Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1908, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 4, Image 20

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From the Lincoln What tilt Stock at Less Thin Halt,
tie fancy ernbroldM-ed and Inre trimmed handkerchiefs lt
150 Pwl emhroldorcd hnndkerchlef s at.. 12l0
lOn B-xnn embroidered Handkerchiefs at
Ladles' Pnre X.ineu Handkerchief Ha
Ladle' Embroidered Handkerchief Tito
Ladlea' Psjocy Handkerchiefs v SVta
Children's Whit Handkerchief So
Children'! fancy Handkerchief on sale at ix for 6
35c Ribbons at Ylc
Another day of the great
Rale of Ribbons from the
Lincoln Wholesale Stock.
Extra wide Taffeta Ribbons,
in all staple colors, whole
sale values to 33c a yard,
at, yd. 13V4C
35 e Silk Veilings at iO:
from the
.Lincoln Wholesale Stock
Brown, black, navies and all
staple colors, in plain and
fancy mesh, regular 35c
quality, on sale at, yd. IOC
From the Lincoln Wholesale Stock
50c Embroideries at 172 Includes wide flouncings and
corset cover embroideries; greatest snaps ever at. .lTV&C
35 Embroideries at 12 He A fins line of wide embroiderieB and ln
sertlngs, actual value to 35c yard, choice 12 H
20c Embroideries at 5c Positively the greatest lot of values we've ever
offered at bo low a price, actual price to 20c yard, at, yard 5J
Strictly High Grade Linens
At greatly reduced prices In our
An all linen satin finish table da
mask, 70 Inches wide, full
bleached, regular $1.00 values,
Monday, yard 50
A grass bleached 72-ln. table linen,
heavy, double damask, warranted
pure flax, never sold leas than $2
yard, Monday, yard 98
A dinner size bleached napkin; all
pure linen, Irish manufacture,
regular $4.60 values, Monday,
dosen . $2.50
A German silver bleached napkin,
good size, pretty paterns, all pure
nuiin Linen department Monday,
linen and very durable, worth $3
doz., Monday, 6 for 79J
An all linen Barnsley toweling, 18.
Inches wide, very heavy and ab
sorbent, 15c value, Monday,
yard 9
A magnificent assortment of strict
ly high grade Devonshire huck
towels, all pure linen, good size,
cheap at 35c,. Monday, each. 19
Our up-to-date mail order dept.
will fill all orders till Thursday.
Lincoln Wholesale Stock
Even the tremendous bargains of Saturday surpassed in
the wonderful showings for Monday's great sale. All goods
in this 25c sale are absolutely guaranteed.
50c Rhinestone Brooches
for 25c
50c Rhinestone Combs 25c
50c Cuff Buttons 25c
60c Rhinestone Hat Pins, . . .25
60c Beauty Pins at 252
60c Bracelets, signet or adjustable,
at .... 25
60c Sterling Thimbles 25
50c Belt Buckles 25c
50c Belt Pins 25c
50o Rhinestone Barrettes
for 25c
60c Necklaces, New designs'. .25
Signet Wait?!; Pins
Men's Combination Cuff Buttons and Stick Fins Sets In ruby, turquois,
' Jade, etc, 60c values 25
Hundreds of other Items at less than the manufacture's cost, prices, all
classes of goods shown, at, from 1 to 75
Marvelous Reductions In Sheet and Mllow Cases In Our
High Grade Linen Dept. Monday
$1.10 Sheets, size 81x90, each 85c
$1.00 Sheets, size 81x90, each 75c
!9o Sheet, Biz $1x90, each.. 60c
76o Sheets, size $1x90, each.. 69c
69c Sheets, size $1x90, each.. 55c
6o Sheets, size 81x90, each. .49c
0o Sheets, vise 72x90, ach..60o
79c Sheets. Biz 72x90. each.. 50c
75c Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 65c
69c Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 49c
66c Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 45c
69c Sheets, size 72x90, each.. 89c
12 Ho Pillow Cases, 42x36, ex. .Oo
15c Pillow Cases, 42x36, ea. .--Oc
15c Pillow Cases, 45x36, ea. . .10c
18c Pillow Case's, 4 5x36, ea. . ,11c
Fifty Imported Marseilles Bed
Spreads, large size, knotted
fringe, cut corners, well worth
$5.00 each; Monday, each $2.25
Fifty hemmed Crochet " Bed
Spreads, full size, good value at
$2.00; Monday, each $1.00
,AU mall orders filled with ca-e
and promptness.
