TT- the Omaha sundav hke: novemhkr i, ioos. HELP WANTED MALE FEDF0R RENT Faralsked Henia Caatlaaed. OFFERED FOR RENT floaeea aad ! taaea Cvatlaaed. OFFERED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . (Continued M tercliaaeoai tls Miser llaaroas Cent Inaed. EVERY young man should find out If there t work In tlm rmvy he enjoys ' Int. Jf be In Industrlmi and ef f lelent. promotion will follow, with Increased Pv. Navv life la interesting. The vpwI 'f tin- fleet furnish a areat variety a' em ployment. The incentive to get ahead. lo necome mn. imu-R ana pracinin, Attracting thousand of young men ! P. the service. The opportunities "i,""T a trad appeals to all ambition young tni-n. The chance to see something of the world and at the same time to wive mnner doea not come t the average yount man In civil life. When a man l up to the navy standard of efficiency he ran hold hla own In hla line outelde the navy. The navy needs mechanic an well a Meamen. electricians, machinists, flre mett. carpenters. tenoirrapher book keepers, good pooka, baker, waiter, musician and men for the hospital corp. The government will iraln you at It own expense In one of It technical classes. Vour pay begins the day you enter. The work I Intended to prepare you In a abort time for transfer to sea duty. The iilckeat way to find out about pay. chance lo aave and the requirements for enlistment la to go to the navy re cruiting; tation lit postorfice Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. If living t a dltance write tha bureau of navigation. Navy de partment. Washington. 1. C. WANTED Young men, 1 to 35. for rall wav firemen and brakemen: ISO to 1130 per month; promotion to engineer and conductor, 1150 to 1300. , Many poaitlon now open. Write tidav for full particu lar. National Railway Training Ass'n., 9(7 Central Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (9-M2l Nov.TOx POSITIONS open for young men for elec tric railway motormen and conductor, at salaries of $) to $lot) rer month. Write at once Tor full particular.. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n., 947 Cen tral Bid.. Kansas City, Mo. ' (9) M207 Jo v3oc HELP WANTED MALE OR rUMAI.K. MEN and Women are earning I5 week aclling my newly patented article needed by everv woman, rapid sellers. No scheme. A. M. Young, 88 Howland Bldg.. Chicago. io M925 lx ANY man or woman wlfdilng employment write u for a good, reliable proposition; inclose 4o for full particular and postage. Addres Marietta Stanley Co., 836 4th At-. Grand Rapids, Mich. li) 1S6 lx RELIABLE men and women agents winted to sell our specialty; Mg money easily earned; write today. The 8 pence Co., Salem, Mass. 10)-135 lx WANTED Everybody with pimples. Itch, or eruptions, to write me; guaranteed cure. Houser, 815H Cherry Bt.. Reading, pa ' (101-134 lx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. "OLD HONESTY" 3 horse blankets war like Iron; heavy, strong, long-wearing. (11) M804 VI FOR BALK Cheap. Norman colt S-year-old, weight 1,W pounds. Call 1021 N. lKlh gt (11) M877 lx WILL exchange good Pope-Waverly elec tric runabout In good order, coat 11.000. for horses, harness and carriages, or run abouts or real estate. N, P. DODGK & CO., 1714 Karnam St. (11)-1I214 1 HiR SALE Two work horses; will trade same for heavier. Tel. Douglas if IK lin-M9T2 3x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FINK Jersey cow for sal. Apply 330 Evnna Bt. (1D-M825 lx FOR 4?ALE Uood bird dog. D. J. Lee. 1818 Grace Ht.. Omaha. (1D-M928 lx Poultry and lCuita. CHICKENS lay In winter when my system is used. Explicit Instructions, 25c, coin. J. M. Butler, Ames Ave. and 19' h 8U, Omaha. Neb. (ID M142 lx LOST AND FOUND STRAYED OR STOLEN Small brindle and white female bull terrier, lame In right hind leg. Reward. 3324 Lafayette Ave, Phone Harney 3471. (12) M34 2 1jOT Collie dog; long hair, yellow and widte. about 28 pounds; return to Boyd's theater, or 2024 Harney Ht.; reward. C AV. Porter. (!2) M638 11ST Boston terrier, brown and white; Tag No. 16. Tel. Harney 413 and get re ward. (12) M87 lx TAKEN BY M ISTAKE Cravenette over coat from Arcade hotel, Tecumseh, Neb. Letter and order book In pocket from Geographical Publishing Co.. 309 Michigan Ave.. Chicago, extremely valuable to the owner. Finder please communicate with Arcade hotel. Tecumseh. or (leograhlcal Pub. Co., Chicago. At least return letters. (12) M928 1 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 696 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, Hih and Dav enport Bt. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (131-123 ANY poor girl In need of a frland call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Homa for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. US M-S9 MONEY TO LOAN ALAH1ICS A1SU CHATTIiXa. NO PLACE 1'ks the Old Rellabla LOAN HEADQUAR TERS to borrow money. NO PLACE shin you get such low rata and s fair, hottest deal OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. IU Board of Trada lsltt St. . entrance. (l4)-a MONEY loaned aalariad people and others without security: easy pi msius. Of flees In to principal elites. 