Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, HOME SECTION, Page 3, Image 23

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    . ; j
Fashion is Reviving the Piquant Hood
1 bM
HB autornoblt msy have Its dls- back around Its border to show the soft narrow bordering frill of lure around the
airrresble features. It does corded lining of dellcat rose pink. face but a deep capelik frill of laco
smell to high heaveo. It does Tea, they hare an old world Ftenrh around the neck. A majority of the hood
kick up an appalling djit. It flavor, these evening hoods. Let us hope have some aort of cape finish, more or
doa ruin the roads and en- ney not prove demoralising to cur 1hs shallow, and aome have long scarfs
danger the Urea of pedestrian!, latter day malda and matrona; but It would tf the hood material cut In one with the
but It la reaponalble for the revival nicuu i on a loucn or noay or me nooa.
cf the hood, and for that gracious deed 'rlvolity with on, of the airy trifles. The hood ha. helped on the cult of the
idiiQiB is usri uiuiv iMtr-ii man anjr Donnei, ana nam HKUIII uufiiiuuiia
other material for the making of the mod- must assume the responsibility! for the
lsh evening hood, very soft taffeta of quaint coal-scuttle, poke and Quaker bon-
coursa, without crlspnesa, though with a nets which have appeared this season are
lovers of the plcturesqu In dress should
condone much.
There waa never anything created for
Half bonnet, 1 alf hood are certain motor
to (Hi's I" moussellne de sole on the order
of the taupe one pictured here, with wide,
low draped crown, soft frills filling over
the hair and long scarfs brought forward
from sides and back. The model of the
sketch had Its somber coloring relieved by
a narrow roll of mandarine yellow velvet
and a little bunch of pansles In yellow
and purples.
woman's wear In which a pretty woman
certain body which the big hood needs. Intended for motor wear. Most of them
l,.,.Kea rr.oro piquant ana Dewiicmng man Ubi Tly Bat,( t00 is used for lovely models. ,r, constructed of shlrrsd And corded Bilk '"w as many shell hairpins
In a hnnd nf hnonininff tvtM. and we hava . .... . . can stand.
... - - - ' - - ana occasionally one sees a mofiai or
too long overlooked the opportunities for transparent moussellne or net or lace over
ainty coquetry that lurka in the folds oi silken foundation.
i he capuchon, but now, thanks
motor, the hood Is In fashion.
to the
Silk veiling, too, Is a hood material, an
one of the prettiest models sketched
All of the famous Parisian milliners are ,a9 m voUe
catering to the new fad and turning out
little puffing bordered by cords of
delectable models whose variety and. taffeta and a frill of lac training the face,
originality are surprising in view oi m
somewhat narrow limitations of Una and
Moreover the liking for hoods, whloh
started first with practical fur and cloth
headgear for winter motoring and de
veloped Into coquettish and elaborate head
covering for wear with evening dress In
open or closed cars, has spread far beyond
Its original field.
Ts(- summer chlo Parisians talked much
of garden hoods and wore delightful en
veloping head covering of finest lingerie
and lace or silk and lace during their
evening strolls In garden or on terrace. Thi
fall A he evening hood hue thoroughly come
Into its own, and even with very elaborate
afternoon toilet some women, don lovely
hoods In place of hats for motor or car
For evening wear the Innovation la
positive boon. Few womon have understood
how to adjust and wear skilfully the filmy
srnrf which has served for head covering
with evening dress In recent years, and
as a rule coiffure and throat were pro
tected at the cost of grace and beauty or
the practical was utterly sacrificed to the
With the hood beauty and comfort are
combined. The big soft silken creation
completely envelops the coiffure and covets
the throat, yet It frames the face charm
ingly and It stays In place without eternal
vigilance on the part of the wearer.