When you buy a piano it is worth $200 extra to have
the name -(you know) on it Hundreds of pur
chaser wQl tay this extra money as a guarantee of
Quality. Likewise when a woman buys a pair of
shoes it is worth $2 extra to have the name "Queen
Quality" stamped on them. But it doesn't cost a
cent extra! Think this over.
In Ordering by
Please mention where and on
"bat date ad appeared, it may
save delay and assist us In se
lection. All orders from datly
ads filled except In case of hour
57.00 Cowhidt h QQ
Suit Case. ...
Ttie best value ever shown
here or elsewhere In Omaha.
Linen lined heavy leather
straps all way round, a beauty
and a great bargain at sale
Monday, Nov. 2d
Begins another week of
tremendous bargain giv
ing from the
VI 1
Lincoln Wholesale Stock
Celebrated Time Sales in Our Famout Domestic Room
From 9 to 9:30 A. M. One case of Hope bleached muslin, gen
uine article, 10 yard limit, at, yard .5c
From 10 to 10:30 A. M. One case of Amoskeag 12Vc flannelette,
dark and light colors, 10 yard limit, at, yard . . . . 5c
From 2 to 2:30 P. M. One case of Fruit of the Loom, genuine
article, 10 yard limit, at, yard 6V2C
From 3 to 3:30 P. M. One case of Arnold's double fold flannel
ettes, fine Persian patterns, 10 yard limit, at yd 5c
From 4 to 4:30 P. M. One case of 7c Brown muslin, extra heavy
and yard wide, 10 yard limit, at, yard .34c
Extra Specials For All Day
12& best outing flannels 7VC
18c wrapper cloth, 3G-in. wide,
at, yd 10c
L. L. Muslin, worth 8V2C. . . .5c
19c Towels for . 10
15c Towels for 'St
12c Towels for 5
1SC sllkolines, 36-inch wide, best
quality, off bolt 5
16c heavy double fleeced wrapper
Cloth 7 M d
Arnold's 12 Vic watstings, all stripes,
at 4a
Table oilcloth, colors or white. . .15
Monday's Underwear and Furnishinq Specials-
From tht Lincoln
Wholesale Slock
You can save over half on winter underwear and furnishing by buying right now during the great sale.
Ladles' Wool Union Suits Heavy
quality, grey or white, to 12.59
values, Monday $1.50
Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Union Suite
White, grey or cream, $1.00 values,
Monday -50
Ladles' Union Suits Medium weight,
ankle length, long sleeves, values to
$1.50, choice, at 75$
Ladies' Vests and Pants Heavy
weight, values to $1.00, four lots,
t :iO 25 30 and 50
Children's Union buit In medium
weight, at 25
CJUlOxwu's Ytita anA Puts, ha&vr weight,
all sizes; 26c quality loo
39o quality 19o
gular SOo g-armemta 95o
Ladles' Outing- 71annl Oowsa Regular
12.60 value, at tkBO
Cables' Outing Flannel Gowns Regular
tl.&0 valuea, at .980
ladles' Jersey Xnlt Skirts Regular 60o
values, at .' 390
ladles' Outing- riannel Skirts Regular
VI. 00 vahiPS 39o and COo
ladles' Union Suits, Tests and Pants
Kins fleeced and wool garments, odd
lots, worth to $1.50, at 69o
ladles' 7 Vat Wool Tests and Pants All
sizes, scarlet or natural grey, great snap
at, garment 91.00
Men's and Boys' Neckwear -All sizes,
values to 60c, choice, at 10H25
Men's Shirts Griffon, Elgin, Regent
and other well known brands, newest
fall and winter patterns, all styles,
vahies up to $2.60, In 3 lots
at 25 50 69
Men's Shirts or Drawers heavy fleeced
garments, In all sizes, 60c and 75c
values, at 23
Men's Shiru or Drawers, extra quality,
fleeced garments, regular $1 values,
on sale, Monday 50
Mens' Wool Underwear, natural grey,
tans or fancies, values up to $2.00,
all at one price 69
Ken's Underwear, worth $2.60 88o
Kan's Combination Suits Heavy silk
fleeced merino or all wool, well known
brands, values to 15.00, on sala In flv
lots at 69c, 88c, gl.60, 91.98 and 93.SO
lien's and Boys' Sweaters Fine quality
garments, roll collar or ooat style, $ 1.50 .