'iolman, room all. New Xo:k Lita Bldg. 1 14) M 793 OFFERED FOR RENT Hardla aad Hooui, VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (151898 NEAT, pleaaent, moderu rooms and board lu private family. Alao furnished or un furnished rooms tor light housekeeping; ltber very cl eap. 2814 Hamilton St. tl6)-M8.6 4x DEWKY h'urt'pesn Hotel, 13th and Farnsm. (16 7't) itOAV.i) and rooms, lst-class board. 2211 1 iuglas St. (15)-M37S Nov22x Fi'RNlSHED room and hoard; everything new and strictly modern: first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1x23 Wirt 81. (151-393 TlV'f ttuv window itinmi with hoard fi'6 a 19th St. (15) M918x A YOUNG man of g"od habits to share u steam heau-d double room with iord. SW8 FaruaUl. (15-l lx FINE warm modern room, furnished or unfurnished, witn board. Best of ref erences. Bed 7235. (li-M;87 1 NICELY furnished room in modern home, wltn or without board. 2704 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 331. (l.n-MI;. UNFURNISHED suite of front room: alao furnibhed rooms, first-clans tabla b.aid. Hanscuiu park district, on car lines mod ern. 2i Pacific. H5i M244 7x THE Georgia, 1040-42-44 Georgia Ave. Board and rourus; everything fust das. (15J-M2S1 U TWO nicely furnished, strictly modern rooms with heat; suitable, for two or fuilr young men. or man ami wife: very e ia walking uistaac. 2319 Hurnev Ht (I5I-M977 kx FURNISHED-UNFURNISHED sod HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts r the cl:y. If yon are looking for mntns do not fall to get our list. Costs yon nothing. N!K!JN ft CO.. RKNT.Mi ACTS., 7"3 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. ' (l")-72 ROOMS' for gcntiemen. by day. week or month. Tha Chatham, U 8. 13th St. 05)-291 ROOMS and board, house clean, warm, newly furnished, best of home cooking. 2408 Cass Bl. 'Phone Douglas 5tv9 (l"j)-MS60 lx NEWLY-FURNISHED rooms; house new and strictly modern. 316 N. 1!'th Bt (lf M438 S3 FOl'R. modern, newly furnished or un furnished housekeeping rooms, at reason able prices. l-"7 Bo. i.'th Pt. (ir.)-M941 1x DESIRABLE, large front room In new, modern house; private faml'y. 21118 Oecu tur. 15) M18 lx 2409 Harney; nicely-furnished front room (15) MrtSI Novx I A ROE furnished warm front rooju. suit able fir two; rent reasonable. 53.1 B. ;th Ave. (15)-4B3 2 LARGE beautifully furnished room In modern home; very reasonable; no furnished room sign on house. 1919 Cass St. (15)-M778 Sx Fl'RNISHEl) ROOMS, stcsm heat. flat. 4 Davidge Hlk.. lHih and Farnam St. (lo) 9 ox COMFORTABLE room for gentleman. per week. T,ci Farnam. Tel. Harney ?W3. (la)-MHl 7x NICELY furnished 6-room all modern house for rent from lec. IB to May lo; will make It object to reliable partv. Phone Web. 2792. . (15) M217 7 STEAM heat, men only. Frenxer Blk. JOHN N. FRENZER, Both Phones. (1& MI97 1 Fl'RNISHEl) or unfurnished, two pleasant front room, all conveniencea. reasonable prices. 2511 Chicago Bt. 'Phone pouglas 7. . (15) M243 7x ELFXIANT furnished rooms, with alcove. Tel.. gas. bsth, furnace heat. 7t'3 8. 17th St. Tel. Red 24II4-. (15) M232 lx 218 CHICAGO ST. Modern south front K trior, furnished, for two people. 'Phone -d 5678. (15) M232 7 NICELY furnished room, very reasonable, walking distance. 2o43 Capitol Ave. (15) 207 7 fofaralnkesl Roams. NICELY furnished room modern. Ytouglas 3301. (15) M143 7x Apartiaeats aad Flats, t- R flat. Scargo. HiH, N. 34th. Sooth Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramga Bldg. Red 74M. (1 m FIVE-ROOM ST. LOC1S FLAT. 5S08 Sherman Ave.; Furnace, Oas, Klectrlc Light. Cement Basement. Window Shades. Birch Finish.. ilASTINOH HRYPEN. 1?4 "arnam 8t. Ask for Rental Department. 15 7 FOR RENT In w.ilking distance, desirable s-room flat, excellent repair and modern; furnace, bath, etc.; good neighborhood and paved streets. 284 Dodge St. Rent, 939, GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam. (15)-707 FOR RENT In Bemls Park, five-room St. Louis flat, strictly modern, new, J27 per month; owner pays water. 13U9 N. 34th Bt. Tel. Harney 2029. (16) M863 2x 8TEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS. Plx large, handsome rooms, modern, hard wood, sliding doors, shades, hooded gas ranges, steam heat, hot water, walking dis tance. Bummer, 123; winter, 130; well lighted. Bummer, 127; winter, 134; all outside. Bummer, $32; winter, 139; all outside. You can't match them. References re quired. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. ' (15) M218 ? HEATED APARTMENT. Four rooms, first floor, private froni and back porches, newly decorated, pUnh-d floors. In Koiintsn Place; referenes re quired. 'Phone Webster 1118. J. N, Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. IB) 708 FOR REN T 9-room modern fl.i at 624 S. 18th St.; second floor. 146; A 'Co. 1 refer ences required. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. (15) 7u9 NICE 6-room flat near 2Ui and Vinton gas, sewer, sink, toilet, water, near car' cheap. Tel Douglas 4829. (15) M775 ' 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 81t 80 22d-ti-room brick, modern, 1616 Maple, 17 (15) M792 NEW 4-room brick flat; modern; refer ences, US. 2208 Nicholas. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. (16)-95ti ELEGANT six-room, all modern apart ment. Phone YVt bster 4328. (16) M9e6 ix Hssiekerpiag Rooaaa. TWO excellent modern furnished rooms tor housekeeping. 