It Is eminently feminine, this lateat fad,
find eminently French, Just such a bit of
subtle coquetry as delights the French
4 heart. And It takes us back to the great
days of France, to the days of nowder and
patches, of masks and sedan chairs and
gilded coaches
or i v.wi rvirj - v i
Leaves froaa Paahl'a .Notebook.
The coiffure of a girl this season will
one head
can stand.
Combs are hidden as much as possible,
but the large-headed hairpins ami the Im
mense burette fill up the surface of the
A smart street suit has a skirt with the
seams at tlio sides of the front panel
slushed to the kneu, and closed with tiny
The smart thing In tailor suits this win
ter, next to the coarse diagonal serge, la
the suit which has a broken plaid skirt In
aded tonoa and a long, bright coat of the
same clolh.
Eyelet work is used even on satin In these
days. A striking gown of green-blue sut.n
recently seen, nad a large flower design
In eyelet work, outlined in silk of the same
color, made on a foundation of net.
Many of th embroideries, so-called, this
year have been nothing more nor less than
the design cut out ot cretonne apphqued
on Jto the material and ve.led wltli, niusiiu.
Now similar decoratlous are being applied
to silks and satins.
If you want to liven up a black coat
suit, put In a waistcoat of American
beauty satin or velvet. This Is a smart
touch and shows ttjat you are quite In
with the fashions. It may be fastened
down center Willi black velvet or cut Jei
An attractive, but absolutely simple dress
Is of paie sea-green crepe meteor over mlk.
The maieiial Is draped across the
fitting the ilguro quite tlgnily. The SKlrt
Is siashed up on side and outlined with
a trail of ttysuntlne emoroluery, worked
In silver.
Because women complained loudly last
year of braid and cloth, buuons wearing out
so soon, the new ones have a metal rim,
whtcn entirely protects the edgee. The
mold Inside may be covered wiin any ma
terial desired and the metal cap filled on.
It is Impossible to overestimate the Im
portance of the sash and buttons In con
nection with skirts. The former is gradu
ally veering round more to Us rightful
position at the back, while tne buttons are
' of every form,' kind, and diversity, from
th silk or sat.n covered shell to line
beaded embroideries.
The coming season will be a velvet year,
and velvet coats will be worn with satin
and cloth skirts. Chiffon velvet will serve
tor Dtreclolre evening gowns, and satin
will be well to the fore. The new satins
are very strong, especially nmue witn a
tjcevrrca Tjfwxrn a view to being turned to account as smart
MUTUK BOANBTS coat8 wltj Bnettl, gklrts. The new selt-
AND EVENING colored dlroctolre damask is llgnt In weignt.
elastic, and firm, and very Bimiiar in texture
to loulHine. The designs are Persian, Jap
anese, and Arabesque, and it is made up
The one word
1 6 jTs.vtt
St. Paul. U. S. A.
means everything best In shoes ,
while on the middle front Just Inside the and have trimming of ribbon and veils, for m aii the evening shades
Madame donning her theater hood fills lace frill was posed a garland of tiny these are designed for purposes more
one's mind with vague colorful memories Pink roses and foliage. This same model practical than those fulfilled by the dainty t A nacbelor's Reflections,
of )e Rol Soleil's court. She may be merely we have seen In rose pink taffeta and In evening hood. No other people have to meet such keen
aoln to the latest Rrnmlnav farce and to delicate lilao taffeta. They are less Intrinsically charming and and so much, competition aa liars.