values 60o
Ken's Ooat Sweaters All wool, with large
pearl buttons, regular 13.60 values, on
sale at 91.98
Ken's Bias Flannel Overshirts Worth to
12.00, at 600 and 9Bo
Ken's All Wool Kose, heavy quality, worth
up to 60c, at IS'40 and B6o
ladles' Gowns, Chemise and Skirts
Worth to S2.60, on sale at 69o
Crown Jewel Suits
Are a knowledgtd leaders In exclusive beaulr of design, richness
of colorings and materials and quality of workmanship. Let us show
yu the many new ones, at
Our preparations for an Immense November business have been unusually complete, presenting to our customers the
most comprehensive and cliarmlng collection of fashion's favorites in ready-to-wear garment styes ever attempted in the
west. With quality up to your standard and prices down to your desire, yeu'll find Buying here most prefitable.
ureat Manufacturer's stock f ur bale continues Monday with new and ever better values brought forward.
$20, $23. Tailor Suite $14.85100 of
the very newest models In broad
cloths and fancy suitings, Bpeclal,
at $14.85
Reception ud Evening Gowns Voiles,
satins, messalinec, crepes and fine
wool materials in all the new pastel
shades, elegant assortment for selec
tion at $20, $25. $30 up to 575.00
Extra Special 200 long flannelette ki
monos, at OS
$10.00 jackets in covert or black,
at $5.05
$15.00 Goats Monday at $10.00 Fine
kerseys and broadcloths, semi, looso
flttlng or empire styles, some with
fur collars, 200 for selection,
at $10.00
Beautiful New Evening Capes One of
the most popular of the new ideas,
. scores of elegant designs in all
shades for selection, specially priced,
at. .$12.80, $15, $20 up to $30.00
200 Moire underskirts 89 ?
Big sale on Infants' wear, Buby
Bazar, 2d floor.
Manufacturer's Stock of Skirts Over
900 garments in the lot. Serges,
Panamas, voiles and fancy mixed fab
rics, values to $12, In 2 lots,
at $3.95 and $5.93
An Elegant Display of the New Wuikt
Styles An assortment leaving noth
ing to be desired In the way of var
iety or beauty, the most charming lot
of values ever 08 to $25.00
Children's flannelette dresses, 1 to 6
years, 75c values, at 39
High Grad Wont Dress
Owing to the lateness of the season,
wo are compelled to knife enr larg-o stock:
of high grade wool dress goods, all Priest
ley black, all Conrtaldt's black, all Pred X.
Arnold's blacks, will go at the following
prices for Monday only.
All mark nre- Oorxla 4a
Plnrk Press Goods. . . ,3o
Black 1ron Uoo.ln. . . .730
Hlark rrrs Good... 88o
Black Imps Ooort. . .B1.3S
Hlark rrrs Ooorin. . .91.69
Plack rires Henri. . .91.85
Black Presx Onr.,1. ai ea
i uroua wmy one Pattern
All $1.00 colored Wool Drees Goortu,
at, yard 470
All $1.25 Colored Wool Dress 6ooa.
at, yard r9o
All $1.60 Colored Wool Dress Good-
at, yard g0
All $2.00 Colored Wool Dress Goods,
at, yard 7go
$2 00
12 50
$3 00
$5 00
All $2 SO Colored Wool Dress tlooi1,
st, yard .. 8So
All $.100 Cslored Wool Dress Good.
at. yard 91.S3
All $4 00 Colored Wool Dress Goodx.
at. vnrd .91-88
All $5.00 Colored Wool Dress Good.
at. yard 91.99
Nothing reserved ecept Iansdown.
