Kiiii. .MM li.WIII.II I, JiU LLM. i CORN SHOW PROGRAM READY ac AtiofEier Bio Special Sale of Women's teimfs Mftnfflw Saturday's sale so popular that we continue it Monday. MUIIWdj Several hundred new arrivals of women's beautiful Suits and Coats, newest styles most fashionable models, on sale Monday. Arrangements Made for Various Events at National Exposition. 1 GOVERNORS' NIGHT THE OPENER ! r thief KircnlUri of nrlo tr Will It I'rpornt anil MnUr the nrglnnlns a Mnnt ! hi Innrllon, Fall Sorosis Winter Sorosis The women folks aro saying, "Never in our experience in shoe buying have so many new and pretty styles in foot wear been shown as the Sorosis store has this fall, 1'rowns, tans, and blacks, in cloth tops or kid tops, and their the price is a dollar less than they ask other places." Sorosis leads the world in both fit and shape, holding qualities. SOROSIS SHOE STORE FRANK WILCOX. Manager 203 South Fifteenth Street iii...PLL...iMMiii'MiiMgPtiittt'HiM.iM;rjy Have you bought your winter underwear? If not, come and see my line. All the leading makes in the various weights. Dr. Jaeger's pure wool, Dr. Deimel's pure lineu, American Hosiery Co. Munsing & Vassar Union Suits, all prices. Shirts made to measure. Albert Calm 1322 Farnam St, OMAHA I CIHRIP ANY SHIRT BUT CAHN'S f rfLtL Oil My! Mow rVIy Feet Hurt! How often a woman makes this exclamation. Here's Relief To the women with foot troubles we say: "Come and let ua Bhow you what our makes have done to ease the pain of your feet." We have a specially con structed women's shoe, made one size smaller at the instep and two sizes wider In the sole. This elves a snugf fit over the Instep and through the heel and. at the same time, allows the foot to rest wholly on the sole, as It should, and not on the up pers. The stock used is fine, soft kid; the sole, flexible and easy. They are made in lace only. Don't suffer with your feet when you can Ret a shoe- like this. Turned Soles $3.50 Welt Soles $4.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Faraaai Street. ALFRED C. KENNEDY Republican Candidate for 1 f BOARD OF EDUCATION H H U IB V I . Mmh r? I Arrangement have been completed for 1Mb program of t lie opening dny, lecinler !'. of tlie National Corn exposition, which will be known as "Governors' day." Tlie chief fxeoutlves of states will make mlctressea duiini? tin; morning as follows: Onvtrnor Sheldon f Nebraska, Governor Cummins of Iowa. (Iovernor Crawford of South Dakota and Governor Hocli of Kan ta. Thc-oratovlral abilities of these governors are well known. Governor Cummins of Iowa is a recognized orator and one of the first men of the nation to give encourage ment to largo expenditures for spreading the "gospel of com," which has been re sponsible for Increasing the yield and the quality of Iowa corn. Governor Cummins Issued the first proclamation calling on the. people of his state to support the National Corn exposition as an enterprise which means much to the west and the influence of which will bo felt In the wealth produc tion of a prosperous nation. Governor Johnson of Minnesota, Governor Buchtel if Colorado. Governor iJeneen of Illinois and Governor Folk of Missouri have promised to attend the opening cere monies If It is possible for litem to get away from state duties. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Hays will also be present. Wattles Una lrram. At a mcotlng of tho director of the Na tional Corn exposition held Friday even ing arrangements were made for a number of the special features of tire exposition, and President G. W. Wattles was placed In charge of the program, which Insures an arrangement which will count for the success of the exposition, as Mr. V"atlles brings to the corn show Ills experlenee as the head of the Transmlsslssippt and Inter national exposition. " The evening of the first day will be given over to a reception to the visiting govern; ora, who will be at the main exposition building and glad to meet people from their own states, as well as the visitors to the exposition. President Wattles also announces an ad ditional feature In the contest of fraternal societies, which will be on Friday, Decem ber 11. Liberal prizes are to be offered for drill teams and other special work of the fraternal societies. Another new feature will be "Old Coun try day," which will be Thursday, Decem ber 17. On this day the management has arranged, to have special features for the various nationalities which compose the agricultural classes of America and have made the nation gTeat. The Swedish peo ple, the Germans, Poles, Norwegians, Dutch, Bohemians and others will all have some special part of the program devoted to them, such as music or entertainment. Victor Bender, editor of the Nonpariel, has been made chairman of the special committee for Council Bluffs and South Omaha day, and, with J. D. llinger of South Omaha, will make