THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 1, 1903. 5 BIG BATTLE IS SATURDAY Contest with Araei Expected by All to Be a Gruelling One. ELEVENS ARE EVENLY MATCHED llaea of Both Thoosjht to lie Too - strong to Peaetrato mm 4 This ta Expected to Prodaee Opea and "pertaenlar flay. LINCOLN, Oct. 31 (Speclal.)-Ames, Ne braska's greatest rival and the most feared of M the teams still to be met this season. Is next on the Cornhusker schedule, and the same, which will be played between the two teama at Omaha Saturday, la tnxlously awaited by the students of the itate school. Keener Interest and greater nthustasm is being manifested over this coining struggle with the Iowa Aggies than tho students have shown over any jams slnpn 1903, when several hundred people fol lowed the Cornhnskers to Minneapolis to witness the annual game with the Gophers. Practically the entire student body, both boys and girls, will Journey to Omaha Sat urday for what la expected to be the "big gest" game In the Missouri valley this fall. Arrangcmenta have been made for a apodal train to leave Lincoln about 8 o'clock In the morning and arrive In Omaha shortly before noon. It la estimated that the university and Lincoln will send more than loco people on this train. Accom panying the rooters will be the Nebraska cadet band of forty pieces, which will lead a procession of the rooters from the union depot- In Omaha to a hotel at which the Cornhnskers team will be quartered. The advance of sale of seata for the game has exceeded even tha expectations of Xtanager Eager. Tickets were placed on sale at one of the downtown stores Wednes day morning and during that day nearly 800 were sold. L'p to 6 o'clock laat night tha total number of reservations made waa 900. Manager Eager said that this large early sale made It certain that over 1.000 Beats would be disposed of before the ticket! are taken off sale here on Thurs day. ' Omrllng Game Expected. The Ames game, from the standpoint of the coaches, will be the most grueling the Cornhuskers have been In this fall. The teama are evenly matched, weighing about the same and having about an equal num ber of veteran players In their lineups. There probably is not ten pounds difference In tha weight of the two lines, and In the back fields the elevena weigh practically tha same. Both of the teams are coached by men who use a similar style of play, which fact will make the Omaha gams a battle of Greek against Greek, with each aide using plays that are not In any marked degree dissimilar. Nebraska, as well as Ames, will have to depend on its line to win the game. Last season tha lines of the two elevens were so evenly matched that neither side could make any consistent gaina against the Other. At tha opening of the contest the Agglea started in with tha Intention of bat terlng down the heavy Cornhuskers, but soon found that they were wearing them elves out, and confined their plays th rest of tha game to open-work tactics. Nebraska had hardly expected to make an advance against the Aggies' line, and after a few futile attempts gave up the task, resorting to the use of the forward pass, the onside and drop kicks and end runs. , ' Ames made a touchdown, but It waa not on straight foot ball or on a forward pass, It was the result of a fluke and was made about tha middle of tha second half. The Agglea were on the Nebraska twenty-five-yard line, and Hubbard, playing at half. drew back as If to try for a place kick. Radical and Conssrvative Dressers Men unconsciously divide themselves Into two classes in the matter of dress; those who attempt to follow the latest fads in shade and style and those who wish to dress tastefully and becomingly In the broadest sense. The modern j-ush of business life and its heavy de mands upon our time does not admit of exact compliance with the rules of correct dress. Where Clothes Eti quette says there should be a distinct dress for morning-, afternoon and eve ning; Modern Business says one suit . must suffice, Therefore in selecting your clothes for all-the-time-wear or for special occasions, the advice of one who has given the subject close study for many years is valuable to you. In the selection of shade, style and material you will find Molony's sug gestions sincere and unprejudiced. With Molony it is not a question of making that particular eale so much as la securing a permanent and satisfied customer. The same idea predom inates in taking your measure and cut ting the garment (both of which Mo lony does personally.) Small indi vidual peculiarities, entirely unknown to you, catch his trained eye and re ceive special attention in the making up of your suit. Molony clothes are comfortable. They feel well, wear wU and look well