a lobster palace afterward, but St. Oer- A hood of this tpy should surely not be becoming than the latter, too. yet they The vav"aBnef ierf rJevaneefhanut'of "a
main and Versailles and Morly le Rol come a difficult problem for clever brains and have their old-time charm and they are J,0.0"1 01 a grleNaui-e lnan
humming through tho onlooker's brain and fingers, and for that matter a majority things much lighter and more comfortable A -woman would rather a man made love
the names of old plays, old dances,' otd tne models are not particularly compll- than their prototypes ot our grandmothers' to hor without " than "ean It
bi'Ks rise to one s lips. c"ted !n construction, requiring taste and daya. The .genuine calash, corded, run the place where a woman keeps the
The milliners have felt all thla them- 'n"enulty rather than expert workmanship, with reeds or wires and slipping over a sheets and pillow cases Is only an old box
selves. They havj gone to those brilliant, ",u" " ""'u'' or careetiy over uis couture, " "
When a woman nas a son u s a sign she
gay. artificial daya for their inspiration. " - " ' ' f-
thelr models, their names. This quaint bud" 1(1 a alngl or double frUl ot lac pears again, but does not play an lmpor-
hood of ceil blue taffeta and sapphire maka t00 finish for on of th volum- tant part in the hood or bonnet scheme,
velvet, with Us line of dark fur round th ,nou hoods of taffeta or liberty. Borne- Two veils, one falling In front and on
face and framing the velvet crown. Is th ttme th tTlllm r ot silk moussellne or behind, are adjusted to most of th poke
Malntenon. It has a certain solid richness chlffon rather than of lace, and perhaps and coal scuttle motor bonnets, and th
Is going to make her plans, before he is
out of his cradle, for the day when he be
comes president. New xorK frees.
His Notion.
"T m rt AAiiraA In fnvnr it onmnnlHnv
and sobriety despite Its beauty, but the Du o"11' rU matches th hood In color neutral . and medium tints are usually every motorist to display the number of his
Harry makes no claim to sobriety. wmie urn nexi mo uair ana iac is chosen, tne lashlonable smoke and taupe car, for the purpose of Identification, and
. It is all rose color taffeta and mouse whit. grays being especially popular. Other n" ald th man who ruminated while
selino and creamy lace, ail compact of Narrow black lac. and knoU ot black small, close fitting bonnet, hav veil. Stfi' .eVt'pn" m.spre"
tiny frills and frivolous knots and flutter- velvet trim on hood of straw colored silk, drsped round them and falling at th back hension and avert suaDlclon If the machine
1ng bows. And the Manon an Immense and valvet loops and bows finish th front In two long scarfs which may be adjusted wer decorated with a conspicuous placard
capuchon of pansy violet taffetas, rolling of another slllc model which has only a and manipulated aa th wearer chooses. pill"8 'h le'en(1, . 'It'' FaW 'orl' "-
Woaaasi With Marveloasly Beaattfal
Hair Gives Blmpl Hons Preerl9
Hon Which 8h V With UhI
Remarkable Resalta,
I was greatly troubled with dandruff and
falling hair. X tried many advertised hair
preparations and various prescriptions, but
they all signally, failed; many of them
mad my hair greasy so It waa Impossible
to comb It or do It up properly, 1 think
that many of th thing I tried were posi
tively Injurious and from my own exper
ience I cannot too strongly caution you 1
against urlng preparations containing wood
aloohol and other poisonous substance, I
believe they Injur th roots ot th hair.
After my long list of failures I finally
found a simple prescription whloh I used
with most remarkable results and I can
unhesitatingly state that It I beyond doubt
th most wonderful thing for tho hair I
hav ever seen. Many of my friends hav
also used It and obtained wonderful effects
therefrom. It not only is a powerful stim
ulant to th growth of th hair and for re
storing gray hair to Its natural color, but It
Is equally good for removing dandruff, giv
ing th hair Ufa and brilliancy, etc. and
for tii purpose of keeping th scalp In
first-class condition. It also make.
th hair much easier to comb and arrange
In nice form. I hav a friend who used It
two months and during that time it not
only stopped the falling of his hair and
wonderfully Increased Its growth, but It
practically restored all of his gray hair to
Its natural color. Tou oan obtain th In
gredients for making this wonderful prep
aration from almost any druggist. Th
prescription Is as follows:
Bay rum, os. Menthol crystal, one
half drachm; Lavona de Composes, 1 oa. ;
To-Kalon perfume, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls.
