.4 U KIKT. AMI PHM K.N T. AMIICNE.1T!!. '17 1 fiYOTHEATERToniphd mj mmm BURWOOD THEATRE sure-fire hit V fc" , Srran fnnnnn it of the receipt representing the larsest tuu ever paid liv unvniv Tiircniv mn wrnutcni rurtiiyro Waitmiriiu ll) 4 li M till UU (111 i II 11 li - . TLTiCTron RETUS1TS will be road from tbe stare TTjrBDAY BTBR- This occasion aoon open fi MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY CVEN1MGS Wednesday Mat. I IfcUCTIOW RETUKttS will be road from 1 I fVO Specially leased Western Union Wirt' jjr . M. lor earliest rmorts. (til JOHN CORT'S SPLENDID 1 ' 4' Singing Company IN THE I 1 ( Ellerry Opera Magnificent Production Augmented Orchestra of Company and Theater Musicians Edward Martindel as F0 mr Sixty Artistic Principals Siiow Girls Chorus Thursday, Friday, Saturoay-JIy-Nov. 5, 6, 7 THE DISTIHTO0ISKXD COMBDIAlf EV.E3. TSEu- UTOEIPIKIY PBSSZHTIVQ HIS SEW COMEDY SUCCESS CUPID AND THE DOLLAR By CXAfttX.ES JITTBET 8B&EXTDXD CAST, including DOROTHY StlERROD An Unusually Elaborate Seenio rroduofioa Beautiful Costumes. a$ THE 4 (lights Starting, Sunday, Nov. 8-Xil: LIEBLER t CO.' PRODUCTION mm FROM HOME 342 Performances In Ctiicaoo Seat Sale WEDNESDAY. L IS ROYALTY (nr a VYeek't Use nf a Plav fav Am Omaha Stock Co. TfllPfT f f Is But the First Item of ths Tremend- L3 I 11 1 si i J 3UU. eipense incurreo in rressnung we Kjaooraie cemc rroauciion "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" 14 At the Omaha Theaters es Sou H.R,Mnt David Bcuko Stuwcsant Theatpc 4tw street niar b roadway New York Citt Ootober 10, 1908. Received from E. L. Johnson Five Hundred Dollars, on week's royalty for "The Girl of the Golden West" at the Burwood" Theatre, Omaha. (The orlflnal of this reoeipt on exhibition In the Burwood Theatre Lobby.) m UUAHA BLANCHE BATES' SUCCESS. STARTING TaTtl". A f Mats. Tu., WITH MAT. I SJU 4 Thurs., Sat. Unquestionably, Ilia Very BiggestTliing Ever Undertakei by Any Stock Company THE SWEET SINGING ELKS1 QUARTET AT EVERY PERFORMANCE el COUNCIL UIFTS Owing- to the length of the play, curtain at 9:15 and 8:15 SHAKF. tats arrivals will not be seated until the rtrst intermission. I THEATER lSo-QBo-BOc-VSO Matinee Today loo-aftc-GOo OHN CORT'S novel musical pre sentation, "The Alaskan," with its artlmle principals, beautltul churua and Ha wealth of scenic equipment comes to Boyd's for four nlg-hta and a matinee start ing tonight and will be sung- by this fine organization as artistically a It was last season, whn it scored one of, the most positive micccHrcH attributed to musical organization In years. Since the time musi cal offerings became the vogue, it u thorn f iikI, managers have vied with each ottler in t livlf ambition to give something new, but It remained for Joseph Blethen, Max Ktginan and Harry Cirard to take their I Imaginations to the gold -fields of far-off V. Alaska for their story of local color. That ''ey struck upon a happy combination with uny amount' of material at hand for origin ality was fully exemplified last year when Ihla tuneful, bright and original opera was received with every mark of approval by music lovers throughout the entire country. - The poMHlbilities for costuming, scenic pic tures und other stage attributes with Alaska as the central point, are unlimited, hih1 that the authors accepted every ad vantage for such hii been proven. From the standpoint of music, the score is ex ceptionally brilliant with many tuneful melodies and high-class numbers Intro duced. Among those that have become ex ceedingly popular being the famous "My Totem Pole," "Arlee," "The Trouble Tree," "llaa Baa Black Blieep," "Mother Did." "Party of the Second Part," "Guod. Better, L Beat," "Naughty Little Lady O" and M tlers. . One poster that Is alwaya welcome. It is the one disclosing the sunny countenance and twinkling eye of our old friend Tim Murphy. It la now in evidence, and