Three Maqnilicenl Silk Specials
From the Lincoln Wholesale Stock
A wealth of bargain offerings for Monday that havo
not been duplicated before this season and probably will not
be again. Choice fall silks at far below manufacturer's cost
35 YARD for choice novelties,
plain color taffetas, color velvets,
fancy Japs, foulards, pongees,
satins, fancy silks, etc., actual
values to 85c yard; all at. .35
55 YARD for an elegant line of
new satins, mesRallnes and novel
ties, In latest shades, black taf
feta, Cheney foulards, kimono
silks, etc., values. to $1.26 yard.
at ks4
AT 85 YARD This lot consists of all the 36-lnch width roods, fine
satin iioerty, tarretas In rolors and black, black peau de sole, black
crepe de chine, novelty silks, etc., actually worth $1.6.0 yard. The
most phenomenal bargain offerings of the season. Come early Mon
day and secure first choice of the lots.
' Muslins, Sheetings, Outings, Linens
Sheete and Heavy Domestics in our Famous Domestic Room,
defy all competitors in this line of goods.
9-4 Lockwood Bleached Sheeting,
the best of them all 18o
8-4 Lockwood Bleached Sheeting,
at lflo
8-4 Dalas, brown. 12ttc
10c Muslin, bleached 7 He
8 Vic muslin, bleached OJc
7 Vic Muslin, bleached 5c
6 94c Muslin, bleached .3)ic
9c brown Muslin 7o
80 brown Muslin Oc
7Vc brown Muslin 5c
7c brown Muslin, remnanta.8Ko
$1.00 all linen, bleached, 72-Inch,
at 500
7 Bo all linen, bleached, 68-lncb,
at 49o
B9o Mercerized Damask. .... ,85o
60c Mercerized Damask 25o
60c Turkey Red Damask lOo
12V&C Linen Toweling 7 Ho
lOCi Linen Toweling 5o
10c brown all Linen Crash. ..4 H
See Special Time Sales.
Monday, j r:i rtiu monday,
NQV. 2nd Lmt iJUICUJJfj dfJU ill V,IUI II NOV. 2nd
Over two carloads of high grade perfect goods on sale
at matchless bargain prices. The giving of superior quality
at the samS price or equal qualities at lower price is' a fea
ture that has always distinguished this department and our
entire store. If you're desirous of best quality at a saving
price Monday and at all times
, remember TRY HA YDEN'S FIRST pay" '
Idnoleums Worth regularly up i Floor Oil Cloth Best quality li
to 75c square yard, on sale, at, x2 yard wide, 39c Quality, at, sq.
Bquare yard... .35 and 24 I yard 22
$12.75 Tapestry Brussels
Rugs 9x11 size, splendid
range of patterns. .8.48
$25.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs
9x12 size, beautiful new
designs, at .. . $18.98
$18.00 Tapestry Brussels
Rugs 9x12 size, on sale at,
each S11.98
$30.00 Axminster Rugs
9x12 size, -25 patterns for
selection, at $19.98
$10.00 Seamless Brussels
Rugs 6x9 size, fine as
sortment, at $6.98
Your money back if you can duplicate these specials.
Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.
Famous Blanket Sales
From 0.30 to 10 A.M. 1 case of D. D. S. 11-4 felted blankets, extra
large and extra heavy regular price $2 per pair, only two pairs to
customer, at, pair -05
From 10:30 to 11 A. M. 1 case of Amerlka fine wool filled blankets.
10-4 extra heavy and fine regular price is $5.00 per pair, limit two
pairs to a customer, at, pair ; .$2.10
From 2:80 to 8 P. M. 1 case of Bronx Grey, 11-4, large and heavy
regular price $1.60, 2 pairs limit, at, pair 60
From 4 to 4:30 P. M. 1 case of Majestic wool blankets, 10-4, extra
heavy regular price $5.00, best of all; 2 pairs limit, at, pair. $2.30
Lace CurJain and Drapery Specials
From the Lincoln Wholesale Stick
$1.00 Brussels Net, Duchess Point
and Cluny Curtains, pair. $7.50
$8.50 Irish Point Curtains, 3 yds.
long, beautiful designs, on sale,
at $5.98
fO.50 Fillet Net Curtains, with
neat borders, at $4.98
From O to 10 A. M. 200 pairs of
Curtains, broken lots, only a few
pairs of a pattern, $2 to $4.60
values on saler at, pair. $X. 19
2 till 3 P. M. 100 pairs of mer
cerized portieres, also plain tap
estry, $7.60 to $10.00 values, at.