all the time because Mo lony endeavors to make every suit con real the weak and emphasise the strong points of the wearer. Stop In and examine his stock. Old Viceroy Whiskey Bstlltd in Bond Is lintuelf fdnucums $5.00 8 nni quarts $8,50 I 4 A ata A a"h lZFunewrttaiz.UU Express Fropald Good abippad in plain pack a- Sala deliver f uaramaad "t msaey bus.. Make all re mit tneet to inUy enilflP uw4 sm st. junn on'r. n ktTI-g-a, yrr.. .J City, Hi When the ball was passed to him, In stead of trying for the kick, he picked up. the spheroid ami ran around left end for a touchdown. The Aggies secured a total of nine points in the game, the other four coming on a place kick from the thirty-yard line soon after tha opening of the second half. Ne- braska'a score was ten. Two drop kicks by Wcller gave eight and a safety made by Keppert of tha Aggies gave the other two points. Chances of Victory Aboat Even. With practically the same teams that played last year In Lincoln facing each other again In Omaha next Saturday, the game should be another great battle, with the chancea of victory evenly divided. Neither team can hope to gain through. Its opponent's line. At least Ames, al though It may have had some high hopes early In tha season of breaking down the Nebraska line, cannot expect to do any thing of that kind eince the wonderful showing of the Cornhuskers against Min nesota. And reporta from Amea Indicate that Coach Clyde Wlliiama has seen the hopelessness of directing plays against the Cornhusker lino and la devising other new plays calculated to work better under the new rulea than line attacks. Ames haa had considerable success with tho forward pass, and on this play has depended for a great many gains this fall. Coach Williams expects to have this In novation working In good shape by next Saturday and will attempt to fool the Corn huskora with It as he did last season. Dur ing the second half of tho game a year ago this play wrought all kinds of havoc In tha Nebraska ranka. It was employed five times In quick succession ' for long gains after the opening of the second half, and resulted In the Aggies being able to tie up the score with a drop kick from the thirty-yard line. "King" Cole has never figured -on braska being able to do any succo work aa-alnst the Ames line. Wit weight and tho strength of the always In mind, ho haa been bull a "peekaboo" defense by which h to win from the Iowa Aggies. been building up plays adapte now defense during the last t and the varsity has employed great success against the scrub tlce. Neither Strong; in Ktc Neither of the tearoa Is str kicking depratment. The probably have tho edge on th punting, but In drop or place elevens are about on a par. I does the punting for Nebraakl form, boota the ball conslstentl and fifty yards. "81" Lamben punter, has not equaled that hia kicking this fall. In pld howover, Lambert haa been fa! ful and la a match for Kroger, drop and place kicker. In the Ames game three weeks ago hi ball over tha crossbar from yard line for a goal from Kroger haa been handicapped two wcefcs on account of an 1 and has not been able to pri kicking. Just before the Corni for Iowa City he was again ri. form and did some encouraging kicking. Theso two men should play a very Im portant part in the game at Omaha next Saturday If it becomes an open-play con test, as is very probable, with the forward pass and drop and place kcking In pre dominance. Both of them are hard fighters and can stand a great many rough scrim mages without being injured, so the chancea are good for their staying in the game to its end. When It cornea to the point where neither side can gain, that team which Is close to its opponent's goal will be forced to try a drop or placo kick. Then it will be simply a question aa to whioh man is In the better form. If Kroger Is kicking well Ames will have none of the best of the work in this de partment, and If Lambert la In good form Nebraska will be In no better way to get the game on drop or place kicks than the Agglea. Game Worth Seeing-. Nebraska rooters are looking forward to thla game Saturday as the greatest exhibi tion of modem foot ball that haa been seen In tho west this season. They are going to Omaha convinced that the team which wina will have to fight even a greater battle than either of them put up last November, when Nebraska barely nosed out a victory by the score of 10 to t. The rooters look for much spectacular playing and many thrilling runs. Cooke, tho fleet quarter of the Corn huskers, who w"as out of the Iowa game today on account of blood poisoning In hia right foot, will be back in form and at hia old position. Considerable attention will be given to Cooke to get him back into form again to do