accom. panylng it is the announcement that the vital comedian ts to appear at the Boyd hrvati-r Thursday, Fi Ulay and Saturday, with 3 iatlneo frtaturilay. anil w. il i iirea.nl his latatH great success. "t 'lipid ami tlie , ' I iillar." There is no other rjle in his long I at of famous parts which f;hc his quaint and whimsical art tiH'ii ngivcable scope as the leading part in this comedy, sjup. r flcially it is for laughter. When' Tim Murphy is there dull cure Is not. Hut he has a grip on deeper things and he never acts a rule that hasn't Its foundation deep flown In the humun emotions. No one else On the stage has a surer grip on the emo tions of his audience than Tim Murphy. In Ills comedy. "Cupid and the Dollar," be exercises this art with remarkable effect, (or though be d, voles much of his time to tickling he ribs h often peiieti atc.f the hfdi't. He has agiiin tills reuson tiie valu ahlo nSHintitnoe of lnrothy Sherroil and a long list of players, for the cast of "tupli nJ the Lollar" is unumuilly large. "The Olrl of the Oo'den West." one of l!le most powerful dramas ever produced, wi'l op.-n a run of a wck at the l.i.iwood theater this afternoon. The slock company lias botn tjiestly augmented In order to cast this play, there being between twenty, five and thirty speaking pails. Aside from the company, the Kike' iiurtet of Council liluffn, made up a mirer of "4!, wii render vaiious vocal selections. Tile seen , equipment and mounting will be purlie., !rly elaborate; in fuel, the entire produ. Hun will bt a r piica of the production a It was given In New York for four season. .'luring which Ulaiiche Hal -j played the t'.n art uiiil won for herself tlu pround distinc ion of Iilaylng to the longest run of uns soman star in that city. The Girl of Uie Golden West Is the Id..: f the cymp the owns the saloon, icich school and rules the roughl-and-ready min ors with l he charm of iier buoyant pcrson- V. allty. They all love her but most of all. ,5. . .. I. t...l..-a,l l.v .1:..-U I'-ji.r. tlx. .h...-iff 4 of the community but she is heart-whole and laucy-free. To her saloon comes a si ranger, attractive and i bit mys rhcis. Ha gam bias with the uiiinrs and makes love to The Girl. 6he 1om-s him a: first i slglit, while to hint she is the ..ne woman In tho wide world. Kane's .Jealous, is 1 aroused and when the next day lie leeeivcs J' a dejcilptiou of an outlaw, Il tallies per- i tictly wUli the stranuer whJ had attracted VI ill. i i ,a ideht Ixfor.'. and he lUierm 'I'l.e eic . tie i.l 'I'i.e Girl's cabin, where the outlaw has been invited to spend the evening (the only man ever Invited within Its sacred precincts), and whither he la tracked by the sheriff. Is by long odds the most dramatlo in tho gamut of the drama. He makes love to The Girl and kisses her, Die first kiss she has ever received from a lover; they hear voices approaching and, knowing his pres ence would cause comment. The Girl con ceals Johnson, the outlaw. The sheriff and posse spend but a few moments explaining Uie object of their search. When they have gone, the outlaw confesses that ft is he they were hunting, but that the offense allowed against him his first that he was but following the example of his father, who waa also an outlaw and had raised his son to follow his example. With his kiss still upon her lips, she orders him out Into the night and storm. As he opens the door a shot sounds In the near distance and h stumbles back into the cabin wounded. Th Girl, knowing that If caught, he will b. hanged, hides him in the rafters of hi cabin when the sheriff and posse return. They make a thorough search of the room with no result, and are dismissed by tho sheriff, who remains to make love to The Girl. He attempts to kiss her. She resents his familiarity and they atruggle, but his better nature asserts Itself and, as he of fers his hand In aiiology, a drop