Pair $3.98
The greatest line of Curtain materials and Draperies shown in the
city. Prices always the lowest. x
corded edge, at 96.95 and 94.BS
Plain Tapestry Portieres, with border,
at 94.98 to 97.50
98.50 Bope Portieres, for double doors,
on Rale at 94-98
811k Festooned Drapes, In all colors
to match your f urnlshlnnts, on sale
at 97.50 and 95 00
Ziltien Taffeta, 36-ln. wide, on sale
at, yard 39o
Plg-ared Muslin and Madras, 36-ln.
Hide, on sale at, yd. 95o
Bordered Bilks, for overdrapes, at,
yard 850, Bfio and 91.00
45-ln. Imported Madras, all new soft
shades, yd 91.50, 91.85 and 91-00
45-ln. PUlet Nets, big assortment
shown at. yard 8o to 91.85
Coaon CoTSrs, In all the newest de
signs, at 91.B8, 93.98 to 95.60
ilk and XUnea Portieres A choice
sssortment and great valuea at
from 918.60, 916.00 to 9100
Heavy Meroertsed Portieres, with
Skirts Made to Your Measured , 3 ", $3, $2.5". $2. $1"
We're After Your Furniture Business
This Fall with the most complete line of new and dependable goods shown in
Omaha, and the unusually low margin of profit at which they are priced insures
you splendid savings on all purchases. Let us show you. EXTRA SPECIAL
$8.50 Chiffonier with '6 deep drawers, orna
mental top, finely finished, on sale, at. SO. 50
CI2.R0 Princess Dresser, fine quartered oak
finish, 18x30 French Beveled Mirror, 20x40
inch base, great bargain, at $9.85
C20.0O China Cabinet in finely polished, quar
tered oak with bent glass doors and ends, full
paneled back, adjustable shelves, a beauty,
t $10.30
8.1..10 Cobbler Keat Hooker, nicely flnlbheU, well
braced, strong and comfortable, at. . .$2.25
Great Rule of Sample Couches Uogins Monday All have steel trussel supporters and are up
holstered In best grade velours and veronas.
$15.00 Couch at $9.50 I $12 30 Couth, at $7.50
$14.00 Couch, at . . . S0.00 $U.CO Couch, at S7.0O
$13.50 Couch, at $8.50 I $10.00 Couch, at , . $6.50
Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully iiUed. Order at once.
12 Ceaufiful Mew Styles tor Se :
All work done in our store by a first class ladies' tailor,
perfect fit guaranteed or money refunded. The only condi
tions being that materials shall be purchased in our dress
goods department. Any fabric you may select at 50c a
yard up.
px.oub nous nova
Wheat has advance J anolhnr 10c per
bushed with every Indication of -till going-
higher. We adviee all our customers
to buy in a good supply of fluur now.
We have $ carloaua left on our uld con
tract and as lone as It lasts we are suing
to give the people the benefit, tor Mon
day's sale we will still sell It rcgaruie-d
of the advance, per 4-lb sack of tals
Highland Patent Plour ai-ao
lo liars Diamond 'XT' or Beat L.m
1-lb. cans Beet Branda Lye
-lu. Choice Japan Rice
Tue BeHt Pearl. Tapioca or Sago,
Ttound -
The Utst Dmestlo Macaroni, pk
. . . . o
. . .tie
r. ..o
i.n. F.nMIa Worcaater bauca or T
oitO C'aiaup t So
Broinangflon. Jellycon or Jello. pag Tito
lr. trice's Breakfast Food. pkg....Vio
Malta Vita Breakfaet Food, pkg.,..So
Corn Flakes Breakfast Food. pkg....tfe
The Best Self-Klslng Pancake Flour,
package .... , ......