some of the sensa tional running which characterized his play ing laut season. Nebraska felt his ab sence today In tho hard struggle with the Hawkeyea, and will need him next Satur day to keep the Amos ends busy trying to stop his runs around the wrings. With Cooke in the game Nebraska's chancea of wtnnlng will be greatly enhanced. A plan Is on foot at the state school to arrange an annual foot ball garni bo tween the Nebraska and Kansis fresh men teama to be played each fall near tha end of the season. Ono year It will ba pliyed In Lincoln and the next in Lawrence. An attempt waa made last fall to inaugurate this game, but the Kansas freshmen would not play on Thanksgiving day and the Cornhusker first-year men could not arrange to play at any other time. The matter was dropped after this attempt and waa taken up only recently. It la probable, If tho arrangements can be made this fall, that the game will be played in Lawrence after Thanksgiving. The freshmen of nolther school wish to play on Turkey day, for tho varsity elevens of both Institutions have gamea on that day and the freshmen want to witness thelt first teams in action. , Kreahmea Are Weak. The Cornhusker freshmen have the weak est first-year team that has appeared at the state school for several years. I.ast year the freshmen foot ball players were a fast and strong bunch, but thia fall the team has not done any commendable play ing. Tho material Is green and quite light. It haa been an easy mark for all the teama it haa played so far this fall. In a short gam early in the season the light and Inexperienced Lincoln High school eleven outplayed it in every de partment of the game. Fir the last three weeks "King" Cole has been giving some attention to the freshmen, but there is no material on that squad with which he has been able to get any aatlsfactory results. The line Is ex tremely weak, and on the offenso plays without much force and headwork. Un less the team improves rapidly It will be an easy victim for the Kansas fresh men in case the Jayhawker contest is scheduled. The preliminaries at Nebraska for the "Big Eight" crotrs-cuuntry run on Novem ber 14 will be held on Wednesday. Over thirty men will start in those prelimln ariea. A coarse from the university to the alate farm and back will be run over by the athletes. Basket ball practice waa started Tuesday with a squad of fifty candidates. promising men appeared for the early work, and Dr. Clapp la pleased over the prospucts fur a farlly fast team. 1 7 1 GREAT BASE BALL RECORD Over Seven Million Persons Witness Games in Two Leagues. NEARLY MILLION IN NEW YORK White Sox Lead In Attendnnce la American League Tigers Ont- draw nttuhara- Tean Sandfly Ball Helps. NEW YORK, Oct. 31.-Base ball madaa great record this year. As clos as can be calculated, 7.24i.354 persons witnessed the combined games of the National and American leagues. These flgurea are com puted after careful compilation and enured fiom each Individual city. For the first time since 1903 the Nationals outdrew their rivals. The grand total of the National league was 3,634,988, while the Americans drew 8,611, 366, showing 23,622 difference In tha National s favor. In 1907 the American league outdrew the National by 660,971, which shows an Increase for the old league of 837,195. The American league showed an Increase of 212.61)2 over 1D07. In one or two of the cities official figures were not ob tainable. New York was the National's bright spot, and careful estimates place the figures at 910.000, an average of 13,000 per game, or one-fourth of the total of the league. Chicago was Eecond with 665,325, an aver age of 9,504 to a game. Philadelphia was third with a total of 420,660. The White Sox led tho American league with a grand total of 636,096, while Pt. Louis was second, with the grand total of 418,947, this being the greatest season tha Browns ever had. E. V-lj.yr0 mo f 36.000 who Wit- team on the road, making an average of 8,437, The Giants were not far behind, though, as they averaged 8,193. Detroit waa the best road team In the American league, with an average of 7,847 to a game. Cleveland was second, with an average of 7.0i3. The combined attendance In Boston, New York. Brooklyn, Ph.ladelphla and Washington waa be.ter thin the combined figures of Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Cin cinnati, Cleveland and Pittsburg. The western cluba of the American league drew 2,113,Lt4 to the eastern cities' total of l,497 8ii2, while the eastern cities of the Na tional league drew 1,&60,020 to the western cities' total of 1,774,908. The lara 8unday attendance increases the western figures at least one-third. GRIZZLIES SWAMP CREICE1T0N (Continued from First Page.) where Creighton failed on a farward pass. Denver foozled on a forward pass and Creighton kicked to middle of the field. Crowley made five yards, Skldmore three, a forward: pass neiiea live-, uenver wuiu not gain and tried another place kick, but Creighton was offside. Denver fumbled the ball, but Ruse picked it up and gained seven yards. Skldmore went straight In for six, and with the ball on the three-yard line Denver was penalized fifteen yards be cause the water boy ran on me iieia. a forward pass gave five yards and on the third down Brusse kicked a goal from the field. 