of blood from the rafters above strikes It and he realizes Immediately that he has hlB man. and demands thnt Johnson come down. The Olrl. In her position of school mistress, pleads with her miner pupils and enlists their sympathy. They vote In the outlaw's favor, but he must leave the country. The Girl relinquishes everything to go with him and the final picture finds them at the foot of the Sierra mountains bidding a farewell to her "dear old California." There will be matinees Sunday, Tuday, Thursday and Saturday. Kloetlon returns read from tho stsge Tuesday evening. Arizoi,;." w-hkh will tppear at the Krus today and M .n.lay, Tuesday and vicunesujy, is primarily one of iiie Pays Ai'pustus Thomas hum ,,in.... mcn.as has handled the vircumstaneos "l'.h great technical skill and has been i successful In importing to his play a Dual ity of atmosphere that is intrinsic and not at all dependent upon tho material as sistance that is to be obtained from the -xpert utilization of the mechanical ap pliances of the theater. There will be a IH'clsl matinee on Tuesday and the returns wil be resd from the stage on Tuesday night. ' A nn.-lty i the 'entertainment line Is i.. iM.rrest.'i-a new musical drama i.iiue uigun Grinder." which will be oif. ling a- the Kruff Thursday. Friday o.....,.u,in aim aiurd;iy matlive. Variety is s.-rv.U -ip in liberal quantities. It U oM.oi,,, oi sparkling wit. snappy dial --,. -riy conceived situiti.cn, miibie Is of the caichv v mo cos tuming f!esh and attractive. The cam p: n.v e.nals.s of PXpi.r, entertainer and does not suffer for t;,e w.int of capable principals, as the cast Includes maIly names which are immensely populaf in the imatie world- ''- the chorus i3 one of amy and contains many good vo!ce. i lined Claikc has wiitien "What Will ipian -Next," one of the bear Ci.-,... ' ' . v. . w j Mveien-'s yel given in vaudeville u associate players will hcln .ixcinnit nt the Orpl.cum Sunday iron. As a funmaker Air. i'i achieved signal success. M.s fcadie Sher man is a mimic who made her dabut In Chicago six months ago. Johnny Mc Veigh und four sprightly girls present the humorous ald-j of dormitory life in a girls' college. "Les Balvaggis" is . an act in which four Parisian women and a man give sumo whirlwind dances and other features of the terpslchorean art. Fentelln and Carr have a comedy skit In which a train;., railroad agent and a box car figure. Mel ville and Htggins offer "Just a Little Fun." The Joss.'lin trio ere aeriallsts wiih an artistic act in which they present "Pictures In the Air " These performers give a series of tableaux III Die air. A new colored kino. dr..:ne view lias been received for thu wei U. Klecti.ms returns will be rtad from the i i,..e 'i.m M...je cn Tut jday evinirg 4 Days Starting Matinee Today Matinee Wednesday SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY HOLLIS E. COOLEY Presents America's Greatest Play ARIZONA BY AGUSTUS THOMAS Complete) election returns will be read from tho Mtae Tuesday night. 8 Days Starting Thursday Nov. 8 MATINEE SATURDAY B. E. FORRESTER ' Presents Ths Little Organ Grinder A play with musical features of! high order, iroduced on a spec- tacular scale. Splendid dramatic sltuationg. Merry musical num- bers. C'hirua of pretty girls. Coming Murray & Mack in The Sunny Side of Broad- iway. emiaHTOrf 'Phones Bell Doug. 494; Ind. A-1494 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATTJfBE DAITjT, 9i1S. ETEST MIGHT, 8:15 Week Starting Mat. Sunday, Nov. 1 "The tanrh That Wont Subside." Wilfred .Clarke and Co. PRKSENTING "What Will Happen Best?" JOHNNY MCVEIGH and His College Girls An Incident In a College Dormitory. CAMERAPHONE THEATER 1403 Douglas Street. This Week's Bill Includes! " A stupendous production of THE MIKADO the best of all comic operas. Two very interesting silent pic tures, never shown in Omaha be fore. illustrated