Apply night and morning; rub thor
oughly Into the scalp. r
Go to your druggist and aak for th
tjrht-ounc bottle containing alx ounces of
Bay Rum, also one-hall drachm of Menthol
VI na V, IVTV-VUIIW num. x-
vona d Composee. Mix the Ingredients
yourself at your own home. Add the Men
thol crystal to the Bay Rum and then pour
in the Lavona de Compose, and add th
Tc-Kalon perrume. l It stand for
halt hour and It la ready to us.
uiMMliiiiiii iMi
i t t i 4 I t
It is printers ink that keeps the
smok in most business men's
Toa cat bur printers Ink by th barrl. bat It way
you us It, at counts. Tou may spnd all kinds ot monoy
for your catalogue, booklet, or newspaper adrertlslng
and taen spoil It air by lack of Illustration, or by poor
You oan trust the moat eomptets engrav
ing house in the Wett t do it right.
Baker Bros. Enoraving Co.
The Bee Reaches the Consumers
Best equipped Dental ottlo la the middle west.
Highest grade Dentistry at Beasonable Price
Porcelain flilinga. lust Ilk tn tootk.
Corner lfltb and Faraana Street
Activities and Views of Progressive Women in Various Walks of Life
Ilosbanda. the transatlantic husband Is a beast of prey, purely utilitarian motives. They are all
HE mysti-ry of husbands, what or otherwise, but always a beast, and that right for him. but why ahould he bddIv
they urn good for. and what It's a whit man's burden anyway. All of them to beings who hav no us for them?
thoy do to make life worth llv- which provea that th highest grade hue- On th stock exohange, for example, on
log. seems to bu getting on th band extant has his permanent habitat In man nods his head and a thousand shares
of stock, representing hundreds of thou-
nervrs of some writer, tor these United States of America,
tho benefit of those who do not 4) .
possess one mid those who are unable to What Mta Kun Aboat Women.
understand the specimens on hand, a , A large number of books about women
writer In a current magasine offers this have been written by men, scientific, sen
Uiflnltlon and explanation: tlmental and suggestive.
Ilusbtinds ure the natural product of But up to the present time very little Is
most clvlJimd countries. They are plentiful reany Known anout mis interesting ana
settled all wood surfaces are gone over ducting as a business what many other can suggest Into their lives. There la a nary for oriental languages In Berlin, Bh
with a soft damp cloth. ; women have long made a makeshift of is national council of Canadian women and a l0uln,ed d'k1Tedglthofh0orni "ton?
i shown by the success met by a certain Victoria order of nurses, all accomplishing r2ages.P AshortTlmo before she waa per
Women In Factories. wjgon driver's widow who Is visiting every good things for the sex and for the na- mitted to piu-s the examination In Russian
' In a nttsburg foundry girls are employed young bachelor business man she hears of tlon. n'oZcTon"of tOTort tho'roughbola'rT
to make simple cores for oustlnss. A with the offer to' wash. iron, and sew on But Canadian women In the ae-srreirata hi,.. iu r,-Kci,i nKiin wtnr.hlri In
sands of dollars, are sold. No man there quick girl can mak 10,000 a day, for which buttons on all his clothing for the sum. of find their mission In being good wives and one of the universities,
would go back on his nod, because In the she receives SI. According to the investl- Ji a week. mothers, and to their eternal credit be 1t Two sisters, Harriet 8. and Pauline T.
long run to do so would involve lndlvldu- gator who reported to charities on "Pitts- From the day, relatos the New Tork said they all delight In being considered "urVe't XuttHolyokPwlw 'l nth
als as well as th community In disaster, burg Women In th Metal Trades," this Times, she gets a man's business she fine housekeepers.- All th historians of class of 1900, established the bevereux
But Imagine a lot of women suddenly work Is carried on In clouds of drifting wui,e hi. Mmh an immneulatelv. runaHi mv rhrfui tn ninnur comnanv as a ooDartnershln and started
brought together under similar clrcum- dust. As th core are finished they are kmt, up th, r,nll B0 neIy, iew, cn the women, their fortitude, their wisdom, and T,1,1,. IZltS and'attenUon
stances. How many of their nods would t on trays, which the women carry across button. so firmly and Drlng, 4Ucn week's that the nation Is fast forging ahead they to'busE!!. two yS
uiLiumiQ i;-a viwuwr women r n room to tne ovens.