the arrangements for this day. Outlook fur Crowd Good. According to Everett Buckingham, who haa charge of transportation matters for the exposition, the outlook Is for the largest number of people coming to Omaha who have been within the city's gates since li98, when they came by thousands to make the Transmississippl exposition a Jubilee of victory at the close of the Spanish-American war. Mr. Buckingham Is also familiar with the number of railroad men coming, especially those who will meet President Roosevelt's commission on country life, and tlie outlook Is for a large gathering of railroad presidents, Including James J. Hill. Ben Wllchel, A. J. Earling. Marvin Hughitt and others. The Illinois Central announced Saturday that arrangements had been completed for hauling baggage cars on passenger trains to bring exhibits to Omaha without cost to either tlie exposition management or the exhibitors. The Great Western had previously made such an announcement. These cars will be taken to county seats and the exhibits collected at each station I and brought to Omaha in charge of a specal attendant. The Rock Island lines have published a folder entirely devoted to tlie National Corn exposition and Omaha. It Is printed on corn-colored paper, contains some six teen pagea and Is the most elaborate folder yet published In connection with the ex position. Thousands are being circulated In all states In which the Rock Island sys tem operates. The Burlington Is preparing to get out a i new folder, having already published PK.- iio twelve-page folders. The I'nion Pacific Is to surprise railroad men. as well as the business men back of I the National Corn exposition, by a hand some folder which that company is Betting out and will be circulated immediately after election. Tho Price SChSO lOO QJ2 strikes a popular demand for men's good shoes. Walk-Over meets that demand with tiuallty, 1 le and tin i. e. auv YOURS at the Vslk-Gvsr ShM Store S14 loutU ISth St.. Omaha. rar doora Bo. Beaton Drug Co.) (It. . TKOKnOR, Wlk-Ov MM. SMART SHOES W E'XK Shoes for the dap per Young Dressers the Vouug College .Men, who always want the limit in Shoe Style. Wa aak tk attention of TOUVO MI IT TO OUR FAX. I. SHOES The choice leathers, the elite toe k'hupes, the swIhk if tlie last, the cut of the soles, ihe shape of U,e leel an I a 1 1 ihe little oVluiU tiiut oeloiifc to Hiii nihUlnit are here in nil ihelr e)lnei S3.60, 94.00 to $5.00. FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOCKS 10th 11 ml l)it!&lu8 Streets. BLLJMT I W ?JTJS W'l J l JU'J'J'JI D. C. SCOTT, D. V S. Successor to Dr. H. L. RunacciottL ) ' tftSXBTAJTT Rin TITHIMAlUtt ORlN aa XaapltaJ, 810 Kaaoai Straa. Call Promptly Answered at All Hours. C. D. THOMPSON AGENCY STAFF I). 51. Cnrr Is Mnnntter and Arnold Hornlnm Secretary and Treasurer. Tlie C. D. Thompson Advertising agency, whose offices ate on the second floor of Tho Bee building, has effected a complete reorganization since the death of its prin cipal proprietor, Alfred Darlow. D. M. Carr. who had been interested with Mr. Darlow In other advertising and literary enterprises in Omaha, Kansas City and Denver, becomes manager; Arnold Borghim, brother-in-law of Mrs. Darlow and for nine teen jeara traveling freight agent for tlie I'nion Pacific, with headquarters at St. Iajius. Ki'd'elary and treasurer, and G. 1.. Carpenter, for many yeais associated with Mr. Alfred Darlow in the advertising de partment at tlie fnion Pacific and later er.iploye 1 by the agency, will have charge of certain branches of the work. Mr. Uui'tilum will transfer his residence from 8t. I.ouls to Omaha and give his entire time to the work of tills agency. The new management will at onee enter upon an aggressive campaign of business. Mr. D.n low other interests In the liter ary, publication and advertising line, which were tarled, will be carried on Just as be. fore h's d.atli In Omaha and the other cities where they have been maintained. Mr. RiiTf Darlow of St. I.ouis and Mr. CuiKon I'oigltim nt New York have been instrumental, with t' e adviye of Mia. Dar low, In effecting: the reorganization. Mrs. Alfred Drnlov has been appointed adm';ii.