4 to 0. Cr.lghton kicked to the north and the ball went to Denver on the twenty-yard line. Crowley made seven and followed with a twelve-yard run. Creighton was on the defensive during the entire first half and In fact during nearly the entire game, for every time Creighton got possession of the ball a kick was necessary as no gain could be made. After an exchange of punts Crowley made a fifteen-yard circle of the eml and Volk carried the pigskin one more to the seven-yard line, where it waa lost on downs. Creighton kicked to Brusse, who made a fair catch and kicked a goal. 8 to 0. In the second half Denver kept up its fast gait of circling the ends and plunging the line, pulling off forward passea and doing some brilliant kicking until Creighton was fairly swamped. There waa a good crowd at the game with plenty ut enthusiasm and music by the band. The lineup: OREIOHTON. I H.nnlfin. Boyle L. E l R. E.. DFNVER. . .Hiyiel, Rennick ...Lleber, Bennott Wlnger4r Mlr Voili B ui ....Bruaae, Lar(o- MorvanUialer, KU' Lyuoh Sierke Hlueilorn. Young. . brriumn, Crnier. Ktevene Btratton, Hum!, Boyle i... Idenulre, Lhmnoven Merrln, Hronek... lbtkule. . .L. T I R. T.. ..L. O.I K. O.. :.ic ,.R. O I L. O.. ..K. T.lL. T.., . n. t u k I ,..Q U Q. B.. U H. R. H H. U. I U H ... Crowley, Herbert .Skldntura, Hcanl.iS llouKherty F. B I f. B grhrader. TjW Heferre: Finneo or wncoin. I mpire: j. at tain Ellison. Field Judge: Balrd. Heart lines man: L. A. King. Time: Halves 0:30. Humphreys' Seventy-Seven breaks up Grip And Lassitude Is the first sign of taking Cold; before the Cough or Influenza. Fever or Sore Throat, there is a feeling of weaknss as if exhausted from some great physical labor. If you will rea lize that this is the precursor of a Cold and take "Seventy-seven" the Cold w ill be prevented and the vitality. Tim and vigor restored. 25c, at Druggists. Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and Aaa -Streets, New York. (gOLPi DRAKE IS WINNER AT T0FEKA Captain McCoy Scores tho Only Points of the Game. TOPEKA, Kan.. Oct. 31 (Special Tele gram.r Tha foot ball team from Drake col lege won from Washburn In a hard-fought game played here this afternoon. In the middle of the second half Captain McCoy of the visiting team carried the ball through the Washburn line for fifteen yards, making the only touchdown of the game, lie also kicked goal. The Drake team tried the forward pass but twice, and then with poor results. Old-fashioned foot ball waa tha style of play used and was very effective. The Washburn defense was weak. How ever, when the goal line was threatened, four times the Washburn team held and punted the ball out of danger. Washburn carried the ball over the line once on a forward pass, but Referee Maskey refused to allow it, on the grounds that the ball waa thrown over the center of the line. The forward pass was the only effective play by Wasnburn. The work of Captain McCoy and Van Meter of the Iowa team in returning punts waa brilliant, and very frequently the ball was returned further than It was punted. Both teams played up to the dope and the result was not unex pected by the betting fraternity. The lineup: WASHBURN. DRAKE. Larlmar L. B R, E Srharnburg Munford L. T. R. T 8lck-l TWaln L I;. R. o WIItoh Whitney C. C Warnn Codding R. il. L Wlltar Teuipleton R. r. h. T Hrr1 Poster , R. F. L. ' Woo l -oar Hon q. n. Q. I? 8mlly L. H. R. H McVey R. t,. H M .M Brcthour F. B.F. B Puidjr Referee: Masker. I'mplre: Holllster. Linesman: Orlrg. Field Judge: Armln. Touchdown: McCoy. Goal from touch down: McCoy. Time of halves: Twemty five minutes. BAD DAY FOR PERU NORMALS iJutV ,pflmt and Second Elevens Lose Their Games. ', Neb., Oct. SI. (Special Telegram) the most favorable weather condl ld In the presence of a large crowd uslastlc normal rooters the second Ity team defeated the Normal In a usly contested game by a score of Although the Normal team was unds lighter per man they re peat - unctured the Unlveraity line. The slty made the only touchdown of ame by blocking an outsldo kick, recovering the ball and ran thirty for a touchdown, Kay, Gelwlck and started for the Normal. Ray played ce game at tackle consistently