A loaded tray mnslirnmpnt hiii'k so niomntlv that her ascribe to the fact that wnmnn have al.
not required to "make good" in this way. weighs from ten to twenty-flv pounds. In many customers now look on their slov- ways cherished the highest Ideals and that
....u v.,,, ujr u..r an eiecincai jaciory in x-iusuurg w -nly publlo HUndry days as a nightmare. they transmitted from generation to gen-
The woman began soon after hor hus- eratlon unaffected piety and patriotism,1
I:i nwt of the lnlted States of America, expensive creatur. observes Brooklyn Life,
being scarcest In Utah and Massachusetts, Woman In large masses, and regarded ab
wliero each woman owns but a fraction of "tractedly from a distance. Is highly ob-
a husband, or none at all. Those owning no jecnunauio. wukh m un uuu m unm own standards; and as no man has over women are employed on piece work In wind-
. , a ihllrirAtir.r1f hv manv aa an mi. 1 , . . , . , . ... ... ... , " " v, ......
" , 7 m i, fortunate trait In T ltself-w. could not very 7- . u.J ' . ll "l""a"" 'n colm Ior Im,tur,"' ne Ia"e" mK? band's death with only one customer, and and physical and moral health.
-' w y.wwoiu. fl.Tf a usjr, 111 WUIE is au iuaiiis m.
l Although tho best husbands in this coun- weli along without her. And yet she put man, on the other hand, can Judge th inDloyes rive out readily. Only
i try aro acknowledged by experts to be In- Piaijrty. according to tn best autnori- himself by his own standards. And in thla twenty-flv have been In th taetory four
ilgenous to the soil, those commanding ties." phsically Inferior. Bhe eonaumes respect he fails so often and so lamentably years. Three screw and bolt workers In
the hlKhest market prices are the Imported ,ood' UP eur natural resources, wears that perhaps It is Just as well for him to the same city employ 6tt women. A bolt
varieties, because of their expensive labels, hideous clothes and pays nothing for her go slow in trying to get a straight Una' on trimmer to use one class of labor as an
The Crown brand brings the largest figure. Immense privileges. 8he is a dead loss, r. woman. Illustration-stands for ten hours before a
$ machine. Bhe feeds bolts to the mechanism.
v 1 r " Hoaaecleaalasr. ,.. ,,. i,,oi.i(! Ann im a riav
f like a skirt to his lair In clubs, offices, and "onor. very little character and Is a con- There Is nothing In connection with for a wage of 96 cents,
to establish a branch at Bucksport. Dur
ing the last year they have mors than
doubled the capacity of both yards.
struggled on for a long time with only a
few. Then she got the entre Into one ot
the big Young Men's Christian association
The husband Is a wary and eluslvs anl- saraea irora an economio Bianapoinu ens
nial. fleeina- for safetv at the first noise ' mean, has an undeveloped sens of
like a skirt to his lair In clubs, offices, and bonfr, very little character and is a con-
tither remote ravea of hla hahitat: hut ha SUmmate liar. All thla Sh Beams to b In
.'may be cajoled forth by an appearance of tn8 aggregate.
Indifference on the nart of the trsDDer. aa But-and this Is high! lmportant-th
Woman Builds Honae, .