sonfs. Children 6c. Melville & Higgins Eccentric Singing and Chattering Comedians in "Just a Little Fun." LES SALVAGGIS Parisian AVhlrlwind Dancers. SADIE SHERMAN In her origlrial creation "At the Photographers." The Humorous Side of Railroading FENTELLE & CARR In "Out Loud Junction." THE JOSSELIN TRIO World's Premier Aeriallsts In Their Pictures In the Air. TEMPLE ISRAEL 29th Ave. And Jackson St. Lecture and Enterta nment Course Season 1908 and 1909. Dr. Smll a. Hlrsch, of Chicago. Kabbl J. Leonard Xevy, of Pittsburg. Prof. A. B. Isaacs, "Holland and ths Art of Joseph Israels." Jennie Mannhelmer, Eangwlll's "Merely Mary Ajin." Ths Minneapolis Bymphony Quartette, and Garl Planer, Cellist. 0. W. Martin and B. P. Pitch, osnes Abroad." Sesson Ticket for the entire course. $3.00. Tickets for sale at. Mandelberg's, Rle eeath's. Owl Drug Co. and Sherman & McOonnell's. FOURTH AHfJ UAL mum mBY TMEsas. BUTCHERS' AND GROCERS' ASSOCIATIONS Aiulitoriiim, fiovGtiibGi 4 14 Fine Music and Vaudeville Every Afternoon and Evening. ADMISSION: - - Adult 23c, Clulltlrcn tSc GREAT BREAD BAKING CONTEST NOVEMBER 10TH. All bread entered for this great contest must be mads from one of the following grades of flour! , Allen Bro's A. B. C. T. C, Brnner It Ron's Blue Bell. McCord-Brady Co's Oilman's Oolden Medal. Updike Milling Go's Pride of Omaha. rail PKIZB. $88.001 ItCQgD PBIBB. tlS.OQI THIHP PRISE, $10.00. BABY SHOW ON NOVEMBER 12TH. . All babies sntered In this eontest must bs nnder two years of age. FIRST PRIZE, $10.00; SECOND PRIZE. $5.00: THIRD PRIZE, $3.00. Oct commutation tickets for ths Pood Show from yonr grocer or butcher ana save money. MIMICAL INSTHICTIOX. FRANK TENOR RESIDENT STUDIO Cop. 20lh and Woolwopth Rhone Harney 3998 Fupll of Cha. W. Clark KINODROME j Always the newest In motion pictures PRICES 10c, 35c, 500. Hots Election Returns will bs read1 from ths stag's Tuesday sTsnlntT. Miss Blanche Sorenson TEACHER OF SINGING Studio 548 Ramge Block. 'Phones, Harney 2687 andl A-2687 TableD'Hoie Dinner AT- J5he Calumet ! 141113 Douglas Street The Boyd Theater School of Acting A practical training school for the stage. Rehearsals and monthly criticism performances at Lyric Theater. Advanced students form Bchool stock company. Professional studying. experience while XiIXiX.IAir PITCH, Director W. J. BUROE8S, Manager Barbara E. Belsley PIANO Leschctlsky Method. Pupil of August M. Borflom and Waaer wwayne, Paris. Besidencs Studio $406 Korth Twenty-first Street. The Borglum Studios PIANO INSTRUCTION Aug. M. Borglum. Madame Borglum Pupils of Wager Swayne, Paris LESCHETIZKY METHOD 1810 Capitol Ave. What's Your Guess STory person who takes A meal at Tolf Hanson's basement restaurant may guess ths number who Tislt there during- ths day. Ths nearest guess wins meal book. (Every day this week.) Tolf Hanson's Lunch Room The most attractive, brightest, airiest and most economical lunch room in Omaha. Robertson 6afe 308 10 S. Fifteenth St. Popular Prices Prevail Best Money Can Buy, Well Cooked, Quick and Polite Service" Our Molto. A Trial Hill Convince. C. W. Robertson. Prop. HOTEL ROME WILL RECEIVE ELECTION RETI UNH IX MA.,L HOOM. LADIES INVITED Hlh Clans Moving Pictures and Muelr. Films fumlnhed by the Laenunle Film Service. iiininnnnnn Mr. The lh, and igue The and an eii- af ter- lias 'l, BEEBBHi The talk of thj town is the Conceded to be the best, largest &.nd hs.rdsomest Cafe west of Chicage The) place for after We give dinner par- theatre parties ties special attention Our own excellent orchestra piaya irom i m. te iz p. m. y Farnam Street, bet. 15th and l.th T. J. O'BRIEIN. Proprietor -lrsraN ' mm,, ' This Week's Attractions. Uoyd's Theater . ."The Alaskan" . . .Tim Murphy iturwood Theater . . "The Girl of the Golden West" Krug Theater "Arizona" "The Little Organgrinder" Oi'plieiim Theater Vaudeville Palm Theater Moving t'ietuioi Cunierapiioiie Talking