'Phone la house, 2874 Har ney ft- (10)-M784 TWO unfurnished rooms, modern, furnace heat; Hansoom park district. 1317 80. J2d St. (16-M44 2 EXCELLENT modern furnished large front parlor on first floor; 'phone in house. 2574 Harr.ey St. (15) fi20 THREE fine basement rooms, range, heat nd light furnished. Phone Red 7235. (15)-M78ti 3 - Furnished lloutea. WELL furnished, new IS-rooni all modern house for rent until spring. Located near 20th and Vinton Sts., 15 minutes from Ex change Bldg., Bomh Omaha. Will rent to right party for 135. Both phones. BEMIS. Paxton Blk. (16I-M621 Nov 7 Hoaara aad Cottages. FIRE INSURANCE HASTINGS A HEYDEN, INS., AGENCY, 220 S. 17lh St. Phone D. I(ie6; A-3161. (15)-711 HOUSE for rent. S115 Burt Bt. (16)-71 10 ROOMS, modern, walking distance. See owner. 3C31 N. 22d 81. Tel. Black Zm. (15) 720 MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee movlnif pianos. II H. goods. (15) 721 FOR RENT. I 616 '80. ITth St . 6 rooms all modern, flat; 1 . ni Bill - ui vn IUIT i; 9-1.). ' CJ No. 2slh Ave. 7 rooms t!7 I Bolh phones BEM IS, Paxton Block. 1 (lo) M!i(6 NEW-MODERN Four rooms nJ hall on first floor, three rooms Uslalrn; excellent furnace; nicely decorated; one block to South 10th 81 line; l-V O'KEKFK REAL KSTATE COMPANY. 10)1 N. y. Life. Tel. Doug, or A. 2152. (15)-M939 2 1 I NEAT 6-room modern suite. 1517 Burt. r. u. nr.Ai), w can IK. Mh and Farnam. 4 (15) M239 1 ; , r,T,; T : RENT A VERY DESIRABLE 1- roim nionern nricg Douse and barn; hot water heat. 3328 a. 24th 8t. R. Bingham A Bon. (15)-M230 1 MODERN 8-room house, loa) N. l.'d St . cheap. Tel. Harney 3435. (lu M;22 1 9-ROOM house, all modern, newly repaired. Tel. Harney Jifio. (li) W2M 1 FOR RENT 14-rooin hoise. largu lawn southeast corner 24th and Howard; walk ing dis'ance. C ill flint of week or pliune Douglu ."ilu7. ARTHUR C. GROSSMAN. 2)8 Chamber of Commerce, (15 FOR RENT 7 nice rooms, modern except best. Adults only. Jul Caldwell St. (15) M25J 2 FOR RENT 3 niee rooms, newly papered: cliy water; 1917 Clark Si : reut tk C. M. Ucliuinn, Paton Blk. (U)-M77f J ?f.?.F??l!!!T llaasea aad CnttafeeCaatlaaaa'. Highland Terrace FOR RENT toth and Harnev. we liave ........ . I 1 1 l.....mahlt' mmlpm nti-to-dK'e S-room residences at 145 per mouth each. Them are only one block from tin- car; are handsomely decorated; have iKirished floors; fine lighted ce mented basements .ind flrs'-clasn In everv respect. Kevs at our office. V. V. KIIt)l,F, COMPANY. - II Ronrd of Trade Ultig., Ith and Farnam 81. 'Phones Douglns 49. Independent A-LNH9. (15)-M!4 3 THREE good K-room houses at 6-7-!l N. I'.th Ave. These hare Just been remod Vled throiigbfitit and In excellent condi tions. City water, special low rate of IIS per month. N. 44ih Bt., new 7-room brick house, 1K18 Maple 81., "-room modern brick flat, 1h heat and Janitor service furnished. US per month. Ten-loom house, all modern, 809 B. J9th St. $.16 per month. Nine-room house ull modern. 607 H. 2th St. m.3U Kr month. Rental Department . REAL KHTATN TITLK-TRIST CO., Ground Floor. 12(1 Farnam. 'Phone Red 21(J7. (1R M3U 1 HOl'SER FOR RENT. $15 per mo.. Jolft No. 24th Bt., K-room cot tage, large yard. $-0 pel mo.. 11:9-31 Oeorgla Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, newly decorated. 112. JO per mo.. 25k; Bt. Mary's Ave., I rooms, modern except furnace. 12, per nio. tor 38i 4 No. 24th St., S rooms, modern. 1:5 .er mi., lulu Willis Ave., T rooms, mod ern, nearly new. t3o per nio., 3224 Poppleton Ave.. S room, modern. i:!J.i4i per mo., 2548 Chicago 81., 9 rooms, mm:ern. $00 ter nio., 514 Ko. 2Ud St., 12 rooms, mod ern; barn If desired.. I'D per mo.. 510 Nj. 20th St., "new 8-room modern flat, oak finish, gas range and heater; verv deairable. HBATKU APARTMENTS. Near N. W. corner of 17th and Burt Bis., each apartment has 3 large rooms, bath and laundrv. strictly up-to-date in every respect. Will be ready for occupancy about Nor. 15. See us regarding lease. GEORUE & CO.. lft)l FARNAM ST. (lo) GOOD HOCSES FOR RENT. I7"J Bo. tli, good 8-room modern house, 23. Din 80. 28th. good S-room house, modern ex cept furnace, 120. 1012 No. 24th. 8-room house, 125. 11X3 No. 17th, 7-room house, 28. 24 Dod?e. good -room flat, modern, cheap rent, 130. RL 80. 30th, 8-ioom modern flat, $:X). 1511 No. 20th. 6-room cottage. 114. 3!17 liewey Ave,. 5-room cottage, 113. 2321 Bo. 16th, -roiim flat. 112.50. 16 80. J5th Ave.. 5 rooms, main floor, 118. 2204 No. 27th, rooms, second floor, 19. GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM ST. 05) FOR RENT. 112. 50 6-r., partly modern, 231S S. 16th St. 113.50 S-r. modem brick flat, 2823 Dewey Ave. 113.09-4-r. modern brick flat. 2819 Dewey Ave. 114.00 Good 4-room cottage and nice lot, 114 N. 20th St. S16.O0 New -r. cottage, 39th and Arbor St s. 116. oit 6-room partly modern Ilat, corner -1th and Paul Sts. 122.50 Good 7-room modern house at 2029 N. 2uth 8t. 125.00 For excellent 9-room modern house; can be occupied by two families; paved street and two good car lines; ( N. 3tth 8t. ROBINSON &. WOI.F, "Phone Douglas 2418. 4.15 Pixton Block. (16) M187 1 FOR RENT. 3012 Chicago, 8 rm., all mod., fine lo cation $32.60 2404 Burt St., 6 ran., all modern $30.00 4029 Miami St., 4 rooms $10.00 900 N. 2Hth St.. 6 rooms $17. 