Working far Into th night, aide by aid
buildings, and by doing perfect work came with three Italian laborers, Mrs. Charles
out victorious In a competition with the Rice, well known In social circles In Ve-
basement barber, who gets a commission rona, near Montclalr, N. J., has finished
aa agent for an unusually vicious laundry building a handsome four-story concrete
In the neighborhood. residence, Into which she has' Just moved
Now the widow s son Is busy all day wlth her invalid husband and three chll
household economies that Is of more im- Bad conditions, these, for women to work making collections and deliveries, her aren seir-taught mason Mrs. Rice
portance than sanitation and ventilation. under and likely to have an Indirect effect neighbor's eldest daughter Is employed as not on,v aupervlsed th work, but did
Housekeepers In the cltv aoorn the riiun. i .nH hmt children her assistant, the family's lnooin la about of It with her own hands, and she
upheaval Doubtless the employers feel that they twice as large as when th woman's hus- oeciures, Desiues, mat She has discovered
In th aggregate to woman In particular, every spring and fall, but a little thought are not to blame, that they are forced by band was alive, and the woman hrself lwo new methods of concrete building
w find It doesn't work. Miss A. Is a convinces that th country woman has th competition for cheap goods to hire cheap devotes her energies to getting new busl- wh'ch ah hopes will ultimately add to her
charming, frsh. piquant, beautiful young right of It. Th housemaid's daily efforts, labor. If any one of them should hold ness In other Vuung Men's Christian asso- frtun- Mrs. BJc began the construction
girl, as delightful as a flower. W would even whero they are supplemented by th out and refuse to use the methods of his tiaUons and bachelor apartments and vt the building last March, and hrr friends
his curiosity can always be aroused by n,ume" we appiy una ruie aoout woman iry woman s custom or a general
the strange creatur who could remain Im
mune to hla charms; after which be may
be easily caught anywhere In broad day
light (though a whit night-light or moon
calcium Is preferable), In a trap composed
of frou-frou, talcum, golden locks and flat
Jump off a reasonably stiff ollff without services of a charwoman, are not really competitors he would be forced to the boarding houses,
previous warning w resoue ner rrom a sutncient, Because at best they ar never wall. So It is up to organised society to
watery grave. W would neglect our bual- altogether thorough. Then, too, w all' take a hariti and fix the rules of the game.
P.,. Mnw Jtm In V. & a mwtJt Brtllln1w L linn Virtn, .. ni.lli. . . - n 1 - I. ) ,.&,. .A, .... - . . , . .... 4 .. . n
There la tradition to th effeot that th ' . u, iui, ciuiwr nonunions ior me auipiuyiunn ui wumci.
" " w, -..umm, mm in, vww , ' ' . .ivuuita oiiwi l w c rcBTUlw na CRilOren mUBt UV UDigiiiuilcu iliu cii
ChUrch, if w thought there was even the tlon semi-annual cleaning seems to gtv forced by the state. Otherwise society
remotest prospect of eventually holding her th Jmpetus necessary to get at them. a at the mercy of a daroand tor cheauness
In our arms, or stealtng a kiss from her It Is a mistake to hoard half-worn things, that sacrifices the future of th race.
ruby lips. Mrs. B. runs her household Convenience la so often sacrificed to sen
Ilk clockwork. Sh has business and ex- tlment Mother hates to part with Willie's
ecuttv ability, combined with all of th first pair of trousers, or th cunnfng little
qualities of a normal mother, plnafor that belonged to Mary Jane's without a cent of capital, can make by con-
Miss C. la'a wit, whose delicate apprecla- baby, but thes things tak up space
tlon of shades of humor throws us Into often where space Is at a premium.
earliest husband catcher was a clumsy
contrivance mad of fin hand sewing
attached to a spinning wheal, decorated
with home mad preserves put up In syrup
of sweet disposition and sealed In common
sens Jars.
One sourd with a matrimonial halter .xcjient
tiea in a oiamona niton, in n us Dana usu
ally becomes quit tarn and will eat from
Sh Sew for Bachelor.