I'icturi's Peroxide Cream removes tan, freckles and sunburn. Has beeome the mnFt remarkable seller or any Crearr. we hnva ever heard of! If a new toilet nrtlcl-i suddenly springs Into prominence without any particular amount of advertising, we promptly "set up ana inun nunue. We have had to hustle to get enough Peroslds Cream this month to supply the demand. A most exacting patronage (those who purchase toilet goods) Insure the quality and popularity of Pe. oxlds Cream. A large jar for 25c. DRUC STORES SSI SCHAEFER'S Comer 15tli and Douglas St. Corner 16tli and Chit-ago Sts, Oninlia. X. and S. Corner U4ih and X KIs.. So. Omaha. dmrlffrs Acajntumt SI TOM S.KKLLY. STATF VNtOfUSKA .'(" SMT ft-l IXM& YOUNG MAN:- Are yon ambitions lo become a successful salesman? s The Travelers Ins. Co., will give yon a course In lis training school at Qarllord. TOM. S. KELLY Mgr. State ol Nebraska lor TKalELtBS INSURANtl CO. el Ilrt1-rl. Cne. SATISFACTION is the guarantee given with every Suit or Over coat made by DRESHErV" TAILOR 1515 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. there: is only one HEIDELBERG The witchery of the place lies in it indeacriable hospitality. The cuisine I unequaled and he Heidelberg Habit ie sure a ood one. n Connection with trie New Sschlltz Hotel 11G-20 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET You will enjoy that vacation more when you know that your belongings at home are covered by a Fidelity and Casualty Burglary Policy. U. E. PALMER., SON H CO.. Omaha. General Agents, lirandeis BldK. J. L. BRANDEIS SON'S Kalrdreasing Dept Second lioor. Ildlr Hre8King and Marrel Wavine QOc biiumpooing 60c M ....!. riir mnA I'l..trl.. V-ll.i-!. ,.. hllA X Manicuring for ladies und gem lemeu 60o All kinds of hair goods at luwest prio. Appointments made by phone. 1 nw stti.es FALL hATS VOW kSAST STEPHENS c SMITH 307 Boutn lftta. SOS Worth 16n ill Theatrical Fublicaticns 297 Different Magazines TBOTJSAJTDS OF POST CA-BDS AKD 07T1II3 GATES NEWS CO. S. W. Corner 16th and Tarnam Streets. ,'5-W The H. J. PenfDld Go. WE LEAD, OTSEU NUOT SCTJEsTTZTIO OFTIOZAIIS See Ou ITsw Tvrlo Zienses 1401 Farnam bt. Omana, Neb.1 Gil O. IVI. E Phone Douglas Will ret your trunk to the depot quick estAlways on time. Motorcycle Messenger Service 111 Taruam Strset. IVI OrJHE IT'S Exclusive Uairdresslng Parlors MAMIL'BING, MASSAGE AND CHII0P0DY Fins Hair Goods and Toilet Articles 1115 FAHNAM STKEKT. Bvsnrxss ads CAuna cabss 300 e uo Wedding Invitations-. Announcements, Kte., printed or engraved at short notice. Satisiai tory work guaranteed. Write lor pi-lees ami samples. MYERS-DILLON SKTJO CO. I'riniiiiK ami KnuravliiK Dept. . 16tn and rarnam Sts. LADIES Advance Fall Styles Are tow ready. KtTi your fall suit maite by a man wno has had 10 years' experience in ladles' tailoring shops ol fans, Vienna, serua ana stmw x on. LEAF, The Ladles' Tailor J 807 OLD B1HD1I1 BUIIDiaO. FREE CONCERTS THE MUSICALLY IXCIIMD PIBLIC are cordially invited to pay us a visit any nflti-uoon and enjoy our Piano I'layer Concerts. No charge is made and you t-au well spend wi hour with us when dowu town on a SJioppinj; trip. Schraollcr & Mueller PIANO CO. 1311-13 Fsy-naui St. Storage Vaults for Silverware. Etc. Private Safe in Burglar-Proof Vault. $5 Per Year. Omaha Safe Deposit Vaults 210 South 13th Street, Omaha National Bank Why heat up your coal range JhhI to heat water, when a gas heater will jjive you enough hot water for a bath in a few minute. We sell them. The greatest attraction is CAa advance showing of popular fall styles ati RILEY SISTERS IVfYY t I" rVT IT" "V 317 South loth Street ' 32 piano co. UIV1AMA J. sir souiii lem sir..i , MMtsse . r-r j il m m' T .i ' 1 -r---mt- Mrjm . r.T. , , , ,, n . .. ,,,, , 'iii''1' ' ipi, iTiisMhiss-ML'itssir-Tiii 'trf-fmrt - - - r ir --niir n t mi "m mi - r --t -"-it 1 j- - r-)T-rf -t i it .: ullii- - - - - 1