center. Gelwlck played a fierce at tackle, going down on punts and the man almost In his tracks and Renfro had a shade the better of nlversity punter. Frank and Flgno ar work for the University. The was as follows: MIVKRSITT. f NORMALS. SwenR)n McRernolde Cob'irn Helnmt P. Medler a C. C... R. O.I L. O.... L. T. R. T... L. E.I R. B... U H. R. K... Q. P. . B. . ., w L. O.I R. O... R. T. L. T.... R. B.I t,. E..., ..Rentro (C.) Zlnk Gelwictc D. Medio R. H ! L. H Stewnrt F. B.I r. B Roy the first Normal team was bat tling with the second University team here the second Normal team was at Nebraska City playing the Nebraska City High school. Tho score was 6 to 0 In favor of Nebraska City. YORK HIGH HAS AN EASY TIME Falrbnry Shows Lack of Practice and Coaching. YORK, Neb., Oct. 31. (Speclal.)-Today'a game of foot ball between Falrbury High school and York High makes the fourth game played this season. York won every contest, making a total snore of 226, and In only one game was York scored against and that waa by Beatrice Hlrh school. which kicked a goal from field. York has met Lincoln Military academy, Beatrice High school, Osceola High school and to day defeated Falrbury by a acore of 61 to 0. This being the second game played this season by Falrbury, they clearly showed lack of experience and at no stage were they able to prevent York piling up scores at will. Falrbury players were out weighed and considering lack of pract! put up & pretty good game against York. When time was called for the first half of twenty minutes York had secured 29 scores and Falrbury none. In the second half York seemed to score at will and made sixteen In the last ten minutes of pliy. The lineup: FAIRBURY. G. Haneen R. K T. Bprague R. 'i . O. Cedrlc R. G C. Wlliiama C D. Huhea L. ('. A. Rtutevors...., L. 1. P. Bllaa L. K R. Glhaon 0. 8 J. Collier (C.) K B. YORK. Mrem Carpenter .0. lUa. l Beaver D. Meehan E. Tildtn L. R. ... L. T h. O C R. O R. T R. E. .B. B. Wood C Q. B Srotly r. B A1for R. H F. Wood W. Bsauldlug L H Hawea ..R. H.I L. H Wiley SPRINGFIELD STARTS WITH WIN Scores Two Touchdowns, bat Unable) to Kick Goals. SPRINGFIELD, Neb., Oct. 31. (Special Telegram.) The Springfield High achool foot bal lteam won Its first game of the season today by defeating Weeping Water High school to the tune of 10 to 0. The game was called at 3 p. m. Weeping Water kicked to Sprlngflelr, who returned the ball ten yards. Springfield gained steadily and with the ball on the ten-yard line sent Elwell across the goal line for the first touchdown of the season. A difficult goal was missed. Springfield kicked to Weeping Water, which returned twenty yards. Weeping Water aflled to gain and punted. Springfield secured the ball and soon ow Springfield secured the ball and soon worked It to the five-yard line, where the old tackle play was brought into use and Right Tackle Cockerell, with three of the opponents hanging onto him, carried the bal lacross for the last score. Goal waa missed. The half ended with the ball on Weeping Water's- ten-yard line, in posses sion of Springfield. The second half waa a little more even, although Springfield had a shade the bet ter of it." The game ended with the ball on Weeping Water'a five-yard line. In pos session of Springfield. ANNUAL FALL GOLF T0USNEY Arrangements Completed for Country Club Meat. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Oct. 3L Ar rangements are complete for tho annual fall golf tournament of the Country club, which will be held over the club course on November 5, S and 7, The first and second rounds of match play will take place on November 6. and the third and final rounds on November 7. All matches will consist of eighteen holes. Fremont Y. M. C. A. Winner. KEARNEY, Neb.. Oct. 8L (Special Tel epram.) Kearney Military academy foot ball team deefated North Platte High achool here this afternoon in the flnent game by far that haa been played in Kearney thla year. The acore waa 6 to 0, and the same was made in the first halt oy a clever rake play to a forward pass. 1 he teams were evenly amtched and tha play was a splendid exhibition of open fora m-iion. l'enaay Defeats Cavrnegte. PITTSBURG. Oct 81. Tha University of Pennsylvania eleven defeated the foot ball team of the Carnegie Technical schools heer today by a score of 26 to ft. Both elevens used tha forward pass extensively Advertise in Tha Bee, tha paper that goes into tha homes of the beat peopla, KANSAS HOPES FOR VICTORY Jayhawken Think They Have Good Chance with Nebraska. HEART FROM HASKELL GAME MUaoarl Game Thanksgiving; Day Worrying Them Kennedy Has Tryoat with Indian Players. la LAWRENCE. Kan., Oct. 31.-tSpeelol.)