Canadian Women,
Lady Laurier. wlf of the premier ot
Canada, Is greatly Interested in th futur
ot the country and the part women play
In It. Bhe says of them:
Prom the earliest time, the Influence of
women has been potent In Canadian affairs,
wer astonished when they saw her, clad
In a nondescript costume of her own de
sign, atop of a ladder, handling huge blocks
of concrete or mixing mortar. Bhe not
only did work of that kind, but she built
th molds into which ths substanoe was
poured, and, on the whole, labored as hard
and is her coworkers.
th hand and sign checks at will There oe,pr over our own cruaeneas tn that re- Where a house or an apartment has been
ar mors than tifty-sevsn varieties of bus- Then there Is the nurse we once had closed in the summer time general reno
bands at larg and la captivity, but they perfection of self-abnegation, of sub- vatlon Is a necessity. When housecloanlng
ar broadly classed as good and bad by ,lm, di,nteretedneas. th very apotheosis Is pursued systema tlcally-lf th term may
their respective owners or kprs called of ,jj virtu. All logic, all systems, tall be applied to anything In Itself so disrupt
wives. Bine th wlf Is so ooostltutad ufor her quiet ways. And so our large, lng-half the tabor of it la eliminated. But
that ah can bllv anything sh set her jeneral conoluaiona hav been shattered, It Is unwise to leav the work entirely In
mind to, she can easily persuade herself and, descend abruptly to th slang of th th hands of a servant. If the careful
that a bad husband Is a good on and 0ay, w discover that when It comes to a housewife does not, as many of them do,
rice versa a merciful provision of ProvU tru Unate of woman, "all bets ar off." put on cap and apron ah at least super
dene for marital happtn. The real difficulty is .that In Judging vises the process.
The American husband Is called by his woman man has no standard to go by but This Is the way tn which ons woman
transatlantic oompeers a beast of burden; his own. These standards he has raised achieves sanitation. Here is a large house,
to which h may very Justly retort that up for his own particular purpose, front with several servants, but sh always tkes
. an active Interest in domestic affairs.
Every woman covets a shape-
figure, and many or them
deplore the loss of thf ir girl
ish fqrms after marriage.
The bearing of children is
often destructive to the
mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided by the use of
Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this liniment prepares the
body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form.
Mother' Friend makes the danger of child-birth less, and carries her
safely througn this critical T
rwrirvl Thousands ornt( I
fullv tpll nf the ben fit and ItV
relief derived from ihe usei-
of this remedy. KJfffi
Bok mailed freclnaMeiiMK'tant nmturra.
tJ 11 nil lrflx.
by any chance dovs sh permit
spring and fall to pass without the house
cleaning the country woman believes In.
Incidentally, it is interesting V note al
though it la not wholly relevant that thar
has not been a ease of Illness tn th house
for seven years.
In ths beginning boxes and trunks ar
looked after. Everything not of recognisa
ble value is disposed of. Bach room is
subjected to a thorough fumigation. Th
following morning window ar thrown
open and th house Is aired. By this
method r.ot only sre flies, mosquitoes and
ro-tches destroyed, but possibilities of di
sease from other source ar materially
lessened. It Is a precaution that is well
worth th trouble.
Now begins th real process of cleaning
the drudgery. The place Is swept first
with a broom and thon with a dry mop
slightly dampened In ammonia water.
When the little dust that remains has
How much money an uneducated woman and few topics offer mors profitable study
than to trace thla trend or affairs. But th
study of women differs materially from th
usual course, for the Canadian women up
The "Kantstoop''
Shoulder Brace and Suspender
The only brae
that braces.
' Positively cures ths
habit ot stooping.
Produces that military effect so desired.
Women's, Girls' and Boys',
all slses $1-00
Mens, all sUes l.ii5
old only by th following dealrsi
U. a. Corner ISth and Tamam Btrests.
Bole Manufacturers and Distributers.