5u Store, 17th and Cuming St., best lo cation for drug soro in town $60.03 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel: Dorjlas 1781; Independent "A" 1188. (lfi)-M184 1 2023 OClST ST. 7-room house, modern except heat 120, Srutheast corner aith and Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, all modern 125. 3102 Marcy. 7 rooms, all modern except furnace 120. 1710 N. 34th St., 6 rooms, upper floor 115. 8219 Franklin, 4-room cottage, city water, 110. 3402 Decatur, 8 rooms, can be used for two families; one family 120; two families, 112.50 each. 2011 N. 21st. 7 rooms, modern except fur nace; $22.60; tenant pays water. J. 11. SHERWOOD. 616 Brandels Bldg. (15) M183 1 FOR RENT 8-room corner house, newly papered. 2548 Davenport, 126.ini. GOOD 9-room house. 23o8 N. 21st St.. $22.50. Store room, 108 8. 14th Bt 45.00 JOHN W. ROBB1NS, 1802 FARNAM BT. (15) M250 6 FREE RENT A couple little houses at $4 and $7.50 per month; one In South Omaha; will give rent free In exchange for mason work and general repairs In South Omaha. 1201 Farnam St. (16) M200 1 9-ROOM modern house In flrst-cltss re pair near Hanscom park, with good birn. W. J. Dermody Investment Co.. 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 6108. (15) M346 3 6-ROOM cottage, partly modern, with largo yard. W. J. Dermody Investment Co.,, 836 New rork uio Biag. Trier nsn uoug las 6108. - (16)-M348 3 lflc LOTHROP ST., 6 rooms, all modern, 118.00. 1202 NO. 29th St., C rooms, all modern, 130.00 4( NO. 26th St., 6 room flat, modern, ex. heat. $22.50. 1722 SO. 2th St., 8 ruoml. city water, and gas. $ 1024 BO. 25lh St., 7 rooms, modern, ex heat, 125.00. tutt 4, PIERCE 8t., 2 rooms, city water, $6.00 BIRKETT A TEBBIN3, 413 Bee Bldg. (15) NEW COTTAGES. One on 28th at: near Binney, and two on Corby, between 27th and 28tli. Every thing complete and In good shape. Prices and terms are right. REED BROTHERS, 1710 FARNAM ST. (191 M249 1 Vflfil NO. 19th St.. rooms, modern, 1J0. 4328 Charles, 9 rms., water, gas, elec. I'ght. 122.50. 2723 80. th, 7 rms., hall, new, modern, near Farnam line. 127.50. 806 No. 3!'h. II rms., hall, modern, . O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug, or A-2152. (15)-M970 3 THREE large rooms, with plenty of light on second floor of U. 8. National Hmk K1UMT-ROO.M modern brick flat. 3t'7 Pa Bldg. for rent. ft. of floor -space. t-1 f It-- For Information 'phone Harney 3283. Price $50 per month. j (15) 721 We also have a few other offices In this building for rent in prices ranging from 18 to fcX). All very light and roomy. Rental Ueparimenr. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam. phone Red 2107. (151 M22 1 2X'. CHARLES. 6 rooms, burn, US. 4- Nicholas. ( rooms. $18 1841 North 2ith. 5 rooms, $20. litMOraie. 8 rxuns, 125. 552 fo. 2iith Ave.. 9 rooms, brick, $Jt. JOHN N. FRENZER. Both Phones (15) 51195 1 0130 N. 25th Ave., 7-r., mod., ' hot water I'll. t 2444 Pratt. 7-r., mod., hot water heat. new. ; c-r' KLOKE-HEADLEY N. Y. L. B-. Doue. 1150. (15I-M191 1 2 Jones St.. 10-r.. all modern $.C0 ' Rugg'es St.. 5-r., all modern t.'2.5u a!4 N. 31st St.. 6-r., modern, flat, cheap. 17- Califo'nie St., 3-r 112.50 J. W. RASP CO., tel Brandels Blitg. (15)-MU0 1 FOR RENT -room cottage; bath. gas. 2503 Cass St. (lai-MH.'Ui 2X i-ROOM houae. partially modern, good con dition. 2420 Hamilton St. M J. Kennaid & Co.. 31 Brown Blk. (15l M31 FOR RENT 30u2 California, modern dwell ing. Keys at 1 N. 20th St. (15)-M- lx HOUBEB. inaurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (161-725 rem rent. In Kountxn Place, 1-room modern lions, unable for one or two families. Call DjugUa 1702 or Webster loll. (151-MJ61 7x ilf Fi?ED F0R JML llaaaea aad C ottaae loatlaaed. (JKXU1NK ItKXTAL SNAPS loec,-r., cltv water, sewer, gas. 512 9. Xith Ave. l.l! .rti 5-r.. brand new cotlaae. fine bath room. omh1nNtlon light, cemented cel lar, everything up to snuff, handy to Nliirman Ave. ear; 4W N. 29th. t.r.Ok -r. f;lt. h modern, except heat. Walnut Hill Dlst.; 1JWI N. 4tli. 125.110 5-r., u modern St. Inls Apt., nice ly decorated, on E. Bide Park line, very choice; 2219 8. 291 li St. l2.".' -r.. all modern cottage, fine lawn, a delightful home at 2210 8. 29th Bt. 7-r.. open plumbing, gas throughout, good furnace, fine location in Walnut Hill; 4H7 Irani fcK'.iu S-r., all modern, partly furnished, fine decoration. P. front, corner lot. only one block from car. In Clifton Hill, at 4248 Burdette. 130.00 8-r., nil modern, will put In good re pair ami right down town; 527 8. 2fttii Ave. !:t!.fio 9-r.. all modern, w.ilking distance, splendid arrangement for large fanillv or roomers, and In good repair, KISTi Daven- p.rt. Large. 10-r.. toll modern house with barn and lot, 78x2X, fine for big family, 1318 N. 42nd. IkMio 10-r.. all modern, easy walking dis tance will put In splendid shape; 566 S. 2Kt h St. 1.VI.0O A splendid, 9-r. house, right down town, oak floor, oak finish, combination lights, tile mantel, tile hath, splendid Plumbing and fine heating plant, right up to snuff In every respect; a fine home at a nominal cost by renting a furnished room or two. 5"i N. 21st. We can make It worth, your while to see us. Payne, Bostwick & Co., SOLE AGENTS. Main floor, N. V. 1.. Both Phones. (15) MiH4 1 NEAT modern 6-room cottage and barn, iJ.i Paraer, 118.00. F. JJ. WEAD, Wcad Blk, 18th ahd Farnam. (lo) M 240 t 4- 11. cottage, 12th and Kavan, 112. 