house can be turned into a fashion
able cement house at comparatively small expense.
The cement soon hardens into stone that lasts for
ages indestructible by fire or decay. The work
is simple and easily done by any carpenter and
plasterer under the supcrintendency of a local
architect. The result will be one of the beautiful
cement residences, thousands of which are being
built today in all sections of the country.
The House will be Warmer in Winter
and Cooler In Summer
The saving in fuel, repair bills and cost of fire
insurance in a few years pays the entire expense.
tions, each 8 inches by 6 inches in size, of newly built or re
coated homes will be sent on receipt of 10 cents postage to
any architect, plasterer or anyone about to build or remodeL
We are glad to send this folio at one-third what it costs
us that we may prove the special advantage of using in
cement work our Kno-Burn Steel Plastering Lath
which has the small diamond mesh that can always
be depended upon to firmly hold the mortar.
For folio or other particulars address,
289 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL.
We nre every reader of this paper to write qaickly tor Ibis big, handsome, money-saving Cata
log ot Miiiwora ana uuucuug Material. The pm es are
from 50 to 7S per cent lower than can be secured else
where. Kacli ot the 3.UU0 bargains fully described. A
weeping; guarantee Insures the quality of everything
we offer to be of the hitthest standard. This fives you
a chance to build or repair your house, narn or any other
bnildinir for less than you could ten years ago.
A Treasury, of Bargains
for Builders Everywhere
Our stock Is th largest, our styles the Intent, our
prices the lowest. The Catalog Is a veritable Treasury
of Bargains. Every article offered at a cut price. We
re the manufacturers and sell by mall, direct from our
mills and warehouses.
YOU Get Middlemen's Profits 5.000 Splendid Bargains
W. have no traveling salesmen an o no sell 1 Windows, DOOM, MotlldinjfS,
through dealers. The big Cstalog works without sslsry J-UmDer,KOOIing, LtH,bhingleS,
or commission and the saving goes to you. It Is easy
to order whatever you want, and we agree to refund
your money 11 the goods are not exactly as represented.
Inside Finish. Stair Work.
Porches Everything you need.
Good strong Pine Doors. 77c. Corner
Blocks, 2c. Check Rail Windows, 69e.
Everything else at similar reductions.
Handaom Book of Plana of
Quality. Safe Delivery and Satis
faction Positively Guaranteed
Three big banks behind our guarantee. Send today for Hoiiaoo.). Bluo Print. 2.0O.
Grand Free Catalog of Millwork and BnlMinv Material. Weunderselleverybody; get our prices.
Gordon-Van Tine Co.. Case Street, Davenport. Iowa
Is the kind you may expect to receive from uu. The best
patterns the very latest uurt best selected of designs
combined with the best of workmanship make our service
in papering and decorating the envy of all competitors.
Just now the
Rutherford & Jensen Wall Paper
stock purchased from the receiver offers the choicest
selection for the buyer. Only the best patterns were pur
chased. None of the old slock. And at prices away be
low wholesale coat. Will you save when such an oppor
tunity is before you? Come and see the stock or 'phone.
We promise absolute satisfaction.
from I he middle to tlie top of Ha
waii. One sure method of avoid
ing tills is used a great d ul fur the best j
cluss ot work in tlie euKt when expense Is
not an Hem up fur consideration. That is
tlie uho of tee irons or oilier slittpes as
furring, fastened to tlie outside wall sheiilli
tug in such a manner as to allow for the
expansion and contraction of the wood
structure without disturbing tlie furring
at ii; s. The metal lath Is then fastened lo
these strips and then plastered upon. To
pluster on wood lath laid In the mine man
ner as applied to inside walls Is not prac
tical. Ti.e early linglinli way. however, of
criss-crossing the lath is good and lias
Mr ied wi'll in Kngluud sinee the adoption
of pl.islered exterloit. The wnll is buardid
and pupcrrt" In tlie UHiial way. Furring',
strips are then laid nine or ten iiulus
u urt. On these the first layer of latli Is
laid diagonally, the second layer is then
laid at right angles to the first layer aVid
ill igonally to the furring strips in tlie op-
posite direction. Tills method furnishes a
clinch for the plaster which can not be
excelled. The principal advantage of this
form of construction saems to be the fiet
that the lath forms a ground flexible
enough to resist the come and KO of tne
larger timbers behind und nut comiiiunU ale
It to the plastering. The foundation b?!ug
u continual criss-cross ther.( Is no pla ?
in tlie surface where a crack tan fail on a
direct lino without meeting a contracting
forco from the lath crossing In the opposite
direction. The lath are placed about an
Inch upart and It requires only abuJt u
third more lath than the usual way, and
while it should only require about a third
more labor It usually requires about twice
as much time in nailing, owing to the
method of la big being new to imst lathers.
b ameamjBB"TMrsMBamiBSMS
Gold Silver andNickle
Brass Beds, Oas TUtures and Tabl. War.
K plat a as H.w.
av All Kinds of Repairing
lilt Neatly Done. ffl
Established 188.
1220 Xuatr Street
X.lspboa.s Douglas 8Sa Auto. A-8W6.
So say wives and husbands when they see an oppor
tunity to make money in Bee Want Ads.
You will too when you know them.
The chances of making money are open to your hus
band or wife.
Please learn how.
It will only take a few minutes to read them carefully.
Don't think that you must pay money to get the benefit of
this money making information.
it's free to wise ones.
If you need a sewing machine why not trade your old
gasoline stove for one? Bee Want Ads tell you how. Your
husband may want a safety razor, but does not care to buy
one just now because you want a new chair first.
Bee Want Ads will tell you how to get the razor and
the chair at the same time, cheaply and easily.