tTHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, NOVEMBER 1, 100S. 11 19 I JT 1 "VI II EJ II II m II TV lllllEIIlllll MMWr , K K1IT f arm 9 1 11 . I V X 1 1 I 11 II 11 11V mm aw MA I LAI J TV I v V 7 - " ' ' Ii 1 V ' ..Ill 1 . . -.-.-Ill II . . . . . ..... . V. . .. u .ws' . kw.6v.Fkiw v:ui V:.-. -mm m I 1 II i IW'A U f V T . h F 1 k 1 J ff if 4: U ' It'll m 111! IIIH fflicu'ns &dfte( Jhoomip SHE LEAVES IRELAND. Aunt Mary longed again to see the towers of "new" New York, And Fluffy, anxious to oblige, a steamer took from Cork The men of Cork spoke very fast to tell her their despair , To think that she was going to leave and would not settle there And Fluffy as she left the shore of Queenstown, heaved a sigh And wished that she might live again the happy days gone by ; But shuffleboard and moonlit walks (with aunty near at hand) Soon made dear Fluffy quite content to miss the sight of land. 2-: The third day our a bishop grand from England's humid shore Watched Fluffy playing shuffleboard and also kept the score. All morn she played and as he watched he said, "It's plain to me . That she'd make just the wife I want to dignify my see." The captain from the bridge looked down and saw the unconscious girl And to himself he said, "Egad, my heart is in a whirl. If I could win that lovely maid I'd give up my command And, wedding here, I'd surely be content to live on land." ,3 The good ship's doctor saw her standing at her aunty's side j . To watch a school of porpoises that some one had espied "If I could win that maiden's, hand I'd settle down for life . And make her in a score of months a(famous doctor's wife " . A stoker, coal begrimed and hot, who'd come to breathe freih aV Stood quite transfixed with happiness to see her leaning there - "If I was higher up than I can ever hope to be ' Td ask that angel up aloft if she would marry me." i 4- But though the Bishop took a chance and told her what he thought. And though the Captain cleared his throat and mentioned what he soughtf " And though the Doctor hemmed and hawed- then blurted out his passion. Dear- Fluffy smiled on each alike in quite her usual fashioa - " "In Ireland," she said to each, "in dulcet accents mellow, "There's one of nature's noblemen, a really charming fellow . I'll say no more." She gives a look and each in turn skedaddles & Now was: the man an Irishman or was it Joseph Traddles? Charles Battel! Loomis. .... 1 . ' - if YORK SRAU7 CO)