6-H. modem, ex. heat. 22 Hlondo, 121.60. -K. modern, -isix Capitol Ave., .H. -H. new. modern, mH Maple Bt., 130. 6-t., mooern ex. neat, 474 No. 38th St., $20. 6-R. modern cottage, 2722 Charles. 2o. 6- R., water and gas. 1H42 No. 22d St., ill. -K. new, modern, oak finish, 2016 Grand, 127.60. 8-R. modern, hot water heat, birch, ma hogany finish, 1418 Plnkncy St., .t2.h". 7- R. modern, oak finish, 424 No. 28th Ave., $37.50. 7-It. modern, ex. heat, barn, 3315 Par ker, $26. 7- R. modern, ex. heat, gas range, steel range, base burner and water furnished. $30. 8- lt. modern, oak finish, hot water heat, 3.KH Sherman Ave., $10. 8-R., part modern. 380 Evans St., $26. -R. modern, oak finish, 2774 Webster St.. $40. -R. modern, close to Sacred Heart church and school, 2130 Blnney St., $35. FLATS. 5- R., new. modern, 18u Emmei. $30. 5-R. modern. 2508 Sherman Ave., 130. 7-R. modern, hot water heat, 5i9 So. 26th Ave., $46. 7-R., new, modern, 2712 Jackson St.. 14j. 7-R.. new. modern, 631 So. 19th St., 7-R.. new, modern. 617 80. 19th 8t.. $50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15J M9579 1 FOR RENT Brand new all modern 6-room cottage, open plumbing, gas, electric light, furnace, within walking distance, at northeast corner S6th Ave. and Mason St.; 127.60. Tel. D. 4t3. O. C. Oisen. H1 S. 16th St. (15)-M188 1 150828 S. 22d. 10 rooms, modem; good shape; close In. lift 4104 Cuming. 6 rooms modern. $:2.60-411 lr.ard. T rooms modern. $25 22d and Leavenworth. 6-r.. modern ex cept hent; can save car fare here. $252224 N. 19th, 8-r. modern. $-0-632 S. 30th. 7-r. modern. $164329 Ohio. fl-r. modern except heat. New. 112.50 15th and Cuming, 4-r., modern ex cept heat. $10 4202 Hamilton; store room. PETERS TRUST CO.. Ground Floon N. Y. Life. (15) IU N. 28th Ave., 7 large rooms, modern except furnace, very convenient; rent low to good tenant. Apply at B07 N. 19th St. (15) 713 SEVEN-ROOM house. Just west Hanscom Park, 124. Phone Harney latw. (io i HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 9t. (U) 714 5-ROOM modern cottage, N. corner Sist and Ohio, 20. caiiuejrg, su 1. wue. (15) 715 iTiiTOT.'a in all narts IlUUOlJO Cieigh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (10) 110 FOR RENT November 1. brick bouse, 261? Dewev Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Statiorry Co., lh'16 Farnam St. (15) 703 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, ex cept furnace, to family of adults. 218 Pierce St. (151793 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15) 7i7 2502 JONES ST., 10-rooin. all modem, $40: 6-room modern flat, 2514 N. 31st and Ohio, 1J0; water paid. J. W. Rasp Co., H9 , Brandels Bldg. (15) M590 FOR RENT All modern house, 6 rooms, cistern, barn. 971 N. 2oth St. Tel. Doug. 987. The Putnam Co., 504 N. Y. Life. (15)-M182 1 7-ROOM modern house, Fteam heat, newly finished. 2419 Caldwell St. (15) M93 I FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 2020 N. JCth, $17. Telephone Webster 1078. (15) M9 lx f-ROOM house. 2907 Seward St., 113. Btoro room. 1306 N. 24th. $15. T rooms, modern except heat, 2S26 Web ster. $20 and water. 7 rooms, second floor. ISC". N. 24f.h St., 117; modern ex.'epl heat; 5 room, second floor. 1106 N. 20th, $15: 4C9 William. 5 rooms. 115; 8-room modern house, 24tli and Blnnev Sis., 30. Chris Buyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (15) 795 WANTED Good tenant, who tan furnish reference, for 7-rooin modern, hot water heated house. Hanscom park district. For further prtlcuUrs call Harnev S4!. (15I-M919 1 DUNDEE Fine 8-room modern house, newly papered, new oHn plumbing: at reduced price to permanent tenant. 'Phone Harney 3317. (15) 449 FOR RENT To private fumily only, thl commodious and attractive residence No. 2025 Dodge St.. 175. Alfred C. Keuuedy. 209 First National Bank Blclfc'. 'telephone Douglaa 722. tl.".) i22 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. V. L. Bldg. 051-723 FOR RENT Nearly new modern 6-room house, KJ. 2828 Capitol Ave. ilji-MTSO lx I LIST your vacant houses Willi Walter i Brcc-ii company, N. Y. Life Bldg. (lo'-727 TO RENT t. dcsiiable tennant. Cheapest hovse In cliy. 5"U Brown Blk. (15) (ioii 2 ! BRICK :ore room, with fuH basement. 1320 ' North 4th l. Will mak" good deal with I riuht t arty. F. b. WKAD. Wead Blk. 18th and Farnam, llS)-M25S 1 SPLENDID 8-ROOM. MODERN. : it i i fill l.i.'Htirii fin cap u,i-lrA polished onk floors; apei ial ImlueVmeni ! f,.r w tiler! reMilv Novellllter 111 V V) K.ilrden, 4.0ii Lafayette Ave. Tel. Harney! hiC. 410 1 M-'il I FOR RENT Six-room Jiouse, modern ex cept healing plunt; 122.50. W. H. Thuiuas, 64i First National Bmk Bldg. (13I-M87S lx OMAHA Van and S'.orage Co., park, move, st-jie H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. )9th; office, lik Faruum. Tel. Doug. 1559. (15 1 72S 7-ROOM house, 123. 6- TWO 5-room houses. 18. One t-room house, tv. One 8-rooni houae, lo0. All modern except heat; locaied oil 11th, between Mason and Pacific Sis. 'Phone Harney. 42v4, Ernest Stuht. (IS)!) NEAT 1-room cottage, water, sewer, gas, lawn, $15. Apply 2124 Miami St. (15)-feU TO RENT by family of four, furnished, five or six-room cottage or flat for winter. Must bo good locality. Address K 726, care Bee. (!5-M9 lx EIGHT-ROOM, all modem house. 