-Although the Jayhawkers met no foe on the gridiron this week, there has been no cessation in the routine work of practice. Snow and mud kept Kennedy and his pu pils off the field several afternoons, but no time was lost, for they filled the time by running signals in the gymnasum. There will be no letup on the work next week and by Saturday every man should be on edge for the Washburn game. The grilling pace Kennedy has been put ting the men through since the first day of practice is showing up in the develop ment of his scoring machine in a fairly creditable way. Though the team had no chance to "show off In the Washington game. It was plain to be seen something had been done in the time Intervening be tween that and the Oklahoma game. The holea which the opposing teama have been puncturing in the line all fall seemed to be pretty well repaired. The backs have done much toward overcoming their weakness In getting off at the signal. The team aa a unit is working better now than it haa at any time this season. All the men came out of the Washington game in good condition and, although the weather and field conditions were most conducive to stiffness, all were out Monday afternoon as though no game had been played Saturday. Small Hospital List. The hospital list Is the smallest It has been for several weeks. No serious cases are recorded. Harley Wood la still having trouble with his knee and Is kept from practice on account of it. Caldwell has turned In a like complaint, though he re ports regularly for practice. Captain Crow ell, who missed several practices on ac count of Injuries, Is working regularly again. Stanley Myers, the new half, gives every Indication of making good. Johnson Is doing well at quarter. He and Bond work together on offense like clockwork, but on defense both are of the Lollypop dollar watch caliber. Johnson handlea punts in good style, but tackles like a school girl. In fact the secret of the team's present weakness Is Its lack of tackling ability. More and more as the season advances do the coachea feel the need of a man to take Forter's place with the boot. With such a man in the lineup Kennedy thinks he would have an edge on Nebraska and an even break with Iowa. But Kennedy has given up hope of developing a man to pit against Kirk and his boot In the Iowa game. Kennedy Insists on continuing dally scrimmage with the tyro team, and Rouses' pupils continue to make the regulars work to cross their line. The Jayhawkers are standing up to thla grilling work much bet ter than they did at first, which speaks well for their physical condition. Tryont with Haskell. . Wednesday afternoon Trent brought his redskins from Haskell and turned them loose against the Kansans. This was the team that held Nebraska to lone touchdown. They were allowed to keep the ball all the time, and run through some of King Cole's formations which they had , learned at Lincoln. Time and again they executed a successful forward pass that gave them several chalk lines. All of Kennedy's regulars were not In the lineup, but It was evident that was not the reason his men could not break up the formation. . Much Joy is there in the Jayhawker camp over the way the Indians showed against the Cornhuskers. It ia conceded that Kennedy has a better team than Trent. which gives Kanrai an almost even break with Nebraska. At least the Indians, showing against Nebraska gives the Jay hawkers more hope. Missouri's score, S to 6, against Westmin ister has only served to confirm the fear that squad and rooters like have held all season that Monllow haa an aggregation this year that will take the Turkey day game. Two representltlves from Missouri were at MoCook to witness the Washington game and get a line an Kansas' style of play, but they went home with their note booka empty, as nothing new was tried In the twenty-Hve minutes the two teama floundered around In snow and mud. Hereafter Kennedy and Morse will do their tutoring behind closed gates. He will give the team some new playa In the next few days so they may get them down In working shape to try against Washburn next Saturday. Washburn Conies Next. Washburn comes to Lawrence next Sat urday to meet the Kansans in the last varsity game that will be played here this year. Heretofore Kansas has always met this team In Topeka, where either the town or the team seems to be a hoodoo to the Jayhawkers. Kennedy specially wants to take this game, as the mentor of the Congregation- allots is an old team ma'e of his at Pennsyl vania. Thia team took the state cham pionship laat year and though they are not doped aa having as strong a team aa the varsity this year, they will make the boys from Mount Oread play their limit. The site of battle of the Thanksgiving game has finally been agreed upon. The Why waste money experi mentingf