The B-itt conaensea hi nee ai u
Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb....7V:C
Fern y &-dles Rulains, ptr l 7 ',!-
Fancy Muir Park Apricot.", per lb...l2-c
Fancy More park Aprlcota. per lb..l2Sc
Fancy Dairy Butter, per In lc
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lu..2.o
Fancy Butterine, per lb loo
Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lu....lSo
hanty gweet roluioea, per peca...,
Freeh tiplnach. ter peck
l'Unche freah IlidUhee for
S heads hothouse Lttlu for
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per lb
Fancy Cauliflower, oer lb
Freeh tteete, carrots, t'eramps, jurnip,
Kuiahagaa or Onions, per lb 2c
KngliHh Walnuts, per lb 1 c
New Honey, per rack lie
Fancy Tokay Lira pea, per basket. ,. .4uc
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per basket. . . 10c
Manufaetarer's Sample atook of Waits
These roods where purchased on a
cloaeout sale of one of the largest white
, .10c
. . . C.C
, ..5c
, . . c
porcelain Factories In Ohio. While the
guoos laitM we will sell at the fjilowlug
Hotels, Boarding Houses and Bsstaurants
Take Kotice.
l-ini h Dinner Plulea, orth $1.00 per dos,
at each 3Sc
T-lncb piatea, worth 11.00 per dosen, at,
each 3W0
7-incu Eoup plates, worth $1-00 per um,
at. each So
Handled Cups, worth 75c per dosen, at.
e. ii I C
6-inch Pie Plates, worth 60c per d se.t.
at. eacii J i,
lnhanaid Cupa, worth 0c per dosen, at.
each 1 !c
Suucers wi rUi 60c per dosen, at. each 1 tit
ciuuee Dial.ea, worth uu per Uoi., at,
eai h : V,c
IVs -Inch Butters, worth ft. 00 per dosen,
at, each 2 So
Cream Pitchers, worth 12.00 per dosen,
at. each 2 So
Don't fall te oome la and see what yon
can fcuy
Don't Foiflct--TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST--!! Pays
10 and 12-uuart Enameled DUh Puns,
5-qUitrt I reaerviiiK KettKn. i-iiuait
bume l'uns, 6-quarl Pujiiln pana,
ktj-iucu Vixlng Buwla, Zac Dinner
Buckets, bieumeis all go Mon
day fur I0o
'10c Wash Baln.s, Dippers, Ho.ip
Dishes, etc Co
We have a large table full of odd
and eiida worn up to 50c, at. , , .1.0
Tea Kettles. .. . 39o Cliamoers. . . lf0
6uv k uinace Kcoops, Munday only.
at 09j
Large Coul liods (fire fehoel fi.ei.
at liO
25c Zinc Wa. h Hoards Monday . . . 190
Mrs. Pott's Polished Had Irons, till
set, lor o
$1.25 Food Choppers, bei-t maue. .Uvo
Two burner Nickel Plated Gas tiiove,
for t "lid
$J60 Wooden Coastsr Wagons. .S3.4S
Hc. Waffle Irons, one day only..4o
Men's 1. ;S Handled' Aim, b-si
branda, for Mig
$1 15 Bird Cage,, your choice Mon
' day for ,
$1.50 Hoys' Iron Wagons, steel exit)
and whtels , . . .'oo
W.ainer strips, rubber lined, per
foot v lj
t vj Oil Heaters, nickel plated
to wtti rooia for our noliday goods
ro afur KHpartntsnt.
Sea Wave Wa.-her ego
burprite Wushi r 91.SJ
The lieiiuliie Western Washer. fa.&O
'ihe $.00 V. averly, the . K.. the fa
mous iasy Ak-Mar-Ben, the Im
perial un.i aiiuut it otuer nln1-
. "t .sj
$10 00 to $1.00 Washers
a-.Sb, aufiu, $8.95, Ztc.
' lowing out H'ln.iow tilass, Puints, , enamels, Varnlshot. etc.,
lo mak room fur holluay goods.
10 per cent and 20 per cent dis
count on Window disss. .
16c Htovs Pipe Knainel '. ...10o
tnaiu. Is and ritaius lOe, 18V0 and 16s
Beat Mixed Huuse Paints, warranted
6 years, quart. 35e Kallon . . . S1.9S
f 1.38 Kouss I aint, warranted a fears,
gilou ,..