49o7 Webster 81. iDundee) nesr car, perfect repair. $:i.oo. Phone Leavltt. Hsrney 2-"t5. tlo)-9:-2 lx NEW -room bunciilow hutiac. 3422 Hamil ton St.. all modern. 124 per month. In quire at 1218 Doughi Bt. Phono lKmglas 1 1ST. 15) M'.Wt 3x FOR RENT 713 Leavenworth St.. 4 room. 114. S41H Maple St.. i rooms, modem, owner pays wilier lent, J-Ti. Jy'il No. 17th Bt., 8 rooms, modern. ID. SHIM ER At CHASK COMPANV. 10C9 Farnam St. Douglas 3i7, lnd. A-3642. (15)- PIX-ROOM house, modern. H33 Main street. Benson. 12O.00. Turkingion, 602 Bee Ulilg. lnK-Mlt2 It-ROOM lio'ise In first-class repair, with a fine yard. W. J. Dvrmody Investment Co.. 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas Blot. t15)-M3t S Balldlag. WEIJSTEH-SUXDEHLANl) BUILDING. Large attractive rooms iu this building, with heat and elevator service furnished, best of light and new attractive front on Howard St. See us regarding lease. We are offering this space at a very low rental. GEO HUE & CO., 1G01 Farnam. ' (15) B11LDING FOR RENT. 1112 Harney St.. 4-story and basement brl k building,' good freiaht elevator, 11:15 per month. About 14.UK) sir. ft. of floor space. Lease one to five years. IK8-K1 Harnev St., 4-storv and basement brick bull. ling, about IX.OuO sq. ft. of floor space, good elevator, steam heating plant, loii per month. Lease one to five years. GEORGE & CO.. 1691 FARNAM ST. (15)- Halls. FRATERNITY hall, opposite public library, ground rlnnr auditorium, holding noo, with stage; best dancing floor In the city; also 8 lodge rooms at $5, $7 and $9 for two meetings a month. See Janitor on prem ises. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. (16) 845 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24tlt and N Sts., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, B. O. branch, 24th and N. new address. 05) M577 FRONT OFFICER. Two outside offices, south front, on second floor Conservative Bldg., 1614 Harney St., oak finish, gas and electric light, steam heat. Janitor service. Hastings A Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental depart ment. (15)-M91 1 Stores. SCARGO BLOCK: Bouth Omaha, new, 520 . N. 24th. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red 74oS. (15) 728 FOR RENT Large atore room In whole sale district. Address O 712, care Bee. (16) M711 1 148 Howard St., large store room and base ment. 12x132, wholesale and retail. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam St. (16)-644 STOREROOMS IN RETAIL DISTRICT. N. W. cor. ltith and Jackson Sts., store room 22xfi0 ft., metal celling, show win dow on both lfitli and Jackson Sts., good basement; rental $2i0 per month. 2024 Farnam St.. storeroom it by about TiO ft., fine new modern front, steam heat; also a fine 6-room apartment on 2d floor; rental entire building $15o per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 05)- FOR RENT Corner store room, steam host, fine location for drugs or any other line. J. T. Gleason, Fort Dodge. Ia. (15) M921 1 707 and 709 So. 27th; small stores, with liv ing rooms In the rear, 112.60. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (15) M216 1 111 SOUTH loth street, steam heat. JOHN N. FRENZER, Both Phonee (15) M196 1 GOOD storage room in the wholesale dis trict for rem. W. J. Dermody Investment - Co.. 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 5108. (15) M347 3 2422-24 Leavenworth St., double store, 92x 100, floor space. 175.00. BIRKETT & TEBBIN8. 428 Bee Bldg. (13) OFFERED FOR SALE Faroltare. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (16) 143 FURNITURE SALE 1 heavy oak office table 42x72, carved legs and in flrst-clsss condition. 18 chairs suitable for waiting room or dining chairs. 1 office desk chair. 1 case for filing or keeping papers. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt., 15 Bee Bid'. ll'i) 451 FOR BALE Contents of elcganlly fur nished 5-room apartment. In use less than six months. Apartment can be rented; furnace heat; 1B6. Possession Decemh.'r 1 or sooner: walking distance; no dealers. Address J 725, care Bee. (ll M156 lx Ostrich Plumes. BEAUTIFUL heavy French dioop plumes. 17 Inches. $2.46. worth 15. Other grades half retail store prices. Address 1214 Har ney. Tel. Red 3518; our agent will call. (161729 Plaaos aad Other Maslcal laatrameata PIANO BARGAINS. One Kimball upright, used, $104. One Stelnway, upright, used, fcjuo. One good upright, used, $95. One l5o new upright, $238. RUSKS ART 8 TORE, 1521 Dodge Ht. (lti -730 ONE xi client upright pian.i; one cash iliur. one double one gold R. R. watch, one diamond si vol and one ladles' tuld watch. '.'II Kurbaeh block, loo S. 15t!t 8t. 'Phone Douglas 29H4. (11 M'!18 Typewriters and rnlii Macktne-i. IF YOl AUK IN THE MAUKtiT FOK A TYPKWRITKR IT WILL BI3 TO VOI R INTKKKST TO IXVKSTI- ! OATH WHAT WK HAVE TO OFFKK, NEW OR SECOND-HAND. ADDRESS E 210. BEE. (16) U70 TYPEWRITER Before you buy or rent (.lie examine t ho I.. ( . Smllli & Bl un. willing In eight machine; write for cata logue. Call or 'plume B. F. Swanson t'j., Inc., dealers, liilt Farmim, Omaha. (16i-7::i MIscellRaeou. DRUGS at cut pi ices; f n Iglil paid on all llu order; catalogue lYte. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Nelt. (!) 