We have the real clothes satisfaction lor you right here. Let us show you our line of ready-to-wear suits and overcoats. They are nifty and classy and fit to a nicety. Our line at $25.00 is especially at tractive and worthy of much consideration. Drop in and talk it over. W. T. BOURKE, Men's Fashion Shop, 319 So. 16th St. constant arguing over the place for this game has at last ended with tho slpn'ng of a five years contract with Tebcnu. and tho annual game with Missouri will be played at Assoclatlan park, Kansaa City. OMAHA HIGH IS THE VICTOR econd Eleven Has m Hard Contest at Wahoo. WAHOO. Neb., Oct. SI (Special Tele- gram.) A score of 11 to 5 tella the story of a hotly-contested game between the Omaha High school second eleven and the Wahoo High school team. Omaha hav ing tha long end. Tho Wahoo team wa heavier, but not so well trained as their lighter opponents. Line smashing by Havelka, the giant Wahoo tackier, and tlia fine work by Jamieson and Dolczal were the features for Wahoo. MeCul lough's kicking, llatrh's running with the ball and the working of tha forward pass were tha features for Omaha. The first touchdown waa made by Omaha near the end of the second half, Millard getting the ball on a fumble by Wahoo and a neat run for a touchdown. Hatch kicked goal. In the second half a clever forward pass from Hatch to Lowe netted another touch down with Lowa on the ball. He missed goal. Stralgh line bucking gave Wahoo a well-earned touchdown by Jamieson In the second half. Gentlemen Is the word for the Wahoo team. With training they will be formidable opponents for any high school team. Avery as referee and Su perintendent Fnlton aa umpire, both of Wahoo, were models of falrneas. Lineup: WAHOO. I OMAHA. Burland R. E L. K Lowe Dolil R. T. L. T Bom-n 1'Ud R. 0 1 U Q Hen-lee P. Aodereon C.I C Olll'ird C. Andereon UO.lR. o Caldwell HTlk U, T.I r. T l.uKfy Cmrlnon L.. V R. Ti Mlllc.1 Kllllea . B I Q. B lUwh Roer R. H U H Bril .Temleton C.) P. B r. B. MK'uHuliSh Rand L. 11 I R. H Mills .) Hamilton Sua ! Sub Pellen I Sub Lermon AMES( WINS FROM MISSOURI Iowa Agglea Aro Too Faat for Colombia Team. COLUMBIA, Mo., Oct. 81. Ames de feated Missouri, 1 to 0, In a fast foot ball game today. Sis minutes after play began Ames' fullback waa pushed over for a touchdown after an exchange of punta had brought the ball within strik ing distance. The Iowans were stronger in the second half, counting twice. Knox scored one of the touchdowns after a run of forty-five yards. Ames started the game minus the services of Bruegger at right tackle and Jaensen at quarterback. They were barred because they had al ready played four years. The lineup: MISSOURI. AMES. R. R Knox R. T Wllmarth R. O Murphv C Rytlrdr L. O NeUon Drive UK. Andereon L. T Carothers L. Q. Rletlne C. Miller R. C. Btuck R. T L. T Law Nre R. K I L. B .... Graham Peatberage Ollchrlt .. Alexander Ewlng .... ...... )'. y. b .. t V H. H ...R. H U H ...K. U. r. B...,. . ... Meaon ... Hubbarl G. Lambert B. Lambert Referee: A. D. Ronnlflelit nf K.inan. f'liv Umpire: George Bryant of Carleton college. Field Judge: A. R. Hamilton of Kansas City. Linesman: T. W. Burckhalter of Columbia. WITH TUB BOWLERS. The Lemps Falstaffs as usual won two out of three games from the Gate City last night on the Association alleya. Berger and Jordan tried mighty hard to beat out bogey, but failed in the attempt. Captain GJerde of the Gate Cltys is certainly a good loser. Cogswell of the Falstaffs savs he will study the little red book all next week. Score: GATE C1TYS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Chandler 179 M OS9 497 Lucas 173 1 36 156 4i Maurer 167 1H5 155 4.7 OJerde 179 173 141 493 H. D. Reed 170 181 163 514 Totals 868 813 773 2,444 3d. Total. LEMPS FALSTAFFS. 1st I'd. lfiS Jay 158 Mauch 168 149 17s 127 201 147 4K3 184 620 &'l 477 2,501 ' Jordan 195 179 190 163 fierger 147 coggswell 167 Totals 82S S74 80: The Hussies' Acorns had a good fire in their range last night, when they took two gamea from the Drelbus Csndy c npany on tha Metropollton alleys. The Acorns are surely coming fast. Bill Vaughn, the light of the Harney street line, took alt honors for the Acorns, with a total of 676. and 196 single game. Vaughn Is the artist of the alleys these days. Seabert was high man for the condy company, with a total of 636, and Captain Bryan says he Is more than proud of the old Chicago bowler, score: Pierre an Easy Winner. PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct. 81. (Special Tele gram.) nl a foot ball game between Huron and Pierre High school teams here today Pierre won, acore, 39 to o. Advertise in The Bee. the paper mat goes Bee Want Aa pages you get the beat re sults at the least expense. DOCTORS for MEN KNOWN AS