C. BLMD1CT CO.. lac.
OAKXK9. caLiro&inju
to the present, at least, ar not so oocu
pled with th careers, a the term goes in
other parts of the world. For instance,
though women are freely admitted to the
colleges and professional courses, but on
woman figures on the lUt of practicing at
torneys. There are few practicing medi
cine, 'and the custom which prevailed
among uome denominations In the United
States of calling womon to the pulpit has
never been followed In Canada. The civil
service is open to women and many hold
subordinate positions.
The great teaching force In the element.
ar' tchouls, at least, is composed of good,
faithful women who are th pride and the
dciHuiilence of their country. Recently
women have been gaining recognition In
Ihe higher aalks ot learning, and aro filling
posts In the high schools as acceptably as
tl.iy have In the lower grades. There Is at
least one woman lecturer In McOlU unl-
I versity In Montreal, and many In the Royal
Peonies, 10 cents and up. Tulips,
Hyanclnths and others.
StewarVs Seed Store
UBN.ieihSt, ,
Chest not Brownies.
From across the aea comes this sugges.
tlon, which is fin for Hallowe'en. Procure
shiny hor chestnuts, select a small one
for the head, a larger on tor th body.
Then provide for your guests good wire
hairpins, some yarn or heavy silk to wind
th pins with and some sealing wax with
which to fashion hands and feet. Hats
may be made from acorn cups, pins will
fasten them on and secure the head on
the body. Ths far may be dons with
water colors Tbnse brownies ar delight,
ful, so tui English friend who made them
says. ' .
IVaat Honrs Are Dolaar-
Miss Mktt Boyle O'RetJlj daughter of
the dead i'iet, John Boylu O'Reilly, is a
Massachusetts prison .commissioner a'ul is
giving talks In her statu on "Women In
Prison' and Afterwards."
Miss Sophie Wight of N'ew Orleans is
locturtng on "!xulanu un.l Its Polblll
tles" In tli north, making a circuit of the
principal oities. This la a species of vaca
tion tour befor beginning her school year
St home in the Houie Institute for Girls
and night schools for boys.
Miss H'ula Svenson hus been unanl-
Vlctorla college for women, in the medical mously chosen secretary-treasurer by a lo-
cojhije or women, and In th conservatory C41, urancn or th t ounty telegraphers
. union In New York., This Is the first tlm
and art schools.
' Cauada Is especially proud of the farm
ers. I-ast year over 15000 women large
number of resource women made a suc
cess of farming, and among these there
were many examples of young girls still
at school making a fair living from apple
orchard many doing all th work, even
the picking and packing of th fruit with
their own hands. Ther ar all kinds of
movements for th betterment of women,
for their, uplifting in the poorer districts
and to bring all that tn modern distress
that they have elected a woman to office
and they did It witli the statement
they wished to emphasise their belief In
"equal pay for equal work." Honor tn
The only woman curtojnist is Mrs. Don
ald C. Monro of New York, still known
In her work by tier maiden name, Laiuia
K. Foster. Bhe was a Sua Francisco -irl
ana went 10 rvew lorn imr tn earth
quake. She has done quite a good de il of
wcrk aa an Illustrator, besides her cartoon
Ernestine Gregory, a well known German
writer. Is the first, woman who was per-
nuiisa ia pass in etamnatiog in in sainl
.. VMM ,
Sheep Lined Coats
Stand th hardest Usag
and th roughest' wn
not uncomfortably havy
yet thy kp out th cold
Railroad Men and Farmers
Work in then in the coldest wee i
Msa la Jacket Lengths
al U (JUter Styles
PRICES $3.23 to $20.00
For the SKelU w us Corduroy, Duck,
Moleskin, and Kerseya.
Boys Jackets and UUers, and Men's Sheep
Lined Vests
NOTEi Wht r bar LalW Fan yea sal
33 yean ai tut capcricacs wefkad la&a at aeod
jliiaul sscaa b mdm.
M yeur deaU Ua sat sal a wots at W
Fnr Manufacturers