732 SEND us your mail orders for drugx: fielglit ptdd on $10 lot. Myers-1 illoii lirug Co., Omaha. (IS) 731 Wire Cable for Sale Ws have three pieces of incii cable. U4 to 250 feet each, fur sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Bee Bldg., Omuliu. ' (1 2i FOR SALE CHEAP-Beckwlth Round Oak soft coal atove. In good repair. H"l t'enier 9r. Oil M9S4 lx B E. ICE MINNESOTA ICE In tar lots. A. G. Gilbert, Counol Bluffs. - (Ito-MlW We have three pieces of -lnch cable. ISO to 2.M) feet each, for sale at A reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Illdg.. Omaha. 0 27 INK BARRELS We have 011 hand a number of these bar rels which w will sell at 6oc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at. press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 A lVP of stone for raping, window and door sills: alao fancv pressi-d brick for sale. Apply U. W. Baker. Supt. Bee Bldg. (16) 951 FOR SALE-New and seec(l-hand billiard unci rcl tables. We lead the world In cheap bar flxtin-es; asv rmvments. Brunswlck-Balkc Collender. 4o7 B. HU'i St. iim 731 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, le tull. Sherman McConnell Ibug Co., 161 ll and Dodge Sts., Onmha. Neb 161 7X SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Co.. beet mlxcxl paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 736 FOR BALK A No. 7 hard coal heater, lit good order; pike, 120; Mils is a buigiiln for anyone needing a large hester. loot Ohio St. (ltii M8'tf lx FOR SALE 14-hor power boiler. Tel. Harney 436. Nebraska Concrete Reinforc ing Co.. 4i0b Leavenworth. (Hi) M153 1 FOR SAT, E Carton sectional steam or hot water Isiller. Bllghtly used; In good con dition. Milton Rogers A Sons Co.. 14th and Farnam Sts. (1tit M227 1 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, X C. Estab lished 189. (17) 7J7 D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red . 7117. (17 738 PERSONAL HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (181742 SYRINGES, rubber goods bv mail: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 739 A flesh, white, pink, brunct gossamer cover ing bestowed by Satin skin powder. 25c. (18)- WILL Tillle please come home? Mother ICk. ROSE. (18) M932 Sx JOHN CANE Is In town. It will soon be time to trim trees, trellises, grapevines. Telephone DougUvs 4'.49 or A-SM9. (18-782 Nl THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff cioming; in tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 786 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 740 LADIES' perfumed health and beauty baths: face bleacher In connection; maid attendant. Verdeau, 109 8. 17th. room 1. (18) M415 30x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster X559. (18) 741 jLUiiriiivSralth U8 N 15th M fl(MJr (18) 527 DR8. ROGERS' private confinement home, 2103 Farnam St. 'Phono Doug. 6230, city. (18)-6S6 Nov24x MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage, 520 8. lGth, flat 8. 'Phone Douglas 6846. (18) M641 2x Piles Cured Free All persons unable to pay will be treated absolutely free of any charge on Satur day of each week by DR. WILLIAM CRElGHTON MAXWEIX, 524 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Doug, las 1424. Cut this out and bring with you. (19)-742 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha ns strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1518 Farnam St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 YOUR name In our Belli, card exchange Hat for three months for one dime, sil ver; cirds sent you from everywhere; why not Join? Central Supply Co.. Dept. 14. Morrison. 111. (18) 138 lx A HOME for a woman during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft St 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18) 801 Jan27x MASSAGE treatment. 109 S.,17th St.. room 6. Mrs. Jordan. (18)-M342 28x MEN The Vacuum treatment restores vital strength: aend today for free book and photo. Vacuum Mfg. Co., 114 Fargo Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. (18)-137 lx REWARD Suitable reward will be paid for Information regarding the where abouts of one C. W. Wire or address L. C. Reber, 184 I .a Salle Bt. Chicago, 111. (18I-M157 lx WANTED Roommate by young lady; nice room, good location. N 729, Bee. (18)-M67 3x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con. . saltation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss A!lendr. 624 Bee Bldg. (18)- REAL ESTATE HEAL KSTATK DEALER REKD ABSTRACT CO.. Est. ISoti; prompt service; gel uur prices. 1710 Farnam fit (191-74:. BENJA.M1N R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldj; (19) 74 GEORGE & CO., 1001 Fiirnam. Tel. Douglas 750. (19) 746 PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (19)-748 ' CITY PROPERTY FOII SALE $1 buys a 1rr. ANOTHER CHANCE. Near new l.ukr Nakoma and new Carter Park. A rare speculation. Price only 15 and $95. None "slightly higher." M.'t us at lth and Ames Ave. brldgo. Come be fere it is too late. Street car will run within a couple blocks of these lots. No Interest or taxes for two years. THE liOT WITH THE 4-KOOM HOUSE COSTS N MORE THAN THE OTHER LOTH, $9S; $1 down 'ind 5ik- per week REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST COMPANY Ground Fluor, 1201 Farnam St. 119)-953 1 ACRES, 54ih near Leavenworth. 