THE BEST THE BEST KNOWN HONEST, CAPABLE AND RELIABLE end find their disease much aggra vated. Do you now realise that the only way you can hope to get cured ia to re ceive the Individual attention of special ists of reoognlred ability and experience, such aa we are? The physicians connect ed with the State Medical Institute are eminently qualified to advise, direct and treat such cases as come within our specialty, and when you avail yourself of our servloea you are assured of honest, skillful and successful treatment. We do not quote misleading prices in our announcements. We make no mis leading statements or deceptive, businesslike propositions. We cure men at the lowest cost for skillful and suc cessful services. We beUere in fair dealing and honest methods. We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor. oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and ALL SPECIAL Diseases and their Free Consultation Office Hours: I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between We make ne offer tou cheap, and consultation. horn treatment. rn MrfiREW A good tailor is an expert flat terer, studies you, bring out your good points, hides any de fects. Makes you look your best. Let us show you how "per sonal" we can make youi clothes look. The right style distinctive and exclusive cloth, honest tailoring. All that's finest In merchant tailoring. It's real economy. Don't wait another day be fore ordering your fall clothes. The cold days willl 8oon be here and you'll want to be ready for them. Reserve your pattern to day. Gentlemen's clothes and more. 3 1315 ramanxi5t.OmihA OPENING MONDAY MORNING SURE Anstro AmerlcanDoctorsSpecdaUnti Will Open Their Permanent Offices In The Itamge Building. A MONTH'S TREATMENT FilEVf To Prove the Value of the Marveloin Austrian-American System of Treatment. The fact that these famed speclallRU are to open their Oma.ia offices tomorrow will be of special Interest to thousands of sick people In this community. The fa mous cures effected by the world renown specialists of Vienna, Austria, will be duplicated here, for the Austro-Amerlcan system of treatment is identical with thai of Vienna, Austria. All forma of chronic and nervous d eases of men and women can now be cu quickly and permanently. rne Austro-American-Dociora-Bpeciai-lsts will ba ready to greet the people of this section tomorrow morning. All who are alck are specially Invited to call. Anyone suffering with rheumatism, ca tarrh, asthma, bronchitis, gall-stone, epilepsy, stomach or kidney trouble, nerv ous diseases, or in fact, anyone who Is sick should call and consult with theje great specialists. ' No charge whatever is made for examination or consultation. They will tell you frankly whether or not they can cure you. If they undertake cure the patient Is sure that the result o manent cure. To prove that the Austrian-American system of treatment Is successful the Austro-Amerlcan doctors will give a month's trestment absolutely free of cost. All patients taken before November 20th will receive this free treatment, which includes all medicines UBed. Everyone, rich and poor alike, are Invited to taka advantage of this very special offer, which Is good until November 20th. All patients taking treatment before this date are to receive one month's treatment and medicines free of cost. People who have tried other methods of treatment without success are specially Invited to Investigate the merits of tho Austrian-American system, which Is posi tively tha greatest and most successful treatment known In America today. The Auatro-Amerlcan-Doctora-Speclallsts per manently located fourth floor Bamge building, opposite Orpheum theater. The Twentieth Century Farmer Vrs.- aar a. aa3 a-B w w d , w- One Dollar Per Year. ) Nowadavs specialty work Is called for and demanded, notably ao when the sufferer's life or health Is en dangered. It is then the best treatment medical sci ence affords should bs sought for. Many sufferers from tills claae of troubles are buy ing ready-made reniedlea at drug stores, and then won dr why they don't get well. Others experiment with "Free Treatment" and "Quick Cure" schemes, and In tha t i . un- k complications. and Examination 10 to 1 only. If you cannot call, wrtta 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. 2K3X3BR . - - - i WE CURE noucrur'3 Will car yon for Z.xag MOHZY tfcaa "7 othsr spacUllsl aa4 aoospt tha saonsy la aay way yon wisa to pay. Mervovs Debility, Blood Foisoa, 8kla Disaasss, aad Bladder Diseases. Stomach, all Special Disease and AU saaat of Mao. ; i " Established in Omaha 25 Years. mlalaadln worthless g or raise statements or Fre orthless treatment, anamination Writ for ayuipiom Liana tor no 213 a. 14th Et Omaha. Nt L