-'t-atri vit:i wil' annexed of the ffliti of tie Idle A'lVed I:i w. llarnlna saviur k Ij t t. h:ivc line l -n's All ien iiiilir t.i turi.s h.m.i, n i, wound ;ri I units. c. for talc ly ileal, n Drug C ,. Will t.o lu Haasaa tlt. Itev. Cyrus Townsehd Brady, rel tor of Trlnliy Kpiococal chiirili, Toledo, O., and f ormerly of Philadelphia, has unnounce I that he bad decided to accept a call to j Kansas City. He will tender his letixna-' lion to 'lie vestry Monday, to tak ffecl I January li DvxL I Women's $-2 5 Suits Monday at $19.75 Together vrith the new arrivals of swell tailor made suits we have inchuletl our $25.00 values. All made of fine wor steds and hroadcloths, in the very latest styles. They are without doubt the best suit values ever offered in the city. V e bought iart of these at a big reduction and will give you your choice of them Mondav for .ivu in tut; t-itj. $19)75 Women's $35 Suits Monday at $25 In going through our stock we found about fifty beautiful high class suits, mostly one or two of a kind. These are made of the finest materials in the very newest models ami have been great leaders at $.'0.00 and $.o.00. But we are going to sell all of them quick, so for the one dav onlv, vour choice, while they last, at ..." . jiiu we are $25 Women's New Stylish Coats at $10 Just received several hundred new coats, made of fine Kerseys, in black, wine and castor, with semi fitted back 50 inches long some half lined, others full lined with heavy satin. These are undoubt edly the best coats evej offered anywhere for . ure unciouDi- .'$10 Young Ladies' or Misses' Nippon Coats at $12.75 Also received a fine lot of these nobby new coats, made of swell all wool mixtures one of the season's greatest favorites. These have the new, large Nippon sleeves and pre sent very striking effects. The reg ular value of these coats is $18.00, but for Monday we let them go at $J75 Women's Tioht-Fitting Broadcloth Coats $18.75 Unusually attractive coats, made of very fine imorted broadcloths, lined with yarn-dyed satin, and better than most $-5.00 coats. These are unexcelled for style and striking effects and you will never find a better coat anywhere for Women's Very Swell , 'flirecloirc" Coats $25 These beautiful coats are absolutely the newest and most desirable mod els of the season. Made of the very finest imported broadcloth, lined with Skinner's satin, have hiirh collars and wide revers. Ileal ly the most remark able value ever of fered at ... , revers. Jteai $25 50 Discount, Extra Special, 50 Discount On all our evening coats. This men's that vnil rsn htliu n.rr rf thflsn hnmitiful rnnlnc rf imported models at exactly Half Price Monday Silk Petticoat Sale at $3.95 We offer Monday a lot of high grade Petticoats, bought one-third off. These are all made of the best quality rustling black taf feta silk and usually sell at $6.00 and $7.50 very dainty and remarkable value ( at $3.98 WOMAN'S VESTS A!D PANTS WOMEN'S "MERODE" COMBINATION SUITS Beautifully silk finished Egyptian Cotton vesta or r- r f nvnrniirrin Medium and heavy weight Sea Island cotton, French pants, light, medium or heavy f MERODE LNDLRtVLAR Merino, and all wool suits in n n p weight, at, per . Slip natural gray or white, at S garment JJs Hand Silk Finished. $3.oo, $2.50. $2.00 and S, Mrs. ChaSi C Hungate (1hina decorating, order work a specialty. Les sons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Firing daily. Leather craft, stains leather and designs. 5BSXSV Mi V THE M ROIALCORN Xi I 894 Drandeis Dldg. Telephone Red 5480 I llliliilllllii!ll!lll!llMl,IHiL SU Ml F rillillllllilllllllllllilll!!! ( l I n lit It JI.IIVII I: il I RetaiWJ y--ijiiWJi li.: v .aj. t, ut u iii-vj nwrni in i'"' 1 i""".:."" 'L1J. . st iss'ii C ? nn li!hiirr,t.Uiml ihrnndh I t2Iva ri'iimjHi'Jli " H I any . W$ : train j 0 & The Royal Acorn Is the only buse burner with the Acorn patented system of Hot Air Circulation and the Acorn patented ash pit. These, with the many other special Acorn features, place the Royal Acorn iu a class by Itself. It is well to remember that Acorn Silver Finish Nickel does not tarnish with the heat and Acorns do not fire-crack. Don't make the mistake of buying a poor bane burner. It's an expensive experiment. Why not buy ail Acorn and be sure. They have stood the test of 77 years of use, and we have more than three thousand testi monials from Omaha users. The prices are from 23.00 upward. Cash or easy payments. We are also factory agents for Cole's Celebrated Hot lilast, the best soft coal stove made. Prices from $10.00 upward. in all of which the latest Chicago Tribune Bulle tins will be posted throughout the night. Chicago Tribune Bulletins are the most complete and accurate obtainable anywhere and will be telegraphed direct from Jhe Tribune office to all parts 1" the Uuilinulou Koute. ' If yon r roluff sway (taction nlfht trtval i ths Barling-ion nA get tu slsotioa returns on Touts. l'lione or cull for berth reservations. J. B. Bsynolds, C. F. A., 1502 rrnm St., Phon D. 3580. JOHN KUSSIE HARDWARE CO., 2407-09 Cuming St. "IF YOU BUY IT FROM HUSSIE IT'S RIGHT" umiU-iJL.mmii u J.iu.m.iid.ffym-"if u si imimw .hiiiiiulj .. Buster Brown BIRE A.O It foes farther bocuusa It Is better. One oidtT will convince you of Us Kuperlur merits. For sale at all groc-rs L'. P. Stzm Baklaj OLD FIRM NEW GOODS NEW LOCATION (Our Own Knil ;mIn m Spc llly.) Home Made Hosiery, like mother used to make, hi all sizes ') to (. Also men's and la dies'. Complete iu all lines. JOS. F. BILZ SONS 201 N. 16h Si. 'Phone, DOUG. 1993 The Bee Reaches the Consumers' V it i 5 i I V 1! il i 5i . J