11,iO. Harrison & Morton, Omuha. IISl-M-iJ! Dundee Home New 8-ruoin house at a bargain. Very easy terms. 5110 Underwood Ave. 'Phone Doug. 4113. (19) U 198 lx FOR SALE C)VNKR LEAVING CITY Offers tlegunt 11-ioom residence, new and modem. In West Farnam district; wll sell at a sacrifice. HICKS REAL KSTATE CO.. 21J Bourd ol Trado. tl -M-'-'iI ! -ACRE strip near Miller l'ark. $1.X:. Har rison at Morton, Omaha. 119) M2tX 2 $2,000 Will buv a 7-room modern house, north of Grace on 22d Bt. East front. 1350 cash, balance 120 per month the same as rent. S111UVEK A UENAWA. lo2J N. Y Life. O; ML 1 W. II. GATES, Room 1T New YorH Ufe Building Phone. Douglas 1294. 850 Bmall cottage and barn on south front lot. on paved street and cr line, renting for I, t 975-House and corner lot. 82x91. Vlh and Cm stellar. $1.7(10 Five-room cottage, near 21st and Ohio; modern except furnace; lot x1!9. $2,200 8lx-rom house with bsth. at 2817 N. 261 h street, $2.350 8ix-rom cottage at 2119 Maple. 12,350 Five-room cottage un small pay ments, 15th and Madison Ave.; new and modern except furnace. 12.300 Seven rooms, new; hall, parlor, din ing room, library, three bed rooms. 29i)9 Manderson. $2.600 Six rooms, new. modern, on Maple, near 24th. $3.550 A good seven-room, new, modern house, put up by owner for a homo; has a hot water heating plant which kept the house warm last winter for 135 worth of coal; one block from iHiulevard, cer and paved street; good home for someone. 13,600 Nine-room modern house at 1807 Plnkney street, oak finish on first floor, heavy oak sliding doors, three Inches thick; lot 60x124, on paved street: a well built house with a "ew roof. THRU. IS CHEAP IOT8 IN KOUNTZH PLACE. $3,700 Seven-room modern house In Kotintz Place, on east front lot with paving paid for. 19)-M223 1 We have a client for a 9 to 11 room strictly modern house in the "West Farnam or Field Club District. Will pay cash. Must he a bargain. . .tv i ' Ml W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., I 1320 Farnam St. Tels: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. (19) M969 3 GOOD INVESTMENT In either of these brick buildings you will have a good Income, with a small ex pense; no Investment safer; better than money In a bank. $7,000 2506-3601 Sherman Ave., new St. Louis flat, east front, paved street, well located, al ways rented, yearly income $760 per year. $10,500 2710 2712 Jackson Bt., a double brick house, 7 rooms, hall and bath on eaoh side, a most attractive and complete building; much rare has been taken to please ten ant and owner; will make a lifelong In vestment for purchaser. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. Bee Building. (1- 6 ACRES, 61st near Center, $1,260. Harrison A Morton. Omaha. (19) MW2 2 ACRES Two acres at 37th and Newport, 17041 ' ' Two acres. West Dodge, 12.200. Five acres near Benson, $1,800. Ten acres West Dodge, 13.0H0. Ten acres near Benson, $2,000. Ten acrea near Florence, improved, $4,500. ' Five acres, 4th and Bancroft, Improved $6,600. Terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg 'Phones Douglss 1781, Independent A-118S. 0D- The Peters Trust Co. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. We have over $200,000 In farm mortgages and school bonds for Bale No purchaser of our securities has evei lost a dollar or taken an acre of land on account of them. For corporations issuing bosdt w act as trustees. ' Funds may be placed with us fot Investment; the proceeds to be paid, as directed by the terms of the trust. We invite inspection of our securi ties. The Peters Trust Co (19l-Ml.1l ACRES. Ames Ave. and 16th St., 12oo Harrison A Morton. Omaha. (19) M3tV4 2 a flat"proposition Between IStli and 17th on Burt St., 1 cony rartments built about 2 years; rents fol ILIik) a year; pays 10 per cent on your in vestment: frontage of 66x146 feet deep i rlctly modern and up lo date. Price. $14,600. HEAD THIS, TOO A very beautiful flat located at 224 and Burt St.: strictly modern and I call spe cial attention to Its construction; corner place; has a frontage of 66 feet; two com partments. Price for a short time.; don't fool yourself by waiting. Call ma to morrow from 11 to 12; full particulars. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO.. 922 New York Life Bldg. Both 'Phones. (19)- SPECIAL SALE OF CHOICE LOTS We offer for sale several of the finest lots In the West Farnam residence district. ON 38TH AVE. Iieiween Farnam and Dodge. We are in structed to close out these lots at once and will Offer Thorn This Week at a Big Reduction. FROM REGULAR PRICES. HICKS REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 219 Board of Trad Bldg. (19)-62lx VACANT CORNER S. W. 24 & Poppleton, 50x124. Fur stores or flats. N. W. 41 Ave. A Cass, 50x125. S. W. 13 A Dorcas. 17x132; between 1 rar Dm a ; excellent location for modern cot luges. O'KKEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. 10,1 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A21K. AN eastern owner has two houses in Hans com Place rented tor 170 a month; every thing modern: paved street; aoat front: will sell at a bargain; one block north of Hanacom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L Nw Voi Ufa Building uv-a 7 v. 'J V aw